Thank you for pointing this out Greg! Epic video as always.

The US was "sold" to foreign interests many decades ago and it was proven that the US government does not care for their people with the cover-up of what happened on September 11, 2001.

There was NO Conspiracy on 9/11 😎 And if you think there was, you're nothing but a tinfoil hat wearing, basement dwelling nutter - Your government cares about you and will NEVER lie to you! https://rumble.com/v4ocz7c-there-was-no-conspiracy-on-911.html

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Thanks. I love to read TRUTH👏

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You might find my articles interesting and world view challenging...

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Yes….I just subscribed and excited…thx so much😀

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Where can we find you? Thank you

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Here is my substack link - https://911revision.substack.com/

I've written 70 x 9/11 related articles, a 4h presentation on why thermite was not used on 9/11 as well as the problem with the "controlled demo" narrative of Building 7.

Then there is 3 documentaries you'd find as well.

1. Power, Patterns and Identification

2. 9/11 A Plane Story

3. 9/11 Truth: 2023 Greatest Hits on the 9/11 truthers

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Yes Unidroit NO ONE MENTIONS THAT I believe that is Vatican owned though

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Ozark Sasquatch

Ozark’s Substack

4 mins ago

I was a Union Ironworker at the time, building high rises and if you had any freakin idea the massive steel that we used you would never even consider the "official lie". I was a third period apprentice (30yr old) on a 30 story high rise w/a penthouse & a helipad downtown Sac. Ca. and when folks would ask "Arent you afraid of falling"" my reply was always "do you fall off of the sidewalk"? (There is a reason we called it the "BIG IRON JOB") I was walking beams on the the perimeter 24-plus inches wide without ANY tethers without fear (don't focus on the street below. focus on the iron, that's your job,...punk;-) So, anyhoot that was around 1993-95 (Oh yeah "95", SFO Airport expansion where they nearly killed me due to an engineers "Miscalculation" But ON 9-11 I was doing a rebar job cuz it was near the house in Humboldt and I saw (on my big-screen) the so called planes hit some towers (holograms). We talked about it all day and then when I returned home I witnessed the GREATEST PLANNED DEMOLITION IN ALL HISTORY! No f'n way two hundred (-+) stories of our work ended a rubble pile the size of a 3 story building???????!! Nano thermite and DEW's




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Yes and holograms for the planes that never hit anything or added into videos shown to everyone and news

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I agree!! 911 was an inside job to move US Treasury & Secret Service out of Building 7 into a Deep State run DHS! Donald Trump held the receipts and that’s why Mar Lago was swatted by The O’Biden Regime!! CIA’s John Brennan and James Clapper are now running DHS. Randi Weingarten is also at DHS running Activist groups thru Higher Ed’s into Marxist Machines!!

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I was a Union Ironworker at the time, building high rises and if you had any freakin idea the massive steel that we used you would never even consider the "official lie". I was a third period apprentice (30yr old) on a 30 story high rise w/a penthouse & a helipad downtown Sac. Ca. and when folks would ask "Arent you afraid of falling"" my reply was always "do you fall off of the sidewalk"? (There is a reason we called it the "BIG IRON JOB") I was walking beams on the the perimeter 24-plus inches wide without ANY tethers without fear (don't focus on the street below. focus on the iron, that's your job,...punk;-) So, anyhoot that was around 1993-95 (Oh yeah "95", SFO Airport expansion where they nearly killed me due to an engineers "Miscalculation" But ON 9-11 I was doing a rebar job cuz it was near the house in Humboldt and I saw (on my big-screen) the so called planes hit some towers (holograms). We talked about it all day and then when I returned home I witnessed the GREATEST PLANNED DEMOLITION IN ALL HISTORY! No f'n way two hundred (-+) stories of our work ended a rubble pile the size of a 3 story building???????!! Nano thermite and DEW's

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I must digress, after reading what 9/11 Revisionist has to offer, the nano-thermite theory seems to have been debunked.

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Disagree you can clearly see the explosions going floor by floor I ve watched all this countless times with military demo experts who told us 4 years in advance it a planned

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Have you ever heard of a flight attendant who wrote her take in the form of novels after analyzing the now-disappeared recordings of her colleagues? It convinced me for good, was bone chilling in clarity for all the threads that had never added up for me, and I can’t remember her name - the video I shared seems to have disappeared from my telegram. Will check out your Substack!

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I read that book. Methodical Illusion by Rebekah Roth. 2015. A pilot helped her write it. She had it in novel form because it would never have gotten published. It is a shocking account.

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Yes! Never read it but her interviews were shocking indeed

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As a 30 year flight attendant myself, I concur with everything she said. I wish everyone would read it and pull the wool off their eyes!

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Yes, I know her work, but Mark Conlon has basically shown numerous shortfalls with the work of Rebeka Roth - https://911planesresearch.blogspot.com

Article of interest: Where did the planes go on 9/11

The FBI and NTSB have no records to prove that plane wreckage was found

Link: https://911revision.substack.com/p/where-did-the-planes-go-on-911

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That’s it, RR. This is awesome. So eager to dig into your work. Thanks!!!

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If you read her book, you will find where the plane and all on board were taken to never return. Methodical Illusion. It's worse than we knew.

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I stick to researchers that tell the true story of what people saw on 9/11, so I suggest you give some of my articles a look see...

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Yes I have. Most believable and concise scenario I have read. For a long time I believed that the planes were remote control!

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"...the planes were remote control!"

No planes hit the towers. The fake plane footage was CGI'ed.

If planes had actually hit the towers it would have sprayed death, debris and body parts all over lower Manhattan.

And thankfully that never happened.

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Methodical Illusion by Rebekah Roth. 2015 had to be written as a novel or would have never gotten it published.

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In the book, there is a plane that was taken to a military base. The base has a name, it was full of passengers. They pulled it into a hanger and gassed the entire of those locked in and on board. Sorry, I gave away the brutal end.

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✈️✈️ 9/11 A Plane Story ✈️✈️

Movie: https://rumble.com/v3k3t3e-911-a-plane-story.html

You live in a time where your perception is being managed.

Just like with Covid from 2020 to 2023, people outsourced their thinking way too easily.

9/11 was an attack on human consciousness.

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Where did they get the plane from?

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Westover Air Force Base, 25 min from Newark. Flight 93 flown remotely. NORAD, fake FFA flight patterns, IDF, comptroller @ Pentagon & more pulled this massive headache off. Get the book.

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That accounts for the list of the deceased.

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But where did they get the plane from Paula?

Was an intact jetliner pulled out of the rubble and dustification of the towers, full of live passengers, hauled thru the streets of Manhattan to a hanger and the passengers gassed?

Where'd they get the plane from?

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I still have the book, I will reread that part and next time I see your name I'll have your answer. We run in the same circles.

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Then you need to do a deep dive into all my plane articles...

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In addition, many of these clowns, like Blinken, have dual citizenship with Israel.

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Any Jewish member of the Government has de facto dual Israeli citizenship. It’s so easy for a Jew to get their Israeli passport.


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Without a a valid oath of office none, and I mean none, of the treaties, agreements, contracts, laws, executive orders, etc. executed by these land/water creatures are legally binding. They are criminals posing/impersonating government officials. Good work Greg and hats off to Todd Callender for his research into this matter.

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that's the importance of the matter right there...everything that these 'administrators' have 'signed into law' is naught but a con job; the 'purported' laws they have passed are nothing but Rules for the members of the Corporate Entity known as UNITED STATES or USA;

now here comes the interesting part: the CITIZEN-SHIP act of 1913 placed every American directly into the Body of the Politic; the CITIZEN is deemed as part of the Corporation (GOVERNMENT) who is then 'subject to the rules, laws and governance of the UNITED STATES'....

the CITIZEN, just like the PERSON JOHN DOE is a Fictional Entity that comes under the umbrella of the CORPORATION and as such, the 'ADMINISTRATION' can treat the CITIZEN as it deems fit; the CITIZEN belongs to the CORPORATION as CHATTEL on the CITIZEN-SHIP;

a CITIZEN is no longer Sovereign; CITIZENS are no longer peoples, they are PERSONS;

does the pre-amble of (the) your Constitution state 'We The People' or 'We The Citizens'? try finding the word CITIZEN in your constitution or Bill Of Rights....

beware of those claiming 'Sovereign Citizen' while trying to lure people into becoming part of this 'movement';

as we can see from what i stated here, to make this claim is an Oxymoronic statement; the Two words cannot exist together as one cancels out the other; you are either a Citizen or a Sovereign....you can not be both.

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THANK YOU so much Greg for making this!!! I have been following Todd Callender and Lisa McGee for awhile now and was wondering if this information would be spread across the country!

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I second that!!☝️Also….what is the first step we should take in holding the people who don’t have a valid Oath of Office. Point “us” in the right direction and let’s go.

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Wow..a lot of dual citizens in that List!...

of course, they don't serve the American People

The Pharaoh of Egypt realized that same thing, 4-5K years ago..and from then on, non stop till today...We dont learn

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Yes the llluminati were the Pharaohs in the past civilization. Also the Council of Rome, the Gods of Greece, the Rulers of Atlantis, ad infinitum. This time they are the Monarchs of Europe.

55% of all Swiss males today carry the Pharaonic gene.

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We’re under enemy control

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Can I get permission to reprint this in our local paper?

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You took a weird turn at the end of that one, Greg. I expected you to finish up with the fact that if they don't have a valid oath of office everything they did in their official capacity is null and void. Would love to explore the implications of that!

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American Holocaust: The Conquest of the New World, by David E. Stannard, Ph.D, Oxford University Press 1993.

“Native Americans had undergone the worst human holocaust the world had ever witnessed, roaring across two continents non-stop for four centuries and consuming the lives of countless ten millions of Native Americans.”

The primary outcome of Columbus’s voyage to the new world was the enslavement of hundreds of thousands of Native Americans and the pilfering of 45,000 tons of gold and silver (valued at $10 trillion in modern currency)—THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD Part 5—Age of Plunder, BBC (2018), Film Review by Dr. Stuart Bramhall.

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aloha Monica. Here is a book you might like:


Howard Zinn, Copyright 1980, 1990, 1995, 1998, 2000. HarperCollins Publishing.


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Perfect follow up to the Lisa McGee interview. The "North American Union" was the trojan horse by which [pre-BLM/GFLOYD psyop] the usual suspects expected to be able to tumber USA into the dumpster. It all hinged upon getting Canuckistan broken up into two parts - Anglo & French, and sending all the union jobs to Mexico.

As much as USA citizens now know about the machinations post JFK in this regard, few of them(and few Canuckistanis as well!)understand the blueprint which led to "Maggie" of the infamous "Sinclair" clan sleeping with Commie Fidel to produce the monsterous spawn of Fabianism meets talmudic bolshevism!

This site https://nosnowinmoscow.wordpress.com/2019/11/01/new-canada-how-the-communists-took-control-alan-stangs-full-article-now-online/ CANADA How The Communists Took Control does yeoman performance of delivering the goods... on the baddest traitors to ever grease a pig's behind!

Pearson, Turdy One & Two, hell - even the Dief was a Mason he claims!

If you are worried about Bidens porous southern border you should think twice... the real danger is from that 'ever so nice' bland n blue yeuxed gangster palace north of 49! Where the NWO already rules the dumbed down rabble once heir to a noble experiment in freedom and enterprise!

Oaths? we don't need no stinkin 'oaths'...

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High priority especially pertinent to the Mayorkas impeachment.

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You left out that the cabinet are almost entirely Zionist Jews.

Gee, I wonder why they seem to be working to destroy the U.S. system to bring in a one world govt. Or more like a one bank govt.

Wakeup folks, they are the Bolshevik's

"Grand kids" back to do to America what their Jewish grandparents did to Russia beginning in 1917 and that is to murder 10's of millions.

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Douglas Reed authored the book "The Controversy of Zion", 1985. If memory serves, he reported on what was going on in Russia when the Bolshevik Revolution began, and mentioned that many Communist Jews came in from Queens and Brooklyn NY for the event. The all-star movie "Reds" was a romanticized version of this fact. Reed's career as an author took a nose dive after this book.


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In addition to being a true giant of journalism throughout the C20th, Douglas Reed was sole witness reporting the most egregrious coup against the free press ever conducted. His boss Alfred Harmsworth, LORD NORTHCLIFFE "owned the two most widely read daily newspapers, various other journals and periodicals, and in addition was majority proprietor of the most influential newspaper in the world, at that time, The Times of London. Thus he had direct access to millions of people each day and, despite his business acumen, he was by nature a great newspaper editor, courageous, combative and patriotic" Reed recounts, early in the CoZ. The publisher was kidnapped, placed in a sealed compartment on a train to Suisse, declared insane by an unknown 'doctor', then returned to England where he was stripped of all authority and kept hidden until he died - in 1922.


"Lord Northcliffe made himself the adversary of the conspiracy from Russia in

two ways. In May 1920 he caused to be printed in The Times the article,

previously mentioned, on the Protocols. It was headed, “The Jewish Peril, A

Disturbing Pamphlet, Call for Enquiry”" Lord Northcliffe, on the spot, reached the

same conclusion as all other impartial investigators, and wrote, “In my opinion

we, without sufficient thought, guaranteed Palestine as a home for the Jews

despite the fact that 700,000 Arab Moslems live there and own it . . . The Jews

seemed to be under the impression that all England was devoted to the one cause

of Zionism, enthusiastic for it in fact; and I told them that this was not so and to

be careful that they do not tire out our people by secret importation of arms to

fight 700,000 Arabs . . , There will be trouble in Palestine . . . people dare not tell

the Jews the truth here . They have had some from me".

Reed was an unbelievably courageous man, equal in stature to his predecessor - in truth tellin - HENRY GEORGE - author of the best selling book in all of C19th USA, legarcy of whom like Reed has been totally erased ... and to his lineal descendant - Marshall McLuhan, who was greviously misunderstood in his aims and undertakings.

Last of the tru Conservative tradition - McLuhan like Reed, found himself with a publisher, after selling millions of books for them... by stepping over the line and spilling too many beans!

His words - “Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by Public Incredulity” sum up the state of unreality we live in.

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oops. Should have read - McLuhan like Reed, found himself withOUT a publisher/

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For additional 'document comparison' evidence, it would be great if Todd Callender's team could also FOIA for Former President Trump's oath of office document -- to see, if Trump did execute one, if it turns out to be structurally-on-paper 'sound' or 'defective'. I know from the sunday podcast, the guest was saying that, for structurally-on-paper 'sound' oath-of-office documents -- we can point to the oath documents of TX Gov Abbott's and TX Attorney General Paxtin's and 50% of the TX country sheriffs, as examples. If i were an honorable judge adjudicating this case, I would want to see those TX oath documentss and Trump's oath document

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The day Obama came into office he sealed his Marxist Record per John Brennan and deployed the HAMR to spy on unsuspecting political opponents and anyone he deemed a threat to the New World Agenda! Obama gave the UN our IANA-ICANN IP’s to the UN for TPP and to gain leverage at USOPM to hack files on all Federal Employees. America is in dire peril under this tyrannical Regime…

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How melodic this all sounds when read - Similar to that of a Dr. Seuss book!

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And yes Maritime Admiralty Law AKA Lex Mercatoria rules!

God gave us Dominion over the LAND so "they" put us straight into the Law of water. They used to make an ink imprint of the babies bottom of the foot and send it to the Vatican.. literally and figuratively stealing the baby's soul. All our language is based around Lex Mercatoria friendSHIP citizenSHIP sportsmanSHIP banks, currency, when we are in trouble we are said to be in deep water..frozen assets liquid assets.....etc etc

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The whole idea behind the freeman on the land was to make it impossible to refuse Sailor going to shore. I miss Jordan , words have power , words have meaning.. I bet 100$ They will bring back letter of marque to kick off space piracy 🏴‍☠️

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I know the Trump administration is already gone, but was this problem with oaths of office an issue in that and other past administrations as well? My feeling is this has been going on for a lot longer than we want to admit, no matter if “left” or “right” wings are in power. And how about our representatives in the Congress and Senate?

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