Zionism is destroying our world, enslaving the US tax payers to israhell and murdering millions with the hopes of billions being wiped out so the khazars who own israhell can control the entire world. These mass murderers are not our allies and friends, they hate us and have sucked the wealth out of our country for this illegal torture state. The jews who live there know that what satanyahoo is doing is abominable and are protesting his corrupt administration of genocidal maniacs. Yet our zionist congress all get up and clap for this lying butcher and servant of evil. I pray the jews take out their own trash and rid themselves of satanic extremists like bibi satanyahoo.

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I have been targeted by them and it is mystifying, horrific and frustrating. I had no experience or deep knowledge of antisemitism and I had no reason to be myself. I had had several very close Jewish friends. But what I have experienced is mindboggling and horrifying. I have been subjected government-sanctioned nonconsensual chipping, more than a decade of torture, horrific Nazi crimes and coordinated targeting and asset-stripping by this population and yet they pretend they are the victims. People do not wake up one day and decide to ‘hate’ a people. I feel sorry for the world so abused and I feel sorry for them because their hate for whites and deception are so ingrained. They participate in gangstalking gleefully. I have story after story. And when some people on Twitter profess to be mystified why they are not trusted, I will tell them. There is never any response because the big secret is they are behind the #targetedindividual phenomenon. It is why seven or eight Jewish organizations signed a letter to Speaker Johnson appealing to prevent the FBI

from having to require FISA warrants. And Speaker Johnson’s sycophantic knee-bending to AIPAC is a betrayal to America and means literal death for Americans. They manipulated the sale of the condo I was in when my targeting began so that it sold $60K below market. It was a great apartment in a hot Chicago neighborhood even featured on a real estate blog. They dragged out sale then someone connected to the targeting bought it. They destroyed all my property last year. They did this because I sued a business they had a 10% in. I wasn’t even aware of them. They began a whisper campaign, implemented skits even at Time magazine where I was freelancing to target me. They teach their kids how to lie and gangstalk. Truly diabolical. They are hurting themselves. They are hurting others.



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Proof here they hate us and are doing everything they can to destroy us. It is really hard for us good folk to understand how any human could be this evil, but they are not like us at all and the good folk who have allowed them to live in their countries throughout history have all been stabbed in the back in the end as these creatures subvert everything good and beautiful in our world. Their Crimes are LEGION!

I am sorry to hear the hell you have been put through! These animals who call us monkeys and cattle are far below a monkey or a cow. It is tragic that they serve the demonic forces of hell.

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There is a reason Jesus appropriately calls them the "Synagogue of Satan"! Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.

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..and serpents

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It is very amazing to see an average American react to being called cattle? The brainwashed makes are too afraid to be upset or angry at such insults. One lady got fired by Shapiro for saying Christ is King.

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You describe such awful crimes. It's heartbreaking.

I noticed that you are absent any posts here on Substack - what a shame. Recalling some of the horrors of the past,and capturing the one's sure to come would serve dual or more purposes. Not only would it be helpful to others, but your documentation I'm sure would garner you reader support. Who knows what your story would lead to!

Also, I confess I'm intrigued, please forgive my selfishness woven into my encouragement.

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You are Speaking Truth.. How you could have attained such a position to even possess such real estate is a Wonder and Not Know the gamble you took through it All without a Full-sweep Sell Out of Your Goyish Soul is a ‘The Wonder’ of Wonders !! Now go and gnash your teeth with what will be joining You !

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I hope you have been able to read the afore with a little sense to Humour ! (we) All Need it for what may be Coming ..

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well...The orthodox people pray a braja, daily, for the destruction of Christians. They ask God to wipe us out of earth. Their talmud consider the non shoos beasts created by God to serve them. Beast they can cheat and rape and kill. I still dont see how the shoos are better than those you call kazars.

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Anyone who follow the Talmud is basically satanic.

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The Babylonian Talmud starts off kinda good but when you get further into it, its like wtf!!

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Confusatory @ best then thistles sprout

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It’s’ Derivation ! “Longs for com’pany” ! They Dwell There !

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All so-called Jews are not the same. In fact I have known many jews, had many jewish girlfriends and not once have I ever heard any of them talking about any of these extreme actions towards us whites, or any hatred for us. All of the jews I have known have been acculturated jews, who do not participate in their culture or their religion. Most are following eastern religions or just don't care about any form of Spirituality, being agonistics or atheists.

So, there is no need to hate on all jews, because they are not all guilty of the extremes of their rabid rabies and those fools who interpret their religious books literally, when they are myth and symbolism, not meant to be accepted literally.

Khazars make up about 93% of all so-called Jews, so the entire jewish culture is dominated by them and their sordid past and present.

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Could the Khazars/Ashkenaz actually be ‘remnant Neanderthals’ who hate the White Race for taking Europe from them after the end of the last Ice Age- 12,850 years ago?? Seems like a ‘YES!’

-when I look at their strangely NON-homo Sapiens faces. Didn’t Stalin & Beria make it a point to ‘kill as many blonde-haired & blue-eyed German males as possible? Going to Europe now-as opposed to the 30s, and notice the total absence of blondes except in the Nordic countries. Stalin murdered 40,000,000 of his own people. Hitler gave every German a gun to protect his people from ‘the coming Bolshevik onslaught!’ “Stalin has 54 Divisions, we have only 17; Mr. Churchill-will you not now join us in preserving Western peoples & Christian nations from these atheists who call themselves Soviets?”

“They are not Communists; they are Jews! If we lose this coming second war, in 100 years, these monsters will have destroyed all White nations! They will use the stupid Muslims to destroy us. And-! If there are no White nations; then, there can be no White race!”

Churchill replies: “My Bankers in NYC, the CITY of London & Basel have told me that we must give Mr. Hitler a WAR whether he wants it or not!”

I think that’s a wrap! —QED.

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I have seen a lecture by one of their rabies stating they are not from this planet and they have come as invaders to conquer our world and destroy it's inhabitants. He was teaching a class of future rabies, maybe you have seen it? This seems most likely being that they do not have the heart and soul of humans, their dark hearts come from the abyss!

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rabies: a contagious disease

rabbi: a Jewish scholar or teacher

rabbis: plural of rabbi

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well they are a disease on our planet, so I call them what they are!

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I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THIS , When i tell people rabbis are all for mass migration has the tool that will wipe Europe from the face of the earth for their crimes against . . . during ww2. 🙄

Folks are always dumb funded , in disbelief. There is hours and hours and hours on videos . . .

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Go read Genesis Chapter 6, and all will become clear.

There is a war between two seeds, and it all started back in Genesis 6

I prefer KJV, but used NIV below, because it’s easier for people to understand…here are the first four verses:

Genesis 6:1-4 (NIV) 1 When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God (Angels) saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. 3 Then the LORD said, “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.” 4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

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descendants of Cain, who was the result of Eve's fornication with the serpent (not of this earth).

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Can’t fully disagree but that sounds like scyfy !

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Aug 7Edited
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"Dead Rock Earth Cosmic Agenda"?? Please elaborate, or send a link to support your claim.

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Churchill had a jewish mother.

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Churchill was writing jewry propaganda during WW1 when he was secretary of war. The BAD jews were the Bolsheviks , the good jews were all in the city of London. . . . Who might those good jews be ? hmmmmmmmm 🤔 Rothschild & allies ?

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The english ewes were the camp followers after the [fall] of Yerusalem

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She was hi-steppin

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You bring a genuine curiosity to Table !

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Totally agree.its seams is also trendy for some people to be a shoo...

we need to be absolutely opposed to hatred, at least those who call themselves Christians.

But, sharing the truth or talking about subjects like this, shouldn't be consider HATE, because that promote hate. Truth set us free. Hate enslave us.

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Hate/Anger is ‘the door to hell’ Let the People Speak freely to express their knowledge and Confusion that We’ may All come to a Rationale for Our Interpersonal DisLikes !! and be happy for the Truth DisCovered•

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Churchill-“if your mother’s a Jew, then YOU are a Jew. I’ve been told that the ‘Roosevelts’ were actually Dutch Jews-the ‘Roesenvelds’. Of course, any historian/ethnographer knows that Josep Djugashivili (Joseph-Son of the Jews) was a Georgian Jew. A Monster!

Watch the movie- ‘The Death of Stalin’

It will ‘blow your mind’ as the EVIL of the few (100%) JEWS who ran the Comintern, parse out the fact of his death, keep it a secret for 10 days, and then order the firing squad deaths of every person in Stalin’s personal staff!

If it sounds like the coming protocol of the ‘Ministry of Misinformation’ (1984)

then you are becoming Edgar Cayce!

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Hitler, Churchill, Stalin all joo0 connections all on the same team, skullduggery behind the scenes info that most will never know.

'The Red Fog over America' by William Guy Carr

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Our pResident says it best: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-PmzCOVKsAg

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Our Political parasites are all zionists and paydough Joe's claims are 100% false. These zionists have a huge history of satanic false flags against us and the world at large!

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SOP for Them ! It is True.

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They all or most as I have found are raised in a specie of pride and [separatness] aculterated to their Own . . and will amuse themselves with goyim if (reformed) but not gambled to hope for a Lasting relationship for family is their Fallback. .

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So, if you watch many Rabbis declaring that the Noehide laws must be enforced, which include killing blasphemous? Then they name the blasphemous as worshipping Idols? Then they name who are these people who must be killed: 1- all the Christians, 2- all the Chinese and Indians...7 billion people, the Rabbi specified. Such talk is simply bs?

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Noahide law was put in the congressional record in 91 or 92 by Bush.

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I believe you are correct in saying so..

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It is Not bs ! To accept Jesus thee Christ’ is a head-chop Offense! under their noahide law . .

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Satanyahoo...good one.

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"Zionism is destroying our world,..."


Correct. It's Zionism financed by US taxpayers through the US Congressional Uniparty that's destroying our world.

Who is feeding the beast? The Uniparty.

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It not only is Zionism it is all the isms to wage war against each other. Your pic shows Albert Pike 'Morals and Dogma' letter from Mazzini Aug 15 1871 tells of 3 world wars last one between Islam and Christians if memory serves.

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The aim of f’msry is the destruction of the Abrahamic faiths and the unveiling of (Lucifer)

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The 33rd. grade Mason, again ...

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{...Who is feeding the beast? The Uniparty...} 🤔🤔🤔🤔

NO !!!

It's the gullible, dumb taxpayer who does NOT have the faintest clue about what is really going on !!! Therefore:

DE-FUND the government !! Then criticize again.

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Ok, stop paying taxes then. You first.

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Doing so since over 40 yrs. ...

Just join the club.

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Haven't given the IRS anything for quite some time since my income has been at or near the poverty level since the late 90s. But I continue to file yearly.

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Congrats, best thing to do !!! 💪💪👍👍

Letting them file lots of "zeros" keeps you innocent and not involved or responsible for any of the despicable atrocities the government commits on a global scale !!

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Yes, we live in the most shameful times Calen. The 'congress show' was pretty much the final evidence of the complete capture of the country. There is no 'half in, half out' with the monsters.

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Exactly, it is a Uni-Party and all is 100% staged by both sides, just like the fake ass ass ination on Chumpstein. FAF!


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Yup, totally fake. And he's in on it!!

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America is an economic prostitute.

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The problem with Fuentes analysis is , like most young people , is very much in the now .

-- I was an adult before 9/11 , the bullshit gen Petraeus "surge" . . . The O'Bama Mad drone strike spree . . . Benghazi . . . and yet we are still not in WW3. Over the middle east .

Who do you think OBama killed with all these drone strikes.??? Yeah lots of high profile people.

General Flynn is not alone at the Pentagone , most don't want war. It has been a failure.

It's not all on Trump. That's ignoring 88% of the picture. Too many eye balls are on the middle east for a false flag. That's why journalism works.

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General Petraeus aka General Betrayus

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yeah trump's number 88!

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Aug 6Edited

The Jyhoos are responsible for the start of WW I

The Jyhoos are responsible for the start of WWII

The Jyhoos mastermind 9/11

The U.S. is the bitch to Isra-hell

Once again when Bibi Satanyahu got the standing ovation/ approval of the Congress

Who gives the green light to use the U.S. to asset strip the American people of their safety, their money, their future and their children for war

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Every civilization that has had the 'cutthroats' as they were called has ended in its demise. That is the reason about 300 countries had them expelled. The Byzantine empire was a long lasting civilization because they never allowed them to run for higher offices. The history goes back to the time of Noah bib 'Curse of Caanan' Eustace Mullins.

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https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-PmzCOVKsAg There’s a difference!

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WE ARE owned by Israel.... everyone needs their own riabbi to survive the culling as the chosen are promised 2800 slaves each.... so too many people available for this slave state.. so ned to cull most

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Dumb retarded Americans are so easily manipulate by this kosher central intelligence social media network's Young global handlers, Trump is 100 % Israel who're puppet period, like everyone who is republican or democrats of the SYSTEM created by the Jew's on Washington DC period, keep your heads on your ass's and pretending that someone will tell you the total truth behind Israel/Americans parasitic system relations.lloll Who created the Iran first democracie , who created Iran monarch, who created the Iran Islamic State lol, who rules Iran truth hengelian dialectical to suit the new ashkenazi american Israeli century and remember the AshkeNAZI Bolsheviks never leave Russia, the so called NATO/Russia State of war is another hengelian dialectical operations to the creates the Bolsheviks united nations totalitarian world period !!!!!

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"Young global handlers ..." Oh that's a good pun ! am stealing that one !

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Hegelian Dialectic spot on problem, reaction, solution

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They always controlled both sides (the antisemitism is the best friend of Jewish global goals. SUBSCRIBED LIKE , share helps to spread the harsh truth.


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Put your Faith and Trust in ~JESUS~ Christ of Nazareth and you’ll have nothing to worry about…


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This is a mantra that will not keep you alive.

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Deception’ is and has been the Play all these Many Decades. . And it Must be said Do Not Lose Your Faith ‘ but do Practice (it) in an Entirely different way than you have ! Remember it is written In Your Heart ! or it is Not

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Only if your heart is anti-Christ.

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Another mantra. You know nothing of me or my travails with Jesus.

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What does that even mean to say!

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Trumps a zionist

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Like DUH! 😉

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He said so !

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Praying for wisdom and discernment every day. That's all I got.

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Many good comments here BUT there are folks still with their heads in their asses!! Know your enemy, he is within and closer than you think he is. You cannot destroy a country and call yourself good, sorry it don't work like that at least not in the world I would like to live in. This is all smoke and mirrors and so many buy into the BS, its been that way all along you see for centuries. It is in the history there for you to read only if you had eyes to see it. Prove me wrong!! as always have a nice day:)

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How many presidents have you voted for that destroyed another nation?

Here is a list of nations that the US attacked, bombed, sabotaged, or attempted to overthrow their government: China-1945-1946, Syria-1949, Korea-1950-1953, China – 1950-1953, Iran-1953, Guatemala -1954, Tibet-1955-1970s, Indoncsia-1958, Cuba -1959, Democratic republic of  Congo-1960-1965,  Iraq-1960-1963, Dominican Republic-1961, Vietnam-1961-1973, Brazil -1974, Belgian Congo-1964, Guatemala-1964, Laos-1964-1973, Dominican Republic- 1965-1966, Peru- 1965, Greece-1967, Guatemala-1967-1969, Cambodia-1969-1970, Chile-1970-1973, Argentina- 1976, Turkey-1980, Poland -1980-1981, El Salvador-1981-1992, Nicaragua-1981-1990, Cambodia-1980-1995, Angola-1980, Lebanon-1982-1984, Grenada-1983-1984, Philippines- 1986, Libya-1986, Iran – 1987-1988, Libya-1989, Panama-1989-1990, Iraq-1991, Kuwait-1991, Somalia-1992-1994, Iraq-1993-1996, Bosnia-1995, Iran-1998, Sudan-1998, Afghanistan-1998, Yugoslavia-Serbia- 1999, Afghanistan -2001, Iraq-2002-2003, Somalia-2006-2007, Iran-2005-present, Libya-2011….


Our rulers, including Trump and Biden, are intent on being the ones to deal the final death blow. Trump is harassing donors to give him billions for the opportunity. I have volunteered 50,000 hours unpaid service to humanity, do not ask for money, do not receive money, and am the best bet for mankind's survival. The establishment is trying to kill over seven and a half billion people, are terraforming the atmosphere (chemtrails are airplanes spraying toxic heavy metals [barium, aluminum, and more into the skies causing global warming and poisoning atmosphere, water, and soil) making the surface unlivable for known lifeforms, are deliberately causing famine, need I go on?

And you tell me that revolution is destruction? WAKE UP!!

I seek not to destroy America, but to take down its evil government, and to initiate a new kind of civilization never seen before on the planet. (the blueprint is in the conclusion of my book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH which can be had for free attached to my free newsletter that you can sign up for here.


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You asked 'how many presidents have I voted for'? Zero.

As far as your list goes you fall far short it goes back long before 1945.

Luciferians want exactly what you are expressing and are working on, to revolt, to cause a mob mentality. The power they wield is beyond most peoples' imagination.

Revolutions are made to remove dissidents and weaken their enemies and confuse the masses. No revolution EVER resulted in a good outcome it only consolidates the power to that Luciferian cause.

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You have not been following my work. I have for a long time been advocating focusing on ambushing targets, not mob violence. Guerilla warfare using molotov cocktails thrown at night on the rulers houses. targeting key individuals by snipers, drones using explosives on key individuals.

Furthermore, the powers have already killed over three billion, who will die from the bioweapon vaccines. The rest will be killed by world war and famine and 5G if we don't resist. Some revolutions were successful, (like the French, and especially Haiti's slave revolution which some slaves took down Napoleon and instituted a free nation) and I think that you should be aware of these if you have read history. If so, you are a liar and are defending evil establishment. Or you are ignorant and just saying whatever you want. Which is it? Are you a deceiving devil or a stupid ignoramus? I am fully aware of their power, have been incarcerated for my work, been repeatedly assaulted, and been threatened with decades in prison.

That said, those lower in the ranks of government knowing full well the evil it is, watch me, not under the radar. Wray thanked me for my service and asked my advice. I told him that I saw that his arms were tied, and that he is useless, to let real journalists like myself do the job of uncovering the evil untouched by the law. I am still free and alive. I have been targeting my information on the evils in the system and have focused much on the police and military to do what is right. I feel that they are beginning to see the evil, and are turning to do what is righteous. My madness has a purpose.

I have a plan for a new way of life, as mentioned, which rids the world of literally every problem. The blueprint is in the conclusion of my book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH, which is attached to my free newsletter, which you can receive by signing up here:


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Well there you are then, not going to follow your work or read any of your books. Your claim of 50,000 hours of donated time would be 8 hours a day, 7 days a week for 18.6 years. Do you take holidays? How old are you?

You are a radical and a provocateur or in your parlance a 'shit disturber'.

Bottom line here is your most likely a paid agent of the people we are all against.

You advocate killing and destroying property makes you no better than the evil you want to be rid of, how does this make you righteous?

It doesn't.

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By the way, I currently, and have been for five years, worked at least 80 hours a week unpaid, no weekends, holidays, or vacations off, as I research, assess, and strategize to save humanity. I eat simply, organic food, exercise vigorously, have no family, friends, or coworkers to distract me from my mission. IF you still feel that I am not righteous, it is not from ignorance, it is an evil and hateful spirit that rules over you and no words of truth will be able to break the Satanic rule over your character.

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I am currently sixty six years old. Back in 1986 I made a conscious decision to serve humankind with my life after a year in a hospital. Giving back. I have collected a very small social security check for many years, have had many paid minimum wage part time jobs, have very little formal education (am self-educated), but was hired for 15 years to lecture to graduate students by a professor. While on disability insurance, I worked for elderly, homeless, and mentally ill people for no pay. Was also a community organizer, started nonprofits, have mentored mentally ill adults, and much much more. I have had about 15 homeless acquaintances live in my apartment on my couch while I helped get them income and housing, and you call me evil? What good are you? DO you not see that I am trying to save humanity?

putting your cursor over the book advertisement (yes, I penned some books) you will see my prison card. I have truly served humanity, which you cannot believe, maybe because doing so is far from your personal outlook on humanity and what human beings are, from your own self-introspection. While many are indeed evil and many more are selfish, many are full of goodness and righteousnes.. I comprehend the necessity of testing the spirits, so will not attack your character again unless moved to. I said to target key individuals, those that we know are evil and in power. If you cannot perceive the righteousness therein (those people are in the process of murdering us all, I am trying to save ours, including your, lives). IF you believe in God (he is in reality satan, and I no longer believe the bible, but use this as an example) he tells his people to kill whole evil nations. I am not doing that. We are researching those responsible for the death and destruction, those who have been instrumental in killing billions and eliminating them. Those same people order the deaths of whole nations. Evidence of my books and incarceration.


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I appreciate your diligence to the subject and do agree with you on several points in cordial commentary only. My 30 years of research pointed to what you as well are and have been searching for and that instrument is Luciferian and its ideology is totalitarian dictatorship. The racial creed involved here seems to be predominately the 'blood libel' joos, not all joos mind you just those that practice the Luciferian ideology. This is my opinion based on thousands of hours of research and study over the course of 30 years. As usual 'have a nice day:)'

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Why would any wish to ReBolshevi’ !! That’s absurd les’ you glo in the rekindling . .

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Within all sources of knowledge regarding how secret intelligence works, I have come across the method used to ensure the perpetuation of the secrecy; how this has been hidden for centuries. It is called “compartmentalization.” Most likely you have heard of terrorist “cells,” small groups of terrorists who work together in a covert network of a larger organization. That is also how parts of the government, especially secret intelligence, works. Smaller sections are assigned different tasks focused on different targets, and work independently of one another, with the agents (spooks) having no knowledge of how other cells work, what they are doing, nor the big picture of what is going on as a whole. This is called the “need-to-know” basis, where they are told that they will only know what is necessary for them to have knowledge of, for the protection of the agency and its employees.

In reality, it is a tool to keep the average “spook” or agent in ignorance of his employers real agenda, and thus to prevent the public from the possibility of coming to knowledge via an informant (like I am). I have watched documentaries of ex-CIA agents and other secret operators describing how they were recruited and trained. Basically, they are given a test, told they did well, and are sent to training, not aware of what they will be doing when the training is done.

Many trusted that the government that employed them were the “good guys.” One of them, John Perkins, who called himself an “economic hitman” revealed not only how he was trained, but also exposed the methods he was taught by the government to employ to take down third world nations and make them into puppet governments used by US corporations to drain of natural resources, and employ natives at deep poverty levels. He has written some books, which are highly informative.

To qualify for training, Perkins admits to some weaknesses that made him an ideal candidate for the US covert actions, such as the unfortunate quality of not having backbone to stand for strong principles (which he also lacked). He did, however, in later years, have the balls to expose the US government, and make some good money from the books he wrote.

My research has shown that just about every rich man, or those who have been employed by the government’s military, justice system, intelligence, and even such agencies as the FDA, are whores for the government, corporations, or church; willing to do anything for money; no matter how harmful to other human beings. Same holds true for most employees of the pharmaceuticals, cigarette manufacturers, food industry, entertainment….you get the picture.

Perkins claims that the whole operation, including much US governance, is rooted in corporations. Whatever his reason, be it ignorance or deceit, I have shown differently, although the wealthy elite and church both do have a hand in it. According to Perkins, he was employed to deceive third world nations’ leaders to accept loans from the World Bank, International Money Fund, and other financial assistance, supposedly to benefit those nations’ citizens by citing the benefits of a reconstruction of the nation’s infrastructure. The cost of that endeavor was always underestimated, so that after the loan was accepted, and the nation placed in deep debt; the construction would be started, but impossible to complete without further funding. When they request more financing, they are told to repay the loan first. Invariably, the nation cannot make payments, so they are irreparably indebted to the bankers.

To retain their position, those nations’ leaders are required to fulfill “favors” to the United States. Sell oil to the US cheaply, send their military troops to support US causes, or some such obligations. This is the manipulation of US “puppetry.”

If the economic hitman fails at his mission of taking down a nation’s economy, Perkins reported that “jackals” are sent in, assassination agents who target leaders who have smarts and backbone, and put in willing servants to lead. If they are also unsuccessful, the US military is sent in to overthrow that government.

Currently, every nation’s ruling government, with the possible exception of Iran’s, is under US authority, as having been bought, or bullied to follow the will of the CFR. No nation has completely resisted these tactics, as every leader is now complicit to the agenda of the “higher powers.” Even a small deviation from US oversight can now lead to military action after a false flag and/or media propaganda has brought the public to be influenced to the “righteousness” of US military action or economic sanctions.


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Scandinavian socialist nations have the best quality of life in the world. Socialist nations in the global south have been sanctioned by the US, and are in deep poverty due to invasions of the US setting up puppet dictators to exploit the people for the corporations of the US benefit .

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I suppose that you are referring to the Bolshevik revolution. It was not a revolution of the workers. From my book;

With aid from financers in New York City and London, Lenin leading the radically communist Bolsheviks was able to overthrow the Russian Czar in 1917. In chapter eight, you will be shown a letter by Illuminati, freemason, and KKK leader Albert Pike. Here is some more information regarding him and the schemes he and other satanists have planned, from “PAWNS IN THE GAME,” by William Carr:

in 1872, Pike made another Italian revolutionary leader, named Adriano Lemmi, his successor. Lemmi was later succeeded by Lenin and Trotsky. The revolutionary activities of all these men were financed by British, French, German, and American international bankers. The reader must remember that the International Bankers of to-day, like the Money-Changers of Christ’s day, are only tools or agents of the Illuminati. While the general public has been lead to believe that Communism is a movement of the workers (soviets) to destroy Capitalism, Pawns In The Game and The Red Fog Over America prove that both British and American Intelligence Officers obtained authentic documentary evidence which proved that internationalist capitalists operating through their international banking houses had financed both sides in every war and revolution fought since 1776. Those who to-day comprise The Synagogue of Satan direct our governments, whom they hold in usury, to fight the wars and revolutions so they further Pike’s plans to bring the world to that stage of the conspiracy when Atheistic-Communism and the whole of Christendom can be forced into an all-out war within each remaining nation as well as on an international scale. There is plenty of documentary evidence to prove that Pike, like Weishaupt, was head of the Luciferian Priesthood in his day. In addition to the letter he wrote Mazzini in 1871, another he wrote to the heads of his Palladian Councils July 14th, 1889 fell into hands other than intended. It was written to explain the Luciferian dogma, concerning worship of Satan and worship of Lucifer.


The USSR and China were called "Communist' to prevent any real communist revolution. "If that is communism, I don't want it"


Real communism has NO government, not overbearing government. China, Russia, and the like are totalitarian, not communist.

MY proposal, as I said is in the conclusion of ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH, is original, not by anyone's previous teachings, including communism. Self-sustaining agricultural communities of 150 people each. NO government. Like the Amish, but with some very important deviations.

If you prefer to eat bugs, have your children be used for adrenochrome, have absolutely nothing that you own, and to be vaccinated regularly, just do nothing and most likely you will die. If not, if you are unfortunate enough to live, you will regret that. Our capitalist leaders are taking us to a fascist totalitarian technocratic police state, and people are afraid to do without a government. And most think the bankers are communist, having no clue as to what communism is, and the establishment news media telling them that the Great Reset is communist, and they assume it is truth coming out of the liars mouths that they all know are deceptive. Sheep are dumb as hell.

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Regardless of opinions of Nick, I think he’s a very smart young man.

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You stated the problem , he's young . 24 years of war on terror. IF you don't know Bush , O'Bama , Clinton . You will be forever lost in the propaganda machine. In a way he is just stating the obvious.

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and have BALLS!!!

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I have been incarcerated, assaulted thirty times (sustaining fractured arm, jaw, and ribs), menaced with a gun, etc.. and continue to defy openly the world's most powerful and evil entities. I have some testicular fortitude.

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This secretive society created the Illuminati and and control ALL the secret societies and all the acronym labeled agencies in this country and other countries as well including the CIA and their created Zionist state of Israel. Even the lower level members are clueless to what the the higher levels of this Luciferian cult do according to former members, some who survived only long enough to tell their story. They have documented their plans to start WW3 between the countries that support Israel and those who support Islam. They play BOTH sides of every war and trust me, they are NOT amateurs! A friend was interviewed for this documentary. He wrote the books "The Secret Terrorists" and "The Enemy Unmasked." One of the high ranking members read his book "The Secret Terrorists" and had this response: "...this book would be laughable if it weren't so accurate but the author left out ALOT" end quote. What did he leave out? Other presidential assassinations! This is only a tiny snapshot of some their activities but there is so much more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhIdmvjlISU

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👍I’ll watch later!

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At this point, Trump is either with them or playing their game. I pray the latter but that’s not what the bible or Alfred Pike said. We may very well be at the end of the world as we know it.

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They have a hard on for anniversary, October might be all kind of crazy. Beside its a big distraction from the homefront. If the UK collapse under "we the People" backlash they will never be able to manufacture consent from the population. Thats not young kids in the streets those are Fathers and Mothers who wont see their kids killed in the name of nonesens. There is hope !

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Good has become evil, and evil is good, and I believe it's referenced towards end times in the bible.

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Get educated or be enslaved by Israel central intelligence social media network's that completely bamboozle transformed Americans in to parasitic slaves of themselves to serve the AshkeNAZI global imposters of humanity history.https://odysee.com/@ivikthor:c/Theworldenemy:9?r=yv2DMWnjYmtzM2uXd69AJYM3d64QbyCn

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My bid for president

Elections are for deceived and/or deluded people. I will throw my bid into the ring, but remember that the politicians have no power, the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS is where the legislation is made, the whole political charade is a deception. I am mostly doing this to allow for a final attempt to incite the necessary revolution. I should be able to attract more support than the democrat and republican puppets put together, and that to be known by all. When the Selection results are said to have elected Trump, then revolution against the powers results. By the way the media and courts have presented Trump, making it look like him and the establishment are fighting head-on, he has gathered much support of those who jusitifiably hate the establishment.


Know thine enemy. Who runs the Vatican, names of black nobility and their roles.



I am an author, journalist, and revolutionist, not a politician. Being a revolutionist is not a result of any tendency to take down or destroy anything, but is the result of knowledge of real history, how the powers operate, the character of those in charge, and having some creative ideas on how things should be, as well as how to bring that about. By now, most of humanity is aware that those in power are evil. The worship of Satan does not lead to goodness and righteousness. Neither does loving money or power. The churches and schooling system, along with the media, have deliberately misled the populace into wrong values, worldviews, and mindsets. It is time to transform civilization into something much better.

For those who have not yet looked into me, here are the policies I intend to carry out.


This little excerpt from my book was penned in 2019, and the book published in mid 2020.

>>>>>>>>Democracy has an illusion of legitimacy which is designed to inhibit opposition unless the people are awakened to the true nature of governing principalities. The ignorance and sheep-like character of people has been designed to perpetuate that image, as manipulated by the elite. Few, if any, attempt to swim against the current, instead, people follow what everybody else does- they go along with the flow, like dead fish floating down the river.

We are told that writers, journalists, musicians, and film-makers are all incapable or unwilling to resist what they perceive as the public opinion, settling on the general practice of tickling the audience’s ears, telling them what they want to hear, as they are dependent on the audience. The truth gives a different explanation for the lies. The media’s voices depend on the publishers, editors, producers, and media moguls, and it isn’t in one’s own self-interest to offend those in charge, or to ruffle too many feathers. Certainly it is even less secure to challenge the powerful, when exposing them removes your freedoms, and opposing them will possibly end your life.

In support of that statement, I am writing this introduction as a guest of Trenton State Psychiatric Hospital, and they know very well that I have no mental illness, despite being here for twenty months. I was brought here shortly after an eight and a half month visit to state prison. I was “offered” treatment after exposing GEO Group (an international corporation of 2800 private prisons, shelters, and youth correctional facilities). A security guard with a gun intimidated me (or, rather, tried to), and I was warned by Homeland Security as they perceived that I was investigating them shortly before my extended TPH vacation. It was here that I finished “The Untold Nature of Christianity” and finished the historical section of this book, and initiated the media and justice system sections.

I haven’t watched television in my home since 2004, but the lack of availability of constructive activity drove me to glance at it occasionally here, and a movie or two caught my eye. A high-profile corporate military weapons scientist created his first iron-man suit in a cave and was considered to be a genius. I puffed up with pride. Inspect my super-weapons, call them truth-force. I created it with very limited resources, with help from virtually nobody, while in a cell. Has anybody else (especially with very little internet access) come up with these iron-clad conclusions that so deviate from current-date conforming concepts that insufficiently explain world events? It seems that I have “cracked the code” successfully. Open this book and go for a journey to a whole new realm called the hidden authentic truth.

By the way, the first name that I considered for this book title was “Justification For Revolution.” The world establishment must be razed, and a whole new way of life replace it. I wish that I could comfort you, and tell you that this process will be done democratically by voting it in. Evil power never relinquishes that power willingly. The ruling powers have already formulated our demise, and have put the process of our annihilation into motion already. We need to fight to survive.

You will see in these pages a positive outcome that could be the result. In all previous wars, nobody won. Destruction and death were useless except for an opportunity of putting new people in power, or for preserving the power of those currently ruling. Unlike past revolutions, which were conceived to enstate new governments of power, I propose a whole new way of life, concepts that are authentically original and remarkably simple and do-able. That is only possible by thinking “outside-the-box.”

“The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word “crisis.” One brush stroke stands for danger, the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger, but recognize the opportunity” John F Kennedy

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable” John F Kennedy


Not only do we need a better quality of life for all future generations, we need to "cull" those who have devised our doom, who want us dead, and who want our children to be farmed for adrenochrome. Those people, or species (they might not be human) are working in direct complicity towards our death and enslavement. If allowed to live, they will destroy us. My books and the current events now transpiring make that obvious. It is far worse a situation than I imagined when I wrote my books, which are radical and highly informative, but my newsletters have revealed even more, much more.

I am not revolutionist by nature. I was a devout true believing Christian for ten years, applying my life and adjusting myself to the dictates of the Bible, until I finally perceived the real nature of the faith and book, and who Jehovah really is, then exited quickly. I have served as an employee, as a servant to assist elderly, homeless, and mentally ill populations, so am of the people. I have had about twenty unskilled labor jobs, working for minimum wage, and have lived in poverty while serving humanity. This is the trademarks of a true revolutionist, not a politician.

I am not a 'public servant"= a name those in power and authority give themselves when they are in actuality just the opposite, lording over the people who they think must obey them. I have served humanity in practice, not just words. May I state very truly here= it is love of humanity which has guided me and brought me to this point, not desiring fame or fortune, but instead to benefit the people to the best of my ability. Revolution is an act of love.

We all see the trajectory that the powers are taking us, that they are working (successfully so far) to create a one world Great Reset, one government over five hundred million (or less) survivors in a world fascist totalitarian technocratic police state. Underground. Again, they want a world population of five hundred million at most. It is currently eight billion. Billions will die presently from the bioweapon vaccines, it produces a slow death. With that in mind, that every world ruler is carrying out that agenda, and work for the Vatican, I will not promise that we will have no war, as the powers will indeed attack us, and we need the ability to defend ourselves. The United States has made itself the agressor against Russia, China, Iran, and other states. I will put an end to that. However, we must maintain some military might to fend off the depopulation agenda from our shores. My complete list of policies mentioned for the provisional government provides my strategies for defense and defeat of the New World Order that has been planned by nefarious entities.


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A conversation I think you’ll like: https://www.bitchute.com/video/86R8WkJkPYS1/

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OPENLY stated. That is just another way that the establishment pretends to be against trump, and vice versa. Why couldn't they find these if they were really against Trump?


Trump tells the group that he is a freemason. Do not listen to the narrator. What led to his admission was the words " under the blood" spoken by a black freemason, which is occult symbolism often employed by Christian freemasons. Trump recognized that signal and responded.


Trump was given half a billion dollars by his poppa (he is not self-made as he claims) but nonetheless his foolishness constantly had him begging for loans, and bankers did not want to loan him after he showed time and again inability to repay what he borrowed. Filed for bankruptcy. So why did they finally decide to keep him afloat? He would prove to be valuable in the future. He was groomed for years to be a nice little puppet. Ross, whom he appointed as secretary of commerce, was a Rothschild banker, and had been trained in a Jesuit school, as was TRump (Fordham Univ.), had financed Trump years ago. Trump has various connections to Rothschild.



It's a miracle!! God's chosen one escaped death and is miraculously healed!! The doctor said so!!!!

Let us put the hoax to rest. Bury the lies. And folks, remember that tRump had to be complicit, and there was a fatality in the process, but nobody seems to care about him. All that matters is our hero. Fuck the January 6th cons languishing in prison, fuck the fireman who died here, and fuck the half dozen youths that tRump raped and had to pay hush money to. The only one that matters is the great big hero. And don't forget to donate, the billionaire needs your money. And also make sure that you buy the hats, sneakers, gold coins, everything depicting himself as the big hero.





>> We have seen Trump be charged by the courts with contrived charges, easy to beat, which Trump does. Real charges that could have been raised against him not only were never charged in the courts, they were erased from the web. The news media had demonized him, did all kinds of reporting on him to make him look bad. But I have found far worse dirt on him than those establishment news media are "capable" of finding. Challenging interviews of Trump all play softball with him, nobody seems able to give him a question that stumps Trump. He is "unstoppable." THat kind of leader is what the CIA-dominated news media is projecting. We all know that it is the good guys who are assassinated. So why Trump?


>> HE is portrayed as "anti-establishment" at a time when we all know that the establishment is evil, and we know the evil character of the CIA, FBI, and other "deep state" operations which would assassinate him. Unknown to most, it was Kennedy's chauffeur who murdered him, briefly stopping the vehicle, turning around and shooting him in broad daylight, as I have seen a video portray. Only a powerful and secretive monolith of an organized crime syndicate could pull that off. And they could not take down Trump? They could only get his ear?


>> This was another "show" of Trump's great courage and his unstoppable determination. He is the great hero to serve this country in selfless service. BULLSHIT. It was contrived. If the CIA wanted him dead, he would be. IT is easy to bring your hand to your ear, squeeze a hidden bag of blood to release it onto your ear, and look like a close graze. Another source of the news had a picture of two streaks of blood on his cheek. This was not a legitimate attempt on Trump's life. It was a spectacle designed to make him look anti-establishment and fearless. All phony. Later photos showed his ear looking just fine.


>> Again, here is what motivates the phony.


I have not yet heard the whole video, but am giving my personal reaction to the supreme court. Trump is trash, but the supreme court are not really against him. It is all theatrics. Gotta see through their agendas. Trump is their boy, he gave us Operation Warp Speed, and shut down the economy by calling a national state of emergency, thus we were under the jurisdiction of FEMA.

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I see the narrative on legal and lawful, and agree totally. I am fully aware.

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Thanks for posting to emphasize this message to Trump. I don’t know who the man listens to other than sycophants and billionaires. His selection of Vance is very troubling but of course seems obvious now. With this move he pulls closer to Deep State partners Thiel, Musk, Schmidt. Vance is IN BUSINESS WITH SCHMIDT WHO WAS DIRECTLY INVOLVED IN TRYING TO PREVENT A TRUMP PRESIDENCY.

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Babe wake up a new Reese report

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