This cannot go on. Something has to be done

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And we can't expect the military to step in because they should have already done so. Sure looks like, once again, it will be up to We The People.

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Obama gutted all of the patriot generals in the military. We’re left with woke globalists so no, the military will not be our savior.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

There's no such thing as a "Patriot General," but there's a plethora of Masonic Generals. Oh, and BTW, Masons are globalists.

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Obama fired 197 of them. Why do you think that is? https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/197-military-officers-purged-by-obama/

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To make you and those who follow the "show" think either a) something is being done, and/or b) to outrage - and it works for both side - both ways - it's actually genius - also child's play.

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It isn’t just a “show” when they are jailing people without trials. It isn’t a show when historically the military is the only way out of a rogue government that steals elections, drains the treasury and jails people who protest. This isn’t some play for people in jail or people poisoned with an injection or people who cannot voice their opinions without fear of reprisal or people who can no longer afford the basics of living or people who cannot learn facts due to 24/7 fake news propaganda.

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What about Flynn? Obama cleaned house of generals who love America.

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Nope. Expand your thinking. Everything here is a clown show dog & pony show lie, a ruse, a trap, a place for beliefs that are as solid as the ethereal itself. Religion: from the Latin 'religare' - to bind, to hold back, to thwart from forward progress. Government: from the Latin 'gubenare' - meaning control - and Ment: from the Latin 'mens' - meaning mind. Control Mind. Mind Control. Make it 'Federal' - which mean central - and you have Mind Control Central. Hope this helps break the spell.

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That may very well be but that doesn’t help with the reality that hundreds of patriotic generals were fired as well as thousands of patriotic service members who refused the vaccine and were discharged.

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Left with immoral grasping ‘yes men.’

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Further exasperated by the “vaccine mandate” which resulted in thousands more patriots leaving the military.

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I wish the good guys in the military would wake up and realize they are being betrayed by the brass. Covid and the vaccine were paid for by DOD dollars — the problem and solution — to create conditions to further enslave us with digital Ids and brain chips. Already the government is rolling out wifi networks to collect brainwaves and read our brain waves. These networks are In PLACE and violate the inner sanctum of our minds. Yet you have Jim

Jordan and Marjorie Taylor Greene and Scott Perry yammering incessantly about freedom while keeping public’s attention away from

what the government is rolling. They are frauds and actors. I keep going to Congress for help and they keep telling me ‘that’s not the process’ and I keep saying — THAT’s WHY THINGS NEVER CHANGE.

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Betrayal by the brass has been for a long time. For those who don't know, they shpuld research the "Bonus march" and see what,the brass-holes did to the servicemen who sacrified for WWI.

Murdering fellow military personel on Washington DC soil under the orders of the brassholes

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Tan, something is being done

Mr. Greg is speaking truth and

everyone of us here.

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Tan, something is being done

Mr. Greg is speaking truth,

everyone of us here.

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According to Dr. William Mount who was in the military all the higher ups are Luciferian Nazis with fake fields of participation medals like Milley.

Barry did a lot to compromise the U.S. military including going to Cuba to look for that infamous group of mercs to bring them into conus. Add to what Mayorkas is doing with welcoming foreign military types at the Darien Gap does not speak well for even the administration doing anything to protect America.

Lots of info of the Sinos getting ready to invade conus even coming from freedom fighters in China.

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And your point is...

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 14, 2023

We the people are the fuking military. What you refer to is a criminal standing army per article one section 8 of the US Constitution.

Why the fuk do you think that we were warned a dozen times by the founders to never have standing armies like the army or the police?

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And God and His angels. We must ask for their help through prayer. There is NO limit in God’s world. This is way beyond the physical plane, make no mistake.

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This is a spiritual battle.

God wins in the end, and we will rise up with Christ on that glorious day of His return.

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I rise up with Christ everyday! 😉🌞🌼☀️

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Warmest regards Renee Marie, and in the Name of Jesus Christ, may YeHoVaH (Yhwh God), the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, bless you and keep you, until the day of the sea of glass and fire.

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In the Name of Jesus Christ, may He guide us ALL. I thank you.

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See my reply to Joe in Missouri elsewhere in this Greg Reese Substack

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See my reply to Joe in Missouri elsewhere in this Greg Reese Substack

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I agree 100%. I write about how presidential elections do absolutely nothing here:


I think we the people really, like really, need to come to terms with the fact that our government is participating in Menticide. I discuss the topic on my latest podcast, but if we really understood this, we’d be looking to break out of this system as fast as possible


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We have a plethera f problems associate d with voting.....

1.) they are rigged by voting machines

2.) Only people that the globalist vet are allowed to run.

3.) The American people are too stupid to vote for a real cantidate.

4.) the American people are morons that think that voting is a way to personally enrich themselves.

5.) Voting was never meant to work but meant to create the ILLUSION that we have a choice.

6.) The president has very few legitimate powers, but we live under the lie that he is omnipotent and can create law by executive order.

Want answers?


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Unfortunately, you are correct.

A couple of decades ago, I worked with a local group to bring public awareness to the problems with electronic machines. We already knew that election fraud was a "thing", and that the EVMs made it oh so much easier. It was so easy to flip votes on the machines that one of the volunteers hired a chimpanzee named "Baxter" to see how long it would take to flip the votes. Answer? Ten minutes. True story. Vote Rescue was the name of our group. I have lifetime friends from working on that project.

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The criminals are at the top levels of our DoD.

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Just as is DARPA under the House of Redschild to where the whole vax-genocide program was developed under DARPA and spread through the pharmaceutical entities DARPA owns and controls.

It's not enough to look up to see the talons of evil but to look at the head of the beast that owns those talons and stare into its eyes.

Kissinger, the Sabbatean Frankist death-cult minion that he is was meddling in U.S. affairs for the longest time and even at 100 years of age he's still behind that curtain and has recently stepped out to visit Xi.

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The deception is mindboggling, the motive evinces mental illness.

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Amen to that.

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Porch Mason do as they're told, [the Blue Lodge Military & Police - that hate you]. And if you read their Masonic books, you'd know they're all about the globalist agenda. [Try Morals & Dogma by Albert Pike - eBay has loads of copies, cheap too.]

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And their god is lucifer!!! WTF up!!!!!!

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Military very busy and accelerating the climate warfare geo-engineering.....hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, droughts then floods.

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Yes. Typhoon Haiyan killed thousands of innocent people who were not told there would be a storm surge while the host government was told to stand down sending aid so the USS George Washington could take days to arrive to pose as the heroes. They used water with Haiyan while Maui and Paradise Calif got flamed. Lahaina with a suspicious 70-80mph hurricane. How could they have planned enough for putting up barricades in Lahaina a day before the fire if "nature" was going to be unpredictable and just show up out of the blue? That typhoon wind that hit Maui looks to be part of the plan so they could burn down Lahaina and blame it on a storm. And why was Lahaina only affected and not the rest of Maui? Let's not put it past these people to not have planned it this way.

It's the only way Lahaina could have been burned if everything including the weather weapon wind storm was part of the plan.

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Let’s roll!

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Absolutely! A clear upright.

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And that's not a bad thing.

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It’s always been up to the people, the people fought for their freedoms once. The question is now who will stand up today?

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They certainly are pushing every button to make something happen. We are getting close to the last straw. What that looks like is not what any of us can imagine. God help us.

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Something is being done,

Mr Greg is speaking truth.

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What shall we do?

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Public protest is required.

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One outrage after another. Each time they test the waters to see if the sheep object, and they remain largely silent. So, it's one outrageous violation of the US Constitution followed by a greater violation. Our silence over the November 2020 election theft was sickening. Only about a million people showed up on January 06, 2021? In Brazil, 10's of millions took to the streets for weeks when there election was stolen by a communist. Shame on us.

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All this CV crap on top of a demented, p-do bigot as an Illegal resident has revealed how ignorant, brainwashed and apathetic Americans are as a whole.

A nation of NIMBYs who only care about themselves while the country goes to hell.

I live in such a city....I talk to people at every opportunity and they're completely clueless to what's even going on in this state and how it's become marxist.

How appropriate that we have the 9-11 anniversary reminding us of just how far these demons have taken over w/their tyranny. God help us.

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I can relate. I’ve known this was coming for nearly twenty years. This is actually worse than what I imagined. I’m in a blue area as well (not by choice). I put flyers up where I could...all taken down except one. People are ignoring their own demise. It’s hard to watch.

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I have a similar situation. I would not put up any signs in my yard because I don't want my house or yard trashed. At election time, the whole area is peppered with those awful signs that say, "Science is Real, bla, bla, bla" virtual signaling, groveling, sniveling whatever. "Please like me! PLEASE! See my SIGN?"

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Oh damn, I hate those stupid ass signs! “Love Is Love”…you don’t say! “Everyone Is Legal”…gimme a break!

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In our defense, no other population has been assaulted with fluorides, chemtrails, soy and electrosmog as has Americans. The problem resides in DC.

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The problems lies in its people being braindead....think ffs think!!!!!

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Those supposed ANTIFA counters are definitely PAID OPPOSITION - be sure of it.

Rent a mob (hooligans) to disrupt and cause fear. They ARE financed by deep state.

The police SHOULD be there to MAINTAIN the peace and lock them up, but they have been told to stand down it seems in many cities…

A smart plan moving forward is any time there is a peaceful protest by the people planned, off duty police/security needs to be hired to “manage” these scumbags that are paid to come and disrupt.

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Yep… I heard military type “police” were flown into Canada during trucker protests…they showed zero mercy even for elderly women they attacked.

Because they likely were NOT Canadian.

The Mountie police did NOT want to attack the legitimate protesters, so they sent hirelings in.

Seems like guns for hire is happening without the public realizing what’s happening.

In DAVOS where the “hidden hands” meetup in Switzerland each year, they have their OWN private police protecting them AND they have immunity for crimes. WHAT!? Why is that… allowed to break the law.

This is pretty messed up!

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Thanks for the link , but it won’t load.

But I found it on Rumble for anyone else interested in watching


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You wonder why the reaction of Brazilian people dwarfed the reactions of Americans? Take a moment and consider if it was Obama instead of Trump. The democrats would be in the streets in the 10's of millions. Again, shame on us.

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023

Plain and simple....Voting is not working because we are a nation of uneducated morons.

As Louis-Ferdinand Celine so correctly stated:

“I have never voted in my life… I have always known and understood that the idiots are in a majority so it’s certain they will win.”


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To expand upon your linear logic of "voting is not working"; my great perplexity is according to the Preamble of the 1776 Declaration of Independence, our federal government attains it's just powers from the "consent of the governed". Therefore, because I consider or Constitutional Republic to have fallen, by continuing to vote I give legitimacy to an unconstitutional Leviathan, who has trampled upon the Bill of Rights, including the First Amendment's inalienable right of freedom of speech. Therefore, I will not be voting again because by my vote, I legitimize that which is no longer legitimate.

My only hope for mankind is the Return of Jesus Christ as King of kings.

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The constitution was suspended long ago

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"....My only hope for mankind is the Return of Jesus Christ as King of kings...."

Rather that doing something yourself right?

Sounds to me like your Church is run by the NWO as this serves them NOT Christ.

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Joe In Missouri: I read your comment and I do not know what point it is you are attempting to make? Your two statements, “Rather than doing something yourself right? And Sounds to me like your Church is run by the NWO as this serves them NOT Christ”, smacks of circular reasoning and not linear logic and an absence of sound Biblical doctrine;

Joe in Missouri, please tell the Greg Reese subscribers how your mind concluded that by me believing the Constitutional Republic of the United States is fallen, and; by my decision to not vote in the 2024 election; that my faith in the Return of Jesus Christ as King of kings, is “run by the NWO and serves them NOT Christ”?

To reiterate: Joe in Missouri, how did your thought process conclude that my faith in the Return of Jesus Christ and my complete absence of faith in fallen man, and deciding to not vote in the 2024 election, is evidence that I am “run by the NWO”?

That said, to give you some background on myself: I am 75 years old and I am formally trained as a sociologist by the University of California, (BA1975). In 1981 when I was 33 years old, I received a revelation of the Deity of Jesus Christ as the Son of God. I was stunned to learn that God had become Flesh and I could read and study the Bible to learn more. I have been studying the Bible ever since and I am now on my fourth Bible as the first three wore out their pages and bindings because of overuse.

For the Biblically literate, we, (humanity), were forewarned in Biblical prophecy these current events, (NWO - one world government) would come to pass centuries before we began seeing them on a daily basis. For those who still believe "we can fix this" through politics, NO, WE CAN'T; because it's not a temporal battle. It's an on-going spiritual war that began long before any of us existed, coming to its climax in our time. We can only choose a "side" to support and work with in that battle. But there is no "fence sitting" now either. We must each actively choose the side of light and good, of YHVH God; or we default to the other side of darkness and evil and final Judgment at the White Throne.

Therefore, if you haven't actively chosen Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God...then you are in default. For each of us, today, there are no other options; I have made my choice and His name is Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah); I pray each of you who read this Greg Reese comment will make the correct choice. Eternity is a very long time to regret a wrong decision.”

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Voting is not working because it is a lie meant to appease the masses, making us think we actually have a choice. Might I suggest watching Larkin Rose’s The Jones Plantation, or any of his videos explaining how voting really works.

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Vote??? left wing or right wing your choice but its the same bird!!!

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023

Voting at it's best.... amounts IMHO of we the slaves picking our new masters every few years.

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Agreed. Voting isn’t working because it was never supposed to work:


We need to take real actions and i discuss that here:


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I heard WEF Schwab saying “someday we won’t have to vote!

The AI will KNOW what we want… “

yeah righhht. Sounds like they have a plan.

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Eight billion people and still no single man has figured out the entire world is threatened by this man. So 4 billion men are letting a handful destroy the world’s families,crops, communities. That’s insanity.

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And now rumors of Michelle Obama (really Barack 3rd term) to run in 2024 election.

Citizens need to get involved locally where Soros and gangsters don’t have leverage, and take back our captured globalist White House, because we are all sitting on the Titanic with the massive and deadly iceberg in clear sight.

The walls are being constructed all around us with WHO and U.N. Attempting to destroy sovereignty and personal autonomy with the help of traitors in regulatory departments and the present administration.

We need to send a loud, unified message on social media sites because “they” are conducting social listening to take next steps.

Remember we outnumber them and abusers will continue to slap you in your face if you don’t grab their hand and stop them. COURAGE IS CONTAGIOUS!

So we must Reject 15 minute cities, speak out against amplified surveillance, digital central bank currency , social credit score, “book burning” censorship, ridiculing unjust censorship stockades, and more.

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This is unacceptable and the ninny who brought forth the paperwork for this ridiculous case needs to be drawn and quartered.

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I read and see that all the plans of the New Order are proceeding at a rapid pace globally. Here in Greece that I am writing to you we are the No. 1 experiment of Klaus Schwab's award-winning friend, Mitsotakis. What happens all over the world is also done in our homelands. Something must be done to unite all free people. These are very few and rich and can work together all the time. We, who are more, why not? Teams need to communicate with each other. Country to country. Take common steps. Consider, for example, that many groups can come together to demonstrate united at the same time and hour, around the world, with the same slogans with the same demands. They will be shocked. Only that they will understand that we are starting to unite worldwide, they will start to treble. They will start to have heart attack. Not to mention a joint demonstration in a country on the occasion of one of their congresses, all together many many thousands of free people, of many nationalities, demonstrating for the same cause. Death to the New Order, death to tyrants, stopping the great reset, stopping the digital prison. Here in Greece the government decide to start giving from end of September the new ID with the 2 chips. 2 chips not one. European union ordered this. They said that will be Mandatory from 2026 onwards. So whatever you do after 2026 you will get it, so we are told and threatened. Some demonstrations have started but they are very weak. Most are slaves and feckless citizens. They burn us, as in Hawaii and even more, they drown us in floods for land use change, as in Hawaii. They are murdering us. Something needs to change immediately. It is difficult but not impossible. How do these possessed subhumans achieve it? Why can't we free people?

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Owen Shroyer has the opportunity to enshrine himself in history as a patriot by not being intimidated or backing down from his right to free speech. If he is silenced, there will be an acceleration of stifling speech not approved by the reigning powers. Although it's a tough, unenviable position, he has landed himself in the cross-eyes and cannot flinch. His success in standing this down is a success for everyone's freedom.

I sincerely hope that Infowars is paying for his legal counsel.

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Unfortunately the government has already bankrupted infowars and social media is blocking links to give send go’s legal defense collection for Owen.

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Prayers for Owen

God please do not let this wonderful man face any jail time under this tyrannical system.

In Jesus's Name we pray that your grace shine down upon him.

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The Tyrants laugh at us when we call them “the tyrants”… referring to them as the “tyrants” or any other name that doesn’t point directly to someone is completely useless … it’s exactly what benefits them! … we must urgently begin pointing directly to the head of the snake: The Jewish Banking Criminal Mafia … or more directly: The House of Rothschild!!!

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I understand your point. But by law this is our government. And these tyrants sitting in the halls of our government are well within our jurisdiction. In fact, they are our responsibility. The Bank of England is in England. We'd be better off taking control of Washington DC. Don't you agree?

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Absolutely agree with you! Both actions are urgently needed: taking over Washington DC and also begin calling the oppressors by their name!!!

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If Americans do not stand up against this tyranny, we will no longer be Americans . . .

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I think that's their goal - doing away with nations and creating global regions.

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Great video Greg! They really want America "out of the way."

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The Problem is the District of Columbia...

The Corporation of the United States of America.


The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in all capitals, also all 50 States are now in all capitals letter each represents a fictitious corporation.

The Constitution set up by the founding fathers has been replaced by a Constitution adopted by a Corporation called the District of Columbia( UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) incorporated in 1871. A shadow government makes believe that it is the same as the founders. The original United States of America meant the States - It consists of 50 states.

2nd: The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 created a private corporation (hereinafter "Corp. U.S.") owned and operated by the actual government for the purpose of carrying out the business needs of the government under martial law. This was done under the constitutional authority for Congress to pass any law within the ten mile square of Washington, District of Columbia. 

3rd: In said Act, Corp. U.S. adopted their own constitution (UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION ), which was identical to the national Constitution (Constitution of the United States of America) except that it was missing the national constitution's 13th Amendment. The national constitution's 13th, 14th and 15th amendments are respectively numbered 14th, 15th and 16th amendments in their constitution. 

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Fuck these tyrants. The election was stolen. Biden is not legitimate. January 6 was not an insurrection. Come and get me.

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Hey Greg,

I am sorry this is happening to Owen. Certainly, I wish he and his family experience peace at this time.

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