And Trump just appointed one of the most powerful people in the Deep State to be his CHIEF OF STAFF!

Susie Miles is the co-chair of Mercury Public, the monster-powerful lobbying firm of PFIZER; Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and the United Nations Foundation!

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And despite facts like what Proberta has said here, despite the factual history of mistakes Trump made last time appointing deep state operatives to powerful positions and taking their advice, despite words directly from the horses mouth (like the clip that Greg put in this video) despite the obvious, actual factual reality, I'm still seeing Trump hopium-fueled delusions being spouted like it's truth from channels that otherwise are respectful, and have good, practical information by good practical people. There is brainwashing and selective amnesia on both sides of the aisle. ::sigh::

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Its looking more & more like its all a show.

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And doesn’t Pompeo STILL have his hands in the cookie jar? If this is true, that should scare everyone!

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I saw a video clip of him giving a speech and it sure seemed that way, at least he thinks he's going to get the Secretary of Defense appointment. That would be disastrous. I didn't watch the interview but saw a clip of the Rogan interview with Trump where he said Mike Pompeo was a good man. So... even while he was talking about how he hired some people he shouldn't have hired, he was saying Pompeo was not one of those people. It's not looking good on that front.

By the way, in that clip of Pompeo I saw I would not have recognized him if they hadn't said it was him. So, is it really the same man? It's only been 4 years, he looks very different. Slim, aged (more than 4 years).

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President Trump stated today today that both Mike Pompeo & Nikki Haley will NOT be joining the administration. After #NoPompeo was trending #1 in the US on X yesterday, its really great to Trump is listening to his base when making picks.

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Hahaha, wow #NoPompeo trending #1 on X. That's something that gives me a bit of hope. Masses of people are waking up to what has been going on. I think this means some of the formerly brainwashed have woken up. I hope that keeps this promise. Because Haley is the one who wants to get rid of Social Security with the lame ass excuse that we 'can't afford it'. My solution is to stop giving trillions to fund wars that should be none of our business and put that to social security and creating real solutions to help the homeless.

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"its really great to Trump is listening to his base when making picks."

Gee Beverly, did you tell Trump to appoint the most powerful woman in the Deep State as his Chief Of Staff?

'Cause I didn't.

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Hahaha sorry didn't mean to laugh.

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"sorry didn't mean to laugh"

But you have to Beverly!

You have to laugh at all the pink-pilled who really believe that Trump is "Draining the Swamp"!

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Oh Lord. I hope you all listen to rumors. It's not the truth. Mike Pompeo? No!

I tried looking up on that Susie Miles. It looks like they scrubbed her info off of the internet so we wouldn't know at this time unless you trust the fake news. lol

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Tucker Carlson has no love for him. I don't remember exactly why, just that it sounded egregious. Which cookie jar?

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there is No reference to Mercury anywhere. where di dyou see this??

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The information was on Wikopedia before they delected it. Atty. Tom Renz has talked about Susie and her ties to pharma, etc.

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Sorry Johnny, dang Autocorrect!

Its 'WILES', Susie Wiles.

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Is her name Miles or Wiles?

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It's 'Susie Wiles'.

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Interesting. I'd never heard of her. My search for Mercury Public goes here: https://www.mercuryllc.com/our-team/. Roster shows everybody from Senior VP to Managing Director. No Susan Summerall Wiles, but the site could have been scrubbed as lately as her Wiki page, last edited apparently 10/11/24. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susie_Wiles (not that I’d swear by Wiki) says this: Susan Summerall Wiles, born in New Jersey 1957 to Kelly and (NFL player/sportscaster) Pat Summerall. Educated at The Academy of the Holy Angels, University of Maryland, BA English. Worked with Jack Kemp, Ronald Reagan, John Delaney, Tillie Fowler, John Peyton, Rick Scott, Jon Huntsman Jr.. Ran Florida-based lobbying firm Ballard Partners from around 2009 to 2019 [Ballard currently bills itself as an international lobbyist for media, financial services, cannabis policy, veterans, and health policy.) Ran Florida ops for 2016 Trump campaign, “deputized” by Trump to help 2018 DeSantis campaign (didn’t work out; DeSantis didn’t want Trump’s help), CEO of Trump's Save America PAC, married/divorced to GOP consultant Lanny Wiles, mother of two, member of The Episcopal Church.

I don’t see anything particularly nefarious about her. What are your sources?

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"I don’t see anything particularly nefarious about her. What are your sources?"

Mercury Public Affairs.

One of the most powerful, if not THE MOST POWERFUL lobbying firms in America.

The go-to lobbyists for the Deep State.

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Bye, Proberta.

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Greg Reese is much appreciated as he is clears the smoke while breaking mirrors .

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So tired of both sides . . . brainwash into bloodthirst with constant fear.

Fuck terrorism , fuck imperial 1 world gov. Rothschild need to clean up their own mess. Separate them and pay reparation. Green the desert for everyone so neighbors have good will toward you. The fake 2 state solution is to justify the UN existence. Its all fake , it was never meant to work.

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It will not be until the point that the majority finally realizes that BOTH the left and the right wings are most definitely attached to the same bird that humanity will regain its traction towards its destiny.

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Well said.

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Agree on the bird which shows your curiosity and courage to go down the rabbit hole. But such is a slippery slope where no traction will be found to those who live in their own light and warm themselves by their own fires.

50 This is what the Lord says:

“Was your mother sent away because I divorced her? Did I sell you as slaves to my creditors? No, you were sold because of your sins. And your mother, too, was taken because of your sins.

2 Why was no one there when I came? Why didn’t anyone answer when I called? Is it because I have no power to rescue? No, that is not the reason!

For I can speak to the sea and make it dry up! I can turn rivers into deserts covered with dying fish.

3 I dress the skies in darkness, covering them with clothes of mourning.”

4 The Sovereign Lord has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. Morning by morning he wakens me and opens my understanding to his will.

5 The Sovereign Lord has spoken to me, and I have listened. I have not rebelled or turned away.

6 I offered my back to those who beat me and my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard. I did not hide my face from mockery and spitting.

7 Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore, I have set my face like a stone, determined to do his will. And I know that I will not be put to shame.

8 He who gives me justice is near. Who will dare to bring charges against me now? Where are my accusers? Let them appear!

9 See, the Sovereign Lord is on my side! Who will declare me guilty? All my enemies will be destroyed like old clothes that have been eaten by moths!

10 Who among you fears the Lord and obeys his servant? If you are walking in darkness, without a ray of light,

trust in the Lord and rely on your God.

11 But watch out, you who live in your own light and warm yourselves by your own fires. This is the reward you will receive from me: You will soon fall down in great torment.

Isaiah 50 NLT

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Nov 9Edited

2 states means Israel has to recognise Palestine.

They behave like it’s a desert they are bombing.

It’s humans they are killing and they will reap only sorrow.

Nothing good will come out from this israeli genocide.

Nothing good for Israel neither for the Jews.

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Best response!

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thnx , am so fed up. I was shooting from the heart

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The Heart always says it best ❤️✨ Knows what is True. ✨❤️

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You see the real enemy playing against our Love for Peace as terrorism poses as an option, and imperialism continues to take rather than give - it is what it is while we are distracted but it is revealed as we begin to see the effects of Righteousness.. it is a Spiritual War that panders to chaos and thrives within confusion.. Find LOVE on your compass and the fog begins to lift - Do It Now and Keep On until you feel the Rhythm within your Spirit and you are close enough to impact the evil it generates.. This is One Time where God Needs Us.. Be Here For Him..

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Agreed.. We can shuffle this phony deck until we get dizzy from the fumes of liars selling the same death by Big Brother's War Machinery but at the end of today and every day this will still be a lie perpetrated by War Mongers and their proponent cogs within the Wheel of Misfortune intent on selling off Gaza one beach front property at a time until Palestinians are no more and the pieces can be picked up by the Black Rockers and Dick Cheney's and members of congress tied to continuing resentment and hatred perpetuated by IDF and the money dangling like hot dogs before our electorate.. but I see some good things here today with people talking to each other and yes there is still much frustration yet to to dissipate before Truth can be seen and appreciated - Remember, We People are obstacles who are fed lies and distractions to camouflage the actual intent being thrust onto the world in order to steal much needed assets and privilege that can destroy - but we are gaining on the Truth in spite of the lies placed in its paths.. Please try to find areas for potential agreement rather than help perpetuate the fiction that has the world closer to annihilation.. If we slip into darkness further we might never find the Truth..in fact, this deception steals my energy and zaps my oxygen so that I am unable to keep up - but I Believe in Righteousness which paves the Road for Truth so that we may stay the course.. It's been a Long Day.. All Love & Peace

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Well said! Greg could use that as the subheading to his substack!

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The most complicated nation in the world. The most complicated situation in the world. Greg, can you do a series on why antisemitism rose in a humanity’s history. I think that this is really bizarre situation that We find ourselves in. Because no matter any opinion, someone will attack you. Obviously this has nothing to do with ordinary Jews yet so many people blame ordinary Jews. Obviously this has nothing to do with ordinary Muslims yet people blame ordinary Muslims. Anyone who speaks about peace in the region then your consideredanti-Israel. If you point out the history of Zionism, you are called an antisemite. If we cannot discuss this region, honestly, it will always be that one issue that can be used for the military industrial complex to perpetuate war forever.

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I think you just explained it- perpetual war.

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You are so right about that Linda!

I would like to see Greg do a video on this too, a series of videos is what I would take I think, but I think it would be valuable.

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Nov 10Edited

The reason why we can't talk about Zionist Jews. Is because they control EVERYTHING

They have convinced the world that any critical thinking & criticism towards them is their 'anti- semitic knee jerk response

"If you want to know who rules over you, just look for who you are not allowed to criticize.


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It is confusion between "The State of Israel" and "the Jewish people" these are two different entities.

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America, do you have a problem with refugees and migrants? Here’s a simple solution … stop creating them!!! Stop the economic, covert and overt warmongering and genocide. Defund Israel and Ukraine would be a good first step. How about peace and a peace dividend … you can’t afford these disastrous and immoral policies.

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Those running America not only do not have a problem with refugees and migrants pouring over the border, they often provide their transportation to come here and then pay their rent and dole out generous cash cards.

They see the "imported" illegals as a replacement population who will be compliant with a change of government from our alleged constitutional republic to a "reset" global technocracy, coming soon.

The EU is doing the same. The clash of culture and its attendant crime and discontent is a boon to the totalitarian Resetters.

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Excellent point. But remember ordinary American citizens are from all over the world. Also policies are created by corporations like Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Exxon etc., and politicians are just little PAWNS of these industries. And then, of course they want their energy in various forms-they want their rare earths, etc. But remember there is exotic technology out there that the pentagon holds but refuses to, let the people have access to . If we could get that exotic technology released believe me there would be peace in the world.

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I am growing very tired of being labeled as anti-Semite by those who aren’t even real Jews. I love REAL Jews but, that is not what is causing all the wars and misery in the world. We all have been fooled by the Khazarian-Freemason-AshkeNAZI-Bolshevik-Nazi-Zionist terrorists who claim to be Jews. It’s time to wake up, people!

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Chabad Lubavitch

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So many brainwashed, brainless warmongers & psychopathic blatherers who wouldnt have to go to war, who think they have nothing to lose, no kids to be sacrificed in a fake war- go to Hell where you belong

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I will surmise, that Trump will be using US troops, your sons and daughters, to fight for Israel. Only Trump has the backing and support of most of the uSA. Thats why he was allowed to win the election, in my humble opinion.

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I agree with all you say Renee Marie, but I think although Trump had the backing of most of the USA, that was the result of the backlash from 4 years of economy destroying communism and egregious and illegal things being done to individuals and targeted communities (the Amish for instance). I think that the Trump machine was able to hide enough of the facts about his boot-licking support of Israel, the fact that he is a Zionist (as shown in this video) from most of the people who voted for him. At least the people who wouldn't normally vote for him, or even come out to vote at all. In the US we don't have elections, we have 'selections' - a choice between only 2 candidates who are both controlled by the deep state, bankers, industry, globalists and brown-nose Israel. These selections between only 2 people, chosen for us not by us, both bad choices, are controlled by perception, not reality, not truth.

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You are absolutely correct Donna! You’re awake!

Now that I’m older, 61, I see the world so differently now.

I feel so awake, observant, and OPEN to real Truth.

It’s a TRIP!

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Chosen to head up the leadership in his role as stage actor. No winning involved. Planned and executed as per blueprints.

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Too bad Reese has gone down the path of following the “blame Israel crowd.”

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{...down the path of following the “blame Israel crowd.”...}

Path ??? ... 🤔🤔🤔

Nothing but sad facts instead .

Please, be so kind as to never conflate Israel/Zionists with genuine, self-respecting Jews .

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I know the difference clearly. You are absolutely correct.

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Explain it.

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Again ??? ... 🤔🤔🤔

I did so already about three months ago to YOU specifically .

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Seriously, this would be interesting and enlightening….Polonium in Hamlet said “brevity is the soul of wit”…in other words, being brief is the essence of intelligence. The answer you gave me read like a novel….do it in two or three sentences. With your intelligence and wordsmithing abilities, it will be a piece of cake. I am NOT being facetious.

Regardless, best to you. I feel we are all rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Upstate SC

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Hey Klause! Good to see you are well.

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Greg is blaming the USA primarily and rightfully so.

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It's not the ignorant US people, but our handlers that took over in 1913 to buy and bury us with inflation. There are far too many beneficiaries of inflation who cannot afford to kill the sacred cow they feed off of. Central Banking is 90% of communizing a nation and the globalists have almost completed the project. Check out Dr. John Coleman's committee of 300 if you have not already.

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Perhaps well before 1913.


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Look up the Nakba 1948 and earlier. Also suggest getting up to speed on the Schofield Bible deception and following Satan’s directives to slaughter God’s children.


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Yeah, it’s truly sad. Israel are always the victims, and victim blaming is highly anti-semitic. It has been antisemitic for 2000 years and it needs to stop so Israel can control whatever governments they want, loot whatever central banks they want, and kill whomever they want, especially women and children. As Satan’s chosen people anything less is the wrong “path.”

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Nov 9Edited

Too bad you're unable to see and accept the hard reality of whats true. I know its hard to accept the fact that you've been lied to your entire life. Its happened to all of us but some are starting to wake up.

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Maybe, just maybe, in case you have a mirror nearby, you catch a glimpse into it ...

Please, be so kind as to Google under: projection .

Happy awakening and enjoy your cognitive dissonance to the fullest .

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He's with Alex, never the Jews. Paid advertiser. Seems a cool man, will pray that he stops selling out and veering us off the path of facts and truth. He's good at much truth with little lies, but the lies that are truely dangerous to the human populations everywhere.

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Israel never acts without intent, they live by prophecy alone. Their intentions are set centuries in advance. It was another set-up/false flag of course.

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"We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own." - Maurice Samuel 'You Gentiles', P. l55 Harcourt, Brace. 1924

"You have not begun to appreciate the depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom of not merely the latest great war, but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it. Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours if we had left you alone." - Marclis Eli Ravage, Century Magazine February, 1926

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"Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours if we had left you alone."


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Trump is JUST another SCAMMING JEW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ptesident Donald Trump MUST DO as he is DIRECTED TO DO.......he is another Dancing Puppet for JEWS-Jesuits-Masons.....he will do as he is TOLD TO DO!!!

All Us Presidents and all congress MUST Do as they have been TOLD TO DO!!!! they are ALL just Dancing Puppets ........entertainment.....show boats...and they ALL will Scam YOU!!!

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This makes me sick... It hurts me deeply...it's so over the top...I can't believe people actually think this way, and that they are leveling these neighborhoods like that...I can't belive what a nut job Netanyahu is and the shit that comes out of his mouth, and worse the people that go along with it.

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There is plenty of blame to go around, and yet at the same time have heart-wrenching sympathies for the civilians and hard-working people suffering now, while trying to survive in Lebanon. I have a large extended family of in-laws from Lebanon who are really wonderful people. They are Maronite Christians, extremely intelligent (most speak at least three languages), and they are kind, generous, and very highly-cultured. The Maronite Catholic community has been the dominant party in Lebanon for almost 1,000 years, and dates back to the time of Christ. (Jesus visited Tyre and Sidon) But there has always been an encroachment of Muslim influence, which has increased quite a bit in the last 100 years in spite of the fall of the Ottoman empire.

There have been times of peace with Turkey, Syria and Iraq, as well as conflicts all these years. At times Syria and Israel have helped the Lebanese defend their land from invaders, but have also complicated things as well.

But after the fall of the Shah in Iran, (who was a strong ally to Israel) the Shia mullahs have determined to resist and explel Israel, even though Iran is not a neighbor to Israel and Tehran is about 1,000 miles away from Jerusalem. This began back in the Carter administration, and continued as Hezbollah forces took over a large area in Southern Lebanon. Under the UN directives, there was a US "peace-keeping" force attacked by a truck bomb in 1983 killing about 311 of the combined international forces at the Marine Compound. Regan refused to retaliate.

While I attended college, one of my professors that I knew, Tom Sutherland, left and was teaching in Beirut, when he and AP reporter Terry Anderson were taken hostage by Hezbollah and brutally treated (tortured at times) in captivity for 6 years. It wasn't a nice experience to say the least.

Let me conclude with an opinion. (you may disagree) Hezbollah has been a constant problem for Lebanon and Israel. They have continued to arm "to the teeth" with more advanced missiles and weapons all this time. The Shah has been gone now for 45 years! I know Iranians that fled the cruel treatment of the Ayatollahs and Iranian government. I don't have much sympathy for Iran and their "cause".

Allowing Hezbollah to build a very highly-trained and armed attack force on the border to Israel, was like letting illegals get powerful missiles that could hit Dallas, Tulsa, and even Denver from right below the border in El Paso, TX,

Unfortunately, Lebanon is where this attack force has been setting up since 1983. Israel did not take them out in 2005-6 for exactly the same reason we see now. Which was then? Far too many civilian casualties. If you think that Hezbollah really cares about the Palestinians, and are not just using this as an excuse, you are either not aware of what this is really all about, or easily mislead. Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and other neighbors to Israel are NOT a part of this and want peace.

I wish this chapter of terror would come to an end.

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Good comment, Steve Sars, but some of us see Masonic machinations at work to bring about a great Middle Eastern War, in league with London, the Vatican, D.C., and other international, no, globalist, capital cities in accordance with the Book of Revelation. There's the Antichrist to lay the groundwork for, so that the Temple can be rebuilt in Jerusalem and he sit on the throne of Solomon.

These days, and perhaps throughout history, events appear more cryptic than logical, because occult believers are orchestrating them in their master plan for world domination. It sounds cheesy, but it's proving deadly and divisive as planned, even before its full toxic fruition.

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Yes. There are many mysterious powers involved here. There are plans to rebuild the Jewish Temple, and that is the boast of the Free Masons, who lay claim to being the greatest builders for the task. But I don't think this temple will be anywhere NEAR the size of the Temple Ezekiel describes in Chapters 40-44. This HUGE TEMPLE will be constructed for the 1,000 year reign. So anything short of that built now will be the little temple that the Antichrist defiles.

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But, they dream and organize Bigly!

We cannot rely on state or institutional leaders to give us the truth or remedy, as most are beholden to secret societies before they take office. It appears it's incumbent on us to not boast of or beg for goodness to manifest a better future, but to pray and share informed expectations of what should be in opposition to the profane particulars of their dark ones.

Guess I think we get mired in the weeds of the intentionally confusing script and should, instead, stay vigilant as to their intentions. I don't sell them short, ever since having been targeted by some of them, but their vision is bereft of any grace or depth, that's for sure, while their lies still sway too many.

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True. I tend to rely on the Last Chapter of Isaiah; Chapter 66. Which I believe correlates with the book of Revelation and the Apocalypse.

The Lord is telling these Jews that He is Not Impressed with their temple and sacrifices. WHY? Because "When I (the Lord) called they did not answer, and when I (The Lord) spake they did not hear" and did evil in choosing that which the Lord delighted not.

NOTICE this verse. Is. 66:5.

The Lord sends his comfort and confirmation to Jews who believe in Messiah, Yeshua--Jesus Christ, beleivers who will be CAST OUT for warning these religious Jews of their errors!

Isaiah 55: 5 (KJV)

5 Hear the word of the Lord, ye that tremble at his word; Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name's sake, said, Let the Lord be glorified: but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed.

6 A voice of noise from the city, a voice from the temple, a voice of the Lord that rendereth recompence to his enemies.

7 Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child.

8 Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.

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I appreciate you sharing your perspective, I don't disagree. Keeping in mind that we are being reset into a One world government under the UN, all steps necessary will take place to ensure this outcome on the world stage.

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Yes. This has been in effect since the UN was founded. But the timing of this as it culminates, may still be many years off,---or happen VERY FAST! Will the WEF system lead this in, or will another globalist organization emerge? I see these things sweep back and forth in waves which seem to get bigger with each cycle.

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Absolute agree. They've got us on the edge of our seats. All we have is love and the power to pray and speak and act until that time arrives. I resent it, this is my life....I think of my parents generation having two homes, vacations and not a care in the world other than when and where to play! My generation and my nieces generation, still children... So far they are not aware... But when it all comes to pass I pray they will still have lives of love and joy to live.

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yep. I have children and grand children too. I am concerned for them.

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What we do today results as our tomorrow's. Teach your grandchildren of Love, Joy and charity and you will have instilled values in them that will help them to stand.

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Netanyoohoo translation: "We have placed ideological excuses to bomb your territory in your homes and your garages. This is not based in truth but in our blood lust and megalomania. Leave your homes now so we can take over, and so we can slowly starve you out, hunt you down, and straight up murder you for our insanely crazy religious Zionist prophecy that we created centuries ago as religious/spiritual mind control - that did not come from an objective "God" and didn't even come from a rational little "g" god - in order to fulfill our desire to take over and control the world and all sentient beings therein from a central technocratic hub, and install an Ahrimanic king to rule over the world in it's entirety in a total dominance style fascism with a soft-touch veneer called Fabian Socialism that we can't actually maintain because of our psychopathic-level cognitive dissonance. We love you. Accept that or we'll genocide you."

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DEMOCIDE disguised as a Holy War.

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And you wonder why they have been kicked out of 109 countries


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if you would read the "Council Of Trent' you will see that Jews , Masons and Christians and more all meet at the Vatican to arrange for world control back in 1543-1563 ........ wake up fool

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NOW the filthy jews have the USA by the Nuts......your screwed......JEWS control DARPA...and DARPA controls EVERYTHING including YOU!!!!!!!!!

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+++++THE TRUE JEWS+++++! ! ! ! !



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Hahahah Tomy.... DARPA was created after DD Eisenhower , the killing SOB was outed so to cover his filthy jew ass he had to create ARPA in 1958 and the defence scammers wanted in on the unlimityed money printed up by the filthy jews so it was later named DARPA.... see it here >> www.darpa.mil

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and DARPA has been in control of earth . DARPA also created the Internet from its orgina;l dating back to the 1940s.... DARPA is why the world educational is controled by JEWS.along with 99% earths News medias TV and Newspapers and now most of theis internet and IoT and much more

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Greg had guts to move to Russia for a while and come back safely. Now this report can bring him where Julian Assange landed, in prison.. So this here means, he must know something what we quite don't, yet, namely Trump HAS to END THIS TERROR AND WAR, ALL WARS IN FACT, AND not to prosecute anyone for saying anything, in particular the truth....

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