Interesting info for those who like a keto based diet and want to be alkaline:


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Hi Greg, I didn't have a chance to wish you all the best in Russia, you lucky man! I love Putin and the Russian people, not to mention the language.

I also want to comment that Dr. Love is awesome. I have been listening to her and following her for about three years now. She is highly credible and a good woman. I am also an affiliate of MasterPeace. I have been on it for about a month and I sleep 100% better without waking up at night.

Whatever I have inside me and I am not vaxxed, has to be better because I can feel it I also feel more relaxed like not a lot bothers me at this point.

No one here will go wrong with MasterPeace.

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Thanks Sammy. It is nice here but I’m coming home in a few weeks. I can’t let y’all have all the fun without me.

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Gird your loins, dude!

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Are you coming back for good or to visit?

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Putin just said end 2024 he is pushing for ' cancer vaccines' based on mRNA, as a great progress for healing people, he pushes to for AI system, in everything..

so NO ONE is Good, no one is a savior

Trump & Putin both acclaiming AI based ' health system ' and "mRNA ""cancer vaccines "

Putin at end of 2024

Trump on 21 th January 2025 with Oracle and Stargate mad men conference

can you comment? on this Greg Reese?


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You are entitled to your opinion on President Putin but I would focus on the American criminals in the US government and their "love and support" for so-called "Israel" which is nothing but an illegitimate colonial entity on Palestinian land. The destruction of the US and the decency that once existed in the American society is in the toilet that the Zionists created and are pushing to maintain. You will never see that in the Russian society, and President Putin has a lot to do with that.

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Love you like a brother. You did mention you were looking for potential guests. All of your detox and division talk, the people would love Dr. Ealy and Dr. Group. Dr Ealy's weekly soliloquys are as epic as yours. No doubt the shots and masks were toxic, but maybe that whole ordeal was a classic diversion. Get us all fighting/divided while they built Mordor all around us. This enemy is to be respected.


IDK about these expensive treatments and parasite freakouts. Free medicine first: fasting, grounding, prayer, meditation, and how is no one talking about urotherapy? That is the one thing THEY hope we never discover.

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I will speak about the things I know about and gladly speak about this absolute mess that has happened to a really noble gentleman. You can contact me on telegram t.me/theshitwerein as I only use media through this platform mostly for correspondence.

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EDTA should only be used IV, not orally. IV EDTA is expensive and requires procedure. Methylene blue can be helpful as it alkalizes the body reducing lactate, however please be aware that people with G6PD deficiency can get sepsis from MB. Also, it can cause big problems with people on SSRIs as it increases serotonin. Otherwise MB is pretty safe, but ClO2 (chlorine dioxide) is superior as a therapeutic and detoxifier, but needs to be made correctly and applied with the correct dose and protocol to get best results. ClO2 is superior in voltage to Vitamin C and more effective. Also, when people take high dose C as some doctors are recommending (eg 10g) the body switches into acidosis. Nicotine patches work directly on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the central and peripheral nervous system, preventing the synthetic snake venom from attaching and causing major energy loss and weakness in the body, thus supporting immune function. Lumbrokinase works well to reduce fibrin related (regular) clotting, but cannot help at all with the hydrogel initiated clotting (the white stringy clots) which are catalyzed by circulating metals in the blood, so removing these is paramount (ergo use of ClO2). Human blood is not sterile and we are now learning about the blood microbiota and symbiants. Since tending to the microbiome is always supportive of health, it makes sense to do so to detox from the vaxx since the microbiome has capacities to dismantle and transform foreign elements. Consuming fermented foods of good quality is also pyschogenically positive (uplifts mood and core energy.) Since the vaxx is in essence a technocratic invasion of both nano-hardware and software driven by AI, we are talking here about misuse of electromagnetic energy and quantum processes not just biochemistry. Those people on this thread commenting on evil being in the vaxx as an actual ingredient are completely correct on the level of intention and information, therefore this needs to be defended against in the heart, mind and spirit and not simply at the molecular level. Other helpful natural substances which can support health in the face of these toxins vary in effect from person to person (not everyone is made the same so people should always personalize their protocols accordingly).

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Why not oral EDTA?

We’ve been taking oral EDTA (still on the expensive side) for 3 months as per Dr. Ana Mihilchea recommendations and our blood is detoxing well. Not vaxxed and see our blood via our nutritionist under blood microscope.

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Although deemed safe by the FDA this chelating agent has been linked to several health concerns. EDTA is not a natural substance. It is a chemical created from the combination of formaldehyde, sodium cyanide, and ethylene diamine.

Additionally, some scientists suspect that it is a persistent organic pollutant (POP). In that case, each intake would only be partially excreted, while the remaining part builds up in the body. Thus, long-term exposure to calcium disodium EDTA would potentially create toxicity in the body.


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Totally agree, these chelation methods/ chemicals could do long term organ damage, it’s all guesswork

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Thanks, I’ll look into it

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Am not vaxxed.

EDTA I use it sublingually, hold it as long as I can.

Suppository in coconut oil, made solid was a suggestion that Wolf be very effective.

Have a single symptom that goes away from Vit C and detox bath soaks advised by Dr Carrie Madej. Use EDTA minimally.

Had heard Gene Decode mention using dr bonner peppermint soap and alfalfa (in a sock so not to clog drain) for morgellons string like seen with backlights. We can’t see them…. 😳 so I soak with those the final 15 m of the Dr Madej soaks.

Grateful for all info. Have health care background over 40 years. Am not buying anything expensive but making sure USP, most pure…

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Hi Mary, Bentonite works very good also and inexpensive !!!!!

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Yes that’s part of Dr Madej’s hot bath soak, have food grade used a couple times. Give to my pooches off and on.

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You have a lot of good info and I will find where you are and follow you.

I do wonder about Aged Garlic and its use in all this. It does chelate heavy metals + increase glutathione + boost the immune system.

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I like that you mentioned ClO2. I didn't realize "ClO2 is superior in voltage to Vitamin C and more effective."

I'm sure you know this Dr Corrin, but for people reading this who don't -- Vitamin C will neutralize ClO2, so don't take them together.

You said, "... applied with the correct dose and protocol to get best results".

For someone who didn't get CONVID vaxxed and has never had flu shots, on no medications, but suspects a lot of heavy metals would the CDS Protocol 1000 be enough?

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You are right about Vitamin C. A person can take C supplements, but only 4 hours apart from ClO2. Actually it is not advisable to take supplemental C when one is on a ClO2 protocol. I am not sure what you mean by Protocol 1000. Protocol C which is 10 mil of 3000ppm CDS in 1 liter of water is the basic protocol to start out with for general detox and overall health maintenance. I hope that helps.

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Thank you for your quick reply Dr Corrin! Yes, Protocol C - I'm not as familiar yet with this protocol naming system. It's basically the CDS equivalent of the MMS Protocol 1000.

I will use MMS if I don't have CDS made up, or if I'm out hiking/backpacking or something where I can't keep it cold. But I prefer using CDS. I haven't used the protocol for a while. But I have been thinking I should make some CDS and get back onto the protocol. Reading what you said about ClO2 having higher voltage (than C) and this discussion is the impetus I need to actually do it. I'm going to start some CDS today. Thank you!

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Great comments, Thanks a lot.

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You are welcome.

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I don't understand how this woman who keeps boasting about being the first to solve the toxicity of these bioweapons would have allowed being poisoned by the Sentinel patch....

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You're absolutely right to mark that out from the interview. I'd already been motivated to click on her link to "Luciferase Microarray Patches Contain DARPA Hydrogel & Autonomous Insect Cyborg Sentinels" and was amazed by what I read there.

The part of the interview here this highlights -

"The Luciferase microarray patch, it's the so-called vaccine in a patch form, where it's got these pricks that penetrate the skin."

How did you get that?

"Well, I was unfortunately got seduced by an operative, a government agent, Ministry of Defense. He was an agent, he was a torturer for the UK government."

seems to be the focus of your question, but for me the focus is more - what is the actual interface by which DOD\DARPA is moving this through the supply and distribution chain, and what actually STOPPED them from getting it into the first CHAPTER OF THE COVID KAPER?

It sounds to me that this is WHAT'S UP FOR CHAPTER TWO. And I'm seriously wondering why no one else would have been talking about this>>??

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I got the impression that she was patched without her knowledge. But you raise a good question I missed, what stopped them from getting it into the first chapter?

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She did say that she wrote and article - and appeared with jacqui de voy to give publicity to the attempt with "the patch." Right now I'm trying to figure out which rumble video might be the one she's referring to. That one (relatively)unknown researcher's remarks on a (less than well known)other researcher's video could have changed the course of CHAPTER ONE seems .... unlikely... but>"...possible?

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We have to be willing to question everything. People are very trusting if someone claims to be an authority figure. My first suspicion something is off with Dr Love was her use of repetitious words, like "superior", "premium" for the remedies she promotes. This is NLP, neurolinguistic programming, a marketing tactic used to induce trust and belief.

How a single individual who operates on her own can profess to have done trials to create protocols defies belief

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I've just listened to the part of the interview where she said (to paraphrase)"there's literally 5 doctors who figured it out from the beginning - and I'm one of them." She goes on to mention Robert Young(not an MD - a naturopath who ALLEGEDELY got his degree from a paper mill - as another.

I'm not really looking at who is 'real' or not here = the field of anit-vaxxers is now so riven with disputes, acrimony and attack that it seems vain to me to wade in. There's a point in the interview where he asks some specific questions about cost and materials where she seems to falter. I'm not sure what to make of that.

No judgement = just trying to understand the background to this.

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Everyone is searching for answers.

In general, we all understand there was a nefarious purpose behind the whole plandemic. They built up Fear to create this mess, and sadly, there's no question the "payloads" in the "cure" have some nefarious stuff.

I am less concerned about her parasite eggs theory than the bioengineering of hidden neurologic bio weaponry. I truly don't know how naturopathic protocols will undo the networking systems being imposed.


Read down to the parts in this document that clearly discuss setting up control systems in human bodies. Creation of Cyborgs appears to be one of the plans

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She addresses that element in the same post on substack I mentioned above - whether adequately or not I'll leave to your judgement.

In one of the links she provides, the DARPA developed techniques of injecting human dna is discussed ... a whole new can of worms.

As for Ian Akyildiz(his name means "White Lightning in turkish!)and the new ieee masters of the post-human universe... the frightening 'progress' they've made in over 40 years of tinkering with our consciousness and soma means that the actual dystopia we've been led to believe is still 'far off'... is actuall here.

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that Akyildiz guy really is a piece of work.

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Dr. Robert O. Young is a leading scientist and Naturopathic Practitioner. He does NOT use pharmaceuticals! Dr. Young is most known for his #1 Best Seller, Ph Miracle.


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Hi there AL... I think most of us are familiar with that general outline. What we are less familiar with is the actual bonafides of a person who conducts his 'therapeutic' business from a Palm Springs locale which reminds me ever so much of the many many slick operators I've personally encountered along the way to gaining 'health independence.' I realize he is an ally of yours and I am neutral on the man's position in the anti-vaxx movement.

That said, I would love to see the answer to the question so many are asking of you here - about the poison you received - it's clear the dude you refer to obliquely is ADAM SMITH - and also, the article which you say you wrote that caused "them" to shutter the plan to "door to door deliver" that same piece of evil tech!

The cv on your substack gives me the impression of you being a kind of DYNAMO of energy and insight, such that I'm very favorably disposed to your work and ideas. That so many critical thinkers are questioning elements of your presentation here seems to be an opportunity to really win some new support to your side!

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Who is in Palm Springs and an ally to me? You lost me there!

I just updated my premium detox protocol with peer reviewed studies that back all the natural medicines and supplements I'm using:


Here's the article you're referring to with the tech I was referring to:

Luciferase Microarray Patches Contain DARPA Hydrogel & Autonomous Insect Cyborg Sentinels


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A very small thing, but 'chelation' is usually pronounced with the ch as a hard 'k', like in kitchen. Dr. Love's pronunciation was unique, which caused me to question some of the other claims she made.

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I question most of the claims she made. At first I was believing all she said, but the more she talked - and praised herself repeatedly - the less I believed. Greg, you need to be more discerning. I think we have all been taken for a ride.

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Yes. Sherlock Holmes would approve :) We should always follow gut instinct lit by the lamp in our brain. Devil's to be found in details: small clues, striking anomalies, narcissitic gaffes and other incongruities.

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Absolutely! I 'believed' this charlatan for about 5 weeks - and spent thousands of dollars on all her recommendations - to only get even more sick! During my personal consult with her she would actually go silent for extended periods - ironically I had her Telegram Channel open and literally watched her update/change her photo on the Channel - during my consult!! Needless to say, it made my consult go longer, so she charged me extra. Greg, as soon as I saw her name, it made me question what other sources you may have that aren't legitimate, such as this fake. You couldn't pay me to listen to this interview! And thankfully, from the comments, others are picking-up on her scam. She's just one of the MANY who are out there making promises - and filling their bank accounts - on the fake COVID scam.

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Another thing I noticed is her complete ignorance about Sodium Chlorite vs. Chlorine Dioxide. Completely fraudulent information.

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She is not exceptionally intelligent. She reads articles and listens to what people teach her but she will only speak to the parts she remembers about what she has learned and she stops there. If people cpuld hear her speak for any length of time they would then get a very different picture of her. She has everything to lose by Adam Smiths investion as a naturopaths main healing modalities are herbs and she does not comprehend how each thing which is ingested affects each unique metabolism and function within the body. No one does. Although frequency healing can be a universal guarantee with enough research it would appear. That threatens her business if it were successful and take her livelihood away if this were accurateand the case. That would appear to give her a motive to stop Adam Smith. Adam has faced more demonstrable opposition than anyone on earth for their anti-nwo scientific approach. She faces opposition only from those who know her personality in more intimate conversations and business dealings. I have some of those intimate conversations recorded on cold storage as well as preserved on a web3 blockchain. They are not going anywhere. If I could get assistance to get all of the info from the telegram blockchain then people would see a very very starkly different Arianna. It is borderline psychotic and disturbed in my opinion but I am not licensed and certified to make those determinations. One day maybe the truth shall surface to light. It wpuld definitely change majority of people's perceptions about everything that has happened over the last 4 years I have no doubts whatsoever. I would go so far as to stop alleging and make claims that Arianna is a criminal conpiring against Adam Allistaire Woodwiss Smith and myself along with many many many other co-conspirators to stop us from telling all of humanity that is left unaffected the truth so they do not become victim to a sinister plot that has affected billions of people and they probably do not even know it yet. Many people that trust these alt media personalities are being lead down a path to destruction by a death cult and the goal will be to show everyone they got tue bad guy but never even got close in actuality. This psyop is more than just politically, militarily, financially and socially targeted to pray on the weakness of the minds of mankind. It is spiritual and the consequences are eternal or infinite. I emplore you all who read this please please PLEASE come to t.me/theshitwerein and I will discuss this with you at length repeating myself many times if necessary to attempt to show you actual truth and dispel rumors, myths and outright liars! Thank you.

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Yes, without doubt.

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Telegram t.me/theshitwerein

This will take you to the roots of discovery and a man named Adam Allistaire Woodwiss Smith that helped discover a method to help people afflicted by this technology and Ariyanna love who is absolutely a fraud has set up with two other women Adam smith on constructive fraud charges.

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Yes and if you want to learn the facts and how it is associated to this woman and many others come to telegram t.me/theshitwerein and you will get to see her bullshit full force.

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Exactly what I was thinking

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Excellent question. Did you hear a clear explanation on that?

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Well, in the absence of AL addressing it as invited, I DID DO my own DYOD and came up with the goods from her site, as follows

"Adam Smith is a torture expert trained by the Ministry of Defense in the UK. He poisoned me with DARPA technology 7 months ago. He’s now in jail awaiting extradition to Arizona for brutally torturing another female named Rachel. He tied her up for 12 hours, raped her, beat her and tortured her from head to toe.

Adam also poisoned and tortured me for one week under the pretext of “treating” me. He tested the Luciferase Microarry Patch on me and activated it using a RIFE machine. Once activated, the operating system begins replicating and it’s very difficult to stop.

Adam blackmail me with my own life in order to put me through his torturous procedure of “devaccination”. I had not taken a vaccine or a PCR swab “test” and there was no reason for me to get on his device so he poisoned me. Adam desperately tried to force me to agree to a “no stop policy” and said he would not remove the technology if I did not agree to his procedure of running 30 volts from head to toe for many torturous hours. I decided I would rather die."https://drloveariyana.substack.com/p/surviving-cyber-stalking-defamation

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Lies and more lies. Vaccinated and proof of it. Also the details are every one of them a reversal of the truth in every way. t.me/theshitwerein.


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I can only speak for myself, but as the Kim she makes fun of along side “her abusers” (nice for a doctor to make fun of a person with medical/technological invasion problems 🙄)I have been harassed by her for a year and half, with zero rebuttal from me and I can easily prove 97% of what she says about me in that same article is false. She actually got mad at me when I posted chlorine test results of ASEA, showing it maxed out at at least 5x amount of chlorine they allow in a spa. I was simply asking why, but she did not like that and hasn’t left me alone since. I did, back in 2022, one time point out to her followers she was falsely using the wrong title in her name, which she did admit herself afterwards. Most her followers just wished me harm, as did she many times and called me a c*nt many times publicly… does not sound very minister like to me… I’ve not responded to the repeated attacks/posts for a year and a half as I thought it was rather obvious how mentally unwell she was just if you listened to her verbal posts on her own channel, she outs many of her lies within the same voice recordings, at least she used to. Just be careful with that one🥴 ❤️

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Absolutely correct about her and I want you to check out t.me/theshitwerein on telegram and find more out .

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I been telling people for a long time that Dr. Robert Malone is a CIA Operative and MRNA is a delivery System for Biological warfare.

Seems I am proven right.

I been telling people for years that inside those Jabs is NEURAL LACE BCI Nanotech.

Been proven right on this one too.

And that they prepare the world for AI war.


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Robert Malone's Travelling Partner Reveals He Was NOT Vaccinated in 2021

We all knew Sly Malone's 'vaccination' claim was bollocks


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CIA operative... lying is second nature...

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Yeah, I never bought it for a second. I can't believe so many fell for his BS. And he was highly promoted, which is another giveaway. (and fwiw, somewhere on this substack, I just posted a link to a video where an American Jew spoke out saying the entire covid agenda is an Israeli genocide, he's apparently motivated to speak out b/c his son is dying from Trump's kill shot)

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Everyone is laughing until someone gets hurt.

Only then they wake up.

Mind you... the demonically possessed aren't in charge of their own no more.

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i sussed out malone from his first interview on Rogan back in 2021 i believe it was. one just had to listen to his words to hear to lies. pretty obvious to me he lied about taking the jab too. i mean, why would he.....

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The Hawaii CHDF children’s talk with Jill & Maline set off red flags for me

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Anthony Colpo's substack did a few interesting articles on Malone. Look for them.

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I did just today and replied just the same.

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Telegram to find out more.

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No one has seen the spike protein so far. As well as the so called virus, that only exists "in silico".

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Something is causing me “ shedding “ symptoms/ challenges. Unjabbed since 2010.

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Graphene oxide?

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Maybe. & what else? Only the evildoers & God know at this point.

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As someone with morgellons, parasites are a root cause issue along with unknown nano technology, my guess. There’s something electric going on with the morgellons. Clifford Carnicom has been researching it for decades. ( he’s been bullied for years as well)

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According to the patents, spike (S) protein is a combination of recombinant proteins containing synthetic genetic codes that are carried within DARPA’s Alhydrogel delivery system. -- Read more here:


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I want to pay the $3,500.00 for the detox, so I can forage in the forest for the rest of my life because I'll have no other choice.....The most dangerous forms of information is a mix of truth, fallacy., and outright bravo Sierra.

With all these claims, where is the research and accompanying papers substantiating these claims?

This interview is a "cluster f*ck" of hearsay. All that is left is to have the used car salesman Stew Peters to sell this steaming pile of offal.

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Harsh - but perhaps allowable, IF you did proper due diligence on her site. Overall I'm disposed to rate AL in the higher percentile of anti-vaxxer contenders. The "stew peters" reference is a low blow, but then - this is 'full spectrum warfare' we are in, isn't it... No holds barred?

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She criticizes the use of methylene blue and EDTA, but doesn't address SODIUM CHLORITE NaClO2?

All you need is NaClO2? Less toxic? PLEASE READ.


Sodium chlorite can be supplied either as a solid or a solution. Both forms are potentially dangerous and require a high degree of safety and skill during storage and handling. Sodium chlorite is a white flaky salt prepared at a concentration of 80%. It is extremely reactive and will explode in a violent reaction on contact with organic substances including basic items such as gloves and clothing, spillage control materials such as sawdust and cotton waste, or even oil and grease. Heat, friction or just impact can lead to an explosion, so the solid should be dissolved in water to form a solution as quickly as possible. In practice the dry form is simply too dangerous to transport, store and handle for normal WTP use, so liquid sodium chlorite is normally employed.

Sodium chlorite is a highly corrosive liquid that requires careful handling to avoid damage to pipe work and equipment. Spillages of sodium chlorite must be washed away before they evaporate to leave the flammable dry residue. It has to be stored under temperature controlled conditions and is supplied at a concentration of 25–26% w/w, which gives the sodium chlorite optimum storage characteristics. At this concentration it still freezes at −15°C and is also explosive at relatively low temperatures and so should be maintained at below 40°C (Cowley, 1993). The solution is stable under neutral to slightly acidic conditions but will decay under more acidic conditions which can be prevented by adding a small amount of alkalinity (<10 mg CaCO3 L−1).

Sodium chlorite (NaClO2) is a chemical compound used in the manufacturing of paper and as a disinfectant.

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I can back up my claims on Stew Peters, and I guarantee he is not who you think he is. As far as Dr. love is concerned, her claims, not to mention her animosity of Dr. McCullough is ludicrous. Trying to compare herself to Dr. McCullough is pathetic. If you believe all her tripe I can't help you. She does make good points and has good information, but that's it. If she is this miracle worker she portends to be, then let's have a list of her patients, what was done, and better yet an interview for everyone to hear of how successful these treatments were or are? Not going to happen. NaClO2 isn't something to play around with, and she doesn't go into to any great detail on how she suggests it be used or in what form it comes that isn't dangerous. She pisses on various treatments because of the dangers presented but doesn't address the dangers associated with NaClO2? I could go on and on, and provide real evidence and information. Everything she says is hearsay as far as I can tell. Where is the actual research? Published papers? Etc...

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"I can back up my claims on Stew Peters"

Please do, I'm interested.

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Yes, please do tell us what you know about Stew Peters.

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Trust me, I'm not looking for your "help," I'm trying to see if there's any validation to the harshness you've applied across the board to her work. At this point, only the truly naive are still looking for 'angel's, 'saints' or flawless performers in the vaxx truth sphere.

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This vaccine alters your DNA, the part that connects you to GOD.

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Contained within the poison injections is the spirit of evil.

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Christ came to do away with evil

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If it's God's medicine...why are we paying so much for protocols ?????

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Hahaha!!!! Good point!

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Jim Humble didn't add Hydrochloric Acid to the Sodium

Chlorite, he added Citric Acid

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true, APV or citric acid was used at first, later on the stomach acid which is called hydrochloric acid was used and it was decided to be better. seems to be an evolving medicine.

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Sodium chlorite with 10% muriatic acid in one chamber with nylon hose fitting and aquarium hose going into another chamber down to the bottom in high alcohol rum and a sprayer and can be applied to the skin. Do not let chambers combine.

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Be careful with Lion's mane. Some people can not tolerate it genetically. It will nuke your liver. Also, I have no idea what's in ASEA. Until I do, I ain't touchin it. Same rules for the vax apply to you too.

Chlorine dioxide made with HCL(is that what ASEA is?) is also something to consider when it comes to quantum/nanotech. It rips apart the bonds so you can expel it. Methylene blue is also good. And Lumbrokinase if you are growing syth clots.

If you want to beat the entities doing this, you must survive on a long enough timeline. They are playing the waiting game with their degenerate servants. Everyone has a boss. And some rules and penalties are Cosmic.

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Redox molecules are isolated from sea salt. They're the same four molecules that comprise our body's natural operating system so it's the only natural medicine supplement that balance all bodily functions.

There's thousands of peer reviewed papers online that you can study on redox molecules. For example:


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Those molecules are used as the building blocks for liquid computing nanotech. Salt induced hypertension is not going to rip apart any kinase bonds. This kitchen sink approach to 'wellness' is going to get people killed. Being a Dr of Nature means you need to be more accurate than your Malthusian educated peers. This hippie shit is not the way.

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It helps but does not fight nanotechnology enough to stop this and you know it. Make some more for your coin purse you wretch!

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Thanks Greg. I listen with a skeptical ear to everyone. Dr Love seems to be well informed but a few times I heard delesions of grandeur coming from her. She don't need a microscope. Is she desperate for business?

Some of the products on her page way higher than on Amazon. Just my .02.

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Dr Ana Seeing exactly the same Micro Robots as I and many Live Blood Analysts. They also lit up and Self Assembled when I added MASTERPEACE Zeolite. You can follow Dr Ana's work here, she is the trailblazer in this work. FOLLOW HER https://shorturl.at/uDIQU




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these things (so called nano bots) that certain writers/Dr's on substack a seeing under their darkfield microscopes are bigger than the blood cells. check out the work of Josh and Adam Bigelson who say that these images are holographic. they have been treating people using holographic blood diagnosis for many years along with their father: https://youtu.be/uAg-wSoYib8?si=KaVl2pYB7AManRz5

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At 41 min- On Operation Warp Speed, Jewish guy says "this is a genocide by the Israelis, getting rid of all of you Americans, you're part of the land of Edom, they consider Donald Trump their Messiah, they gave Donald Trump the silver crown of the Torah which is to be put on the head of the messiah, they are 163 Orthodox Jewish Rabbis gave Trump the silver crown of the Torah, came together at Trump's golf course and gave him the silver crown, 2 weeks ago, they have him a menorah with the inscription "Prince of peace." In Israel, the Knesset and Sanhedrin have proclaimed Donald Trump the messiah, he worked 4 years on Trump's campaign team, Trump is considered the messiah by these 163 Rabbis who run your country, the whole covid agenda was done by Zionist Jews, and they want all of you dead here in the land of Edom, they consider Donald Trump the head of Edom, they are going to kill you people off with this injection, you are considered Amelek.


This Jewish guy is motivated to speak out apparently because his son is dying from the kill shot: https://www.instagram.com/trump_played_you/

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Thanks Sandra.

I can’t believe anyone still trusts Trump.

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Same here.

I actually have a friend who follows Q/Dave X22 and she's totally hooked, thinks he's already ended the corporation and returned us to a republic, and he's actually still the President. I cannot believe people are falling for this obvious psyop.

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They’re as bad as my elderly mother watching the View ! & they can’t see it. Q based on a Bolshevik revolution propaganda technique recycled ( operation trust or hope)

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Yes, Operation Trust. I'm shocked that people still believe in that non-sense. I confronted one of them saying that for 4 years you Q-followers kept using your cult chant that "nothing can stop what's coming," yet all you got were 2 sham impeachments, the Russia hoax, a pandemic scam, a bioweapon injection program and a stolen election. Yet you still think there are white hats who are going to save the day??? Like I said, I'm shocked that they still believe in that crap--I think they get it from Dave/x22 report. And I see them on twitter--lots of Q people, insisting that Trump played 5D chess with the kill shots, etc.

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"...cult chant 'nothing can stop what's coming'"

Yes Sandra, and they also chant 'MAGA' without knowing that the MAGA is the highest rank in the Church of Satan.

Imagine all those thousands of people at Trump's rallies chanting "MAGA, MAGA, MAGA!". That's alot of collective Energy for the demon worshipers.

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That’s news to me! Thanks .

I listened to x22 for a while . Putting their faith in the mostly imaginary white hats instead of God.

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I've had to walk away from 'dissident' groups who follow/ed Q and Trump. I just can't deal with the idiocy and ignorance. It didn't matter how much evidence I presented that Q is a psyop and that Trump is a traitor - they love him.

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Yes, I had to do the same. I sent that friend a warning from Whitney Webb about the coming cyber attack (Israelis infiltrated all critical infrastructure), and she responded with a huge narrative of this Q idiocy. And I gave up after that. I think these people cannot cope with reality and need to believe someone is coming to save us from this nightmare.

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In 2017 QAnon (as they were known THEN) were hackers from the chans pulling a LARP. They pilfered (stole) old open-source info from the Conspiracy Community, and posted it as coded gibberish for the new people coming into the Alt News with the Trump election, who had never heard such things before and were both terrified and hooked.

In May 2018 the CabaI began promoting Q.

The CabaI immediately banned all channels that were exposing Q as a scam. Alex Jones InfoWars, David Icke, and David Seaman’s Fulcrum News were CORNERSTONES of the Alternative News.

And suddenly the core of the Alt News was gone, their libraries wiped, and so much information LOST.

In their place, YT was flooded with 'QTubes', with big monetized numbers, slick new ads, tons of paid CabaI shills flooding the comment boards with pro-Q hype like "WWG1WGA!", “The White Hats are in control!", and "Alex Jones is controlled opposition", "David Seaman is disinformation", nonstop. And the newbies bought it, all.

FYI, Fulcrum News David Seaman is THE reason we even know about PeezaGate. He was a former Huffington Post reporter and he kept Peezagate in the Alt News headlines FOR A YEAR, exposing Child Trafficking, the Clintons, and the Human Trafficking web in DC. Seaman made the now famous video of the P0desta emails and the heinous art collection.

In 2018 David Seaman was BANNED FOR LIFE from YT and Twitter. Career death for a reporter.

Alex Jones was set up and publicly eviscerated in front of the World.

David Icke is banned from speaking in 26 European countries.

That was 2018 and our Cornerstones were gone, and their libraries wiped. Alex Jones’ InfoWars library was DECADES of dirt on the Caba|, Deep State, conspiracies and coverups.

The Conspiracy Community was decimated and that was effectively the end of the Alternative News.

And that is why Conspiracy Theorists hate Q.

The CabaI's QAnon Scam DESTROYED the Alternative News.

Just as planned.

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Thanks. I remember all the Pizzagate exposes pre-2017.

The problem is: Alex Jones supports Trump and seems to run interference for The Jesuits - amongst others.

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i don't trust Jones or Icke either. they cancel and vilify their own operatives in the alt media to give them more street cred with the conspiracy groups.

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its amazing. i know a handful exactly the same. they've been mind controlled it seems.

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I'm glad all you Trump haters are happy with what Joe Biden has done to our country destroyed our military destroyed our economy brought lgbtq b******* and pornography into classrooms with little children I hope you're all happy with that

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Why is it that the pink-pilled think that if someone doesn't like Trump, they must like Biden?

Personally I don't like either one of the llluminati scum.

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Where do you even start with people like this? I have given up, they are too far gone. They have absolutely no critical thinking skills, always reacting from a place of cowardice* and ignorance, pushing this false dualistic narrative that you only have 2 choices, red or blue.

They are trapped within a mental prison which may have been made through mind control and indoctrination, but they are the ones still standing guard and keeping themselves in that prison. Just like the proctors and hall monitors in high school many of them seem to live to attack and nark on anyone who is coloring outside the lines (the herd narrative) because they are using critical thinking.

* I say cowardice because it takes some courage to think for yourself, take responsibility for yourself and especially to think and act outside the herd.

I am grateful for everyone here who is thinking for themselves, thinking critically, having the courage to question everything, researching, sharing information, experiences and observations, engaging in civil debate and putting their egos at the back of the room while trying to learn and pursue truth. I don't live under the addiction of hopium that some savior is going to take care of everything and save us. The thin thread of hope I do have in humanity is because of all of you. Stay strong!

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More Mind Blowing Stuff

WEF Whistleblower Has Q Freakout On -Air / Alex Jones Show 4/22/24


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I don't know what to make of this very privileged fellow.

Seems like his father deserves a deeper look.

Never mind WEF, Switzerland is home to BIS, CERN and a host of other top tier NGOs. Switzerland has never been 'neutral'.

The Knights Templar polluted it centuries ago.

Some comments about the WEF and Schwab:

"They were talking about humanity like they were pets. Worse than pets: a pet you take care..They were ganging up on Russia..They were doing spreadsheets about the world: how to increase productivity for them - shareholder value for them..you squeeze the work force. This was neo fascism..They were Nazis. They are all Nazis by the way. We just talked about Hitler: Hitler was a Jewish Nazi. The Zionist Jews are the Nazis. Always been the Nazis. Hitler killed 3 and a half Germans in the concentration camps. No one is talking about that..They were talking about the world like Monopoly..It became a casino..They are a bunch of cockroaches in dirty stinking toilet.. Zionists. Fascists. Media Moguls."

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The Psyop beats on.....AJ thinks he has Cracked his Marbles.

Speaking of marbles, my Ma used to fry them back in the early 60's and make jewelry out of them!

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Yup, Trump is a graduated of Wharton Skool, who magically, they all become Billionnaires !!!!!

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And whom do you trust other than Trump?

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Why trust anyone?

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Interesting response.

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I don't trust any llluminati scum, and certainly not Donald "I Am The Father Of The Vaxxines" Trump, the llluminati prince and Herald Of The New World Order. Which is exactly what Trump did, he heralded in the NW0, right in front of our faces.

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NWO made it clear that Biden’s team is the keeper of the NWO. Trump never said he’s the Father of the Vaccines. Trump and Kennedy Jr. are against the NWO, WEF and the WHO…the controlling list goes on and on - unfortunately. Thank you for your comment.

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Trump, Kennedy, Biden, Obama, Bush, Clinton, WEF, WHO, Fauci, are ALL lLLUMINATI SCUM.

Some are Bloodline, like Trump, and others are Cabal spawn, but they all serve the same masters.

The reason the pink-pilled love Trump is because the pink-pilled don't research.

So they don’t know who runs this planet.

Go research the llluminati, in all their iterations, Knights of Malta, Brotherhood of the Snake, Black Nobility etc.

And the New WorId 0rder.

(Btw Intellect, the NW0 is NOT an organization.)

Then go research Donald Trump and his cousin Hilary's Bavarian Jezuit genealogy, and llluminati bloodline.

Then go research Biden, the reptoid pedophiIiac's genealogy, and 0bama’s genealogy, and the Bushes, and, and, and…

…and understand who REALLY runs this planet, and HOW they do it.

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I’ve researched all the above names you gave mentioned. You’re 99% correct except Trump is not part of the Royal Blood line. He’s not welcome into any of these groups - which is why he is lethally hated by everyone listed above. It’s good to know that people are paying attention and researching - I’ve certainly researched and read and find all these people disgusting and evil. Trump is not evil. He’s definitely a Narcacisst, however; he’s the only man trying to keep our Constitution alive. He knows that he may be killed - he’s aware and willing to give his life. I’m only concerned about the younger generation - the children deserve Goodness not Evil.

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No one.

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My question is who do we believe?

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We should believe the leader that is willing to save the children from the sickening destruction of the family. The Depopulation and the sickening Genocide. We should avoid the RENEGADE MAN - millions of things wrong with that man.

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Given that your summation is entirely true... right down to the 'amelek' status of all the jonestowners who at this point believe "it's Drimpf or no one" - you can take "civil war" in 8 months as your ticket to the "full fridge and freezer combo" behind the curtain winning answer! It's "in the cards" for sure!

How might i 'know' this? Spent 10 days or so on the substack of Paul Alexander - where I believed that the combination of his 'anti-vaxx' pedigree and anti-bolshevik sentiment might just allow for some kind of 'coalition of the still living' to get to the Don with the message -

repent of your sins WarpedSpeed... and get cracking with the Fauci-Baric-Danzak show trials we need to purge the body politic-

Nope. Paul has now hermetically sealed himself inside his little safe space bunker with the hard core Mag-gots who are destined to Ensure the election gets 'thrown' again to the bosheviks. Tis over - all that's left is the wait for the tears and blood to begin flowin!

Pity that,

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I gave up on Paul Alexander a long time ago. Yup, our future is not looking good. At this point, I wouldn't mind an asteroid strike.

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"At this point, I wouldn't mind an asteroid strike."

Sandra, I LOL'd!!!

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BIG day at the market today Proberta; went in search of dried grape, for an old problem resurfaced suddenly. At the same place suddenly found an "ocra oil" remedy for knee pain AND the eucalyptus oil(she uses leaf and seed she said)previously discussed.

Gave the ocra to my gal - who got severe knee pain from working in the orchard yesterday. Twenty minutes later - I asked how it was going and she said 'pain is gone.' Just like with the loquat leaf tea I gave her for the long lingering bronchial problem the week before. Two days later - cough gone.

Can't emphasis enough - people gotta get out and 'forage' - either in the field or in the market... for the stuff that leaves most of these 'protocols' in the dust!

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"people gotta get out and 'forage'"

Have you ever heard of Zoopharmacognosy? (it means 'Animals know how to self medicate'.)

It is THE BEST example of NATURAL healing I know of. If you haven't seen it done, you will LOVE it LastMan!



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I love it! Definitely going to watch that video later tonight after I finish working in my food garden. Thank you Proberta and the LastManStanding for this interesting thread!

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Hi Sandra, do you by any chance know the approximate minute mark on Berwick's channel? Thanks!

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definitely check out his instagram-- he has a number of videos with these crazy rabbis. I've also seen such videos on Adam Green's KnowMoreNews bitchute channel--these rabbis say on camera that 2/3 of the world have to die b/c they are "idol worshippers" and they consider America the land of Edom. They are INSANE!!!

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The rabbis are Chabad Lubavitchers. They've been visiting every President, in the Oval office since Carter was President. It's called "Education Day", whose purpose is to eventually install Noahide Law (has nothing to do w/ Noah)! They are also the sect that has been, at times, pictured w/ Putin.

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Yes, this is a site set up by Jews warning about Chabad, they say it's a mafia


Check out the sections on mafia, crime, arson, and fraud.

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Thanks for the link. I think they were the "orthodox" sect whose rooms under their temple was recently raided in NYC. Unfortunately, when many people think about any of the "religions" they never dive deeper to consider the different sects. i.e. Jehovah's Witness, way different than non-denominational Christian, than Catholicism.

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Yes indeed, they ARE the peeps who had an extensive underground set up for CHILDREN to be held under the sin-a-gogue above. Story got buried as quickly as the bulldozer sent by NYC buried the evidence!

Donnie converted t chabad last year, at the behest of his chabaddie daughter and son -in-sin former Prezident Kushner/ won't announce it till after the (s)election so as to not piss out his "base" ///all roads of evil doin lead to "chabad" the radical supremacist cult pulling Putin's and Xi's strings as well!

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Yes, read their books, philosophies, and rules. They are evil incarnate.

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i agree, i've come across this too.

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Yes, 41 minute.

I could have sworn that I included that. I can't even see my post right now because the formatting is off and messedup.

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Thanks! So sorry, the 41 minute was at the top of the comment, so I didn't put it together. I think you have to have an Instagram account to look at the other link.

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Yes, you are right. I actually created an instagram account, just so I could read there.

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Homeopathic tissue salts 12 salts.

The problem with a “quick fix” is that we need to support the liver, kidneys and not over burden the spleen as we detox. Get back to the basics. Eat fresh foods, green and bright colours, drink fresh water, breathe fresh air, forest walking, swim in the ocean and lakes, sit in the sunrise, and move the body, hum, sing and smile.

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Is there any “fresh water” available on the Planet?


Making my own pure water by filtering and Distilling

By filtering first, you save the distiller of the garbage that is super gross, and the constant cleaning of the distiller itself.

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WHY are so many doctors like Ana Maria Mihalcea pushing EDTA and Methelyne Blue?.... and now This channel is stating NO?.... what are we supposed to believe?

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personally, i'm not trusting any of them. all these claims, take this or that etc. both the above substances even sound toxic to me and i would not go near them. i've ditched all supplements and stay away from pharma products, and rarely take even mild pain killing med unless i cannot avoid it. i try to avoid any kind of man made edible product as much as possible these days, that includes things like chocolate too, even the so called good stuff. whole foods only and rarely if ever eat out these days either.

since ditching the supplements i have not been ill, that was last summer, i don't take vit D either. i never did until end of 2020 and i was unwell more often when taking that, and also trying NAC and chlorella, magnesium, vit C sometimes, than before. so i don't take anything now.

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I’ve been wondering also about ditching vitamins especially vit D3+ K2 . ( rat poison) and B vitamins contain cyanide?

Look up Agent 131711 on Substack.

He shows origins and MSDS and labels etc? I was shocked!

Now the food scientists are trying to add poisons to our foods?

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I can't find this profile

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Agent 131711 is often not found and I wonder why? Maybe on purpose considering his research?

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Although deemed safe by the FDA this chelating agent has been linked to several health concerns.  EDTA is not a natural substance. It a chemical created from the combination of formaldehyde, sodium cyanide, and ethylene diamine.

Additionally, some scientists suspect that it is a persistent organic pollutant (POP). In that case, each intake would only be partially excreted, while the remaining part builds up in the body. Thus, long-term exposure to calcium disodium EDTA would potentially create toxicity in the body.


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Dr. Ana Mihalcea made some interesting comments about zeolite. If I remember correctly it helps the toxic nano stuff, i.e. makes it worse!

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Dr Ana Seeing exactly the same Micro Robots as I and many Live Blood Analysts. They also lit up and Self Assembled when I added MASTERPEACE Zeolite. You can follow Dr Ana's work here, she is the trailblazer in this work. FOLLOW HER https://shorturl.at/uDIQU




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Didn’t Dr Love say she approved of Dr Robert Young’s work… and he promotes MasterPeace?

Dr Ana and Dr Love are at odds? They can’t both be right?

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I can totally understand feelings of information overload. My rule of thumb is to look for natural solutions backed by scientific studies proving efficacy. Stay away from pharmaceutical drugs which don't treat underlying cause.

I'm glad you decided to throw away the EDTA. I also decided against using EDTA after reading about the ingredients. I would never take something that contains formaldehyde!

Regarding the PEG, I suggest doing more research on the zeolite. From what I read on Dr. Young's website, it is very effective. Not all Zeolite are created equal and some haven't been purified properly so I would still with Master Peace Brand if you decide to do it.

I wouldnt worry to much about the iron infusions. According to Mayo Clinic Iron deficiency anemia is due to insufficient iron. Without enough iron, your body can't produce enough of a substance in red blood cells that enables them to carry oxygen (hemoglobin). As a result, iron deficiency anemia may leave you tired and short of breath.

I have been taking both the ASEA and CLO2 for over a year with great results. My parents and friends have also benefited blood pressure, cholesterol.

Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled testing was conducted with 106 overweight women over the course of 12 weeks. Every four weeks blood was drawn and tested for oxidative stress, immune function and other health-related risk factors. "When heart disease begins to form in the body, oxidized-LDL is a major contributor to plaque that builds up with heart disease, so this is a risk factor," explained Dr. Neiman. "If you can keep your oxidized-LDL low, your chance of heart disease goes down.

I hope this information is helpful for your own research!

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t.me/theshitwerein to see the reality on telegram.

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Pamela… thank you for the reply .

I was hospitalized several times last with severe anemia due to internal bleeding.. doctors were hunting for the source doing colonoscopy and endoscopy and I had to drink quarts of what I think was PEG. What does that do to my

Insides? Does it just go away?

They also gave me pints of iron infusions weekly for a year. Where does that iron go? Does it become a heavy metal toxin until it gets purged ?

They finally performed surgery and found a bleeding tumor which they biopsied and removed. I heard that can send cancerous cells all over the body? Worrisome?

No one seems to have any advice

Now on what to do from now on?

They just offered to CT scan twice a year and see what progresses.

I had EDTA capsules so trashed those. Now have MP drops and

Wonder about taking that?

It’s information overload with much confusing advice? My Doctors now

Suggest statin drugs for cholesterol …..thats it.?

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Dr. Young has been widely recognized as one of the top research and clinical scientists in the World. Hiis research has been focused at the cellular level.

He has been researching Master Peace Zeolites. It was shown in 3rd party testing of both the vaccinated and unvaccinated subjects to be an effective broad spectrum chelator of graphene oxide, hydrogel, PEG (polyethylene Glycol), Perfluorooctanesulfonic Acid (PFOS) Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) with an average reduction of over 70% in 90 days of these cellular toxins as seen in the vascular cellular toxic clinical study above.


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I'm only just over a minute into this.....but I had to pause (and comment), before the podcast goes any further.

Greg!! Nothing against Dr. Love....but why didn't you ask Dr. Group to be on? I'm sure that he would, since he IS a 'Friend of InfoWars/Alex'. LOVE Dr. Group! He is always a wealth of (Natural) Info.

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