One of your best, Greg Reese!! And very important! Thank you!

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In the middle of all the insanity, grief and heartache of the moment I would like to add this. I wrote it a few years ago.

(I would prefer no responses)

A Love Poem - A Meditation

The pond is deep and dark

You dive in

The water warm

You are surrounded by the depths of the deepest dark, giving in to faith, letting your insides untwist

Your limbs lengthening, stretching

You're coming home to yourself

You swim and swim

Your breath rhythmic, deepening

The water caressing your skin as it buoys you

Laying on your back

Supported suspended

You're lying on a soft mossy bed, the sun gentle on your skin

I place my hands on your chest, they are warm and kind, listening

Your chest expands and lightens

I slip my hands beneath your head, cradling it

I take the enormous weight of your head as your breath deepens and you feel yourself let go

This is love

It swirls around you, gentle voices playing at your ears

Let yourself breathe and soften

I am here

All around you

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Thank you, Elizabeth! I love it!

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Thank you Hilary

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I second that

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I agree Hillary Han!

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The question is always, WHY??? What is the root reason for a certain group, made up mostly of men, to want endless profit, power and therefore war? Why do so many people fall in line to aid them in their suicidal plans? We are a social species, more like bonobos that chimpanzees in our level of aggression. How did we come to tell ourselves this story that mutual destruction is a more effective way to survive than mutual cooperation? Why doesn't the threat of imminent extinction, not only of the human species but almost all life on the planet seem to stop the insanity? Was it a genetic mutation that made us turn on each other with such sociopathic zeal? I grieve for my children and all future generations.

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I gave it a thought; for a long time i tho it was impotent old men: Making war to compensate for erectile dysfunction. Like sen Lindsey cracker-Graham but after seeing all those whoaaamen politician i think it's pure Grandeur delusion they love to feel like god. kill 1 it's a tragedy , kill a million you are a conqueror. Kill them all : you are a god. That kind of delusion is easy to grasp sadly. Nothing noble about it.

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Sooooo much easier to kill than to abstain. Try being a vegetarian and you’ll understand. They look on us like we look on cattle, sheep and chickens. They hear us cry out and struggle for our lives no more than we hear the agony of the cow when we eat her flesh as a β€œburger”.

There’s an old, old Chinese saying: β€œIf you want to know why there are the disaster of weapons and armies in the world, listen to the piteous cries from the slaughterhouse at midnight”. Not to say that becoming vegetarian (or vegan) will solve the world’s problems, but when one makes the effort and commitment to master one’s appetites (and base drives of all sorts), the energy and attitude to perpetrate conflict goes way down. Ending war begins with having insight and mastering the self, two things that both those at the top and the rank and file who support them, are generally very short of.

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You make some great points here. In self-mastery of one's own flesh or carnal nature, the life of the spirit grows and produces what are called the fruits of the spirit. Once tasting the fruits of the spirit, going back to the appetites of the flesh becomes increasingly distasteful.

God Bless.

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β€œThe greatest of all diet reforms is the change from meat-eating to a meatless diet. This is also the first step on the spiritual path, the first gesture that rightness, justice, compassion, purity are being set up as necessary to human and humane living, in contrast to animal living”-Paul Brunton, β€œThe Body”

Food for thought…

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Where is the missing compassion for plant life? Want to kill all the edible plant life on earth? It’s easy. Make everyone eat vegan. Nature simply doesn’t work this way. The shark eats anything resembling its prey. The house cat is an adorable pet and a vicious killer. Look at the chimpanzees in the wild who eat the low hanging easy fruits until cute little tree monkeys appear, and it’s on. Not pretty, incredibly violent and wonderfully efficient at hunting and eating them alive.

My point is there are humane ways to raise and slaughter animals which are more humane than massive shifts of diet.

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There are also a million lies that one can tell oneself to justify anything the base appetites crave. Life feeds on life, true, and it’s absolutely no excuse for the deliberate creation of unnecessary violence for putting energy into our most carnal aspects.

The Jains (oldest existing religion on earth, by the way), abstain not only from flesh but also from eating root vegetables because to consume them requires killing the soul of the plant. I haven’t reached that state of mastery, yet, but eating a potato is still far different from eating a screaming, crying pig. I actually happen to believe in evidence that plants (and even the soil itself) have some form of energy consciousness. I do thank the plants I harvest from my garden. I talk to my trees and bushes when I prune them. And I express gratitude for every harvest. I think it genuinely makes a positive difference, and all the plants and local wildlife seem to love and flourish in our yard even if they don’t seem to

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I agree! Hey, I’m a meat eater! But, I can see both sides. I hunted once, and I even bought a new Benelli shotgun. It was rough, to say the least. I understand, though.

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Leaders of cults tend to push their followers into vegetarianism. Then they are easier to control. It makes people weak and cowardly.

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There’s a reason I’m not a vegetarian. πŸ˜‰πŸ„

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Yes, not a panacea, but a critically important step along the path. For those who care about such things. Imagine a world in which more people were interested in improving themselves instead of lording power over others. The power-hungry would lose their power because too few would go along and support them.

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BIG TIME! The moment you’re β€œforced” to look at yourself, that’s when a lot of crap gets solved! I think we all create our own karma every single day. It’s Universal Law. Evil doesn’t look at itself.

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Thank you!

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I was thinking about this too. I wonder that those who seek to have such enormous wealth are trying to fill a certain emptiness that really can't ever be filled in that way. And so there is no end to it, the search for power.

Those that live more simply and in a certain alignment wouldn't reach for power in that way, it has no meaning.

And maybe some or many bow to those with financial success as if they were gods. A certain kind of beauty can be elevated in this way as well. It's very ingrained in our societies.

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That left me with 1 question. : When you have all the wealth in the world. What is after money? Or in other words: What's next?

Money should have never been the goal.

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"The greed for money is the root of all evil".

1 Timothy 6:10

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Well isn't the quest for money a quest for power. The quest for power is likely unquenchable.

No, money or even the power that accompanies it should ever be the goal.

There is such a huge distortion in all of this. A distortion of what it means to be human.

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"Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac." ~ a quote by Henry A. Kissinger, then Secretary of State. The Kissinger Report, (Global 200) October, 1974 was a National Security Memorandum. He has worked hard to make real his New World Order fantasy becomes our nightmarish reality, similar to what Mao did to the good people of China. Kissinger met with Mao in the early 70's to create an alliance with China. In the middle of a starvation event.

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I imagine it looks different to different people, the quest for power.

It's certainly not true for all.

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Money was just the start, the allure of power was too great.

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Power and Control. Money gets you to that stage. Then there is a triple addiction in the mind. The ultimate goal for this mindset is to annihilate all which is like the snake eating its' proverbial tail. Madness and quite fear based.

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It was not the goal but the means’ to Kontrol’

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"The greed for money is the root of all evil".

1 Timothy 6:10

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I personally don't like to use the word evil. Even if it describes things well.

I feel like it pushes forth thinking that is too black and white.

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The reality of it is this...THEY ARE PSYCHOPATHIC CONTROL FREAK PARASITES. They are the SCURGE of the human race and yet they gravitate to the top of the pond and run our lives, steal our labor, kill our children with their no win wars, sell us out to our enemies, open our borders to rapists, child trafficker's, drug runners, whores and pimps. They DON'T GIVE A FLYING RATS ASS about you, your children, your dog or your parakeet. The put a barrier between us and them called "law enforcement" who are paid for by money stolen by force from us to enforce laws on us that have no victim. We are brain washed in their government run schools that don't teach reason, logic and common sense because that would cause people to QUESTION. They want obedient ZOMBIES just smart enough to punch a time clock and work shitty hours for shitty pay that looses value so fast that something that in 1964 that was .20 cents is now $3.50. This is one that can get you started...take some RED PILLS and WTFU!!! Problem: Psychopathic Control Freak PARASITES Rule Us

Think about it... https://www.courageouslion.us/p/problem-psychopathic-control-freaks

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"take some RED PILLS and WTFU!!!"

I appreciate your passion CL, but you need to know your audience.

This is Greg Reese's channel and most of the people who follow Greg are well aware of the Parasites.

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Happy new year Proberta 😎 βœ¨πŸŽ‰ 🎈

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Most isn't all. I'm trying to help make it all. Sorry if you were "offended" in any way. I don't know you at ALL so as my audience I can say that is a fact.

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Who is it We may not criticize ?

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Voltaire quote "If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize".

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Exactly right!! Most people are not aware that β€œProtect and serve” applies only to the cabal and not the citizens.

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It's Bible prophecy being fulfilled. Clear as day in the scriptures.

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The hand which is Thought’ to be tied-up ! May just be the hand which has writ’ as well as [Not] !

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Yes it is.

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But do you think it's an actual prophesy at this point, or is the bible being used as a manual?

Especially in light of that many will think it is a prophesy.

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It is prophecy that is being co-opted.

"Especially in light of that many will think it is a prophesy."

Yes. Many will be deceived. That is also prophesized. One prominent reason to acquire and hone the skill of discernment. Instructions are provided on how to do this in the bible as well.

There will likely be a false second coming of Christ once the wheels of deception are well oiled.

What Paul describes in his writing when he says people will love lies rather than the truth because they have no love for the truth but instead for what tickles their ears.

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I'd say the wheels of deception are dripping with oil at this point.

Maybe that's why many can't stand in integrity!!!!

I can't imagine much tickling my ear these days. Except possibly a complete halt to chemical trails. Days and days of sun, I'd be positively punchy!

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It seems to me we are not the ones who determine when enough oil has been applied though I agree we are ready for the deep fryer there is so much oil. Also that it makes firm footing increasingly hard to find. Seems that's at least part of the point. Why we are cautioned against building houses on shifting sands (or oil slicks).

Okay, enough of that analogy.

Days and days of chemical free skies. Now that's a lovely thought.

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Reeeeeeeeally. Sounds super serious. Please share with the β€˜clear as day’ fulfillment of biblical prophecy that is occurring as most people are ignoring, missing, causing, etc.

Kindly bring receipts with your research since you are currently at the bottom of a 2k year old list of people making identical claims -who btw- have all been mistaken.

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The Bible is the only real truth we have.

For example, the prophets knew that scoffers like you would come about in the last days:

2Pet 3:1-12:

This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance: (2Pet 3:1)

That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour: (2Pet 3:2)

Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, (2Pet 3:3)

And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. (2Pet 3:4)

For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: (2Pet 3:5)

Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: (2Pet 3:6)

But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. (2Pet 3:7)

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. (2Pet 3:8)

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2Pet 3:9)

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. (2Pet 3:10)

Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, (2Pet 3:11)

Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? (2Pet 3:12)

------------------------> Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. (Gal 6:7)

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Thanks for the reply, although my intention seems to have been misunderstood. I’m not scorning or mocking the words or you in any way. Im curious, hoping for the clear as day prophecy, unmistakable in its description of current events to announce the end times I may have overlooked.

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Money money money money money

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Actually, it's not even really MONEY! LOL! "The Federal Government, with the cooperation of the Federal Reserve, has the inherent power to create money--almost any amount of it."

~ The National Debt, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, p. 8

ALMOST? Why only ALMOST? What keeps them from creating ALL they want? You? Me? Your dog? A full moon?

Federal Reserve Notes are not federal, represent no monetary reserves and no longer conform to the definition of notes. Failing to state who, will pay what, when or to whom - they ceased to be legal tender notes, (offers of money) almost 60 years ago. They are in fact instruments of legalized THEFT.

See: Blood Running in The Streets. Mobs of Rioters and Demonstrators Threatening Banks and Legislatures... https://www.courageouslion.us/p/blood-running-in-the-streets-mobs

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Sounds like you are saying these FedResNotes aren’t legal tender and are Debt Certificates. Please advise.

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Federal Reserve Notes are not federal, represent no monetary reserves and no longer conform to the definition of notes. Failing to state who, will pay what, when or to whom - they ceased to be legal tender notes, (offers of money) almost 60 years ago. They are in fact instruments of legalized THEFT. This is an expose' of the monetary system for those interested. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/blood-running-in-the-streets-mobs

They can't even be "debt" certificates because there has to be SOMETHING for the debt. It is all smoke and mirrors. There is no more THING. Which is why they are instruments of legalized theft.

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Psychopathic power and greed.

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Problem: Psychopathic Control Freak PARASITES Rule Us https://www.courageouslion.us/p/problem-psychopathic-control-freaks

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Although we like you 'liking' our posts, please say something. Even yes or no.

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Sure you wanna know? Its a long, convoluted bloodline story. And its not for the money--thats a given because they control banking. The money is simply for the hiring/buying of minions & agents.

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Maybe small-weenie syndrome…. Or possibly they are nearing their end of life and just cannot stand the thought of others living on after they die…?

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It is the sociopaths that rise to power. The every day common people are content to just grow up and have a family. Put in their work week, do the daily grind of chores, a little entertainment and go to bed at night only to do it all over again the next day. Sociopaths don't think like that. They are not content to do that. They crave power.

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Greed, self-importance, and ancestors. Many of today's rulers are part of the "elite" aka the "nobility" class. They are the decendants of the former Kings, Queens, and their courts going back to Egyptian and Babylonian times. They believe they have a right to rule and control society. They also desperately want a system of Fueudalism to return and think they alone, by bloodline, are entitled to it. They interbreed to keep the bloodline "pure" and think were commoners with no sense to make good decisions. Essentially, they're stark raving mad but are filthy rich and money talks.

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In the back ground, the world over, I hear the sound of steel against sharpening stone while pitchforks tines are being sharpened. I feel in my bones that kerosene is being stockpiled everywhere as the torches are being assembled. The symbol of the Bastille is about to be stormed EVERYWHERE that the masses are waking up. The psychopathic control freak PARASITES that are sucking out the lifeblood of the average working man is making it so that they will have nothing left. And what these monsters have not figured out yet is that WHEN YOU OWN NOTHING, YOU WILL NOT BE HAPPY...YOU WILL HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE and when people have NOTHING TO LOSE...THE LOSE IT! And when they LOSE IT, people that say to the masses..."Let them eat cake" will find their heads on the fucking chopping block. Scream it GREG..We the People, the World Over, white man, black man, brown man, yellow man, red man ARE FUCKING SICK OF IT. And the BASTILLE is about to be STORMED.

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Yeah I thought about that. We have nothing to lose. They have devalued our work to the point we can't earn a livable wage, killed our parents, killed our kids, killed everything we love, taken everything. Then we are to be happy while they live the life of luxury?

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Naaaa....When it gets to that point, I'm going to work on putting some of their heads on my fence posts.

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I agree with you. As Americans, we've been lucky. We haven't see strife such as other countries have. They think we're weak. They think we're spoiled. Perhaps that's true but we have the blood of our ancestors running through our veins. If it comes to the point where we have nothing to lose, I believe that they'll want to get out of the way! There is nothing on the planet more lethal than than someone with nothing to lose!

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I read a book called PREDATORS by a woman who is a clinical psychologist and she asked herself these questions thinking if she could get to some answers a lot fewer victims would be created by the predators. Since that was a number of note, how many victims these people made by a never-ending perpetration of exercising their will and power and sadism, etc., on victim after victim.

In her estimation it was all about fantasy. The perpetrators all had that in common. They fantasized about the perfect victim, the perfect "act" that would satiate the fantasy. But the horror of it all and what continued their endless pursuit of victims was the fantasy itself.

Fantasy can never be made into a reality. So the predators continue hellbent on achieving their "nirvana". Uncaring who suffers in the process. Barely even perceiving their victims.

I think this kind of horrible delusion is at the core of all the murder and destruction from the lone serial killer to world leaders/manipulators. I also think it's nurtured and encouraged in people through movies and TV and all other forms of popular culture and the appalling nature of many family dynamics. Also the failure of institutions like religion and education.

This is why I originally turned to God for answers. There is no other logical place to turn to IMO and I am so overjoyed I did.

Thanks for your questions and thoughts. Very worthwhile.

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Where do you find the answers from God? Surely not in a book that so many "believe" is the word of "God". That has so many contradictions it's pitiful which are brushed asside as we are told to "believe by faith brother."

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You're right about the Bible. It's as dysfunctional as the instructions in an IKEA furniture box. Though like the instructions in the box, it still provides clues as to how to do this and if you're persistent enough, you will find you have built your sofa and are now sitting on it. Enough of this silly analogy...

I pray. I listen. I observe the irrefutable proof that is sent to me and I used to ignore when I was "of the world". I've been following this method for years and though I misunderstand often enough, I see even in hindsight I was given the answers.

Though everyone has the right to listen or reject. God Bless.

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Read Psalm 2 for the answer to your question.

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Why not Psalm 1 or 3? Or any other one? Whoever added the chapters and verses did the whole book in because everyone uses the Bible like a smorgasbord.

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Did you read it?

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In short I think they are loosing their power with the financial system. Many european countries have been bancrupt for many years now. With covid they could print more money. But it didnt work out well. And too much is out in the open regarding the elite, people might come together and hold them accountable if it wasnt for the endless strings of distraction and polarization.

War resets everything, plus people cant pay their bills and loose their properties and companies to the moneylenders.

So basically worthless money becomes solid things and realestate for the elites.

Thats one piece of the puzzle I think.

Kind regards


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Idk about putting it on men...

I used to feel that way until I read DI.

Like everything, it’s all deceptive. If it looks like was men, it was probably women.

DI makes a strong case that women actually run the cult (Hecate/Diana/etc). Don’t mess with that dark feminine energy.

Who masterminded the show vs who ran it and got blamed, Ghislane or Epstein?

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I think the three letter agencies, CIA etc... gave money to run Epstein island and his other properties. The deal was to get people who were rising up of influence in their club. Whether it was a basketball player, a singer etc. .. Anyone who held value in a typical mind and get them to sign their life away on the dotted line. If they get the people of influence to join their club then they promised them even more fame since they run the media too. When someone is trying to make a name for themselves they are more willing to sell their soul. More willing to want to join a club that will get them somewhere. The media can easily splash a newbie's name all over the media for instant fame since they control the media.

Prince had a tattoo of "slave" on him. WHY? Epstein Island was about getting people in compromising positions with prostitutes, under aged children and get a photo or video. Then they can bribe people to control them once they had the video or picture or by other means, threaten them too I bet. Though now with the new tech they can probably just make any video showing anything.

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β€œIt’s not us, rather, them” who want this level of aggression... am I wrong?

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It would seem that since the globalists need the global infrastructure intact for their planned control grid, intentional nuclear war would not be in their plan.

They would not want to be left with a radioactive wasteland of rubble with no infrastructure for their control grid? Maybe that is too logical for those psychopathic madmen though, and maybe they don't care about Mutually Assured Destruction anymore. I suppose they may have changed their plans to not having any survivors left to bother with controlling.

It also seems that is why they went with the bioweapon option to eliminate people while saving the global infrastructure, and avoiding a radioactive wasteland. The Chinese have had that same plan for quite some time too.

I still think there will not be an intentional or planned nuclear war, but there certainly could be an unintentional or accidental one.

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See my comment below?

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Well it wouldn't be below you. It would be below the person I was responding to.

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Except it wasn't there. Some times the comment section gets confusing.

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Yeah, that's understandable you feel that way. I think maybe this is it:

I was thinking about this too. I wonder that those who seek to have such enormous wealth are trying to fill a certain emptiness that really can't ever be filled in that way. And so there is no end to it, the search for power.

Those that live more simply and in a certain alignment wouldn't reach for power in that way, it has no meaning.

And maybe some or many bow to those with financial success as if they were gods. A certain kind of beauty can be elevated in this way as well. It's very ingrained in our societies.

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Very few people are brave and articulate enough to speak truths such as these so plainly. Thanks.

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I think Greese is the reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson.

The wordsmith.


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I think a purple hair 26 yrs old AI shitlib avatar repeating ALL of Jefferson arguments and example rooted in history with current words Would undermine the MASS Hypnosis ! 😎

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Greese is right:

"The Globalists need a scapegoat to blame for their destruction of America"

Because now more than just a few catch on to the shenanigans and it travels the planet and back in miliseconds.

Back in Jefferson's time what they thought to be the truth, they couldn't implement it fast or wide enough.

It's one false flag after another and they're cranking them out ad infinitum pell mell.

As in Gladiator what did Emperor Commodus do? He wounded Maximus Meridius to even the odds in his favor. Just like the elite did now with the jabs, and all the pharmakeia onslaught all these years. This is not the first time the elite used a vaccine to cripple the populace.

People are overwhelmed let alone the mass hypnosis to escape from New York, Snake Plissken.

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We were -universally’ Warned in 1917 by (3) children β€œthe Tip of the Spear” and the β€œcripple the populace” has repeated with incessant epiphanies in (the Fall) generally to obtain β€˜Thee Tip’ !!!

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You mean:

LΓΊcia dos Santos, Francisco and Jacinta Marto.

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Sharp you are !

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So true...

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Want to find another one who does? Go to http://courageouslion.us and start reading.

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I absolutely loved "Those forgotten and ignored 13 words!" Exactly how I feel!

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More people who "believe" in the 2nd amendment need to realize they are only believing in the last words not all of them. WE NEED THEM BACK in force and effect.

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"War is a Racket" General Smedley Butler



1)an illegal or dishonest scheme for obtaining money

Gee, i wonder who would want to make money off death?

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He thwarted A NAZI PUTSCH , you don't see that in our history books !

Ohhh yeah , that's right history books are the first step of the Mind Kontrole industrial complex.

You can't fool a critical thinking well inform citizenry tho . 😎

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If government school edjewkashun wasn't important...Karl Marx wouldn't have made it the 10th plank of the Communist Manifesto. And....Communism- AMERICAN Style!

If all 10 planks are in force and effect...is the USA Communist??? https://www.courageouslion.us/p/communism-american-style

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What’s the difference between a Nazi & a Communist?

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Both are totalitarian systems that prey off normal people to feed the PARASITES in control. So basically the difference is how the two words are spelled.

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Crazy. Imagine if the US had one of those.

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It's already happening: all the censorship , all the woke shit. All the money looting. Justice system ignoring due process.

It's how the Communist China🎈 is Run !

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As far as I do know, there are no american warships in the Black Sea. Because the turks do not allow them to pass the Bosporus. (Only battleships with home harbour in the Black Sea are allowed to pass - which means russian ships are). This would mean, mentioned plan of false flag to start WWIII being unable to work. Because no target existing in the Black Sea.

This information is some two months old. Actual status is unknown to me.

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There are presently no US ships in the Black Sea. But German researchers have proposed that this is how things will go down. I'm just trying to read between the lines.

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And you are correct , Russia has never been our enemy. The Brits imperialist always wanted to bring them to heel and reclaim the colonies IE: the Continental US. I see Canadian waking up to that shit.

There is hope

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I totally agree. We’ve been lied to and propagandized our entire lives regarding Russia. They are NOT the enemy. If they were, they could’ve easily blown us off flat Earth years ago and I’m sure they would’ve. And ESPECIALLY after our β€œgovernment” took it upon themselves to blow up the Nord Stream pipeline. Russian retaliation would’ve been completely warranted at that point.

I’ve said for a while now, that if nuclear weapons do in fact exist and we have a nuclear war, US missiles will come from within, not from Russia.

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Actually look Jack Posobiec with Alex today hes nailing it.

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Everyone in Europe rejoiced when the US stopped being colonies. It was the dream realized , to be done with European aristocrat conflicts , a system that putted we the people first. Communism is a total sham that destroyed so much. With communism social engineering the Lords in London accomplished what couldn't be done in a thousand years. London decided a long time ago Russia and USA couldn't join force becoz London would lose ALL influence.

Here we are . . . 100 years later. Europe renounced the enlightenment and slipped into Hitler dream of an European tyranny. This is nuts. Am gona rewatch Jericho ... The plot was US leadership nuking our cities. Altho Red Dawn is my favorite hehehehe 😎

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Jan 6, 2024
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Oh yeah he's [O'Biden] so getting Drone Striked , the serial number on the missile will be MADE in the USA but the FBI will find 3 Iran passport ! you know it !😎

Happy new year Jefferson , have a chinese spy 🎈for target practice!

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Kellzilla same to you!! You keep kellin it!! You are wise and scholarly!

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TY am just a deplorable , Everyone can & need to do it !!! hahahahaha 😎

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So are there NATO ships in the Black Sea? If so, "they" could get it going that way. After all, we are supposed to come to the immediate aid of NATO member countries if they are attacked. Greg, you need to do a major expose on the PSYCHOPATHIC CONTROL FREAK PARASITES running the planet! Let's have a BASTILLE moment!

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You are missing the point, It expose that they are making plans to escalate instead of looking for off ramp. I can see at least 3 other maritime trade choke point / flashpoint. since 2014 most Asia-Pacific policy organization are considering scenario where world trade is cut in half. At best has a new cold war. With Oligarch Gates making statement that a limited nuclear exchange would be great for climate change. Am freaked out.

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