It sure looks like it! Israeli corporations also have, control, store, and process all the data on us, it seems. Since when is it NOT a matter of National Security that information on American citizens is collected without our knowledge or consent and sent to a foreign state? Especially one we are not allowed to criticize or question. Pretty clear who controls our government puppets, corporations, media, military, and unfortunately way too many Americans who still have not broken out of their heavily indoctrinated programming around the highly perverted to suit the agenda topic of 'anti-semitism'.
since Irans` highly succesful attack on the mossad intelligence base in the Golan heights the other night they have a little less of that info, or did You think the "israelis" were pissed because a few bits of shrapnel rained on tel aviv? ;0)
Yeah and what most of people are missing in the propaganda "99% was shut down" is that it has cost Iran 35 million $ to make this attack but it has cost 1 billion $ for Israel to defend it.
fuck that shit , no one can rule the world. China world police will try tho. Squeezed like the US has been , . . . China century . . . yeah right. "rolling eyes"
Isn't it? I read the post before watching the video and when I read, "successfully developed in Israel" is said out loud, "of course it was".
I have to keep reminding myself that this is the STATE OF ISRAEL, not the Jewish people doing this. It's the funders of the STATE OF ISRAEL, the Rothschilds that are doing this. It's the Zionists and the extreme right-wing rabbis and politicians that are doing this. And unfortunately there are many others who have been indoctrinated by the military and the evil rabbis as well as the government propaganda and forced child indoctrination programs (schools). Many Jews are against this agenda. I think it's important to keep that in mind.
Right! The world controllers have scrambled up the entire ethnicity of the Jews! Today we really don't know who is who? Jesus tried to us back then "those who say they are Jews and are not, but do lie!" When the Bible says that the Jews are God's "chosen people" I'm like "huh?" How can that be? Because God created each and every one of us in His image so how could He pick only a certain race or ethnicity over all the other different people that He created! It looks to me that the whole human race should be God's "chosen people!" This whole "God's chosen people" never made any sense to me! Like the rest of the world's people who aren't Jews are nothing but trash! I think that the world's controllers have done this on purpose and inverted the truth, just like they have everything else! They've done this to try and convince the rest of humanity who aren't Jews that we are nothing and not important! We are nothing but "cattle" to these world controllers! And we know which "god" the world's controllers serve!
We’re on the exact same page Amii! At 60, I see clearly now, how everything I was taught and I believed in was a lie, or a psychological operation (nearly everything). It’s mind blowing!
Yeah! I'm gonna be 59 years old in a couple of months! I'm feeling it too! I'm so glad I'm getting old and my time on this planet is running out! It scares me to think much into the future on this planet! I can't for very long! I feel sorry for future generations on this planet, I don't think they're gonna have much of a life! I refuse to live in the slavery hell that they are creating! Yeah everything we've been taught is a lie!
Amii, you sound just like ME! As I say, “Life’s a bitch and so am I!” Lol! Kidding! I try not to become cynical and I ask my Father/God/Creator for help constantly!
I try to prepare for death every single day. And, being older has really “pushed” me along. I’m grateful for every single day, good AND bad! What am I suppose to learn???? Fear not!
The apostle Paul says that a Jew is one whose heart has been changed. Therefore, the new covenant provides Jewishness for everyone upon belief in Jesus. In regards to Abraham's descendants, each of them must be born again by knowing the Torah, and then upon hearing of Jesus, accept Him. So even if many Jews are descendants of Abraham, only those who love God will make it. The major problem is false religious leaders who themselves have been wrongly taught. It stands that the enemy would pay special attention to Jews, since this would bear heavily on what the rest of the world thinks and does in regards to God and salvation. We must pray that many Jews open their eyes to truth, so the third of the Jewish population to be saved by being protected in the wilderness during the Tribulation, will be saved. Amen
And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Chosen means the Bible and all revelation about God would come through Abraham's descendants. They're not chosen for being good or better, but solely on God's approval of Abraham's faith and of his descendants who also believed and obeyed God.
The god or rather gods of Old Testament that created humans are aliens referred to as the Annunaki. Making us in their image blending ape like humanoid from earth with their genetics.
Many of them are referred to as fallen angels (that took human women and created Nephilim Giants as offspring witch were killed in the great flood from Noah/sutra story).
So they may be the chosen people of one of the Annunaki "gods" as different regions were governed by different one.
That is why Moses heard "You will not have other gods beside me" because there were more than one.
The true Creator of All is All and in everything and there is nobody chosen for Him as he is All and nothing.
He She It is the Father that Yeshua (called wrongly Jesus) was referring to, and Jews didn't like it very much
most genuinely ethnic hebrew "jews" live in fear of being hunted down by the askenazi/khazaar converts who even by "johns hopkins" research are 97.5% non hebrew bloodlines,
they who call themselves, but are not, for they are the synagogue of satan...
by their own words shall ye know them.
so by the same texts they created for Us they told Us who-they-are..
"they" always tell Us, its part of the game.... its also because of Consent and if We didnt Consent this would all stop-in-a-moment
Some chance while what it is 80 million idiot yanx still believe that salvation lies in the destruction of the world thus forcing "JC" to return and "save the day"
For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
explains what is really meant by "israel" and it aint on a map.... never was, but tis but a small part of unravelling the death cult fiction foisted upon this "earth"
They are called Fake Jews. Decendent of the same ones that hung The Lord? US is full. of them, Schumer, Mr. Trump Son-in law, George Soros, just few on the top chain.
People are well trained to suppose that anything 'political' operates on a different track from anything "scientific" - especially so-called 'pure sciences' and that would be including anything "medical." As a result, when the convergence of 'science' & politics is happening right in front of our eyes, people still like to pretend a "health emergency" has no political underpinnings.
That's how they got away with the KOVID KAPER, but not been called out over has simply emboldened them to go the next step forward. The political dimension of these 'advances' in biotechnology is quite overt - there will be Masters & there will be serfs(different from 'slave' only semantically.' The third category - the so-called 'useless eaters' will be simply eliminated. The technology proves the program, only the 'magic' so well described once by Marshall McLuhan -
“Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by Public Incredulity.”
keeps the intended victims from responding to danger. The mediaz have literally hypnotized their users - who's survival instincts lie as dormant as vestigial and useless as wings on a penguin.
Yes I agree, and I think the Public Incredulity is ratcheted up even more when those people who can't see the writing on the wall (and in the patents and scientific papers) find out that this whole KOVID KAPER was a DoD project.
Check out Dean Henderson's substack. He writes extensively about the Crown Corporation. This lot will be providing the funding for the State of Israel and will have control upon what it does, just like it had control of getting it to where it is now. Crown Corp. also controls the US, Canada, NZ,Aus, the commonwealth.
🎯 Yeah I'm subscribed to Dean's substack! I'm going to get 3 of his books where he talks about this stuff and about what's really going on in this world and who(and what) is behind all of it! Dean's got a lot to say about the crown!
The vast majority claiming to be "God's Chosen" are NOT the Israelites of the Bible and say so themselves! They are the Synagogue of Satan we are warned about in Rev. 2:9 and 3:9.
MAKING MATTERS WORSE, today's Jews are not even genetic Israelites, but instead merely proselytes to the anti-Christ religious of Judaism, aka Talmudism (the polar opposite of nearly everything moral in God's law), aka the traditions of the elders that Christ so vehemently condemned while here on earth. See, for example, Matthew 15:6-9.
I wonder if the following quotations (all of them from recognized Jewish authorities) have something to say about the Zionists' claims to alleged fulfilled prophecies and the never-ending Middle East conflicts that America has been hoodwinked into supporting:
"Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary Jew an 'Israelite' or a 'Hebrew.'” (Richard Siegel and Carl Rheins, eds., “Identity Crisis,” The Jewish Almanac, (New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1980) p. 3.)
That sentence is the opening sentence of the First Chapter entitled "Identity Crisis" of the 1980 Jewish Almanac. That today's Jews are not genetic Israelites is also admitted in "The Jewish Encyclopedia," the "Encyclopedia Judaica," "The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia," "The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia," and by many of their historians.
According to three Jewish encyclopedias and Flavius Josephus, the entire Edomite nation was forced into converting to Judaism and became known as Judahites at the time of the high priest John Hyrcanus (Maccabaeus):
"…in the days of John Hyrcanus (end of the second century B.C.E.) … the Edomites became a section of the Jewish people." (“Edom,” Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem, Israel: Encyclopaedia Judaica Company, 1971) Volume 6, p. 378.)
"They were then incorporated with the Jewish nation…." (“Edom, Idumea,” The Jewish Encyclopedia (New York & London: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1904) Volume V, p. 41.)
"…from then on they constituted a part of the Jewish people, Herod [King of Judea] being one of their descendants." (Cecil Roth and Geoffrey Wigoden, “Edom (Idumea),” The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1977) p. 589.)
"…they submitted to the use of circumcision, and the rest of the Jewish ways of living; at which time … they were hereafter no other than Jews." (Flavius Josephus, “The Antiquities of the Jews,” Josephus, (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 1960) Book XIII, Chapter IX, Verse 1, p. 279.)
We keep hearing that if we don't bless the modern State of Israel (which America has been doing since at least 1948) that we will be cursed. However, it seems it's been just the opposite, Since 1948, you name it, and there's not an area in America wherein she hasn't become worse off.
Could it because America has identified the wrong people as Israel.
Today's Jews are not the only ones with an identity crisis.
For more, see free online book "The Mystery of the Gentiles: Where Are They and Where Are They Now?" at Mission to Israel org. Go to our Online Book page and scroll down to title.
Yet real descendants of Abraham exist, wherever they are, and since only the tribes of Judah and Benjamin remained in the land, then that is why everyone calls them Jews. In regards to the Edomites, they too can become saved, and that's all it matters.
it doesn't really matter who 'god's chosen' are. until we, mankind as a whole, stop believing in all these stories that are fed to us down the eon's about god's and rulers and start to grow up and stop fighting, deceiving and destroying each other, nothing will change. when one reads the bible closely one can see that the so called god of the old testament/torah, was and absolute tyrant, murdered, psychopath. why anyone would want to worship and follow that, i have no idea except that it is brainwashed and propagandised into them.
good to see others on the page, there are a couple of writers You may find of note, Shmuel Asher who is one of the few remaining actual Hebrew scholars living in hiding for fear of those "we must not name" ;0) is very informative in decoding all this
at this late hr id plump simply for "soul revolution" most illuminating on what the actual hebrew texts say, not the corrupted versions the council decided to give Us in order to lead Us astray (lord is my shepherd..)
i am also chewing through Christopher Jon Bjerknes "be-war-e the world to come", he breaks down the corrupted "code" being used by the syangogue of satan to further the death cult, demon worshiping aims of the "current problem" supremacists.
It must also be taken into account that whilst the spread of influence of the "s of s" is indeed far and wide and their ablility to inflict damage without conscience is indeed vast, they and We are actually at this late hour but a minority on this vast "earth", We still speak and act like We are the big noise and simply put, We aint..
Theres a new power in the east and they have been watching with interest how things are unfolding and how it may play out for them...
We should be as aware of that as We are aware of the current theatres of dying western hegemony...
This giant sprawling western metropolis can be nuetered in many ways,
Recently, l noticed workmen installing these black poles that reminded me of those "Don't walk/ Walk" traffic lights. The poles are located about every mile down the boulevard into my subdivision. I asked a friend what they were, and she said, "oh those are the new 5G towers."
I was stunned. I never thought I would see 5G in my subdivision. I never really knew what they looked like. I thought the 5G towers would like the big cell phone towers, but no. Someone stop the insanity.
It is up to US to stop this! I am stunned that people have not taken it upon themselves to tear down all the 5G antennas - but then again, apathy rules in America these daze..
This damn 5G crap is what's causing the apathy in Americans! That shit is pure poison! There are things that people can use to protect themselves from 5G! I'm seeing a lot more information about the 5G affects on people! A smart thing to do is to turn off your wifi when you're not using it! Turn your phone off when you're not using it! At night especially before you go to sleep, turn your wifi off, turn your phone off and do not sleep with your phone near you, put your phone in another room away from you! Doing these things will help give your body, mind and soul a break from 5G! Yes we need to tear down them damn 5G antennas!
From what I have heard the only people who are tearing down the 5G antennas (and the surveillance cameras) are those in the UK. Pretty amazing considering who mind-controlled they have been to worship their evil monarchs. Don't get me wrong, good on those people in the UK who are doing it, but contrast that to the apathetic non-action in the US, who think they are the rebels, the 'strong and the brave'. The 'strong and the brave' were our ancestors. Obviously those qualities have been domesticated, drugged and bred out of most of us now.
I live in UK and no evidence of this that I've seen or heard. There are some sabotaging the ULEZ cameras in London, but things have gone quiet. UK is full of apathy too and yes, way too many are fans of the royal bunch....
anyone with any sense got out the cities in the uk some time ago, a drive through the midland and greater london area satelite towns would freak You out, ring road arteries, warehousing and industry on the outer, immediately adjacent and "convenient" housing on the inner, large "5g" masts every half to whole mile, "public transport" shelters beneath every mast, "such great signal!!!" morons watching videos on their "smart phones" as they wait for their bus, a dreary days work, but everything so "local" on the way "home" to eat pre-packed shyte, turn on the program device (tee-vee), floating in a sea of frequency as they drift seamlessly into fitful slumber...
The jabs focussed on dna sub group removal and subordination of the slave drones that remain, most of whom of course are not northern european, as We offer the "s of s" the greatest threat....
Sleepy olde England fulfills its title but not in the way You thought it did...
Those of Us that remain outside of "signal" watch, wait and prepare in All ways..
I just don't have an answer for you. Anyone who has done the research knows that 5G is a weapons system. Is it okay for some people to be attacked so long as someone else can stream "Titanic" two hundred percent faster? NO..IT ISN'T. But the selfishness and the "it's all about me" generation seems oblivious to the truth - and that may spell the end for all of us..
I know this research... guess who funded it? CIA and DARPA
I also knew this technology needs to be injected directly into the blood... by stealth... through a Vaxxine fueled by a media conjured panic and Bill Gates.
People have an IP Address... a marker... because even all you state is true... they are mere side effects to a much larger problem.
The Injected Nanobots serve a very sinister purpose.
This technology is called NEURAL LACE and it is a BCI Brain Computer Interface... hence the IP ID.
This technology was developed in Harvard by the Harvard Wyss Foundation DARPA and the WEF.
If you look closer at the Harvard Wyss Foundation you will find that Hanjörg Wyss is a lifelong Family Friend of Klaus Schwab... Escher-Wyss.
The AI prison requires STARLINK which is an essential part and Humanoid Robots which are Tesla Robots and all this brings Elon Musk into the equation.
They are preparing us for an AI war.
And I bee writing about this exact thing for years.
Thing is people are so scared that they fail to see the Truth... I do... yet I don't get any recognition... I don't care no more.
and truly understanding that demons exist is still novel for many truthers, they say the words yet have little verification of the facts, this video graphic short may enlighten You as to just how real the interactions are between demonic spirit and the synagogue of satan really is, this being shot at a simple "get-together" and as such footage of a fairly minor demiurge spirit...:
Understanding the relevance of the red cow, burnt offering, third temple and actual "bona-fide" 21stC demon worship going down NOW is imperative to what kind of shit they want to bring down into this already highly tested, fraught, unstable realm...
The same will bring the observer to the full awareness that it is the Actual and Total Destruction of this realm that these death cult fakers seek in a deluded, misguided assumption that somehow "earth" will be cleansed..
pharma (occult poisoning, from the Greek)
murder, torture, rape, sacrifice of children
it is all derived to crash the ship onto the rocks so that the "chosen" can be resurected into a nice squeaky clean androgynous/techno world free of all "un-clean" spirits (goyim)
Fritz, don’t know if you are in position to help but I am in dire need. Please check out links I added. Govt. has forced me to homelessness and currently working hard to force me to disfigurement and suicide. Wildly insane targeting.
I read your article. Lots of good information, but your attitude towards others who may not be aware of these facts is no different than DARPA towards the rest of us plebes. I can see you kick some person to the curb who s dying from their vax trigger because they had to work 2 jobs to feed their children and had no time or energy to read your top secret designer blogs. You're an absolute embarrassment.
Sounds like you are taking this personally. Not to be rude, but with compassion. Are you ashamed? If so that's okay. You were tricked. like many others. Speak your truth. But don't shoot the messenger.
I never took the shot. It was obvious what was going on in December of 2019. This is not about me and there is only THE truth. Suggesting that vaccinated folks [ whatever the reason ] should actually commit suicide is truly sick on so many levels. If you can't see that and your response is to then suggest deep seated guilt masquerading as superiority [ i.e. gaslighting ] is at the back of my comment, then the problem goes much deeper than some loudmouth who now has a platform wishing death on anyone who disagrees with their opinion.
From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.
It is generally very easy to know another person and especially if the medium is writing, which is premeditated and intentional, not an outburst of frustration. I stand by my assessment. There are many similar egos replicating themselves all across the planet. Sort of the academic version of the incel phenomenon. Just like mainstream media suggesting that we should let the unvaccinated die in ER waiting rooms, we now have the 'truth' tellers who suggest that those not uninitiated into the dark science should off themselves. The mote and beam come to mind.
Thank you to those who remembered the murder of Dr.Rashid Buttar I followed him since 2020 and he was right, I’m surprised that Gregg Reese did not mention him but I certainly did I didn’t get the death jab and I am former military and new in 2019 that there was something seriously wrong with the jabs.
The truth always comes out and thanks to Gregg Reese it was confirmed that Dr. Buttar it is now confirmed that we are dealing with those who are irredeemable. I will not comply and will fight till the bitter end.
Gregg should have mentioned Dr. Buttar for his memory and contribution to humanity. Come on Gregg you could have mentioned him.
Cesium- 137 you don't get rid of it, it has been in your bones and your grandfathers bones as it competes for absorption with calcium in your body. All the above ground nuclear testing did that and they knew Cesium was the isotope to do just that. Kinda like Chlorine and Fluorides and Bromines do, compete with Iodine in the thyroid as they are all halides.
its the atomic element , like graphene(carbon atoms in a sheet/ladder) , its just carbon but the 2d structure is what makes it graphene. Carbon 60 balls(60 atoms in a ball shape) helps . Go figure . . . some are electron donor and some steals. in the end it helps or hinder cellular activity.
Anyone (else) noticed that our core temperature is now in the 97's instead of the traditional 98.6 F range? I have asked several doctors and nurses and none of them know why. I believe that It has to do with the nanotech as electronics do not function well in hot environments. So are we humans having our body's temperature purposely lowered so it can handle the nanotechnology? OR is the nanotechnology itself responsible for the lower body temp?
That's interesting. I hadn't noticed. But maybe that is another reason that they are trying to cool the Earth temperature, as we are going into a naturally cooling cycle. Along with of course making the natural environmental cycle even worse and harder to survive.
Everytime you see George Church you aught to take this extremely seriously. There is no more science fiction only an open DARPA pandora box , money boon doggle incentive to enslave us all . Has long our leaders worship money we are fucked.
"George Church, a geneticist at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has been involved in several projects related to woolly mammoths. He co-founded Colossal Biosciences, a start-up aiming to bring the woolly mammoth back from extinction using cloning and genetic engineering techniques. The company also plans to resurrect other extinct species like the Tasmanian tiger and the dodo."
That's what he's saying in public hahahah ! Am gona laugh when they will clone the Dino and find out it was all a fraud . . . 😎 Jurasic parc was just a Mason wet dream . lol
Altho it's all about the Eloi and Morlocks scenario !
This guy is the epitome of The Mad Scientist...and what fascists these people are.
One of the companies he advises or created:
"Ginkgo Bioworks is Bayer’s most important partner in its “Food-as-Software” scheme.
Forcing consumers to accept “Food-as-Software” requires creating a scenario where they have no other choice. As I explained in our Ban SynBio Foods action alert, the Monsanto-Bayer business model is to ruin food and farming with pesticides and factory farms, and then, when customers clamor for “clean food,” to offer it up in the form of new, lab-created synthetic Frankenfoods that can be marketed as toxin- and cruelty-free."
Made in Israel, what a surprise!
Backdoors in all the tech
Seat of the New World Order
It sure looks like it! Israeli corporations also have, control, store, and process all the data on us, it seems. Since when is it NOT a matter of National Security that information on American citizens is collected without our knowledge or consent and sent to a foreign state? Especially one we are not allowed to criticize or question. Pretty clear who controls our government puppets, corporations, media, military, and unfortunately way too many Americans who still have not broken out of their heavily indoctrinated programming around the highly perverted to suit the agenda topic of 'anti-semitism'.
since Irans` highly succesful attack on the mossad intelligence base in the Golan heights the other night they have a little less of that info, or did You think the "israelis" were pissed because a few bits of shrapnel rained on tel aviv? ;0)
Yeah and what most of people are missing in the propaganda "99% was shut down" is that it has cost Iran 35 million $ to make this attack but it has cost 1 billion $ for Israel to defend it. the math cause all war is money
fuck that shit , no one can rule the world. China world police will try tho. Squeezed like the US has been , . . . China century . . . yeah right. "rolling eyes"
Isn't it? I read the post before watching the video and when I read, "successfully developed in Israel" is said out loud, "of course it was".
I have to keep reminding myself that this is the STATE OF ISRAEL, not the Jewish people doing this. It's the funders of the STATE OF ISRAEL, the Rothschilds that are doing this. It's the Zionists and the extreme right-wing rabbis and politicians that are doing this. And unfortunately there are many others who have been indoctrinated by the military and the evil rabbis as well as the government propaganda and forced child indoctrination programs (schools). Many Jews are against this agenda. I think it's important to keep that in mind.
Not every Jew is a Zionist, and not every Zionist is a Jew.
Right! The world controllers have scrambled up the entire ethnicity of the Jews! Today we really don't know who is who? Jesus tried to us back then "those who say they are Jews and are not, but do lie!" When the Bible says that the Jews are God's "chosen people" I'm like "huh?" How can that be? Because God created each and every one of us in His image so how could He pick only a certain race or ethnicity over all the other different people that He created! It looks to me that the whole human race should be God's "chosen people!" This whole "God's chosen people" never made any sense to me! Like the rest of the world's people who aren't Jews are nothing but trash! I think that the world's controllers have done this on purpose and inverted the truth, just like they have everything else! They've done this to try and convince the rest of humanity who aren't Jews that we are nothing and not important! We are nothing but "cattle" to these world controllers! And we know which "god" the world's controllers serve!
We’re on the exact same page Amii! At 60, I see clearly now, how everything I was taught and I believed in was a lie, or a psychological operation (nearly everything). It’s mind blowing!
God/Creator is REAL.
Yeah! I'm gonna be 59 years old in a couple of months! I'm feeling it too! I'm so glad I'm getting old and my time on this planet is running out! It scares me to think much into the future on this planet! I can't for very long! I feel sorry for future generations on this planet, I don't think they're gonna have much of a life! I refuse to live in the slavery hell that they are creating! Yeah everything we've been taught is a lie!
Amii, you sound just like ME! As I say, “Life’s a bitch and so am I!” Lol! Kidding! I try not to become cynical and I ask my Father/God/Creator for help constantly!
I try to prepare for death every single day. And, being older has really “pushed” me along. I’m grateful for every single day, good AND bad! What am I suppose to learn???? Fear not!
yep, welcome on flat earth
The apostle Paul says that a Jew is one whose heart has been changed. Therefore, the new covenant provides Jewishness for everyone upon belief in Jesus. In regards to Abraham's descendants, each of them must be born again by knowing the Torah, and then upon hearing of Jesus, accept Him. So even if many Jews are descendants of Abraham, only those who love God will make it. The major problem is false religious leaders who themselves have been wrongly taught. It stands that the enemy would pay special attention to Jews, since this would bear heavily on what the rest of the world thinks and does in regards to God and salvation. We must pray that many Jews open their eyes to truth, so the third of the Jewish population to be saved by being protected in the wilderness during the Tribulation, will be saved. Amen
And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Yeah! What you say is true 👍
Jews are not ethnicity, they are made up concept, Just dig into history
Yeah I definitely need to do more research on them to understand who they really are!
Chosen means the Bible and all revelation about God would come through Abraham's descendants. They're not chosen for being good or better, but solely on God's approval of Abraham's faith and of his descendants who also believed and obeyed God.
The god or rather gods of Old Testament that created humans are aliens referred to as the Annunaki. Making us in their image blending ape like humanoid from earth with their genetics.
Many of them are referred to as fallen angels (that took human women and created Nephilim Giants as offspring witch were killed in the great flood from Noah/sutra story).
So they may be the chosen people of one of the Annunaki "gods" as different regions were governed by different one.
That is why Moses heard "You will not have other gods beside me" because there were more than one.
The true Creator of All is All and in everything and there is nobody chosen for Him as he is All and nothing.
He She It is the Father that Yeshua (called wrongly Jesus) was referring to, and Jews didn't like it very much
most genuinely ethnic hebrew "jews" live in fear of being hunted down by the askenazi/khazaar converts who even by "johns hopkins" research are 97.5% non hebrew bloodlines,
they who call themselves, but are not, for they are the synagogue of satan...
by their own words shall ye know them.
so by the same texts they created for Us they told Us who-they-are..
"they" always tell Us, its part of the game.... its also because of Consent and if We didnt Consent this would all stop-in-a-moment
Some chance while what it is 80 million idiot yanx still believe that salvation lies in the destruction of the world thus forcing "JC" to return and "save the day"
but hey, trust the plan
I concur on everything you stated! I get it!
that is good to know, interesting times ahead, we are still in the satanists window 15th-22nd April (approx) when all the nasties occur..
On higher levels both physical and above however i do believe things are occuring,
Best advice for All is to keep grounded and focussed and "local" this is no time for international travel... ;0)
And for me that means get outa bed and go attend to some hungry animals!
All the best
Exactly right!
It is incredibly important.
For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
Romans 2:28-29
a worth watching production here:
explains what is really meant by "israel" and it aint on a map.... never was, but tis but a small part of unravelling the death cult fiction foisted upon this "earth"
They are called Fake Jews. Decendent of the same ones that hung The Lord? US is full. of them, Schumer, Mr. Trump Son-in law, George Soros, just few on the top chain.
People are well trained to suppose that anything 'political' operates on a different track from anything "scientific" - especially so-called 'pure sciences' and that would be including anything "medical." As a result, when the convergence of 'science' & politics is happening right in front of our eyes, people still like to pretend a "health emergency" has no political underpinnings.
That's how they got away with the KOVID KAPER, but not been called out over has simply emboldened them to go the next step forward. The political dimension of these 'advances' in biotechnology is quite overt - there will be Masters & there will be serfs(different from 'slave' only semantically.' The third category - the so-called 'useless eaters' will be simply eliminated. The technology proves the program, only the 'magic' so well described once by Marshall McLuhan -
“Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by Public Incredulity.”
keeps the intended victims from responding to danger. The mediaz have literally hypnotized their users - who's survival instincts lie as dormant as vestigial and useless as wings on a penguin.
Yes I agree, and I think the Public Incredulity is ratcheted up even more when those people who can't see the writing on the wall (and in the patents and scientific papers) find out that this whole KOVID KAPER was a DoD project.
Check out Dean Henderson's substack. He writes extensively about the Crown Corporation. This lot will be providing the funding for the State of Israel and will have control upon what it does, just like it had control of getting it to where it is now. Crown Corp. also controls the US, Canada, NZ,Aus, the commonwealth.
Yes, Dean has provided us with incredible research. I have read all his books. I myself would absolutely love for a Greg and Dean interview.
🎯 Yeah I'm subscribed to Dean's substack! I'm going to get 3 of his books where he talks about this stuff and about what's really going on in this world and who(and what) is behind all of it! Dean's got a lot to say about the crown!
The vast majority claiming to be "God's Chosen" are NOT the Israelites of the Bible and say so themselves! They are the Synagogue of Satan we are warned about in Rev. 2:9 and 3:9.
MAKING MATTERS WORSE, today's Jews are not even genetic Israelites, but instead merely proselytes to the anti-Christ religious of Judaism, aka Talmudism (the polar opposite of nearly everything moral in God's law), aka the traditions of the elders that Christ so vehemently condemned while here on earth. See, for example, Matthew 15:6-9.
I wonder if the following quotations (all of them from recognized Jewish authorities) have something to say about the Zionists' claims to alleged fulfilled prophecies and the never-ending Middle East conflicts that America has been hoodwinked into supporting:
"Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary Jew an 'Israelite' or a 'Hebrew.'” (Richard Siegel and Carl Rheins, eds., “Identity Crisis,” The Jewish Almanac, (New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1980) p. 3.)
That sentence is the opening sentence of the First Chapter entitled "Identity Crisis" of the 1980 Jewish Almanac. That today's Jews are not genetic Israelites is also admitted in "The Jewish Encyclopedia," the "Encyclopedia Judaica," "The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia," "The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia," and by many of their historians.
According to three Jewish encyclopedias and Flavius Josephus, the entire Edomite nation was forced into converting to Judaism and became known as Judahites at the time of the high priest John Hyrcanus (Maccabaeus):
"…in the days of John Hyrcanus (end of the second century B.C.E.) … the Edomites became a section of the Jewish people." (“Edom,” Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem, Israel: Encyclopaedia Judaica Company, 1971) Volume 6, p. 378.)
"They were then incorporated with the Jewish nation…." (“Edom, Idumea,” The Jewish Encyclopedia (New York & London: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1904) Volume V, p. 41.)
"…from then on they constituted a part of the Jewish people, Herod [King of Judea] being one of their descendants." (Cecil Roth and Geoffrey Wigoden, “Edom (Idumea),” The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1977) p. 589.)
"…they submitted to the use of circumcision, and the rest of the Jewish ways of living; at which time … they were hereafter no other than Jews." (Flavius Josephus, “The Antiquities of the Jews,” Josephus, (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 1960) Book XIII, Chapter IX, Verse 1, p. 279.)
We keep hearing that if we don't bless the modern State of Israel (which America has been doing since at least 1948) that we will be cursed. However, it seems it's been just the opposite, Since 1948, you name it, and there's not an area in America wherein she hasn't become worse off.
Could it because America has identified the wrong people as Israel.
Today's Jews are not the only ones with an identity crisis.
For more, see free online book "The Mystery of the Gentiles: Where Are They and Where Are They Now?" at Mission to Israel org. Go to our Online Book page and scroll down to title.
Yet real descendants of Abraham exist, wherever they are, and since only the tribes of Judah and Benjamin remained in the land, then that is why everyone calls them Jews. In regards to the Edomites, they too can become saved, and that's all it matters.
Some Jews were the original Christians. The Jews in Revelation 2:9 are not, but a “Synagogue of Satan”.
it doesn't really matter who 'god's chosen' are. until we, mankind as a whole, stop believing in all these stories that are fed to us down the eon's about god's and rulers and start to grow up and stop fighting, deceiving and destroying each other, nothing will change. when one reads the bible closely one can see that the so called god of the old testament/torah, was and absolute tyrant, murdered, psychopath. why anyone would want to worship and follow that, i have no idea except that it is brainwashed and propagandised into them.
good to see others on the page, there are a couple of writers You may find of note, Shmuel Asher who is one of the few remaining actual Hebrew scholars living in hiding for fear of those "we must not name" ;0) is very informative in decoding all this
at this late hr id plump simply for "soul revolution" most illuminating on what the actual hebrew texts say, not the corrupted versions the council decided to give Us in order to lead Us astray (lord is my shepherd..)
i am also chewing through Christopher Jon Bjerknes "be-war-e the world to come", he breaks down the corrupted "code" being used by the syangogue of satan to further the death cult, demon worshiping aims of the "current problem" supremacists.
It must also be taken into account that whilst the spread of influence of the "s of s" is indeed far and wide and their ablility to inflict damage without conscience is indeed vast, they and We are actually at this late hour but a minority on this vast "earth", We still speak and act like We are the big noise and simply put, We aint..
Theres a new power in the east and they have been watching with interest how things are unfolding and how it may play out for them...
We should be as aware of that as We are aware of the current theatres of dying western hegemony...
This giant sprawling western metropolis can be nuetered in many ways,
I caught that too!
Again, those conspiracy theorists are right again: 5g and nanobots
Recently, l noticed workmen installing these black poles that reminded me of those "Don't walk/ Walk" traffic lights. The poles are located about every mile down the boulevard into my subdivision. I asked a friend what they were, and she said, "oh those are the new 5G towers."
I was stunned. I never thought I would see 5G in my subdivision. I never really knew what they looked like. I thought the 5G towers would like the big cell phone towers, but no. Someone stop the insanity.
It is up to US to stop this! I am stunned that people have not taken it upon themselves to tear down all the 5G antennas - but then again, apathy rules in America these daze..
This damn 5G crap is what's causing the apathy in Americans! That shit is pure poison! There are things that people can use to protect themselves from 5G! I'm seeing a lot more information about the 5G affects on people! A smart thing to do is to turn off your wifi when you're not using it! Turn your phone off when you're not using it! At night especially before you go to sleep, turn your wifi off, turn your phone off and do not sleep with your phone near you, put your phone in another room away from you! Doing these things will help give your body, mind and soul a break from 5G! Yes we need to tear down them damn 5G antennas!
I tell everyone this — they ignore.
Apathy rules completely here in Australia too.
God save us all. 🙏✝️
From what I have heard the only people who are tearing down the 5G antennas (and the surveillance cameras) are those in the UK. Pretty amazing considering who mind-controlled they have been to worship their evil monarchs. Don't get me wrong, good on those people in the UK who are doing it, but contrast that to the apathetic non-action in the US, who think they are the rebels, the 'strong and the brave'. The 'strong and the brave' were our ancestors. Obviously those qualities have been domesticated, drugged and bred out of most of us now.
I live in UK and no evidence of this that I've seen or heard. There are some sabotaging the ULEZ cameras in London, but things have gone quiet. UK is full of apathy too and yes, way too many are fans of the royal bunch....
not my king ;0)
So? Who is your king ?
15 minute cities came earlier to the UK.
anyone with any sense got out the cities in the uk some time ago, a drive through the midland and greater london area satelite towns would freak You out, ring road arteries, warehousing and industry on the outer, immediately adjacent and "convenient" housing on the inner, large "5g" masts every half to whole mile, "public transport" shelters beneath every mast, "such great signal!!!" morons watching videos on their "smart phones" as they wait for their bus, a dreary days work, but everything so "local" on the way "home" to eat pre-packed shyte, turn on the program device (tee-vee), floating in a sea of frequency as they drift seamlessly into fitful slumber...
The jabs focussed on dna sub group removal and subordination of the slave drones that remain, most of whom of course are not northern european, as We offer the "s of s" the greatest threat....
Sleepy olde England fulfills its title but not in the way You thought it did...
Those of Us that remain outside of "signal" watch, wait and prepare in All ways..
I agree. 5G is a physical weapon, a surveillance tool.
Terry, I to am surprised that no one wants to tear these things down. Do they all really believe they’re for the phones?
I just don't have an answer for you. Anyone who has done the research knows that 5G is a weapons system. Is it okay for some people to be attacked so long as someone else can stream "Titanic" two hundred percent faster? NO..IT ISN'T. But the selfishness and the "it's all about me" generation seems oblivious to the truth - and that may spell the end for all of us..
They are Brutalist by design. Brutal by nature.
Precisely. Not an iota of empathy.
Thanks for replying. This is grave indeed.
That's 35 for 35 for the conspiracy theorists! 4 months is time it takes to morph into truth.
And then communist media says, "are you still harping about that"?
I know this research... guess who funded it? CIA and DARPA
I also knew this technology needs to be injected directly into the blood... by stealth... through a Vaxxine fueled by a media conjured panic and Bill Gates.
People have an IP Address... a marker... because even all you state is true... they are mere side effects to a much larger problem.
The Injected Nanobots serve a very sinister purpose.
This technology is called NEURAL LACE and it is a BCI Brain Computer Interface... hence the IP ID.
This technology was developed in Harvard by the Harvard Wyss Foundation DARPA and the WEF.
If you look closer at the Harvard Wyss Foundation you will find that Hanjörg Wyss is a lifelong Family Friend of Klaus Schwab... Escher-Wyss.
The AI prison requires STARLINK which is an essential part and Humanoid Robots which are Tesla Robots and all this brings Elon Musk into the equation.
They are preparing us for an AI war.
And I bee writing about this exact thing for years.
Thing is people are so scared that they fail to see the Truth... I do... yet I don't get any recognition... I don't care no more.
Fritz, yet no one wants to look at the fact that the 5G is a military weapon. It says so online and has for years. It’s never been a secret.
Because it is actually worse...
As time went on, through you and others just how demonic this actually is. However, try to explain even a portion of this to a normie!
Can't do this... they react violent... Mind Control... part of the programming...
One has to ask questions... if they do I will happily answer them to the best I can...
And most people can't think in bigger Dimensions... Mind Control.
We are genetically created slaves and the system reflects this...
In the middle ages they would have burned me alive for saying this.
and truly understanding that demons exist is still novel for many truthers, they say the words yet have little verification of the facts, this video graphic short may enlighten You as to just how real the interactions are between demonic spirit and the synagogue of satan really is, this being shot at a simple "get-together" and as such footage of a fairly minor demiurge spirit...:
Understanding the relevance of the red cow, burnt offering, third temple and actual "bona-fide" 21stC demon worship going down NOW is imperative to what kind of shit they want to bring down into this already highly tested, fraught, unstable realm...
The same will bring the observer to the full awareness that it is the Actual and Total Destruction of this realm that these death cult fakers seek in a deluded, misguided assumption that somehow "earth" will be cleansed..
pharma (occult poisoning, from the Greek)
murder, torture, rape, sacrifice of children
it is all derived to crash the ship onto the rocks so that the "chosen" can be resurected into a nice squeaky clean androgynous/techno world free of all "un-clean" spirits (goyim)
waking up to that, right now is kinda pertinent..
Fritz, you should here my situation. I am ‘beta one’ in Darpa Brain Initiative and have more than 20+ nonconsensual implants and materials.
Nevermind... we are all victims here...
If I can make it I sure blow the doors wide open...
Fritz, don’t know if you are in position to help but I am in dire need. Please check out links I added. Govt. has forced me to homelessness and currently working hard to force me to disfigurement and suicide. Wildly insane targeting.
I am not in a position of help.
They tried to kill me...
The only reason I am still alive is because I spent most time with my Sifu... training 8 h a day... first in last out...
They targeted my family my wife and put me through torture as well.
I write because words are my weapon and Truth is my sword.
When my story comes out I make sure as hell that they pay for what they have done to us...
But as you see... they rather burn this world to the Ground.
I know about these things because they did similar things to me...
Thank you Fritz! I totally agree! We’ve been the frogs in the pot for a long time.
WEF is running every aspect of our govt. Every.
Wow, I thought I covered Epstein-funded Plandemic scientists George Church extensively ( but I totally missed the nanobots and Hansjörg Wyss!
You better prepare for the AI war... been warning people for years... this is their endgame...
I’m giving you recognition! 🙋♀️ 💯
Great research, am looking through it now.
I read your article. Lots of good information, but your attitude towards others who may not be aware of these facts is no different than DARPA towards the rest of us plebes. I can see you kick some person to the curb who s dying from their vax trigger because they had to work 2 jobs to feed their children and had no time or energy to read your top secret designer blogs. You're an absolute embarrassment.
Sounds like you are taking this personally. Not to be rude, but with compassion. Are you ashamed? If so that's okay. You were tricked. like many others. Speak your truth. But don't shoot the messenger.
I never took the shot. It was obvious what was going on in December of 2019. This is not about me and there is only THE truth. Suggesting that vaccinated folks [ whatever the reason ] should actually commit suicide is truly sick on so many levels. If you can't see that and your response is to then suggest deep seated guilt masquerading as superiority [ i.e. gaslighting ] is at the back of my comment, then the problem goes much deeper than some loudmouth who now has a platform wishing death on anyone who disagrees with their opinion.
It is plebs actually...
So you read one article of mine and you think you know me? Sod off!
You sound like Matt Demon in Good Will Hunting.
Mirror Mirror on the wall...
From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.
It is generally very easy to know another person and especially if the medium is writing, which is premeditated and intentional, not an outburst of frustration. I stand by my assessment. There are many similar egos replicating themselves all across the planet. Sort of the academic version of the incel phenomenon. Just like mainstream media suggesting that we should let the unvaccinated die in ER waiting rooms, we now have the 'truth' tellers who suggest that those not uninitiated into the dark science should off themselves. The mote and beam come to mind.
You don't??
Mr. Reese: if you’re reading this, would like to say thank you for your work and you’re awesome!! 👍🏽👍🏽
Doctor Rashid Buttar was right, he was murdered for shouting loudly about the 5 G activation switch and that this was how they would murder Billions.
Thanks for confirming that Gregg
Thank you to those who remembered the murder of Dr.Rashid Buttar I followed him since 2020 and he was right, I’m surprised that Gregg Reese did not mention him but I certainly did I didn’t get the death jab and I am former military and new in 2019 that there was something seriously wrong with the jabs.
The truth always comes out and thanks to Gregg Reese it was confirmed that Dr. Buttar it is now confirmed that we are dealing with those who are irredeemable. I will not comply and will fight till the bitter end.
Gregg should have mentioned Dr. Buttar for his memory and contribution to humanity. Come on Gregg you could have mentioned him.
Peace to everybody.
Now the question is : How do we get rid of ATOMIC Ceasium-137 ?
Eating bentonite clay might help. It has a negative charge to attract it. Animal near Chernobyl survive by eating it.
Also a balanced ph removes foreign entities. Got baking soda?
Thank you so much:)
Cesium- 137 you don't get rid of it, it has been in your bones and your grandfathers bones as it competes for absorption with calcium in your body. All the above ground nuclear testing did that and they knew Cesium was the isotope to do just that. Kinda like Chlorine and Fluorides and Bromines do, compete with Iodine in the thyroid as they are all halides.
Chlorella algae remove radioactive elements, also binds grap hene, virus & junk from gut. Vulgaris variety breaks spyke protein.
Dismantles graph ene: NAC + bromelain together, CDS, horseradish (artemisia)-peroxidases, vit C, Always fasting
What is cesium exactly and what is it made out of?
its the atomic element , like graphene(carbon atoms in a sheet/ladder) , its just carbon but the 2d structure is what makes it graphene. Carbon 60 balls(60 atoms in a ball shape) helps . Go figure . . . some are electron donor and some steals. in the end it helps or hinder cellular activity.
Maybe fucking with our blood PH ? gotta be a simple trick they over looked.
or play with the self assembling mechanism . IE: the atomic charge (+ / -)
The key in the jibby jab was the cationic lipid ion charge did not exist in nature.
OR sweat alot ? hehehe. Shit this is so bizzaro world territory.
Anyone (else) noticed that our core temperature is now in the 97's instead of the traditional 98.6 F range? I have asked several doctors and nurses and none of them know why. I believe that It has to do with the nanotech as electronics do not function well in hot environments. So are we humans having our body's temperature purposely lowered so it can handle the nanotechnology? OR is the nanotechnology itself responsible for the lower body temp?
Low body temperature and pulse are indicative of being in “survival mode” rather than thriving
Or it's related to hypoxia or some other secondary condition which we all suffer from now thanks to our toxic environment.
That's interesting. I hadn't noticed. But maybe that is another reason that they are trying to cool the Earth temperature, as we are going into a naturally cooling cycle. Along with of course making the natural environmental cycle even worse and harder to survive.
Everytime you see George Church you aught to take this extremely seriously. There is no more science fiction only an open DARPA pandora box , money boon doggle incentive to enslave us all . Has long our leaders worship money we are fucked.
George Church: The Woolly Mammoth Revival
"George Church, a geneticist at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has been involved in several projects related to woolly mammoths. He co-founded Colossal Biosciences, a start-up aiming to bring the woolly mammoth back from extinction using cloning and genetic engineering techniques. The company also plans to resurrect other extinct species like the Tasmanian tiger and the dodo."
Boy just wants to have fun...
That's what he's saying in public hahahah ! Am gona laugh when they will clone the Dino and find out it was all a fraud . . . 😎 Jurasic parc was just a Mason wet dream . lol
Altho it's all about the Eloi and Morlocks scenario !
Did you notice that all kids learn first about the dinosaurs?
Eat it up !! Don't do drugs , don't question Anything ! OBEY !
Damn space ghouls are running our planet ! 😎
Evolution is the first lesson.
Seems that all Dino bones were faked.
All famous scientists are fraudulan gooze.
Will they be non binary?
Epstein-funded George Church was in on the Plandemic:
This guy is the epitome of The Mad Scientist...and what fascists these people are.
One of the companies he advises or created:
"Ginkgo Bioworks is Bayer’s most important partner in its “Food-as-Software” scheme.
Forcing consumers to accept “Food-as-Software” requires creating a scenario where they have no other choice. As I explained in our Ban SynBio Foods action alert, the Monsanto-Bayer business model is to ruin food and farming with pesticides and factory farms, and then, when customers clamor for “clean food,” to offer it up in the form of new, lab-created synthetic Frankenfoods that can be marketed as toxin- and cruelty-free."
Involved in a lot of bad stuff.