I have trust only in our Creator and Jesus Christ. Prayer is needed and it does work. That is why the satanic creatures running this planet have such success. They pray to their god Satan on a regular basis. I have never seen any of Clif's predictions actually happen in any time frame he suggests. I stopped listening to him about 2 years ago. What he is predicting here is clearly in motion right now. I don't think we need remote viewers to see the immediate future. It is very obvious what these demons are planning. Since people have apparently finally learned NOT to trust the fake science anymore (after FINALLY realizing they were being culled and maimed), they are planning new ways to murder humanity. They will destroy everything on earth to hang onto their power. Even themselves. Talk about a useless predatory faction. They are nothing but parasites who feed off of the work of others.

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This is a quote from a servant of Jesus Christ:

"For the Biblically literate, we, (humanity), were forewarned in Biblical prophecy these current events would come to pass centuries before we began seeing them on a daily basis. For those who still believe "we can fix this" through politics, no, we can't; because it's not a temporal battle. It's an on-going spiritual war that began long before any of us existed, coming to its climax in our time. We can only choose a "side" to support and work with in that final battle. But there is no "fence sitting" now or “do-overs” either. We must each actively choose the side of light and good, of YHVH God; or we default to the other side of darkness and evil and Satan.

Therefore, if you haven't actively chosen Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God...then you are in default. For each of us, today, there are no other options; I have made my choice and His name is Jesus (Yeshua); I pray each of you who read this Greg Reese comment will make the correct choice. Eternity is a very long time to regret a wrong choice.”

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Amen! This summer I experienced a profound, life changing transformation via the Holy Spirit. I was overcome by His Love and sobbed for several minutes. When I began to speak, the words were not mine, and He worked through me to inform those who would listen that Christians should be strong in their faith and that the revelation is near.

My research into nano particles, graphene, EMF and targeting by D.E.W./psychotronic weaponry has further evidenced this to me. All faith and glory to God, for we, as His humble servants and children, shall all play a part in this war when it comes to pass. Let us then pray to keep our hearts open to His will and find peace in his Love. Amen.

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Yes Ryan Tanner, I know what it is to sob and sob for several hours and to speak privately in my prayer closet in an unknown language: To give you some background on myself; I am 75 years old and I am formally trained as a sociologist by the University of California, (BA1975). In 1981 when I was 33 years old, I received a revelation of the Deity of Jesus Christ as the Son of God. I was stunned to learn that God had become Flesh and I could read and study the Bible to learn more. I have been studying the Bible ever since and I am now on my fourth Bible as the first three wore out their pages and bindings because of overuse.

SEE: Matthew 22:14

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I dreamed from a high altitude looking down a 🎯 target over the coastline. Then to the right on the land appeared: SF

Then the target faded away. Then the water traveled toward SF.

................this dream was about 8 years ago.

Are all events natural? Are many unnatural? We know now what things are used.

We can pray Psalms 37:1-40 Amen


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Very happy for you Ryan! 👏🏻🙌

This is a TREASURE that will NEVER fade.

True Riches is knowing HIm, and having a heavenly family you are now part of.

When you doubt your ability remember HE CAN do the IMPOSSIBLE.

I find speaking His Words out loud is powerful in instructing my spirit and warding of the demonic.

One of my favorite scriptures is “No weapon formed against me will prosper”,

And “I can do ALL things THROUGH CHRIST JESUS who strengthens me”. Philippians 4:13

May God bless you and your journey WITH Him.🙏

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Amen! I prayed in January of 2020 as everyone was getting very sick, including my teen daughter but she tested negative for all tests. Diagnosed with an Illness of Unknown Origin. I prayed for Wisdom regarding any illness circling the globe. I found a student in Wuhan using a VPN and they were just locking the city down. The Holy Spirit said, "This is the beginning. Do not fear. Prepare". After my research over the past few years, we are in an NAA. But so close to His Return and looking at signs. Red heffers have been delivered to Israel and waiting for one to remain unblemished, no black or white hairs. The land is purchased and there are clean priests waiting. The third temple can be erected in four hours, if needed. They will be three in early Spring of 24, without yoke, around the time of the second Great Eclipse to make a cross over America that follows the first in 2017, the same year as the Great Sign in Heaven.

I am so excited to be in the Church Age, the Chosen Generation, those that believe without seeing, that will sit in Heaven with our Father after the new earth has been created. Hang in there everyone. It's going to be a bumpy ride for the next seven months as satan knows it's time is short.

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This event may be the escape rapture, for I was given a vision about the rapture, over 40 years ago. A visionn while I was laying my guitar. I saw multiple fireballs from a landing area up in space overlooking the earth below. It ended with one large comet hitting the ocean. Very simular to Tom Horn's book "Wormwood" Rev. 12 may happen at any time, the Marriage Feast starts up and $atan gets kicked out of the 2nd Heaven and comes to earth to take over the anti-Christ body and rule for 3.5 or 7 years. The Holy Spirit is taken from the earth, the same time Planet X's debris trail hits the earth. More details at King-of-the.net/rapture.html. Very few will even listen to what I write or say. Beware this subject splits churches. We will all know about it, the day after, but that day it will be too late, most will miss the boat, if you even survive the fireballs and kill shot, Remote Viewer : Ed Dames spoke of many years ago. Head's up, be safe everyone.

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Absolutely, 100%.

John 14:6

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

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Well said. I tried listening to Cliff once, and it was so goofy I couldn't make it all the way through his vid. I'm not a closed-minded person, but I also know my Bible and what God says about what people are capable of doing, and not capable of doing. All things psychic are nothing more than occultism.

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I don't think so. I was so isolated during lockdowns. I had been alone for at least a month. It was Dec 2020. I had a Godly vision in the middle of the night. I was brought above the earth. I could see missiles shooting from one side of the Earth to the other but above, in the atmosphere and being stopped before they could reach Earth. Like a game of catch. Then I was brought higher and I could see almost a red grid pattern. There were holes in the grid. Not everything was connected. I've tried to find it online since and it seems others have seen similar but feel like it is People Consciousness communicating. But I didn't sense that. The grid felt like an enclosure. But some areas were blasted through; to escape? I felt a very warm glow. It wasn't occult but God or Nature but def not wicked. It was so real I jumped up and ran to the window expecting to see a war and embers. Of course, it was nothing. I wonder if being alone for so long connected me to some Universal Consciousness, some Instinctive knowing. I have had a renewed belief in God ever since. But without a doubt I know that we are all INTENDED to have this gift and that it was given to us by God to survive alone through the wilderness. Instinctual gift. Possibly it has been chemically suppressed? But I believe that if I had to, I could find it again through prayer? I don't know. It sounds crazy but it was so real. Others might say I was hallucinating but it felt as though I was being shown a War and a way through. A pathway using the night sky? Or something in the sky with a grid that I must navigate through; and I remember the broken areas.

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Very interesting. I pray for Discernment and Wisdom for you to learn what the red grid and the holes are. Could it be the wifi that blankets the earth now and the holes are areas not covered?

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Thank you....

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It sounds like what you saw was the imprisonment of our planet. We’ve been a prison planet for a very very long time. A grid of bars around the earth, like a prison cell. “Enclosure”

The blasted through images were where the prison bars have been broken though. We are being set free... to ascend

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I also think Clif is goofy but there is a zeitgeist. Something is not right and we all can feel it. That's why we are here.

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I can attest, uttering his name disperses them immediately.

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Yup! Exactly correct.

And yes, I've noticed the same thing, Cliff's predictions not coming to pass in a timely manner, if at all. I also stopped listening to him about two years ago.

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And remember holograms have been around for a while.

So if “things” appear in the sky like alien ships…

Don’t believe your eyes. It will be an entity closer to “home”…

Informed people don’t get fooled.

AND…Jesus said do not be fooled by those claiming to be Him if there is an attempt to fool the Christians or Muslims of whoever they want us to believe is “arriving. “

There were efforts years ago to make Mohammed appear in the sky over that side of the world, to give a message of influence…

So…these are the things the powers that be think of…

When the Kings of Kings DOES arrives you will KNOW in your spirit without a doubt - it’s Jeshua (Jesus) - and not a man made illusion, to facilitate , for a possible massacre of mankind or manipulation to bring in Orwell 1984 .

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Hi Lucy, well, I have read the Book, so I know how this is all gunna end. I think you have read the book too. So we know no one can stop this. Maybe we can prepare to help preserve the Remnant as long as we can. The world will suffer. but maybe we don't have to. We shall see. But as you, I have all my trust in God Almighty and Jesus Christ. :)

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Which explains the poisoning of the earth with chemtrails, train derailments, arson forest fires (real forest fires, not DEW fires), etc.

Chemtrails and HAARP were origionally developed to alter weather, during war time scenarios (operation Popeye) bur the continuous use over peaceful populations by their own govt proves to me, theyre poisoning us, our lands, natures lifeforms to make our world uninhabitable, thereby moving forward with the eugenics programs to wipe out 90% of the worlds populations.

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I hope you are right about none of Clif’s predictions happening during your lifetime because the article indicates he has been accurate.....but I am always wary of predictions because God is in charge....however there is much devastation and catastrophe even while God is always winning.....I pray you are right....God bless all of us....

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Clif, in an effort to remain relevant (I believe) has posted too much, much of it, unfortunately, seems irrelevant.

Your post, does seem to hit the nail on the head, and I arrived at a similar conclusion in my recent substack...namely, what would a cornered Luciferian globalist 'elite' do if backed into a corner by their failing policies and an imminent collapse of the systems they created?

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I agree with you Lucy. You took the words right out of my mouth.

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Yes. Perhaps we can alter this trajectory if enough are aware of where all of this goes. One thing I DO know about the time-scape (from personal experience) is that the largest movements in the "all-at-once tapestry" (the living, breathing and very complex "organ" of this portion of our dimension) are apparent where there are agents who can see the future, those who can "travel" to see ahead.

Can we alter this trajectory? ABSOLUTELY!

Those who have seen, those who KNOW, must keep TELLING.


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“There’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.” -Morpheus (The Matrix)

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And most people are far from knowing (understanding) what's really going on at the core.

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Have you heard of Phil Schneider's Last Speech?

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I know of his info. Not sure whether it was his last speech or not. But I'm familiar with the DUMBS. That's what the "Denver Airport" was all about in fact. Conveniently centralized. SMH

It's going to be interesting to be sure. I've been prepared for death since the start of the last PSYOP, which is still ongoing.

We'll see what happens. I'm fully expecting something that we can't even mentally conceive, occurring within the next 3 - 15 months.

As I've been explaining to people for years, the dark spiritual elements and men behind this, don't give a crap about death and destruction. If they begin to lose the earthly battle, they'll go full scorched earth.

What's amazing to me are A, the cognitive dissonance, on so many levels, and B, and the focus on the most trivial things in life, including wealth/mammon, by some of the people complaining the most and largely of the group that self-proclaims that they're "awake."

They may be "awake" by definition, but the vast majority are still clueless dupes.

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I haven’t - could you please send a link? Blessings to you and yours.✝️

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I am completely illiterate in technology and don't know how to get the link off of the video. But search for Brighteon then search for Phil Schneider within that channel and it's the second video that comes up with play time of 1:10:52. Please be careful. I am very secure in my relationship with Christ Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit, which grants me no fear in this life and this information could be quite startling to some. It looks like you are, as well, a Believer in Christ. Hold fast. And as substack 37 says above, I believe also that we should be expecting something extraordinary to occur soon. I believe we will be Caught Up with our Lord before all hell breaks loose on earth, however. Maybe spring of 2024, when a red heffer remains unblemished and without yoke. Blessings to you and yours 🙏 Enjoy

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Thank you, Danna. I've been looking for that speech for a long time. I watched it many years ago and I forgot his name (Phil Schneider). I prayed that I would find the video for my husband to watch. God Bless you!

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Knowing is a start;-) And since most have not yet arrived at the knowing, we must be pleased when we see awareness growing.

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I wonder why you keep on pushing Occult practices... First a guy with "voices in his head" and now this...

"the term, Remote Viewing, was coined by the US Department of Defense" luciferian DOD coined a new name for ancient occult practices. Clairvoyance: " from French clair "clear," and voyance "vision") is the magical ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through extrasensory perception. Any person who is claimed to have such ability is said to be a clairvoyant ("one who sees clearly"). " - The Occult Encyclopedia https://www.occult.live/index.php/Clairvoyance

" The biblical term for clairvoyant is “medium” or “spiritist.” The ancient, pre-modern world acknowledged the source of extra-sensory perception as originating with spirit beings that inhabited a spirit world. Pre-moderns were comfortable with knowing that a medium was channeling messages between the living and the dead, or between the physical and spiritual worlds. But the modern mind denies the existence of a spiritual realm inhabited by angels and demons. People today use more sophisticated, scientific-sounding language, like “paranormal psychology” or “clairvoyance phenomenon.” https://www.gty.org/library/questions/QA208/does-the-bible-take-a-position-on-clairvoyance-and-parapsychology

"When you enter the land which the Lord your God gives you, you shall not learn to imitate the detestable things of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD; and because of these detestable things the LORD your God will drive them out before you. You shall be blameless before the LORD your God. For those nations, which you shall dispossess, listen to those who practice witchcraft and to diviners, but as for you, the LORD your God has not allowed you to do so" - Deuteronomy 18:9-14 says

"...According to the scientific data" - they call sorcery a science, and people just fall for it.

And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries ( φαρμακεία, ας, ἡ pharmakeia) were all nations deceived. - Revelation 18:23

Don't be deceived. Adversary and fallen sons of God, the powers of darkness in the celestials, control both sides of the narrative. From dark to light..

And the great dragon was cast out, the ancient serpent called Adversary and Satan, who is deceiving the whole inhabited earth. It was cast into the earth, and its messengers were cast with it. Revelation 12:9

The Occult is The Spiritual Foundation of The United Nations. The Stage Is Set For The Coming One World Government Under One World Leader


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Thank you for the clarification!! I agree that as cool as this crap seems, it is of demonic origin.

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And notice how they cover their bases: we say look out for catastrophic event 😱 but if it doesn’t happen, welp, it’s because we were so focused on stopping it, it dissipated! Cool!

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Yes. There is a book called "The Challenging Counterfeit" by a former spiritualist/medium named Raphael Gasson, who was deeply involved with seances and "visions" shown to him by his "spiritual guides." His demonic network was so finely tuned that he could find lost loved ones, and even once told the parents of a soldier said to be dead, that Army was wrong, and that their missing son was alive and taken prisoner,and would be released in three days. That is exactly what happened!

Raphael thought his "gift" was good and God given, but a Baptist pastor (knowing little about mediums and spirituism) told him he was being mislead, and quoted scripture and the warnings in Duet. 18: 10-22. Raphael arrogantly ignored these warnings and was convinced that his very real experiences were far advanced of this "primitive Baptist preacher."

But he started to have some suspicions about what he was deeply involved with. Under his final trance, the demons taking control of his mind and body tired desperately to KILL HIM. Raphael Gasson barely escaped. After this, he received his salvation from Jesus Christ and later when his temple was cleansed, received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Raphael Gasson wrote his book exposing this demonic network, now knowing the vast difference between satanic "visions" and the REAL power in the supernatural that God sends us via the Holy Spirit. This guy Raphael Gasson, was for real and a powerful witness: (the book is expensive but you can read it online for less)


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Where did the words in the Bible come from?

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"Heaven isn't an objective on high, it is but a way of living" ~ Jason Breshears

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The "voices in his head" isn't an occult phenomena, its technology... https://rumble.com/v34nf9y-new-world-war-you-are-the-enemy.html

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This will get us out of having to go to holiday parties and addressing people using their preferred pronouns. In all seriousness, I think our job is to reinforce good behavior, even where it doesn't exist. Praise or compliment people for being aware of how corrupt things are...and how none of us can trust any of 'them.' It's totally manipulative, but maybe tilts us a little more in the right direction.

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Yes, the next nuclear blast or bioweapon should be refered to by it's preferred pronouns. "They/them" are deadly.

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I've been thinking about my 'last supper.' They/them won't be at the table.

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We'll allow it 😀

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The more people focus on something, the more likely it is to manifest. Only project into the future what you want to experience in the future!

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Too bad most people don’t realize this truth and their power within

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Great point

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Hebrews 11:1;Faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen.

Romans 4:17:As it is written, I have made the a father of many Nations, before him whom we believed, even God, who quickeneththe dead, and calls those things which are not as though they were.

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"And they propose that if enough eyes are on the powers that be, maybe it will never happen."


Sounds like we're in for a massive DEEP FAKE attack unlike we've ever seen before. This is why it's important for people to be able to tell what's real and what's not:


We also need to come to terms with this reality that we live in. Governments will and can take action against their own people. Just like homicide, or suicide, we need to be aware of the art of MENTICIDE:


What can we do today? I'll be writing about this soon, but the more aware we are to the enemies plans, the more we can take actions, daily to prevent them. We can make ourselves aware of what they're capable off, we can focus our energies on waking people up - (not arguing with them, but truly having deep conversations with them). We can stop feeding the system and start feeding ourselves.



Most importantly, we cannot fear. Fear is what they want. We need to realize that this is a spiritual battle first and foremost.


We need love and all positive energies to be able to defeat this.


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The word DEMOCIDE describes perfectly what is happening right now:


Chapter 2

Definition of Democide*

By R.J. Rummel

Genocide: among other things, the killing of people by a government because of their indelible group membership (race, ethnicity, religion, language).

Politicide: the murder of any person or people by a government because of their politics or for political purposes.

Mass Murder: the indiscriminate killing of any person or people by a government.

Democide: The murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder.

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Absolutely! There are 2 energies, fear and trust/love. Thoughts are things... what is focused on will manifest in the simulation, i.e. reality.

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Clearly these peeps have been taking their X2 or X3 iodine supplements as their pituitary gland is working at full strength! Go ALex!

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Perhaps the Remote Viewers will see beyond the Matrix boundaries and we'll enter the Golden Era humanity has been awaiting for thousands of years. Thanks for publishing this unique perspective. [not a likely topic for CNN]

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Remote viewing is like computer modeling--garbage in, garbage out. Courtney Brown showed that with his erroneous results.

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And yet...I've also heard testimony from a remote viewer who shared details of sessions where the details seemed vague and ill-defined(which seems logical due to the basic premise of the 'process')...until, another person's set of eyes and mindset observes the details in another context. Like all matters dealing with perception--the eyes often see what the beholder 'believes' they perceive. 'Reality IS'...and as one Swami used to say: "ISness is our Bizness!" pax

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The problem with remote viewing isn't perception: it's the multiplicity of realities. Check out metallicman.com -- there are multiple Earths, some of which are very similar, and some of which are very different from ours. When someone has an erroneous assumption (eg, Courtney Brown's assumption that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was a bad thing) he may end up viewing a different Earth (eg, one where Pres. Putin is a bad leader). That's why people should study all of the available information about the human race and its place in the universe.

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Diana--AMEN!... I'm still working on the ol Jedi telepathy skills...and I soooo agree with you about the errant interpretation of Russia as 'bad guy' (while avoiding the realities of the global child-sex trafficking connect with Ukraine). The 'Multiverse" is where my current perceptions and beliefs are focused. There are multiple dimensional realities -and then we have the A.I. generated paradigm filters and chaos-creators! What a time to be alive,eh? ...holy cowabunga!

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There is the Matrix, and there is the soul's individual reality. We are in one, suffering with the masses in the Matrix, or in our own which we co-create/program with the master Creator/programmer.

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Sounds like you grasp the nature of duality to me! If there is a hell, it might also be called a Matrix. 'Simulacrum' is another term I consider noteworthy as well. We are in a battle for our sovereign soul's emancipation. A.I. might just be the devil in disguise! pax

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True dat - the time/world lines can shift around too, without any "official notice" (lol). Occasionally some people can tell when they personally have shifted to a slightly different one, but most can't. I'm pretty old, and I can recall only once in my entire life where I am pretty sure I got moved (somehow) to a different timeline - but there could easily have been others I never detected. All these 'thumpers talking about Remote Viewing being "demonic" is a real hoot too. Humans have always had "clair-X" talents - but figuring out which timeline you might be seeing has always been a literal crap shoot...

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It’s demonic. The devil has power but we need to stay away from it

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We have to fortify our latent 'human' talents, and at the same time embrace our divinity in authentic integration with source. As one brilliant Swami(and disciple of Yogananda) told the congregation: "At-One-Ment"...and the more I let this interpretation relax into my mind's deeper Being--the more I see that in order to Atone, we must always align with Source. "One God"...and A.I. ain't it! [Yeshua had a few things to say about this!]

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I say What IS is NONE of my biz! Unless I want more of what IS!

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Better to get into IS than be controlled by IT. A I is the beast from hell.

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Yep! We all need to focus on a future we want to experience! The reflective universe will reflect it back to us. Focusing on what is produces more of what is.

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Right on! We need to see the future we want and mentally pull it into our timeline.

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Lookoutfa Charlie proofs, step by step, with logic and audio recordings, that in fact there are pulsed signals mimicking the language of our brain and the 11 elite bloodlines have developed all electromagnetic science in secrecy... this is what everyone of us consist of and these frequencies are equivalent to the way music works - that means that pulsed frequencies can absolutely alter our minds, emotions, actions and yes - even all the channeling is unfortunately pulsed audio and imagery from IBM servers over the WBaN 802.15.6 network and they lied about scientific progress and all of the above. check psinergy on odysee.com - top videos - thank me later !

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They are also abusing mediums of all religions that way ... Psychic abilities are innate to humanity, telepathy is based on neuronal activity and has been synthesized - 30W are enough to find oil in the ground - our HAARP installations are capable of billions of W, altering humanity through biosensors in their blood - they want us to be frightened and they will project, hallucinate by utilizing voice to skull technology over mesh networks and through biosensors into us. Most schizophrenia is created, voices are placed in locations !!! they are actually recordable and lookoutfa charlie & psinergy channel on odysee.com are absolutely life transforming and in a sober certain and good way.

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The Music of Time, by Preston Nichols, lays out the history and metaphysics of the music business and mind control. He was their top engineer.

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governed by algorithms and artificial intelligence mesh networks and neural nets that are forged to serve the sole purpose of abusing humanity as labrats and they have ripped off an invisible body part, our bioenergetic field - to transduce it for 100 years already and we have provenly lost 47% of our electrical conductivity. Scientific progress has been delayed and innovators controlled worldwide for thousands of years. The dark ages were only dark for us. Dominique Guillet is the most important whistleblower of humanity xochipelli.fr - deepl.com translations are good ... then xochis substack. This is absolutely important intel and beyond all the bullshitting with the "new awakening" "Q" "flat earth" and all those psyops. This is it. This is the truth

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Q isn't a psyop. Read Megan Rose, "Welcome to the Future," or watch "The Greatest Show on Earth."

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Q has been absolutely hijacked, starseeds think they are channeling from sirius or whatnot and "mediums" channel voice to skull signals triggered with A.I. and we have been dumbed down to a moronic level as to believe Trump or anyone in this charade would ever remedy anything truly. We are all on a WBAN 802.15.6 (wide body area network), they are routing through our body with MAC addresses and have mastered electromagnetism - every SINGLE movement that is big is a FRAUD or controlled

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They're "the powers that were." Banished forever from Earth. https://rumble.com/v3gx680-the-greatest-show-on-earth-2023.html

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He is working through humanity. Bad people do not do His work. There are very few truly good people on earth. We don't have the numbers to override the evil people. At least not yet. There is always hope.

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HE , our Saviour raises kings and tares them down...HE is in control always and therefore created evil to demonstrate that His light will shine in HIS people, which is anyone who chooses Christ.


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Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live." (Psalm 116:1-2)


CALVINISM: "And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed." (Acts 13:48)

CALVINISM: "If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works?" (PROVERBS 24:12)

CALVINISM: "I know that thou canst do every thing, and that no thought can be withholden from thee." (Job 42:2)

CALVINISM: "And all the trees of the field shall know that I the Lord have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree to flourish: I the Lord have spoken and have done it." (Ezekiel 17:24)

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Calvinism is understandably heresy.


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of their founders, and deferred to as that particular one of their founders to whose formative hand and systematizing talent their doctrinal system has perhaps owed most.

In any exposition of the Reformed theology, therefore, the teaching of John Calvin must always take a high, and, indeed, determinative place. On the other hand, although Calvinism has dug a channel through which not merely flows a stream of theological thought, but also surges a great wave of human life -filling the heart with fresh ideals and conceptions which have revolutionized the conditions of existence — yet its fountain-head lies in its theological system; or rather, to be perfectly exact, one step behind even that, in its religious consciousness.

For the roots of Calvinism are planted in a specific religious attitude, out of which is unfolded first a particular theology, from which springs on the one hand a special church organization, and on the other a social order, involving a given political arrangement. The whole outworking of Calvinism in life is thus but the efflorescence of its fundamental religious consciousness, which finds its scientific statement in its theological system.

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CALVINISM: "For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him." (Genesis 18:19)

CALVINISM: "Lord, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear:" (Psalm 10:17)

"We do not present our supplications before you for our righteousness, but for your great mercies." (Daniel 9:18.)




John Stewart ~ hbh@email.com

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John Stewart: It is my understanding you live in Hawaii - Therefore the mysteries of government corruption surrounding the wildfires in Maui, reminded me of this quote from an author I do not know:

"If I profess with the loudest voice the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, except precisely that little point which the world and Satan are at that moment attacking; I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle with Satan rages the fiercest, there the loyalty of the Christian soldier is proved. And to not be enjoined in the battle of light vs. darkness, is flight and disgrace."

Yours in Christ Jesus,

Carl L. McWilliams

Western Colorado

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Evil has an end in Revelation 20:15... However: The Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ has every single atom in his universe under PERFECT control :D <3 !!

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When one further indulges into the Calvinist understanding, one truly understands that those of Calvinist belief are in line with Augustian / Jesuit. For this Calvinist or Protestant, or Lutheran is of a different gospel and therefore is heresy.

A half truth is a full lie...and who is that father of lies.

Please cultivate your personal relationship in Jesus as HE commands.

2 Timothy 2 :15...Study to shew thyself approved unto God, A Workman that Neede Not to be Ashamed, right dividing the word of truth. ( AWANA)

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"By thee have I been holden up from the womb: thou art he that took me out of my mother's bowels: my praise shall be continually of thee. (Psalm 71:2,3,6)

"Simeon hath declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name." (Acts 15:14)

"Let thy hand be upon the man of thy right hand, upon the son of man whom thou madest strong for thyself." (Psalm 80:17)

"Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:4)

"For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:" (1 Corinthians 1:26-28)

"Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off." (Isaiah 56:5)

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"This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men." (Daniel 4:17)

"And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?" (Daniel 4:35)

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." (Ephesians 2:10)

"For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." (Philippians 2:13)

"Be thou exalted, Lord, in thine own strength: so will we sing and praise thy power." (Psalm 21:13)

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Thank you John Stewart - as you know, CALVINISM is all but forgotten.

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CALVINISM: "For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him." (Genesis 18:19)

CALVINISM: "Lord, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear:" (Psalm 10:17)

"We do not present our supplications before you for our righteousness, but for your great mercies." (Daniel 9:18.)




John Stewart ~ hbh@email.com

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As Calvinism should be forgotten, since it's another gospel as is the Roman Catholic Church.

Peace to my heretic friends

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jonsmason: Luke 9: 49-50 reads: “Master,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him, because he is not one of us.” “Do not stop him,” Jesus said, “for whoever is not against you is for you.”

Over these last five decades in the USA I have witnessed the "turning away-great apostacy" by We the People of the United States - from the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus Christ - to worship the god of prosperity, indulgence and war. And as a University of California trained sociologist and an American Christian, I have studied the 1905 Max Weber magnus opus; THE PROTESTANT WORK ETHIC AND THE BIRTH OF CAPITALISM. Max Weber's work is a German sociologist's observations of CALVINISM/PROTESTANT lifestyles in Europe and the United States at the turn of the 20th Century. In Weber's work it is the Protestant work ethic of CALVINISM that made America what it used to be. CALVINISM is what French sociologist and political theorist Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) saw as he traveled to the United States in 1831. The PROTESTANT WORK ETHIC, based upon CALVINISM, is the work ethic that built America

Therefore jonsmason, when I stated CALVINISM is long forgotten in the USA - I was metaphorically stating the fact that the Protestant Work Ethic of CALVINISM is long forgotten among We the People in the USA.

FYI: I don't belong to any organized religion group. I observe the seventh day as my Sabbath and I keep the Feasts and High Sabbaths of YHVH. My only hope for fallen man is the Return of Jesus Christ as King of kings to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth for 1,000 years.

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Good question: I expect "Two Witnesses" to appear shortly in Jerusalem and call down a 3 1/2 year global drought. Time is short!

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Jesus is in the SAME today. When satan showed him "all the kingdoms of this world, that satan was given and would give to Jesus" The Lord said GET THE BEHIND ME SATAN! It is written, thou shall sever the LORD they God, and HIM ONLY shall thou serve! Matt. 4: 1-11.

Satan has his own "virtual reality" vision system, but it is intended to lead people astray. Jesus didn't fall for it. The Word of God CREATED the world and satan ruined it.

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If the chatter is analyzed and then conclusions are drawn as to what people are focusing on: then this chatter analysis can be expected to yield an UPTICK on people fretting/discussing about a catastrophic event involving dirty bombs, AFTER this article had been published. The collective (subconscious?) is being FED catastrophic imagery by this article. Linguistic ANALYSIS of such (negative) chatter, performed with sophisticated programs by people who also FEED such (negative) content into the psychological system - what distinguishes it from a distressing psyop? What makes it implausible that that is a psyop in the famous 5 gen cognitive warfare?

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Thanks! It looks like you actually understand what Clif High is doing, which is pretty impressive considering his presentation being pretty hard to follow.

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Trying to find a rational thinker among the comments here was needle in haystackery at its finest. Looks like Substack has been invaded by Jesus Bots.

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Frances, animal communicators use the same telepathic 'psychic' powers as remote viewers, and will tell you that what they get varies from one communicator to another, when talking to the same animal. Kind of just like different people having conversations with teenagers, good luck getting the same story every time! Animal communicators are regarded as pretty mundane, and it's possible to talk about them and their work without getting into religion or cosmology. Animal communication might be a good model for understanding the work of remote viewers. Stay rational my friend !!

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'Bible Bots' has more of a ring to it.

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What is it with humans,they just have to have their Idols,kings,queens and Gods.The one that gets me is two of every animal on the boat.No,it was DNA.Of course the reptiles that created the bibles couldn't put that in there so two of every animal,they will believe it

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"And if the powers that be can no longer trick us, then they WILL try and hurt us." [emphasis mine]

That would be correct. The vast majority of people fail to see the direct satanic connections behind it all, and for them "satanic" or "demonic" are simply understood as something evil, rather than something diametrically opposed to God/Christ. Even readers here dismiss Christ and God as such.

But consider, the people behind this, not the WEF, WHO, etc. etc., who are merely pawn organizations, truly hate Christ and worship Satan. Death and destruction, the opposites of life and peace, they are content with for that very reason, they are anti-Christ. There is no specific mention of a singular [The] Antichrist anywhere in the New Testament, that and the entire Rapture heretical construct were designed and put forth by the same enemies of Christ for purposes of facilitating little resistance from people claiming to be Christian because then they'd believe that this is all supposed to happen with a fun little escape from it all at this point. Spoiler: Not going to happen. Return of Christ is next.

While visions of nuclear war come to mind in that analysis, there have been several "whistleblower" videos that have emerged that indicate that a fake "Alien Invasion" will take place using holographic technology to produce the "crafts" in the skies. Who knows whether those videos are real or not as it's becoming increasing next to impossible to tell what's real and what's fake in our world, and which are actors and which are not.

But the destruction would come in the use of the same weaponry that just destroyed Lahaina, which could have been the most recent test bed for the use of that technology, and technology that has also obviously been used in starting legions of fires and conflagrations of one nature or another around the entire world. It's cleaner and less expensive for them.

The weaponry for that could easily be disguised within those holograms which is the story.

It should be clear by now that if the core element behind all of this weren't getting their way, that like the child that takes his ball and leaves the playground because he can't be the quarterback, yet with a far worse attitude, they would not hesitate in the least to destroy the playing fields, ... much as they've already done in varying scenarios, with deaths, pain, destruction, sorrow, etc. all callously rolling off of their sleeves. Events such as 9-11, OKC, all of the assorted shootings and bombings like the Boston Bombing, etc. And again, most recently in Lahaina where their regard for life or property takes a distant back seat to their goals.

We're getting into the realm of cognitive dissonance for most people, including large swaths of the self-proclaimed "awake."

They have been able to get to this point due to their pervasive control of the world's money/currency/banking systems. The time for remedies is likely already too late.

The solution prior to this would have been the elimination of all debts, a jubilee year of sorts, and a complete resetting of the entire westernized financial and banking system, which would have removed their power base. The global economic crisis of 2008 was quite likely the last opportunity we had to affect that, and we opted for wealth/mammon and financial and societal convenience rather than shedding the chains of our global societal captors. In order to affect something such as that however, one must understand the background and how it's all organized, truly organized, not as taught in our fantastical world of propaganda. Societally however we cannot get past the simplest of occurrences in terms of understanding them, such as 9-11, which is a mere "blip" in that way.

It was largely our choice, at least to some extent. But a lack of cognizance and ignorance due to decades of and ongoing demoralization and propaganda, prevented our clearly seeing that solution, because we didn't and still don't see the real enemy.

If there is any hope, it's still that, the terminal disruption of the existing monetary/banking/financial System/Network. Even if that were possible at this point, what will prevent that is our collective greed, our refusal to relinquish anything that we've achieved within that framework, and frankly, start over. We've become complacent as a society(ies).

Regardless, this isn't going to end well, and those Deagel population forecasts are no joke.

The people behind this are satanists, which means that they hate Christ. No one else, Christ, specifically. If you're going to believe that satan exists, then it makes no sense to not believe that Christ is who he said he was. Otherwise discard it all.

It is going to be incredibly interesting. Terrifying, but interesting.

Luke 18:8

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This is known in the Bible as consulting with "familiar" spirits, i.e., demons and fallen angels. A more recognizable term is "mediums." These people are either under the influence of, or possessed by demons. This will lead to death and destruction for those who participate in it.

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Steve, you nailed it!

The pinpoint accuracy of this assessment has me very interested in reading your writing on 2A. God bless!

And for the record of other honest thinking Truth seeking readers here.. it’s not Steve’s opinion or even mine. The Bible itself CLEARLY lays out and defends Steve’s comment and there is zero wiggle room for ANY OTHER explanation.

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Leviticus 19: 31 - "Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God."

Leviticus 20: 6 - "As for the person who turns to mediums and to spiritists, to play the harlot after them, I will also set My face against that person and will cut him off from among his people."

Leviticus 20: 26 - "You shall be holy to me, for I the LORD am holy and have separated you from the peoples, that you should be mine."

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Predictive Linguistics are the antithesis of what Christ has spoken of in 1Thessalonians 4: 13~18...please read for your edification. I, who Christ is in, Psalm 82:6 I said, "You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most High"... understand and acknowledge that there will be a Rapture or Grk Harpadzo, harpazo New Strongs 726 Expanded Exhaustive Concordance.

This worldly viewpoint, that of the non believer ( 1 John 5:12 HE who hath the Son hath life and he who hath not the Son of God hath not life. ) is just as Clif H. et al report.

The Absolute TRUTH is that we believers WILL BE leaving, it's only a matter of when....you see? Though there are high watch times for prophesy watchers of Jesus, because we Love Our King. Say what you will but don't mock nor scoff nor particularly grieve the Holy Spirit simply because HE said so & has made it very very clear that these are above all most grievous of sins....even if you do not believe. This common denominator, a thread of human consciousness is in fact that Holy Spirit and though some are better than others..we all have some...those of Predictive Linguistics are of quite possibly the Steve Jobs, Ray Kurzweil, Bob Dylan types who've undertaken that certain oath with that ' certain chief / commander.....therefore know that if you have 2 minutes to live would you be going to heaven or hell and why?

I , my brothers, sisters and enemies am going to be with my Father....

Matthew 6: 9~13 it's the Lord's prayer and again I cannot emphasize it enough....HE is returning, HE will remove / harpazo or Rapture HIS own, His Bride as promise & THERE WILL BE HELL ON EARTH AS WRITTEN IN REVELATION.

Peace, particularly to my enemies.

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Get your bare feet on the ground walking in nature and meditate, use your biofield, which is powerful whilst grounding. The Ether.

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The Covid Fallen

And Those That Continue To Die

Every Day

Weren't Prepared For This War.

Who Among You Expected Them To Be ?

And Who Still Does ?

It Is A Serious Question.

And If You Can't Get Past That.

You Are Not Prepared Either.


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