MIke Adam's church unbelievabley raised over half a million dollars to help that all went to organic food buckets already shipped out. So awesome all good people with open hearts are reaching out to those attacked by their own corporately owned & controlled govt. These places are probably for the lithium mine workers. What a catastrophe it all is. Thankyou to yu & your church for having such generous hearts & sharing! God bless you
Our church has sent 14,000$
MIke Adam's church unbelievabley raised over half a million dollars to help that all went to organic food buckets already shipped out. So awesome all good people with open hearts are reaching out to those attacked by their own corporately owned & controlled govt. These places are probably for the lithium mine workers. What a catastrophe it all is. Thankyou to yu & your church for having such generous hearts & sharing! God bless you
I bet youre right about the mine workers, shameful!
Someone should put up some cameras , or film how much of the “ work “ they actually do is FOR the Tax payers who PAY THEIR SALARIES and PENSIONS!
I don’t get a pension when I leave my job but I pay for THEM to get one while they do squat for me.
That’s about right
I got reported for referring folks to the health ranger back when the scam hit