I am from Colorado. I was just in Aurora a couple months ago and was shocked at the state the city is in. I apologize this message will be long but the information is important.

I have had to visit Aurora colorado for the past 15 years, once a year to bring my son to the children's hospital. We used to look forward to our visit because Aurora was a beautiful city and there was alot of recreational things to do. It was very clean. It was well kept. You felt safe. There wasn't much crime or homeless issues. I was just there in June 2024 and it looked like a 3rd world country.

The city has changed so much in the year since I had seen it to the point it was unrecognizable . There are tent encampments everywhere especially along highways. Dozens of homeless just aimlessly wandering and just as many coming up and asking for money to the point it was overwhelming. Police sirens didn't stop 24 hours a day. Trash cans on the sidewalks looked like they hadn't been changed in weeks with trash all over the sidewalks and gutters. Graffiti all over buildings and so many boarded up buildings that were falling apart right next to strip malls. People passed out in parking lots, people passed out on sidewalks. The Walmart we stopped at had almost everything including socks, underwear, even some of the toys behind locked doors. U had to get an associate to unlock any kind of toiletry you needed, even the $1 shampoo was locked up. This shows how crazy the crime is getting and how desperate people are. But this isn't the worst part.

There is already a huge housing crisis in Colorado. There isn't enough affordable housing for the workforce. The hotel we were staying at in Aurora was full of working families waiting to secure housing, i know because i asked them. Their children were hanging out in the hallways playing by the dozen. And they also told me they were being asked to leave to make room for more migrants arriving. The homeless shelters are being used for migrants so staying there isn't an option for them.

The parking lot next to my hotel was empty during the day, but at night was full of dozens of cars who camped there in their vehicles. These people were wearing work uniforms and were all races. They were also families. Their kids ran around the parking lot playing , they picniced, and at night the families slept in their cars. Most were gone once morning hit. I could see it all from my hotel window. It was a decent hotel we had stayed at before. I found out these were the folks who couldn't afford a hotel every night.

Im trying very hard to relay this information to all of you without being biased. But the truth is I'm extremely pissed off this is the best being done for hard working American families. It should piss you off too.

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Aug 31Edited

Not trying to downplay your circumstances, but of all of the places that deserve this before the places that don't, it's places that have ardently supported Bolshevik style (aka Socialist) government/policies. It's the places that aren't like that that don't deserve it. Sorry, but Colorado's one of those places.

Much of what's going on in our country today falls under the umbrella, well, of several things, but largely under the 'Be Careful What You Wish For as you May Get it' umbrella. Well, now we're reaping the fruits of our 'wishes.'

The fact that people are too obtuse, self-absorbed in their social agendas, entirely out of touch with reality, soft from decades worth of easy entitlement living in the US, otherwise suffering from major cognitive dissonance, etc. are merely the symptoms.

And don't think for a moment that there's much of a difference between "Republican" and "Democrat" these days. The Republican Party is pretty much what the Democratic Party was ten or fifteen years ago now. They're two wings of the same bird of prey, and the American people, the good, decent, upstanding, American people ARE THE PREY!!

We're all Palestineans now. If that's not clear now, oh, it will be very soon. At least here unlike Palestine, we HAD a choice. No longer.

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This was planned a century ago.

As Russell Means said "You don't even know it , but you're the Indians of the 21st."

For all its faults America helped the planet get to where its been in its heyday and gave the controller elite what they needed to overthrow the planet. As the money printers stood on the shoulders of genius and ingenuity, the traitors within took advantage of good people. Can't blame everyone for where they were led. And can't blame those who were unwittingly experimented upon by demonic entities.

What's sad is a NWO will be built upon the bones of decent people so that evil may raise its ugly hand in triumph.


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The late John Trudell (AIM= American Indian Movement), said the same thing," Americans will become the 'New' Indians.'


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Ah yes, Indians of All Tribes.

Sounds best when an Indian says it as Thomas Rainwater's line in Yellowstone.


But let's segue to Trudell's friend:


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But correct though you really genuinely are you can still shoot back**

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Are you a dispensationalist? Asking because your position of "we're in God's hands now" is indicative that we had no choice. That's the Talmudic propagated dispensationalist agenda, to promote that ideology.

We can't blame everyone for where they were led? Scripture would disagree with that given all of the vices they've accepted and warnings they've ignored in getting there. We've always had a choice, worship God/Christ, or worship mammon false gods, the occult, etc.

In the US the vast majority of people claiming to be "christian," a term that's elusive and not used in the NT in the same regard, have opted to pursue mammon.

ANYONE that works for ANY entity that ultimately gets paid by government money or banking/finance money, is contributing to the problem. That's quite a few people.

The NWO's not going to last long. We're in the throws of Rev. 20:7-9. The camp of he saints is being encompassed as we speak.

This was planned more than a century ago, even longer ago than that. Ultimately and generally it's been planned since the time of Christ.

At the end of the day, EVERYONE has choices. We chose to kill our fellow countrymen during PSYOP19. That was a CHOICE.

Ignorance is no excuse. People have more than plenty of time to fill their heads with immoral filth, but can't spare any to SEEK and learn the truth, but the sad part is that given their worship of mammon, they are by CHOICE, "lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, railers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, implacable, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, no lovers of good, traitors, headstrong, puffed up, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; holding a form of godliness, but having denied the power thereof." 2 Tim. 3

The problem is that despite their rhetoric, they don't seek God and ignore Christ.

What's left is for the relatively "few" core faithful to be squelched out in the forthcoming short-term future, and the world to turn into a living hell, although some may view that hell as pleasurable, but that won't change it.

The end is near.

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Most of what you wrote is correct however you can still Rearm** Luke...let him who has no Sword sell his shirt and buy one**....*sound familiar?.....Deputirswill permit possee s...see sheriff mack...

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Typo..deputies will deputize armed posees..

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The cops are on the side of Tyranny. That much is evident. Besides, people will kill for food just to stay alive. The Tyranny will have that food.

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Good one. But we're actually in THE DAY OF THE LORD not the END OF THE AGE which is where Revelation would find itself.

This is not the end of the world yet. That won't happen until the next cataclysmic cycle thousands of years from now. Where the planet is infected with Demonism and Jesus comes back to destroy them and the planet.

We're at 1 Thessalonians 5:

5 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.

2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

But what I meant was we can't blame those who were compartmentalized which was a strategy used by the elite. Everything was on a need to know basis. That and America was dumbed down with POTUS Jimmy's Dept of Education in 1979 which was designed to deliberately dumb down America by leaving many teachings out of the curriculum. Refer to Charlotte Iserbyt's book as a former part of the Dept of Education.



Yes America was turned into a lap dance culture and that was a part of the agenda to dismantle her, for the days we are living now so there would be a "reason" to destroy America for being so immoral and evil.

As what happened in the desert while Moses was grabbing the tablets, that old golden "cow" symbol was occupying the masses. The Bowling Green bull is more alive now than ever down on Wallstreet.

It was full spectrum dominance, the '60's through art was key in brainwashing the youth.

The adage "ignorance is no excuse" can work two ways, to deliberately mislead one into ignorance and enforce it by subversion. Specially if it's done from the cradle on humans who've not reached the age of reason.

It's a touchy subject.

Back to the Day Of The Lord, it is NOT the 2nd Coming yet, as Elijah must first come as Christ said:

Matthew 17:

9 And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead.

10 And his disciples asked him, saying, Why then say the scribes that Elias must first come?

11 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things.

Again we are facing a cyclic cataclysm. As in the days of Noah. What is happening now is what happened then. Many did not know or believe. But the elite know and have been busy prepping themselves for underground dwellings for a century.

Then add to this 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12:

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

As you stated:

"disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, implacable, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, no lovers of good, traitors, "

Here we are.

Christ didn't tell everyone everything like he did with Paul.

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EVERYTHING that's been going on on the US has been driven by the Talmudists, EVERYTHING.

It's been planned by the Central Bankers for over 200 years.

I e., our politicians are merely their pawns. Paid for our blackmailed.

We've become a nation that worships Mammon at all levels.

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Form armed militia s..for evangelical dupes ..just say..praise the Lord..now pass the 308. nato ammunition**

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That's dispensationalism and it's a Talmudic construct, and therefore heretical. It's straight from hell.

Christ's work is finished, he's been reigning since his Ascension, he told us that much.

You'll believe what you wish however. : /

PS .... I used to believe that too.

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Your choice of words is too fire from the hip. It's not 'what I believe' but an answer for where America is. BRAINWASHING, POOR EDUCATION AND CHEMICALS IN FOOD AND NANOTECH FALLOUT FROM CHEMTRAILS (not to mention the SHOTS) CONTROLLED BY CARRIER WAVES BY Ai.

Calm down. Focus on the immediate issues like physical survival.


Guess you missed the part of Gog and Magog.

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Aug 31
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Which was actually the GWOH (global war on humanity).

Well they thought enough of 'ole Russ to use his ideas in Yellowstone's S3E1. Not everyone got the memo. Bears repeating.


But yeah things are getting too real to ignore.

In '66 RFK said this:

"There is a Chinese curse which says “May he live in interesting times.” Like it or not, we live in interesting times. They are times of danger and uncertainty; but they are also the most creative of any time in the history of mankind."

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Sep 1
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AJ hosted ChatGPT on his Emergency Saturday Show August 31 2024 and asked the Ai app if it was true that Trump was shot at, at Butler on July 13 2024 with a 5.56 bullet. ChatGPT answered there is NO CREDIBLE REPORTED EVIDENCE that a shooting occurred on that date. At least ChatGPT is telling the truth there. It appears that the rush to ensure that Trump gets in the Oval this election, many are bent on stretching scenarios to attain a certain goal. Be that as it may, there is no guarantee that Trump will be allowed to win this 2024 just as he was not allowed to win back in 2020 even if the entire planet voted for him just to use a numbers scheme of enough numbers, as the vote is merely an exercise given the masses to make them think the vote matters. Sadly it doesn't. And all candidates are likely aware of this reality. Presidents are chosen from the time of their birth. And depending on the political and economic climate they shoe someone in that serves the elite's agenda.

As Martin Armstrong stated on the AJ show August 30 2024 that 2024 will be the LAST AMERICAN ELECTION.

If the American people had anything to say about elections, why are the elections in danger of going away? It appears those that control elections can also make it disappear.

THEN as Armstrong states on the 8.30.24 Infowars show, " my concern is after the elections what happens when the checks stop coming" referring to the subsidies the illegals are getting to cross the border.

Mad Max is what happens.

Armstrong states (8.30.24 Infowars show) "when the country does split up and we will split there's no question about it cuz there's no mending these fences anymore, then what happens to the dollar, the dollar can not possibly survive a civil war, it's just not gonna happen."

Armstrong further states even the during the Great Depression over 200 cities issued their own money called "depression script."

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Sep 2Edited

You missed the point entirely.

For everyone that doesn't get it, it'll clear up very soon. It's soon going to be "D-Day" on American soil. (No, not a literal aquatic invasion)

Americans don't know hardship like many other people around the world have and do.

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Literal AQUATIC invasion???

About DDay?

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Yes, D-Day, ... Atlantic Ocean, etc.

Webster's definition: Aquatic: Taking place in or on water.

AKA, via ship, landing craft, etc. Boats float, on water, the barrier between England and enemy territory was the Atlantic Ocean/English Channel.

What didn't you understand?

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Sorry. I go by just the heroic name of DDAY, not Websters. I gotcha

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Oh my gosh. Thankyou for your boots on the ground report.

There is no stopping this train wreck. Once the cities are monetarily incentivized - it's over.

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2nd Chronicles 7:14

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Excellent choice of verses Mark.

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However correct as you are..folks can still Rearm**

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Jew Jared polis is in on the replacement-destroy -america-scam**The very simple correct and only solution is to Rearm. Form

armed militia s..if you are afraid to Rearm pay others to protect you since freemason cops can't be bothered since their paychecks and orders are from JEWS**. Its too late to play dumb**

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This is exactly what Honolulu is like, and has been, for years.

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The "like" button does not work.

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- E X P O R T A L L

I L L E G A L ——


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🫡 CALL ON THE MILITARY •••••• !!!!!!

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Military? They most likely have their orders to "Stand Down!!!" You kidding me?!

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You clearly don't understand what Israeli lobbying already did to Americans and America, they are literally destroying your country and everything called united nations.https://odysee.com/@ivikthor:c?r=6aBDux9TfLU9RKy4ZerTDV2k8Guw93i2

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Agreed. The nefarious believe the US must fall I order for the rest of the world to follow suit as a result. Martial Law simply hastens their agenda.

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Bust out all available Man , the military . This can be solve in 3 months.

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This is intentional. No one is coming to save us. Look at Europe

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May we find the courage to change the things we can.

Gotta strike hard at the heart of the UN

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Spot On! That Shahid Bolsen laid it down on what the REAL deal is!

Most folks have their mind on hold while doing what their told then think their in control of their destiny under the illusion of "Democracy!!!"

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Aug 31Edited

We've made our choices as a society. Now the piper's at the door, invoice in hand. The irony is that people that end up crying the loudest are the entitled class that's driven it.

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Nope, we are going to have to save ourselves! United We Stand, Divided We Fall! We are in a Free Fall! It is a real life purge!

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Stop watching television entertainment and do your homework https://odysee.com/@ivikthor:c?r=6aBDux9TfLU9RKy4ZerTDV2k8Guw93i2

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Yes, Sir.

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— A A A M E N … N O W …!!!! S A V E O U R

N A T I O N —- N O W … !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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😆 They’d get a quick stand-down order, just like in Benghazi.

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Yes , if its not fix properly , if it drag on over several years , the country will fall into full blown Corrupt Police state Tyranny . . .Too many young people are not aware how bad the 90s got in NYC , LA , Chicago and so on . . .

If you think the migrant racket is bad . . . U just wait , u will see the Badge come to extort you . . . People have to reckon with the fact they became soft target.

Drop the soy. ! Grow some hair on your chest !

Just ask Mexicans how they like the cartel - popo alliance.

Those movies sadly are now Documentary: RAMPART(2011) , NEW JACK CITY (1991)

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Aug 31Edited

Let "We the People" handle it. Job would be done within a year or two if not months. In Brazil neither the cops nor the people put up with this.

Yeah yeah, law and order, as if that's what we have here. Here we have Bolshevik style Tyranny that fosters it all.

The cops are as equally armored and armed as the military. They won't do anything because they want money, they want to get paid, and those that pay them don't pay them to do that.

If the military gets called in it'll be to prevent the public from handling the situation because the cops are overwhelmed.

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Export the enemy within, you know who.

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Dream on

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(HIAS) Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society provides refugees and relief seekers relief



“We at HIAS have been so blessed to have Ali Mayorkas on our board of directors, and are thrilled to have him nominated to be the next Secretary of Homeland Security,” said HIAS President and CEO Mark Hetfield. “Ali has consistently demonstrated that he is not only a strong and highly respected leader, but an empathetic one who knows the heart of the stranger, as the child of a Holocaust survivor, as a Latino, and as a refugee and immigrant himself. Ali is uniquely suited to rebuild public trust in the Department of Homeland Security as he knows that America is at its greatest when we build bridges, not walls.”

“When I was very young, the United States provided my family and me a place of refuge,” Mayorkas tweeted just after being named. “Now, I have been nominated to be the DHS Secretary and oversee the protection of all Americans and those who flee persecution in search of a better life for themselves and their loved ones.”


Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas[15] was born in Havana, Cuba, on November 24, 1959.[4] When he was one year old, his parents fled with him and his sister to the United States in 1960 as refugees, following the Cuban Revolution. He lived in Miami, Florida, before his family moved to Los Angeles, California, where he was raised for the remainder of his youth.[16] Mayorkas grew up in Beverly Hills and attended Beverly Hills High School.[17]

His father, Charles R. "Nicky" Mayorkas, was born in Cuba. He was a Cuban Jewof Sephardi (from the former Ottoman Empire, present-day Turkey and Greece) and Ashkenazi (from Poland) background. He owned and operated a steel woolfactory on the outskirts of Havana.[16][18][19][20] Nicky Mayorkas studied economics at Dartmouth College.[20]

His mother, Anita (Gabor),[20] was a Romanian Jew whose family escaped the Holocaust and fled to Cuba in the 1940s[21][22][23] before leaving for the United States after the Cuban Revolution.[21]

Mayorkas graduated from the University of California, Berkeley in 1981 with a Bachelor of Arts degree with distinction.[24] He received his Juris Doctor in 1985 from Loyola Law School, where he was an editor of the Loyola of Los Angeles Entertainment Law Review.[2]


"The US is slamming the door on tens of thousands of refugees."

Shouts a sign on the HIAS home page.

Wonder if the King of Israel Donald Trump will bring this up at his next stump speech?


Y'all beginning to understand what this manufactured fueling "both sides" of every war is all about?

To create massive social upheaval and beg for a solution.

Biometric IDs. Which will be used on YOU.

King of Israel Trump is already pushing this "solution" like the Patriot Act was used on YOU.

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Those fucker in Aurora robbed 3 gun stores in the past week.

This kind of chaos is there to wreck good community and tank real estate for the BlackRock of the world.

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18-40 year old foreign muscular men are being strategically placed across Walmarts in the nation. Weird, speaking hardly any English or none , 15-20 black men in frisco Colorado all white community working the front at a Walmart .. yea. Nefarious . As they will do as they are told when they are told .

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Control the food & basics necessities . . .

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Is this real? That John real estate YouTuber is definitely a sensationalist. They want us to have civil war. Anyone see wag the dog?

Local news report:


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Everyone in the pipeline that made a buck out of this Assault need to feel the consequences.

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This is how the Beast is fed. Money offered is the bait of compromise and compliance.

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Moving forward with the plan outlined here:


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that's very good summary!

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Great info! Time to watch the Occupied by Stew. Peters at:


In the meantime: "Several States Refuse To Remove RFK Jr.'s Name From Ballots, Hurting Trump" on zerohedge..

And just yesterday, Candace Owens gave a real finally good summery about MIchael:


Exactly that was in my mind when listening to the WORDS of MANY of his songs. ALL THE WORDS could never have come from an evil person!

I think he was trying to protect many children, from the real criminals, while exposing them, via his body language, just my takeaway on it

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Aug 30
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Mayorkas was on a board of the NGO HIAS - Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society - which is firmly entrenched in the Darien Gap in Panama facilitating migrant horde invasions

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We have a new administration now in Panama. The Darien Gap will be shut down. The Panamanians are sick of paying to transport migrants out of the country.

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Spot on, Sir. For more information on the Darien Gap - Michael Yon.

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this is the PLAN… the gangs are going to take over with lots of violence and kill the police… it’s going to happen everywhere… till it’s so bad the people will beg for help… then Marshall law and the people will beg for the UN military to come into the country to help us.. the UN military will then kill the gangs… but never leave. Then we have the new world order to keep the peace…bill cooper talked about this years ago!

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Stop being cowards to not addressed the elephant on the room, the Jewish Talmudic take over Americans & America , period!!https://odysee.com/@ivikthor:c?r=6aBDux9TfLU9RKy4ZerTDV2k8Guw93i2

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I've been saying, for the past 4-ish years, that we are IN a SOFT 'Mad Max'........and the FULL-ON MAD MAX is COMING!!!!!

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It is MadMAx : > >Venezuelan ‘Migrant’ Delivering for Amazon Runs Over Mother Pushing Stroller, Flees Scene


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I hope that that woman (victim) and her family sue Jeff BOZO within an inch of his Demonic life!!

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i hope too , once they lose more than how much they rack in it will solved itself.

Unless its about killing the natives.

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Anything to push America over the limit and rage against the machine. I've heard these Aurora characters are letter agency operatives. Who knows?

What's going to happen if the legitimate inhabitants of these units shoots first and asks questions later? Maybe that's the agenda. Then martial law rears its ugly head, the elections get cancelled and FEMA camps get filled.

Martin Armstrong was on Infowars today and again sees no hope for better times for America, thinks this will be the last election America as America will have and states will wander off on their own.

Sort of reminds one of the movie the Man In The High Castle.


Even if only a handful of illegals resort to squatter's rights, walking up to someone's door with a gun speaks a really bad message.

The insanity mounts with no real solutions.

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Yup yup and YUP. Thanks for the link.

Sabbatean Frankism is alive and well.

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Dem run cities are most definitely at your own peril.

Mike Adams published warnings over a year ago with many followups.

The Good News is that Americans have the 2nd ammendment.

Strongly suspect fomenting Civil War is a Deep State imperative.

Buckle up...

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Aug 30
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"If Trump wins there will be a coup in D.C. to keep globalists in power."

And if the Dems win there will be a coup in D.C. to keep the globalists in power!

The llluminati is ALWAYS in power.

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Aug 31
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Alexander Acosta is the corrupt US State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!

And what happened to Acosta as a result???

In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!

By President Donald J. Trump.

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Sep 1
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...and from Mar-A-Iago to Epstein's island is a BOAT RIDE.

And 'MAGA' is the highest rank in the Church of Satan.

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We just witnessed one when they tossed the old Dotard under the bus.

If Kamel Hair debates DJT (she will be smashed) they are also likely to toss her.

That would be coup # 2. Not looking good for the Demon Rats...

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Why you don't read more and stop vomiting televised advertising propaganda of your own social engineering enslavement, period you don't have choice https://odysee.com/@ivikthor:c/The-Election-Ritual_-the-illusion-of-American-democracy:e

Now educated about Who is charging on the world destruction enslavement https://odysee.com/@ivikthor:c?r=6aBDux9TfLU9RKy4ZerTDV2k8Guw93i2

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Anyone who believes the 2020 election was 'stolen' doesn't yet know the Enemy.

Or the New WorId 0rder.

Trump was never supposed to win in '20 because his platform is anti-immigration, "I WILL BUILD A WALL!"

So Biden was installed to open the gates to the required number of illegals necessary for re-elected Trump to declare Martial Law.

And that is when America and Americans will be completely controlled.

And THAT is the New World 0rder.

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Aug 31Edited

Trump, Mr. "Drain the Swamp," put the biggest Swamp Dwellers in his Cabinet and in as other department heads. That wasn't a mistake.

He'll "win" this one too, this crap with Harris is just that, red-herring crap designed for fools that really believe that (s)elections aren't entirely controlled and rigged from the get-go via the electronic voting system. Then of course the completely unverifiable "absentee ballots" that come in in truckloads.

No, he'll win this one, and just like the dunderhead "conservatives" supported their own demise via support for the Patriot Act, he'll usher in Patriot Act 2.0 that will be directed at "domestic enemies," aka you, me, and most other people commenting here and elsewhere.

Censorship will reach the proportions that they have in Europe, where to even question how 6M could possibly have been killed when there were only a fraction of that even around at the time, or how "gas chambers" have regular doors that you could buy at Home Depot on them, etc. etc., will land you in prison.

Trump fans will applaud that and ice their own cake.

Buckle up!

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Completely controlled and destroy by the Zionist Ashkenazi Jews, period have the courage to say it loud and clear otherwise you're done forever they will destroy everything you once called America .

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Aug 31
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"Donald Trump is no Bohemian Grove attendee"

'MAGA' is the highest rank in the Church of Satan Rex.

Look it up.

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Sep 1
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Rex, 35 million vaxxed are dead. Millions are sick and dying, and more are permanently vaxxine damaged for life.

Funeral Directors are ordering 30% more INFANT-CHILD size coffins, up from the 20% increase last year.

Because Donald Trump lied to them.


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Aug 31
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35million vaxxed are dead.

Donald Trump has killed more Americans than all our wars combined.

How f'king Satanic is THAT?!???

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If he’s “ crooked” “ he’s” not in charge of anything . Why be upset with him ? Hate the people that design the play , not the players .

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"Why be upset with him?"

Because Donald Trump LIED about the virus.

Then he LIED about the vaxxines.

35million vaxxed are dead because Donald Trump LIED to them.

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Strange how these drug-addled undocumented foreigners sniff out and attack what appears to be the neighborhoods of the downtrodden and impoverished – afterall, there really isn't a 'war on the poor' in this upside-down backassward country now, is there? Maybe we need to intervene; round them up, pay for their one-way tickets while pointing them Eastward in the direction of the District of Corruption, where I myself can easily envision the likes of Stepford sniffy, his Stepford wife and degenerate kid, that depraved vp of his, her stallion wannabe, along with their s.s. goon squads being shoved into the midst of mobs of them. Of course, be sure to alert the press.

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Just as PLANNED . Out of chaos comes CONTROL

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Alternative 2 was to build a vast network of underground cities and tunnels in which a select representation of all cultures and occupations would survive and carry on the human race. The rest of humanity would be left to fend for themselves on the surface of the planet. We know that these facilities have been built and are ready and waiting for the chosen few to be notified.

Milton William Cooper,

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ThanQ for keeping us up to date on Everything!! We love & appreciate you Greg. 💪🇺🇸🐸🙏

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Fren , i miss 2015-2017 meme magik. Almost 10 years have pass ... jeez.

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Jews' Kalergi Plan in action.

If you don't know who humanity's number one enemy is by now, it's only because you're being willfully ignorant.

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If anyone thinks for one second that politicians give a shit about foreigners/immigrants then they need a check up from the neck up. Assuming we agree that politicians only care about themselves and the nest they are feathering, then you have to explain why they are flooding sovereign states with these people. It is because they have been told to by their handlers at the WEF. All nations must be destabilised in order for the great reset to occur. And the quickest way to do this is to saturate those places with foreign hostiles.

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lock and load , stay strapped my friends

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