Mark Passio's first 6 podcast episodes on his website deeply enhanced my understanding of human nature and the ease at which it can be manipulated.

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honestly it should be taught in 2nd grade. Its so fundamental.

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Totally agree! I think those who find Mark Passio to be too harsh on human behavior, have a hard time looking at themselves. I really appreciate his work, so its great that Greg brought him on.

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I thought back to my parents. They did the best that they could and I wouldn't dream of blaming then for my shortcomings as a younger man. I take responsibility for myself and it's up to all of us to self improve over the arc of our lives.

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Very much feel the same way.

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Agree. So many of us don’t even know ourselves or really attempt to dive deep into ourselves so to come to terms of who we are and what we truly can be .

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He's correct imo on humans, but he is vastly incorrect on animal behavior. Thats dark ages opinion that he spouts about animal behavoir.

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I don't think it's about animals vs. humans being good or bad. He just means to stress out the difference in consciousness between animals and humans.

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In the Book of Enoch, animals too will be judged according to their adherence or lack thereof to Universal Law.

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It's a little too esoteric for 8 year olds. Definitely should be required listening for 12th graders though.

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if you think teaching the fine nuance of trespass is esoteric we are in deep shit indeed.

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Did you listen to the first 6 episodes?

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IMO, and from 25 years of providing daycare, children are the ones most open to esoteric anything!

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You model good behaviour and respect for other people and animals. Children can be taught from the age of 2 - like don't stamp on spiders and teaching them how to love others. Loving behaviour teaches loving behaviour

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One of my earliest formative lessons in life, wanting to step on a spider in our house and my Dad saying, ,"hold on, tell me what that spider has done to you" I didnt kill it.

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THEY don’t want us knowing this information.

That’s why it’s not taught in “so called gobbelist created (Rockefeller) indoctrination schools.

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Four Axioms of Propaganda:

Axiom 1

The propagandized mind rebels against any information not aligned with official narratives.

Axiom 2

The typical American is as propagandized, indoctrinated, and uninformed as the average North Korean.

Axiom 3:

People serving in any of their country's intelligence services are necessarily more indoctrinated, propagandized, and mal-informed than a typical citizen living in those countries.

Axiom 4.

The longer a typical American has been immersed in the American educational system (to include professional school (medical, law, etc.), the more susceptible that person is to being propagandized and indoctrinated.

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Generally speaking yes. I was lucky enough to have professor that was knowlegable and bucked the system and taught us to always thin for ourselves. Always ask questions and look it up yourself. He alluded to much of this without specifically naming names or groups. They couldn't get rid of him because he was completely tenured, the top awarded by students teacher on the campus, and a stubborn brilliant man.

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Hierarchy is a weapon system , it brought us compartmentalization . . .

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Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

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Jay Dyer, on the Thursday 4th hour Infowars broadcast, pointed out that Maslow and his hierarchy of needs was a result of his work for an intelligence service - I think he said the OSS, and that the heirarchy of needs had served as an intial backdrop against which to frame a person of interest's weaknesses for exploitation.

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"And so, our children continue to be at risk in America’s schools. They are at risk academically because of such programs as whole language, mastery learning, direct instruction, Skinnerian operant conditioning, all of which have created huge learning problems that inevitably lead to what is commonly known as Attention Deficit Disorder and the drugging of four million children with the powerful drug Ritalin."

Charlotte Iserbyt The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.


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BEST BOOK if you have young kids. This is a must read. For any parents

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Yes Mrs. Iserbyt was policy advisor at the Dept. Of Education so she knows what was going on from the inside.

And even without having kids it's good information because whatever comes out of the schools has a direct bearing on the nation as the children grow up and take their places in the world.

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Thank you

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Thumbs up. My like button is on the blink...

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Yeah I saw that. Same thing for Skinner's work IIRC.

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I wrote them. Feel free to use them, extend them, or come up with new ones.

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To succeed in this matrix, we need to engage our Strong filter of critical thinking when watching or reading anything these days.

We KNOW right from wrong - those natural LAWS are WRITTEN in our souls by Our Creator. You can ignore Him but He IS there. Someday you will discover that to be true. I hope it’s before you leave earth.

Tavistock and many other human CONTROL groups are involved and consult constantly in Social “conditioning the masses” - and THEIR INFLUENCE causes the contrary behavior we know see.

It is VERY well paid for and VERY well PLANNED.

It was also used to tap into every “personality type” to influence you to get the shot during C O V I D…

Some Doctors in The UK group involved even expressed regret at being involved in those propaganda influence operations ….

READ about the oldest mind control org - The Tavistock institute

Read the excellent FREE books on www.archive.org of John Coleman on the Tavistock Institute located in England but still consulting the “so called elite globalists and Fortune 500 companies ).

Read many of John Colemans books and watch his presentations which are excellent and informative .

Search using the BRAVE browser.

You will not find them using Golum Google, or sold out Duck Duck NO!!! Search engines who are engaged in digital “book burning”…

Tavistock is a SOCIAL architect driver influencing social behaviors and helping DECLINE moral standards making us good slaves to our global masters.

Edward Bernay PROPAGANDA books (who consulted MANY governments on how to manipulate YOU) are also excellent so you can recognize when you’re being controlled.

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did you write this or is this something Mark wrote?

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2 of the best content creators ever. Awesome pod Greg!

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This is the best podcast ever!

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Awesome!! I have followed Mark Passio for years he is a no bullshit kinda guy. Mark knows his stuff beyond measure as he was on the dark side for a time as well. Thank you Greg for having him on your show!! Most excellent!!

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Yeah fascinating, but he needs to cut back on the coffee.

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LOL he can get very passionate cant he lol.

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Because he KNOWS!

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Everyone, please hear me out. Those who control the world are NOT the satanists. Satanists are at the forefront of a much more horrible and much smaller group of people, who has controlled the world for thousands of years by keeping secret the knowledge of how to manipulate the laws that we understand as the laws of nature. They navigate this world with these powers, which you couldn't even conceive. Hear me out: Those who worship ANYTHING/ANYBODY are at the mercy of that which they worship. This group is way beyond this. This is why this group doesn't worship anything, but themselves. Satanists are dumb and controllable: they worship. They obey. But this group I am talking about is seriously dangerous and could outsmart anyone even before you realize you are even dealing with them. They function similarly as satanists in some aspects only. THIS knowledge needs to go out, otherwise, by going only after satanists (which still needs to be done immediately) we will leave them free to start weaving their webs all over again. They USE and control EVERYOBODY, religions, governments, banks, the good side, the bad side, you name it.They are unknown, unnoticed, and literally run the world from behind the behind the behind the scenes. I know a lot more than I could type here, but please think about it. The word needs to go out because they lose their powers immediately for this simple reason: they are a small group (about 20) with immense powers they accrued from the atrocities they committed with energy manipulations, but they are terrified of the masses and the sum of all our powers. We could wipe them out for eternity by just the masses being aware of them and what they do!

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If we all know who are these evil mofo, how evil they are, we ALL will hate them and drown them in spit. So, the secret is united front will kill evils.

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Exactly. The energy of knowing (being aware) and responding with the energy of disgust and disapproval by the masses destroys them.

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Are you talking about the Archons? Yeah, nasty little bunch. They are trapped in the illusion of their own divinity, like their creator. That's why their worshippers (who worship them in many ways, not just the ways that they think they do, like you suggested) all act like idiots and obey them without even knowing it. It seems that these Archons are like narcissistic abusers, and pick a lowlife race as their "favorite" and dump all their hate on actually respectable races that might be a threat to their "power", and get away with getting better people scapegoated, and manage to get the vast majority of "humans" (animated meat sacks) to worship and obey them unthinkingly. They also have minds that are almost carbon copies of one another, as they have the same substrate and the same programming, and therefore demonstrate the same rotted out cognition and behavioral patterns. Like they will jump out of the woodwork, completely unbidden, and start quoting their favorite arbitrary belief system like its made out of gold and you need to breathe it like air or you'll lose your very soul.

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They call their group the Lodge (amongst themselves), but they don't give themselves a specific name - I assume it is so that it is impossible to identify them. They operate from New York and Germany.

They would eat each other alive if permitted (literally), but they don't, because their entire existence depends on the power of the Lodge - as a Group. They are united by their own strict inner circle laws and oaths that gives a them a very tight seal, impossible to track, hence their success throughout millennia. There are many 'Lodges', but this one is at the top, with superior powers (magic powers) - hard to even conceive.

Their defector blew the whistle in a book he wrote, I believe, some time in 2001. I will be interviewing the translator of the book very soon. The defector is apparently dead. The story is more intricate, but I will be unraveling and discussing the book with the translator, and I will be giving some much needed perspective as well, mainly because the book is horrific. I would not recommend it openly because of it, at least not without offering a healthy perspective first. I post my videos on Rumble. My channel is "Mate with Kaizen."

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The Dark Controllers understand what Bernays called in his 1928 book, Propaganda, the "Public Mind". It's very simple to stampede the herd - give them a big collective shock to instill free floating anxiety then repetitively message the hell out of them.

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You need to read ; Walter Lippmann - Public Opinion !

It lift the veil of our reality

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Bernays got women to smoke! The documentary on Bernays is super interesting!

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I found Mark's work back in 2010-11, I really enjoyed his Seminar on Natural Law.👏

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People will be judged on the knowledge that they have. "Do good unto all, especially those of the household of faith. Household of Faith = those who are trusting Jesus to have paid the fine they owe for the immorality that they have done in this life.

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Dang. That was SO well said. Woa.

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Thanks, Julie

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Great interview. Glad I woke up from my membership with the ROMAN catholic church. I no longer eat someones body or drink their blood. Flavians did a great job.

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Not only Catholics … Protestants too.

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Me too John! I had 12 years of Catholic school 😉.

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Me too, plus seminary. Started questioning thing in 1986. Then after my mother in law passed away 3 years ago I dumped it all. She went from a tridenteen catholic church to the masonic catholic church and didn't see any difference. So pathetic. Plus Mauro Biglinos book on how the old testament has nothing to do with a God. And the work creating Christ. Most amazing works. I'm sure more is coming.

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I was born in 1963. My parents were both strict Catholics. Before my dad met my mom, he was joining the seminary. YEARS later, and after their divorce (my mother was shunned at church), they both left Catholicism…and woke up MAJOR! I’m glad they did! I learned so much from their journey.

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Me too.

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I was never a part of that false religious system, but a lot of my family was and now my in-laws just went back into it. When one reads the book - one finds that religion is not what the book teaches. Religion is what man is programed with. This life is about God not man and his religion. In 1st John 5:13 - These things are written, to them that believe, that they may know that they have eternal life. The Book teaches about knowing God and living a Holy/ moral life. There is a judgement after we are finished here. Something man is not afraid of, but should be. Again for details on knowing God watch Some short Ray Comfort videos on YouTube.

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most people who say they love God also love killing people who believe something else

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What is your source of your information. I think you made that up. Every true believer that I know has a high respect for life and try to stop the murder of others, esp. the unborn. The 6th commandment states: You shall not murder. Jesus said to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself. Gordon, it may be that the people you know that profess Christianity, are false Christians that think it is ok to murder. There are lots of those around.

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Bible is part of the control system. Dump it.

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Actually dumping the OT is more needed than dumping the NT.

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Could not agree with you more. The very 1st bible has been suppressed by the Vatican and the Khazarians. The Jewish Torah, which is about YAHWEH who was a demi-lower-case- "g" god was simply stapled to the front of the Bible. I found this information quite fascinating https://www.theveryfirstbible.org/

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SFR, those videos are interesting, but as I listen, I note some misunderstanding that the narrator has of God as shown in scripture. That is what happens when you read the personal mail sent to other family members that you are not a part of.

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Did you say that because you are in judgement of God, or because someone told you something and you believed it, without doing your own research?

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John, this is not true. Religion and the people who run them are part of the control system. I you could understand the teachings of the bible, You would not say what you said. Your ignorance is evident. You give no defense for your statement. I much evidence for the scripture about God and the reality of God....

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Well that … is religion. Religion is mind control. Jesus was never about religion. He simply says: the kingdom of Heaven lies within you .

That , right there, is all you need to harvest from the Bible if you ask me.

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Yes I agree, but what is your understanding of Heaven lies within you?

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I love Mark!!!! This says a lot that you like his work for so long. I'm so excited to listen. Wooohooo!!!

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Conversation start @ 1:04:00 ish if you want to skip the rant.

During Covid , When they silenced us with their "you are not an expert" none sens. It was moral relativism , how can you be moral person if you deny freedom of thought - expression. The collectivism is just that ; not all lives matters : we will kill you to save grandma and don't worry after the pandemic Grandma wont be a burden for too long we will euthanize her.

We lost our way. Being a Christian is not a blind check to act crazy.

Best part @1:15:00

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The 99% on the Trump train, including those jumping on b/c of the Harris psyop, missed his whistle stops to pick up Ramaswammy, Musk, Gabbard, Carlson and now Rogan.

You just don't get it. You don't not see what is happening. Ramaswammy, a pharma grifter, & Gabbard are WEF young leader deniers. Gabbard was a psyops specialist in the Army. Carlson is CIA, Putin exposed it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOCWBhuDdDo - Brendon O'Connell also exposed it, but he fell off the face of the earth. Musk isn't just CIA - here, let Greg explain it: https://banned.video/watch?id=60b8eae106fe3d64b0f4f3bb And Rogan? Do you seriously think that softball interview was organic from a guy who took $300-million from his owners?

Now what are you seeing? All of a sudden pieces and parts of the MSM are turning on Harris setting up an election sweep AND crisis; a crisis that will yield many opportunities. Remember what Rahm Emmanuel said about a crisis: "You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."

After and as the smoke clears pieces of the globalist agenda will come into view.

Trump has already been the pied piper of safety & security for the coming digital age. Biometrics for border security during the migrant round up and "protection" of your digital wallet, which many of you already use.

Here, one more before I get to the point - just listen to this 9-minute video on Clif, Rogan & Trump by Algire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmhftQ_TURg

I've stated this before but it's worth reiteration in clarified form:

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society," - Krishnamurti

That's my reason for "hermit mode" and not participating in the selection, that, and it's a fixed scripted system coupled in with the phantasmagorical cyclical mathematics, Fibonacci - the Julia set & Mandelbrot set, infused within the Hermetic principles, yielding an understanding that this IS a fixed system and there is NO "fixing" a fixed system. PERIOD.

In Buddhism there are two paths: The Mahayana (the path of the Bodhisattva) and the Theravada (the path of the self through self correction) to "enlightenment."

We're ALL on our individual path of the fool in the materium. [ If you you've been kept from the Tarot b/c the Bible says so, congrats, their spell worked to keep you ignorant. ]

Reconciling that it too, your path, is a cyclical journey, warrants the necessity to break pattern and NOT wind up on the wheel again and again, and move the non-physical 'you' to the higher realm. It's either that, or keep playing Joni Mitchell's Circle Game. That's the dharma, and dharma is the LAW.

Trump IS NOT going to save you. Neither is Jesus, Maitreya, Kalki, the Pleiadians or the Intergalactic Federation of Light. The ONLY one who can "save" you is you. The problem is most have let "tradition" fill the most vital aspects of their existence and like dead fish in the flow go with the current of a "church" and State b/c to go against it requires intellectual and spiritual work at a deeply disturbing level. Remember when Neo puked in the Matrix movie?

Is it really freedom to believe you'll sit on a cloud with Jesus in heaven singing old time gospel tunes for eternity after you exit here?

I'm done. [ Difference Tom made in today's rant: 0 ]

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It's only a waste of time if people goes back to sleep. The country will implode if justice is not done. I have hope.

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Interesting that Mark blames his parents’ lazy belief systems about religion for pushing him (a self-described high intellect individual) into the arms of “satanism.” (Seriously, grow up and take responsibility for the direction of your life.) He then describes satanism as not involving a spiritual being but rather a belief system based on pride/hubris. He comes across as extremely prideful and one who may still be tempted by his own definition of satanism. By the way, the devil is winning when humans dismiss his existence.

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The lies within Satanism appeal to the lost and intellectually vain, as well as to power-hungry sadists.

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The first 7 years of life - we are simply a recorder - taking it all in through every sensory portal. Those formative years make for us the realization the adulthood stage is the time we spend getting over the childhood. So, as adults along with Mark - we are taking responsibility to correct the programming foisted on us. Parents are ignorant, lazy and programmed for the most part and pass their disease to their children. Fill a child's mind with garbage, what will the outcome be?

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Wow… I couldn't agree less… but I sense that there is a bunch of misunderstandings here… He did not discribe satanism as based on pride but on immorality, i.e. the lack or denial of morality. First of. And he has a very clear definition of what morality means.

And he does not blame the parents like you describe it, this is not the point at all. He took his responsibility and did his research after he was neither convinced by the christian belief system he experienced in childhood nor by the satanistic belief system he knew later.

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He also drinks too much coffee.

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I can't stand this dude !

So pretentious and incredibly hypocritical.

He sits in episode 407 and spends 70 minutes ranting that ppl "can't just jump in to his deep knowledge like where they want, you have to start from episode 1..cuae youre NOT that smart, youre just dumb and not as knowledgeable as HIM"..this is the point of 80 % of his rants, and he rants EVERY episode..."Why dont I have a personal assistance-I should have that by now. You dumb losers out there just sit there and wait for me to enlighten you, you should come work for me..for free of course,,youre not that worthy...But no, you dumbasses let me sit here with everything by myself..boo hoo...youre all dumb and youre all losers...By the way ; can you buy a new Mac..I GOT TO have the newest and best most expensive one, cause I make podcast and a presentation :) I should have that by now! :) "

And all his endless talks can be summed up in this sentence : "As long as you dont hurt anyone else-do what you want"..

I think Im gonna start doing the same thing..you should by me a mac..and be my personal assistance..I should have that by NOW😅

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I know what you mean there as Mark can be belittling and abrasive and perhaps needs a holiday. He is frustrated as many folks are asleep and want to just that but that is their right. If people love their enslavement (Stockholm Syndrome) and believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny then hey good for you! I think Mark is frustrated because people in general are totally brainwashed and choose the blue pill and are happy in it.

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Others like The Alchemist’ on YouTube believe there is a new earth / new timelines for those who vibrate high enough. I hope he’s not right that we all suffer the same fate because from where I sit most totally asleep including my friends and family. They are not bad people.. just ignorant. She talks about that too.. the soul is given a chance to get the information.. it is their free will to ignore it.

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Yeh, its an concept more and more people are feeling as we are getting more and more info on frequencies and their capabilities.

Since everything has frequencies, and is both healing and destructive one should probably go for the higher ones either way if its a new timeline on the horizon or not, as the higher frequencies are not bothered by the lower ones in the same way as the other way around

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I think hes also a little "frustrated " its less money in this than he might thought it' d be.

He cant come ut and say that of course, cause thats a very low frequency thing to do I guess.

BUt so is going off on the few people out there who DO want to help you out or are interested in your info.

And why people are talking about the work as HIS is beyond me, there's nothing new in his work, its all a good stew of info and its very basic when you break it down.

And thats what pisses me off the most with the man ; he drags the easiest piece of info out to an hour long rant, when it could basically be said in a very few sentences.

You can tell some of his guests feels it too, who might want to use the time to get a lot of info out there and sits listen to him repeat himself over and over and over..going " yeh, you said that already...for 40 minutes now, move on dude".

I guess its the "prophet desire" that rides him, he really wants to be viewed as one and presents his work as very intricate and hard to get. Its not.

"You cant just start at episode 100, youre not smart enough, youre not that guy ok...you have to listen ALL my work to grasp this information"...Yeh yeh yeh

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Aww come on, he's arrogant, and still appears quite self serving. Although he is correct on many if not most points, he is too freaking amped up on his own ego and something chemical whether it's too much coffee or meth.

Btw, what does he actually do that is unselfish. Intead of his very educated bitching, does he donate his time, energy and compassion to any body besides his for pay speaches? Just wondering.

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Some people have no self esteem, he is not! On the other hand, the passivity, which is called "look warm" in the Bible, earned rejection by Jesus. Our culture thieves on being not sure, and being not confidence it, so when we see some opinionated person we call him abrasive or zealot? It is important for public speakers, at least in this culture to be less assertive? I sensed that he was frustrated for knowing the truth and having few people who are willing to learn. Until today, I am having hard time telling normies that eggs, and butter are good, but carbs are bad.

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I assume since you're holier-than-thou, you sacrifice your life for everyone around you in your community...Gaza too, right?

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We're not worthy...


The guy's been through hell....



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Here is some guy trying to expose the occult to you, and you are unable to listen because his style is too confident? You should go and listen to CNN or Rachel Madcow.

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Mark, is that yooouu?😂

"trying to expose the occult FOR ME" ?

Dude, its been 300 episodes or something, theres been fine little "exposing" going on. Its been some hundreds of hours of calling his listeners dumb pathetic lazy nobodys who deserve whats coming for them.

And I think hes bad mood is just a result he thought hed might get a couple of shekels more for this gig, and is pissed he has to beg for a Mac...not any mac of course, he is Mr Passio reme,ber, it needs to be the top model,cause hes gonna make a presentation.

Maybe be a litte less greedy and a bit more thankful to the people who helps you out?

And where on earth do you get it from that people are "unable to listen" just because they dont like his style and personality ?

I was raised by parents who live by the natural law, so I knew it at 4 personally, and Im a let you in on a little ecret; " Aslong as you dont hurt anyone/anything else, you can do what you want" is not that a difficult concept to grasp.

Now, had mr. Passio used less time repeating himself endlessly, I mean the man can spend an hour repeating the same shit and pretend its some intriguing rocket science material...well, its not.

Hes not exposing much either, so Iwould calm the phuxx down.

Or since you love him so much, why dont you show more support ?

Its you hes pissed at in the shows, the one who should have bought him his Mac already or be his assistant.

Its from his supporters he expects these things.

So give him your money and time as he asks from you, while he calls you lazy and stupid for not having "gotten this simple information through your thick head yet"

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It's called SARCASM being Facetious.


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What happened to “the home of the brave” now soy boys and cowards!!

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What happened was the estrogenation of American males.

As any good rancher will tell you, you can't have too many bulls in the herd. So after the Evil ended the soldier breeding program in America in the '70s, they began introducing estrogenic foods like soy and corn, and synthetic hormones into the meat, poultry and plastics. This overload of hormones disrupts the developing reproductive system, so children who grew up on them, as adults will have altered reproductive systems.

Those reproductively altered young males grew up and mated with reproductively altered females and produced offspring that are so reproductively screwed up they don't even know what sex they are.

That's why we call Gender Dysphoria/Transgender the 'Happy Meal Syndrome'.

And that's why now when we need them, our soldier-age males don't know whether to pick up a gun or a bottle of nail polish.

And our older males wonder why they can't get it up.

The Evil are loooong-range planners.

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Also, to anyone who eats the typical American diet, or has children, I recommend you DETOX all those excess and synthetic hormones out of your body ASAP.

A ten-day green juice Fast is an excellent way to cleanse the system. If you're a larger person, or older, you may need to do it several times.

And read labels and watch for soy and corn, especially corn syrup. And drink liquids in glass bottles only. And for goodness sake, get those babies off of SOY FORMULA!

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i switched bread brand a month ago thinking it was GMO . . . I gained 15lbs on the new one in 2 weeks . . . Everything was fine , i have to admit my paranoia was to blame. . . Hopefully i wont snack on election "WEEK" !

Everything should be back has it was in not too long.

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Ok Kell, now you've brought up one of my biggest rants, PASTE!

What happens Kell when you mix flour and water?

You get PASTE. Sticky, mucilaginous, glue.

So what happens when you put that bread, or that pasta, or that cake, or cookie in the warm MOIST environment of your gut?

It turns back into PASTE. Sticky and gluey and sticks to the lining of your gut. Over time it turns into mucus.

Stop eating PASTE!

Stop eating bread, pasta, cakes, pies, cookies, ANYTHING made of white/wheat flour. Use nut flours, or other alternatives.

And if you HAVE been eating PASTE, eat an apple every night before bed for 21 days.

An apple, or any other dense wet fiber fruit or vegetable, raw, can go thru the digestive process and still retain enough wet fiber to go thru the gut like an industrial wet mop. And clean all that sticky, gluey, PASTE mucus out of your system.

If you eat an apple during the day, you still have to eat another one at night before bed because its during the sleep cycle that the body does all the repair, maintenance and clean up work.

Stop eating PASTE Kell!!!

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YEs maam ! i missed my summer diet . . . had nice farmer veggies & strawberries , no gmo . They are my go to for about 30 years . The apple is really good idea. I'll get on it this week.

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It sounds really weird, but not eating paste is sometimes easier said than done for a lot of us.

Bread is yummy! 😔🤦🏼‍♀️

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when I was a little kid, some of the kids in the class ate the Elmer's paste. Freaked me out. Now I have to watch people eat bread.

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LOL...does the meal come with a toy?


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I am guessing that importing Africans, and Muslims to the West could have been for self preservation? These guy see a blond girl and goes nut. Some of them just hump them in the streets or at swimming pools

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the truth

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So excuse my ignorance but what is this Substack thing

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Hey thank you all for your input to my one comment about my “home of the brave” comment! Lots of information on things I’m interested in

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Grow some balls

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Testicular fortitude……

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Honest, excellent discussion with Mark Passio… Agree totally!! God bless you…

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"The man, the myth, the legend" - Mark Passio, outstanding interview! I have followed Mark Passio for many years. The Truth he speaks resounds. Moral intelligence is often not a metric even considered but the only one that overcomes the illusions of this world and those culpable. Natural Law is the only true law. "What is evil? The absolute subversion of free will." Our world is Satanic (illusion-based) and most cannot see it yet fall victim to it while their own hands are stained with culpability. Then those that lead the masses astray who believe that they can shift karmic debt onto we the people, prevail.

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