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The problem with live streaming on CensorTube (YouTube) is not the danger that you will just be censored or canceled, you are also putting your viewers, those who comment, at risk of being censored or canceled. I highly recommend sticking to just live streaming on free speech platforms like Rumble, Odysee and the like, even Twitch.

Just to let you know that I do what I say, personally I have 33k followers on CensorTube but refuse to live stream there - don't even want to give them the views - I live stream on Twitch and Rumble and will be adding others soon. Just my 2 cents.

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You can't say "Nazi" on YouTube, which tells you everything you need to know. Megan Rose won't even say "children" on YouTube--she calls them "little people." What kind of psychopaths would censor you for talking about child trafficking? Oh, that's right---Nazis.

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Yup, CensorTube is pure evil now. For my work, I upload way more content on BitChute, Rumble and Odysee than I do on CensorTube, and I've been on there since 2005, first video uploaded was in 2006/2007. It's a pure shit platform now and the only reason I still maintain it is because I have hundreds of math videos on there that many people are using to learn math, which I think is extremely important, we need to bring back critical thought to education.

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What’s your math channel called?

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If you go to my CensorTube Channel (YouTube Channel - my user name is chycho), you'll be able to see my math content in the Playlist and video sections (a search on CensorTube with the words Math and chycho should get the job done as well).

Not sure if I can post links here but I'll give it a go, here are the playlists that I've created:

The Language of Mathematics: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFA0678B6777BA250

Math in Real Life: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE313AE0850B34951

ASMR Math: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9sfzC9bUPxk8C_ZQHCjY5XrQS9SYkEBD

Trigonometry: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9sfzC9bUPxmSHtqSPAHfjNYu0OpIFWhp

How to Study: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9sfzC9bUPxllvFO3yJEI3Yt_GrroR882

Mathematics of Food and Farming: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9sfzC9bUPxkRPNPffxGCERXTHOv_gJpN

Math in Art and Design: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9sfzC9bUPxkp9ZE16pklq1cq3EWDFa-r

There are a few hundred videos there, so let me know if you have any questions.


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Simply type the word 'Nazi' into the YT search engine and you will never be able to see the end of the word Nazi being said, written and insinuated as much or more than any other word in existence. If it weren't for the word 'Nazi', I doubt that YT would even exist.

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Bitchute is finally adding livestreaming soon as well as the usual chat tipping options. Plenty of platforms to choose from other than YouTube.

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Oh Snap! I will definitely be live streaming on BitChute as well once they kick it in. AWESOME! :)

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Not sure why Ray Vahey took so long to implement this but Bitchute would have taken off a lot sooner had they added a few bells and whistles back then.

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For sure, but man, huge respect to the crew at BitChute, they have done amazingly, treated creators with respect and have made sure that they are a stable platform. Love BitChute and the community there. Lots of love, and thank you for the great news about live streaming, I'll be waiting patiently :)

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I always scroll Bitchute at least once a day. Have Bitslide on my phone. I think livestreaming and superchats will send it to the next level. I'll keep an eye out for your channel chycho.

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Awesome, looking forward to the next level :)

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Greg, I was "triggered" at the park Saturday when I was walking by children and parents getting ready for 8 a.m. Little League practice. Parents staring at their 'devices" in a trance, ignoring the children. Walking farther down the path, I passed a Man on his "device" sitting on a bench. A little boy yards away screaming Dad look, look, Dad, look I can climb all the way up. I stood there and watched. NOTHING out of this father, Zero, Nothing. I said to the little boy, I'll watch you, bet you can do it. He did, all the way to the top. I praised him and he thanked me. It is a sad world when parents ignore this precious time. I wanted to slap each one of them and say, Wake the Hell up, but what would that accomplish?

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Sharing and Caring: Yes, for the last several years I too have observed the hypnotic trance of those who are mentally captured by their devices. Not unlike zombies or the walking dead. I posit there are "subliminal stimuli" embedded into the aps. I have friends who have permanently taken away their children's devices. Very tough to do in the first three weeks, but after 21 days there seems to be a decompression of sorts.

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Just heard a report about cell phones and computers and the blue light, saying to turn it to night mode while using them. Something in the frequency is affecting the brain function. They should be off-limits without the supervision of an adult. Unfortunately, Monkey sees Monkey do. Parents need to set an example.

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I told several parents to take the masks off of their kids. They didn't take the masks off.

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023

Masks! If people start that BS again especially suffocating children, It is not going to be pretty. Almost got in 4 fights with idiots telling me to put one on in the first Rodeo.

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I'm embarrased by all the "scenes" I made in California, although it was pretty funny. I ordered a mask that said, "Biden is a Pederast," but only used it when I had some business to conduct or to ride the bus. I also wore my MAGA hat. A grocery store manager said they weren't going to check me out because I was yelling at a Project Mannequin victim from England, calling him a cuck. (His MK-ULTRA programming was triggered by my MAGA hat). Good times.

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I'm sure I have been caught on camera, flipping off the loudspeakers from above, when they were constantly selling the clot-shot.

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Pedo-Joe has got to go, would be a good one. Might end up in the Gulag though.

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 4, 2023

For all of you out there in Greg Reese Land - Protect yourself and get the knowledge and truth coming this week. Greg, hopefully, this Health Conference goes viral and the Truth about the "Death Shots" finally gets LIGHT.

“Ask your Doctor if Venom is right for you” - Dr. Bryan Ardis

I am praying for protection over these Doctors:

Healing For The A.G.E.S.

Dr. Ardis

Dr. Group

Dr. Ealy

Dr. Schmidt

If you are seeking true (natural) solutions for your health, watch these brilliant Truth Telling Doctors.

Striving to help victims of the “clot shot” – Water – Air – Food – 5G / Bio-Weapons

Get info at:


Free Virtual presentation this coming Thursday - September 7th.

After over 2 years of intense research and proof, will Dr. Ardis finally be vindicated?

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Dr Group wants you to drink your piss.

Dr Group wants to know if you'd like to opt of Mother's Day or Father's Day emails. Because feelings.

Dr Group has some great products but that guy is off.

I'm on his email list, again I support many of his products.

But he is simply too weird for me.

I remember being introduced to him on AJ's show years ago.

Long hair, slightly effeminate, but smart.

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After a long mysterious illness lasting 5.5 years, being desperate for a solution, I started drinking my piss. Mind you, I was disgusted at the thought of it, so I dug in and did my research. Going on a year now and am about 100% better. Education has been blocked, censored, and distorted since Rockefeller took over the medical schools and turned it into a “Big Pharma” money machine. We have been lied to over and over, urine is waste, guess what? God made another part for that.

Good men over a century's worth have been silenced, slandered, and murdered for trying to get the truth out. Dr. Rachid Battard was taken out a week before a big conference he had scheduled, back in May of this year. This is why I am praying for these 4 brave doctors. I cannot imagine the millions of people who are suffering from horrible, debilitating health problems caused by all so-called vaccines, let alone the bio-weapon shot. This will at least give solutions and most of all HOPE.

If you are bitten by a snake, drink (even a friend's) urine and apply it to the bite it could save your life.

If you are ever dying of thirst drinking your urine could save your life.

Urine is full of your God-given stem cells, that can repair your DNA.

The cosmetic industry adds Urea to many products and people spear Horse Piss all over their bodies. (don't eat the horse paste, Ivermectin)

If you have foot fungus (nail) soak your feet in warm urine.

You can use 1/10 urine and water to fertilize plants.

BONUS: It is free from GOD!

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You got me confused with someone who gives a fuck.

Go tell your story to Dr. Group you weirdo.

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since I'm looking for the flattering, one like, how abut this: we come to this world with a BREATH, and we leave it with the last one. It is not from me, but from Thomas Lodi, MD(H), FICT, DAARFM, CNS, who knows what else.. And I'd add to it, each one of us came from the spark of LOVE, unless one was cloned, in the bottle...

these 4 great guys at :


explain quite a bit about our health, just in case...

Oh, the great cover up of the 'flat earth theory' is not only to confuse, BUT to prevent that people take seriously what's written in the first 4 page of the Old Testament, the genesis from the Bible... It is written right there, all about the waters, the earth, the stars, the time, the plants, the birds, the serpents...! If you'd believe that, you would never believe in 'evolution', humans stemming from apes, etc., etc. With the flat earth would be no landing on the moon, no NASA, no 'modern science', literally everything. That's why the Flat earth conspiracy is the greatest of all. Rob Skiba, the hero on that topic gave once interesting talk about scriptures: https://theserapeum.com/yeshua-jesus-and-the-mt-hermon-roswell-connection/

and so many more, and one needs to wonder why he died last year, after landing in hospital in 'covid times'..

Bless you Sir, and thank you for the music (not enough of it...)!

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We are on the same page here, just posted above you before reading yours. Thanks for that link, I could not find it.

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so did you find it now, I hope?

PLEASE correct the Dr. Ely, looks almost like Eli from the 'Ely Lilly', the opposite of health.. And it should be Dr. Ealy..

Are you really sure you didn't read my comment BEFORE posting yours?? What a tel-a-path-y...

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Fixed, thanks! Sure, I am sure, no deceit in these old bones.

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don't say 'old', the regeneration goes on, depending what you digest, and think;)

my aunt, 93, always says 'I do not want them to think I'm old' or when the doctor tells her she looks like ~60, she really does think so, no matter what the mirror says.

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Just using a figure of speech, am shooting for 100, if these bastards don’t murder me first.

God Bless your aunt and

George Burns - Old Bones

1986-1996 RIP


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thank you for the blessings, she can use it right now a lot.

don't like shootings, of any kind...;)

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ha, only those with Iphones can chat, via ggggoooggglllee... That's literally LIFE learning session for AI's, who now will be capable of IMITATING a crowds reacting to one presenter... Just my opinion.

Happy Labor Day! What?? I'm not pregnant... The english language...

Belching from the coffee??? That is a sign, something is not right here with the digestive system, lack of digestive enzymes, H.Pylori infection (that's a carcinogen..) in case the symptoms include heartburn and more. It can also be eating and drinking TOO fast while swallowing air... A good rule is to drink VERY SLOW and chew your food at least 60x each bite. I'm not an MD though..

GREAT summary about Trump, feel exactly the same, no excuse for mass murder, PRE-PLANNED, look at his executive order from Sep 2019, right around the very same time where he gave his medal of honor to Edwin Meese III, the Heritage foundation, who lead the 'covid operation'.. Since my amino acid sequence hobby I see this guy even in the universal toxic Spike sequence: ..KNNKSWMESEFRVY..

NO trust in Todd Callender, any more, not a SINGLE lawyer, OR MD., for that matter.

Btw. I wrote about Marburg in 2020.. But was not on this SStack until March '22, so here is what I send out to CDC/FDA, without ANY RESPONSE:


I tried SO MANY TIMES to put it out, including LAWYERS, MD's, POLITICIANS, NEVER ever any response. Just wonder why???

And sorry for my gross comments and thank you for not deleting them or banning me for 100 years...

A LONG way to go to be a better human;)

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023

Don't beat yourself up. Every scale swept from your eye brings pain.

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sorry, I do not speak chinese...

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Great typo response. Well done. I corrected for your delectation and delight. Swepr should have read swept. Egg flied lice. Enjoy

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now I prefer the chinese version, seems like it is better to know less

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Wow, great video, you think like me and that is impossible to find! Relief!

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Greg A Good Time That Is Less Used On Youtube Would Be 4 To 5 PM Eastern & I Could Join You Greg At That Time As I Am Live From 5:45 To 7 PM Eastern!

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Great Video Greg, Good to see you today!

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You play lefty guitar!??

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Righty. That's a right handed LTD 7 string

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I'm not bad. Been playing since I was 12 but I a have gotten rusty. I've been working on the banjo lately.

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Yes. I had dreams of being a rock star when I was young. My childhood influences were many, mostly Led Zeppelin and Prince. I played in 3 different bands from age 23 to 33. And then I began my spiritual pilgrimage which lasted until I was 48 when I joined the team at Infowars. I’ve been blessed with an adventurous life.

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Your Youtube Channel Name Please?

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While attending college on Earth in the 1960s, Preston began working at Brookhaven Laboratories. At the same time, he was working as a sound engineer for the music industry. His engineering genius, combined with his psychic ability to imprint “thought forms” in record albums that made people buy and listen to music, made him the most sought-after engineer in the business, in which he was known as Little Buddha. He recorded for talents such as Chubby Checkers, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Beach Boys, and the Star Wars movie trilogy.

Preston Nichols (2000). The Music of Time. Sky Books


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Hi Greg, you can find the declaration of marburgvirus emergency (EFFECTIVE AS OF NOVEMBER 2020!) here:

Notice of Declaration Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act for Countermeasures Against Marburgvirus and/or Marburg Disease


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John 14:6 JESUS IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE! No-one comes to the Father, except by Him❤️🙏🏼✝️

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This was great . And so was the banjo 👍🏼🙏🏽

Did you ever do a report on jesuits ?

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Canada has on government websites something called BIO DIGITAL CONVERGENCE. Talk about side effects.😶 My go-to is Dr. Ana (anamihalceamdphd. Substack. Com).

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Great stuff mate. I found a recent collaborative presentation this morning as I watched your YT podcast. Love ya work Greg, Power On. https://rumble.com/v3ez7aw-prophecies-is-humankind-fulfilling-the-prophecies-found-within.html

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*I missed the livestream but glad I could jump on a day later. I would like to download this BUT...

**On the far right end of the line of LIKES, and COMMENTS there are three ellipses, and this opens to a 'download mp3' option. However, this is not allowing me to download this. Would you be so kind to request the webhost fix this because I actually had the same problem with an earlier video (in Substack). It is hit or miss at times.

***Did you see the Warren Beatty film, The Parallax View? He plays a journalist trying to reveal the truth of many journalist assassinations, infiltrates the organization, then ultimately tries to get away. The machine churns out films like this because they want us to know their "...inner most self..." smut agenda sans marquee. Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970). Ace

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