Our feckless, inept, corrupt politicians in both the DemonRat and RepubTurd party ought to be ashamed of themselves; they are driving the United States into hell! I can't stand the sight of our idiots in office anymore! Round them up and hang them at Guantanamo Bay for Treason!

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Yelp! I say we need a good Ole fashioned witch burning throughout Washington DC! Or let's slowly round up all the senate and congress by kidnapping have them hanging from trees throughout Washington DC! I think that would send an extremely strong message that "We The People" have had enough of these piece of shit politicians and their bullshit and we are cleaning our country up and making things right for "The The People" once again! If our founding fathers were alive today they would give Americans a major cussin' because Americans have handed their power and sovereignty over to these maggot parasitic politicians and government officials!

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It's happening as I write... Patience and faith will give you strength until the truth is shared.


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"Round them up and hang them at Guantanamo"

White Hat hopium.

The Cabal's QAnon Scam drug of choice for the pink-pilled.

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Every time I see video of Russia, from either yourself or Tara Reade, the landscape is so beautiful and everything is so clean. Imagine if the US government put the people in America first instead of outsourcing our wealth for political bullying and self-indulgance. Greed has got a grip on America and those in perpetual power have lost their humanity.

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Sadly our government is fully captured and no longer serves the people

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The bolsheviks came here you must not forget! The old school of Them wanted Ukraine Cleaned Out of the people there who remembered or the children who heard from there parents and Grand Parents how the (bolsheviks) had Starved Millions to Death in The’ Ukraine •

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How many millions Indian Natives have white americans starved and slaughtered…remind me? 🫣

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DC was a Rothschild city that drove genocide. Jews are the masters of genocide and slavery.

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🎯🎯 They're showing their true colors and what they really are over in Gaza right now! 👍

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After what they ( Israelis) did in Gaza, I now believe they are behind October 7.

I would bet very big on that. I have no proof whatsoever but if they were able to such slaughtering they are capable of anything.

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not sure the djoos are jewish. Being religious ” you shall not kill”s So they disqualified.

If they are the chosen people so obviously it’s Satan who chose them and no one else.

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The Talmud is a Satanic book. The Talmud was illegal in 19th Century Czarist/Christian Russia. The Bolshevik Revolution was a genocide of Whites and Christians led by Talmudic Jews. Jews are not Hebrews of Old Testament. So we can correctly make a broad claim that Jews are genocidal and Satanic.

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Dang FBD, you could say the same thing about Americans. :(

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The Money Magick’ is in the hands of a Grouping which may be identifiable and for several centuries have sought and dreamed of a [jewtopia] you might say !

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Yeah! Sadly the same thing is happening to white Americans today, or will very soon because white hate is on the rise in America! I expect to see a Civil War break out before too much longer! I'm angred at my white ancestors for how the native Americans got treated! I'm part Cherokee myself! All of this is history repeating itself because humanity refuses to learn from history but this time around white Americans will be slaughtered and starved, and many will be innocent people like myself! But I'm looking to get offgrid somewhere away from all the chaos and bullshit that's to come! If I can find a peaceful place to live outside of America then that's what I will do! I do love my country and I'm American and was born here! I don't vote any today and I hate politicans and Washington DC and I would love to see Washington DC destroyed and all politicans hung, period! All I can say now is that humanity better start learning from history or this shit show will continue!

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As you wake up to realize it’s all planned you will learn that history is controlled and the public school system was created for indoctrination. Americans are purposely NOT taught true history. History that doesn’t follow and didn’t follow ‘the narrative’ didn’t make it to print in the old days and has most recently been censored and vilified. The Scofield Bible is an excellent example of propaganda used to shape generations of Americans’ beliefs about the Jews; that they are the chosen’ and can do no wrong. Few know that Jesus was upset with the Jews and called the synagogues of the Pharisees and Sadducees “synagogues of Satan”.

The Bible was taken out of education systems intentionally; to lead the sheep down the path of narcissism and selfishness, and here we are. Coveting what others have, unhappy with our lot, and addicted to pleasure through drugs and entertainment and alcohol. Slaves to self-gratification on a highway leading to Hell.

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The Scofield Bible claims the Jewish tribes can do no wrong. It is incorrect. The new covenant, described in the Gospel of my Lord and savior Jesus Christ, is the true path. No tribe, no man is without judgement except Jesus, the judge himself. God incarnate. Those that murder for profit have gotten their treasure and will see an eternity in Hell. Period.

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🎯🎯Exactly! I told my husband earlier tonight about this same subject! That Jesus got angry at the "money changers" in the church! "That ye are of your father, the devil, you say that you are Jews but are not, but do lie, you are of "The synagogue of Satan!"

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The Zionist/Khazarian/Ashkenazi Jews were behind that like everything else, and Whites were complicit. Now they're killing off Whites and the 'people of color' are complicit. This will continue until people realize who the real enemy is. That being said, there was a lot of brutality going both ways between Indians and Whites. It was war. In the end the Jews used their usual tactic to wipe out the Indians: famine and disease.

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We know Good and Bad are rooted Out in the Harvest ! So be what You will Be for that ‘Time’ ! There is One who Sees’ !

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The Natives-tribes bands are All evidence of “ReSets” Wars and Cultures/Peoples destroyed/hidden and Erased as the New [narrative] is Enforced !

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Indeed they were in the US, and they had the ear of Roosevelt and Eisenhower, which is why General Patton got sacked and didn't get the go-ahead to take them out in 1945.

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Yeah, and sadly the US government gave Israel a state and America got a huge "Thank You" from Israel on 9/11!

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Patton spoke Out ! After personally witnessing who was in Kontrol and Dared to Say So.. he’s was [killed]

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They Hold’ to mind/memory of a past horror , giving themselves to Vengeance ! Remember hearing This ! “Vengeance is Mine” thus says The Lord • We’ must be You -Me , Us-Them ..

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as far as I know, same pattern in Sweden and in France, these two nations are in the hands of same bunch of psychopaths in « « power « . Or puppets rather said.

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The Bilderberg Meeting last week have it all figured out …

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American free Press’ may have someone who was able to give a brief on the meeting… they were always the paper back to the Spotlight and Liberty Ledger that would dare to print news on Bilderberge !

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It never did, and started out captured. It's just reached terminal obviousness now.

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True ! and Russia has learned Many Hard Lessons!

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Tara Reade is in Russia too? I did not know that. Interesting. Did she feel she had to flee the US government mafia also?

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Yes, I follow her Telegram channel. She went to promote her book and learned that she would be arrested by the feds if she came back.

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Maybe it's time to accept that that has never happened, cannot be made to happen, and to consider the possibility that human society probably does not need government at all, certainly nothing like as presently constituted.

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So true!

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I have heard that Russia is now a Christian nation and is headed that way. This is why God is blessing Russia. The USA is a POST-Christian nation, and we are under judgment. So Russia gets blessed, and USA gets cursed. This explains a lot.

Do you see it? Those who have eyes to see see it.

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Russia was founded as a Christian nation in 988 by Prince Vladimir the Great. Russia began solely as a Christian nation. There are more religions there now, of course, but Orthodox Christianity is the fabric from which it was built.

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Little by little Truth is seeping Out ! Too Many of the elders are Fearful of teaching You and the ones who have Done Due Diligence of ReSearch have been OstraciZed in their ReSearch and Side-Lined or Ruined !!

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Satchidanand’s Against Satanism…

Jun 4

Again, history provides the answer as to why Russia is and has always been attacked - So, we see a great enmity of the Pippins and the Morosini Family against the Emperors of Byzantium who after the defeat of Constantinople in January 1454 moved to Russia. The reason Russia is being attacked and has always been attacked..

After the first sacking of Constantinople in 1204 when Venice brought back to St Marks square all the booty, the statues, Constantinople muddled on until it was defeated by the Muslims first created by the Carolingians - Charlemagne - who created the Catholic Church - in order to defeat Constantinople and the Greek Orthodox Church.

After the sacking, Constantinople and the top Byzantine Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire families who had earned the enmity of the Charlemagne Catholic Church and the Morosini Family moved to Russia... One of those families were the Romanovs.

Muscovite Russia, meanwhile, had acquired the consciousness of being the last bulwark of true Orthodoxy. In 1472 Grand Prince Ivan III (reigned 1462–1505) married Sofia (Zoë), the niece of the last Byzantine emperor.

Phoenician Families trace their genealogy through the female line.

Byzantium took over Russia!

See the article and read the book - for free...


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The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire created and Unelected World Government - The United Nations with its partner the Rothschild Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum is in the terms of Mussolini, Fusion of the State with Corporations, essentially Undemocratic and Facist. The United Nations with its partner the Rothschid Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum uses Fake narratives like Fake Climate Change and Collectivism to mandate Agenda 2030 World Totalitarianism

The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who worship Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Molech, Cybele and Attis for 10,000 years before Christ are in charge of the minions like Bidet, Richie, and Macron are all prostitutes, they sold out to Satan. And the Presstitutes who say that it is just the minions we need to change, that it's the minions who are the problem.

You can tell who are the Presstitutes and the prostitutes because they never mention that it was the Rothschilds and the Warburgs who took down France with the Satanic Jacobins and took down Russia and killed the Tsar with the Satanic Bolshevics.

The minions have been bought by the The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs and Warburgs. The minions have been bought by the The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Black Nobility who came from Satanic Venice like King Chuckie the Turd. The minions just follow orders and follow the Satanic Rituals like Human Sacrifice, the Sodomy Rituals, the Castration Rituals, the Drug Rituals, the Whore of Babalon Rituals.

This is all exposed in my 11 Volumes of Against Satanism, Sign Up! or go here... https://satchidanand.substack.com/p/throughout-history-seventy-two-empires

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Replying to my own comment, kinda lame, ,I KNOW... :) On a quick read, one might think I missed the "1" and that I meant to say, "1988" but of course it is indeed 988. There's probably some Russian saint who has a prophecy about it: "And it shall come to pass, that after one thousand and yet one more year(s), Great Russia will fall and then begin to rise again," or something like that.

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Russia might be becoming more Christian, but its leaders are not.... that is a con. In terms of government, Russia is completely owned by the original Bolsheviks. This five-minute video will convince you of that.

Putin Chabad Lubivitch https://www.bitchute.com/video/MwzuGE8b73Lp/

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Consider all presidents of Our recent Past have All signed on with the neo-bolsheviks !

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🎯🎯 fuck these goddamn satanic Zionists! Please excuse my French! They're all part of it! All the leaders of countries pay homage to Israel and kiss that damn wall in Israel! Every fucking leader will sell out their own country and people first over Israel!

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They must have gotten to the person running that channel because there has been no updates since May 2022.

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Many See it” ! Our Histories have been hidden or skewed in order to have Us in [Wrong Think] !

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"Russia is now a Christian nation..."? Russia has been a Christian nation for over 1000 years.

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Yeah and it makes me sick! I've suffered enough in this lifetime and in this shit show called life and I just don't deserve anymore! I haven't done anything to have such a horrible curse put on me because I'm an American nor do I agree with the lifestyle of USA, Babylon as many Americans participate in it! I just don't think it's right for all Americans to be cursed just for being born in America and especially if these Americans don't engage in the shit cesspool decedent materialistic lifestyle that many Americans have! If God/Creator curses innocent American people who are just doing the best that they can trying to survive in this shit show called life then this Creator/God isn't the loving Creator that he's portraying himself to be then is he!

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I hear you, and no, you're not responsible for what has happened to America. Jesus was not responsible for anything that happened to Him, yet not only was He triumphant, but through literal divine intervention, we are too. We can be, that is. I am also in the Russian speaking world and I love it so far, and I may move here permanently. It's complicated though, in some ways. Anyway, good luck, and hats off to Greg in Moscow!

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We're free to choose, and we chose. Wrong. We can't blame God for that.

The good news is that we're still free to choose. And we can change.

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Yes I see it CLEARLY

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I had just mentioned to my husband we should move to Russia from Canada, Im sure you all know why.

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Very Well do Many’ know Why your sentiments are such !!

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Thanks Greg, God bless you.

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Visiting this year!

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I disagree...

We can make the world much better.

We can end all wars right here right now.

Free education for all through the Internet...

Free clean energy for all through Water as energy source.

Food in abundance by re growing the deserts.

Freedom for all.

Governments must fall.

Those who cry war shall be killed.


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Void words of inspiration; Trump can stop the wars; we the people can do nothing and never could unless it was to cheer an attack. Idealism; I am on your side but we the people have no say in what the two sides decide.

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Trump is totally owned by the Zionists.

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I understand why you say that, but, there are the zionist jews and then there are the jews. To this date, I believe the opposite of what you concluded, based on that difference, and his actions. "If he is under their control; peace...does not spell zionist...spells Tataria/Russia. I will also add we as a people need to correct our narrative if we want a solution. It is not a country or a people; to blame america or israel...is all BS it is the zionists who control them all. Our narrative that was taught to us free thinkers, keeps us pointing our fingers away from the truth and why we are in this situation. When we point a finger we need to point it in such a way that there are none pointing back; it psychologically locks us to being a part of the problem and we are not and that move holds us all in check...

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When DJT let Jerod K. Speak [trumps] Peace Plan for ME , it amounted to a (do or die) to the people of Palestine

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I don't think he would sell and destroy the country as is presently the case. I think he would leave some meat on the bone for all.

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Strongest economy ever in his four years; no wars and world peace, and you think he is what is happening now...???

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🎯🎯 💯 Trump is a Zionist and he will get back in office, continue dividing Americans, get America into a Civil War, get the American people in permanent "lockdowns" because of the Civil War that he causes, then Trump will sell out Americans and sell America out for Israel which will permanently enslave all Americans and Trump will be America's new world order president that will completely bring down and destroy America! And I wish that I was not convinced of that happening and I wish I didn't feel that way in the very core of my being!

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My question is why??? There is absolutely no evidence of any of that; baring the fear tactics of the cabal, who is overwhelmingly concerned about him; that should tell you everything. If you feel he will betray us with the Zionists; I can assure you, he supports the Jewish people not their Zionist controllers to whom he is battling. As per attacking and dividing; when he was in power for four years, all we knew was world peace. I sense you are caught up in the lefts propaganda machine, and it is influencing. Ironically; the republicans fight for "everyones" freedoms, including their opposition, they feel has every right to speak their mind, where as the democrats who claim the same fight for freedom, want to silence the opposition; and people fear the republican stance???

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The pretend to be concerned about Trump, but he is likely controlled opposition. He's the necessary Goldstein in this version of Orwell's 1984. If the end game is division, the promotion of hatred and the balkanization and destruction of the Western , then at least in America, Trump serves all of that. He is divisive. Half the country has media-induces Trump Derangement Syndrome, which is very useful. He pushed the mRNA jabs and still does. He's rabidly pro Israel. He's not our savior.

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BUT the fact that he still pushes that jab is the most bewildering; again i am hoping he supports the Jews and not the Zionists; his actions of world peace support those words; if standing against the lgb divisional tactics, is considered division, when the party you represent stands for all freedoms, then so be it, I agree; I stand with no perverts, and lets face it, that is what this is all about; human trafficking and stopping it. Never heard Biden do anything about it except say if Trump keeps coming after them there will be blood shed.

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I understand the reason you claim this; history. However there is the single chance that JFK was correct...

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Look at the border and it's obvious who is selling out.If they are all relentless attacks to put him away charge after charge to keep him tied up in court ,it becomes obvious. I really can't see how anyone would back a president who lets illegal aliens in. Why even have a border if it isn;t enforced?

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Trump in power, four years...no wars...country vibrantly growing. Then the Zionists hit again, and as you claim will again create warfare and likely will be a civil war now that they have loaded the country with 8 million soldiers; all connected by phone and paycheck; hired as cops, dressed as soldiers and partnering with the un...and that is because of Trump, not done by Trump. You have to wake up; or admit you are a satanist and against mankind.

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The ‘deep state’ Showed Us Presidents possess No autonomous Power to enact the Will of The People ! Recall JFK ! The (devils) Put it in Our Face ! as well as all Presidents since !!

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I agree and we did in a way have JFK recalled, by the military putting in Trump who is related to JFK. Just as one side has their families we too have ours.

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I say different.

If we don't have a say... why do they want us to vote?

We have the power.

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Illusion of control; mind manipulation; the illusion of freedom; the freedom to choose from a selection with a penalty for the wrong free choice. That is our world, even after Trump, it is the way it is...now there is a solution but it has nothing to do with politics per say, but who can and can not have a say. Right now the population is not heard, only those they allow to freely vote within their controlled voting system, that assures any descent is squashed at the gate; wanna know how???

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I agree with Kevin T, but would also add distraction (that was the purpose of politics for the central bankers... to keep us divided and distracted with something meaningless. The distraction for their sleight of hand tricks). Also now obviously, the controllers are pushing the 2-party illusion hard for purposes of dividing us.

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Yeah and Trump will finish completely dividing Americans! Trump did the job that the globalists wanted, a completely divided America! Remember BLM happened under Trump! Now we have Trump's legal bullshit which will make him more popular and he'll be a shoe in for the election in November! The people who are against Trump will call him a criminal and treat all Trump supporters like criminals too and scream for Trump supporters to be thrown in jail! It's working out to be great fuel for a Civil War in America! That's what these Globalist want! Because if Civil War broke out in America then they can find a way to override our Constitution and put Americans in permanent "lockdowns!" These globalists would have multiple orgasms and come in their britches if they saw Americans out in the streets fighting and killing each other! Blacks, Latinos and other nationalities of people along with all of the illegals in America jumping on white Americans and killing innocent white Americans! Do not think for one second that this can't happen in America! Yes it can! And I believe that's where things are headed! I want everybody who reads my comment here, ask yourself why??, why in the fuck is America's borders slung the hell wide open with every kind of illegal immigrant coming into America????

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I agree; the true meaning is lost in the fact that our narrative has to catch up with our knowledge base. We are not being divided per se; we are divided and have never been one people. They as you suggest, created a divisional system by accenting on the opinion of others, based on the pressure submitted. The world is divided by opinion; yes, no, maybe. If you knew that, then all you would have to do is exploit what was already there. We are a divisional reasoning species; opinion is the separator. If we knew our opinion of God is irrelevant to the reality and traits of God, would we be in this situation??? To go a bit further; our mind is based on reaction to its arrival; fear and reason/vanity dealing with the fear, "you are not afraid, you are brave, you are... Vanity is a natural separator; it separates itself from the fear it contains; in society this is known as racism; our reasoning is based on separation; we naturally reason to separate ourselves from that we disagree with, and then we sit and point fingers...arguing to the end...

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Alexander Acosta is the corrupt US State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!

And what happened to Acosta as a result???

In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!

By President Donald J. Trump.

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Do you know who controls the vote machinery ?

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Dominion Voting Machines can by the implementation of this Patent change any and every vote.

Meaning not one election can be trusted because of this.


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They want Americans to vote for the illusion of power to the people, that Americans are free and that our votes actually matter 🙄😆, no our votes really don't matter because They(the globalists psychopaths in control) preselect each and every president of the United States as well as every other leader in other countries! The leaders get selected as puppets to carry out the globalists agendas that The globalists want to take place! If a certain puppet leader does not comply and goes against The globalists agendas then that puppet leader/president gets eliminated! As an example JFK got his head blown off for not complying with the globalists! So that's a short explanation of who has the power and it ain't "We The People" or "The People" of any other nation either!

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Nothing is free…

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Free,dom has a price. Blood

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You must be a Jew.

I say everything is free.

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Name calling, labels. I am a sovereign human. Does that work? You certainly could brush up on natural law and how the cycles of life work.

Free is a most misunderstood concept …

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Is it?

Let me ask you a Question... Who the Fuck owns everything?

Who owns you?

Who owns your Wife?

Your House?

Is life for rent?

Only if you are a rent boy... selling your soul.

My soul is pure... my life is mine.

Try to take it!

Freedom is not misunderstood... that is Bullshit.

Freedom is to be Free!!!

That is something you don't understand... or don't want to understand.

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Go express your anger elsewhere…

I’m good…

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Everything is free. Except the value of a man's labor. Everything else was here before each man was born and will be here after.

That is part of the evil trick is the inflation of what is free. Free ability to trade based on the value of man's labor and compensation for his value is the only thing of value.

We are merely custodians of the land and soil and all living things in the time we are here. Property is that thing exclusive to man from all others of mankind, for a time...

Wherefore: To highlight the ability as a man or woman to freely exercise dominion over the earth and all things therein, and to highlight the legal systems acknowledgement of this ability, here are comments from Sir William Blackstone’s Commentaries:

“There is no foundation in nature or in natural law, why a set of words upon parchment should convey the dominion of land.”

“The earth, and all things therein, are the general property of all mankind, exclusive of other beings [including fictional corporations]. From the immediate gift of the creator.”

“Bodily labour, bestowed upon any subject which before lay in common to all men, is universally allowed to give the fairest and most reasonable title to an exclusive property therein.”

“Taking amounts to a declaration that he intends to appropriate the thing to his own use, it remains in him, by the principles of universal law, till such time as he does some other act which shows an intention to abandon it.”

Wherefore: Gate keepers are the judges and agents with responsibility for ensuring the continuance of the game. When a slave truly awakes he must be allowed to leave the game because positive law does not allow for involuntary servitude. The gate keepers always remain in honour and will test the slave to ensure that he is ready.

So, wake up and, leave the game, and learn what is free and what is of value.

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There are still countries where the property becomes yours when you meet the payment obligations and there is no property tax after completion. That's how it should be for all. No one will ever own anything in the west free and clear.

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Still true in the West.

But, the titles get in the way.

Until we in the West put more value in being one of mankind and stop believing we are the titles on all the paperwork... Until we start asking the right questions, we own nothing. Fictitious entities can't own anything.

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Wise words ! But (words) nonetheless. . The “Gate keepers” will always Delegate their beholding (kept) 0nes !

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Only as good as the actions behind them... Words that is...

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lol...love how you tied that in; as the controllers do have put a price on everything; for the sake of control.

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I think that's a nice dream, but sadly all of that won't happen in this world because there's just too much evil and this evil has too much support going for it!

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Evil can be killed too…

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Your Radical (programs) may Sound good but time’ is required and freedom of choice and Freedom from this GD ‘Enforcement Culture’ must End !

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I agree but... I ask you...

What is so radical on being free and wanting the best?

I think most people are domesticated into slavery and I rather think this is the real problem.

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Slavery after its’ enforcement IS a process of Domestication!

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Domestication is the acceptance of Slavery...

It is chains without being chained because one accepts slavery not as slavery but employment.

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Or Their ‘condition’ in Life !

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Because they don’t know what life is all about.

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It's all slavery ,some just pays better,

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That’s a grim outlook! Would’nt want to live There for very long .. time’ is man’s enslavement !

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You had me until “those that cry war must be killed.” Do you hear yourself son?

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Why not?

Teaches them a lesson.

After all it is their law.


When the war comes... what will be your last words?

Maybe... Fritz Freud was right....

Only then it will be too late... for you.

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"Gentlemen you can't fight in here. This is the war room!" - from Dr. Strangelove

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You Make Your Point Fritz !

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Glad you picked that out; when opinion is expressed as a truth; happens all the time. And as yourself I agree with all the rest.

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That is interesting. I have also patronized EDWARD SLAVSQUAT on Substack, and listened to him being interviewed on many podcasts, since 2021-2022. He used to give "reports" weekly on Jesse Zurawell's TNT show. He has lived in Russia, I believe for over a decade, as well. According to Slavsquat's analysis, the trans-humanist agenda is even further along in Russia, and the mRNA jabs were pushed just as heavily on the Russian people as they were on those of us in North America. I am also extremely dubious of the claim that BRICS is some kind of "better alternative" to the globalist West. One thing is for certain: The people controlling everything right now want us to "immigrate" and want to mix everyone up so that no unity is ever possible. Is this something that is not being acknowledged in Russia now?

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I think Many would like to Know these Questions Answers !!

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Interesting, he said he was trying to make it back so, if it’s so good why don’t you stay?

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Perhaps he will upon Return

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People have [roots] ! Those things do draw you back ! It’s just an opinion . . Your Serve !

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Thanks Greg ! Recently I began research into possible ex pat landing locations, and Russia rates high ! I think one key is finding a place where your government does not hate you. I now live in California, where the only thing that hates us more than the state government is the fed. Russia does not seem this way.

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It's despicable what the leaders of the Western world have done to their nations, and their people. Godlessness, immorality, violence and overall degeneracy has become the norm here in North America, and it's not because the people wanted it, but because it's being forced upon them by reprobate, evil leaders and their communistic, propaganda mouthpiece media. God bless the people of Russia - our hearts break that we're being forced into a war, and we the people do not want conflict with you.

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The founding population in America was 54% Germanic and the West Coast had a heaping share of Russian folk !

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My prayer is that the spirit of Russia comes to our nation as well. We have a lot to learn from a country that was able to destroy the shackles of tyranny. One is to start with repentance and as our brothers & sisters recognize that although they weren’t alive when the Romanovs were brutally murdered, their ancestors were either involved or complacent to it. The blood of the Romanov family had been crying for justice. The repentance of the nation was the beginning of justice. We, too, have to repent from the blood that has been shed…allowing the lies of the government to continue. Especially regarding the assassination of our presidents Lincoln and Kennedy to go unpunished to the true perpetrators. You are so correct, Greg, we have to come to a state of repentance. “If My people, who will humble themselves and pray, and seek My Face and turn from their wicked ways. Then I will forgive their sins and heal their land.” Russia is healing because they have been forgiven.

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I like the words spoken here, they ring truth. There is a spiritual battle going on here behind the scenes, people need to focus on being good citizens and expose evil at every opportunity.

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I like this spirit. . .

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Rudolf Steiner, originator of Anthroposophy (Spiritual Science), Waldorf Education, Biodynamic Agriculture, anthroposophical medicine, and many other streams of endeavor, divides the history of post=Atlantean mankind into 7 cultural epochs beginning after the sinking of Atlantis and will end with the War of All Against All. Each epoch lasts about 2160 years, and serves above all the development of the human soul.

Ancient Indian culture (7227 - 5067 B.C.)

Ancient Persian culture (5067 - 2907 B.C.)

Egyptian-Chaldean culture (2907 - 747 B.C.)

Greco-Latin culture (747 BC - 1413 AD).

Anglo-German culture (1413 - 3573 AD, our present epoch)

Slavic culture (3573 - 5733 AD)

American culture (5733 - 7893 AD)

As you can see, the cultural epoch next in line after our current 5th one which started at the Renaissance, is the 6th Epoch which is led by the Slavic peoples, which includes the Russians. We've still got a ways to go but the epochs don't just switch overnight, there's a long period of preparation. Steiner said that the immense suffering that the Slavs have endured and are enduring (war, revolution, communist government-led famines, collectivism, etc.) is bringing forth a soul quality in which it will be impossible to look upon the suffering of another without feeling true empathy and the need to help. That's true empathy, not the cheap, insincere virtue signaling that passes for empathy today.

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Interesting and many followed this conceptualising thus all that eastern philosophizing ! I can speak on Buddhism fairly well … so know of what you note of Steiner. .

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"A family safe haven from the anti-human agenda"???

Its simply not true. I wonder why the majority of the Alt media is LYING to their audience about Russia

Russia and the Collective West Are Marching Together Towards the Agenda 2030 Goals:


" The operational history of The Order can only be understood within a framework of the Hegelian dialectic process. Quite simply, this is the notion that conflict creates history. From this axiom, it follows that controlled conflict can create a predetermined history..."


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Thank you, Lioness of Judah. From your posting, I watched most of the video of Walter Veith. What a revelation. He provides proof of everything he is saying. Even down to transgenderism, the latest lie. I am not SDA, but God can use whomever He chooses to speak the Truth. In light of watching Mr. Veith's video, my response to Greg Reese's infatuation with Russia, therefore, can only be: "The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history." -George Hegel. Fools that we are, we continue to search for that Utopia on earth, but we will never find it; that is totally antithetical to the plan of the sovereign God who created and sustains all things. In spite of all that has happened throughout the ages, at the drop of a hat, we will still fall for whatever any wolf in sheep's clothing tells us. But we will never, on our own, believe in 'the one true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent'. What baffles me, though, is that the idea he is promoting doesn't include what happens to us at the end of this life. I mean, we could live in the most ideal of circumstances on this earth, but we all have to die - it is appointed to us once to die - but what happens to us after that? Especially if we have neglected our soul, the part of us that lives on after the death of the flesh. Do you think that he believes, like all humanists, that we just go off into oblivion? Perhaps, but one thinking that is what happens does not make it true.

"But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification and redemption." I Corinthians 1:30.

"And this is Our Lord Jesus Christ who was DELIVERED (by GOD) for our TRANSGRESSIONS and RAISED (by GOD) for our JUSTIFICATION. (I use capital letters only for emphasis). To believe in Him is to be liberated from the dominion of sin according to God's own justice. But redemption is not enough. We are actually in the prison of sin, dead through trespasses, and we must be delivered. We are blind, and our mind is in darkness. We are slaves of the lie, in bondage to the foolishness of spiritual ignorance. We grope in darkness, we hate the good, we hold the truth under in unrighteousness. And moreover, we exist in a world in which the wrath of God is revealed from heaven and from the testimony of that wrath there is no escape. There is no way out. No philosophy of man can help us. 'The world by its wisdom knew not God.' But Christ IS our wisdom! Not only did He reveal the Father unto us, and did He make known the full counsel of salvation, but He Himself, in His Person and work, IS the wisdom of God; and by His Spirit and grace through faith, He IS our wisdom. He IS the light in our darkness, the solution of all mysteries, the way out of sin and death into the light of life! He IS our righteousness and sanctification. In the judgement of God, we stand condemned in ourselves, both because of our original and our actual sins. But Christ IS our righteousness, and therefore, our eternal life. For in Him, there is a righteousness that far transcends the righteousness of the first Adam before the fall. He Himself, the Christ of the scriptures, IS that righteousness that is worthy of glory and immortality. And in ourselves, WE ARE dead in sin, polluted and defiled, hating God and hating one another, seeking the things of the flesh rather than the things that are above. But Christ IS our sanctification, our complete purification, and our consecration to the living God. Indeed, if the instructor of our Catechism purposed to bring before us all at once the image or revelation of the full Christ in all His glory and power of salvation, it could not do better than quote this significant passage from First Corinthians."

The Triple Knowledge

An Exposition of the Heidelberg Catechism

Herman Hoeksema

Page 275; The Mediator of God and Man

This is a spiritual battle we are in my friends. I am convinced that every wickedness done in this evil world is pointed to the destruction of Our Lord Jesus Christ. But He has already won the battle.

Thank you once again, Lioness of Judah.

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Solly ! i can honestly say _Gobbledegook

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Could be BUT ! When a definitive distinction reveals itself ! Must We always Reject it ? i prefer to like what speaks with a clear voice the path which it trods!

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I have wondered on this concept and think that your hypothesis Could be (on target) ! There was a ‘Think’ forgot what they called it ! but stated We the USA & ussr have to merge !

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ALL the so called world leaders are members of the same club and serving the same masters. Satanic puppet show


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Whenever Anyone joins ‘the club’ they learn the Rules, wether by choice or chance(election) !!

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Gonna Quit Now ??

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Edgar Cayce had a }projection{ of Russia being perhaps in the not too distant future from his (talks) back in his day as a great friend to America even a sanctuary for them! Look into this . .

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If everybody moves to Russia it won't be the same place. A nation is its PEOPLE not a land mass. I disagree with the gentleman who made this statement of nonsense.

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Many rejected the idea but it was strongly promoted, many thought it to be another Tact’ by the Soviets’ to take us over !

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