I listen to your podcast at 1.25X speed... You should try it out, save 20% of time and have a better audio flow. Thanks Greg!

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I bet you loved the Chipmunks ! hehehe

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Mar 6, 2023
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I do that with Alexander Mercouris hehe

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Would YouTube allow any information if it didn’t support the wrong or distracting narrative rather than getting to the heart of the motivations. When we heard about dolly the sheep and later about Chinese doctor using CRSPER to gene edit a baby, I think this global scientific experiment researching the effects of various gene therapy treatments was the most logical step. After they refine the mRNA gene therapy, they will provide miracle drugs to the 1%.

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Conspiracy 'theorist' & SME here: The Ohio train derailment has some 9/11 signatures. Blowing up the trains is like sending all the rubble from the towers to the landfill - takes care of any NTSB forensics just like 9/11 took care of all those pesky magnetite softened and shape charge sliced beams that are a signature of a controlled demolition. Classic Hegelian dialectic operation to usher in an agenda filled with measures for controlling and culling the sheeple. Agree, poison is the top shelf pull for these perverts; poisoned air (chemtrails), air waves (6G, HAARP), water (fluoride, mercury et al), food (GMO's), Rx's (thalidomide, remdesivir, azidothymidine et al), vaccines - - -.

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To me Celia will always be the hot rock'n'roll chick from Sweden who ruffle feathers. So happy she s still alive which is proof Fauci is a looong acting scam, same with Magic J. if you remember.

Cant count the time i got tested for AIDs..... sigh. Just remember folks poppers are detrimental to your immune system and all will be ok hahahah. Sharing truth around the photocopy machine .... damn that was a long time ago.

Hope you caught Roseanna with Alex That was priceless has well. Damn i wish i had a Jewy Jew aunt, who drink , smoke & curse like a sailor. Speaking the uncomfortable truth to your face.

Bless them both, may they keep aging gracefully.

Tribute to the old Rebels may it make you smile! https://youtu.be/po6QU0z1rSs?t=61

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Hi Kell,

Thank you for mentioning that Roseanne was on IW. I missed it so I watched it tonight. I love her ~ she’s always entertaining. Was never much into sitcoms, but the Roseanne show from the 80’s was one of my favorites.

The Celia interview was awesome but I knew it would be! I think her & Greg have great chemistry (I think she’s a Leo?). I like the new bumper but I miss the old one. 😕

For some reason, all this time, I thought you were a younger guy, like late 20’s, early 30’s.

Hmm. 🤔

Maybe it’s the profile pic?

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...."Maybe it’s the profile pic?" Escape from New York was 1981, Proud to have grown up watching the best Cinema, even if some was obviously made by devil worshipers hahahaha

My Uncle watched religiously Roseanna, (She looked 100% like his wife.) I learned english watching the first Transformer, Star Wars, so he wanted me to learn the finer points of comedy. Watched Akroid, Martin, Chase, Beluchi, Murphy, Candy , Hicks, Carlin and Of course Cheech and Chong hahah i stopped watching comedy with him when he stopped drinking, He kinda became an Ass hahahaha

OK OK your dying to know. In 2 sunday is "the" sunday. I said enough hahahaha

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Ok...Now I feel retarded. I knew the pic was from a movie or TV show, but wasn’t sure which one. I thought it was from something much more recent. Oh well. I guess I had a blonde/senior moment. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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On a different note. went to see my mom today. She bought 2 box of "black" masks coz they were on sale. I took a jab at her , i told her : "Perhaps its becoz no ones buying them" she gave me a pass and agreed then i followed up on saying : "Maybe people stop buying becoz they dont work." Then she threw me the box yelling: "get out of here."

That psyops is so hard to break.

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Sherry you are critical of Trump i came across this clip you might appreciate. > https://tinyurl.com/zubzjf3n it last 20 mins. I'm curious of your take on it. (u2 Kristina if you see this.)

I watched his CPAC2023 speech and i feel like it was a big milestone. To be honest it got me going, not has much has the famous meme tho > https://tinyurl.com/wzjcybpn and that one > https://tinyurl.com/2p8snnxp

No seriously, I went over most cpac panels and it could be it. He got some fine people around him this time. There something about Kash: i believe him, i believe he got the right people in mind to reform DC. They go over a bunch of topics in the clip.

I had a bunch of conversations all day around the topic(only with mens tho),i even start writing quite a bit. I dunno might be the millennial enthusiasm rubbing up on me. hahah I look at Kash / Tucker and it make me feel much better about being GenX.

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I have ZERO respect for Trump. 😕

Someone sent me a report they saw online that said our government now knows the excess death rate has reached at least 2.5 million per month in the US and they’re scrambling to assemble a narrative to cover their asses, because THEY KNOW shit’s about to get REAL and yet Trump is STILL promoting the vaccines...STILL!!! Like, dude...the cat’s outta the bag...just come clean already and admit you f’ed up, exercised poor judgment, were duped, whatever... (or did he know all along that it was a kill shot? Maybe he was in on it?)

But, no....he won’t...EVER. And that’s the problem ~ he’s all ego.

I guess it just hits different when it’s effected you personally. My mom’s dead. My best friend is dead. My ex is dead. All because of this stupid fucking vaccine. And every day, I hear about someone else ~ last week it was a good friend from St. Augustine who was suddenly diagnosed with Leukemia and within two and a half weeks ~ dead. Yesterday I found out that a guy I grew up with, suddenly passed away of a heart attack this past Saturday. He was only 48. He leaves behind a wife and three little boys, one of which is autistic. So now, their lives are all irreparably changed forever and for what?

I’m over it. But I know this is just the beginning. Things are gonna get much worse before they get better. I’m trying to prepare myself for a mass die-off and the very real possibility of being the only remaining living family member, because I’m the only person in my family that is unvaccinated.

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Am with you; All the early treatment doctors, All the doctors across the world, the brave Indian doctor who gave HCQ/Ivermectin/Vitamins in a cute little bag in the province of Uttar Pradesh (240millions ppl). They all saved so many lives. Its so evident in your face undeniable.

All the big voices Malone, Del BigTree, McCullough, Paul Alexander, Ryan Cole, Merrik, Dr Zelenko treated Trump when he got covid for fuck sakes. All the guys from the great Barrington declaration. They all plead to Trump in person at Mara LAgo... Fucking Eric Trump with his reAwaken tour. They all know.

Man , its so demoralizing, that Big pharma crushing power. Is no jokes.

I bet you followed Tucker Jan6th coverage. ITS CLEAR they silenced him, The Q Sham is the one who got the worst punishment by far and YET he's the one you can easily spot WITHOUT face recognition software. That regime is criminal.

I was going over Peter Navarro Journal of the pandemic.> https://tinyurl.com/mvup3w5f (in case you need it.) Just to be sure they are not re Writing history. Its the timeline i remember. They said yes to everyone who pressure them: Even Fauci Remdesevir. So they would not be the ones in the way of "proper" response. Fauci, Birks and the 2 others (i cant rmbr) ran that ops all the way. Even now what they say goes, On the record Birks is admitting they lied to the administration. Took the worst data possible to make their case.

I dunno whats its gona take. People will have to take the streets Its gona take Both Democrats and Maga people. I dunno what liability Trump signed ... but if they are waiting on some Commission results. . . it got to happen like yesterday.

I got the feeling the folks in the administration/deepstate are rolling the red Carpet for Trump. It feel obvious. On the international scene i see it, There's been a MAGA policy change. The US re-Industrialization has been a thing for 2 years now. People in Europe are bitching and moaning about it but its happening. German Scholtz came a few days ago. Sig Saur the big Ger/Swiss gun manufacturer is moving to the US . They won the contract for the small medium squad weapons. (new ammo and barrels) for all NATO/US Army. That's not Biden doing. That's appeasement for the Government America'1st'er.

If Trump fails id say secede and reform the Union. Shrug..

It Feels like: like it or not , you are getting Trump.

Thnx Sherry u curbed my enthusiasm, all that "I am your vindication talk" got to my head hahahaha

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Greg, keep your previous theme music, this version sounds very weak in comparison to the other version. Why did you change it?

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its the same notes hahaha just a timing/tempo change hahahah.

i get what your saying. Fits very well for Convo content tho.

Keep old for report new for the talk show?

i like both, its cyberpunk'ish.

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Is It Unloving to Speak of Hell? (2-minute study)

If you were giving some friends directions to Denver and you knew that one road led there but a second road ended at a sharp cliff around a blind corner, would you talk only about the safe road? No. You would tell them about both, especially if you knew that the road to destruction was wider and more traveled. In fact, it would be terribly unloving not to warn them about that other road.

For the same reason, we must not believe Satan’s lie that it’s unloving to speak to people about Hell. The most basic truth is that there are only two possible destinations after death: Heaven and Hell. Each is just as real and just as eternal as the other.

Unless and until we surrender our lives to Jesus Christ, we’re headed for Hell. The most loving thing we can do for our friends and our family is to warn them about the road that leads to destruction and tell them about the road that leads to life.

It would upset us, but would we think it unloving if a doctor told us we had a potentially fatal cancer? And would the doctor not tell us if the cancer could be eradicated? Why then do we not tell unsaved people about the cancer of sin and evil and how the inevitable penalty of eternal destruction can be avoided by the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ?

It would upset us, but would we think it unloving if a doctor told us we had a potentially fatal cancer?

If we understood Hell even the slightest bit, none of us would ever say, “Go to Hell.” It’s far too easy to go to Hell. It requires no change of course, no navigational adjustments. We were born with our autopilot set toward Hell. It is nothing to take lightly—Hell is the single greatest tragedy in the universe.

God loves us enough to tell us the truth—there are two eternal destinations, not one, and we must choose the right path if we are to go to Heaven. All roads do not lead to Heaven. Only one does: Jesus Christ. He said, “No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). All other roads lead to Hell. The high stakes involved in the choice between Heaven and Hell will cause us to appreciate Heaven in deeper ways, never taking it for granted, and always praising God for His grace that delivers us from what we deserve and grants us forever what we don’t.

John Stewart ~ hbh@email.com

_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

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Mandela Fx: Godzilla is doing is thing, Peter Jackson asked him politely to move it out of arms way. Don't interfere with Godzilla. Greg!

°I had a Monopoly board game with the Top hat guy with a MONOCLE. Showed it to my mom, ask if i could keep it. Came back next day with a camera .... She sold it on the web for 5grand ... sigh.

°I remember Star War ep4, In the death star chase. Lea had an almost see trough white robe and ya she was wearing no bra, flopping around. That was glorious.

-That's the 2 i can prove but there's SO MANY don't go down that INSANE rabbit hole lmao.

(no please do)😉

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Thank you Greg!

The “AWAKE METER” is about to burst! I feel it. I sense it.

You hit the nail on the head with the land grab point. I think a large amount of land in PA is Amish land. You can’t get better land than that!

YEARS AGO I remember people talking about Agenda 21 (I have a book on it). What TPTB have been planning is NOT a conspiracy theory.

And death is the darkness and pure evil. I focus on God-The Creator, daily: LIGHT and GOODNESS!

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Celia...A video. It kept buffering and actually turning on and off every other second. The moving white background made me dizzy. Cool framing though. You need a third light maybe a pin spot hitting the back of your head on the left side. I know things will get better. But I trudged on to watch both clips. The second 10 minute clip kept going back to the start.

Mengele redux.

Fauci-ism. Gangstalk? He's the reason the goobahs would hit their targets in the face. He was working on the immune system back then for AIDS for today with VAIDS.

Scam? Genocide and all that can entail. Misdirection, lies, premeditated research and experimentation.

Then outright bald-faced implementation.

Ohio: 6-9's, 99.9999%. Those chemicals would have to be destroyed to that percentage for it to be inert.


Eric Coppolino, who studies these chemicals as far back as Nam said there was a town that was hit with similar chemicals and there has not been a single birth there in 50 years.


Full spectrum dominance, 1,000 points of light, disaster/control from every direction.

Biggest reason for 9/11 was to clamp down on patriots, create the TSA and take everyone's freedoms away. Yeah they did a two-fer, tore down the towers, collected the insurance, knocked off the accountants covering that 2.3T, invaded Iraq and wrote all that homeland security b.s.

Agenda 21 yes, sustainable development, carbon sinks, pack everyone in beehives, take over all natural resources, plants, animals, minerals, water.

Eminent domain. The EPA was created by Nixon so the gov't could sell property, pieces of America.

They chose oil to enslave humanity. All those Tesla vacuum derived free energy devices that can create electricity out of thin air size of a cigarette pack/shoe box can run your entire house, were hidden, inventors bought off or killed. Steven Greer calls it the Lost Century. Greer did hang with Laurance Rockefeller who was into saving humanity. But Larry got reigned back in by his family. So it's being said.



Granted trains have their drawbacks, but how do we know this inherent issue isn't being co-opted to create more mayhem hidden in plain sight? They used "Muslim hijackers" to pull 9/11.

They're being creative. Variations on a theme.

Where are the dancing Israelis?

"Just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you"

Gotta find a way

A better way

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15 minute carbon credit controled cities are a coming. Sounds like fun

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Look who's leading the charge in SF CA - he drops the hint w/o saying 15-min city at the end.

Same guy who introduced a bill to legalize pedophilia.


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remember the monkey pox episode? Don't you dare ask them to stop having orgy but you the fucking pleb. Wear 3 mask, stay indoor, stay 6 ft apart. Don't you dare hug your grand parents. JUST BECOZ they said so. Total and utter sham. All sell outs. all of them,.

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No argument - all sellouts, pliable dupes and marionettes that are owned. But the larger swath of the problem is, and continues to be, the malleable, brain washed, brain dead, order following zombies that did everything they were told to do via the TV. It was typified in a video of a woman, sitting next to her manically twitching 15-year old daughter in a wheel chair, before a panel hearing vaccine injury complaints, and stating that she's not an anti-vaxer and believes in vaccines. They're still out there wearing mask - they're the true enemy - and we are out numbered.

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Remember Sam Harris saying :" I don't care if Hunter Biden had dead kids in his basement. I voted Dem. "

Thats the crux of the problem. They are willing to accept the unacceptable for some random goal.

In those moral relativist assholes. Its either Or. There is never a better way. They never propose anything. They always weight 2, the fucking dialectic. Thats manipulative and a sign of their moral bankruptcy. THEY never attack the root. The never attack power, the hand that feeds.

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Amazing. Here's a fresh synchronicity: I'm listening to Joe Rogan's podcast with Eric Weinstein b/c Weinstein informatively blurps about a profession I retired from. The conversation is weaving in and out of personalities on the scene of the physics behind the UFO phenomena and Trump's name comes up to which Rogan states that Trump doesn't have the intellect of a Sam Harris. Beam me up Scotty.

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LMAO, i shall listen to it. I dunno Eric kinda meh i like Bret better altho he is a bit word salade'ish at time. I bought Bret & Heater book its a bit more anthropological than Biological i loved it anyway. Its a good read.

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The prisons are gonna be FULL of those pedo F*^ks

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No , YOU will and CPS will waltz in and take your kids hahahah

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Greg, UK PM Richi SUNAK wife got contract for digital ID with the Russian Army,. Look into: Tech Mahindra and Infosys. They are playing both sides. This is disgusting.


Had a chat with an UK friends this morning. He's IT in Ireland. Shit suppose to hit the fan in the wake of Hancock Covid messages. if it helps. shrugh

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www.MadMaxWorld.TV WTF going on? hahaha. Best INFOWAR alternate URL EVER? hahaha

I knew after watching CPAC yesterday the world would never be the same on Monday I WAS RIGHT!

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Hey Gregg! I'm in the FL Panhandle too! -- just north of Pensacola in Pace, in Santa Rosa County. Yes, it is gorgeous today!

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Hi Marilyn! 👋🏻 I live in Gulf Breeze. It’s good to see a fellow NW Floridian in here! 😊

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Greetings neighbor! Yeah, love Gulf Breeze too. Only been here in FL about 2.5 yrs, right before the pricing boom. Daughter wanted us to move to Navarre but couldn't quite afford it. Lol. Maybe someday...Blessings to you & yours!

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Blessings to you and yours as well! Navarre is my favorite too. I hope to move there soon!

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Kia Ora Greg, welcome to my timeline. I lived in New Zealand in 2007 and it has been southeast the whole time.

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lies it was north-East i seen it!!! Are you saying the Brit map makers are lying to us? OHHHHHH!😎

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-7 c and fresh here in BC Canada, I agree, blowing it up did NOT make sense! Thanks always Greg, great show, saw your Celia Farber interview, I worked with people with HIV/AIDS in the 90’s providing financial/medical support, was good to hear her experience ❤️

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4°c here in Qc. 2foot of snow tho. ... its like someone is geo ing and managing the winter so the plebs dont topple Governments in the WEST. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm 🤔

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Exactly! It finally finished snowing here, for now, shovelling for 3 days, stay warm and hope you don’t have to shovel that much ugh!

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Awwe my neighbor love his "souffleuse" so much he come and blow my car entrance. Bless that man am gona bake him a pie and when the time of eating my neighbor will come i'll spare him!

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