For someone that is open minded and aware, how the hell do you not realize Trump is the biggest Jew shill there is. Also AJ is too. #facts

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For sure so many people thought that Trump will. be the saviour to fix all the current problems when in reality all he will be doing is following Israel's orders. Nobody is coming to save us not even Jesus who all the evangelical nutcases believe is coming. Don't hold your breath. This world in the real hell and not the made up biblical one. We are living in hell right now.

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Jesus Christ came the 1st time for salvation, which is freely given to those who trust in Him now. But someday very soon He will return a 2nd time to judge the living and the dead. Please trust in Him today while you can. Shalom 🙏

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Just because you believe that doesn't make it true. Salam.

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What do you believe Ursula?

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It doesn't matter what I believe because even that may not be true. All I know is that people have been brainwashed first by their parents then by their religion then by their government to believe things that may not be true. All I know for certainty is what I see and experience on a day to day basis. The only good thing religion is it teaches you the 10 commandments. Other than that religion divides people and therefore we have all the hatred and wars against people who don't follow the same religious thoughts. Again you or I can believe whatever we want but THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT TRUE.

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All religions 'teach' the worship of the heavens. They just don't tell you that. Moreover, Moses. Did he exist? Were the 'commandments' from the gods or the Divine Creator? If Moses didn't exist what is that story about? Could it be a metaphor? If you look carefully, you will see it is sun / son worship. The English language comes from the Germanic language. They called the sun, the son in German. Take for example the story of the Golden Calf. Golden would depict the sun, wouldn't it? If it all was a metaphor. The Calf wouldn't it depict The Age of Taurus? The Age that the Jewish people couldn't leave? Even today with that Red Perfect Heifer, they are still trying to bring back the Age of Taurus. And it is not possible. But they seem to be back to the Golden Calf scenario all over again. No where in the Bible does it say that God (El) created man. It says Elohim. ohim is plural. At the time of King James the scribes were good with the King's English. Not so much with ancient Phoenician / Canaanite. today's Hebrew. They made us in their image. They are still here. That is why they treat us like cattle. Religion or no religion, there is much going on here on Earth that will be revealed for those who have the eyes that see and the ears that hear. The Book of Revelation, removed many times and then put back in is all about the revealing. So, it may be because of the programming surrounding these religions coupled with absolute ignorance+....

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He IS coming back and this time as a pissed off lion. A day of reckoning is coming for those demons who hate humanity

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Divine Love does not get "pissed off." These challenges come our way for us to evolve. The more challenges, the more opportunities to grow....

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Right on the money my Friend, the Mossad got him by the balls !!!!

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Be that as it might, what AJ has brought out was info we would never have heard if not for Infowars and he was the fly on the wall for the rest of us looking for truth. Whatever the reason, it helped a lot of us stay clear of many things including the bioweapon shots.

We may want to consider that the PTB want some people to survive what is coming and put out a sentinel to beacon to those who have the ability to comprehend.

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He’s a Jesuit for sure. Like the captain that sunk the titanic

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you don't fool me ! you work for sheckles , you nato-adl troll.

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Okay. It's real easy to pint out connecting dots. But what's the solution?

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Is it "real easy?" Ol greg can't see it. Just because I see it doesn't mean I have all the answers. You tell me what's the solution?

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Help is available. Seek it.

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How about you go fuck yourself faggot

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desire. decision. discipline. the 3Ds must be mastered to get to the next level of the 'game'. Evil turns away from those that are disciplined. It's too difficult a 'target' for them.

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I do agree with you on that!!

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Alex has family members in the CIA.

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6Liked by Greg Reese

Greg be a storm chaser... It's a full time job now with the crazy weather around the country... We're in your old stomping grounds of Naples Fort Myers getting ready for round 3. Prayers please for all here. I will be signing up for a paid subscription and recommend all to do so. You're honest, humble, patriotic, and very talented... All the best!

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Oct 6Liked by Greg Reese

Greg, this has to be one of your best podcasts to date. Just reflecting on your life before and during Infowars, brought tears to my eyes. What a fantastic experience. I hope it doesn't end. I pray Alex and crew will regain ownership or regroup even stronger.

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Chip in a few bucks

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No way! Greg aka Reece report's are the one thing I always trust and will always Trust. 🙏 for you guy's Greg. Thank you for telling us the truth always

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I am former U.S. Secret Service and Asheville, NC was a Geo-Weapon which was all about the Lithium Steal and Quartz and the Democrats coudl care less about Republicans or people who lost their homes or died as a reault. My Sources inform me of EOD devices as well as DEW's use under the Weather Controlled Hurricane specifically at those areas. Love Greg Reese as he is very sharp and his information is very good. See me on Nino's Corner for now. I move around due to the attacks. Remember Black Rock is behind a lot of these incidents.

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Thank you for the information sharing.

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What's the best way for people to fight back? How do we fight the criminal jackasses that wants to take over the land in western North Carolina? And please don't say through voting and voting in different leaders 🙄 We've been voting forever and continue to get the same lies over and over with the people continuing to lose over and over!

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

Not to say that WE, the Billions shouldn't try to stand against it or better yet cut it down at the roots...because we valiantly should make every effort to do just that. Let's identify the root and start there. I am staring in the direction of the UN as our starting point.

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It's not just western North Carolina, it is the entire world. If not today or yesterday, certainly tomorrow. How billions can't stop this Goliath from taking exactly what it wants and destroying whatever stands in their way. It's been this way for centuries!

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True! But we need to stop it because we're running out of time! When people are sitting in the 15 minute city termite colonies it will be too late then! I'm focusing my energy on finding a place offgrid! If people can get offgrid communities up and going then they might stand a chance for a while!

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

Hi Amii, I agree! I am not in the US but rather Canada. We get torched off of our lands here. The fires are beyond anything Dante could dream of!

I support your idea as the only viable option for as many as are willing to begin creating off grid communities. During the coup that they called COVID-19 many were talking and walking the talk to doing just that around here. Its a matter of organizing, the military knows how but not the average population. Still worth thinking through and finding a way to begin. Build it and they will come so to speak?! 🙂 All the very Best your way Amii 🙏🤍

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Check out this site! I believe this can give people hope! There's a lot of information here, documentaries, information to wake people up! I'm gonna share this site as much as I can, and ask that everybody share this site too! The more people know about this the better 🤗

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Gracias Amii! I will check this out 🙂

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Those who don't like InfoWars, are UNINFORMED (aka MORONS). So, get as 'triggered' as you like! (it's FUNNY!)

'InfoWars', and Alex, WILL continue on! Knowing Alex......he WILL rebuild! I have no doubt about that.

As far as the 'auction'......that, TOO, will probably be RIGGED.

GOD WILLING.......the 'Good Guys' will win out!

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Every time I hear some clueless newbie say "Alex Jones is disinformation" I want to kick their clueless newbie ass all the way back to Facebook, along with all the other Clueless Newbies, the Pink-pilled, and especially the stupid f'king Qbers!

InfoWars has been the HEART of the Conspiracy Community, since AJ's very first national broadcast!

At it's peak InfoWars was reaching more audience than Mainstream Media like Newsweek.

Gee, I wonder why the Evil wants InfoWars gone???

And let's not forget who warned us of the genocidal vaxxines back in 2009!

In 2009 Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, and Dr Rima Laibow told everyone who was listening that the Evil were creating a genocidal vaxxine, for the "Great Culling".

Not a genocidal virus, a genocidal VAXXINE.


I may not always agree with his politics, but to me, and all the old-school Conspiracy Theorists, ALEX JONES IS A HERO.

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I watched that 2009 program and it scared the begeezus out of me. When the show was over I ran to bed and threw the covers over my head scared big time. HOWEVER, once the nonsense started in 2020 I was emotionally prepared because I NEVER forgot that show.

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No kidding Beth!

The moment I heard Wu-han, my first thought was AJ, Jesse and Dr Rima in that deserted airline hangar, warning the world of the Great Culling and the genocidal vaxxines, over a DECADE ago!

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@Proberta L🔴VE your comment 💯%. And I like when you said you want to kick those people back into Facebook ha ! LOL 🤣😂. I HEAR YOU. 💯. & PEOPLE you should wonder why, WHY, why, those Evil Elite Bastards want to get Rid Of Alex Jones.

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I'm so sick of this crap. HoHonestly Alex Jones is a true American Patriot and he cares about in my eyes is letting us here the truth. I hope Elon helps Alex. Honestly infoinfowars is the only true news network out there. And I know Greg will continue doing his thing. Just hope they are back together sooner than later.

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Bless you Dawnie

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:) Thank you! You, TOO!

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Also forgot to add, to my original comment, that......when Alex DOES re-group, I have NO DOUBT that Greg will be back at 'InfoWars' (whatever that new name might be)! As will the rest of the InfoWars crew.

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the intellectual property is ; the Alex Jones show . i don't know the full extend but on the principle they cant use infowars in a trademark . Its like trademarking the word sex or wheel , there is ton of case law who ruled against such shit. Using the url www.infowars.com would trigger so much blowback they won't dare. Who knows ? Rogan is a billionaire now he always claimed to be his best buddy. Roger Stones and Tucker wants to help buy it hopefully it work out and infowars content get to stay on the internet. I would back up any broadcast you tho legendary just in case. Hopefully Greg works will stay his own.

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I think that Rogan is a complete FRAUD!

And I do not trust Stone or Cucker Tarson.

The Globalists' MINIONS have infiltrated SO MUCH of Our World.....it makes ones head spin! I trust VERY FEW out there, now. One has to have a very long 'track record', a PROVEN one, for me to trust them.

This is one of 'Our Sides' biggest problems......we TRUST TOO QUICKLY! So anyone that SOUNDS like they are on 'Our side'.....we will 'take them in'. And that's a bad thing.

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I see discernment is a committment for you! The way it should be 🙂

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🎯🎯100% I don't trust any of them either! I listen to what they have to say though! I consider all of them "controlled" until I find proof that they all are not "controlled" Greg's information is about the only one that I take seriously! If it weren't for Greg speaking out about the lithium supplies in western North Carolina, I would have never known about that! I have found that Greg is usually first in getting information out and he gets it out in 5 minutes without all of the "sugar-coated" drama!

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Absolutely. Shills all of them. We can't lose Alex.

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You're not quitting, I hope!

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No I’ll be going down with the ship or defeating the attack. But the threat is real. And I am grateful for all of your support.

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Oct 6Liked by Greg Reese

For the short time I have been listening to you I have been encouraged by your tenacity to speak up, not for clout but closure.

A true war corespondent does not speak to be heard but writes to tell the truth no matter who is listening!

Thank you for reporting the truth of this war against humanity.

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I am also a long time member of the club. You know, the generation that witnessed the construction of the tower of Babel(Trump Tower;)). The bean stalk of giants and golden eggs.

I think you should have a show where you invite a guest host to interview Mr. Greg Reese… unplugged.

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Everyone give a few bucks to Alex Jones realalexjones.com anything helps. He has to fight off the freaking jackals. He is invaluable as are your posts Greg♥️

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If the ship is sinking...build another ship! You said yourself you were a builder once. All things built start with the smallest pieces...most times the smallest pieces are the most important. Don't give up. You, like us are the audience and the audience does not go down. We keep on!

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Greg, Thank you for a heartfelt episode. Interesting insight behind the scenes at Infowars. We will continue to support you by subscribing because your work is outstanding. Keep it up! Thank you!

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What about a report on Musky/Trumpy buisness?

Starlink and the free internet on the mountain?

Funny how people are so quick to drink the kool-aid.

The theory turned conspiracy turned low social credit score.

If I say anything, I see anything, hear anything, touch anything, post anything atmosfear!

Why didn’t Trump just nominate Musk as his VP?

He would be/do anything his money will get him.

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Greg you were the first person to speak out about the lithium supplies in western North Carolina within hours after the hurricane hit Ashville! If it weren't for you speaking up about this, I wouldn't have known! Greg after you spoke out, then everybody else started talking about it! I've always enjoyed listening to your "straight to the point no nonsense style" of reporting and getting the information out!

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Oh god I hope not

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For those who are following, of course Musk is Bloodline. Swiss 'Haldeminn' on his mother's side.

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Shit for brain "Bros'lon" want the bragging right on "drain the swamp" he is top troll. . . . like buying twitter wasn't big enough of a troll. I would laugh if it wasn't real life.

Speaking of trolling : am thinking you are [70]serious or [30]trolling with the moon thing but you got me ! i will be looking tonight ! 😎

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Set to be the #1 mainstream trillionaire! Musk IS one of them, albeit wearing a wool coat.

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Infowars is having to shut its doors, communist court order I do believe. Correct me if I’m wrong.

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Have you been seeing the Moon?

When was the last time you saw the Moon?


There are reports that the Moon has been missing!

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Someone just sent me this, evidently the Moon has been missing for 10 nights!!!


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Nope. I was at the beach on the 28th in the predawn, erroneously thinking I'd catch a glimpse of the comet, and the crescent moon was horns up 20-degrees above the horizon. The new moon followed on the 2nd - and first 1/4 isn't until the 10th, but don't believe me: https://www.timeanddate.com/moon/phases/

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Ok, good to know Tom!

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China mined it all !

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"they" have and utilize artificial moons and sun's, they create artificial solar and lunar eclipses. Trust NOTHING in the sky from here forward as being an authentic part of Creation. "Their" endeavors are all focused on the replacement of the natural world with a synthetic world.

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I was thinking this just a couple weeks ago. I do see it but infrequently. The nights are very dark.

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Ok, its official!

I just looked, there is no moon visible in SoCal tonite!

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This when the mainstream news has told us that we now have temporarily "two moons".

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In this time of mind phukery discretion is paramount. 'They' revel when we believe nothing so don't let them win. Still....living in this matrix with controlled op and mind control...how many influencers aren't even aware that they are? This includes you Greg. I don't say this lightly. I see limited hangouts everywhere.

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Like I’ve said many times, trusting strangers online is a fools game. I’m just one of thousands of humans sharing info. Anyone who refuses to do their own investigation is lazy and foolish. Especially when I regularly admit to not knowing all the answers. I would guess that most of these ‘limited hangouts’ are just people who aren’t seeing things as you are. In a world of deception, things are not clear to most.

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Bless you Greg , they call it the 4th estate for a reason. Like it or not you wield power. Don't stay on the side line. Glad you got to see it ; they Fear you.

Fuck them , fuck them all , they are destroying America. Lame street media.

All woman . . . btw the few man are balless . Especially that weasel who believe : freedom of speech , is not freedom of reach. What a child . . .

Don't let Hillary win.

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100% all pieces to a puzzle

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Wait, Greg Reese are you leaving Infowars?!!! Youve been there a long time. Is it because the feds are about to seize Infowars???!

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INFO wars has to sell off everything per a judges ruling and close their doors... to pay off the settlement of a billion dollars to the school shooters parents

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It's more than that. They are trying to OWN Alex' name and put someone over hiS person .. essentially making him a slave. NOT KIDDING

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Un fucking real man...

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Your one of the best. Thanks and good luck.

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Understand, the 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschilds and Rockefellers Rule!! and have ruled, as Devil Worshipping, Human Sacrificing, Phoenician Families, for 10,000 years. If you want to know what the Satanic Owl of Sodomite Bohemian Grove meant to the Phoenicians, it isn't hidden. Both the Greeks and the Vikings were Phoenicians, and we know they both held the owl to be a symbol of wisdom. But the owl is of course also the most covert hunter, gliding silently through the darkness. So while the dolphin is a symbol of their shipping, the owl is a symbol of their stealth. He is the ultimate symbol of covert operations, which is why the CIA and NRO love to use him. Historically, the “double-eagle” was usually black, and that is because it was really the double headed phoenix, charred by the flames. At that last link to Wikipedia, you will learn the symbol goes back even further, to Mycenae and the Hittites, and that it has always been a symbol of Empire and that which ties it all together, the Satanic Sodomy Pedophile Ritual! One Phoenix behind the other Phoenix sodomising the one in front! Since the Phoenicians were behind both the Hittites and the Mycenae, they are just proving my point for me. Eagles don't have two heads, do they? What does? The Satanic Sodomiser Phoenix.

https://satchidanand.substack.com/p/tartaria-and-the-2000-trillion-dollarUnder the post-industrial logic of the Trilateral Commission agents that took over the reigns of government in the 1970s, a full spectrum program was unleashed that shattered the spirit of progress that once animated a vibrant western culture. The creative momentum towards new breakthroughs in nuclear fission and fusion power, space tech and assisting former colonial people in their aspirations for industrial progress was systematically sabotaged as a new logic of scarcity management, population reduction and global governance was made the top priority for all US foreign and domestic policy.


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Covert is the way to go. I think it's too late though.

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Hello Greg,

I was interested that you were at Yogaville at the ashram of Swami Satchidananda because I and my wife were there in 1991 for three months looking after the kitchen cooking for everyone and taking a Yoga TT Course after we had met in India.

I knew Swami Satchidanand back in 1988 after practising Zen Meditation with Zen Master Hogen and after two years of meditation, opening my third eye, I was blown away by his energy which ended in telepathy with him and seeing his aura. There were Giants in those days and we stand on the shoulders of Giants.

So after all that I decided my best path was to become a Guru and teach an advanced methodology of meditation to get every one into the same psychic state - opening the third eye, removing blockages, becoming enlightened.

This became The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course - many students, incredible experiences, enlightenment at our ashram... https://www.energyenhancement.org

All 16 Energy Enhancement Meditation Books - “The Only Solution to Satanism” in an easily downloadable file from our own website.




At the same time I was listening to Alex Jones and David Icke and going more deeply into the reasons behind the conspiracies eventually writing over 40 books on meditation and Against Satanism.

Against Satanism by Satchidanand Volumes 1-12 - “The Occulted Satanic History of the World” - Your Worldview Will Never Be the Same! - in an easily downloadable file from our own website.


Mind Control Black Assassins by Satchidanand Volumes 1-11 in an easily downloadable file from our own website.


Satanic Spiritual Movie Reviews by Satchidanand Volumes One - “Blacklisted” and Two “AI and Transhumanism” in an easily downloadable file from our own website.


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You were the only voice I'd Listen to on Alex's stage. I appreciate you, your vibe is set apart from the rest. Some real heart to be felt from you Greg. Thank you. Best your way, all the way. ✨

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