Millions of new slaves to fight the existing slaves.

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They pit us at each other's throats and watch gleefully from from afar in their protected enclaves. They want us exterminated. As it has been since the beginning.

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It’s a board game and greed is at the core of it .

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Greed is the most benign explanation. Since 2020, or really 9/11, my gaze has turned toward deep spiritual evil, with actual entities involved.

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One of the best responses I've heard

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I explain the Great Replacement in this podcast:


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One way to put it !

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2030 agenda in progress, this will have huge consequences.

Cultural and civilizational replacement happening worldwide.

Eg. France is now under migrants control.

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I wonder if through FOIA request - we can request the number of SSN issued each month/year up to the present for the past 20 years. I could not find anything on line with this info. In addition to Catholic Charities there is also the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is also set up to help overthrow the US. Strange they don't seem to want the multiculturalism in occupied Palestine.

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You're also, no coincidence, talking about the two groups that reflect the mystery priesthoods of ancient Babylon, why the book of Revelation references who would be in power in the end times: Rome and the Synagogue of Satan (who had Jesus tortured/sacrificed). They took the deal Jesus turned down for the whole world and a whole lotta money.

Catholicism is a thinly veiled Chaldean priesthood in the name of Jesus (the sun/son) while the Kabbalists seem to have largely taken over everything by now. Appearances can be deceiving. Jesuits, some would say Jewsuits, control a lot of education and real estate, and then there is the jointly owned Unholywood. They like to use Latin whether it's the MGM logo or the Rothschild coat of arms.

One big, happily demonic 'family'.

(But why they still use Latin is, like sonoluminescence, because sound/words have power for the mystery schools. Like how spelling is spellcasting, writing is a rite, we use grammar from grimoire (spellbook), etc. When they say 'santa' or saint, it always comes back to Satan for them. They invented language. That's why there was a time when illiteracy was preferred.)

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Well said. No matter what names these people give themselves, their actions always serve ultimate evil--extinguishing us, God's creation--and serving their hidden-hand Babylonian mystery cult religion.

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⬆️⬆️⬆️ This ⬆️⬆️⬆️

How the Kabbalist Jews took over the Roman Catholic Church through the Jesuit Order

..”the Jesuits do not dispute that Ignatius came from a converso family, although they do gloss over the obvious implication that Ignatius himself was a Crypto-Jew. They also attempt to spin away the pervasive Crypto-Jewish nature of their Order (while simultaneously heaping praise upon the Jews)..”

This is from Barry Chamish, who died in 2016:

“In my previous article, I revealed the findings of Rabbi Antelman in his books To Eliminate The Opiate Volumes I and II. His focus is the false messiah Shabtai Zvi, and the continuation of his evil ministry through the Turkish sect called the Donmeh. In the eighteenth century, Jacob Frank brought the Donmeh ideology to Europe and joined a fateful alliance. This was described in the article as:

Frankfurt at the time was the headquarters of the Jesuit, Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati as well as Rothschild Brothers' financial empire. This is worth repeating: Frankfurt was the birthplace of both the Illuminati and the Rothschild empire. When Jacob Frank entered the city, the alliance between the two had already begun. Weishaupt provided the conspiratorial resources of the Jesuit Order, while the Rothschilds contributed the money. What was missing was a means to spread the agenda of the Illuminati and that the Frankists added with their network of agents throughout the Christian and Islamic worlds.

Jacob Frank became instantly wealthy because he was given a nice handout by the Rothschilds of Frankfurt. There is no other explanation.

And from this starting point, Rabbi Antelman gave us a blueprint for the war against Judaism and all its good, and indeed against humanity and all its moral treasures. A movement of complete evil now took hold.

The Jesuits' goal was the destruction of the Protestant Reformation leading to a return of one pope sitting in judgement on all mankind.

The Rothschilds goal was to control the wealth of the planet.

And the Frankist vision was the destruction of Jewish ethics to be replaced by a religion based on the exact opposite of God's intentions.

When these factions blended, a bloody war against humanity, with the Jews on the front lines, erupted and it is reaching its very pinnacle at this moment.”


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You have your “ducks in a row” well Stated ! Now Call the Shot (people) and be certain of your Faith !

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“1666-Redemption Through Sin”-Robert Sepehr, 2015 👍👏

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SUPER INTERESTING!!!! And “we” all just go along like sheep. Thank you!

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We are a Gentle People but when Our Ire is raised we can become a terrible force for ‘Good’

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A curious take upon the present day ! However ! Do Not disCount “The Remnant Church” !!!

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Strange indeed for them who feels our pain !

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Miscegenation will not be tolerated, except with all others... https://jewishcurrents.org/israels-anti-miscegenation-law

"I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive." – Barbara Lerner Spectre

"It's okay when we do it." - The infamous 'they'

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Europe through to the Pacific was “Christendom” not that Long ago and many ‘faiths’ were tolerated in Peace&harmony. . Then Came “the Reset” which is a mystery and a stumbling block Unto Us into ‘This Day’ !

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This is treason !!! This is buying votes !!! How dare you Biden and all your goons !!!! Come on Trump get in and throw these traitors in jail for the rest of their days !!! Audit Nancy and Paul Pelosi and nail them for insider trading while you are at it !!!

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Trump isn't going to do shit about this. Trump is Jewish Zionist controlled. Sheldon Adelson and his wife Miriam have given him 100's of millions of dollars as well as other Jewish Zionist. With that kind of money being given to him who do you think his loyalty will be to? Israel first, not America first. Wake up people because both political parties are to blame for this.


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I saw a video where Trump was declared the 2nd coming of Christ. We are in so much trouble, it's mind blowing.

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Israel made a trump coin with his fat mug on one side and king Cyrus on the other. Israel loves trump. Trump converted a few years ago. He’s a zionist pig!

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Trump is a religion whore. He is whatever religion benefits him most at the time. Remember when he was temporarily Christian when he ran for president? When in fact he's a Jezuit! They all are. The secret society religion of 'religions'. Trump was born and bred Jezuit. Old Bavarian Jezuit Bloodline. He went to Jezuit school, his children went to Jezuit school. The Jezuits run it ALL.

In 1995 the llluminati THEMSELVES, showed us exactly what they are doing to the world, and who wins, as per the Prime Directive.

Hiding it right in plain sight.


PS. Note in the 3rd panel the little triumphant BAVARIAN JEZUIT boy, and his exotic-looking girl friend. Look like anyone we know?

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That decided for us "the people that killed the Kennedys

had taken over and we had an baad infestation.

Now look, and no Orkin man in sight.

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It sounds to me like the Elohim are back in charge of humanity.

It's too bad the greater % of humanity will follow along with this naradigm. I wonder if there's ever been a group of human beings who don't? I don't suppose we could ever find them in history? I guess a good look in my mirror can answer that question. Thanks for sharing this.

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The ancient cultures have histories that tell of their beautiful world and abundant lives BEFORE the Evil appeared. They tell how the Evil came as friends, bearing gifts and amazing magick. And very, VERY slowly the Evil destroyed their culture and enslaved the People.

In the Zulu history, which is one of the longest surviving oral histories, it says "They destroyed our culture and enslaved the People, with their words and their stories".

It wasn't weapons, it was Language and Religion.

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I didn't know he converted. Omg

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So would say : ‘You Said IT’ !!

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Oh beware! The Trump derangement syndrome people worship him like the golden calf! That is quite frightening!

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It Is!

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BardsNation.com 🙏⚔️⚔️🙏

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Saw That Portrayal as well ! Makes you want to Do ‘an about face’ !!

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Marcia, wow! You are well informed and I couldn't agree with you more. This is why the US is in hell and has always been since the creation of that piece of crap entity so-called "Israel" on Palestinian land. They control the American politicians and the people, too. Everyone fears opening their mouth against them but it seems their days are numbered. Other than Trump being a slave to them, he did a lot better with his pinky finger than Biden could ever do.

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Look in the Brother Nathanael Kapner show on rumble. He was born and raised Jewish and found Christianity and is now a Russia Orthodox brother. He exposes all the Jews on how they think, believe, and act, and doesn't hold back.

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Yes, I've seen him a couple times on Stew Peters show. He seems to be good. I am Palestinian Orthodox Christian, first generation in the US. We're Greek Orthodox just like Russian and Syrian!

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He just started his own show a week or so ago. He gets pretty spunky at times for a man of the cloth, but I love it!

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You are 100% Correct. I am writing in Jesus 2024

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If Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai isn't on the ticket then Jesus is my write in too!

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That’ !! Is (the Fear) Many have ! for we can see what ziotopia Wills in the Bald-Face Actions in Palestine • Who Dammit is So HeartLess as That !(?)!

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Yep, and If he becomes a super Zio like


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There have been Zionist controlled Presidents before, Woodrow Wilson comes to mind.

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They all have been. Why do you think that since Johnson the JFK files on his assassination have not been fully released? There's a documentary on rumble titled "Documentary showing Israel's second 911, how zionism conquered JFK, America and Palestine " I suggest everyone to watch it.

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Yup, big time Amerikan people are living essentially under fake Presidents, they have all been FRAUDS....Period

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JFK was one of Two who stood Up..

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You Do know who ‘Called the Hit’ on him don’t you?

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Wolfensohn ?

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Trump is a big part of this, make no mistake!

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Hes’ been Read In for quite a while ! But should he wish to claim ‘the Legacy’ he so wishes For ! hes’ got some Real Head-Winds to Overcome!!!

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This should just infuriate people. Media again is silent.

Thank you for reporting this

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This sounds like more of a way to piss America off so they can claim Martial Law and waylay habeas corpus. The INJUSTICE AGENDA full bore. They don't need 30,000,000 illegal aliens to ensure them the vote because no matter what is said and done all those Oval Office posers are SELECTED. That "vote" concept got blown away on November 22, 1963. Again part of the injustice agenda. If there is an election this year Trump is slated to be installed the same way Biden was thumbing noses to America and the vote. And all that "Biden's done" is just part of the script because they can't bring in Martial Law with Biden. It has to be done with Trump. Trump will be the one who will declare Martial Law. And don't be surprised. Same way he enacted Warp Speed. And where was Trump when Fauci was doing press cons talking about a "surprise pandemic?" Time to stop making excuses for someone who is supposed to be on the ball. It's not like he hasn't grown up around politicians. If Trump was going to do anything like derail the NWO he would not be around to be able to do that. America has to wake up and stop believing in fairy tales. Suspending disbelief is the main culprit. White Hats are only good for guys like Randolph Scott. And he wasn't exposed to America through The Apprentice. Tongue-in-cheek name for a way to get someone used to being in front of a camera to get ready for all the HEAD-SHOT OPS he will need to be enduring so they can paint narratives all day for poor Trump-this, poor Trump- that. All those court cases are a distraction to add gasoline to the injustice agenda. Same as these illegals getting all the breaks while Americans specially Vets who put their lives on the line are living on the street. Even that replacement agenda is a distraction, because once TSHTF all those money cards will shut down and those poor "migrants" will wake up to the real agenda and will become Mad Max turning into fine young cannibals. Cue the song "She Drives Me Crazy." And then as in the Tower of Babel it will be millions of illegals no speekee a lick of Engrish and who's going to know what everyone is saying let alone how things should go down in America?

The Civil War movie, Jesse Plemons' scene (credited "soldier") where he was culling people based on how American someone was, is key. Plemons' part asks the protagonist journalist group for them to speak to hear how American they were. The part of Tony played by actor Nelson Lee nervous in front of Plemons' asking him to speak knowing he'll get shot succumbs to the situation as Plemons' part gives the friend of the journalists a two second chance at speaking English and Tony gets killed for having a thick non-American accent. And the lead male Brazilian born and raised, Wagner Moura, playing a journalist just trying to get a sense of the truth, with Jefferson White as Dave playing another journalist from another group, as American as they come speaking in clear distinct American English and presenting the difference to Moura's accented punctuations and not fully developed American ideas, we can see that it will get down to this degree of selection. Part of the designed meat-grinder scenario where everyone will be at odds with everyone else for a vast number of reasons.

Then refer to all those FOB illegal aliens, some of them educated perhaps but none of them were vetted to be adding to the American population and the propagation of American ideals, have not a clue of what it means to be American. Therein lies the rub.

Money as printed is nothing to the printers only to the average human who has to work for a living. So it looks to be short lived this windfall for the people who crossed the border seeking a better life. And a huge problem for America what is now a shaken hornet's nest with every normal part of American life disintegrated.

The elite don't want thinkers. They want mindless drones. And have set everything against itself.

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That is some Poweful !! You have a good grasp I’d say ..

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Just pawns in the game is all, have yourself a nice day!

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They are also being registered to vote by the SSN offices, NGOs, social services, DMV. They will steal the election again so people you better get prepared.

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However this thing will be served You cannot throw-off the Think of these very Sharp Minds who’ve Warned Us All from every Angle !!

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Note. VONU is a troll. Ignore all posts.

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What does That mean ?

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Troll. Figure it out.

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Pretty Quip you are ! So you’re trolling . .

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Yup. I troll other trolls. Never the posts authors.

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So you are a computer geek ? I am older than those that were born to a calculator in the KinderGarten pal so if you can’t figweir that out and leave me scat ! Scatou

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Brilliant. I am 81. Work every day. Spend occasional time reading the screen. I do however recognize some frequent commenters. Vonu is not new to me. He’s a punk. Never says anything worth reading. Others concur after my occasional jibe at him.

“figweir”? Huh, again brilliant.

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I am contemplating whether these 40 million illegal aliens are being brought in to USA to fight us in a "civil war." This does not line up with their 5th generation warfare.

Most Americans have highly toxic bodies because of the graphene oxide being sprayed in the air, food and water. The controllers not only trade humans, they eat us and suck out our adrenalin for god-knows-what-kind of weird head trip.

Are the illegal aliens (who are generally not vaxxed and come here from countries whose skies are not geoengineered) being collected for the controllers freak addiction to consume us? Not all aliens, there are so many I see around me, but 40 million? To confront and collect us and place us into quarantine camps where they can chop off our heads?

I AM NOT BUYING THE FEMA CAMP STORY. It just makes absolutely no sense. If they want to kill us, there are much more cost effective and labor effective ways than to put us in a concentration camp.

Remember, they have very advanced technology that can disappear people with a push of a button on their cellphones. It's called spontaneous combustion.

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Yeah … but to avoid violence … which they do want to avoid … they will come up with excuses to send people to the FEMA camps. They will make everyone sent there seem like a “threat to democracy.” I witnessed the fascist takeover of Italy; the second time. Fascists don’t care who is running the country. They run the bureaucracy and control the media, etc.; everything that matters. Political leaders are mostly there for show to placate the masses.

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Be ReSolved People ! or the predications of what you Read & hear Will Be Yours ! Resistance by All means

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Hard to know what's going on, eh? In a mere decade, San Diego, where I live, has seen a vast demographic shift to, dare I say (like Orange County), a South and East Asian plurality/majority. Lots of bio-tech crap "labs" and buildings being constructed everywhere. To me, it looks as if they have imported a bunch of obedient money-worshipping Brahmins and Kshatriyas to genocide (or at least imprison) people like me, a "Shurdra." The number of Chinese people that have come here since, say, 2000, is off the charts. Not organic at all, and certainly some type of agenda in place. Just like western Canada. Very visible, very disturbing.

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The agenda is called White Genocide.

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The great replacement.

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I completely concur. I see it everyday. It is all around me.

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You should know Mr. Albert Pike, 😂😉!

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This does make a matter of sense and some wake-up too

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You should see San Francisco! I’m 3rd generation, and I refuse to go there! It’s Soddam and Gemorrah…it’s evil. Now…

No cars are allowed downtown, all stores are closed, high rises are empty.

Wtf is going on?! Seriously!

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That is Tell Tale ! and at least ( i ) am thankful for your observation, as everything we receive now are pieces of a puzzle we should Heed !

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Get out before it’s too late, sir.

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Thank You for your [respected] Observation

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Maybe they believe they can delay the karmic consequences of killing us directly by accomplishing this indirectly. BTW the graphene and nanotech is likely an amplifier and surgical enhancer of what has been around for longer in bio-coded directed energy (frequency).

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It is but Developement is Fast trackin Now ! A [Shield] is Defensive as well as Offensive Be Prepared whoever you are and lose all those silly’ prejudices which amount to no count !

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Not sure about the EMF defense shields. They work, sure, but they lower the body's ability to adjust to what is coming with 6G and beyond.

Better to let the body's mechanisms of immunity work out the crap in the air, and if not, then we move onto a much cleaner world.

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Have a look at this from Celeste Solum a few months ago:


What do think of when you hear the words, “through the air”? I think of electromagnetic radiation (EMF), like WiFi. The next pandemic will be, according to government and military sources, a hemorrhagic event.

It will be TRIGGERED by frequency.

It will send a malicious computer-like code into your body-developed in the 1990’s and early 2000’s.

It will tell your body to bleed out.

At the same time, the internet as you know it will collapse or melt-down. This pandemic you will have NO CONNECTIONS.

It is referred to as Ebola of Systems or Ebola of Networks.

After many people die, a new “Internet” will emerge. To participate, you must comply 100% to agenda demands. That is if you live at all.

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G’en 6 is a killer and Celeste Solum has contributed to our war chest of wake-up ! Thanks

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I agree. And I am fully aware that Celeste Solum is DARPA. But let me tell you a little secret. 100% OF WHO YOU SEE, HEAR, READ ON THE INTERNET IS BEING CONTROLLED, MOSTLY BY DARPA.

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Thanks for letting me know what you think could happen. If you listen to Barry Trower (ex MI5 and MI6) interviews about microwave research, he warns back in 2011 that every cell in the body has mechanics that are required to function, and cells can be told to do their job or not do their job by frequencies. Sometimes they cause my heart to palpitate painfully on-queue in precise timed response to "wrongthink", which leads me to believe frequency may be capable of causing a heart attack all on its own (lethality increased by nanotech graphene oxide). This can be managed by AI of course. Many Targeted Individuals complain of artificial insomnia due to a frequency they aim at your heart to make it beat faster (heart functions on electrical impulses). More on targeting: https://patrickkim.substack.com/p/targeting-proof

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The bad guys will manufacture drone armies (controlled by AI), so there will be no need for conventional troops. Get a plan. Don't stick around the U.S. Watch this very short presentation.


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I feel like they don't need robot swarms when they are putting nanorobotics inside your body and can cause all sorts of things to happen to you through the frequency you bathe in everyday. But I do agree it might be best to get out of the country. Question is by what time does that have to happen.

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You Sound Crazy! And my (friends) Say the Same of me !

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How many were vaccinated for measles? Or is that the next Covid for the democrats

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Anyone who believes the 2020 election was 'stolen' doesn't yet know the Enemy.

Or the New WorId 0rder.

Trump was never supposed to win in '20 because his platform is anti-immigration, "I WILL BUILD A WALL!"

So Biden was installed to open the gate to the required number of illegals necessary for re-elected Trump to declare Martial Law. And that is when America and Americans will be completely controlled.

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Hmmm, flooding us with an on call internal enemy then clamp down when they start storming for more free shit is just one


They absolutely MUST not ever get proven to be the killshot creators or every Jew in the world will die in the streets, they know it, so a world War with billions dead, half the world flattened who's gonna still be worried about WHO DUNNIT??

Who ever is left will be busy wondering if they still wanna be alive anymore instead.

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This wrong on so many levels. Why should they get any assistance when we have veterans, seniors and single mothers struggling. And there are so many that are trying to get it done legally. Plus, they do not pay in to our SS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plain and simple stealing from us.

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Finally…someone WITH A BRAIN…..few and far between.

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Worried about all these migrants? (migrant = temporary) Think about all of them Obummer let in in 8 years.

But Trump & the Military have a plan. A plan of a mass exodus. If people do not return to their Countries, they can not participate in GESARA

I believe that will happen, so opposing comments won't work with me

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Trump is a Zionist. The rabbit hole goes deep!

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Alexander Acosta is the corrupt US State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!

And what happened to Acosta as a result???

In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!

By President Donald J. Trump.

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Trump plays all sides, but we gotta get him in, let him turn coats, then we REALLY get pissed, get up off our asses

GO BACK TO DC, KEEP ORDER BY DRAGGING ANY MORONICS WHO BREAK SHIT TO THE COPS OURSELVES, GET LOTSA VIDEO...and quit relying on a Trump, Kennedy or Howdy Doody to "relay" our desires.

Get the fake Jews outa media, any positions of power (as past victim countries have).

Let's be country # 110 and identify the rotten examples and tell goods jews to do their part in herding up and exposing the crooks among them. Good Jews could do more damage to their scummy relatives than ANYONE.

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"Trump plays all sides, but we gotta get him in, let him turn coats, then we REALLY get pissed..."

20million vaxxed are dead Rick. Millions more are sick and dying, and millions are permanently vaxxine damaged or crippled for life.

Funeral directors are now ordering 30% more INFANT - CHILD size coffins, up from the 20% increase last year!

That didn't get you pissed off Rick???

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"Catholic Charities" is not Catholic and it has nothing to do with Caritas.

The "Catholic Church" takeover became a done deal in 1959 with the "election" of Freemason John XXIII anti-pope. The guy called "the pope" now is not Catholic therefore he is not the pope.

The Church that Christ established and called "My Church" will be in existence until Christ returns.

Mathew 16:18

18 And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.



There is some terrible funny business going on with getting a Drivers License renewed in Texas. I was turned down because the supervisor guy of the DPS said I needed to come back at another appointment and bring my "original document birth certificate." I brought that document and when I returned the entity who said he/she was lead and that the main supervisor or the office was not there. He was working from home and doing business on his cell phone with the sound of several young children in the background. This entity, last name Deichman, said I had to go to a vital records building and get some kind of approval in that computer system, and then I needed to come back a fourth time to the DPS office. I told that entity that he/she was telling me something completely different from what the office supervisor had told me. I walked out and was not able to continue with the Drivers License renewal process. I have been legal Texas driver for 65 years. Turned out this new procedure is to make sure all Texas drivers licenses are under the "Real ID Act" which is signing up every USA citizen under digital One World Death and Slavery System for All.

Do not know if I will be able to vote but I am a currently a registered voter and have always voted all of my adult life.

I know an illegal alien lady who just got a legal job at a Mexican grocery store in Austin. She has some "papers" but I know that she does not have a Texas Drivers License or Texas ID card and she is an "illegal alien." To my knowledge she also does not have any kind of "green card" or any document showing her citizenship status, but she is "legal" to work at a "legitimate" business.

She is not in with this latest big group of illegal aliens being shot in to the USA illegally by the One World Death and Slavery System for all.

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Dachsie. Spoken like a brainwashed Catholic. Matt 16:18 is a typical Catholic appeal to Peter being the FIRST POPE. Actually, “this rock” is Peter’s declaration to Christ that He was “the Christ, the Son of the living God” THAT is the foundation of a believer’s faith in the Saviour of the world. Absolutely nothing to do with the RCC. THAT is tradition and outright cunningly devious like all Catholicism.

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Your comment comes to me as a hijacking, hacking, of


Shame on all deceptive Substack hackers.

This is the second time I have seen someone posting under a name and then the Substack system shows the identity of Robert Yoho M.D. ret., a substack that I regularly visit.

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Know zero about “jacking” someone’s Substack system. Perhaps you should work hard to clarify your own posts. And somehow make sense.

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American newborns have been getting SSNs before their release from their birth hospitals for years,

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Exactly what does that have to do with illegals being given SS numbers?

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What does illegals getting SSNs have to do with anything?

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Uh … well … it’s like the entire point of the post.

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Carry on. Some people just don't want to get it.

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They most importantly don't want to get what you have.

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Is that the best you can do?

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You idiot….governments around the world are trying to bankrupt all countries…..you are part of the problem.

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Your credibility vaporized with your first two word ad hominem attack.

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And you my friend never have had any credibility with your dumb comment….wake the fuck up…before the communist oligarchs take ALL your freedoms away.go get your 10 jab too.

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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was thinking of drones like you when he said:

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

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When did the communist oligarchs take your brain?

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Do you talk to all your friends that way?

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