Mother Nature is definitely not something to be underestimated. Especially storm surge. I’ve lived through 3 hurricanes but you’ve got me beat because I’ve never experienced a Cat 4. I’m sure I speak for everyone here when I say we’re just thankful that you’re ok.

Never feel guilty about God’s blessings. God continues to bless you because you’re doing his work, by spreading the truth and attempting to wake people up.

Thank you for what I think is definitely one of your best podcasts yet. I hope you have a blessed week! 🙏🏻

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Haven't listened to podcast yet (other half is sleeping next to me) but I will tomorrow at work. Just wanted to say I didn't realize you're in FL - glad you're ok!

I live between Tampa & Sarasota. So just about 1 1/2 hours north of where it made landfall. Lost power for about 36 hours. Winds between 85-100mph. Thank god the newer homes here are solid concrete with double-paned storm windows.

This one was no joke - whats also odd is that its the first one of the year, nearly October, yet this time last year we were halfway into the Greek alphabet 🤔 (yeah yeah, I know, its not "technically" the first one if it begins with the letter "I" - but you know what I mean). It also seemed to come out of nowhere ... but then again, maybe I just wasn't paying attention.

Curious to know if theres evidence of weather modification in that area before/during the hurricane. Im not suggesting that nature isn't a force to be reckoned with by any means. Im just tired of humans trying to play God - theres plenty of documentation of our meddling with the weather and plenty of patents (just gotta really dig now with all the censorship and virtual "book burning").

Its so excessive that you can't help but be suspicious of everything now.

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Greg and friends,

As hurricane Ian progressed, we were already questioning the "strange" pathway it took to the northwest and towards Fort Myers. The funding for NOAA will be doubled by the Biden administration in the next few years.

Hear are some things from a NCAR article concerning "steering hurricanes"

Looking at the angles

HWCM allows modelers to spin up an idealized hurricane within WRF – a sort of storm in a box – and then place the mature storm into WRF’s real-world domain. Once placed, the modeler can prescribe the background wind flow and direction, essentially steering the storm while still allowing it to interact with the surrounding environment as it evolves.

The preliminary results of the research using HWCM found that storm angle has a significant impact on storm surge impacts, and that storms with perpendicular approaches produce larger surges and more inland flooding. They also found, however, that the exact location of landfall is important as well and that some areas of the New Jersey coast were particularly vulnerable to storm surge, regardless of approach angle.

Bruyère has also used the new modeling capability to look at some of the possible impacts of climate change, including storms forming over warmer oceans and storms migrating poleward. In one case, the team examined how cyclones striking northeastern Australia might change as sea surface temperatures warm. They found indications that increased sea surface temperatures caused simulated storms to penetrate farther inland, with more precipitation and larger wind fields. Bruyère said that more research with HWCM can help scientists better quantify the potential impacts of climate change on tropical cyclones.

“With this model, we can look at storms that are not in our history,” Bruyère said. “We can place storms over warmer water than we typically have or near parts of the coast where storms don’t typically make landfall, but which may be impacted in the future. The results will help us plan for some of the risks of a changing climate.”

another article here:


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Glad you are ok, I know that hurricanes and typhoons can be really dangerous. Your podcasts are always great honest information that isn’t part of the big lie mainstream media tries to stuff into our heads. Thanks again.

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So great to hear of your experiences Greg. You mentioned Alfie Oakes. I just sent him an email proposing a JV between Oakes Farms and Cachengo to build hydroponic grow boxes. Good luck on your forthcoming move.

Mark Patterson


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Some of the stuff allowed in hydroponics is scary. Oakes is a blessing to the area. & great store. He helps the local schools too, I love seeing his trucks. ( LaBelle Florida)

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Thank you Greg for this wonderful podcast. I agree with you on the subject of volunteer work. I, too have volunteered and I enjoy it. I think it makes us feel good about ourselves and I think it gives us a sense of purpose. I liked your quick interview with Owen Shroyer. I really loved your video on the downward spiral. That was the first time hearing about people feeling like they have to turn around and then they start spinning. It's horrible what's happening to these people who took the shots. I hope your move in two weeks goes smoothly and I hope you have a safe and happy week.

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OMG I totally forgot how close you were to the worst part of Ian! Sooooooo happy to hear you managed to escape being seriously flooded and that all your belongings stayed in good shape! Not to mention the great good fortune of having somewhere new to move!

Bless you for volunteering Greg, I agree, it’s rewarding and a surprisingly moving experience to help people who really need it and who are in terrible shock. These people feel the genuine love and kindness all the volunteers express and it does a lot to transform the shocked state of those who have lost so much, moves them out of their overwhelm and misery.

I volunteered after Irma, cleaning up fallen trees, torn apart fences, organized donated provisions, made emergency packs from donated essentials, and did this with a whole bunch of other people who so generously helped too. I did the same after the crazy tornadoes in Dallas 2011, Katrina too. It made me feel so grateful that I could take away some of people’s pain and sadness.

During Irma, I dragged everything, including the furniture to one side of the house, piled it all up to the ceiling, against the strongest wall and away from the windows. The reports of the storm were getting too scary and it’s path heading towards me, so I packed up my three animals and checked into the only hurricane reinforced hotel that was accepting all pets, no matter how many.

The foyer was filled with dogs, birds, cats, rabbits, and hundreds of children, it was truly a joyous party while the storm passed over, people had been asked to bring mattresses when they ran out of rooms. People slept wherever they found a space in the hotel, it was humanity at its best.

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Mr Reese…360 day years…Read Immanuel Velikovsky‘s World in Collision for more explanation and how the book of Exodus is corroborated by every world culture at that time.

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I'm sure you're counting your Blessings as your experience is mild compared to others. Lady Luck smiled at you this time.

Hate to say this isn't your last 'Cane if you're staying in FL?

As suggested, in past comments?

That's why an RV is a better bet than an Apartment (my 2cents).

Simply turning a key and driving to safer grounds is easy- peasy.

Lastly, hope you got her (future Mrs. Reese) digits? and/or email?

Much luck with your move!

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I’m happy to hear that you weathered the hurricane without much damage. I am in Lake Placid & the power went out here Wednesday evening & only came back on about 4pm today. What a blessing that was ! Had some minor damage here, mostly to the palm trees, banana plants & other vegetation. I heard on TV….now that it’s back on….that the death toll so far is 58 & that is what brings me to tears. So many homes were destroyed in this storm, lives lost & dreams shattered. If the white hats are in control & we know the weather is manipulated, why did this happen ?

Listening to your podcast is refreshing after having only books as company for days. No cell service here either or it’s very sporadic. I am fortunate enough to have a small generator that kept my fridges going & my food safe. And the house with the hurricane cane shutters closed, kept me safe.

I understand that in early 2020, Trump rolled the Federal Reserve ( not a federal bureau at all ) into the Treasury so he then had control of it. The Fed has not been able to print anymore fiat dollars for awhile now. So that means this financial collapse is imminent & it has to happen. A new financial system is on the horizon with our new money being backed by gold & silver. There is a woman (goes by Nancy Drew…really is Kelly Brady ) who drives into DC pretty much every day & videos what is happening there. Most of the city’s government buildings have been shut down. Tourists still visit but the US Government ( the swamp) has pretty much been dismantled. She has seen many arrests being made & informed us via video of the vast reconstruction going on there. It’s truly amazing that the MSM reports on none of it. The changes to the Capitol complex alone….mostly the rear side…..is puzzling. And none of the media mention it at all.

I’m not sure whether we are really a spinning globe or a pretty much flat earth covered by a protective dome. I’m sure we will find out the truth at some point & soon. We know the Kazarian mafia, the elite or whatever they call themselves show us the real truth in movies, books, magazines and TV programs although we are supposed to think it is all a fantasy. In 2013-2015 there was a TV program called “Under the Dome” that likely told us how we are living……although the entire world is supposedly under that dome & not just one city. The Truman Show was another example of it. We watch those as though they are science fiction when they are probably true life. Brace yourself for all of the reveals that are coming.

Thanks for the info on the Mayan calendar. Someone told me that perhaps we are not even in the 2100s right now. We may be actually 1000 years earlier. Who knows ? How did they build the pyramids so long ago to such perfection without modern machinery ? Could modern machinery & technology even build them today ? Were off-world technology and non human beings involved in the construction ? So many questions needing answers & so little truth forthcoming .

Take care, have a safe move & enjoy your new home & location. May God help those who suffered so much this past week. Humanity will rise to the occasion to help but those who fleece others will also be out in force. Watch carefully which charities you donate to so that those who are really in need receive it. Thanks again for your podcast.

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Thank you for this podcast bro!

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Can you link the Archaic website pls? I can't find it. Am linguistically retarded.

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Thnx Floridian Space Viking, i would have missed the youtube. Glad to ear you didn't had to deal with car/home insurance hassle. In case you miss George Eliason on Alex show. That guy is dead on, am old enough to have seen the Clinton-NATO lead war in the Balkans this conflict has been brewing for so long... Those violent NAZI thugs are the new vanilla-ISIS CIA Bred spreading terror in the name of democracy. The New Resistance has been fighting color revolution in eastern Europe so glad there is push back its not hopeless yet.

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I had a hard time finding it at first too.

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Thnx Dre, for a min i tho the website got deplatform for heresy or something haha This dive gona be fun!

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Haha me too!

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You were lucky Reese.

That storm smells of ENMOD/Operation Popeye/Project Stormfury.

Same crap they pulled with Katrina, and Haiyan.

Haiyan Nov 3 2013 had storm surges. They were not warned about it.

Haiyan killed 6K-10,000(?) people.

Katrina August 23, 2005 killed 14 people was "abrupt displacement." They wanted to clear out the residents so they could land grab. Word is only 30% of the residents returned, the gov made it difficult to return with red tape, residents stuck at the Astrodome.

NASA made comment that Katrina was an "electric hurricane" when according to NASA an electric hurricane needs to be OVER LAND and the direction of the storm needs to be VERTICAL not horizontal so the ice crystals grabbed out of the sky are brought down and brush up against the land mass to create the sparks.

So how did they create electric storms over the sea?

They dumped ice crystals you say?


Steering committee:

Someone called into Owen's show the other day informing him of the radar clips during the storms (surmise caller referred to Haiyan) that is a known issue from the Dutchsinse YT channel that shows there was some electronic interference to push the storms ahead. They were on YT.

Elite faking magic powers?

Hayian looks to be another abrupt displacement agenda so the U.S. Navy would get a port. If you look on GE you can see how desirable the port of Tacloban-Leyte is for a blue water defense port.

In fact rather than the Philippine gov't coming to the rescue,



the people of Tacloban, Leyte were forced to wait for the USS George Washington (CVN-73) to arrive and it was "up north" and "took days" to get there when it was docked at Naval Sta. Guam (1500 miles east from the Philippines) for some reason.

And it could also be they couldn't steam into the area until the storm subsided. Who knows what the ploy was?

Typhoon Haiyan -U.S. Military ship USS George Washington and Aircrafts in Philippines for help


This then caused a blame game against the Philippine gov't that involved Andersen Cooper going to the Philippines to initiate the blame charade.



The U.S. Navy Pin Map infomercial (debuted Jan. 23 2015) shows Tacloban and the area of the Philippines of the killer typhoon Haiyan inclusive of the Navy's jurisdiction.

And why the large font "TACLOBAN" in the Navy Pin Map ad video when Tacloban is a small city of the province of Leyte with a population of 250,000?

Mission accomplished?

U.S. Navy Pin Map recruitment video:


Haiyan took place Nov 3 2013.


Use your "active imagination" Greg.

Wonky is acceptable but if you're good at connecting the dots, they are out there.

HAARP=Billy Hayes (RIP)


Global warming. There is a school of thought that the warming is caused by super plumes in the Earth's core being heated by the Sun's dead binary.


Which according to these people will reach perihelion one summer soon coming off its thousands of years-long elliptical orbit.

Have no actual visual "proof" other than an episode of Coast To Coast:


Kook? Evan Almighty?



The reason for all this since Nine-eleven...?

It's being said Jim Marrs (RIP) knew something about this and connected 911 with what's going on today. He had a file that described today with the lock down/pandemic/vax.

It's being said the file The Dakota Report was "debunked."

The last segment of the report is said to be key to what Marrs was concerned about.

Marrs was on with Alex and McAdoo some years ago clowning around.

YT scrubbed the clips.

I remember the marathon AJ shows where AJ tears off Jim's hat.

Ask Leanne about this.

Marrs was in studio with Leanne and AJ.

There were several times AJ has mentioned something "incoming" and the clip with Capt. James T going nuts about the "oh it's so fragile...the big event" going to happen to the Earth AJ miming:

"alright we'll tell you there's going to be a poleshift in 2029" though AJ says none of this is true. AJ show 10.17.21.

Things said in passing?

You know how AJ is, he doesn't say something without a reason for fear of being misinterpreted by the media.

AJ mentioned in passing:

"asteroid" 8.23.21

"poleshift" 10.17.21

"something arriving" 11.18.21

On the 10.17.21 AJ show he talks about James Cameron with underground bases in NZ getting a boat claiming he's doing underwater exploration to survive the mass culling writing off the equipment. (AJ's words)

Find the AJ episode aired 10.17.21 as he mentioned a lot about d.u.m.b.s and things from space.



Reese, you mentioned 2012, Denver, PHILIP SCHNEIDER (piano wire).

This time instead of a billion euros per seat getting on an ark, it's whatever the cost is to get into a DUMBS?

Could this be a synchronous inadvertent reason as to your rant the other day on Owen's Veteran's Friday 9.30.22 show, on how the elite are filling their pockets including POTUS?

Tamara: "Sasha was worth 100 times a man like Yuri."

Yuri Karpov : Can you still fly that thing?

Sasha : [while flying the Antonov] "Lift your big ass for Sasha!"

But same issue, in the movie 2012, the Earth was boiling as Dr. Satnam Tsurutani (who drowned with his family) talks about "neutrinos" heating the Earth's core.

They never mentioned exactly why the Sun was nuclearizing neutrinos in the movie.

Interplay between binaries?

Same thing that happened to make someone build an ark long ago?

What does the Vatican know?

1 Thessolonians 5:

Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

Revelation 6:12: And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

Is this bible verse portending the effect of a binary reaching perihelion in an elliptical orbit two stars wrestling with each other?

God's reset button?

And the monk banging the gong as the oceans came over the mountains scene in 2012 stood calmly by?

Black spots and the Mayan calendar?

How about how on March 12 2012, the magnetosphere is said to had reversed for 28 hours, from the sun/day side to the dark/night side and the gov scrubbed the video from the net but some as usual still captured it. Only a star can create the energy for a magnetosphere.

So what was the other sun causing this reversal? The dead binary that went supernova eons ago?

Bow-shock from the sun/day side


Bow-shock shifting


Bow-shock on the dark/night side.


I don't know man, but things are too "wonky" and there has to be a reason for the wonkiness...

Meanwhile what do we do about the vax and 1p36 deletion syndrome?

I Am Legend/Omega Man/WWZ type stuff.




May the blessings be.

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We are RAPIDLY approaching The End of The Age and The Rapture of The Church: (https://youtu.be/f4x36kA-PfA)🙏

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I'm sure you're counting your Blessings as your experience is mild compared to others. Lady Luck smiled at you this time.

Hate to say this isn't your last 'Cane if you're staying in FL?

As suggested, in past comments?

That's why an RV is a better bet than an Apartment (my 2cents).

Simply turning a key and driving to safer grounds is easy- peasy.

Lastly, hope you got her (future Mrs. Reese) digits? and/or email?

Much luck with your move!

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Hi Greg....hoping you can help me out. Paid sub here unable to listen to last week's episode. Prompt says I need to be a paid subscriber to listen. Alas, I am. I had to go to old episode to get into comments. Blocked out otherwise. 😞

Cbodner118@protonmail.com. Please & thank you. Blessings!!!

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