Just how diseased is this country’s 3 letter agencies, and the ruling “class” …..it’s horrific.

Feel like I’m living a nightmare knowing how demonic this all is.

More info on CIA’s operation and Marion Pettie…


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Yes!! Please keep telling this truth. Why people want to ignore, claim it is a conspiracy theory, blame QAnon, and ignore what is in front of them and has been reported for years, is beyond me.

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The Clintons and their “charities” seem to associate with people often convicted of child trafficking (Epstein, Silsby, Joel Getz, and who knows how many more….

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Just when you think you hit bottom, a shovel hits you in the head and you hear, "Keep digging, you ain't there yet." It's fuckin bottomless, like looking for the god particle - there's always something smaller needing a bigger collider.

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You guys should check out Probably Alexandra on this topic as well, very in depth research on this subject. Great work as usual Greg!

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CIA been trafficking children for years

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Good job, thank you. FBI agents are the 'watchers' in very big national labs doing real science, sometimes proprietary one, where nobody has access to, except for the private companies paying some fees to the by the taxpayers money runs labs, i.e. synchrotrons in particular. To my knowledge there was no CIA there, even though the name (central intelligence...) would suggest, they should be the ones to be there due to the 'intelligence' involved.. Yet it is the bureau of investigations which 'accompanies the science'.. So, despite of lot of the investigation going on every single computer there is SO MUCH FRAUD in the very science down there.... So what's the difference between FBI and CIA? One watches and the other acts? And then all these names, FB (face-book) for example, you add I to it, you get FBI... or take 911, you can call it, get some help, maybe, or you want to go back in history to learn about it, that's too 9-11, the same numbers, all coincidence??? For all these permutations of the 0-9 choices???? Changing names, overlapping names, numbers, all is there out to confuse, in my opinion. So stup... questions, sorry.

Oh, and it looks like, people who have children these days, have extremely difficult life, BUT, if they manage to raise great human beings, they are the happiest out there.

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scary to have to leave your kids in daycare because you work. also, parents who leave their kids in summer camps should probably re-think it. I’m sure lots of kids love camp and have a great time but i’m sure there are a few that don’t. if i were a pedo that’s where i would work. or disney. in Texas almost every summer camp is “Christian “ based. which i find fishy.

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Only the illuminati can get away with these type of satanic operations … by illuminati i’m referring to the ‘Satanic Criminal Banking Global Cartel’ …

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Some of these trafficked individuals end up in places like Wuhan, CERN. and soon public Tesla!

They especially love using "TWIN" children as experimental research Guinea pigs inside labs all over the world!

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Gavin Nuisance Governor of Commiefornia is going to fine a school board $1.5 MILLION because they rejected honoring a person who was a pedophile by rejecting a book the pedo was promoted within!

This is morally where the leadership in blue states is - the compass is spinning BACKWARDS.

Along with the threat, he blasted board members as "extremist[s]" for holding the line.

Protecting children from sexual abuse and exposure to INAPPROPRIATE materials is now ILLEGAL it seems -

the message here is the risk, IF YOU DARE to do the right thing , even with a legitimate vote,

You will be PUNISHED in blue states .

I hope parents wake up and withdraw their children from public school before they are damaged beyond repair.


2013 article - who WAS HARVEY MILK. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/harvey-milk-stamp-matt-barber_n_4117311

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The twins aspect is interesting makes me think of the girls from the shining. Also twin towers

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Jesus wept.

John 11:35

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BSD ' honk honk honk ' thank you truckers - honk honk honk ' may you ask Alex Jones to play the following @ www.infowars.com/show ' Happy sovereign day between god and yourself ' https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dJaavhdD5mc

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Between taxation and money-printing, government commands theoretically infinite resources. Its agencies can do what they want. The problem is not bad government. The problem is any government.

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