Aug 6, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

I am so proud of myself for NOT falling for the SCAM! SO much pleasure in knowing that I am free from the devils deception. I experienced the shedding on a constant basis when my entire workplace fell in line and got IT. I never had menstrual irregularities in my life and all of a sudden in April of '21 they started happening...horrifying blood clots, constantly feeling sick to my stomach, headaches, every time someone got the jab and came back to work and spread it all around via air and toilets! I started taking NAC, fulvic minerals, dandelion tincture and used a detox spray daily to protect myself from being attacked/bio-resonanced on.

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Me too. I got COVID early and while sick began researching everything I could find from doctors warning us about the jabs.

Then my own doctor reluctantly took 2 Moderna jabs to attend his daughters wedding overseas. A week after he returned, he was in the ICU on a ventilator. A week later, they took him off the ventilator and he died 2 days later. He kept texting his family that he wanted out of the hospital and they were giving him medications he didn't want. But they kept him sedated and quietly killed him. Because of the restrictions on family visits, his family couldn't save him.

This haunts me every single day and I will never comply with anything the government demands.

He was a wonderful doctor that specialized in internal medicine and knew they were killing him.

Now I believe we're next.

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Oh Sue I’m so sorry to hear that. What a shame. His family must have been devastated.

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Aug 7, 2023·edited Aug 7, 2023

They were but couldn't do anything. No visits from anyone because of the lies to protect what they were doing for profits. Dr. Naomi Wolf just exposed the money Gynecologist were paid to convince pregnant women to get the jab. It makes me sick to think how greedy people have become. Human life has been reduced to such little value. I hope the brainwashed sheep wake up soon.

Here's the link to her broadcast.


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I didbt take it either. Just unreal how many did. I just can’t believe people being so damn stupid to put a experimental anything inside them

… I mean WHO DOES THAT? My daughter did😢😢😢 young and blind. So sad how they fear mongered my daughter at work 😢😢

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But it doesn’t matter if you took it or not. That Dr Ana says we are all carriers. I am a bit confused though. If the powers that be can put it in our food and air we breathe, then why go to the extent of saying we have a vaccine and everyone ought to get it? Makes no f sense at all. Something is fishy somewhere.

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I agree. If they can put it in air food etc. they would not need injections. Also if it’s in the air don’t the DARK ONES breathe??? THE SAME AIR WE BREATHE?????

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Yeah. And everyone I know ( friends, neighbors… have all been double vaxxed and some boosted. I see no dead friends or neighbors. Weird. My brother says they will all die once they amp up the 5G stuff… guess since Dr Ana sees blood in the unvaxxed, and we are hearing it’s in our food and air and soil … we will all be dead. The Prophetic GA Guidestones are coming true… bring earth population down to 5 million to balance nature. So, I guess you and I will see each other in the after live. I’ll be the artist with binoculars watching birds. How will I spot you, my fren ? 😂😉

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I love birds so I will be right with you with binoculars. lol

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I’ll hold you a spot… best one In the forest! ❤️

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Aug 7, 2023·edited Aug 7, 2023

The lethal injection is a accelerator

[Global Depopulation] is the only two words you need to remember that this sh#t is serious

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I almost was fired for mentioning those words to a boss/customer at work...sad really cuz they're all gonna be gone soon

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Does taking all that work for you? I hope you are better!😊

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YES and getting to use a sauna to detox, taking all those things I mentioned has certainly kept me from becoming a cyborg! haha I continue to take fulvic minerals, zeolite spray, liver/kidney supportive herbs, staying active, hydrated, got right with GOD and keeping my health routine going is giving me the protection I need. If you are interested in the things I take I can send you info!

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I sure would. Much appreciated!!!😊😊🙏

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My contact info is at the bottom left hand side of the page if you scroll down

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Thank you kindly.

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I’m happy to send you more information via email so feel free to reach out whenever you like 😀

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Nattinokinase is great and so is Fulvic Acid. I have digestive issues from past eating disorder and L-Glutamine has helped tremendously...and fast!

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Dec 16, 2023·edited Dec 16, 2023

I have been taking it since 2021! I buy from Coseva (my personal shopping website)...I can send you more info but here is my link: https://bellashellie.mycoseva.com/

feel free to reply or whatnot! My contact information is at the bottom left hand side of the page if you scroll down

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Thanks! I’m happy to email you more information about the products outside of here. You can email me as my email address is at the bottom of that link on the left!

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GO and hydrogel is in everything now. Data indicates that we inhale over 20,000 nano particles with every breath. Chemtrails have become that toxic and constantly sprayed now. Eating from your garden? Watered with graphene rain? All bets are off...we are all in the end stages of becoming tranzhumans/synths now. All of the detoxes are great, but not for long. We will hit the wall soon - and not be able to detox fast enough. This horrifying reality either goes viral/mainstream immediately, and there is a freaking bloody uprising from hell...or we are screwed. Sick, dying or dead. And for those who survive the poisoning and become transmitting slaves for the ghoulz, had better hope they will be ALLOWED to die.



Chelation has to be frequent and ongoing - because it is in everything...and it is costly and difficult to find. Beef contains nanos and hydrogel. All foods are contaminated.

As for cat scans and MRIs - with GO in your body, you could be microwaved on the table...and think twice about those massive fluids being dumped into your body...all fluids (like the vaxxes) are prime targets for delivery.

Over the counter EDTA base is produced in China. GO has been found in supplements and all the detoxes we use - zeolite included. See mira al microscopio on Telegram. A dedicated page to graphene and what products it is found in, but just assume it is in absolutely everything. This is La Quinta Columna's dedicated page on Telegram. This will get you there...a little translation and you'll get the idea. This is Fiji water. They post all day long...I get TG alerts every minute.


Did I mention how screwed we are?

Rant until you can't!

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Exactly. 💯🎯 There is no turning back. And even if there is a “bloody uprising” as you stated, which I tend to think that’s the direction we’re headed in, it’s going to be too little, too late for most people. Most adults have been poisoned every day of their lives for decades. And based on everything I’ve read, these chemicals and poisons are cumulative ~ they build up in tissues and in organs. When you think about it, it’s nothing short of a miracle that there’s still as many humans alive, as there are.

We can grow gardens, only shop at organic grocery stores, only buy grass-fed beef, supplement ourselves to death, etc. but like you said, the water we use to grow our gardens is contaminated, as is the soil and everything else around it, from years of being doused with chemicals via chemtrails, acid rain, pesticide run-off, etc. “Organic” produce and grains are grown in the same contaminated soil, using the same contaminated water. Grass-fed beef grazes on the same contaminated grass.

I don’t wanna be a Negative Nancy or a Debbie Downer, but I feel like this is just common sense. All the chemicals we’re continually exposed to, doused with and ingest daily are pervasive and there’s no escaping them. And to add insult to injury, we have things like 5G (which I spent the better part of this last week stressing over and for what? There’s not a damn thing I can do about it because it’s not going away anytime soon). I would prefer to just live my life, enjoying family and friends and making memories with them for whatever amount of time I have left here.

The ONLY solution is God. If you haven’t done so already, get right with God TODAY. Because just as Greg stated, our physical bodies die, but our souls are eternal. ❤️🙏🏻

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You are right Sherry! Although this life is temporary, God created us to be eternal beings. The earth has been in bondage to decay since corruption & darkness entered it. We are all infected with the poison of sin and we are helpless to do anything about it. But don't despair! God has given us the solution in the God-Man Jesus Christ who rescued us from the rot of sin and death. He lived perfectly, (no sin) died innocently,(was killed) and showed his power over death when he came back from the dead, and he is still alive today! He rules over all his creation, even over those who are destroying the earth and who hate him. Nothing can separate those of us who know him from his love and light (salvation). Our souls will live forever even after everything on this earth is destroyed. So don't fret about it too much. Like you said, "live (your) life, enjoying family and friends and making memories with them for whatever amount of time (you) have left here." Our times are in his hands. He can preserve us even amid the worst intentions of biological warfare! The evildoers do NOT have the control they think they have, only what He allows them to do and for believers benefit. So keep on keepin' on! He gives us the strength to endure until the end of the age.

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Truth spoken brings tears to my eyes, thank you and bless you ...

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I don’t think we are all screwed. Why? Because of Universal Law/God. I’m nearly 60 years old, and I’ve made it this far. I worked 40+years, and those weren’t office jobs. Those were busting my ass jobs. I’ve had a hip replacement, ovarian cancer, hernia surgery, survived a traumatic car accident, etc...and I haven’t been in shape like today since I was 35!

YES GREG! The body does heal itself physically, mentally, and spiritually. Just be willing to do what is necessary! I’m a tenacious “bitch”...I don’t give up easily.

The demonic psychopaths can kiss my ass!

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mine too...! LOL ...great post!

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Oh hell no! Giving up in any way, shape, or form is NOT an option! May God’s Will be done!

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It gives me have confirmation that I made the right decision by not getting the vax which results in a feeling of satisfaction. I have experienced shedding-twice. so I know it’s real. now, after these reports, I have to worry about nanobots ( or other things) in my blood. sometimes it’s just too much.

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It is what it is. We have, for many years, been at the mercy of one nefarious influence or another from our government or Pharma or FDA, CIA, CDC, etc, etc, etc.

The only thing we can do now is push back as hard as we can when we are able, try to mitigate the impact on our health both mental and physical, spread the word and above all …DO NOT COMPLY!

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That banjo intro was skookum for sure. The elite overlords dissaprove of goofy/silly banjo music. Its like tossing water onto the wicked witch of the west

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I think the banjo is one of the most healing instruments out there. I also started studying music to help to cope with all the stress of reality. I’m learning to sing :)

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Hi there! It makes all the sence not to trust doctors since I was 21, that's 27 years for me, but especially now. And you can guess I didn't run and take it in order to be allowed to travel. I am not a sheep, I am a Lion. I am a free person and I decide for my well-being, I don't get conditioned by anyone. This is the real power, when you choose not to be affraid. I trust only God. Death is not the end but we do not need to rush into it. Food is the medicine ❤ that's right. Fasting is important part of my life. Thank God for vitamin C! I've been taking Solgar's Earth Source Multi-nutrient since 2002. But I wonder if you ever tried using something that collects toxins in our body such as heavy metals..it's called "zeolite", and takes them out!? That is a powerfull stuff :))) And yes we heal ourselves with power of our thoughts by changing the structure of water moleculs in our body. Nice music.


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I’ve been using zeolite for a couple years!

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Me too! Started in the fall of 2020!! I now sell it bc it has helped me so much!

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Link please?!

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Dec 16, 2023·edited Dec 16, 2023


here is my link and contact info at the bottom on the left

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Some of the themes you mentioned are mirrored in the principles of Ayurveda. Such as mono diet. A tiny note that will make a physical and spiritual difference in mono diet cleansing—if you want to use ghee with an animal diet, don’t mix it with the flesh of the animal it comes from. That sends mixed signals.

Transmutation of the chemicals and metals IS possible. I think it’s going to take spiritual research. Some people like Are Thorensen are starting to learn about that. I have had my own experiences, similar but different than his.

We will be humans without physical bodies at some point using physical bodies like an avatar vessel. That’s predicted for the not so distant future. We can say that even this segue strange epoch we are in is a grand preparation for that, and we have free will to choose love or not. However, we need to aspire to become less unfree in our thinking. I think you, Greg, are doing a good job. Thank you.

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Greg, there is NO 'healing' from this Bio-weapon!! It CHANGES ONES GENES/DNA (rendering one NON HUMAN). There is NO 'fixing' THAT! But there ARE things to do to extend ones life. But, honestly, people who got the Death Jab should NOT be doing this. I know that that sounds harsh, but, we ARE talking about the EXTINCTION OF THE HUMAN RACE here. Let me be clear.....TWO THIRDS of my WHOLE FAMILY got the Death Jab; and although I LOVE my family DEARLY, they 'cannot stay here'!

The more that the INJECTED/INFECTED are around those of us that did NOT get injected, the more of us the INJECTED WILL INFECT (make 'vaccinated'). And THAT is just selfish!! I am NOT exaggerating when I say, the FUTURE OF THE HUMAN RACE is IN JEOPARDY. Our HUMAN body DOES matter. One has to BE HUMAN to have ones CONSCIOUSNESS enter ones HUMAN BRAIN. These Experimental mNRA Bio-weapons make one a NON HUMAN. 'They' want to change HUMANS to NOT be able to REINCARNATE. If one does NOT have those HUMAN RECEPTORS (the 'antenna'), in the brain, to 'receive' ones Consciousness......that's it!.....you're DONE! I'm not sure if I'm explaining myself well enough.......do people understand what it is that I am saying??

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Aug 6, 2023·edited Aug 6, 2023


Yes, I understand. Only reincarnation is not at all a blessing, but some sort of curse, a punishment for those who did not do very well the first time(s) and I am very OK not to be part of this nightmare again. We are all something else and everything happened, happens and will happen at once. There is no time and space is within us (or I, the One encompassing it all). All this thing we are experiencing as "life", everything about it is in one dot, I don't know details, but what we call "dimensions" is something else, more complicated.

What is killing us is not chemicals, heavy metals, banksters or the club of Rome, but wilful ignorance, sheer imbecility and plain cowardice. Evil has always been present and active among us, most of us just stopped fighting it quite a long time ago.

Therefore we have become redundant and now this realm is being prepared for something else. As simple as that.

Enjoy the party ツ

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'There is nothing new under the Sun!'.

We Humans have been around for millions of years (Yes....MILLIONS! Our History is NOT what 'they' say it is!). And WE have been through this before; many times. It always 'ends' the same way.....with the Psycho's among us, going FULL-ON PSYCHO. Then the Cataclysm(s) happen, and we start over. This is what 'End Times' means. It is NOT 'the end of the world'; just the END of the (NORMAL) Cycle.

There is a REASON the we HUMANS get Reincarnated; we're here for a REASON. And that Reason is to achieve Consciousness at the HIGHEST level....it is ONLY THEN, that we become 'like God' for Eternity. And we will keep coming back, until we've achieved what is required of us. Unless, of course, one has been turned into a NON Human via the Bio-weapon.....then that life (including the ones after) is FOREVER GONE, and one will NEVER 'be with God'. By the way, I am NOT a 'bible thumper'; I'm NOT 'religious', either. I AM Spiritual. So-called 'religion' is MAN-MADE, and, therefore, FALSE! But that's a whole other topic. lol

I, for one, want to survive what I'm calling, The Great Purge Part I (the bio-weapon(s)/Evil Globalists) and The Great Purge Part II (the coming MASSIVE Earth Changes). I want to be a part of RE-BUILDING the Human Race.....in a HUMAN Society! And I also want to REMAIN HUMAN because I am looking forward to my 'Next Life'. I want to see this 'ride' to the very end!! LOL We ARE WINNING! So, ENJOY 'the ride' (THIS, and ones coming lives)!! In the mean time, there's a whole lotta DEMONS & ZOMBIES that need to be sent back to where they belong!! :)

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It is all part of the script and nothing we do will alter anything. I lived over half a century now and if I learned well something, this is it.

And to dig a bit deeper, it means that we are not here to learn or evolve, because "free will" is a hoax, "all roads lead to Rome", whatever you do and whichever path you choose, you will hit all the markers on your given list and miss the ones which are not, fulfil your destiny and you shall have only the joy / pain ratio that someone else or perhaps you, yourself have assigned to your present experience.

Because a game without adrenaline-inducing challenges becomes boring after a very short while. Perhaps that's why sometimes some have glimpses of the future, that well known "gut feeling" and become optimistic or uncomfortable about a situation, some have "deja vu's" and others seem to navigate through life with great ease. They remember.

And even deeper, only the present counts and exists, what we call "past" is in fact a train of memories and what we call "future" is another train of presumptions. Therefore, one may conclude that we live in a train station, watching some trains going away and expecting others to arrive, but we can only hop on the ones that arrive, and only when / if they stop and we can only hop off in another station, not always of our choice.

And much deeper, all this "reality" is like a funnel, converges into one singularity, so we might be in a black hole, or it may be that someone / something is dreaming us while falling into one, hence the mind boggling emptiness contained in all matter and the incessant flow of energy that holds it together, without any apparent source or logic.

A spring is like a battery, one puts energy into the thing and takes it back at a later time, but the energy stored in a spring is directly proportional with its thickness and the number of coils, who, what is fuelling the electrons, the protons and the other sub-particles claimed to have been discovered in that big circle in the heart of the European continent ? Why we don't find depleted particles all over the place, like empty batteries ?

No scientist wants to go down this path, they are afraid of discovering something that may be contradicting their sacred dogmas, so they labelled everything a "force" - weak, strong, vectorial or radial - that "just is" and lasts forever or until the mighty Entropy orders "halt".

I got carried away and it is morning already.

Good night for now 🌙

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Oh wow! Sorry to see that you are so pessimistic. You're partly correct; SOME things CANNOT be changed, EVER. And those are the NORMAL (Natural) Cycles of the Earth/Solar System/Universe......and NATURAL LAW. And Natural Law is what the Psychopaths are attempting to change. They've FAILED before they even started, because it CANNOT be changed! The Globalists also 'believe' that there is no Free Will; but there IS. This, TOO, factors in to the Evil Globalists complete and utter FAILURE, in their attempts.

Modern so-called 'science' is a complete fraud. It's Materialistic. Which is NOT what Science is supposed to be. The Evil Globalists WANT 'Materialistic'; it's ANTI-Human. Look around you......so-called 'Humanity' is WELL on it's way. Except HUMANS.....those of us who are REALLY AWAKE....We SEE what is happening, and say, 'WHOA! Wait a minute.....we're going in the WRONG direction! This is NOT how HUMANS are supposed to live!". And we are RE-CONNECTING with what it means to BE HUMAN; to LIVE as HUMANS should. People do not have an understanding what it TRULY means to BE HUMAN. As I've stated previously, MOST, on this planet, are NOT Human. Just because one may LOOK like a Human, does not make it so.

All of these topics are 'too deep' to go into here; I'd be writing a book! LOL

If I may suggest one of my fav shows/'podcast'....Forum Borealis (on YT). Al, out of Norway, has some pretty interesting guests who cover many different topics, that may interest you. I've been Enlightened, over the years, that's for sure! And that IS why we are here, after all!

One of Al's guests is Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, who is a brilliant, brilliant, BRILLIANT man! He has written MANY books on MANY subjects (which all tie together). I'll also suggest to watch/listen/read anything and everything from Dr. Farrell. I first found Dr. Farrell, years ago, from 'The Byte Show'; audio video's on YT. Forum Borealis and Dr. Farrell just may change your outlook.

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LOL Yes; it DOES seem that way (insanity), doesn't it. But, as we SHOULD all know by now, NOTHING of WORTH comes easy. WORK IS REQUIRED!! This is what separates HUMANS from the Burn Loot Murder ('BLM') and FacsTifa ('antifa') Zombie-Demons, as an example. Those types want shit HANDED to them, without having to WORK for it! LOL Life is not supposed to be easy. If it were, it would not BE 'LIFE'; it would merely be an existence (like Zombies).

Agreed! The survivors of what is coming HAD BETTER 'LEARN LESSONS' and NOT repeat this bullshit!

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I was reading Edgar Cayce the other day. I agree that what Cayce speaks of regarding reincarnation, makes a lot of sense!

Reincarnation is for elevation of the soul.

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Greg, you can get rid of the chemtrails with gridworking .....put shungite pyramids on your property, with orgonite activating disks. You will see the blue sky within the parameter of the electromagnetic field that you create with this technology,, and the artificial, toxic clouds pushing against it on the other side, unable to cross. The more that people start doing this, the more that humanity will turn back the tide of toxic contamination that the cabal is raining down on us. This stuff really works.

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Yes! My friend makes them www.letsorgonizeearth.com I have them all over my house and at my workplace (since there is a smart meter that is on the outside of the wall directly adjacent to my desk!!)

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Haven't even heard 10 mins and I must ask now. Please interview or just connect with Jim Bruer (Lives in Naples too). We need more humor or just serious. This shit is deep. Thanks, Big Love and Light 💖

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He’s GREAT! His stand-up on CON-vid is hilarious!

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I think maybe Greg’s said previously during an interview, that he’s met Jim before because they shopped at the same grocery store in Naples? 🤔

I agree that humor is absolutely essential, especially during dark times such as these. My sarcastic, dry, sometimes twisted, and always perverted sense of humor is the only thing (besides God) that’s gotten me through the last 3 1/2 years, and especially the last year.

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I'm fairly new to Substance and Greg on this platform. Jim Bruer and Greg both talk common sense,no bull, just straight intelligent talk with compassionate understanding that we are all in this together so let's share and help each other, best we are able. They would bounce off each other well imo. Good humans!

Much Love Sherry 🤍

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Jim Breuer's newest comedy show is on YOUTUBE and its hilarious!

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I did 18/6 intermittent fasting with a full day fast every week for about four months in 2020. I lost a pants size every month. I also cut carbs to basically zero during that time. Technically not "keto" because my second meal was a lot of veggies (usu 50/50 protein/veg or thereabouts) and i would eat the occasional piece of fruit to boost vitamin and mineral uptake, but it worked just the same for me. Cutting all carbs combined with intermittent fasting is powerful medicine.

I like the idea of a mono-diet with beef. It is my understanding that beef may have the best compatibility for people due to the meat's nutrients having been processed naturally through the cow's complex digestive system. And on it's own, beef is a very complete food source. I will never give up muh chicken eggs though! Or bacon, obviously. I am fortunate to have many local farm foods available for most of the year and i take advantage of that - beef, dairy, produce.

We actually synthesize glutathione internally from amino acids. So, fats and meats are essential for a good diet. We both produce it and consume it.

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The MINUTE that the LYING MSM (not that I watch/read any of it) started with the, 'THE SKY IS FALLING!......DEADLY VIRUS!!', I KNEW, without a shadow of a doubt, that IT WAS BULLSHIT!! And because I am an ADULT HUMAN (aka has a FUNCTIONING BRAIN!), I went SEARCHING, in the next day or two. That was when I'd found Dr. David E. Martin, who only CONFIRMED what I ALREADY KNEW......that it was ALL BULLSHIT! AND, Dr. Martin 'came with receipts'! This why I CANNOT comprehend why people, especially in the US, fell for this PLANNEDemic, from the start, when it took me LESS THAN A HALF AN HOUR to find that video of Dr. Martin. And when I state, 'PEOPLE', I'm talking about those WHO HAVE BEEN AWAKE FOR MANY YEARS.......THESE people FELL FOR THE PSYOP! (it just blew my mind!!).

Fast forward to the roll out of the EXPERIMENTAL mNRA BIO-WEAPON INJECTIONS. Of course, I already KNEW that these 'injections' were PURE EVIL; I didn't need Dr. Martin to tell me that. BUT, he was there, ONCE AGAIN.......'WITH RECEIPTS'!! Explaining just HOW BAD these were. So, with what Dr. Martin was saying, I already knew about the 'SHEDDING'......add some COMMON SENSE, and my brain told me that, in addition to the shedding of the INJECTED/INFECTED, that these individuals were GOING TO BE WALKING BIO-WEAPONS!! Again, COMMON SENSE dictates that the UN-INJECTED needed to 'STAY AWAY' from the INFECTED/INJECTED. Absolutely NO CONTACT with ANY BODILY FLUIDS......NO sweat, NO tears, NO 'SEX FLUIDS'.....NOTHING, or the UN-INJECTED would then BECOME 'VACCINATED'. I would have thought that this was pretty OBVIOUS, right from the start (roll out of), to those with a FUNCTIONING BRAIN?! These Psycho Globalists may have gotten (injected) LESS than 1/2 of the population (they're LYING about the # of 'vaccinated'!), but with those WALKING BIO-WEAPONS, they just 'got' another good chunk MORE of the population!!

I will CONTINUE to STAY AWAY from those who have been INJECTED/INFECTED!!

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Martin has freemason symbols all over his website and follows the new world order eastern religion. he is cointel.

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No he is not.

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Sure is. One day he wears a bow tie and the next day he wears the 666 on his jewelry. Just an actor.

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You need to interview Dr Ed Group.

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Yes, please do this!!!!

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NAC w/ Milk Thistle, Liposomal Glutathione, Quercetin, Vit. C, Vit. D. Turmeric are basic must haves. ‘Authorities’ were trying to ban NAC during the pandemic, and tamping down any online information on Vit. D. The also suppressed but very effective meds such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were snuck into hospitals during Remdesavir protocols, while relatives lay dying, and they saved them, secreting them out of there.

I hear they want to ban supplements at some point. There are liquid drops to detox from heavy metals, but depending on the brand, the initial reactions can make you sick while they are being removed from the body. You need to replace good metals ( minerals) so there is balance to keep in mind. Some Christian’s are fasting on Fridays. Greg, God declared we are to have dominion over the animals He created for us. Beef is an excellent source of protein, but it is hard on the system, like the liver. Butter and beef tallow are the healthiest fats. Stay away from veg. oils like corn. NO seed oils, No Canola.

It’s not like I practice what I preach - I wish I ate beef, but inadvertently ended up vegetarian, and just trying beef shocks my system, I get sick for 3-4 days. I love chocolate, a certain kind. Enough confession.

John (who Jesus spoke to) in Revelations described everything we are going through, for example- the inversion of truth, sexual sin ( the sexual Revolution), destruction of family, Babel, a global government and one world religion. The Communist pope has been connecting with Muslim clerics, and other religious leaders, meeting w/ and speaking on believing in the same God. I’ve listened to serious Catholics that are sickened. Neither authentic Mormon’s nor Muslim’s believe Jesus is the Messiah, who said, ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father, except through Me’.

Christ said he returns when he does, otherwise humanity will destroy itself. There will be a 10 nation confederacy, but the US is not mentioned. The BRICS nations? Whether being under judgement we are destroyed, as God allowed to have happen to countries/cities that forsook Him, or left as a shell of a once blessed Christian nation, there is not so far repentance.

Jesus commanded us to love each other as He has loved us. Leaving paradise behind, He came in physical form, so we would know Him.

We are to have brotherly love (Phileo) for one another, and sacrificial love (Agape) for Him. There are different words in Greek describing kinds of love. A Greek American friend and I spent the summer in Greece, and I noticed she and her family there always said ‘Agape Mu’,

I love you- the word meaning the highest form of love. There’s no way to describe the kind of love that you’d be willing to offer to your fellow man, if we did it the way we ought to. Especially us broken, selfish human beings. It has to be demonstrated. Love is a verb as the saying goes.

The ‘elites’ or ‘globalist’, they deny that we are sacred beings, made in God’s image. Some are actually Satanists ‘coming to steal, kill and destroy’ all of Gods creation. Since they are without God, all things are permissible. This being Satans realm to control, he’ll take as many with him into Hell as possible. Jesus warned us, telling John that the Antichrist will make everyone take his mark, on the hand or forehead, which is his name or the number of his name (Hebraic) 666. People will not be allowed to buy or sell without his mark. Will they knowingly take his mark? many have asked, fearing they did it inadvertently. I personally believe when DOD/pharma patented the hydrogel 060606, naming it Luciferase, they want to think they gave ‘the mark’, but to take it is also an oath of loyalty to Antichrist, so people will apparently be aware of having taken it. It hasn’t happened yet, we have to be in tribulation, with Antichrist. Since Christian’s are ‘not called to wrath’, and other biblical signposts, most believe the Rapture is before tribulation. Loyalty to Satan in the mark, or another form, like Obiden’s sheer evil, you will not enter God’s kingdom. After coming on the scene to deceive the masses, be a friend to Israel and have answers to the worlds economy, 3 1/2 years into Tribulation Antichrist will turn on the Jews, whose temple he had helped rebuild, he then claims to be God. Many nations descend on Israel, what ensues seems like possible nuclear war as the wording depicts.

Before Christ’s return everyone think clearly about what corner you want to be in, or whose corner you want to be in. Chancing what little time there is left by thinking, whatever, you don’t care, and letting them cause your brain to be turned into mush, you are flirting with the devil. Everyone lives forever, it’s just where that forever is that counts, and Jesus described Hell as not only a place of indescribable physical pain, but psychic pain, and loneliness. ‘There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth’. This is where the evil murderers and enslavsers of humanity are going, who are maiming people for life, causing untold agony, so much so they are taking their own lives. Don’t end up with them, let Jesus take you into his fold, where you will only know love, the love we all need, where Jesus said we’ll know no more pain, or sorrow, saved by Christ, Gods only Son.

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Ode to Joy 🪕

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I stopped all needle pokes when the bioweapon virus was first reported. My military experience suspected bioweapon as soon as I saw those China videos of people taking nose dives. Most anti-vaxxers didn't even think of dental procedures but I did. Anything involving a needle plus getting poked with 6" swabs were suspect to me back then. Then add drinking water, chemtrails, insulin, and who knows what else. I'd like some testing showing what is NOT involved at this stage. Usually if you get infusions you also get saline. Think that is safe?

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I read they are putting this stuff in everything now, water systems too. "Watch the Water" by Stew Peters. I wear contacts and have also heard that the solution for contacts and your eyes has it. We'll never know for sure but I'm probably going back to wearing glasses instead.

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Distill your own water and make your own saline. I do : D

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