Banks commit fraud by having two claims to the money.

1). The depositor has a claim to the money he puts in the bank.

2). The bank loans out the deposit (plus much more) giving the bank a second claim on the

same funds.

Why this is not considered fraud is anyone's guess. The industry needs a complete overhaul.

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I took a macroeconomics class and the professor said that this was commonly seen as fraud, and overtime people got used to it. Now we accept it and defend it.

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The bankers figured it out, pushing socialism, government would forever contract debt in perpetuity. China would like to be reserve status without the downside. When every country denominate their debt in your currency it add to the devaluation. Even if they DONT buy your currency to settle debt. The Keynesian economist have really lost the plot. They are all bullshit artists. Zombie banks/business malinvestement need to be purge ASAP. This class system need to end. (people close to the money creation who have access first)

Give the money to the people directly without strings attach the system will correct itself.

Yes the UBI crowd won me over. Give enough to everyone. End social Darwinism. Fuck the UN. If you need an image Picture the reconstruction after the civil war. Everyone got something , everyone went in all direction and great things happened. Yes its a power shift and yes its giving the power back to the people isnt that how its suppose to work ?

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The problem with UBI is it allows the Bank and the state to create unlimited money supply and discourages production.

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The banster mapheeuhbiwn chinuh and poooteen and amereekuh etc etc etc

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The FED is the 5th plank of the Communist manifesto.

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It's fraud or a shell game, but tradition. Your parents used banks, their parents used banks etc. I'm trying to break that mold.

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1913 was a key year of many changes! In February 1913 Federal Income tax was ratified with the 16th Amendment, The Anti-Defamation League was also created in September 1913 to combat anti-Semitism though they tend to spew out hateful comments through their Twitter page. Then in December 1913 the Federal Reserve was created. Many view this as a department of the Federal Government but this is not true. Virtually every country has a Central Bank and it's said to be controlled by the Rothchild family. “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” I did see a photo of Queen Elizabeth II in a vaulted room with Lord Jacob Rothchild with what appeared to be tons and tons of gold bars, doubt it was photoshopped. It's been said they put countries in debt and take their gold and as Greg Reese said they fund both sides of wars since as early as Napoleon and possibly sooner. They are the most satanic of families which go all the way back to the bible as it's all about bloodlines. They control governments, economies have even crashed them. Iraq was not about weapons of mass destruction but that they wanted payment in Euros instead of declining US Dollars.

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Yes the Heir of the Rothschild is the personal Banker of the crown. Totally fact.

For the longest time it was Evelyn de Rothschild (till he died not too long ago), Jacob struck on his own. The other brother (the 1 we never hear about) got to be the head of the family business.

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The "crown" is owned by moe-sahd like everything and everywhere else

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Yet they still list Evelyn (a guy as you said) as alive.

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Apr 9, 2023
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yeah spacebar" is dying the h" is dying, i have to slam the coma really hard but its an old 1990's IMB black . Loved that thing to death. hehehe

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Greg is #1 thank you Greg

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Greg well done. A report on how the tyrants took over our monetary system in 1913 would be fitting for the events to come. I mean how they really took control... How the tyrants in our govt at that time let some slick Willie bankers talk them into it... Payoffs? Promises? Deals? The usual corruption the scum politicians fall for like the communist agenda they've been sold and they promote today?

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And the sinking of the Titanic.

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Yes, indeed... just like murder of those on the boat that wasn't the Titanic

at all...

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Hmmm. Titanic? Was that a boat? Daaaaaammmnnn

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POP QUIZ: What was the Titanic Carrying?

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Three very rich and powerful men that opposed the creation of the Fed?

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Most likely it was the Olympic. They killed four birds with one stone. And got paid big bucks from the insurance settlement. Why four? Well those three bankers that were against the Fed were three of them.

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Never heard this before, thanks. JP Morgan owned White Star...hmmmmmm.

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Oh gee...just another coincidence. And to think they would kill hundreds to get those three. PROBLEM: PSYCHOPATHIC CONTROL FREAKS RULE US! https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/problem-psychopathic-control-freaks

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It wasn’t just those three, it was also the insurance payout for the ship. A similar thing happened on 9/11.

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Pop? Coke or Pepsi?

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I’d recommend reading the book by Edward Griffin, “The Creature from Jekyll Island” for everyone. A second look at the federal reserve.

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Yes good book. I want more details though. Like the personal relationships these scum had with each other... The dark side of a dark deal etc... Greg should do it but he likes the Titanic... 😄

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Another one that is very well done is "The Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by the late Eustice Mullins. Recently re-released https://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Federal-Reserve-Eustace-Mullins/dp/1774642387 He also authored Murder By Injection, https://www.amazon.com/Murder-Injection-Eustace-Clarence-Mullins/dp/1911417002 the story of the medical conspiracy against America. I have a hard copy of both of them.

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Exactly! Why would we ever let those who destroyed it out of ignorance, malice, greed name your poison be in charge?? They have ripped us off. It’s already worth nothing!!! We can’t let them keep control that would be insane!! Nonsensical!! Absurd!! Down right Suicidal……. Well I guess we’re going to see how bad the Stockholm Syndrome has taken root.

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It was done subtly behind the scenes without our knowledge or consent. Making it a TOTAL FRAUD. Mainly because PSYCHOAPTHIC CONTROL FREAKS RULE US! https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/problem-psychopathic-control-freaks

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Good work!😎👌

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Thank you sir for another brilliant presentation.

Now that we are 32 Trillion dollars in debt with runaway inflation it won't be long before it ends. Since Russia and China are doing business directly they have shunned the petrodollar and now the dollar will fall. Get yourself off the grid and beef up all your supplies. Plant a couple of fruit trees and a garden. All the Best!

Here is some off grid info if you are interested: https://www.nogridhome.com

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Yep. Russia and China and BRICS are trying to set up a new system. Gee, I wonder why the controlled Western narrative is pushing so hard for Russia to be defeated in Ukraine.

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Ukr - Russia is the Clinton and British empire war.

Russia Hoax led to a fucking war started in 2008 after Putin address at Munich security conference in 2007 in front of John McCain. How Dare Putin decide his own Foreign policy without US approval. He must be punish for putting dangerous ideas of autonomy in European country head. All the European leaders went to kiss the Ring in Beijing this week.

But the world was watching the clown show.

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Inflation isn’t currently “runaway”. That’s only happened in a handful of countries like Germany, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, etc. Latin America has been living with 8-15% inflation for decades. They are slaves to American bankers.

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France central bank too. They got told by Africans to get the fuck out a few months ago.

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I would humbly mention that inflation is not transitory. The tightening cycle to ease inflation is halted and soon to be reversed back to easing. Inflation is here to stay my friend.

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If someone can PLEASE tell me what the "debt" is in, I'll send them 100 pounds free of charge and even pay shipping! Legal Tender vs Lawful Money https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/legal-tender-vs-lawful-money

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Greg, it needs to be noted from scripture and history exactly what is going on. From the words written in The Book Of The Covenant, which are in The Bible (although most people have no idea where), there are three passages that speak of charging interest. Two of them Exodus 22:25 and Leviticus 25:36, condemn charging your brother interest in an effort to help them. However, the third Covenant Law passage takes it one step further in detail. Deuteronomy 23:19-20 adds that you may charge a foreigner interest and this is because YHWH will bless you. Now there are two points to make here.

1- The fractional bank experts are The Jewish back Crown of London. This group is called The Crown but they really have no ties to Great Britain or the Royal bloodline other than via the hijacking of their nation via usary. They are simply based in London. They damn sure don't belong there. That said they most certainly are Jewish or more correctly said Zionist. They're mode of operation is to hijack government through the fractional banking scenario. The Judaism side of the equation uses this verse in Deuteronomy as justification to their evil. However, the text is actually speaking of a righteous control of foreigners in the context of the institution of a righteous firm of slavery, unlike what we did in this country in the 17th and 18th and 19th centuries. Many fail to consider, there is a right form of slavery designed to aid both the slave and the master accordingly.

2- And this one is a shocker.... The Jews or Zionist, that pull off this evil system are nit brothers at all. They are not of the Anglo Saxson, Caucasian race at all. They are Jepthites, of Noah's son Jetheth. Not of Shem. The Patriarch of the Abraham, Isaac and Israel. So, once again, these monsters have actually hijacked the race of Israel, using their name to actually imprison them by calling them Goyium when they themselves are the true Gentiles.

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Over time the hatred will start to show on your face. Mankind's greatest challenge is to overcome our reptilian tribal instincts so that we can express pure unconditional love. On a spiritual level, we are here to learn about something deep within us that is beyond words. God bless you.

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The only financial product of the City of London is Tax Haven. The Brits political leader are all hypocrites ... Pay your fair share ... What joke. Its just slogan'eering. That English-Socialism really enslaved the world.

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Apr 9, 2023
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Admitted Fabian Socialist , didnt know he smoked the cock. Make sens. Altho he was a willing accomplice of ole Boy Bush.

That aint a militia!!!! , its a private army. You know the plan with the second amendment was to ensure a well maintain militia because the idea was to NOT have a STANDING ARMY. You wont ear that from the fucking leftist, they want the folks apathetic , hapless , hopeless , helpless.

For sake of argument ill assume your Brit , Whats up with Eire land hate i was reading of old Oxford text today. I just don't get it... Welsh , Gael , Kelts , Brits its so damn complicated hahaha. Ireland : the OG deplorables ? I wish the Highland Clan culture was still a thing. All humanity is way too docile.

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And how exactly does this benefit us today "knowing" what you claim? Besides taking aim at a group of people who as a WHOLE have had NOTHING to do with the current situation. Many of the international banksters are "Jews" for sure, but MANY ARE NOT! So quit throwing out darts at the whole people. It's like claiming all Caucasians are neo Nazi white supremacists'. Get it?

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We do need a reset, just not the slavery based reset being pushed by the Davos psychos.

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END THE FED-enough said

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The Skull & Bones "Brotherhood of Death" Drug Wars from Opium to Pfizer.

Join us and share EndTheFED.world

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AUDIT THE FED , PUT THE FED on the Block Chain !

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Very helpful thank you, sir. As Christians (Covenanters), we would disagree that “We The People” should be the end of the matter, but rather that the banking system, and the constitution that underpins it should faithfully declare: “We the People of the United States, humbly acknowledging Almighty God as the source of all authority and power in civil government, the Lord Jesus Christ as the Ruler among the nations, His revealed will as the supreme law of the land; approbating the faithful covenants, creeds and confessions of our forefathers, the apex being the Solemn League and Covenant sworn to on our behalf by our forefathers in England, Ireland and Scotland in 1643—we also approbating the firstfruits of that covenant, the Westminster Standards as the most thoroughly biblical systematic definition of the Christian faith to date; in order to constitute a Christian government, and in order to form a more perfect union…”

[Note: I have edited my comment to update the proposed amendment to specifically include the Solemn League and Covenant and the Westminster Standards which, in my haste, I sinfully omitted when commenting earlier. This proposed modification to the US Constitution is based on that introduced in memorial by Senator Charles Sumner, 1864 who also omitted the all-important, and still-binding Solemn League and Covenant also.]

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This mean nothing if we are not moral people. The nihilist, woke are rejecting it all. Its so bad in Canada they are proposing removing any legal age for ALL drugs. You can bet the house some parents will feed drugs instead of food to their kids. Just like the ideologue vegan feeding garbage to their infants. .... Big fucking surprise the infant died & its no one fault. You can't expose the failing of the Ideology , this is a CULT , a belief system.

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“…Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.” (Zechariah 4:6)

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, [that] the mountain of the LORD’S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.” (Isaiah 2:2-3)

What is a Christian Nation? https://tinyurl.com/wiacn

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I'd sort of like a reality based system rather than one based on superstition and conjecture. Too many contradictions and conflict between so called "Christian" belief systems. Which is WHY there are how many "Christian" denominations all claiming THEY are the way and the truth?

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Yes, and it is for that exact reason that the thoroughly biblical Solemn League and Covenant and Westminster Standards were drawn up, nationally sworn to and adopted by England, Ireland and Scotland in 1643. But the enemy always seeks to divide and conquer, and so through the traitors to the covenant, most notably the covenant-breaking King Charles II, such division and sinful denominationalism was once again unleashed from 1661 to the present day. We see the fearful results playing out day by day.

But the truth shall yet be victorious: God has promised it.

“They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious.” (Isaiah 11:9-10)

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I see this coming to pass...Vision of the Valley

I'm convinced we are in the midst of it right now.


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Am just glad Greg saw the French storm BlackRock HQ !!! This strike is Legendary it need to spread.

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Rothschilds Criminal Banking Cartel !!!

TOP WORK GREG!!! 👍🏼👊🏼📢

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The Pyramid is stealing Your time/energy/money folks!

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Thank you Greg ! Great report ! And so now we wait to see how the white hats will handle the fallout.

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LOL! Just like the white hats have been handling the rest of the shit going on. In word only.

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