This serves two purposes, I really feel the Government is behind all these mass shootings so they can remove the 2nd Amendment. Seems like Bruce Jenner was celebrated and this really took off after his transition. Let's get these thoughts into all the children to confuse them at school. Once they transition there will be no procreation so it serves in reducing the population as if the vaccines were not already enough.

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You're smart I am totally 100% with you I really believe that behind it FBI and the CIA what good are they they can't even stop at school shooter they can't stop anything and I believe it's on purpose I remember the FBI was called about the Facebook of the men young men the massacred at Columbine and that was obvious there was something wrong but no one and the FBI or the CIA after they were contacted did a thing to stop that they had no interest. Nothing's changed and that was 12 years ago or more what about the death penalty the death penalty always kept things like this from happening exact this is outrageous who ever heard of stuff like this anywhere in history there's no death penalty there's no reason to not kill.

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When your country has become as corrupt as you describe, Kathleen, the "Death penalty" would only kill more innocent people than guilty. History also shows that as well. The answer to your Country's enormous problems reside in the hearts and minds of its people. That is where the problem must first be addressed. What is it that causes people's hearts and minds to become so corrupt? Honestly answer that question before doing anything else.

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Let's help Kathleen. First how about absent parents, both working for a couple of generations now. Then there's the declining school systems which include sexual orientation for latency age kids and a sudden lack of any discipline for all kids. This perhaps relates to the sudden fashion of never discipling kids at home. A man told a piano teacher, when she commented on the kid's out of control behavior during lesson, "Oh we just let him do whatever he wants." How about over medicating both women and kids. Ok, then there's the easy access to hard street drugs for kids. How about teachers who don't know what to say when "Bobby" asks "why does Frankie have two daddies instead of a mommy and daddy," and the teacher sits down and explains the whole thing to her third grader when all she had to do is say something like, "I don't know honey, Ok, kids now every one open the book to page three and do the arithmetic problems on that page." DUH. How about the school teachers' unions being in charge of everything and anything including bi-sexual bathrooms and other nonsense. How about the decline of trust in each other due to political machinations. And last, how aboout the Chinese takeover of our country?

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It all stems from the unnatural fear of the emotional concept of nothing when your children asked you what nothing was what did you say? I am 75 and I have never experienced nothing and I am sure it does not exist Zero and minus numbers help with mathematical models but when you bring it over to the emotional it cripples and enslaves

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Thank you Judy for your helpful advice to Kathleen about many of the prime details on how and where our hearts and minds first need to be changed, before we can ever expect anything to change for the better!

I hope this now might prompt someone to also elaborate on how the process begins, that changes our hearts and our minds. Anyone?

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The only way to change your heart and mind is to accept the saving grace of Jesus Christ and know the peace that goes beyond human understanding...when God's on your side, who can stand against you...even if you are killed by a despotic government or lunatic individual, you will go straight to paradise to be with the Saviour and all those like you who are God's children

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I purposely left the door open for someone exactly like you, in my earlier reply, Marilynne. Someone who correctly knows the only way to change the human heart and mind.

Only people who know the Divine Scriptures are aware of how this seemingly impossible process is accomplished and you nailed it.

You alluded to Plilppians 4: 7, which addresses “Hearts and minds.”

"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

I would also add this scripture, John 14: 27 ESV

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them (your heart) be afraid."

Is there a human being that does not desire peace of mind and to be free from having a troubled heart?

The Worldwide English translation of Ephesians 4: 23-25 puts it beautifully.

"Have a new mind and heart. Be a new person. That new person has been made like God. He does what is right and holy because he knows the truth. So stop telling lies. Tell the truth to each other. We all are parts of the same body."

That "same body" refers, as you say, to all of God's children."

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AMEN need more positive feedback like this JESUS is the only way ✝️🙏

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Still believing in Santa I see. Your brainwashing with religious indoctrination propaganda doesn't allow you to see the truth that right in front of your eyes.

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Quit believing in nothing

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To "Quit believing in nothing" means to start believing in "Something," right?

What "Something" would you recommend the US people begin believing in, that would ensure the right changes began to occur?

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Start with consequences for poor behavior. That is behaving really badly like being rude, disruptive, and undisciplined at age 5 or 6 (needed to begin that training from age 2 after you let them run wild for awhile. Problem is todays parents think it's the fad to let them run wild into adulthood. That's where the consequences need to get harder. Prison time for crimes for one thing. Sad to say it was bad parenting from age three on that caused the pathetic to be imprisoned in the first place.

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And that goes hand in hand with having parents PRESENT and active in the raising of their own kids and giving them homemade, nutritious, locally grown, non-polluted food (organic whenever possible) with lots of clean water for drinking (very little soda) and a non-poluted evironment (watch out for VOC's, mold, toxic cleaners, etc.). Talk to the child's doctor about slimming down the vax schedule to ONLY the most necessary vaxes being administered and at a slower pace and longer schedule. My kids are all grown and have young children of their own, but I gave them my immunity of many childhood illnesses that I got (before vaxes) by way of breast feeding. The point is, even though we've f0cked up the natural order of things, try to live as naturally as possible (which USED to be what liberals wanted and those few who are still around - I call them "classical liberals" now).

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A great series of books that help with raising babies and kids is the Louise Bates Ames "Your Child" series.

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All THESE are THE RESULTS of having turned our backs completely on GOD the CREATOR and SUSTAINER.

Pretending that HE doesn't really exist so that we can go our own way with catastrophic results.

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The infiltration of the education system by communist. The oligarch policy of dumbing down the population. The drugs that pacify. The constant Psychological Warfare Trauma, Destruction of living standards, the me myself and i mentality. Darwin , Malthus , Huxley ideas at the highest level of governance body. I could go on ... once you see it, it cant be unseen. Fight your Apathy , its the first and most effective thing you can act on.

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Read the Bible cover to cover and see what happened REPEATEDLY to nations that turned their backs on God The Creator and Sustainer and indulged themselves in idolatry and sin. He is for real and wants to protect us from the horrific and destructive effects of these. Consequences!

Then take a look at what's going on all across the world right now with a focus on America Mystery Babylon right about now. Reaping the whirlwind after having sown the wind and exported it abroad.

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Yup and that proxy war is really just the continuation of Obama War. After Hillary trashed Libya and engaged Syria. . . The world changed. The luciferians got bolder. Gotta get rid of those people. Russians ar'nt our enemy , The European Woke Eurotrash are destroying Christ.

Easter this year will have a different signification for me and my family that's for sure.

Earth the goddess is a false god. Those Greens are the death Cult.

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I think our trust and naiveté has been and still is a hurdle, especially for older folks who cannot conceive of the degree of evil our government is involved in. Don't be crazy! They're not Luciferians! Human sacrifice?! How absurd! And surely it's directed at others who are truly evil, not at we, the people! Now is the time to close our ears to what they say and watch what they do instead. None of it makes sense, unless you believe their lies.

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We can't give up our good nature. That would be the ultimate tragedy. I pray for discernment everyday

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The forefathers of the USA made a covenant with God and performed what is known and “The Walk of Blood”. Since then our government “officials” have turned their backs on God and broke the covenant in every possible way. So, if you ever wonder if God had turned his back on the USA, you will then know why.

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Many of the people here in America got so used to a squishy soft, comfy life that they felt it would be ok to dispense with the God who enabled them in the first place to have an abundant life. So rather than be thankful for His provision, they fell into greed and covetous-ness. So they devoted more and more time to the pursuit of riches, and self glorification through acquisitiveness. As a whole, this culture left off love of God to pursue their idols full time: Idols of materialism, secular humanism, entertainment, money, high tech gadgetry, SELF worship.

You can't deny that this is what is championed and held out as the greater good in this culture by those who seek to profit from the same.

This is a huge lie that many have come to accept as the greatest good and we are reaping, and continuing to reap the disastrous results of that now. Many will come to see this for what it is, as we experience consequences and accept and understand responsibility for the outcome.

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If you read the bible from cover to cover and still think that it's the word of god, you're dumb as a rock!

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Once you divest yourself of the concept of nothing you realize the enormous gift of personal responsibility and no longer need the protection of the cult

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By "people", are you referring to the population, or the corrupt people who are running the country? The former are being manipulated, indoctrinated, drugged and mass-hypnotized into either complacency, or radicalization. The latter were also groomed, using torture and sexual abuse and channeled into a psychopathic mindset which pursues money and power to the exclusion of all else. This is a global problem. It's happening in every country, not just America.

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the political aristocracy and the Oligarch masters. shrug The citizens are hostage in all this. Putin has been repeating it has well. The folks are not to blame for the "elites" actions. To be honest i share Tucker take on the"Elite" they are not impressive nor worth the title. Ivy schools and cushy jobs arnt accomplishments.

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I think it's when the hearts and the minds of our leaders have become so corrupt I really am uncomfortable with putting that on all of America I feel that it's a handful of creepos starting at the top the head Joe Biden, Stoner VP Harris oh yeah she's very stoned. The hearts of the mind of the billionaires as a pharmaceutical companies how about their hearts and Minds give me a break with this putting this on the whole country yeah we all probably need to we all need I'm sure to change something to do something to make a change to make something do something to stop this nonsense this horrific garbage starting with our children being abused by the system starting with the lockdown starting with their schools closed starting with why can't the FBI stop the school shooter starting with Columbine. No it's the hearts and minds of those and Leadership starts with these and they're uncredentialed Liars thugs as far as I'm concerned with their Jabs murders.

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The fear of the

concept of nothing

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It isn’t just America the concept of nothing exists in most language from my experience I think the Hopi nation doesn’t have a word for the concept but I am not sure

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Comprehending just this one excellent example of how changing hearts and minds produces remarkable human behavioural outcomes, demonstrates my point. It is a process that starts from the cradle where hearts and minds are shaped.


With happy and stress-free education, the sky’s the limit! It works better than any other type! (Stress-free necessarily involves intangible emotions)

Through their unwavering commitment to innovative education and personalized learning, the Centners have created a unique and dynamic educational experience that is cultivating leaders with heart and business savvy. (ie heart and mind)

The brain to heart connection:


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People have turned their backs on GOD, because they prefer to worship their assortment of idols. God has given them over to it so that they can fully experience and reap the corruption that results from believing in this falsehood

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" FBI and the CIA"

The "brown-shirts" for the Democratic party.

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Your right. God says," Send the Rapists and Murders to Me and this will cease to happen among you". But Todays society does not follow God's word.

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"This serves two purposes, I really feel the Government is behind all these mass shootings so they can remove the 2nd Amendment."

NO better stated.

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For sure, but they also want to keep us in a state of fear and division, so we are easily manipulated.

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Most certainly; divide and conquer. They have divided this country on race, vaccination status, etc. Not much of a peep out of BLM or Antifa, these days because they were needed to accomplish what was done in 2020.

If humanity would awaken and realize that there are far more of them than the global goons then something could be accomplished. Imagine world unity if every nation stood up against this evil and squashed it dead in it tracks...

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Here’s the list:

Sexual Orientation

Gender Identity

Biological Sex


religious affiliation

Political beliefs

1st Amendment

2nd Amendment

Medical Freedom

Racial Identification

Economic Class

Climate Justice

All manufactured to create dissent when it should be the Predators versus Humanity.

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Amen brother

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Yes indeed. It's SPIRITUAL WARFARE that wins the day. The ONLY THING. Not a war agsinst flesh and blood. We cant win that way: its too big. We wrestle not agains principalities and powers but AGAINST SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES.


_ God

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Kudos to you for this exhaustive list.

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I believe that will happen. Some countries have already been pushed to this point and are protesting. We'll catch up when we've been made sufficiently uncomfortable. I'm there already, but a lot of people are willing to accept a lot of tyranny for an empty promise of safety and bogus care. Never has the government reached this level of tyranny in our life times and when we can no longer buy food on demand, minds will change.

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Is uncomfortable the word for us? I saw the Covid lies in March 2020. I feel more disgust than discomfort, although discomfort will come.


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BLM comes out every election year to stoke the fire and stir the masses. The pattern is clear back to Trayvon Martin, et al. or probably back even farther, I'm new to this. The democrats can only rely on dirty tricks and manipulation, bc they have no good policies or integrity. They specialize only in destruction.

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They’re all on the same team!

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Just the same, I would prefer them not to be in power.

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Yes, we've had global government for a (long) while now.

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"The democrats can only rely on dirty tricks and manipulation, bc they have no good policies or integrity. They specialize only in destruction."

Sic Semper Tyrannis

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The republicans don’t. They collaborate together. 95% Congress re-elected despite everyone hating them? They’re all the same. George Bush Sr and babies in incubators, and jr. with WMD’s and the ultimate manipulation of 911. Until Covid at least, which was also started under a republican admin.

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I think these kids have had incremental indoctrination since at least 2000. A teacher warned me back then what was happening. I started to see weird things in some of my nieces and nephews around then. The university educated are the most indoctrinated.

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Being that our education system was funded and developed by the Rockefellers, it's always been against us, but then the Marxists infiltrated and it went full-blown. If only we listened to Yuri Bezmenov back in the '80s when he tried to warn us. We lost several generations for not listening and now those children are the ones poisoning our current children. Kruschev vowed to bring down the U.S. without needing to fire a shot. It's working.

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Khrushchev also said Communism would sneak up on us without anyone paying attention and when we did, it woukd be to late.!

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This is not communism, this started with Operation Paperclip when the Nazi’s were brought to the America as opposed to persecution. They set up ideological infrastructure to make this happen. I suggest reading The Devils Chessboard.

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True about operation paper clip. But I do remember hearing Kruschev(sp) say this . Yes, I’m old.

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if your that old you need to watch this> https://rarbg.to/torrent/b9vtp6d

U will laugh your ass off. Steve Buscemi plays Kruschev

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Believe he was describing cultural Marxism which is definitely happening. They are using it for bringing in a corporate technocratic Biosecurity system. The worst aspects of capitalism, socialism and communism.

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No question - but I believe the Rockefellers and the Marxist are the same. They funded both Hitter and Stalin A dumb compliant workforce is what suit their needs. People like us are problem for them and that’s why they want us dead ASAP.

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Ok, I agree, but I must name them when I refer to a specific situation. Yes, they're all evil and they're working collectively to destroy us.

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its not all lost, no to the UN Thats really important , multiPolar world is fine has long the golden rule is : no one can rule the world. India will keep everyone honest even the Russians believe it or not.

the News just drop today, India is officially key strategic partner. (RIC)

so Russia, India, China, USA are the big boys.

The US$ will most likely drop -45% on par with Canada/Mexico it wont go to Zero. Thats just alarmism. if things gets realy bad. We wont get ships coming on the pacific coast for both Canada/USA Alaska might get a few flare up. But it will be life has usual has long domestic production keep up.

GOTTA get rid of the 70+ year old politicians/bureaucrats.

Its a new world. we need new ideas.

IF THEY HAVE REAL BIG BALLS; US could hyper Inflate get rid of debts , default on all sov debts and introduce a gold backed currency. a Fair money for a Fair world.

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Default! Why not? We've lost all credibility as a world leader thanks to Biden.

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Have you seen the video that shows the shooter wearing two different types of shoes? Maybe indicating that they filmed on different days and edited the footage, but not catching the goof. I totally agree with you. The government either stages these events, with actors, or they use actual events to spin their narratives.

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Not only the different shoes, but also a different belt and different pattern of camo clothing. It’s apparent that this video footage was filmed on two separate occasions with slightly different “costumes”.

The poor attention to details and continuity do not surprise me. It’s likely intentional. The psychopaths in government running these false flags enjoy gaslighting the public. If members of the public, quite rightly, call attention to the sloppiness and contradictions of the official narrative, the corrupted MSM quickly falls in lockstep to label any inconsistencies as conspiracy theories...and lose yet more of what little credibility remains.

What these psychotic maniacs have failed to comprehend is that the social capital of so-called “conspiracy theorists” has risen dramatically over these past 3 years, as every prediction has become a reality. Conspiracy has gone mainstream, because every official government pronouncement is presumed to be LIES.

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It's certainly how I now view events. It wouldn't be too outrageous to think everything happening on the world stage is ALL put on for our "benefit". Even what we think of as our history is skewed. Now is the time we'll find out what's what and hold people accountable. Things will never be the same and that's a good thing. For now, the only reality you can trust is what's in front of you. I'll have to take another look at the videos. Thank you!

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I wouldn't be the least bit surprised.. the World is now marinated in lies and deception in order to manipulate and motivate those who believe every lie they see or believe to be the truth about any given situation. It's demonic and leads that person deeper and deeper into despair, frustration and delusion. And into this, the reprobate mind that people are given over to if they prefer to believe lies rather than trust and have faith in God the Creator and Sustainer. It doesn't have to be this way, if you really want to live according to His Truth and righteous, He is full of Grace and Mercy to lead you home..and NOT ASTRAY

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Exactly! Sometimes it does a world of good just to disengage from everything going on in the world and tend to your own little corner of it. Don't get caught up in the drama. Sure, pay attention to what they're up to, but don't get so caught up in it. It's meant to confuse you and make you despair. Trust in God and know that He's in control. Sometimes it's best to take care of YOUR business and let God take care of the rest. Peace. God bless you. Thank you for chatting. 🙏❤🇺🇸👍🙏

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It was all a play. No one died.

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Why did you come to that conclusion

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The body language.

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The body language? Very vague. Can you be more specific?

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Of the bystanders and others being interviewed by the media.

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Did Bruce actually cut his junk off?

In Japan this has to be done, otherwise the government won't legally accept the "transition" .

Most mentally healthy adults wouldn't undertake an elective irreversible gender nullification surgery unless they are really adamant about never having offspring!

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No it was not removed it was put into retirement after fathering 10 children. I remember him and former wife arguing about her not being able to get pregnant because he was secretly taking hormone blockers. Now Caitlyn poses as a conservative and it a regular contributor on Fox News. The only point I was making is I did not notice much of this Trans stuff until after Jenner did transition. Since it is an abomination to God naturally the MSM celebrates it and I believe s/he appeared on cover of Vogue & Vanity Fair magazines.

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It’s all comical when you think about it. I can only laugh like an Austin Powers movie.

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Lol, good point. I think it depends on where you are in the news and cultural spectrum. Jenner was a catalyst for some, but it was obvious before to some. What an amplifier though to have the most masculine man alive to become a woman. All planned like you said.

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Never became a woman. It's not possible no matter how many WOMAN OF THE YEAR awards that Bruce won. No matter whether a majority of fools insist that he is a woman and remain in denial it won't change biology as it was created by God the Creator and Sustainer

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I don’t even understand why this is a debate.

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It's incomprehensible some of the ideas that the reprobate mind comes up with to try to nullify God and His Creation

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I would watch him on the Wheaties cereal box as a kid thinking I wanted to be just like him. Then like you said it became obvious to some as there was a major change to his facial features I though maybe like a bad facelift or chemical peel but his face definitely had changed. Having 10 children had to mean he was very sexually active because I am sure it was not planned to have that many. In a video on YouTube it shows his last wife arguing but then making light of things saying she felt it was odd for a man to sit down to urinate. I do not know if this was a clip out of the Kardashians or not. He is or was with a trans woman so it makes no sense to me. There was talks of him being disappointed with the decision and wanting to go back to being a man. Why didn't he just come out and say he wanted to be with men.

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I doubt if many woman care if dickless men come into their spaces, Problem is most don’t. I don’t understand why this even a debate.

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Freedom of choice!

The lunatics are running the asylum, and they believe that everyone should have the choice to destroy themselves or others as they see fit.

Self harm or harming others isn't a good look, suicide, homicide and especially genocide are all the result of mental illness.

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Or politics and economics.

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All forms of collectivism.

Anything and everything can be made into a religion.

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Don’t forget MK Ultra!

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The Ds yes, from 9/11 on. That's why I joined a militia of 'folks who just wanted to be left alone' maybe 15.000. Now the Nashville one. look at the swoosh, white in one frame party colors in another. No blood on the socks. FISHY?

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THE GOVERNMENT! THE GOVERNMENT! A village idiot has lost his tin foil hat it seems

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Wow Greg, I listened to half dozen reports on that Trans shooting, and you are the first to point out the anti gun lobbyists from previous mass shootings conveniently on hand. Typically the media knee jerk anti gun reporting but now, women that lost their kids in mass shootings in other states just happened to be visiting?

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Ask all the Gun ranges if they ever saw this kid.

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Great Greg! Personally I think the false flags substantially increased once Obummer was in office. FDR & Obummer...the only 3 term presidents to date.

You can also trace the trans movement to his trans wife Michael. ("everyone knows" - Joan Rivers)

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And the sexualization of our children to Obama's "safe schools czar", Kevin Jennings, a vile, gay activist, who introduced our kids to anal sex and "fisting". Beyond deviant.

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Are you saying 911 was not a false flag?

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9/11 was the mother of all false flags. Just take a look at all that Bush Jr's regime brought in with it, all under the guise of keeing us "safe" Dubyuh was a horrific POTUS amongst many bad ones☠

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Yep & it was Sr talking about the NWO & nobody blinked.

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Yes, the Bush Crime Family certainly did their part to tighten the noose around the necks of the gullible. Involved in some very nefarious activities. ..........👿😈👿😈👿👿😈👿😈👿😈👿

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They’ve all be selected for a pupise.

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Nope....just saying it seems like the FF have been more frequent since Obummer.

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There are too many inconsistencies and it looks like one of Ovomit's orchestrated attacks. All these tranny's are mentally ill and psychotic without a known mental illness already added to it. They will self destruct on their own. They can threaten all they want, but ignore them. They look like fools. People need to ignore them, unless they confront you! Just make sure you are carrying everywhere you go! That Trans Day of Vengeance was all I needed to see to just how evil and insane all this is. Our government is behind it and thinks this will provoke us. It's all in their little minds!! We have much more level heads to see through this. So until they come to us....we watch and wait! If we need to defend ourselves, then that is what it will be self-defense. But I will never risk my life or my freedom for those satanic freaks!!! They can all look to the government and schools for pushing them into these body destroying trans-formations!! They can never be a girl, boy, it or anything else after they do those trans-surgeries and they deserve what they get, and so do the parents who pushed many of them to this! Common sense is in short supply these days.

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We need to dismantle our public schools and rebuild them to reflect American values. Remove the Marxists from within our government and get the democrats out of power. I know, tall order, but they're deliberately destroying our country. It's become more than obvious, now that they're no longer hiding their intent. First thing is to get our children away from them. We've already lost several generations.

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The BIG obstacle for Tyranny is the second amendment. In other words, Gun ownership is an obstacle for TOTAL Control By The government, What Stands Between The People & Totalitarianism.

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has ALWAYS BEEN what has stood between the people and totalitarianism. Guns alone will not save us

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Sometimes they help. Sometimes, nothing else will. If they come at you with guns, there's no option. God helps those who help themselves.

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Only WE can stop this madness.

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What's your plan?


'- GOD

We've tried it OUR way without Him, looking instead to our idols for a LOOOONG time.....

Howz that been working out for us!?

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Just as homosexuality and bestiality is an abomination it is also written:

Deuteronomy 22:5

“The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.”

Make no mistake that the globalist and their facsists / pinko communists minions are the children of satan and are the workers of inequity. They have rejected God and therefore have had their conscience seared like hot iron. They have been given over to strong delusions and doctrines of devils (narcissism, communism, homosexuality, transgenderism,child sacrifice, etc.). The workers of iniquity deal only in absolutism and therefore cannot be reasoned nor reconciled with. It was prophesied that many would depart from the faith speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared like hot iron.

The children of satan are at war with the saints (God’s Children). The children of satan are the globalist and their minions. They are the workers of iniquity who are here to displace the Christian Order which was established after our Lord’s Jesus Christ Resurrection. God of this earth and the all powerful came down from heaven in human form as Jesus Christ and was the great equalizer in which he conquered sin and death. Today the children of Satan want to pervert every truth they know to be false.

We know who the children of satan are because we know them by the fruits of their works. Anyone who lies, cheats, steals, and speaks lies in hypocrisy are of their father the devil. It is saddening but unfortunately many of them are lost.

I have compiled a list of versus that I believe speaks to our times and the devil’s workers of iniquity for those individuals who are interested:

2 Timothy 3:1

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.”

2 Timothy 3:2

“For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,”

2 Timothy 3:3

“Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,” 

2 Timothy 3:4

“Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;”

2 Timothy 3:5

“Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”

2 Timothy 3:7

“Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

2 Timothy 3:6

“For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,”

Matthew 24:6

“And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.”

Matthew 24:7

“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.”

Matthew 24:10

“And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.”

Luke 21:16

“And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death.”

Matthew 24:12

“And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.”

Matthew 24:9

“Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.”

Luke 17:26

“And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.”

Mark 13:20

“And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect's sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days.”

1 Timothy 4:1

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;”

1 Timothy 4:2

“Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;”

1 Timothy 4:3

“Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.”

2 Thessalonians 2:11

“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:”

John 8:45

“And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.”

John 8:43

“Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.”

2 Thessalonians 2:8

“And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:”

Matthew 23:28

“Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.”

Acts 8:23

“For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity.”

2 Thessalonians 2:10

“And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.”

2 Thessalonians 2:12

“That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

Luke 13:27

“But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.”

Matthew 7:23

“And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”

Matthew 13:41

“The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;”

James 3:6

“And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.”

John 8:44

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

1 John 3:8

“He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.”

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A valuable compilation of Truth from God's Word. Also Romans 1

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Seems like you are falling for their divisional tactics.

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How so? Please clarify

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Was not directed at you, but they are trying to create division through religious beliefs, sexual orientation and gender identity among others. This is the time to understand we are one and unite for Gods intervention.

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While this is true, how do you unite with those who are already brainwashed beyond all reason?

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JB808: Chasicakes, from what I understand is saying that Christians unite with homosexuals and non believers yet doesn’t comprehend that America is a Christian nation. We can’t be united when there is fundamental differences in our country. Utter nonsensical rhetoric.

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I love how you prove my points. Let’s all fight tyranny to make America a theocracy. Same Same

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When they try and take their assets, property or children - many will wake up.

THEY = The Hierarchy Enslaving You - Ryan Christian

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Ryan rip this one from me posting in his chat. Ryan schidzo "Question Everything" is dividing the resistance.

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Yes, I've always thought the masses will only wake up when they are personally harmed or something is taken from them. But you didn't answer my question.

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It seems that you have been given over to strong delusions.

Also, your profile picture thumbnail depicts a peace symbol. The peace symbol is blasphemous. The peace symbol is an upside down cross with broken arms. It’s affiliated with satanists and paganism. Given that and your comment I highly suspect that you are child of satan.

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Cray cray - lol

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You comment is infantile. Using the urban dictionary I see.

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PTSD is a horrible thing - Thank you for your service!

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Chasicakes, Trolling must be quite a career! Thank you for comments.

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America's Fall to Communism


February 4, 2031

55:35 video runtime

note 48:00 to 49:39


48:00 to 49:39


But now they desire a better, that is to say, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for he hath prepared for them a city.

Hebrews 11:16

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If only a skerrick of what Greg Reese says is true, it clearly reveals that Satan is now ruling America

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Book of Revelation is unfolding before our eyes.

However, Your Creator has elected to have you here in this season .

Lean not on your own understanding but lean into God. KNow His Son Jesus, and your citizenship in heaven will be sure and a much better place than middle earth which is becoming like hell.

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That's from the movie "Gloria"... (Blonde with the automatic)..That's hysterical, fake and lies, more lies...

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I'm afraid, I can not comment on this video concerning what The Bible actually says about this subject. They would put me in jail. So..... Keep up the great work Greg.

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Apr 1, 2023
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Great exhortation! Keep on keeping on in His Holy Power and Might. People need to learn to depend on Him and not the arm of flesh, nor FEAR IT either

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TOP Information Greg !! Thank you !!! 👍🏼🔥📢

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Powerful energy on comments today.

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There IS a special place for the global elites when they die and rest assured, they will die like every other soul of which they are attempting to kill. It is beyond me that people, such as they, do not take this into account but that IS their free will choice and they will go to meet their father.

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MANDRAKE, err GREG! PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE is to important to be left to the Generals. When Kissinger said that, fifty years ago, he might have been right. But today, PSYWAR is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

General Ripper 2023/04/01

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Forcing people to deny reality is the most cruel form of subjugation. You become a prisoner in an open air mental institution that calls itself a society.

The Federal Government of these United States is without question the greatest threat to the peace and prosperity of the American People.

They seek to erase your history and destroy your future.

They openly push faggotry, degeneracy, and anti-White hatred on all platforms.

They feel for the transgender community as the transgender community slaughters school children.

This Federal Government will be destroyed or all you hold dear will be.

The trans madness you’re seeing now has all happened before and you’ve been taught your whole life that the people who put a stop to it are the biggest monsters in history.





I really started thinking about the merits of National Socialism after it was being accurately pointed out in the QTs of those tweets that the RWs of the US, who accurately refer to pedophile attempts to separate children from parental shielding as grooming, never knew these words or these laws. The rhetoric emerged independent of Nazi ideology in the American Right of today. The term 'Groomer' and the almost mirror opinions of Nazis and Conservatives on troonz and endemic faggotry evolved on the exact same trajectory in both eras with neither influencing the other.

It proved to me, more so than any NatSoc apologist at that point, that Fascism is an organic immunoresponse to the type of degeneracy that ends with you dead and your children raped.

To think a self admitted drug smuggling sodomite was the one that opened the door to me being properly radicalized.

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Framing the Rise of the 3rd Reich has an "immune response" is carrying water for the LGBTDFsgW #$?#%? ##, don't be fooled its just reverse psychology and rewriting history. Life style aint forming nations. Families are forming nations. This "New Order" is a death Cult anti-human to the core. Those Fabian Socialist Sociology-engineers really pulled a fast one on the whole world when they created the Bolshevik and the NatSoc with WallStreet money (who is the really crown money)

If there's a power structure close to the NatSoc dystopia its the EU. Its not hard to have a free market and a common currency and yet it became a dictature. If that was the goal they go it right.

Lets be blunt : playing in blood , cum , piss and shit for sexual pleasure is not what i call Healthy.

(Yes, i know am being crass but people have to break the fairy tale Rainbow illusion.Its Facts)

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MARCH 22, 2022



NEW DISCOVERY: Rothschilds transferred $7.5 million in gold bullion to Russia in 1892 without running it through the Bank of England ($234 million today); thus funding Britain’s eventual false flags against Russia and Germany in WWI and the British-created Bolshevik Revolution.

(The Rothschild Archives fails to reveal this.—More historical fraud.)






British Lies and British Spies





What's going on with Disney? 🤔

Does the King of England have a land deed privilege for Washington DC?

Does the Vatican have a land deed privilege in the USA or Washington DC?

Did the main-stream-media report on the King's power over Disney?

Did King Charles expose his position and power over the USA via Disney?

Former Disney CEO, Bob Iger, received an Honorary Knighthood title, granted by Queen Elizabeth II before her passing.

Why is King Charles III of England given "special" privileges regarding Disney?

(See 7.1 Term below)


Does King Charles III of England own Disney?

Disney Pulled Fast One On DeSantis,

Used 'Royal Lives' Clause To Preserve Power


the "royal lives" clause used in the agreement date back to the 17th century


until 21 years after the death of the last surviving descendants of King Charles III, King of England





BANNED/REMOVED & REPOSTED! - Linda Thompson - The United States is NOT a country, it IS a CORPORATION!


Her wiki page leaves out she has 6 degrees, 2 of which are law degrees, one is a doctorate.

She was also a Lt. Colonel in the Army. Also not mentioned in her wiki page.



AMERICA UNDER SIEGE - Linda Thompson (American Justice Federation)


The Secret Destiny of America:


#treatyof1783 #revolutionarywar #tax #congress #13amendment #thirtenthamendment #lindathompson #debtslaves #warof1812 #usconstitutuion #paulwarburg #forbes 3skullandbones #opiumwars #federalreserveact #rothschildbanking #federalreserve


for education only

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John Viddal Wynn:

Jesus. I feel like a 3rd grader on my first day of trigonometry class. Will definitely file for future reference.

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i know right, you can spend a whole life looking at the past. Meanwhile they are writing the future.

I need Less tragedy, more Hope!

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I think we should all focus on the immediate reality in front of us. Make our little corner of the world good, to the best of our ability, and things will emanate outward. While it may be stimulating to devote our time to the global stage, it's also draining and disheartening. Even if only to take the weekends off. It can't be productive to stay in cyber space for the majority of our time, especially if the global stage is a giant psyop, created to confuse us and drive us to fear and despair. I have plenty of hope in my reality, not theirs.

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I'm humbled with your replies I'm gaining as much as I'm sharing through networking I don't pertain to know anything I'm sharing helping guiding we can all assist each other, sharing is caring nothing else,

God bless you All Always much respect Veteran

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Tons Of good info ! i love it. You need to read this one (its a work in progress) he keep adding materials : http://library.lol/main/AA3DCBF3CB8B178C6E2E78349DCBE46A Top notch research, like Anthony C Sutton works. I like the EIR , Matthew Ehret and his wife are writing alot of solid history revisions we should say "UPDATED" history.The worked for LaRouch. I can't believe i never ran into https://fightingmonarch.com/ & AIM 4 truth. its really good. 👀 Man, that Imperial Press Conference. . . So many "Characters" jeez they exported the Empire in the US; OPS:Mockingbird is not new hahaha Forget deCoupling from China ... The Red Coat are the one we should worry about STILL Today....

RIP Linda Thompson, Bill Cooper, Rosa Kori . They did so much. I🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

In https://www.bitchute.com/video/75VAcrEionrs/ Its not Linda am 90% sure. She goes by Grace Powers(pseudonyme). I tried to get intouch with her a few time. There's a bunch of address up and down the West Coast even British-Columbia,Ca. I still don't know if she writes or just narrate. Glad you shared those links Google aint what it used to.

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Did Rosa Koire die a natural death? She certainly opened my eyes about Agenda 21, like no one else.

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Lung Cancer Virus just has Covid was kicking off Just like Kary Mullis. So Suspect...

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Was the Revolutionary War a false flag? You boggled my mind. 😵

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HAHAHAHAH nah 😎BUT the Russians and French sure helped a BUNCH more than we think. If there's a big Lie its WW1 and WW2 , Those guys did a stellar works piecing together what really happen, corroborated with declassified and memoirs.https://firstworldwarhiddenhistory.wordpress.com/about/

Add Anthony C Sutton work how corporate America build The Nazy war machine. https://tinyurl.com/d7kuvexj Today History makes much more sens.

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I'd say 99% of these types of incidents are false flags

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