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Ill tell ya who is waiting for Nov8 outcome. VVPutin, the faith of that conflict lies in the US election if there s no red wave, its business has usual for the UniParty and the Brits will keep pushing their ancient hatred to the limit they can get away with. All the 70-80+US in the power structure have to be replace at all cost. VVP and Xi chin chin have put in place a new guard. There job is done.. They have new folks in place for the continuation of there nation. US and all the Commonwealth country havent. and the new ones who are in the power structure are nuts... That wokeness is NON-agreement capable.

I wish 2008 would have gave us President Ron Paul.

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I agree. If there was ever a decisive election.

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My familly came from North Carolina i was born in Canada. My grand Dad had to give up his US citizenship to go fight with his brothers in ww2. When i was old enough, its line up when Canada got his own constitution powers from the queen, he made damn sure i understood the difference between both country. He was right just like the UN charter; Those are rights till they decide its null and void. They gona pulla fast one with democracy... seeding the doubt in the process inside the left and the right.... That's satans, trick can't be more obvious. Am glad more and more people are getting involve. Bannon sure did good work mobilizing. I feel its the first time in decades the people awoken to the fact they are the government. That security state is on borrow time.

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I've been told there hasn't been an election since Carter and everything after that was a "selection."

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Carter was selected so was Truman, LBJ, Nixxon, Ford its a dialectic(uniparty)... Nelson Rockefeller couldn't get voted in so they rigged the system. Last True American independent Pres was IKE and still.... The MIC was on his tail. Good thing he told Gen Lemay to fuck off with his nuclear armageddon. We need that EPIC Back bone today.

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Am not surprised. That Ike told about the military industrial complex in his going away speech is key.

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That speech and JFK dying just a few months later sais it all. Today we have Robert jr Kennedy is being persecuted by the State dept.. Man, hatred are generational. They are all over 80 and senile! Just look how deprave Paul Pelosi has become.... or always been ??? hahahahaha fucking black swan Trump couldnt deliver ... Kash is saying they are prepared this time around.... If not Trump who will clean house? the Donald is a no tomorrow president he wont worry about reelection , would he sell out? hmmmm HISTORICAL TIME Friends! They will write about this in 1000 years.

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They all appear to be reading from a script. Figure DT got reined in by Onri Kiss-a-bear before taking the Oval. Musta got the sermon before he went into action. I think DT was just the sweet part of the apple staged to make it possible for Spindleshanks Fauci to get things rolled out. Then take a gander at Mr. EV Musq with his Starlink system and neuro-stink.

Glow little glowworm, glimmer glimmer:


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Kissinger gona turn 100 This year! He just won't stop haha. So i was searching but couldnt find it. Trump told him to retire or get a new job I SEEN IT but cant find it online.


..."What Mr Trump has, Dr Kissinger says, “is an instinct for trends”. He may not be able to describe these trends “as a professor would”, he says. Yet “some of the statements he makes that outrage people, are so outrageous to them because they are partly correct."... Very kind word lmao.

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Thanks for the article. Now I'm caught up.

Lot's of double speak tongue-in-cheek and innuendo.


"Before long, a deep Bavarian accent sounds from the corner office."

Yeah, I heard someone had approached Dr. Onri at some UN(?) assembly hall or maybe it was a restaurant and out of that man's head comes an American (NY) accent... it's been told.

"A noo vürld ordah, which hass deeffrin karaktüreesteeks"..

Ok Dr. NSSM200.

"A great part of the world has discovered the importance of a role for America, even if they do not like every manifestation of it"

That's more eloquent Onri than:

"Vee peneetrayte zee cübbeeneetz.."

The world has been your oyster for as long as you've entered politics, Onri.

You used Nixon to open China for the role they are playing now which was another of your hidden chapters in Sutton's Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution.

"First They Killed My Father"

(best thing Jolie has done ever besides marrying Bad Pit) Ratzo Rizzo is proud.

And then, Onri, you guys snuck around and installed Pol Pot to hammer and sickle a few million of the intelligentsia in Cambodia so you could dismantle them too.


Poor Tricky Dick. I heard they concocted that "break in" as his Dealey Plaza because as VP, Richard Milhous was on a UFO committee and wanted to spill the beans on the UFO cover up once he got into the Oval.

Where were you on this Onri? Gatekeeper for the prevention of the advancement of humanity so we would not discover zero point energy so Brandon could later kill the Keystone and Cyber Polygon would be a huge success?

"You can’t judge Trump by the campaign. The test of Trump will be to what extent he can build a new international order"

Translation: Honey I'm going to walk the dog...where's his leash?



"You don't drink, don't smoke, what do you do?

Subtle innuendos follow

There must be something inside..."


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That post is a gem! hehehe

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Hehe..you helped...:)

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