Mar 24Liked by Greg Reese

Wow. You moved to RUSSIA?? Huge respect to you Greg.

You've just left one of the most unstable, and soon-to-be most-dangerous country's in the world for probably one of the safest - despite the conflict.

As you mention, homogeneity is Russia's strength.

And lack of it, is now the weakness of every NATO crony country, as well as the fact those countries are all headed by weak men incapable of navigating the hard times they themselves created.

I don't think it's an overstatement to say we are at the most dangerous time in all of human history.

I suspect the next few years are going to be devastating.

Mathew 24:21

“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, nor ever shall be again”.

I dare say this was a very wise move.

Your work has gone from strength to strength over the years, and can only gain from being out from under the yoke and threat of potential persecution.

Much respect and all the best to you.

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the USA is terrifying

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The most important thing, IMHO, is to focus on the future you want to experience. We are spiritual, SOURCE ENERGY beings having a human experience; we are creating this reality. We are creating this "physical reality" -- more like a holographic, waking dream. Finally, there is no "The Future." There are many many possible futures and you can choose a much better future than the cabal has planned for humanity.

Stay positive. Have fun. Dance. And know -- really KNOW and have faith -- that this will open into a beautiful world, as Charles Eisenstein might say. And it will. Guaranteed. Because that's how the real laws of the universe roll. See you there! :)))

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The USA needs HUMAN help!!!

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what can Americans do.... our elections are fake....

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Unplug from The Matrix, the collective. Connect with your own immortal soul and personal journey. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WI8PpyOHkfA&t=1516s

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hack the fricking Dominion, stay away from 2 both entirely corrupt, deep state driven parties, STOP paying taxes supporting all these crimes.

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Yes, starve the NGO beast.

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You think Russian elections are legit? Putin killed off his serious opponents and ran against a couple of stooges to try to give some legitimacy to the election. He wound up with more than 87% of the votes. You think that sounds like a fair election?

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I guess all elections are fraud... the illusion of legitimacy is gone .... the Globalist that pull the strings...make the rules.... wait till 5G kicks in and makes people sick so that will be the new Plan-demic.... culling of the useless eaters

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"wait til 5G kicks in..."

Subliminal message:

wait. don't do anything now.

Wake up...now?

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Do you believe Putin is destroying Russia's national identity and economy to the same extent as the Democrat regime is destroying that of the U.S.?

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Who has a better economy than Russia??

What country is more Christian than Russia?

What country has suffered more than Russia?

what country has more spoiled idiots than America?

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Edmond, do you believe that it is the Democratic party that is spraying and injecting the World with toxic chemicals, poisons and genocidal vaxxines?


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Russians do love Putin unless they are climate crazies or gay

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So they love a lousy little dictator, that's happened plenty of times before. If they like living in a quasi-soviet state, good for them.

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How could you possibly have direct knowledge of what you speak? The American News Media?

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Putin and Russia are dangerous, they are still communist with a few 'democratic' window dressings. As far as the Russian military goes, they are as pathetic as they have been historically, even our pansy military could take them out. Russia has been attacking a small, ill-equipped country for several years and hasn't been able to defeat it. And don't give me that baloney about them using it to 'train their troops'. What kind of military commander would send untrained men into battle?

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Navalny, Putin's last serious threat for the election, dies just a couple of weeks beforehand. Evidently decided to take a walk at night during a Siberian winter. Very convenient. And no, I don't watch the American News Media, I consider it to be detestable. And, although, i haven't read Newsweek literally in decades, I will provide a link: https://www.newsweek.com/putin-critics-dead-full-list-navalny-1870692 His list is starting to rival that of the Clintons'. As far as Ukraine goes, in 1994, in exchange for giving up their nukes, Ukraine was guaranteed sovereignty by Russia in the Budapest Memorandum. In violation of this treaty, Putin first invaded Crimea and now Ukraine. Zelensky is a total moron, but Putin is even worse, and if you think Russia will stop at Ukraine, the man and woman on the street in Russia is now starting to gobble about hos full of Nazis Poland and Belarus are. What's next, Latvia, Lithuania, and how about Germany and France? I'm sure they're all full of Nazis that the sainted Russians have to take out, too.

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The USA definitely need to repent and and return back to Almighty God! Thank you Greg for your generosity and good will….please see www.vaticancatholic.com and mostholyfamilymonastery.com

🙏 🌹 and much ❤️ from Ireland. Xxxx

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The only way we can repent is to stop all abortions and the genocide of baby's! I am convinced that God will pour out his rath on US if we do not stop this demonic evil immediately!

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God bless you Teresa! We all need to pray and reflect on the wonderful meditations on the suffering and death of Our Divine Lord during this most important Holy week! Holy week is the week before Easter! This is a time of penance, fasting, prayers and reflection……See Tradition In Action for details and www.vaticancatholic.com for the critical information on the Traditional Catholic Faith! There Is No Salvation Outside The Catholic Church! All those who die outside the Catholic Church will not spend eternity in Heaven! Please pray your 15 decades of your holy Rosary every day and pray your Stations of The Cross if possible! Please pray for Ireland too! God bless you and your precious Loved Ones! Wishing you every possible grace and blessings this holy season! Thank you 🙏 🌹 ❤️ from Ireland xx

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25

"The USA is terrifying" - especially once the U.N's illegal-immigrant army gets activated.

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Greg - you may be interested in the isometric predictions about April 8 eclipse in US, and 2024. Wowza!


Stay free! ❤️

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Wow! I didn’t see Jason’s new video yesterday! Thx

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Hello fellow errant! Jason is my main source of inspiration now. I share him wherever I imagine ears to hear. Stay free!

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Me too. Jason has changed my life. With each video I learn so much. So cool to see other errants who love Greg too.

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Thx! I’m trying to get totally free and finding the tendrils are many 😵‍💫🥴!

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I LOVE Archaix!! Jason is one in a Trillion!!

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Me too. Jason has changed my life. With each video I learn so much. So cool to see other errants who love Greg too.

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Are there chemtrails in Russia?

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I haven't seen any but I've only been here a few months and it's been winter time. So I've only seen about a dozen sunny days with clear skies.

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I hope Russians know that Americans are not on board with what the stupid demented Potato and the deep state are doing

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Do Russians understand that the USA 2020 and 2022 e l e c t I o n s were f r a u d u l an t?

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Does it matter?

Why are you still addicted to the mafia gov't & the fake elections?

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Russia sure as shit pushed the Covid agenda.

"Now that the world mobilizes its efforts to combat #COVID19, let's recall how many infections global science has already defeated. 40yrs ago #USSR-proposed and


-supported program turned out a success. It helped eradicate #smallpox. USSR provided >400 mln vaccines worldwide.

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I already mentioned this on someone else's comment.

The only thing I question is why their poisonous vaccine wasn't purchased from the pharma mafia.

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Seen any Mordor towers? I heard they’re in Moscow, but nowhere else. No fluoride in the water? No gmo food?

Is it true?

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Good questions.

I don't believe that Russia is nirvana & putin isn't an evil collective, but Russians should be more intelligent there.

I was in a country with a lot of Russians when the war started. They were FULL OF FEAR, so either they only follow what the mafia gov't where they happen to be says which is shocking that they trust ANY mafia gov't, or they aren't all that intelligent to begin with.

I spoke to a Russian at the beginning before the false flag Ukraine/Russia war & he did say that they didn't force things as much, but if they went a long with the scamdemic, they are in on it & I've seen evidence that putin is connected to other evil collectives including trumpet.

Which reminds me, I have to upload my 2nd Russian video (I think they were Russian soldiers, not Ukrainian ones)

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I’ve heard it all on deep twitter. Putin is gone and they are using actors.

Idk. I have no idea how to find Russian media that can be trusted.

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Yeh, I'm not even sure I can trust their search engine.

Here's this if you haven't already seen it.


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Putin said If he saw chemtrails or plane spraying in his airspace he’d shot them out of the sky.

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That’s awesome as well he should I wish we could do it here

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Yes there are many videos online from Russia spraying, not to forget they also have a space program like nasa :))

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Source please I'd like to see your evidence 🧐😄

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Do you have the videos?


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YES, MANY, no difference between here and there, from the pictures I saw in the past.

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Mar 24Liked by Greg Reese

Congrats, Greg for quit smoking!

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Mar 24Liked by Greg Reese

Hello, Greg! I'm your subsriber from Russia.

I highly appreciate your work! Thanks a lot!

I even translate some of your videos and put them on my YT, @SeatBeltDorothy

Hope you don't mind) I don't monetize them and your links are there.

I guess you are in Moscow? I moved from Moscow to Kaliningrad 2y ago, but I visit Moscow twice a year.

If you'd like to practice Russian or if you need any help, feel free to contact me!

telegram: t.me/tempidentity

Welcome to Russia!

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Very cordial of you. I bet Greg takes you up on your offer!

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Good job! God bless you from Ireland ❤️ 🙏 🌹 xxx

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Mar 24·edited Mar 24Liked by Greg Reese

WoW Greg, that's a Big (smart) move, good on You mate. All of Earth is our Home and the USA, in my view, has always been the petri dish of the world. Looking forward to connecting with you from anywhere you are and via any media platforms I can access. Great spending my Sunday arvo with you, comrade. ;-) Blessings of prosperity be yours.

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Mar 24Liked by Greg Reese


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Mar 24·edited Mar 24Liked by Greg Reese

Dear Greg ,

Suka uspokoysya! , nikto ne pridet puskat' tebe pulyu v golovu. OK?

To quote a great American ; Communism is a temporary setBack on the road to Freedom. They obviously got to the Freedom part. To say otherwise is pure Gaslighting.

Not too long ago i got "dark charcoal" black pilled & dropped a comment saying : just go a head nuke the west at least Russia will carry on has the last Christian Nation . . . Since then i obviously found my sens of humour again. I'll just say we have the leaders we deserve. To be totally honest i tho u left back in November for a Buddhist destination. Am glad you chose to go where it is the most forbidden has they fear us opening our eyes to the lie. God speed brother. Take a look at this picture it sais it all. >>> https://live.staticflickr.com/5533/11930586556_4ac25e0627_b.jpg

2 would do and say anything for cash. 2 are doing god works they believe in. They are not ashame, nor rotten from the inside like the Witch Hillary Face.

You know it's been going on for a few years am trying to find compassion for my enemy, i can for her not for him. (I have ways to go.)

Beyond that i feel they resent Russia coz it's not communist anymore and made it work And Russia is a potential colossal pile of cash. I the world goes on the golds standard well ....... needless to say the gold is in the ground over there!

Ok enough of this political shit . Am glad you shared the Visa story. Thats great , it's a great sign. You are fine, you'll be fine. At the very least you'll be able to travel anywhere inside the global south with your clean Russian visitor profile. That's really good.

I found you a YTube channel i like to check coz she dresse up and all. Here is the proof : If she can make it , so can you. https://www.youtube.com/@ElifromRussia/videos

It's been what 3 years now(substack)? i remember in the few months i kept railing about how we betrayed Russia when they open up after the overthrow of Yetsin and all the dirty tricks of the CIA and my Girl friend from Voronezh in many ways her story is the story of Russia ; they never believed to be great. It's always shittier in Russia , I feel it's all gone now. They embraced their Russian Soul , they moved on from wanting to be liberals. They are different , they are Christians and its OK.

I dunno what happen with Anastasia, i haven't spoke to her in 2 years. Last time we spoke we argued about the Ukrainian Nazi , she was saying they came from all over Russia, Belarus, Poland , Germany and so on. Not just Ukraine i was holding on to the Operation Gladio and the CIA made Azov story., Turn out she was right afteral. When Dasha Dugina got killed i was sadden , she asked why and i told her i was friend with her we shot a few emails back and forth. SHE Called me a NAZI and put me on ignore. Go figure ....... Hey! she's a classical philosopher , spoke french , she was really cute , I mean why not to like right? this is so dumb ... Easter is coming i feel like i should mend things even if she regret it shes too stubborn to make the first step.

We were planing a trip, our itinerary was the URals mountains then south to Volgodrad to see the "Russian statue of liberty" then to rostov-on-don, then to Crimea Beach , then all the way down to Constantinople. We planned that trip for over 10 years now. Since Covid i blew trough that cash . . . .

Glory is the reward of Valor , Its the saying here "Glorious and Free" If your not free your a slave. Greg, Liberty is non negotiable. 1776 world wide. When they restored France monarchy in 1830 is when the American 322 skull and bones Aristocrat stole America. This is our fight. The secession war was not about racism , it was about commerce with London. Never forget , the red coat and the bakers revolt. They(Russians) too had to deal with them(Brits Lords) more then most.

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With love from Serbia to Russia!!! ❤

Happy for you Greg, smarth move! 😉

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Greg, the smart meter;)

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I so enjoyed you're talk today; you made my day! You said so many meaningful

things that I agree with. God bless you on your journey and your wise move to Russia.

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There's something beautiful listening to the feeling of you there. My grandfather was born in Minsk, was sent to nyc in 1910. Very proud of his life.

In case you have a hitch w/ smoking the way I finally quit during long-distance running years was by rolling American Spirit cigs w/ filters. I'd take a puff or 2, put in ashtray, it would go out. It made it easy cuz I wouldn't feel I had to puff like happens w/ cigs that keep burning. It was very effective in short order. Surprisingly so.

Anyway, such exquisite architecture in Russia. You sound like a really good person with a big weight off your shoulders, perhaps.

"Love everyone. And tell the truth." Thats what your doing.

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Thank you! That is what I am trying to do. And yes, the architecture here is incredible.

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Mar 24Liked by Greg Reese

Congratulations Greg! I've often thought of moving to Russia throughout the years. Love your content, keep up the great work!

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Mar 24Liked by Greg Reese

Happy for you Greg! Thought about moving myself

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I am not alone

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Mar 24Liked by Greg Reese

Loved that podcast ...It says alot about you in that your move to Russia is from the heart...not the ego ....and you are right...The Europeans are so family orientated and loving ...and the propoganda directed at Putin and all the dumb masses that are lazy and dont research the truth and go with the bs ....will go down ... because the truth will always prevail ....the Earth haha ....both a psy op ....its way more complicated than flat and sphere ....those in the know know but trying to find the absolutes on line these days is difficult...Wish i could afford to subscribe to listen to your Alien series but oh well ...perhaps one day u will.release it to we broke ass bitches ...haha much respect to you Greg and thanks for speaking from the heart to those who care ...Much love Melinda from South Oz x

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Mar 24·edited Mar 24Liked by Greg Reese

God bless Greg Reese and his new life in Russia. Pray for Russia and its wonderful people. The most important thing we the people of the world is to pray and do works of penance that will help us to love Jesus more and more each day.

The USA has gone very bad. I believe Victoria Nuland and her Robert Kagan husband and band of "neocons" as well as atheistic communism are major diabolical deceptions of Satan that desires to lie, kill, steal and destroy God's people and God's creation, of which this world system is dying in flames as we watch now each day. Pray Pray Pray.

I offer this video with Hugh Owen.

"Hugh Owen is the convert son of Sir David Owen, a former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations and Secretary General of International Planned Parenthood Federation. Hugh attended Princeton University where, at the age of 18, he was baptized, confirmed and made his first Holy Communion in the Princeton University Chapel on the Easter Vigil, in 1972."


The video will be found on this page.


Insidious Error of Russia - Evolution

40:18 video runtime

The error of communism is alive and has taken over the USA and I pray that Russia will deal with that horrendous act against them that took place a few days ago in the way that God wants them to.

I feel deep shame for the USA for its many evil actions over the decades but this is where I was planted and where I am to work and pray and worship the One True God, the One Who is Truth.

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Mar 24·edited Mar 24Author

After Communism fell, 20 million Russians were baptized into Orthodoxy in a single year. And there are millions here who believe they need to repent for allowing the Tsar to be murdered over a hundred years ago.

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That is the kind of information that will be appreciated in the west when you begin your 'news to the west about Russia'

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The Fatima Centre are NOT telling the full truth! I know this very well! They are doing some good. However, to learn the full and complete message, please visit with www.vaticancatholic.com also mostholyfamilymonastery.com

Listen carefully to the many eye-opening videos, debates, discussions and news! Read the critical information and messages please! This is the best website, Worldwide!

Thank you and God bless you from Ireland xx

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Mar 24Liked by Greg Reese

I wish you love & light wherever you roam. Now, you can pick up the balalaika & domra. 🙂

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Good luck, Greg in your new home. I wish I was brave enough to move to another country.

You quit smoking......I'm on a diet. Lol 😆 I too moved last year, ended up catching a coffee here and a biscuit there, and too much chocolate over the winter months.

Plus I left my scales behind. I guess that was a bad move. Anyhow I've shed 7lb in a week, so I'm going in the right direction.

What lies ahead, only God knows. Keep strong and look after those close to you.....that's all we can do.


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I've now got, 'From Russia with love', tune in my head. 🎶😂

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