Aug 13, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

Make sure you say "Award-winning video creator Greg Reese" when introducing yourself now.

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-If you think things and bad now, you wont believe what they are going to do next you need to watch this visit....


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That was me that prayed you wouldn't need surgery. Praise God! I left for a bit, got my tender feelings hurt.

I really like your content so I'm back. I'm so glad I came back today to hear your good news. That's awesome! 🙏☺

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Thank you 🙏

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Methylene Blue was used as a stain for microscopic slides. We used to carry it all the time in our med kits in SF (18D). We used it for foot fungus & some other types to. It’s Old School & worked. We used on our indig counterparts down range all the time as well as the team members. Why it went out of fashion I don’t know.

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I think ti went out of fashion because it is not on patent .... big pharma continuously creates new drugs (poison) so they can cash in.... MB is cheap.... just like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin....

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Well, putting a comment while not being banned for 100 years... Thank you, Sir.

Strangely this old report at:


was immediately followed by:


and it talks about the Ark of the Covenant too. Never really got it what was it all about...

Sacha Stone is pretty well known, even the wi-ki says part truths about him:


From https://sachastone.com/ one can get to the child trafficking hearings..

Btw. ONE CT scan delivers the amount of X-ray RADIATION for the entire year, and it's not all in the gut, it is in ones' MIND.

And when you listen to Dr. David Martin just recently, you will find out, that we all do not know a single thing..

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SS resonates with me. He’s quite knowledgeable and I believe he has good intentions.

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GREG, Try Tea Tree Oil on your toe. Spray it in your shoes.

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I hear shoes and socks need to get thrown out too. FYI saw this online and heard that Crocs clogs are anti microbe and anti fungus shoes.

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Iodine too. Also prid salve, it will draw out the poisons!!!!!

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Interesting! Thanks!

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I’ve heard that Tea Tree Oil applied to the toe by gently pulling the top of the nail away from the skin, allowing the oil to seep underneath the toe nail helps with fungus, too. Keep the toe nail short to improve the chance for better absorption.

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Love your banjo playing and singing at the beginning of your podcast. Can you please play more of your song at the end of your broadcast as well. It brings happy butterflies to my mood for the rest of Sunday.

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I could listen to your music all day. I'm sure others feel the same way.

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

Glad to hear the health scare was nothing serious.

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Beautiful Greg...I praise God on your behalf too...U no doubt feel lighter...wear your seatbelt...everywhere u go, even down the driveway.

*Oh and I see 71 min in your slugline. I like very much the 1:00:00 ++ format...if u can stand it of course.

*Was this a Greg original banjo song today? Haunting dude! OUTSTANDING!!!

Wuv U. Ace.

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It's an old traditional song called "Oh Death"

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It was sung in the Movie "Oh Brother where art thou."

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At what colony did u hear such a song?!?? Jeepers.

**Traditional runs the gamut to include the Chieftains https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PALUa87XmUI

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Well wishes to you and great news about no surgery.

Sorry to dampen things. On a sadder note I live in Maui, you've probably heard the horrific news. Fortunately my family and friends are safe, thank God. I wanted to share some of the strange things we're seeing here as I believe this event deserves your attention.

Similar to other "natural disasters" the government is responding very suspiciously. Here's a list of the "strange"

They've been blocking aid and supplies reaching the victims. Even celebrity surfer's like Kai Lenny have been having trouble helping via boat.

Red cross is doing nothing while locals are rallying together.

The Governor has casually commented several times about the government taking the land.

A majority of the fires started at the same time in multiple locations on multiple islands not just Maui.

Hawaiian Electric installed a new power grid recently and was preforming maintenance, but didn't turn it off when the fires started.

The emergency sirens were never sounded.

The police didn't engage sirens or megaphones, while also directing people to evacuate through Front street, which was the heart of the fire.

Local reporters are being muzzled and denied access.

Also, they publicly announced a "Lahaina redevelopment plan" a year ago.

The list goes on.

I've been a longtime follower and supporter of your work and humbly ask for you to look into this. Tons of this info is being censored already. Here's some resources.

https://bigislandnow.com/ "shows the timeline of the fire happening on multiple islands"

https://youtu.be/JQIoWu19O5w "governor stating they want to take the land"

https://youtu.be/Y_sjw5ex9z8 "comprehensive arial footage"


@napuahueu "great boots on the ground info from a trusted local"



Thank you for considering this.

Love and aloha,


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Justin, I’m so very sorry. But, I’m happy to hear that you, your family and friends are all safe. I have a friend that lives on Maui as well, and I have no idea what her status is right now.

I will definitely keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted and let us know if there’s anything that we can do to help. ❤️🙏🏻

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Don't forget the D.E.W.'s Directed Energy Weapons. It's a dead giveaway when you see melted to the ground buildings and cars while the trees remain along with some vegetation.

Kinda like the "Paradise fires" and the "Campfires" in Californias burning spree a while back. Whole neighborhoods decimated to the ground while the vegetation remained.

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I’m sorry to hear of what’s happening to Maui! I’ve never been to that island but relatives say it’s beautiful! Thank God you and your family are safe! We appreciate your update since accurate news is hit and miss.

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Ha, same here, first time to dr. In years. My blood pressure was 220/not why I went, but I was reacting to t he "white coats".I pray for all continually, God is listening

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Aug 13, 2023·edited Aug 13, 2023


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I know how thoroughly you research, so for next week's podcast, can you please research the Maui fire. I know this wasn't a natural disaster, but our government was responsible. Follow the money. Who wanted this land destroyed to steal it from the locals? Was this done to push climate change.

Biden's reaction could change the elections. He's on the beach, not giving it any concern.

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I’ve read that they plan to erect a 15-minute city on the site of the former city. The locals and small businesses were mostly native to the island and refused big money’s efforts to scoop up the oceanfront property. Interestingly enough, Oprah’s and Bezo’s land was untouched. Also worth noting is that the police chief is the same individual that oversaw the Las Vegas shooting...

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

I have read posts from locals that have communications. They're getting offers for their property right away from a big investment firm. I strongly believe this was intentionally done by our government because the locals wouldn't sell. Interesting enough I remember hearing Zuckerberg has property over there. A large military style compound. Any info on that?

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oh my gosh, why does that not surprise us? wow.

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Directed Energy Weapons brought to you by the military industrial complex.

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Thank you for straightening things out about Sacha, and I'm relieved to see that you didn't get jumped on in the comments by people calling him out for being a shill. You have discerning followers. I worked closely with Sacha and the ITNJ for several years and knew the guy who became obsessed with taking him (and us) down. It was crazy to witness how much damage could be done so quickly by a single person with a vendetta, and how ready people are to believe whatever they read and hear about someone they know nothing about.

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Greg ~ You just rather lamely talked for quite a long time without offering the easily available history of ORMUS… it’s actual known benefits… AND the simple basic recipe info on how to make ORMUS!!! ~ Here is one of MANY presentations giving exact step-by-step procedures… AND you can go on Amazon and buy bottles of already made ORMUS as I do!


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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023

Hi. Learn about Ormus in "Ormus Academy" at EmmonsEssentialEssence.com !

-Chris Emmons, pharmacist author “Ormus Modern Day Alchemy”, coordinator Ormus Academy.

Commercial Alchemist-Ormus/Ormus-Making kits/Ormus-Based items.

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