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Put down them chili cheese fries boys, and turn off that sportsball game. we got ourselves a country, uh county to save. Round up the posse. Full fatigues forest meet up in two hours to talk bout' these safety committees. I'll meet you there. Gotta refill my insulin prescription at the Walmart first.

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The city council of Columbus, Ohio, passed a resolution Monday voting to require law-abiding gun owners to dispose of firearm magazines that hold 30 rounds or more as part of a new gun control initiative. > https://www.infowars.com/posts/city-council-passes-30round-magazine-ban-gun-owners-have-until-july-1-to-sell-or-move-them/

100$ They are part of the UN strong City, Agenda 2021-2030 Look into it Man and woman of Columbus ! Don't let them push you around it's unConstitutional.

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Those people are in a bad way. They should be evacuated. Sadly their homes and farms are now ruined. The food grown there will be contaminated for a long time. A law suit was filed against the Ohio gov't and the plaintiffs tend through discovery to prove complicity with even the makers of the chemicals by proving they knew of the toxic effects of their products. Just as Monsanto did with Agent Orange. An "up and down" mass tort action with many on the list as complicit.


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Original Social Engineering Sin


We must all band together and offer this illegitimate Federal government total nonviolent noncompliance. This is We the People's will.

1776 v2.0

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For starters....I've written to the local Sheriff and Congressman regarding their position with upholding the US Constitution...especially gun laws

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At the moment, our constitutional rights are suspended. Katherine Watt has done TONS of legal research. It's all available on her Substack "Bailiwick News"

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These are all great points made by Greg Reese, however there is one point that no one on the Christian Right wants to examine critically.... That being, these evil men and women who have been established over us are given their position and power by none other than Almighty God Himself. Scripture is very clear on this. He didn't just allow The Enemy the power to do these things.... He did these things to us, because we have turned our back on His Covenant Law. Thus if you want to know where the blame should be laid for all the evil in our nation today, you should start at the feet of the pulpits of Christian America and in fact the western world. Christendom has taught The Almighty's Covenant Law is abolished. Our Founding Fathers never intended for such lawlessness to be taught in our churches today. Christian preachers and teachers do not even know where Covenant Law is located in scripture. As The Almighty exclaims in Jeremiah 23, they are all fools, leading His people to the slaughter. See verse 20 for the most revealing time setting. Until the Christian Right begins to look inwardly, humbling ourselves with prayer and fasting, willing to change our lawless theology, we will continue in our oppressed state. One thing is for damn sure.... In no way will we ever join together and rise up to defeat The Enemy like most people think. Simply put, we do not have the righteousness to pull off such a task, nor do we have God on our side. He is literally against us because of our sins. Like it or not. And His word says so.


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He is not “against us”. Thats a slightly warped way of putting the truth. He is passively allowing the consequences of forgetting principles to be experienced by society. Tough love, baby. The party’s over. Return to your knees and pray for absolution and redemption.

Ours is not a vengeful God. Love is sometimes tough.

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Stevanovitch, I challenge you and everyone else to count how many time The Almighty uses the personal pronoun "I" in Leviticus 26:14-40. Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 are the blessings and curses chapters of the Bible. Read those two chapters and pay very carefully attention to verses 1-3 of Leviticus 26, then come back and tell me, He isn't against us.

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Ok the poison jab may be considered to be the locust plague brought on byGod’s hand meting out punishment. But, we did bring this upon ourselves for our failure to keep the covenant. I guess i’m agreeing with you. Why would i deny God’s ability and desire to discipline the errant egotistical, materialist obstinate child?

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“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.” -Proverbs 3:5-7

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Election Does Not Depend on Foreseen Faith (3-minute study)

Election: It is unconditional. Election does not in any way depend on the foreseen faith or good works of man, as the Arminians teach, but exclusively on the sovereign good pleasure of God, who is also the originator of faith and good works, Romans 9:11; Acts 13:48; II Timothy 1:9; I Peter 1:2.

Since all men are sinners and have forfeited the blessings of God, there is no basis for such a distinction in them; and since even the faith and good works of the believers are the fruit of the grace of God, Ephesians 2:8,10; II Timothy 2:21, even these, as foreseen by God, could not furnish such a basis.

It is irresistible. This does not mean that man cannot oppose its execution to a certain degree, but it does mean that his opposition will not prevail. Neither does it mean that God in the execution of His decree overpowers the human will in a manner which is inconsistent with man’s free agency. It does mean, however, that God can and does exert such an influence on the human spirit as to make it willing, Psalm 110:3; Philippians 2:13. It is not chargeable with injustice.

John Stewart ~ hbh@email.com

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The answer to ALL: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself” -Luke 27

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What interpretation should be given to the word "commandments" as used by Christ or as related to Christ, according to the Scripture: "If ye love me, keep my commandments?" (John 14:15). Added proof that the term, "my commandments," refers to the teachings of grace may be seen when the passages which indicate the character of His commandments are considered. Some of these are:

"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you"; "This is my commandment, That ye love one another; as I have loved you"; And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave commandments"; And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also; "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous".

This could not be said of the law of Moses, for of that law it is written: "Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?" (Acts 15:10). Reference is here made to the law of Moses, and to place it on the children of grace is to "tempt God." It is an unbearable "yoke".

Christ said, when anticipating the relationships of grace, "My yoke is easy, and my burden is light" (Matthew 11:30). Christians are not to be "entangled" with the "yoke of bondage" (Galatians 5:1). So, also, the "old commandment" of 1 John 2:7, is, in 3:11, seen to be the same message of grace.

"I rejoice greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father. And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee, but that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another." To this the apostle Paul has added a testimony concerning the commandments of the Lord.

By the testimony of Paul, the whole teaching of grace, as set forth by him, is related to the commandments of the Lord: "If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord"; "For ye know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus"; "Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ" (John 13:34, 15:12; 1 John 3:23; 4:21; 5:3; 2 John 4-5; 1 Corinthians 14:37; 1 Thessalonians 4:2; Galatians 6:2).

The "commandments" of Christ are not, therefore, the law, or any aspect of the law; they rather constitute "the law of love," and "the perfect law of liberty." They enter into the teachings of grace as those teachings are set forth by Christ, and by those to whom He gave authority and commandment (Matthew 28:18; Acts 1:3; Luke 24:46-48; Hebrews 2:3-4).

John Stewart ~ hbh@email.com

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I dunno - God was pretty clear with Samuel... He didn't want His people to be ruled by another. The leaders we have today were not appointed by God, whatsoever... that was Democra... sorry.. dumbocracy. No different than in Samuel's time.

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You forgot to mention Muslims and the Quran. Don’t forget about the Catholics and the corruption behind the Vatican walls.

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There exist 2 kinds of catholics just as there are zionists and faithful Jews. Yes the vatican was corrupted long ago; but the principled courageous faithful will carry the truth forward without direction from a corruptible human leader. Power and money... corruption.

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This is so true. I've met Catholics that actually look to Covenant Law as their way of life, even though the RCC rejects the detail of Covenant Law to no end. What Christendom is missing is that Covenant Law is How to properly worship Our Heavenly Father and How to live righteously and justly with our fellow man. They know this as love toward God, love toward neighbor, however they utterly reject the detail of these laws, not knowing Christ was the one who gave these commands and judgments to begin with. Christ is the God of the old testament. He came to be an example to show us how to live Covenant Law and to reveal The Father who is the architect of Covenant Law. Christ is the spokesman for the Father in both old and new testaments.

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Thats where i question the validity and necessity of a humanly-chosen, corruptible man of wealth and privilege interceding on God’s behalf. Swamps will be drained, heirarchies will fall. Not into equity but into equal value of all people in all eyes.

God resides in us; we are the sacred vessel, once we see that beautiful truth, we are free. 🙏🏽

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True enough, however consider this. Scripture is quite clear. The gospel of Christ is not what you have been taught. He himself define the gospel as "The gospel or good news of the coming Kingdom (government) of God. In other words, the gospel is all about preparing and training Believers to govern in that coming government here on this earth, Revelation 5:10. And what's more, that government is headquartered in the true intended, prophesied promised land of America. And scripture is clear on that. So, while you are correct, man basically has screwed it up every single time. This time it will be done measured against His laws and commandments and it will very done right.

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Spot on, Dennis. That's the very first point of the 20 points of Covenant Law. You shall have no other god before Me.

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You forgot to mention Muslims and the Quran. Don’t forget about the Catholics and the corruption behind the Vatican walls.

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Exactly. I argue with my sister about it. She says Jesus changed all of that. I said NOOO he didn’t--He said he didn’t come to do away with the law, etc., but He did expound upon it. I need to refresh my ol memory about all of this. So re all I said, please take it or leave it. (Plus isn’t “Satan the prince of the power of the air?” and the disobedient sons...Ephes 2:2 etc...)

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John, Why would you think the Sabbath was abolished with Christ? Not only did Christ observe the Sabbath and the Holy Days but the disciples and Apostles did as well. And according to Isaiah 66:23, so will you in the Millennium. And the writer of Hebrews states unequivocally, there still remains a keeping of the Sabbath for the people of God. Hebrews 4:9. And a Saint is defined as someone who keeps the commandments of God. Revelation 14:12. And the Sabbath was a sign, forever for anyone who wanted to know God. Exodus 31:13-16. And I could go on and on and on.... And on.

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A believer does keep the Sabbathday truly and sincerely by faith, since our Sabbathday is not a carnal literal ordinance as it was to Moses and the nation of Israel by the law back in Exodus.

We have entered into the "rest" of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Sabbathday was a symbol of God's rest after the creation of the world and it was a worshipful remembrance of Israel's redemption from coming out of the land of Egypt.

The essence of Sabbath observance was self-denial and consecration to God. This is exactly the way we observe the Sabbath spiritually by faith in Christ, not one day in seven, but all the days of our lives.

The believer's life is a keeping of the Sabbath! The "rest" of complete pardon by His grace of eternal forgiveness. The redemption of our souls to His elect.

Perfect reconciliation, security and as that involves how we have ceased from our own works, trusting Christ alone for acceptance with God, and consecrating ourselves entirely to Him that is able also to save us to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for us.

"For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation" (II Corinthians 6:2).

"One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind" (Romans 14:5).

"Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy name for ever and ever" (Psalm 145:2).

John Stewart ~ hbh@email.com

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I respectfully disagree with the aspect of any kind of spiritual Sabbath observance. Again, read the two commands that The Almighty judges any nation that would be called by His name, by. The second and fourth commandments.... Idolatry and Sabbath breaking.

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To many, Christianity is a system of human works and character building from which mere accrues. And the observance of a sabbath day presents extraordinary opportunities for the exercise of meritorious works.

The question is a far deeper one than the observance, or the manner of observance, of a day. It is the fundamental question whether grace is to reign supreme in place of law, or whether it is to be co-mingled with law. It is the sabbath day commandment only which is not carried forward in any manner whatsoever into the reign of grace, nor could it be.

Failure to base the distinction between these age-representing days upon the essential character of their respective relationships—pure law and pure grace—is resulting in an almost universal confusion of mind on the subject among Christians, and this, in turn, provides the opportunity for present-day legalists to promote their Christ-rejecting heresies.

There are those who contend that the sabbath was committed to man in Eden, and there are those who contend that the sabbath was given to Israel only, at the hand of Moses.

The first theory is usually advanced with a view to applying the institution of the sabbath to all men before the law even was given, in order that the sabbath law may be treated as now applicable to all, even after the termination of the Mosaic law in the cross.

This form of argument is not restricted to the Seventh-Day legalists; it is employed by many writers and religious leaders who are attempting to transfer the Biblical authority concerning the Jewish sabbath to the observance of the Lord's day. These, by Judaizing Christianity, are obscuring the truth about grace.

When it is claimed that the sabbath obtained from Adam to Moses it is said: "The sabbath was divinely sanctified at creation." This sanctification, it is true, is clearly stated in Genesis 2:1-3: "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made."

When it is assumed that the sabbath was imposed on man at Eden, it is based on the supposition that this passage so teaches; which, however, the passage does not necessarily imply. And it should also be remembered that Genesis was not written until Moses' time.

When seeking for Biblical evidence regarding the pre-Mosaic observance of the seventh day it will be found that, unlike other religious activities, such as prayer, circumcision (cf John 7:22), and sacrifices the observance of which is recorded of that period, there is no mention of a sabbath observance from creation to Moses.

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The Devil first appears as an independent figure alongside God in the Hebrew Scriptures. There evil is still brought into a direct relationship with God. Even evil, insofar as it has power and life, is effected by God: “I form light and create darkness, I make weal and create woe, I am the Lord, who do all these things” (Isaiah 45:7).

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Yes. That statement is the most scientific evaluation of everything for ALL TIME. Far, far more important than E=M C 2 or any of our laws of physics. Jesus Christ not only says WHAT happened by WHY.

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You are seriously awesome. My neighbors and I routinely enjoy watching your content on Rumble.

That you point out the fundamental usurpation by two of the three Tri-fectas, i.e. the 16th and 17th Amendments, with the the third predicated on existence of the two prior and thus The FEDERAL RESERVE Act, in what I refer to as 'The Bloodless Coup of 1913,' only further endears you as a true Winter Soldier.

May God bless you with the strength & courage to carry on with your task of digital pamphleteer.

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Go to www.constitutionalcounty.us to learn more about what we need to be doing. There is much more going on than you think.

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Wow! I live Gregg Reese!! ❤️❤️❤️ Thank u! Just 2 yrs ago I moved to Santa Rosa Cty, FL. Wow! This old woman needs to get busy!

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Sounds good, but...

Who control the "committees"? How you prevent corruption? How you prevent the Rothschild tribe to brave the committee for billions of dollars, that they print themselves? who gonna bring them to justice? what justice?

Unless the American people put God, Family and fellow country man before money, there will be no change. Only thing that matters to the vast majority of the people in USA is money, comfort and pleasure. Now that some are realizing the the "core American values", Freedom, democracy and the rule of law are just empty marketing, what is left?

we need to start from scratch, promoting family, family values, moral and God ...and from that moment, we will need couple generations to start seeing some results.

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I’ve just sent this on to my circle. Contacting my local sheriff without the backing of a substantial group of “people who matter” is unlikely to do much good. How else can I help and participate?

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Last year a group of people led by Stanford Graham and Dr. David Martin put together this website. We accomplished overturning the OSHA mandates and we accomplished helping the group in Florida overturn the mask on commercial airlines mandate. We went further into litigation with a case in Utah and made it through oral arguments until it was dismissed. We are now focused on attaining sheriffs willing to bring these crimes against hospital facilities, doctors, nurses, agencies in their county as outlined in this interview with Stanford Graham and Pete Santilli.

Stanford Graham and Pete Santilli


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Yay Santa Rosa County! 🙌🏻 Proud Breezer here! 🙋🏼‍♀️

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We have a ninth generation General in #Project Sheepdog, that's exactly correct and recently the Postmaster (not the one you know) pulled the correct strings and well he leaves us with this after the WEF, Dems, and whoever else ASSUMED power that was never theirs.

with the mathematical interface on grammar being broken and the development and introduction of QUANTUM GRAMMAR, C.S.S.C.P.S.G. (Correct Sentence Structure Communication Parse Syntax Grammar), all of the contracts on planet Earth have now been destroyed; to include any and all of the global positions of authority that were created through the constitution of those old, now destroyed, FICTION/FRAUDULENT grammar contracts. The old world – THE ENTIRE SYSTEM GLOBALLY

– has been destroyed and reconstituted; replaced in QUANTUM using the C.S.S.C.P.S.G. - THIS, IS THE VICTORY! --- This, is the victory for all of Man-kind.

With that said:

As a society of peaceful people here in The United States, we are always prepared for war, but in our endeavor to walk in benevolence as the Children of GOD, in the name of Love, we are always looking toward, PEACE.

Psalm 18:2 : The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

I believe this is our last opportunity and our last hope to stop a GLOBAL SLAUGHTER of over 4 BILLION PEOPLE.



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