People must learn a whole bunch of facts:

1- There is a God

2- There is Satanic forces

3- There are humanoids or reptilians

4- There are major tunnels

5- There are living beings underground

6- There is are things called FALSE FLAG OPERATIONS

7- The government uses DIVIDE AND CONQUER TO RULE US

8- The Federal Reserve is a den of thieves.

9- racism, feminism, communism, antisemitism, environmentalism ALL ARE LIES

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The Monroe Institute


Reptilian race encounter during CIA interdimensional experiments


According to Robert, subjects would often encounter interdimensional entities. Most frequently witnessed were reptilian humanoids. Viewers referred to the uncanny creatures as ‘the alligators’ due to their crocodilian features.

Curiously, Monroe was already quite familiar with the unsettling breed. During countless expeditions, he observed identical saurian creatures. For over thirty-five years the etheric investigator gathered insight about these startling beings. Here is what he uncovered.

1. The nefarious vertebrates have controlled and enslaved humanity for millennia.

2. They exist and operate in the 4th dimension and are only visible to individuals who can see beyond our extremely limited spectrum of visible light.

3. Reptilians feed off our spiritual lifeforce which Monroe called ‘loosh’.

4. Negative/ low vibrational energy is essential to their survival.

5. These parasitic entities see Earth as a massive farm where they harvest human fear, hatred, anxiety, anger, and depression.

6. Their intelligence is equal or superior to human beings.

7. This elusive lizard-like race sees itself as superior and rulers of mankind.”

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Demonic beings

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Do you also believe the Earth is flat ?

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Do you know for sure that the earth is flat or a ball? Nobody knows! There are evidences and there are theories. One thing I know as a scientist that lots of theories don’t have proofs; for example the theory of evolution. Yet, all kids on earth are taught this bullshit.

Twenty years after 9/11, there are still millions of people who believe that two airplanes knocked three towers as pancake? Never mind the fake moon landing images, the fire ball attack on Waco, the Oklahoma City, …

I find the average person gets very agitated and insulting if the concept of flat earth is raised, or any opinions that is against mainstream protected groups? Independent free thinkers must have courage to freely express their opinions. If they get attacked, then tell them what Elon Musk told the ACLU? GF-YOURSELVES!

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Watch archaix....Jason B. Our whole history is a lie.

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I believe in Biblical earth. Which has four corners and a deep under ground kind of shape like a bowl withe a firmament over us.

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Me too Elaine.

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God Bless You All and Archaix.

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Make no graven image ‘ to myself I do take seriously les’ it take rule over me and thee’

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Does this flat Earth rest on something or does it float in space?

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It is described as immovable. Within the firmament are the stars/"planets".

In Isaiah34:4 its says concerning "space", And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heaven shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as a leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling fig from the fig tree.

And Rev.6:14 says, And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

The book of Enoch has an entire chapter devoted to the heavenly bodies (celestrial). Its fascinating. Of course Enoch was removed from the Bible, so people would believe the narrative that NASA has fed us. My dad worked for NASA and was killed due to him finding the truth. In fact all the astronauts that have ever died during missions were most likely killed because they were untrustworthy.

And I said it was more of a bowl shape, with the "glass ceiling" that Hilary Clinton has referred to.

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So which is it?

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Have you been to the edge?

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World governments won't let anyone near it. Antarctica

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That's just one direction my dear, imagine that eh?

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You know I’ve been to the edge? And I stood and looked down. You know I lost a lot of friends there, baby. I got no time to mess around.

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The Earth isn't flat geographically. But it is flat in terms of dimensions. Just like the Bible explains three heavens. The first heaven is our atmosphere with birds and clouds, the second is the realm of outer space, and the third is the highest realm of where the Throne and power of God and His Angels reside. (II Corinthians 12: 1-6, Paul explains this)

The same is true about the inner earth to some extent. Parts of the inner earth are accessible, and some are sealed off as prisons where defective angelic beings are detained. 2. Peter 2:4 and Jude: 6.

But it is obvious that our planet, like the other planets and the sun in our solar system, are round and are spinning. You can see this every clear night as the stars in the north revolve around the North Star. In the South you see the same thing moving at the same speed and direction as stars revolve around the South Pole, using the Southern Cross as an indicator. (The Southern Cross is on the Australian Flag and many other flags like New Zealand and Brazil, used for navigation now for centuries) But I do believe there is evidence that there are depths and even dimensions below the earth's surface.

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The Whole of Creation is Profound ! Why do We insist upon Limiting [Creation] ?

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Do you think it could be flat?

As crazy as it sounds, yes I think it is. We know they lied about the moon landing. If you repeat something enough it is accepted. It took a lot to convince me but there is so much provable evidence the earth is flat.

The WHO logo is flat earth probably to mock us.

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And understanding all this takes immense grounding and sanity checking.

It’s called the great awakening for a reason and I’m holding onto #1 above everything else. He’s my sanity saviour

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Oy Yeah so right save for what (satanicforces/ humanoidreptilians) The Lot of them chimeric presentations of seed-line or egometricmorphing !! YOU!!! Conquer them All with what is Divinely given You in Very Image&Likeness of The Faith the Mutuality of Great &Holy Spirit . . .We have All been taught / (IT) has most certainly been Godspeed over all of Earth by Now and no-excuse remains- Be of Good Cheer

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man’ is Not “thee Revelator” (btw) damn that darnable algorithmic ‘second-guess or’ the one or countless you must needs to check after to see did not Change your intent’ with Words Replacing yours !! An AnnoyAnce !!!!!!

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Keep it in Over-Drive Greg. As I listen to this, and the facts on Oklahoma False Flag Bombing,which I knew was a coordinated bombing by rogue government agencies, including most Alphabet Agencies, it causes me, triggers me deeply, back to my presence inside the Twin Towers on 09/11/2001, when the strategically placed Thermite, C-4, etc. Demolition Explosives starting exploding, being set off, executed via remote control, as all demolition are. Your guest is spot on. I know for fact that many of our special ops were trained on how to blow up our damns, too. They were brought to many dams inside our country and shown how to place explosives strategically in the areas of the generator turbines, which are driven by the massive weight and volume of water coming through from the reservoir behind the damns. The Bomb Dogs were removed from the Towers, commencing August 01, 2001 until September 11, 2001. This is when under the cover of the supposed largest elevator rehabilitation was taken place in the WTC Towers. All of the Security at the WTC Complex was headed by Neil Bush-CEO-Security company, which also, had the contracts for the NY Airports, Los Alamos Laboratory in New Mexico, Commercial Airlines involved in the 9/11 Event Towers in Downtown Manhattan-WTC Complex.. Americans must wake up and realize the true evil they face are from within, and controlled by outside forces like the British, Dutch, etc. Monarchs, House of Rothschild, Club of Rome, WEF, WHO, and Global agenda Deep State Agencies. Realize, I speak truth knowing the risks, for I live it daily.... Abbott left the country to British controlled India to have Plausible Deniability. Sounds like another Honey Pot. People should be aware of this & possibly think about switching their target sites immediately prior to ...

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Gordon Kahl&family. Randy Weaver & family. So glad you Greg and evryOne is ReVisiting what must needs be ReTold of just What has been Done to Us All and how [ignorant] the ReCently ‘Woke’ be So UnAwares !!!

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White Candles, Peace, Truth & Prayer, arm in arm like a block chain will force the issue peacefully. Always remember, Violence Begets Violence. That is what they want. Don't take the bait.

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This is the usual Truth, Truth, Lie. JFK admired Hitler- obviously knew the truth. Mein Kampf is not a book of hate. It's a book of love for humanity. People of every race fought with Hitler against the Red Scourge. They knew what was coming if Germany lost. It's the same Bolsheviks today. The winners write the history books. Wake up, America. These two men refuse to name the real enemy.

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I agree. And I dislike how Greg Reese wants to call anyone naming the Jews, as anti semites. (A Previous podcast). I guess he’s afraid of being called that himself. Same with Alex jones who I consider to be full on controlled opposition, after his interview with stew peters on that subject, and how Alex is too buddy buddy with Elon musk, Tucker Carlson, and joe Rogan.

Oh and there was no holocaust.

I like Greg Reese, but then there’s all that. And I was not pleased in this interview with how Greg Reese brought up his true opinion of “ultra Maga” and how they are “Nazis” and full of hate now. Whatever.

Hitler didn’t kill Jews (the logistics wasn’t even possible) and he didn’t start ww2. Roosevelt started that war, and he killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Germans in Dresden and many other cities, and Japan. He was the “Hitler”. But, the Jews write our history.

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They do write history and literally own school curriculum.

What about the Russian holocaust where many millions were murdered by the same synagogue of satan? Why don't we have museums to honor them too?

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You got it! Thanks.

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Yours is the most accurate of all comments here, cheers

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Sweet name. Refuse to name the real enemy?

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Wow! That was a great one. This man is a treasure trove of stuff I did not know. Here I go down another rabbit hole!

Om Shanti


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Dear Mr. Reese: Please read the book “ The Great Controversy” by E.G.White. After reading it you will understand exactly what is going on here. The sin problem is confined to planet Earth otherwise the entire Universe would be at risk of destruction. The Earth is the theatre of the Universe. The universe is watching the terrible results of sin unfold on our planet. Therefore the idea of “alien beings” from other planets coming here is impossible. The unfallen worlds are horrified at what is going on here. Satan is a liar and the father of lies and a murderer from the beginning according to Christ. He is behind the deception of “alien beings”. All of this is demon manifestations and our only hope of not being deceived is faith in Jesus Christ. If it were possible Satan would deceive “the very elect” - the true and faithful followers of Christ and His Holy Word. Stay close to Jesus, pray without ceasing, and pray always for the guidance and enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. This is our only hope in these perilous times in which we live. Jesus is coming soon to put an end to Evil. Get ready now.

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I agree with you Charles to a degree. The whole Universe IS watching our planet now to see what if we USE what the Son of Man taught us to defeat the followers of Lucifer who were left behind on our planet 2000 years ago. I think we have come to the same conclusion but from a different doctrinal point of view.

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A better book would be The Urantia Book. William Sadler and his wife both came from Seventh Day Adventists backgrounds. They were physicians who became psychiatrists in the early 1900's in Chicago. They were involved but DID NOT WRITE the Urantia Book which is revelatory.

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Jesus said “My sheep know my voice and they follow me”. You hear the voice of Jesus when you read the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. It is the archenemy of souls that speaks in the Urania book.

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For a deeper perspective, please watch: The Untold Story of Ruby Ridge with Survivor Sara Weaver https://youtu.be/5ddUlMu1DMU

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Even on a mountain top the FED won't leave you alone. It's funny how synchronicity works , i was watching Curtis Stones(on his mountain top) Vids this morning and i tho of the Weaver's.

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I've always thought Randy Weavver was a hero. But then I saw a piece by Miles W. Mathis on Ruby Ridge. Lots of inconsistencies. Look it up.

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There are no heroes - that's where getting real begins. Losing the need to give allegiance to anyone/anything and just get on with discernment process has the benefit of clearing cobwebs. But it takes some cojones.

Bit of a stretch to see G>R getting dissed in the comments here - after seeing what he laid out in the previous post. Mentioning CJ Bjerknes is like crossing multiple red lines and then coming back for more!

Reese did that - much to my surprise - and those here who spend time here using lightweights like Mathis or introductory tour guides like Sepehr as backup should really ground themselves in what real resistance scholarship looks like.

Books by CJ Bjerknes like Adolf Hitler Bolshevik and Zionist \The DNA of Zionism from Noah to Herzl and Beyond \ or RISE ABOVE THE GODS WHO HATE US are incredible troves of cobweb-clearing solvent. He dares gives proper name to the main enemy among us - Frankist Sabbateans - unlike the usual crew of limited hangout artists running the phony 'alt-media' space...

and Reese dared name Bjerknes as the real deal. Not as 'a hero' -just a guy doing what a guy's gotta do! Egro - RESPECT.

Giving up on the endless circus of the "jew" thing = the trap run by the usual suspects themselves - is but the first step to getting out of talmudic hell. Most folks prefer to stay back in ZORRO RANCH & play victim games. Being fooled is a choice - just like wising up!

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There was a video that I saw in the early 2000s. It clearly showed that fertilizer bombs weren't the issue in OKC. It showed irrefutable evidence of military grade explosives.

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The spreading of pagan myths: aliens.

Haven't you noticed that people like presidents Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Clinton and Obama, plus Hillary Clinton and John Podesta all mentioned the existence of "aliens"?

Now me thinking... if these wolves promoted the theory of aliens, then it automatically means it's false!

But of course it didn't need to rely on those wolves to know aliens don't exist, as God never revealed their existence, hence they don't exist... simple as that.

The alien agenda, yes it's a 'new thing' Greg, it's an agenda from the New Age paganism in order to undermine God and the bible.

Why on earth there aren't any evident evidence in the form of photos or videos out there???


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I don't think there are alien lizard people living below the Earth in tunnels either but I do believe there are evil spiritual beings roaming the planet encouraging people to go against God's will.

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Yes indeed, my friend... I agree 100% with you!!!

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Thanks; as I wrote recently to Gavin Mounsey, I will be you $1 that in 3 months, the recent 'alien invasion' will not be in the news, and something else will. Anything to distract from the gov killing its own citizens. Anything.

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We’ve been lied to!!! We don’t have the WHOLE BIBLE!! There are 777, maybe more!!!! books in the Bible. We got 66, because they hijacked it! Just like they did EVERYTHING else!! I’m looking forward to the decals on the Bible. That’s what I want!! The rest of God’s word!! As far as evidence.. millions of people can’t be wrong in seeing what they see. I’ve even seen!! All the people in Roswell are not wrong!! Military are not wrong!! There is a lot of evidence! But I believe it’s God’s way of helping us!! Please research! You will be amazed at God’s goodness!!!!!! Love to you!!

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I was with Chris right up to the end when he quoted Elon Musk.

Elon Musk is being imaged to us as renegade anti-establishment. He is NOT.

Musk is out publicly warning us about the dangers of Al while his new project is to connect the human mind to Artificial Intelligence.

For those of you keeping track Musk is Bloodline.

Swiss 'Haldimann' on his mother's side.

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Didn’t Werner Van Braun write a sci fi book with the progenitor named Elon Musk? Is this new white hat Elon 2.0 maybe Commander X Nikola Tesla exposing the deep states plans? Conspiracies abound! WWG1WGA

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Great conversation/information. I do hope you will have Chris on again. Thank you, Greg, for what you do.

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A few words have been pissing me off non stop lately ; DISinformation , MISinformation , MALinformation , control Opposition & Question Everyting.

It's been thrown at everything and anything by low IQ people.

Folks really need to watch how it is run before running their mouths :

>>> WATCH : MIRAGE MEN (2013)

There is a huge gap between limited hangout and withholding info from an off the record source.

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THE AGE OF MANIPULATION: The Con in Confidence, the Sin in Sincere, by Wilson Bryan Key, Ph.D. "The World's foremost authority on subliminal persuasion reveals how the media manage your mind--in commercials, print ads, music,--and how you can protect yourself. copyright 1989. This 1993 edition is published by Madison Books. He is the author of: Subliminal Seduction, Media Sexploitation, and The Clam-Plate Orgy. "Orwell's 1984 actually occurred around 1934. We were just too busy to notice." Marshall McLuhan.

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You are dead on , I been going down the rabbit hole past week. Digging into the Mind Control players. They keep most people online in a state of lust with all the free porn. A state that makes you more receptive. It's beyond the dopamine addle brain . . . (it is but a symptom) . Combine with the screen flicker rate we are all sponges soaking it in.

They aim to hit that state just before "awe" religious or otherwise , that sweet spot. The roll out of those EMF headset . . To fight anxiety are just that. It's programing , doesn't need to be explicit. Like any magic trick once you figure it out it loose it's power over you.

Love and hate & Fear and reassurance . Orwell was dead on with the new speak the contradiction become arbitrary , random and unjust abuse .

I encourage everyone to dig into the CIA FOIA website , it is surprisingly resourceful.

The low EMF in the Tesla range science is crazy . . . mass heart attack will be a thing but it is truly indiscriminate no elite will be spared , there's no way around it. The geo space fence is the prison planet scenario came true.

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Thanks Kellzila. CONTROLLING THE HUMAN MIND: The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance, by Dr. Nick Begich.copyright 2006 Earthpulse Press Inc.


THE HIDDEN PERSUADERS, by Vance Packard, with an intro by Mark Crispin Miller.

copyright 1957, 1980 by Vance Packard. Introduction copyright 2007 by Mark Crispin Miller.

ig Publishing--www.igpub.com.

Vance Packard (1914-1996) was an American journalist, social critic, and best-selling author of: "The Status Seekers," "The Waste Makers," and the "Naked Society."

His books examines how are thoughts and feelings are manipulated by business, media and politicians."

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Mark is the man ! i have Frederick Lewis Allen book that Mark rescued from Censorship in my book pile >>> http://tinyurl.com/The-lords-of-Creation

Arghhhh so much content i feel like am doing post Doc work every week . . . At least am not 2 million in debt with YAle or Harr harr kward

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I've been collecting books by Mark C. Miller for sometime. He is currently The Man on propaganda, communication theory, and more. Happy Sunday...

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AND got cancel hahahahaha if anyone need more incentive to look into the guy 😎

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Frederick Lewis Allen JP Morgan book looks juicy i can't find it tho.

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You can pretty much the false flag coming!!!

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The Democrat suburbia Zombie apocalypse Wuhan style?

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Securing the border tomorrow 😒

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