The part about Greg Abbott is the key. Why now? He's had the power from the start. The invasion has been ongoing for over two years. If he did nothing I'd call it business-as-usual but to come out now and suddenly grow some balls makes me question the whole narrative.
Copied from Patrick Wood's substack article "Will Texas Be The Trigger For The Great Reset?": 'Is Greg Abbott also a member of the WEF? Apparently so. He has his own page on the WEF website. He attended the Davos meeting in January 2016 and again in 2020.
A vlogger/journalist, Cassady Cambell, asked Abbott to denounce Klaus Schwab and the WEF in 2022; Abbott swore he was not a globalist, but neither would he denounce Schwab. Abbott’s press release about attending WEF in 2020:
The Office of the Governor Greg Abbott today announced that the Governor will lead an economic development mission to Israel and Switzerland. The delegation will depart January 14, 2020 and return on January 24, 2020. During the trip, the Governor will tour businesses, hold meetings with public officials and executives, and participate in the World Economic Forum in Davos.
Just how cozy is Abbott with these globalist vampire squids? You decide.'
Consequently, I am not American but clear-sighted, ***abbott*** must be classified TRAITOR, a scumbag who should be arrested, judged, convicted and meet Mr Guillotine!!!! I always ask myself how these heartless/soulless creatures can sleep.
The WEF already said it years ago, with its 8 famous predictions. One of them is that the US would no longer be the leading world power by 2030. Another is that in the West we have to make room for refugees.
Little by little they are fulfilling their agenda. People don't realize that they are exterminating the population with graphene with vaccines and dismantling the West.
The Texas guvner has been placating everyone showing a very small section of the border with razor wire to insinuate he's doing something. Meanwhile the illegals are being informed through their FREE DROIDS and updated on where and where not to go. Slick huh...
They get in no matter, if not a hike across the border they're being bussed and planed into Conus.
Abbott has been instrumental in this border fiasco since he stepped into office in 2014:
Abbott is/was in India getting a soul-searching Ganges River soak. Why would a governor be going to another country amid chaos when he's just a governor, not an ambassador?
And then when Donny-boy Trump got in 2016 he did more bait and switch with building enough wall to make it look like he's "ON IT" but he left HOLES IN THE WALL with CLOSE ACCESS to the main thoroughfares to act like a TURNSTILE.
Sorry Trumpers. Even Jon Snow realized he goofed and had to do-in his aunt for the betterment of society.
Don’t blame it on trump!! If he would have finished it how would you have seen the corruption? If someone would have told you in 2015 when they got the patent on Covid vaccines that we would go through all the crap we did.. would you have believed them? Biden, all he had to do was put up the small amount of wall left!!!! But he sold the very expensive metal for pennies on the dollar!! Sometimes you have to show the people!! Not just tell them!!! And there are still sheep out there!! So don’t blame Trump! There are a lot of people working behind the scenes!! Everything that has happened would have not been believed because people have to be brought to a point where they WAKE UP!!!!! And take back their country!! Trump is the best President we’ve ever had and he is facing all this crap!!! Don’t belittle him! Pray for him because if he doesn’t win we are screwed!!!!!!!!! And that’s a FACT!!!!!
Dont be fooled by this controlled opposition player , he is in on all of it , Operation warp speed , Gaza genocide , intended war with Iran, he did nothing for Jan 6 ers , did not even mention it for 2 years. His mother is Black Nobility family , those really owning and controlling the world , he is a pawn, cant even get out of phony court charges , supports 15 minute smart city prisons , told everyone to take death shots and boosters , 17 million dead already from that.
No from 40 plus years of research and experience , and actuall admissions from people in these systems . Also from bloggers and truth tellers in 7 different languages all over the world , can you do that?
I feel your pain and things will look like that but sadly it's not as simple as simon says and "he didn't know."
Am not belittling him just reporting how things shook out. If he was a pilot and drove your plane into the side of the mountain, would you blame the mountain or would you blame the pilot?
It was his job to know.
As German leader Christine Anderson stated explicity do not make excuses for your leaders.
This clip looks suspicious and to give the benefit of the doubt "out of context" but again the pilot needs to know where he's going. Can't put inexperience in charge and excuse the goof ups. Otherwise what good are you?
But moreover this is how these things work. Playing both sides, one Potus does something (to placate the public) and then the next Potus undoes what the previous one did just to play into the left-right paradigm menagerie.
It's the belt-way two step. One step forward, two steps back.
This way the people get stuck in a blame game. But in reality they're both working on the same side just making it look like they're not. Shocking but true.
Have you really listened to his presentations? He has made himself with so many false believers, that He is given to America by God. "And God gave us Trump," How many times was that said over the loud-speakers at the Iowa party speech? Don't be fooled. He is also a WEF participant. The US is owned by Israel, and only those that they allow to be in there enter into the DC pukebarn, or they are ousted if they somehow get in. Don't be fooled by Trump! He boasts greatly of himself, just as the Word says about He that will arise and deceive many.
God did give us Trump!! Listen to Kim Clements prophecy. Not only that but if it weren’t for Trump you wouldn’t even know about all this corruption and how deep it really is!! Yes God gave us Trump.
"...if it weren’t for Trump you wouldn’t even know about all this corruption"
Hardly Pam. The Conspiracy Community has been screaming about the EviI that runs this planet for decades. But the new people coming into the Alt News who've never heard it before think this is all just now suddenly being exposed. It isn't.
I know it’s been going on for decades!! Actually way before that!!! That’s nothing new!! It’s good verses evil now and all I’m saying is you better start praying people!! BIG TIME Trump has his reasons for many things!! He has The good military behind him!! Intelligence!
God’s Word is talking about the anti-christ not trump!! Israel are Gods convenient people. Look at history all nation that have gone against Israel have gone down!! Sure they are not perfect but God’s people will be there until the end!! Know your Bible.
"Israel" as it is now is not the Israel of old, not even the people at least not the people running Israel. Netanyahu and Trump were CHILDHOOD FRIENDS.
But in reality the people running Israel are Sabbatean Frankists, a death cult whose history included putting Hitler (a Jew) in power to kill the real Jew to be replaced with a Sabbatean Frankist cult Jew. It's so convoluted it's easy to get scripture mixed with reality. It's Zionists that run Israel not Jews.
It must be known that the real Jew is a prisoner to the present state of Israel that was created by the Rothschilds starting in 1947. Now Netanyahu is using the old Testament where a culture like the Palestinians are to be killed down to the last goat and sheep. But it's all about the gas and oil worth trillions under the ocean just off-shore Gaza.
Israel paid for HAMAS as Ron Paul said years ago.
Unless one knows both sides of the story it won't be clear.
Yes there are bad people in Israel! I know this! Just like the Jesuit that started putting dead people in McDonald’s meat!! And torturing our children and draining their blood for adrenochome!! You don’t think that sickens me!! I’ve literally have been down all of 2023 because I let it get to me!! What I’m saying is Trump has saved more children than anyone!! Sorry you can’t change my mind about him!! Just like I can’t and don’t want to change yours. But we’ve all been fed lies all our lives and this is so much bigger than you even realize!! So enough debate. I will continue to have faith in God and pray! He is in control! And if He returns for the rapture I’m out of here!!!
Yes I understand what you are saying. I believe that but I still pray for Israel!! Because after 70 AD when the temple was destroyed God sent them out into dispersion. But said he would bring them back. I know it is bad and it’s bad!! But it’s always been that the Jew thought since they were a called out people they were better! Hence what the Gentiles were called by them Dogs! And they were so arrogant they killed the Messiah. They are blinded to this day as most of them still do not believe in Christ. But they are still the covenant land and his covenant people. He knows who are the true ones and the Bible clearly states there will only be a remnant that he will have when tribulation comes! And God will protect the remnant. The Bible clearly states that they would come back eventually and they did in 1947. I do believe the cia is and has been involved in all these wars and bombings and false flags since the beginning! Why do you think Kennedy was murdered? He was going to dismantle the CIA!! I know that they are evil but we are to pray for Israel the covenant land! God knows who the bad ones are!! I pray for all the innocent!! Bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee!! God’s words! So please we know they are bad but we must remember that prophecy is in the Bible directed to Israel! God deeded that land to Abraham. They will only be gone when God decides and tribulation comes in. But Q always said that they were saving Israel for last. It will be cleaned up just as the US will! If the rapture doesn’t happen first. Love to you! I am going to look at what you posted here on these links. Thanks for sharing
You mean that most fabricated , forged , mistranslated, deleted , hidden ultimate mind control program, openly admitted by countless churchianity leaders and popes and serious researchers who know what is hidden in the 20 miles of hallways in Secret Vatican archives KEPT from humanity for 2000 years .
I know the Vatican is satanic! We all know that! And we will eventually get the rest of books of the Bible that were hidden from us but you are not going to accept the truth I can see! But only you can make the decision to know the gospel of our salvation! If you want eternity with our Lord you will if not you will simply be seperated eternally! God knows which way you will go and your heart! Not me! It’s not my job! Love to you!
And also did you see trumps speech at WEF which he is NOT a member of? He said that we will not be a globalist nation!! He is a people’s President!! If you can’t see that I really feel for you. you have your rights and so do we! We can see what they are doing to him. And he’s taking it for us! You can be skeptical, it’s your right but at least do some research and find the truth!! Could you or would you go through what he is going through for us? I doubt it! Please please do more research!! Get right with the Lord and he will open the truth to you! But then again your choice! The Holy Spirit leads us into all TRUTH!! Christ is TRUTH!!
Alexander Acosta is the corrupt US State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!
And what happened to Acosta as a result???
In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th States Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!
Have you ever thought or dug in to find out that he may have already been taken care of? Just like Hillary and the guy that was first place in Covid. Jag got him. Can’t remember his name. A lot going on behind the scenes. Maybe that was for a reason far down the line. He’ll get it to!!!
yes! thank you! I studied all that 2008 and 2009 florida Palm Beach county nest of snakes myself, years ago. Trump is ONE of them. he's IN THAT CIRCLE of Epstien, Clintons, Acosta, Les Wexner, Dershowitz !.....
Exactly . This is a classic Machiavelli tactic of good cop bad cop. The good cop says after he pulls you over," just tell us where the joint is and you'll get off with probation". Then enters the bad cop... Who responds " if you don't tell us where the joint is... You're gonna do hard time in prison".
The PSYOP started December 27th When Flynn came to visit Jones .
Why you ask ? Same reason Congress is not impeaching the Federal judges going after Trump : It's election season. They want everyone talking about this , it is beneficial for both Red & Blue . Am not gona watch 2 months worth of streams of people asking each other : Are the FEDS coming for us today ?
To this day MSM describe LaVoy Finicum death has a shoot out. Despite LaVoy walking hands up towards the FEDS. People streaming and egging on this cluster fuck will , like Santilli did when it went down , shit their pants and run .
Am not Wasting time on things that do nothing for me in my life. This is nothing but an energetic sink hole. Get Strong , retake your county , make sure election laws are on the up and up. This §ummer will be much , much worst.
Ask yourself this : Will the Police State diminish , increase or stay the same under Trump ? If you ask me The uniParty National Sec / intel agency has already won.
Yes pretty obvious they saved the border actions for election year (it’s January 2024), but both sides will try to exploit political advantage from it- even through nefarious means like manufacturing another appearance of an insurrection
AND Abbot didn't wanted to bite the hand that Feed , that FED money is sweet sweet sweet. He's a spineless SOB That said there's SO MANY people involve in the Justice challenge , there is truly good people in Texas. Lots of them.
All roads lead to Rome, and all roads are called Disease X, being paved with wars so that we can live in the smart grid of Space X, monitored by the NSA who runs X on the C-band NATO spectrum:
Digital ID has already arrived in Australia and the banks are going fully digital by the end of the year - they are going cashless and closing down the branches. The two major groceries now have face scanners, auto-checkouts and auto-gates.
There will be no opt-out of this. There is an auto-box that pops up on your account and if you do not click it you immediately lose access to your bank account. The digital ID is tied to your health records - I opted out of digital health records years ago but vaccination records are exempt because 'emergencies.'
It will get interesting when they cut off the food.
I guess it'll be us and the bugs, both bonding together...
This is why the EMF radiation must be stopped. Many reports from around the world of bee colony collapse, over 98% of all insects in Puerto Rican rainforest gone, pathogenic bacteria and mycotoxins increased by 600x by Wi-Fi.
EMF is the only pollutant we can stop instantly, simply by turning the Wi-Fi off and ditching our phones. The more of us that go hardwired, the more food we'll have to eat. That's my humble tinfoiled opinion.
Playing Devil's advocate to your position for the normies - we got along just fine (and better) without all this stuff they are pushing. We absolutely do not need it, and if the government is pushing it, we do not want it!
Maybe this was part of the divide and conquer narrative all along. Get enough new voters for team blue plus enough bad apples to cause more rape and destruction so that when the banks and economy collapses there is utter chaos. Order out of chaos. The WHO and WEF come in and save the day. Brilliant piece of work, really. And then there is the disease X propaganda. These psychopaths have nothing better to do then plan world domination.
The idea that you even think you've said something is even worse. People have been crawling under whatever fence we've have for more than 30 years and whatever "government" we've have did little to actually change that until Trump! Now that it looks bad enough to destroy our country... Either we stop the Evil Bastards Incorporated Pirates in government once and for all or we don't have a country anymore! Evil triumphs when good men do nothing!! And good men do nothing when they are overwhelmed by the useless words of a mass of fools!
Gates are wide open and unguarded just 1/2 mile from"Razor Wire Conflict Central"... They want to fire up a civil war... Divide and Conquer... Same as usual.
I question the actions of Abbott too since the beginning. First, he does something good, then you blink, and he does something that makes you scratch your head! The jury is definitely still out on him, in my eyes, along with many that have a big voice. We know by history that everything is not as it seems and everyone is jockeying for position! I don't believe any politician is out to make our lives better. They're out to make their's better.
Why this ? Why not that ? Why not before ? Why not something different at an earlier time ? Yeah, i just dont trust any of them, particularly when it's all over the media everywhere. They hoarde those tv seconds and only dedicate them to promoting their insane agenda. Lucy, you got som splaining to do !
The idea that you even think you've said something is even worse. People have been crawling under whatever fence we've have for more than 30 years and whatever "government" we've have did little to actually change that until Trump! Now that it looks bad enough to destroy our country... Either we stop the Evil Bastards Incorporated Pirates in government once and for all or we don't have a country anymore! Evil triumphs when good men do nothing!! And good men do nothing when they are overwhelmed by the useless words of a mass of fools!
Not only that, there are several other issues, the military in UK US and Aus are down on regular recruitment, and the numbers injured by the deathvax is high and there was a policy of delay charging those who refused the vax. The second is the sexual diversity imposed with cross dressing and transgenders having medically cal costs paid for by taxpayers. In Aus they only sent SAS troops to Afghanistan, some doing 11 rotations, only to come home to be accused of war crimes and trial by media. The social division caused by minority groups being given so much power, and over here minority groups trying to destroy our national day, breaks down national pride. Young people don’t see a reason to enlist to fight for a country they can no longer take pride for n. Europe is preparing for war. Poland is sending out call up papers, and Germany is instructing citizens to build their own bomb shelters because they’re out of time as a government. I’ve also seen reports that Syria drone is a false flag, as one drone could not do the amount of damage reported. Very timely as some members of congress were agitating to withdraw those troops.
I started becoming aware of this trend around 2015. Also recently Tedros decided to invoke the WHO in mental health issues caused by loneliness and isolation and asking financial support to support organised sports. Red flag. In Australia all major sports have gay pride rounds, take the knee etc, one sports club forced their CEO out because he attended a church. Sport is a vehicle for woke.
You are the Real(Woke) You saw the crumbling of our nation way back in 2015, I wish I was aware of the Bush's/Obama and all the gangster politicians. Yes sports is a major distraction and a vessel for the ignorant(unaware, scared, non confrontational, etc) When pelosi met with the fake ass Pope I knew we were done.
The globalists will exchange citizenship for 8 years of military service. They can then train them to be an alt wing of the military to do their bidding. Kill patriotic Americans.
Old Dick Durban actually said it. They need military, medical personnel and let’s not forget the farm workers so he can keep his hands clean. Wonder why all the illegal migrants weren’t mandated by Biden to get the vaccines? There’s your answer. Nothing to see here except this is purposefully planned and Biden ain’t calling the shots!
Thank you for your kind comment. Also the military organisations such as Five Eyes on one side, the pseudo-financial/military organisations like BRICS on the other, and the very strange 'NGOs' that are anything but 'non-governmental.'
Just like you said, refill military after injected sick, die, bring in the illegals. Imo that is one of their plans, but people world wide are saying a big NO. , it is so obvious, they get more and more exposed every day.
The only place not talking about it is Canada. The Brits still think they can empty the colonies to fight their own fucking cluster fuck Wars. King Charles is due for a rude awakening.
ANYONE WHO doubt his "WaRFOOTING"COP speech was innocuous . . . Your kids & you is the Carbon they seek to reduce.
I'm in Kanukastan as well with the Crime Minister Blackface, I have friends in the DND and the DND can't even handle conscripts unless they are rainbow haired and rainbow brained. In Kanukastan they want all them new Illegal I mean unregular new Kanukastans in places of power and in RCMP to go after the stock Kanukastan people. Because these new people have no problem shooting the old ones. As for King horse face I mean Charles the homely emperor of bucktoothed land my ancestors fought and took out lots of the despots in charge in bucktoothed land. We will do it again
Gona have to clean up that Monarchic Constitution business , Québec will get onboard . That whole HydroElectric distorted the reality of the green "feel good agenda" 4 Québec . People woke up during Covid : no gas , no truck , no food. It's that simple.
Remember the UN unmarked troops that broke the freedom convoy ?
All those Kanukistaneese mayors all took Soros money , The resilient City initiative is a pipeline for foreign police troops. Can we say modern Hessian soldiers ?
Yes I do very well. They wee infiltrated and remember what Slug Ford did he passed a law saying no one can protest by blocking anything that constitutes commerce in Ontario or there equipment will be what is the name for lawfare theft anyways I degrees. Along with the Strong City Initiative they passed the strong mayors initiative to over rule any council to bring in the 15 minute cities.
yeah , it's a smaller population . Canada fed gov has been trying to implement more WEF good deeds in a hurry before losing power. If they mention "Draft" people might revolt. State media has been trying to associate IRAN with any and all evil doer. Last article i seen was trying to link the Hell Angels (motorcycle club) of all people to Iranian drug dealers. . .
They are trying to clearout NZ for the elites. That is why they went after there populations bangbang sticks so they can't fight the elites and take there stuff.
If I’m reading things correctly , if the endgame is to have one world government, the WEF and the Un agendas sustainable goals they need to destroy national identity. All the woke crap appears to have been working, I’m just hoping and praying that people will wake up in time. With Miloti in Argentina, and Sweden’s new government ceasing all funding for UN agendas, push back by farmers in n Holland, Germany and now France the tide may be turning let’s pray it’s not too late.
Not yet. We have to prepare for the worst and pray God strikes these evil bastards down. I think we are in the end times and those who are behind this is controlled by demons. Why else is are they wanting to destroy humanity? It’s a big Fu@@ you to God and it has been prophesied. People don’t realize how bad for non believers it’s going to get.
But don’t you think it is a bit vain that we would be here for the end of the world! Especially if Jesus says we will not know, I could never reconcile that part. At some point it would have to be obvious.
You heard Natenyahu calling the Palestinians Amelak, and using religion war to justify GENOCIDE? The USA & NATO disregarded the international laws, and even after total destruction and starvation of the trapped population, WE STILL REFUSE TO CALL FOR CEASEFIRE!
You are sooo right!!! The problem with the WEF is they are trying to be God!! Just like satan trying to usurp the throne of God!!! It’s not going to happen!!! God is God!! And that’s that!! Just like satan they will be cast out!! Have faith!! And keep praying!! The Lord heres the prayers of the saints!!!
That is such such a pathetic piece of journalist. The war in Ukraine was lost before it was waged. How could they even find those men to be part of that script after witnessing what has been done to their country and people by their own captured “leadership?” As if they have no choice but to fight until their death? They must have been paid handsomely to be part of that propaganda piece. What is a suicide drone? Hope it is not like a boomerang?
ALL politicians have been compromised, they are told what to say/do we r all being set up/conditioned. The enemy is within, pay attention to all the distractions because they are making there moves more aggressively than ever. All we can do is stick together and let the uninformed know what is happening(if they don't listen, move on). GOD is a big part of exposing all corruption, Unite Now.
Evil triumphs when good men do nothing!! And good men do nothing when they are overwhelmed by the useless words of a mass of fools!
When New York ended as the capital of the Continental States in March 1789 The Deep State Masonic (Illuminati) took control and created the District of Columbia in 1800 (named after the Goddess Columbia - later symbolized by the statue of Liberty in the New York harbor). It's not a coincidence that DC became the fake Capitol 11 years after New York. It's also NOT a coincidence that the twin towers represented the number 11. New York remains the secret capital still where all the money/capital is controlled by Wall Street Investors that 71 years later Incorporated the United States of America in 1871. 71 is the number of the ancient Jewish supreme court called the Great Sanhedrin. Their occult symbolism is EVERYWHERE and it wasn't much of a MYSTERY when everyone knew about it!! It's only HIDDEN NOW because we've been overwhelmed by the useless words of a mass of fools listening to the words of Pirates in our FAKE GOVERNMENT and liars in our FAKE MEDIA!! And good men do nothing when they keep listening to Doom Mongering Pricks like Steve Quayle that posts endless links to articles like these that have no more message in them than to tell people to crawl on their bellies and pray/beg God's mercy because there's nothing more to do than wait for God to put His foot up our collective asses because we're all screwed!! Steve Quayle is no measure of a good man!!
We live in a time where people are too weak in the mouth to say what needs to be heard. We don't have representative governments. We have incorporated conglomerates. Why do you think every town and city are incorporated entities of a larger whole?! Corporations make products for us to consume. Incorporated Conglomerates (fake governments) make US to be the products to be consumed. Incorporated conglomerates aren't run by laws. They are controlled by policies and procedures!! POLICE are POLICY ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS of the Incorporated Conglomerates. Incorporated Conglomerates Products don't have a say in how they are consumed!! PRODUCTS don't get to choose who runs Incorporated Conglomerates. People need to call them what they are!! Evil Bastards Incorporated!! PIRACY stole the election in 2020!!PIRACY stole the elections all over the world and in every Evil Bastards Incorporated country!!! There needs to be a Pirate Flag painted on every government building in every city in the country to show people who these Evil Bastards Incorporated Pirates really are!! They don't give a $#!+ what color we are!! We are all slaves to them and their Evil Bastards Incorporated Pirate One World Fake Government!!
With all the constant fear mongering, theatre and false flag, I'm often reminded of this Oath that the High Ranking Jesuits take and the Book I have published in 1844. Book of Free-Masonry's Rituals and Illustrations and concerning the murder of William Morgan for exposing their secrets. In the Book it has illustrations of all the Free-Masons, and men in uniforms bowing to other men in long robes with Mitre's on their heads. There is only one sort of man who wears a Mitre. And that is the Vicar's of Christ, aka the Pope's.
I grew up surrounded by members of the club's, my Mom was involved with them. She had a Country and Western Band and played in their Legions, Halls,Lodges and Clubs almost every weekend the entire time I was growing up. These secret oath keepers are everywhere in government, from the top ranking to the bottom. It is just as JFK said it is. It is a Monolithic, ruthless and International Conspiracy. I absolutely refuse to live in fear. I think they are desperate because consciousness is arising and the only thing they can do to stop it is to kill us all.
Evil triumphs when good men do nothing!! And good men do nothing when they are overwhelmed by the useless words of a mass of fools!
When New York ended as the capital of the Continental States in March 1789 The Deep State Masonic (Illuminati) took control and created the District of Columbia in 1800 (named after the Goddess Columbia - later symbolized by the statue of Liberty in the New York harbor). It's not a coincidence that DC became the fake Capitol 11 years after New York. It's also NOT a coincidence that the twin towers represented the number 11. New York remains the secret capital still where all the money/capital is controlled by Wall Street Investors that 71 years later Incorporated the United States of America in 1871. 71 is the number of the ancient Jewish supreme court called the Great Sanhedrin. Their occult symbolism is EVERYWHERE and it wasn't much of a MYSTERY when everyone knew about it!! It's only HIDDEN NOW because we've been overwhelmed by the useless words of a mass of fools listening to the words of Pirates in our FAKE GOVERNMENT and liars in our FAKE MEDIA!! And good men do nothing when they keep listening to Doom Mongering Pricks like Steve Quayle that posts endless links to articles like these that have no more message in them than to tell people to crawl on their bellies and pray/beg God's mercy because there's nothing more to do than wait for God to put His foot up our collective asses because we're all screwed!! Steve Quayle is no measure of a good man!!
We live in a time where people are too weak in the mouth to say what needs to be heard. We don't have representative governments. We have incorporated conglomerates. Why do you think every town and city are incorporated entities of a larger whole?! Corporations make products for us to consume. Incorporated Conglomerates (fake governments) make US to be the products to be consumed. Incorporated conglomerates aren't run by laws. They are controlled by policies and procedures!! POLICE are POLICY ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS of the Incorporated Conglomerates. Incorporated Conglomerates Products don't have a say in how they are consumed!! PRODUCTS don't get to choose who runs Incorporated Conglomerates. People need to call them what they are!! Evil Bastards Incorporated!! PIRACY stole the election in 2020!!PIRACY stole the elections all over the world and in every Evil Bastards Incorporated country!!! There needs to be a Pirate Flag painted on every government building in every city in the country to show people who these Evil Bastards Incorporated Pirates really are!! They don't give a $#!+ what color we are!! We are all slaves to them and their Evil Bastards Incorporated Pirate One World Fake Government!!
For 3 years I've been watching and hearing the border mayors of Texas pleas be ignored by Abbotts office. They begged for help with the invasion, the cartels, the human trafficking, and all of them were ignored by Abbotts office.
Why now, put up a fight after 12million have entered?
Your invading people are in place, and you have to make it look good, or perhaps you fear Trumpy bear will be back next year, and you dont want to look proactive when he is reelected.
Hundreds of different scenarios of why, but all i know is more posture than performance
The patriots (known as the white Christian terrorists)? Were at the US capital demonstrating against the stealing of Election on Jan 6. Trump asks them to go to the Capital Building, and he will meet them there?
Instead, FBI agents with MAGA red hats pushed them to enter the building? At that point there was selective videos showing the bad patriots, and ALL the mofo republican congress screaming INSURRECTION!!
VOILA! TRAPS HONEY POT, ENTRAPMENTS, MANY ELDERLY PATRIOTS WENT TO JAIL AS TRUMP AND THE FOCKING REPUBLICANS THREW THEM UNDER THE BUS. Like one asshole (W. Bush) said fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Gov. Abott is a POS.
And the Papacy is in control of the United Nations, the WEF, the WHO, ,all Intelligence Agencies and ultimately all governments. All roads still lead to Rome
DID YOU SAY “ELECTION” ??? You meant to say SELECTION because we know theres no longer a legitimate system and we have not picked our own president in a VERY LONG TIME
I’m reminded of the map called “Constitution-Free Zone of the United States”. The protections we have don’t apply in this zone. If I was a bad guy … who cheats to win … I would lure my opponents to this region. Knowing full well that no one has the right to bear arms, the bad guys will “shock & awe” the good guys.
The better place to hold the line would be 101 miles inland.
Thanx for the data Greg. IT now makes complete sense regarding Abotts new-found stance over the border issue. Of course this is what they will do, which is to criminalize patriotic americans
Reminder: In this 9/16/2023 video, - Dick Allgire's team of remote viewer landed on the word "ejecta" as part of a world changing event. They'll do anything.
The part about Greg Abbott is the key. Why now? He's had the power from the start. The invasion has been ongoing for over two years. If he did nothing I'd call it business-as-usual but to come out now and suddenly grow some balls makes me question the whole narrative.
I’m asking the same question. Abbott is WEF. Somethings off and it might a false flag. I live in Texas btw. This is an invasion.
Something is definitely not making sense.
They have false flags planted everywhere....I think they are desparate...they are working
against time and against having an election in November.
We need to seriously not jump at the curtain...we need to see the bricks behind it.
If Abbot is’ WEF you have your answer!
THIS is the real answer!
..and That is a Fact !
Almost exactly! Thanks.
Yep going just as planned this could have been stopped long ago and a whole lot of people who talk tough HAVE DONE NOTHING.
It's the ones who talk tough who still live in a fiction.
Copied from Patrick Wood's substack article "Will Texas Be The Trigger For The Great Reset?": 'Is Greg Abbott also a member of the WEF? Apparently so. He has his own page on the WEF website. He attended the Davos meeting in January 2016 and again in 2020.
A vlogger/journalist, Cassady Cambell, asked Abbott to denounce Klaus Schwab and the WEF in 2022; Abbott swore he was not a globalist, but neither would he denounce Schwab. Abbott’s press release about attending WEF in 2020:
The Office of the Governor Greg Abbott today announced that the Governor will lead an economic development mission to Israel and Switzerland. The delegation will depart January 14, 2020 and return on January 24, 2020. During the trip, the Governor will tour businesses, hold meetings with public officials and executives, and participate in the World Economic Forum in Davos.
Just how cozy is Abbott with these globalist vampire squids? You decide.'
You don't go to Davos unless you are a. part of their elite. Just like Nikki Haley.
AND all current governors in the US and most all federal selected officials .
Not everyone who goes there indulges in the trap. Not by a long shot. Lots of people are initially flattered by invitation.
The new Argentinian president too? Hmmm
Consequently, I am not American but clear-sighted, ***abbott*** must be classified TRAITOR, a scumbag who should be arrested, judged, convicted and meet Mr Guillotine!!!! I always ask myself how these heartless/soulless creatures can sleep.
The WEF already said it years ago, with its 8 famous predictions. One of them is that the US would no longer be the leading world power by 2030. Another is that in the West we have to make room for refugees.
Little by little they are fulfilling their agenda. People don't realize that they are exterminating the population with graphene with vaccines and dismantling the West.
The Texas guvner has been placating everyone showing a very small section of the border with razor wire to insinuate he's doing something. Meanwhile the illegals are being informed through their FREE DROIDS and updated on where and where not to go. Slick huh...
They get in no matter, if not a hike across the border they're being bussed and planed into Conus.
Abbott has been instrumental in this border fiasco since he stepped into office in 2014:
Abbott is/was in India getting a soul-searching Ganges River soak. Why would a governor be going to another country amid chaos when he's just a governor, not an ambassador?
And then when Donny-boy Trump got in 2016 he did more bait and switch with building enough wall to make it look like he's "ON IT" but he left HOLES IN THE WALL with CLOSE ACCESS to the main thoroughfares to act like a TURNSTILE.
Sorry Trumpers. Even Jon Snow realized he goofed and had to do-in his aunt for the betterment of society.
As Yon said our AR-15's are going to be useless because it's going to be a biological attack more vaccine depopulation and war with Russia misdirects.
@ 38:09
Don’t blame it on trump!! If he would have finished it how would you have seen the corruption? If someone would have told you in 2015 when they got the patent on Covid vaccines that we would go through all the crap we did.. would you have believed them? Biden, all he had to do was put up the small amount of wall left!!!! But he sold the very expensive metal for pennies on the dollar!! Sometimes you have to show the people!! Not just tell them!!! And there are still sheep out there!! So don’t blame Trump! There are a lot of people working behind the scenes!! Everything that has happened would have not been believed because people have to be brought to a point where they WAKE UP!!!!! And take back their country!! Trump is the best President we’ve ever had and he is facing all this crap!!! Don’t belittle him! Pray for him because if he doesn’t win we are screwed!!!!!!!!! And that’s a FACT!!!!!
Dont be fooled by this controlled opposition player , he is in on all of it , Operation warp speed , Gaza genocide , intended war with Iran, he did nothing for Jan 6 ers , did not even mention it for 2 years. His mother is Black Nobility family , those really owning and controlling the world , he is a pawn, cant even get out of phony court charges , supports 15 minute smart city prisons , told everyone to take death shots and boosters , 17 million dead already from that.
He also could have pardoned Julian Assange, a rare journalist who told the truth. Instead he pardoned a serial criminal.
Yes , who is the serial criminal you mean , there were a BUNCH of serial criminals in his administration as well
Where in the world do you get your facts from? 🤷 Disneyland?!?
No from 40 plus years of research and experience , and actuall admissions from people in these systems . Also from bloggers and truth tellers in 7 different languages all over the world , can you do that?
I feel your pain and things will look like that but sadly it's not as simple as simon says and "he didn't know."
Am not belittling him just reporting how things shook out. If he was a pilot and drove your plane into the side of the mountain, would you blame the mountain or would you blame the pilot?
It was his job to know.
As German leader Christine Anderson stated explicity do not make excuses for your leaders.
@ 1:37
This clip looks suspicious and to give the benefit of the doubt "out of context" but again the pilot needs to know where he's going. Can't put inexperience in charge and excuse the goof ups. Otherwise what good are you?
But moreover this is how these things work. Playing both sides, one Potus does something (to placate the public) and then the next Potus undoes what the previous one did just to play into the left-right paradigm menagerie.
It's the belt-way two step. One step forward, two steps back.
This way the people get stuck in a blame game. But in reality they're both working on the same side just making it look like they're not. Shocking but true.
Have you really listened to his presentations? He has made himself with so many false believers, that He is given to America by God. "And God gave us Trump," How many times was that said over the loud-speakers at the Iowa party speech? Don't be fooled. He is also a WEF participant. The US is owned by Israel, and only those that they allow to be in there enter into the DC pukebarn, or they are ousted if they somehow get in. Don't be fooled by Trump! He boasts greatly of himself, just as the Word says about He that will arise and deceive many.
God did give us Trump!! Listen to Kim Clements prophecy. Not only that but if it weren’t for Trump you wouldn’t even know about all this corruption and how deep it really is!! Yes God gave us Trump.
"...if it weren’t for Trump you wouldn’t even know about all this corruption"
Hardly Pam. The Conspiracy Community has been screaming about the EviI that runs this planet for decades. But the new people coming into the Alt News who've never heard it before think this is all just now suddenly being exposed. It isn't.
I know it’s been going on for decades!! Actually way before that!!! That’s nothing new!! It’s good verses evil now and all I’m saying is you better start praying people!! BIG TIME Trump has his reasons for many things!! He has The good military behind him!! Intelligence!
God’s Word is talking about the anti-christ not trump!! Israel are Gods convenient people. Look at history all nation that have gone against Israel have gone down!! Sure they are not perfect but God’s people will be there until the end!! Know your Bible.
"Israel" as it is now is not the Israel of old, not even the people at least not the people running Israel. Netanyahu and Trump were CHILDHOOD FRIENDS.
But in reality the people running Israel are Sabbatean Frankists, a death cult whose history included putting Hitler (a Jew) in power to kill the real Jew to be replaced with a Sabbatean Frankist cult Jew. It's so convoluted it's easy to get scripture mixed with reality. It's Zionists that run Israel not Jews.
You can see recent videos since this Gaza debacle where Israeli law enforcement are beating up Hasidic Jews.
It must be known that the real Jew is a prisoner to the present state of Israel that was created by the Rothschilds starting in 1947. Now Netanyahu is using the old Testament where a culture like the Palestinians are to be killed down to the last goat and sheep. But it's all about the gas and oil worth trillions under the ocean just off-shore Gaza.
Israel paid for HAMAS as Ron Paul said years ago.
Unless one knows both sides of the story it won't be clear.
It's all an Israel CIA scam playing both sides to blame the innocent. Biden gave Iran money right before Gaza got blown up last year.
You've done your homework.
Yes there are bad people in Israel! I know this! Just like the Jesuit that started putting dead people in McDonald’s meat!! And torturing our children and draining their blood for adrenochome!! You don’t think that sickens me!! I’ve literally have been down all of 2023 because I let it get to me!! What I’m saying is Trump has saved more children than anyone!! Sorry you can’t change my mind about him!! Just like I can’t and don’t want to change yours. But we’ve all been fed lies all our lives and this is so much bigger than you even realize!! So enough debate. I will continue to have faith in God and pray! He is in control! And if He returns for the rapture I’m out of here!!!
Yes I understand what you are saying. I believe that but I still pray for Israel!! Because after 70 AD when the temple was destroyed God sent them out into dispersion. But said he would bring them back. I know it is bad and it’s bad!! But it’s always been that the Jew thought since they were a called out people they were better! Hence what the Gentiles were called by them Dogs! And they were so arrogant they killed the Messiah. They are blinded to this day as most of them still do not believe in Christ. But they are still the covenant land and his covenant people. He knows who are the true ones and the Bible clearly states there will only be a remnant that he will have when tribulation comes! And God will protect the remnant. The Bible clearly states that they would come back eventually and they did in 1947. I do believe the cia is and has been involved in all these wars and bombings and false flags since the beginning! Why do you think Kennedy was murdered? He was going to dismantle the CIA!! I know that they are evil but we are to pray for Israel the covenant land! God knows who the bad ones are!! I pray for all the innocent!! Bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee!! God’s words! So please we know they are bad but we must remember that prophecy is in the Bible directed to Israel! God deeded that land to Abraham. They will only be gone when God decides and tribulation comes in. But Q always said that they were saving Israel for last. It will be cleaned up just as the US will! If the rapture doesn’t happen first. Love to you! I am going to look at what you posted here on these links. Thanks for sharing
Why do you think Q always says Saving Israel for last?
You mean that most fabricated , forged , mistranslated, deleted , hidden ultimate mind control program, openly admitted by countless churchianity leaders and popes and serious researchers who know what is hidden in the 20 miles of hallways in Secret Vatican archives KEPT from humanity for 2000 years .
I know the Vatican is satanic! We all know that! And we will eventually get the rest of books of the Bible that were hidden from us but you are not going to accept the truth I can see! But only you can make the decision to know the gospel of our salvation! If you want eternity with our Lord you will if not you will simply be seperated eternally! God knows which way you will go and your heart! Not me! It’s not my job! Love to you!
And all that might entail.
And also did you see trumps speech at WEF which he is NOT a member of? He said that we will not be a globalist nation!! He is a people’s President!! If you can’t see that I really feel for you. you have your rights and so do we! We can see what they are doing to him. And he’s taking it for us! You can be skeptical, it’s your right but at least do some research and find the truth!! Could you or would you go through what he is going through for us? I doubt it! Please please do more research!! Get right with the Lord and he will open the truth to you! But then again your choice! The Holy Spirit leads us into all TRUTH!! Christ is TRUTH!!
Alexander Acosta is the corrupt US State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!
And what happened to Acosta as a result???
In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th States Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!
By President Donald J. Trump.
Have you ever thought or dug in to find out that he may have already been taken care of? Just like Hillary and the guy that was first place in Covid. Jag got him. Can’t remember his name. A lot going on behind the scenes. Maybe that was for a reason far down the line. He’ll get it to!!!
yes! thank you! I studied all that 2008 and 2009 florida Palm Beach county nest of snakes myself, years ago. Trump is ONE of them. he's IN THAT CIRCLE of Epstien, Clintons, Acosta, Les Wexner, Dershowitz !.....
Damnit it won’t let me like ?
Exactly . This is a classic Machiavelli tactic of good cop bad cop. The good cop says after he pulls you over," just tell us where the joint is and you'll get off with probation". Then enters the bad cop... Who responds " if you don't tell us where the joint is... You're gonna do hard time in prison".
The PSYOP started December 27th When Flynn came to visit Jones .
Why you ask ? Same reason Congress is not impeaching the Federal judges going after Trump : It's election season. They want everyone talking about this , it is beneficial for both Red & Blue . Am not gona watch 2 months worth of streams of people asking each other : Are the FEDS coming for us today ?
To this day MSM describe LaVoy Finicum death has a shoot out. Despite LaVoy walking hands up towards the FEDS. People streaming and egging on this cluster fuck will , like Santilli did when it went down , shit their pants and run .
Am not Wasting time on things that do nothing for me in my life. This is nothing but an energetic sink hole. Get Strong , retake your county , make sure election laws are on the up and up. This §ummer will be much , much worst.
Ask yourself this : Will the Police State diminish , increase or stay the same under Trump ? If you ask me The uniParty National Sec / intel agency has already won.
Yes pretty obvious they saved the border actions for election year (it’s January 2024), but both sides will try to exploit political advantage from it- even through nefarious means like manufacturing another appearance of an insurrection
AND Abbot didn't wanted to bite the hand that Feed , that FED money is sweet sweet sweet. He's a spineless SOB That said there's SO MANY people involve in the Justice challenge , there is truly good people in Texas. Lots of them.
He did far more than nothing. He actually shipped millions into the interior of the country.
It’s just so damn obvious... and the fact that he has an “R” next to his title gives him an automatic pass from so many — infuriating!
I remember ALL THE MOTHER EFFER REPUBLICANS calling the Jan 6 protesters criminals
balls are tender, weak, and sensitive
All roads lead to Rome, and all roads are called Disease X, being paved with wars so that we can live in the smart grid of Space X, monitored by the NSA who runs X on the C-band NATO spectrum:
Digital ID has already arrived in Australia and the banks are going fully digital by the end of the year - they are going cashless and closing down the branches. The two major groceries now have face scanners, auto-checkouts and auto-gates.
There will be no opt-out of this. There is an auto-box that pops up on your account and if you do not click it you immediately lose access to your bank account. The digital ID is tied to your health records - I opted out of digital health records years ago but vaccination records are exempt because 'emergencies.'
It will get interesting when they cut off the food.
I guess it'll be us and the bugs, both bonding together...
This is why the EMF radiation must be stopped. Many reports from around the world of bee colony collapse, over 98% of all insects in Puerto Rican rainforest gone, pathogenic bacteria and mycotoxins increased by 600x by Wi-Fi.
EMF is the only pollutant we can stop instantly, simply by turning the Wi-Fi off and ditching our phones. The more of us that go hardwired, the more food we'll have to eat. That's my humble tinfoiled opinion.
Roman, I’m nodding to you wearing my shiny tinfoiled hat.
Shiny even? Wow. Mine is mucked up with the crap of trolls, and honey, I love honey.
Hey, our tinfoil never gave us myocarditis!
Playing Devil's advocate to your position for the normies - we got along just fine (and better) without all this stuff they are pushing. We absolutely do not need it, and if the government is pushing it, we do not want it!
I hear you! Thanks so much. Yes let's make copper wire great again!
Maybe this was part of the divide and conquer narrative all along. Get enough new voters for team blue plus enough bad apples to cause more rape and destruction so that when the banks and economy collapses there is utter chaos. Order out of chaos. The WHO and WEF come in and save the day. Brilliant piece of work, really. And then there is the disease X propaganda. These psychopaths have nothing better to do then plan world domination.
The idea that you even think you've said something is even worse. People have been crawling under whatever fence we've have for more than 30 years and whatever "government" we've have did little to actually change that until Trump! Now that it looks bad enough to destroy our country... Either we stop the Evil Bastards Incorporated Pirates in government once and for all or we don't have a country anymore! Evil triumphs when good men do nothing!! And good men do nothing when they are overwhelmed by the useless words of a mass of fools!
and the situation has escalated way too quickly for it to be random . And Abbott is mia in India of all times?
Gates are wide open and unguarded just 1/2 mile from"Razor Wire Conflict Central"... They want to fire up a civil war... Divide and Conquer... Same as usual.
I question the actions of Abbott too since the beginning. First, he does something good, then you blink, and he does something that makes you scratch your head! The jury is definitely still out on him, in my eyes, along with many that have a big voice. We know by history that everything is not as it seems and everyone is jockeying for position! I don't believe any politician is out to make our lives better. They're out to make their's better.
Why this ? Why not that ? Why not before ? Why not something different at an earlier time ? Yeah, i just dont trust any of them, particularly when it's all over the media everywhere. They hoarde those tv seconds and only dedicate them to promoting their insane agenda. Lucy, you got som splaining to do !
It's good to question everything done by every politician.
The idea that you even think you've said something is even worse. People have been crawling under whatever fence we've have for more than 30 years and whatever "government" we've have did little to actually change that until Trump! Now that it looks bad enough to destroy our country... Either we stop the Evil Bastards Incorporated Pirates in government once and for all or we don't have a country anymore! Evil triumphs when good men do nothing!! And good men do nothing when they are overwhelmed by the useless words of a mass of fools!
Meanwhile, in Australia...
(No one is buying this btw, not even the normies, and the people who call me a 'conspiracy theorist' are now asking me what is going on).
Not only that, there are several other issues, the military in UK US and Aus are down on regular recruitment, and the numbers injured by the deathvax is high and there was a policy of delay charging those who refused the vax. The second is the sexual diversity imposed with cross dressing and transgenders having medically cal costs paid for by taxpayers. In Aus they only sent SAS troops to Afghanistan, some doing 11 rotations, only to come home to be accused of war crimes and trial by media. The social division caused by minority groups being given so much power, and over here minority groups trying to destroy our national day, breaks down national pride. Young people don’t see a reason to enlist to fight for a country they can no longer take pride for n. Europe is preparing for war. Poland is sending out call up papers, and Germany is instructing citizens to build their own bomb shelters because they’re out of time as a government. I’ve also seen reports that Syria drone is a false flag, as one drone could not do the amount of damage reported. Very timely as some members of congress were agitating to withdraw those troops.
All politicians have bunkers and access to private jets.
So do the elite, people like Oprah Winfrey,Zuckerberg, Gates
The elites had em for years.We Need to Stop supporting Amazon, Walmart, Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Obama, Winfrey, NBA, MLB, NFL actors and all Globalist
I started becoming aware of this trend around 2015. Also recently Tedros decided to invoke the WHO in mental health issues caused by loneliness and isolation and asking financial support to support organised sports. Red flag. In Australia all major sports have gay pride rounds, take the knee etc, one sports club forced their CEO out because he attended a church. Sport is a vehicle for woke.
You are the Real(Woke) You saw the crumbling of our nation way back in 2015, I wish I was aware of the Bush's/Obama and all the gangster politicians. Yes sports is a major distraction and a vessel for the ignorant(unaware, scared, non confrontational, etc) When pelosi met with the fake ass Pope I knew we were done.
Amongst the Hawaiian islands
Its always global now, isn't it? In terms of Western Democracies.
What does NOT make sense right now is that they all deliberately vaxxed their military....
Are these infiltrators gonna take their place?
Or are they going to conscript the locals for war, and put the infiltrators in as police?
What am I NOT seeing?
The globalists will exchange citizenship for 8 years of military service. They can then train them to be an alt wing of the military to do their bidding. Kill patriotic Americans.
This is why I read all the comments and keep an open mind and enjoy seeing/reading other’s perspective and info.
Please spread your message, this could be reality. 🙏🏼👍🏼
It will be. Thats why the majority are young military aged men with no families.
Old Dick Durban actually said it. They need military, medical personnel and let’s not forget the farm workers so he can keep his hands clean. Wonder why all the illegal migrants weren’t mandated by Biden to get the vaccines? There’s your answer. Nothing to see here except this is purposefully planned and Biden ain’t calling the shots!
I do not think 'countries' exist anymore. Just weird Blackrock entities and continuous Emergencies.
Hi Duchess x
This is a good point. The supranational powers have infiltrated nearly every country, it seems
Thank you for your kind comment. Also the military organisations such as Five Eyes on one side, the pseudo-financial/military organisations like BRICS on the other, and the very strange 'NGOs' that are anything but 'non-governmental.'
Just like you said, refill military after injected sick, die, bring in the illegals. Imo that is one of their plans, but people world wide are saying a big NO. , it is so obvious, they get more and more exposed every day.
The only place not talking about it is Canada. The Brits still think they can empty the colonies to fight their own fucking cluster fuck Wars. King Charles is due for a rude awakening.
ANYONE WHO doubt his "WaRFOOTING"COP speech was innocuous . . . Your kids & you is the Carbon they seek to reduce.
I'm in Kanukastan as well with the Crime Minister Blackface, I have friends in the DND and the DND can't even handle conscripts unless they are rainbow haired and rainbow brained. In Kanukastan they want all them new Illegal I mean unregular new Kanukastans in places of power and in RCMP to go after the stock Kanukastan people. Because these new people have no problem shooting the old ones. As for King horse face I mean Charles the homely emperor of bucktoothed land my ancestors fought and took out lots of the despots in charge in bucktoothed land. We will do it again
Gona have to clean up that Monarchic Constitution business , Québec will get onboard . That whole HydroElectric distorted the reality of the green "feel good agenda" 4 Québec . People woke up during Covid : no gas , no truck , no food. It's that simple.
Remember the UN unmarked troops that broke the freedom convoy ?
All those Kanukistaneese mayors all took Soros money , The resilient City initiative is a pipeline for foreign police troops. Can we say modern Hessian soldiers ?
Yes I do very well. They wee infiltrated and remember what Slug Ford did he passed a law saying no one can protest by blocking anything that constitutes commerce in Ontario or there equipment will be what is the name for lawfare theft anyways I degrees. Along with the Strong City Initiative they passed the strong mayors initiative to over rule any council to bring in the 15 minute cities.
protesting without leverage . . . Fun times !
YA "Strong cities" , bless you Haldon , that's how it's call.
NZ is in the Five Eyes as well. Not sure what is happening there.
yeah , it's a smaller population . Canada fed gov has been trying to implement more WEF good deeds in a hurry before losing power. If they mention "Draft" people might revolt. State media has been trying to associate IRAN with any and all evil doer. Last article i seen was trying to link the Hell Angels (motorcycle club) of all people to Iranian drug dealers. . .
They are desperate.
The good that can come out of desperation is that the machine will show their hand too soon. Thus the need to squash anyone who speaks truth to power.
Yes , summer will be all kinds of hot . Never be afraid to speak the Truth !
I agree with your point but most Kanukastan people will do nothing they still won't fight back
The Libs always are desperate as there ideas are garbage at best along with the NDP new communist party.
They are trying to clearout NZ for the elites. That is why they went after there populations bangbang sticks so they can't fight the elites and take there stuff.
I relucantly have to agree....and some days I remember this.. Because it is reality.
But it is hard not to think in terms of countries.
What are they gonna rename these former nations? Can't use nations....
Districts...are we District 13? Like in the Hunger Games?
Are we Panem now? All of us?
If I’m reading things correctly , if the endgame is to have one world government, the WEF and the Un agendas sustainable goals they need to destroy national identity. All the woke crap appears to have been working, I’m just hoping and praying that people will wake up in time. With Miloti in Argentina, and Sweden’s new government ceasing all funding for UN agendas, push back by farmers in n Holland, Germany and now France the tide may be turning let’s pray it’s not too late.
Not yet. We have to prepare for the worst and pray God strikes these evil bastards down. I think we are in the end times and those who are behind this is controlled by demons. Why else is are they wanting to destroy humanity? It’s a big Fu@@ you to God and it has been prophesied. People don’t realize how bad for non believers it’s going to get.
But don’t you think it is a bit vain that we would be here for the end of the world! Especially if Jesus says we will not know, I could never reconcile that part. At some point it would have to be obvious.
You heard Natenyahu calling the Palestinians Amelak, and using religion war to justify GENOCIDE? The USA & NATO disregarded the international laws, and even after total destruction and starvation of the trapped population, WE STILL REFUSE TO CALL FOR CEASEFIRE!
You are sooo right!!! The problem with the WEF is they are trying to be God!! Just like satan trying to usurp the throne of God!!! It’s not going to happen!!! God is God!! And that’s that!! Just like satan they will be cast out!! Have faith!! And keep praying!! The Lord heres the prayers of the saints!!!
From your lips to God's ear.
My normies are consulting me also. Seems to me like they're playing both sides of the fence .
A person shows where they stand by the fruit they bare. And I see little change.
My normies are retarded. They never heard of WEF, EUGENICS, GEORGIA GUIDE STONES,..
Genuinely laughed out loud at your comment. Thank you.
Very true.
They will get the life lesson when the government they love so much drags them off to the trenches.
That is such such a pathetic piece of journalist. The war in Ukraine was lost before it was waged. How could they even find those men to be part of that script after witnessing what has been done to their country and people by their own captured “leadership?” As if they have no choice but to fight until their death? They must have been paid handsomely to be part of that propaganda piece. What is a suicide drone? Hope it is not like a boomerang?
ALL politicians have been compromised, they are told what to say/do we r all being set up/conditioned. The enemy is within, pay attention to all the distractions because they are making there moves more aggressively than ever. All we can do is stick together and let the uninformed know what is happening(if they don't listen, move on). GOD is a big part of exposing all corruption, Unite Now.
Evil triumphs when good men do nothing!! And good men do nothing when they are overwhelmed by the useless words of a mass of fools!
When New York ended as the capital of the Continental States in March 1789 The Deep State Masonic (Illuminati) took control and created the District of Columbia in 1800 (named after the Goddess Columbia - later symbolized by the statue of Liberty in the New York harbor). It's not a coincidence that DC became the fake Capitol 11 years after New York. It's also NOT a coincidence that the twin towers represented the number 11. New York remains the secret capital still where all the money/capital is controlled by Wall Street Investors that 71 years later Incorporated the United States of America in 1871. 71 is the number of the ancient Jewish supreme court called the Great Sanhedrin. Their occult symbolism is EVERYWHERE and it wasn't much of a MYSTERY when everyone knew about it!! It's only HIDDEN NOW because we've been overwhelmed by the useless words of a mass of fools listening to the words of Pirates in our FAKE GOVERNMENT and liars in our FAKE MEDIA!! And good men do nothing when they keep listening to Doom Mongering Pricks like Steve Quayle that posts endless links to articles like these that have no more message in them than to tell people to crawl on their bellies and pray/beg God's mercy because there's nothing more to do than wait for God to put His foot up our collective asses because we're all screwed!! Steve Quayle is no measure of a good man!!
We live in a time where people are too weak in the mouth to say what needs to be heard. We don't have representative governments. We have incorporated conglomerates. Why do you think every town and city are incorporated entities of a larger whole?! Corporations make products for us to consume. Incorporated Conglomerates (fake governments) make US to be the products to be consumed. Incorporated conglomerates aren't run by laws. They are controlled by policies and procedures!! POLICE are POLICY ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS of the Incorporated Conglomerates. Incorporated Conglomerates Products don't have a say in how they are consumed!! PRODUCTS don't get to choose who runs Incorporated Conglomerates. People need to call them what they are!! Evil Bastards Incorporated!! PIRACY stole the election in 2020!!PIRACY stole the elections all over the world and in every Evil Bastards Incorporated country!!! There needs to be a Pirate Flag painted on every government building in every city in the country to show people who these Evil Bastards Incorporated Pirates really are!! They don't give a $#!+ what color we are!! We are all slaves to them and their Evil Bastards Incorporated Pirate One World Fake Government!!
More need to Listen and prepare🙏🏼👍🏼 Thank You
Yes, the US government is a pagan theocracy that demands tithing from all.
With all the constant fear mongering, theatre and false flag, I'm often reminded of this Oath that the High Ranking Jesuits take and the Book I have published in 1844. Book of Free-Masonry's Rituals and Illustrations and concerning the murder of William Morgan for exposing their secrets. In the Book it has illustrations of all the Free-Masons, and men in uniforms bowing to other men in long robes with Mitre's on their heads. There is only one sort of man who wears a Mitre. And that is the Vicar's of Christ, aka the Pope's.
I grew up surrounded by members of the club's, my Mom was involved with them. She had a Country and Western Band and played in their Legions, Halls,Lodges and Clubs almost every weekend the entire time I was growing up. These secret oath keepers are everywhere in government, from the top ranking to the bottom. It is just as JFK said it is. It is a Monolithic, ruthless and International Conspiracy. I absolutely refuse to live in fear. I think they are desperate because consciousness is arising and the only thing they can do to stop it is to kill us all.
They have plans to kill a vast swath of the population. The rest go to 15 minute cities and forced into servitude to the global predators.
JFK was a Knight's of Columbus.
Evil triumphs when good men do nothing!! And good men do nothing when they are overwhelmed by the useless words of a mass of fools!
When New York ended as the capital of the Continental States in March 1789 The Deep State Masonic (Illuminati) took control and created the District of Columbia in 1800 (named after the Goddess Columbia - later symbolized by the statue of Liberty in the New York harbor). It's not a coincidence that DC became the fake Capitol 11 years after New York. It's also NOT a coincidence that the twin towers represented the number 11. New York remains the secret capital still where all the money/capital is controlled by Wall Street Investors that 71 years later Incorporated the United States of America in 1871. 71 is the number of the ancient Jewish supreme court called the Great Sanhedrin. Their occult symbolism is EVERYWHERE and it wasn't much of a MYSTERY when everyone knew about it!! It's only HIDDEN NOW because we've been overwhelmed by the useless words of a mass of fools listening to the words of Pirates in our FAKE GOVERNMENT and liars in our FAKE MEDIA!! And good men do nothing when they keep listening to Doom Mongering Pricks like Steve Quayle that posts endless links to articles like these that have no more message in them than to tell people to crawl on their bellies and pray/beg God's mercy because there's nothing more to do than wait for God to put His foot up our collective asses because we're all screwed!! Steve Quayle is no measure of a good man!!
We live in a time where people are too weak in the mouth to say what needs to be heard. We don't have representative governments. We have incorporated conglomerates. Why do you think every town and city are incorporated entities of a larger whole?! Corporations make products for us to consume. Incorporated Conglomerates (fake governments) make US to be the products to be consumed. Incorporated conglomerates aren't run by laws. They are controlled by policies and procedures!! POLICE are POLICY ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS of the Incorporated Conglomerates. Incorporated Conglomerates Products don't have a say in how they are consumed!! PRODUCTS don't get to choose who runs Incorporated Conglomerates. People need to call them what they are!! Evil Bastards Incorporated!! PIRACY stole the election in 2020!!PIRACY stole the elections all over the world and in every Evil Bastards Incorporated country!!! There needs to be a Pirate Flag painted on every government building in every city in the country to show people who these Evil Bastards Incorporated Pirates really are!! They don't give a $#!+ what color we are!! We are all slaves to them and their Evil Bastards Incorporated Pirate One World Fake Government!!
For 3 years I've been watching and hearing the border mayors of Texas pleas be ignored by Abbotts office. They begged for help with the invasion, the cartels, the human trafficking, and all of them were ignored by Abbotts office.
Why now, put up a fight after 12million have entered?
Your invading people are in place, and you have to make it look good, or perhaps you fear Trumpy bear will be back next year, and you dont want to look proactive when he is reelected.
Hundreds of different scenarios of why, but all i know is more posture than performance
perhaps he’s a WEF plant, or extorted, or threatened by the globalist/billionaire class... too easy — infuriating!
David Glassman... Perhaps????
The patriots (known as the white Christian terrorists)? Were at the US capital demonstrating against the stealing of Election on Jan 6. Trump asks them to go to the Capital Building, and he will meet them there?
Instead, FBI agents with MAGA red hats pushed them to enter the building? At that point there was selective videos showing the bad patriots, and ALL the mofo republican congress screaming INSURRECTION!!
VOILA! TRAPS HONEY POT, ENTRAPMENTS, MANY ELDERLY PATRIOTS WENT TO JAIL AS TRUMP AND THE FOCKING REPUBLICANS THREW THEM UNDER THE BUS. Like one asshole (W. Bush) said fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Gov. Abott is a POS.
and when Piglosi refused trump national guard protection, why did he NOT call it off?
United Nations is the enemy
And the Papacy is in control of the United Nations, the WEF, the WHO, ,all Intelligence Agencies and ultimately all governments. All roads still lead to Rome
Yes we all forget about the Pope and all the pedophiles/Satanist in the Vatican. And I grew up believing in the Catholic church
YES , This need to be front and CENTER
DID YOU SAY “ELECTION” ??? You meant to say SELECTION because we know theres no longer a legitimate system and we have not picked our own president in a VERY LONG TIME
A “Very Long Time”
President: In Office: Died:
1. George Washington 1789-1797 Dec 14, 1799
2. John Adams 1797-1801 Jul 4, 1826
3. Thomas Jefferson 1801-1801 Jul 4, 1826
Coincidence that #2 and #3 died on the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence?
The Roman Catholic Vatican Jesuit Order Exposed – Conspiracy Documentary
I pray and pray… God will intervene to make things right. Meanwhile we each must choose either righteousness or evil.
Planet Auschwitz... Gentile Genocide... this is what they want.
You can trace them back to the WEf Elon Musk Bill Gates.
You can trace them back to the Tower of Babel... Genisis 11:7
You can trace them back to Draco... Anunaki... this is who they are.
Demons of Humanity acting like Gods.
Who has interests of turning one world into a One World Concentration Camp?
Planet Auschwitz?
For sure they can't be Human.
And the bad rotten Actors are all Jews.
And Jews believe they come from Atlantis which used to be a planet now the Asteroid belt.
They are destroyers of worlds.
And they do to this world what they did to others before.
Destroy it from the inside.
Planet Auschwitz... not a Human Invention.
The longer i live, the more I see, said the man with no eyes
I would not be shocked if “UN Troops at the border” are scripted into this horror movie by week’s end.
Please pray for all the good guys down there whose lives will be much altered when this is finished.
That invasion is sponsor by the UN , i can't believe there is no one raising the issue except a very few.
I’m reminded of the map called “Constitution-Free Zone of the United States”. The protections we have don’t apply in this zone. If I was a bad guy … who cheats to win … I would lure my opponents to this region. Knowing full well that no one has the right to bear arms, the bad guys will “shock & awe” the good guys.
The better place to hold the line would be 101 miles inland.
Thank you, Greg Reese, Chris Emory, Michael Yon for the
“Take Heed That No Man Deceive You” – Matthew 24:4
Thanx for the data Greg. IT now makes complete sense regarding Abotts new-found stance over the border issue. Of course this is what they will do, which is to criminalize patriotic americans
They have been Trained to Hate the United States
It’s just so damn obvious... and the fact that Abbitt has an “R” next to his title gives him some sort of automatic pass from so many — infuriating!
R =Rino😡
Reminder: In this 9/16/2023 video, - Dick Allgire's team of remote viewer landed on the word "ejecta" as part of a world changing event. They'll do anything.