The part about Greg Abbott is the key. Why now? He's had the power from the start. The invasion has been ongoing for over two years. If he did nothing I'd call it business-as-usual but to come out now and suddenly grow some balls makes me question the whole narrative.

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Meanwhile, in Australia...


(No one is buying this btw, not even the normies, and the people who call me a 'conspiracy theorist' are now asking me what is going on).

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ALL politicians have been compromised, they are told what to say/do we r all being set up/conditioned. The enemy is within, pay attention to all the distractions because they are making there moves more aggressively than ever. All we can do is stick together and let the uninformed know what is happening(if they don't listen, move on). GOD is a big part of exposing all corruption, Unite Now.

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With all the constant fear mongering, theatre and false flag, I'm often reminded of this Oath that the High Ranking Jesuits take and the Book I have published in 1844. Book of Free-Masonry's Rituals and Illustrations and concerning the murder of William Morgan for exposing their secrets. In the Book it has illustrations of all the Free-Masons, and men in uniforms bowing to other men in long robes with Mitre's on their heads. There is only one sort of man who wears a Mitre. And that is the Vicar's of Christ, aka the Pope's.

I grew up surrounded by members of the club's, my Mom was involved with them. She had a Country and Western Band and played in their Legions, Halls,Lodges and Clubs almost every weekend the entire time I was growing up. These secret oath keepers are everywhere in government, from the top ranking to the bottom. It is just as JFK said it is. It is a Monolithic, ruthless and International Conspiracy. I absolutely refuse to live in fear. I think they are desperate because consciousness is arising and the only thing they can do to stop it is to kill us all.


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For 3 years I've been watching and hearing the border mayors of Texas pleas be ignored by Abbotts office. They begged for help with the invasion, the cartels, the human trafficking, and all of them were ignored by Abbotts office.

Why now, put up a fight after 12million have entered?

Your invading people are in place, and you have to make it look good, or perhaps you fear Trumpy bear will be back next year, and you dont want to look proactive when he is reelected.

Hundreds of different scenarios of why, but all i know is more posture than performance

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The patriots (known as the white Christian terrorists)? Were at the US capital demonstrating against the stealing of Election on Jan 6. Trump asks them to go to the Capital Building, and he will meet them there?

Instead, FBI agents with MAGA red hats pushed them to enter the building? At that point there was selective videos showing the bad patriots, and ALL the mofo republican congress screaming INSURRECTION!!

VOILA! TRAPS HONEY POT, ENTRAPMENTS, MANY ELDERLY PATRIOTS WENT TO JAIL AS TRUMP AND THE FOCKING REPUBLICANS THREW THEM UNDER THE BUS. Like one asshole (W. Bush) said fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Gov. Abott is a POS.

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United Nations is the enemy

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DID YOU SAY “ELECTION” ??? You meant to say SELECTION because we know theres no longer a legitimate system and we have not picked our own president in a VERY LONG TIME

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I pray and pray… God will intervene to make things right. Meanwhile we each must choose either righteousness or evil.

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Planet Auschwitz... Gentile Genocide... this is what they want.

You can trace them back to the WEf Elon Musk Bill Gates.

You can trace them back to the Tower of Babel... Genisis 11:7

You can trace them back to Draco... Anunaki... this is who they are.

Demons of Humanity acting like Gods.

Who has interests of turning one world into a One World Concentration Camp?

Planet Auschwitz?

For sure they can't be Human.

And the bad rotten Actors are all Jews.

And Jews believe they come from Atlantis which used to be a planet now the Asteroid belt.

They are destroyers of worlds.

And they do to this world what they did to others before.

Destroy it from the inside.

Planet Auschwitz... not a Human Invention.


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I would not be shocked if “UN Troops at the border” are scripted into this horror movie by week’s end.

Please pray for all the good guys down there whose lives will be much altered when this is finished.

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Thank you, Greg Reese, Chris Emory, Michael Yon for the


“Take Heed That No Man Deceive You” – Matthew 24:4

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Thanx for the data Greg. IT now makes complete sense regarding Abotts new-found stance over the border issue. Of course this is what they will do, which is to criminalize patriotic americans

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They have been Trained to Hate the United States

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It’s just so damn obvious... and the fact that Abbitt has an “R” next to his title gives him some sort of automatic pass from so many — infuriating!

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Reminder: In this 9/16/2023 video, https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZQHzh8TTLQcn/ - Dick Allgire's team of remote viewer landed on the word "ejecta" as part of a world changing event. They'll do anything.

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