I live on the east coast, in one of these shitty blue states (not that this matters), and we wake up from time to time with clear blue skies (which were created by jet spraying), in the morning. Then the planes come.
Hundreds and hundreds of flights.
Then, usually within about 6 hours, the skies are silver covered, blue skies gone, and we're ingesting this shit. I wouldn't put it past the mother fuckers to have done this when Covid hit back in 2019, as how else could the entire world (120 countries) all have covid cases within a 3 day period? Oh, I know. They dumped it on us.
Oh conspiracies all around, and I'm just a right winger nutjob pointing them out.
So, so crazy. And they do it with our tax money, with our sweat and slave work. It's worldwide. Same here in Europe, same in Africa, Australia, even Russia… litteraly everywhere.
The filaments in this Reese Report remind me the morgellon's that came up when the spraying began, in the mid 90ies in USA und in the 2000s in Europe. Morgellon filaments are also blue and red glowing stuff.
The wiggling filaments discussed in the Feb 20th Greg Reese video were reported in by Cliff Carnicom in 1999 as a fallout of geoengineering ops (aka Chemtrails). Here is the story to correct the record - https://carnicominstitute.org/a-filaments-perspective-25-years/
IRS collects taxes to pay the interest on the national debt.. When congress passes a bill to spend money, the Federal Reserves simply creates the money leaving tax payers to pay the interest on the debt. Today, public IRS taxes fall short of paying the debt, so the FED simply creates more new money to make up the difference.
2019 Flu jabs were especially toxic. The early 2020 deaths of elders/care home residents etc was by direct poisoning with Midazolam and Resviridol (apologies if incorrect spelling). For the UK there was a .9 correlation BTW use of these drugs and the "excess" deaths.
Remdesivir - but yes. I believe Michael O'Bernicia tried to bring a court case against the government - for what he called 'the Midazolam Murders'. Clearly they are untouchable within their own system, but he tried.
There was also a lady in Hereford who realised they were trying to murder her, but her husband was able to get her out of the hospital before they succeeded.
You say, "Clearly they are untouchable within their own system.” Do you understand why they can get away with this? Tucker Carlson’s guest on his February 16 show, entitled, "Uncensored: The National Security State & the Inversion of Democracy,” answers your question perfectly. We can stop asking the sort of question you raise, only when we get our heads around what Tucker’s guest reveals. Our democracy has been turned upside down!
Yes Bengie. I think this interview with Mike Benz was even more powerful than Tucker's Putin interview, primarily because it exposed MASSIVE TREASON that was weaponized against us. And these are FACTS, not "conspiracy theories" that prove these crimes were conducted by the State Dept. using US Military AI systems to censor the truth about the 1. COVID fraud and JAB dangers, and 2. The massive election theft. This was murder and Treason at the highest level!
Bengie: Yes you are correct - especially what was revealed by Tucker Carlson's interview, that the DOD/CIA funded (residence evil) at the ASPEN INSTITUTE in western Colorado. The Synagogue of Satan. https://foundationforfreedomonline.com/
Additionally, in the recent joint presentation by Tucker Carlson and Glenn Beck, the nefarious ASPEN INSTITUTE was illuminated.
Same shit in OHIO every day! I pray they fall out of the sky every friggin day! The airports are all local...Wheres the fkn law? NO one doing S about this! The UV lights are so they can make sure they see it from the sky at night so they can cover the areas they need to and leave no surface untouched.
We need to go sabotage the planes. No one wants to get physical, but a coordinated effort to do this would send a strong message. It is literally self defence anyway because they are trying to poison you (& destroy farming).
You have to be licensed to fly and a flight log is mandatory. The payload tanks would be on board. This is a coordinated effort. The chemicals being delivered to airports would be on file because that too is regulated. Receipts, Invoices, signatures, emails, plans, rosters, payoffs. Evidence of this poisoning would be easy to track. What is hidden will come to light and I hope and pray everyone involved will face the punishment they deserve. Whether this life or the hereafter! Whistleblowers have surely come forward over this. Its just a matter of time.
The documentary, The Dimming, by Dane also explains where the poisons are coming from
Our own military.
A former USAF personel came forwards and explained that she discovered records of millions of pounds of chemicals purchased, thrn disappeared, and when she went to her commander, he,threatened her with imprisonment for psychological stress related issues.
They are literally mass murderers for hire. WE SHOULD DEMAND THEIR NAMES! The Government pilots in crop dusters, are being protected by the GOVERNORS, AG, DAs,Police,FBI,EPA,CDC,CONGRESS,SENATORS,FAA,FDA,CIA,NASA and the Pentagon. The "health" industry and Big Pharma, Obamacare deathcare initiative and the Clinton, Gates, Obama, Bush, Soros murderous FOUNDATIONS that pad their pockets and deliver the payoffs. Thier owned airports are local and its time for people to demand shutting this down!
Donald "I am the Father of the vaxxines!" Trump, the llluminati prince, who initiated the NW0 Agenda '21, the systematic depopulation of the Earth, in, oh wow....2021!
Yes Claire! Let’s get physical….”At this point in history the capacity to doubt, to criticize and to disobey may be all that stands between a future for mankind and the end of Civilization.”
HOW NONVIOLENCE PROTECTS THE STATE, by Peter Gelderloos, copyright 2007.
“This book makes a strong argument the diversity of tactics, while illuminating how the ideology of pacifists leads us NOT to economic, political, social justice, but rather, the peace one finds in CEMETERIES.” —Ann Hansen, author of: Direct Action: Memoirs of an Urban Guerilla.
I live in the midwest. I see the same exact thing here. I called my governors office to complain about all the chemicals in my skies because these planes are literally flying and spraying constantly here. The Governors Aide told me that the air is Federal Jurisdiction and there is not way they can "police" the skies. At the end of our conversation, she called me by name, so they must also know exactly who calls and complains and when!
We are in a drought and during the month of February, we have had 50+ degree weather. February is usually the coldest month of the year here but not this month! Its T shirt weather out there which is fine, but people who like food and need to grow crops would really like water to feed our plants, trees and animals. I have horses and now they are coughing due to these chemicals.
I hate these people. God isnt listening when I pray to Him to make it stop so how do we figure out how to make these assholes stop poisoning us? You know its our tax dollars paying for this and we the people are left helpless and mute.
I feel for your horses, as I too have similar issues when / after they spray. I use a nasal sat rinse to relieve me of the discomfort, and my body has had enough of these airborne poisons to flare up my neck glands, each and every round that surrounds me. Not sure what you can do about your horses, sorry to say.
If you go onto Dane's website, he explains what you can do to at least get the word out. The important part that we have to remember is that by getting the word out to as many people as possible, the more people who become aware, we can all work to the goal of pushing pressure upon those in our govt to halt this purposeful poisoning of our air, land and water. The only way this will stop is by getting our military brothers to become aware, and say "No More", as they're the ones flying the military tankers in our skies. They're the ones who are filling the planes with chemicals, doing routine maintenance on the aircraft, overseeing the process of coordinating deliveries and such. The top brass keep them compartmentalized, and move them around frequently, but they still must become aware of what is going on, and what they're actually a part of. It's indeed possible these people have been brainwashed into thinking they're doing "good" as well, just taking orders. I've had conversations with family members who have military relatives, and although the military relatives know what is going on, the sworn to "know nothing" is pervasive.
I hand out fliers, business cards, pamphlets to explain to the unknowing what is going on. This can be a daunting task, as even those with common sense, immediately throw up the wall of denial, and say "Our govt. would never do this to us!", and yet they see before their eyes, it's being done.
I have a good friend, mid 70's who has a full blown libtard friend, also in her mid 70's who not only voted for Biteme Biden, but is "on board" with all the immigrant invasion, thinking again, that these are all women and children seeking a better life. She's in denial, never realizing that it's fighting age men who are being stationed all over the country, being set up to attack american citizens on their own turf. Some things take longer than others to open people's minds to.
So, my friend has been sending Kate these arial photos, articles, and basically shoving the truth down Kates mouth for months now. After constant pressures, Kate finally opened her eyes, and now understands that the lines in the skies are not contrails, nor were they ever since the High Bypass Turbofan Jet engines were developed. She is now eyes open to the onslaught above her, and has become a proponent of getting the word out there. This is nothing short of a miracle, as Kate is a pure product of the MSM brainwashing, NPR junkie, who somehow has had somewhat of an epiphany with the sky jockeys. I credit my friend for the constant barrage of Kate for finally opening the mind to this situation.
Making as many people aware is at minimum what we can do. Continue to write your congressmen, get out and hand out fliers at your local farmstands, malls, small businesses. If people continue to never "look up", then no one will ever do a damn thing about this. I admit I never paid attention to it, but several years ago, it became way to obvious for me to ignore any longer.
Just a suggestion AmericanVet, try rubbing a few drops of Eucalyptus essential oil on your horses' chests. If it helps do it every day. If there's no change, try Sage oil.
I will do that. I don't know why I didn't think of that for them. I currently have them on peppermint/ginger tea that I brew for them every day and it does seem to help, but I also like the idea of the topical. Thank you!
I live on the East coast too. This morning the sky was perfectly clear. I have seen plane after plane spraying all morning. Makes me want to scream! We had at least three weeks in Jan of total cloudiness. I do believe another factor in the covid, is the 5G they put up everywhere the same exact time covid came out. They need to spray us with the heavy metals to make us conductive then they can turn the frequencies up whenever they want. IMO, this IS what covid really is.
There is significant information out there coinciding with what you're saying.
Each time our "atmosphere" has been electrified, there have been "plagues" or sicknesses that went along with it. There seems to be growing evidence that humans role in radio frequency transmission causes illnesses that are described otherwise.
I believe the flu jabs became toxic earlier then 2019. My 84 year old mother in law went to Safeway grocery pharmacy in 2016 to get her flu shot. She died 10 days later of Gillian Barre. The only good that came out of it was my kids, grandkids and I are un jabbed. We are not taking any meds BUT have since learned the vitamin scam, fockers!
I am living in the worst place ever now and witness, daily, chem spraying us like bugs. I am attempting to grow a food forest. The aphids, mold, bugs and varmints are keeping me busy! What else is dropping from the sky's? Thank you for all info on Substack!
The wiggling filaments discussed in the Feb 20th Greg Reese report were reported in by Cliff Carnicom in 1999 as a fallout of geoengineering ops (aka Chemtrails). Here is the story to correct the record - https://carnicominstitute.org/a-filaments-perspective-25-years/
For the Biblically literate, we, (humanity), were forewarned in Biblical prophecy these current events would come to pass centuries before we began seeing them on a daily basis. For those who still believe "we can fix this" through politics, no, we can't; because it's not a temporal battle. It's an on-going spiritual war that began long before any of us existed, coming to its climax in our time - right here on planet earth. We can only choose a "side" to support and work with in that battle. But there is no "fence sitting" now or “do-overs” later. We must each actively choose the side of light and good, of YHVH God; or we default to the other side of darkness and evil and Satan.
Therefore, if you haven't actively chosen Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God...then you are in default. For each of us, today, there are no other options; I have made my choice and His name is Jesus (Yeshua); I pray each of you who read this comment will make the correct choice. Eternity is a very long time to regret a wrong choice.”
“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with that person, and they with Me. To the one who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with Me on My throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with My Father on His throne. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” [Revelation 3: 20-21]
FYI: There are two (2) sins Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah) will not forgive: (1) Denial (blasphemy) against the Holy Spirit. [Matthew 12:31] and; (2) Receiving the MARK OF THE BEAST. [Revelation 14:9]
I hate to break it to you but the bible was written by the bloodlines who are capturing the world right now, who are plunging us into this spiritual war. They told it to us in this story and we think we have to bow to some overshadowing power or fear the demonic powers but there is no god and no demon, it is just a metaphor for the good and evil in our hearts. Worshiping anyone or anything is NOT good, it is evil. It is evil because it puts someone in a superior position and another in an inferior position. These are concepts that man hasn't figured out and the reason is because we only hear man's perspectives, rarely women's. And the feminine perspective is almost extinct now as women's minds are almost totally trained in patriarchal thinking. We have to find the feminine mind again as it gives balance. That means hearing from women though it will still take time to find the genuine feminine mind. Together we can get through this but not just with male thinking. That will surely damn us. Just sayin'.
Am so happy for you that you're "awake" but sincerely you couldn't be more deceived.
Did you just say "there is no God". Even the "globalist written bible" as you claim said it clearly "the fool says in his heart there is no God". They also remembered to tell you except you be born again, you shall go to Hell.
Most of the people I know are atheists. They truly believe there is no Creator just like Denise. They all took the injections and said I was a conspiracy theorist. Now they are denying the truth that they have taken the Mark. They refuse to believe the truth. I pray for them to receive Christ every single day. I tried my best to warn everyone. Lost my 30 year career as a pharmacist for warning everyone and refusing to take the shots. I have never regretted my decision.
Kudos to you. I know two nurses who resigned rather than jab folks. At least you will die on the right side of history. What value is any career that turns a blind eye to murder? <3
Jesus the Christ accepted worship by others and He, being a part of the Trinity, deserves our praise. He came to earth, lived a perfect life and died an excruciating death on a cross to pay for the sins of those who would trust and follow Him. Who can find fault with Yeshua Jesus? He called out the hipocrisy of the Jewish religious leaders who preached God with their words but not their actions. He loved those rejected by society and healed all people who came to Him of their diseases. He elevated the status of women and had female followers. It's all there in the Bible, including His return to the earth to restore the earth and the Jewish people. Praise God there is hope for us all.
If they wrote it, then they wrote their own demise in Obidiah 18. If one doesn't understand Gen 3:15, they will not have a good understanding about what's going on. If you fail to realize who's who, you've already lost the plot. Christ tells us who the enemies are John 8:44. Christ, Paul, and Matthew tell you who Mystery Babylon is which will be destroyed. 1 Thess 2:14-16. We are now witnessing the flood in western nations. Rev. 12:15-17. Perhaps take some time to read the works from Christian and secular historians. It's going to get worse but it's going to be amazing. You're going to see a specific group of people rise up and go scorched Earth in the near future. It's already building if you're paying attention.
What do you mean by "rise up & go scorched earth?" With all the flat-earth nonsense & geo-engineering madness (men killing our world on purpose, like Gates of hell), that could mean quite a few things!
You will know you are eternally mistaken about "the feminine perspective" of the Holy Bible; when in order for you to buy food and pay rent, the Leviathan/Beast requires you to implant a computer chip in the flesh of your right hand, or; receive an invisible ink barcode tattoo on your forehead.
I don't see the connection. But I do see the connection that women defend the book written solely by males and there is nothing in there that talks about women except as cameo appearances. It's all about male adventures. And there is so much brutality and Satanism in it like Jesus hanging off a cross is the symbol of Christianity - That is so Satanic in itself. Not to mention the child sacrifices that are littered throughout the book. And women defend this stuff? Oh the mind control. What it is is you're scared of god, you're scared that he will banish you to hell. But it's all just a children's story for adults. And people take it seriously, especially women. Sad.
The Bible was written by the llluminati to perpetuate the False Patriarchy which was socially engineered into our society to destabilize the population and specifically to disempower the males.
In a natural population of humans there is an equal balance of power between the males and the females, or a slight matriarchy, because the females run the village, thereby freeing the males to leave to hunt or defend.
By installing the False Patriarchy, our natural balance of power, our strength as a collective, is gone and we are destabilized and easier to control, and the males are disempowered. As any rancher can tell you, you can't have too many bulls in the herd! ;)
You say, "Worshiping anyone or anything is NOT good, it is evil.” Should we believe you or should we believe what Christ directly said to Satan?
"Then Jesus *said to him, “Go, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.’” "Matthew 4:10
You say, "Together we can get through this but not just with male thinking. That will surely damn us.”
"The serpent said to the woman, "You surely will not die! "For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:4-5
The first verse of this chapter tells us right from day one, it was Satan’s deceitful nature that attracted him to the first woman, as opposed to the man, reckoning her mind as the one he could best influence and by whom he could sow the seeds of doubt.
"Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Indeed, has God said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden’?” Genesis 3: 1
The period following this tragic day in history is commonly referred to as, "The Fall."
I'm sorry it is impossible for me to argue about children's stories. Take a stand as an observer, it's all codswallop and people argue over this? Over what is written in a book, by men only, (as though women just don't exist), by men we don't even know who they are ("Matthew"? Matthew who? And that's a name from someone in ancient Jerusalem?) Why let what is written on a page dictate your whole life and take is as being true. I'd say it is because you are scared of dying and going to hell so you want to buddy up with god so he'll be nice to you and not send you to hell. And you see, that is exactly where they want you, (the ones who wrote the book) to be vulnerable and easily manipulated and get you to do ridiculous things to yourself and others. We don't even know if they were pedophiles.
You seriously think that men would write about their own wicked hearts stating that they deserve to burn in a lake of fire? Men love to praise themselves, not expose their evil hearts. God gives grace to the humble; but one's own pride will lead them to destruction. For the fool hath said in his heart there is no God. I hope you'll reconsider for your own sake....time is short!
You know the beauty of individualism is that we can believe anything we want, even nonsense. Your interpretation of a god renders him a miserable blackmailer. I am not interested in pandering to some intimidating mythological creature. It is not saving me to bend on my knees to anyone. It sounds like you are saying that if I don't bend down to this monstrous being, I will be obliterated or something. Well so be it. But you see, I don't believe anyone is there. And if this type of creature was there, I still would not be bending to it.
My Dictionary informs me the word “Interpretation” is, “the action of explaining the meaning of something."
My Dictionary also informs me the word “Beautiful” is an adjective, giving as an example, “…a beautiful young woman” and also giving the following examples of words that convey the same meaning.
Some of those examples they give are as follows: "attractive, pretty, handsome, good-looking, nice-looking, pleasing, alluring, prepossessing, as pretty as a picture; lovely, charming, delightful, appealing, engaging, winsome; ravishing, gorgeous, heavenly, stunning, arresting, glamorous, irresistible, bewitching, beguiling; graceful, elegant, exquisite, aesthetic, artistic, decorative, magnificent; ANTONYMS ugly"
With one exception, those are not different meanings of the word, “Beautiful,” but are different versions of that word, which may be used instead, as alternative words to convey the same meaning. When there is a DIFFERENT meaning it is called an “Antonym."
I hope you are not insinuating different editions of the Bible, usually called “Translations,” are translating the original text with multiple meanings when you say, “Interpretations abound.”
Editions are often updated, hence the reason to note the sequence and/or dates. I’ve heard several interpretations over the years, and if I recall correctly, the older the text the more they seem to vary. I understand how unsettling the idea can be for those that have devoted much time in studying an edition in particular (i.e. If the foundation is in question, some worry everything thereafter is also in question).
You're asking us to research texts based just on something you say? Who knows if those gospels were written by women or written at all? And even so, nobody knows what they say so they are not in our minds. Might as well not have been written at all, but maybe they weren't. You should offer some substance when you say that. Did you research it? What did they say? Don't just ask people to go off when you have offered nothing of substance yourself.
I take very little at face value these days, so I understand your response somewhat. Whether you choose to research it is up to you. I try to take what resonates and leave the rest. I am not so well organized that I have saved everything that I’ve read in order to site it; some info sticks with me for a number of reasons. It was not my intent to upset anyone but rather relay info that I thought worth considering.
My intent is not to upset anyone either. However I see this a lot, people telling others to check things out without giving any insight into it. Substantiation matters, that's all I was saying.
No worries. I have requested that same over the years. Research and saving the massive amounts of info I find worthwhile is a Herculean task in itself (for me anyway).
Thankyou. Yes, this is a final titanic spiritual war being acted out on the material plane. There is no solution in the physical realm alone. Consider the following:
“It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in men”, Psalms 118:8. This might be summarized as, ‘trust no one but God.’ And, “Put not your trust in princes; in a son of man, in whom there is no help.”, Psalms 146:3; Similarly, “Thus says the LORD; Cursed is the man who trusts in man, and makes flesh his arm, whose heart turns away from the LORD”, Jeremiah 17:5 and “Turn away from man in whose nostrils is breath, for of what account is he”, Isaiah 2:22.
For those who want more information:
“Blessed is the man who endures trial, for when he has stood the test, he will receive the [crown of life] (salvation) which God has promised to those who love (obey) him.”, James 1:12. Love, in this context refers to what Christ taught re: “if you love me, you will keep my commandments”, John 14:15, 21, 23. Also see 1 John 2:3; “ And by this we may be sure that we know him, if we keep his commandments”, and 2 John 1:6; “And this is love, that we follow his commandments; this is the commandment, as you have heard from the beginning, that you follow love.” Christ repeatedly stressed the necessity of obeying his commands as found in the Gospel. For Christ, to love him is to obey him.
“But some one will say, ‘You have faith and I have works.’ Show me your faith apart from your works, and I by my works will show you my faith. You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder. Do you want to be shown, you foolish fellow, that faith apart from works is barren? Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, ‘Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.’ And he was called the friend of God. You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith (belief or intellectual ascent) only.” James 2:21-24. (Saving faith is belief in action). This is the true Gospel of Christ to which every person on earth is entitled, (Galatians 1:8-9).
“For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.”, James 2:26. On this earthly plane, human beings are created spirit/body composites unlike the angels who are created entirely spiritual entities. Human beings are charged by Christ through His Gospel, with knowing the truth and acting upon it with their composite (spirit/flesh) bodies. This is clear from the above quote in which St. James says, ‘You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder.’ This shows us that belief alone, understood as intellectual ascent to what God has taught/demanded through the Gospel of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, is not enough. Even the demons know and believe that. The difference is that they refuse to obey as did their master, Lucifer who they followed into perdition. We on the other hand must obey the truth that we know, as evidenced through our words and deeds, that is, through our actions, (Matthew 7:16). This is not in spite of the merits of Christ’s atoning death on the Cross but because of it. Christ will apply them to us because we have demonstrated in action and deed (through our fruits) that we love him, not that we simply believe in what He accomplished through His propitiatory death on the Cross. We, as finite creatures could never have repaid the debt we owe an infinite God by sinning against Him. Some professing Christians (hopefully through invincible error) are half correct when they say we cannot work our way to heaven (in the absence of Christ’s atoning death) but wrong when they claim that we are not required to demonstrate our commitment/obedience to Christ through actions and deeds carried out by the entire body/soul composite that makes up our human being (“If you love me, obey my commandments”, John 14:15, 21, 23). Flesh and blood human beings must demonstrate their commitment to Christ by action and deed, not simply through intellectual belief and word alone.
“Therefore, put away all filthiness and rank growth of wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. But be doers of the word (the Gospel which includes all of Christ’s commands) and not deceivers only, deceiving yourselves.”, James 1:21-22.
“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the Devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”, James 4:7-8.
“Brothers and sisters: The body is not for immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord is for the body. and God raised the Lord and will also raise us by his power. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ?... But whoever is joined to the Lord becomes one Spirit with him. Shun immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the immoral person sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a member of Christ (temple of the Holy Spirit within you), whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body.”, 1 Corinthians 6:13-15, 17-20.
Actually Denise, the lord of the Bible is Lord Baal.
Lucifer is Jesus, and Gad (who the llluminati worship) is God. The Bible, like all the religions the llluminati created worships Gad, the god of the llluminati.
When the llluminati wrote the Bible, they took the existing Christian movement of the time and used it to serve their secret needs. Religion (religion = 'to re-bind' 'to re-tie', to control), is one of their five primary systems of control.
The llluminati wrote the Bible in Ancient Text. In Ancient Text the true name of Lucifer is Jesus, the true name of Gad (whom THEY worship) is God, and the Lord is Lord Baal.
In the past civilization the llluminati were the pharaohs, this time they are the Monarchs of Europe. ‘Amen’ is a pledge of fealty and devotion to Ah Mun Ra, the second most powerful Egyptian deity. Every time you say it.
Which is how satanists (like the Bushes, Clintons and the Queen) can sit in Christian churches, along with their fellow secret brethren, and happily worship Gad, Satan, Ah Mun Ra and Lord Baal.
Plus, they all speak Ancient Text so they know what everything in the Bible means!
When read in Ancient Text, the Bible tells the story of the Dark’s triumph over the Light (Jesus, Lucifer), symbolized and culminating with the execution of Jesus on the cross. That is their logo, the symbol of the triumph of the Dark over the Light, Jesus being tortured and hanging dead on a cross. The Dark's triumph over the Light.
Jay Parker is a survivor of a generational Satanic family and has excellent videos on the 13 bloodlines that secretly rule the World, and how they do it.
PS If you are following the End Times prophesies, the Hopi were waaay ahead of everyone else. The Blue Kachinas showed up in front of the Sun, Trump is clearly the Heyoka, and "The sky is full of webs" = CHEMTRAILS!
This entire planet is run by 13 bloodlines. Roughly 800 individuals. A cabal of thirteen bloodlines of pure satanic evil. And they control EVERYTHING.
Which is how a proportionately small group of individuals can control an entire planet of 7billion humans, by controlling EVERYTHING. And religion is one of their 5 major systems of control, used to keep the masses divided, ignorant and obedient.
Religions were created by the llluminati, the 'Enlightened Ones' specifically to PREVENT the masses from becoming 'enlightened'!
The Evil has been mining the Earth for millennia.
We are Their labor force.
We speak the language THEY gave us.
We learn what THEY teach us.
We image ourselves by the history THEY showed us.
We perceive our World as THEY explained it to us.
We behave the way THEY trained us.
And we believed what THEY told us to believe.
Just do the math Catherine. There are roughly 800 of them and 7billion of us. Did you really think they were going to give us a religion that would empower us?
Matthew 10:33 “But whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.”
Luke 12:9 “But the one who denies me before men will be denied before the angels of God.”
2 Timothy 2:12 “If we endure, we will also reign with him; if we deny him, he also will deny us.”
Jude 1:4 “For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.”
1 John 2:22 “Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son.
That is very interesting. Especially that crucifying Jesus signifies the triumph of the dark over the light. I don't want to spend too much time in this as I don't want to be reconstituting their images (I want to create the new earth) but I might look up Jay Parker to listen to on occasion. It's so interesting that all this is done right under our noses and people don't know what they're saying when they use words like "amen". Thank you for enlightening us.
Yes, and the time has come for the scriptures to be fulfilled! All praise and glory to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit! This video is a great way to understand the system we are trapped in! God bless!
Thank @Carl L. McWilliams for this post. I agree, this is Biblical Prophecy. Over the last three years I’ve come to the same correlations. The Revelation 12 to 13 signs are aligning along with the Four Horsemen.
Even going all the way back to Genesis and Exodus, it has all revolved from Satan’s desire to corrupt the seed of the woman. This is evident in the signs throughout the last 6000 years. The seed of the woman to the virgin birth of Jesus to now the remnant seed. Satan is attempting to destroy the seed/offspring of those that follow the commands of Jesus Christ.
Follow me on substack and read some of my investigations following these unfolding signs. God Bless you!
That’s right. We’ve known about this for a while now. It’s been confirmed. Dr. Carrie Madej was on top of this from day one. Others conducted their own independent research and came to the same conclusion. Greg’s videos puts it together nicely. These people are truly SICK. Greg, can you do a video on the Antartica breakaway civilization (blue ice, ghost particles (neutrinos) and how they hold the key to free energy, etc— connect that to Cheyenne Mountain and the underground facility there- home of Space Force. :)
She survived because she was placed into a Med Bed. She spoke about the new technology and how it had saved her life. Med beds will also remove the stuff that is now in us from the jab, thank God. And they are about to be released worldwide.
I wrote my comment before I listened to the video. It is mentioned in the video,. whistle blower, Melissa Strickler, from Pfizer saying the vials looked like it has a glow stick in it.
👍🏿👍🏽👍 As I crosspost Greg’s no-nonsense recap of Dr. Ana’s important work and warnings, let me add a request to all of my subscribers and guests who watch this video: PLEASE forward this to everyone you know who’s still in denial about the Vaxx Bioweapons protocols and visit my substack for an intelligent understanding of American-born militarized-pathogen history & Vaxx agenda.
If you associate with anyone who persists with supporting Trump, Biden or any other politician who either denies these facts or never talks about them as the most important discussion in human history—that individual should be shunned and damned to hell. Stop associating with willing damned fools.
Nobody has a right to be so intentionally ignorant that they continue to put all of human civilization in jeopardy; literally losing all freedom, lives and our human DNA and souls.
I’ve no religious belief, but I do understand that the Eugenicists who own all of our crooked cops, military general officers, media platforms, textbooks & schools, and all of the Left & Right bought Politicians are in fact using Satanic rituals and protocols to kill the majority of life on this planet, not just humanity.
Stop lying to yourself, and stop insisting on logical or biblical answers for why this is happening. No God brings on war, slavery or End Times events. Eugenicist, soulless monsters and their brainwashed whores are doing this. Why? Because they are sick; mentally ill; totally insane money & power junkies.
WAKE UP, fools; don’t get trapped by the trans-humanist “WOKE” crowd who are also tools for the Eugenicist war & disease profiteering slavers. Stop fighting each-other, which is what “their” politicians and media tool-bots want. Take off your Red & Blue gang colors. Choose to be a free Independent person with the right to think, evolve and change your mind, not a left or right schooled-clown trapped to endless, worthless argumentative-debates and deadly conflicts & wars. That’s what “their” media and politicians want. Don’t you get it yet?
jeffrey p lubina; You are seriously flawed in your mindset when you write: "stop insisting on logical or biblical answers for why this is happening. No God brings on war, slavery or End Times events."
Wake up and smell the coffee! This is the end of the age of the Gentiles. If your name is not written in the Lamb's Book of Life, you have made an eternal mistake. Time is short, the Grace of Jesus Christ-Yeshua Messiah and entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven will soon not be available.
It is not religion.. Religion is a man made construct to divide people.
Belief in God’s word is spirituality - big difference. We are in the end times, believe it!
Man cannot win or overcome what is written to be, only through Jesus Christ will we have eternal life. Don’t believe there is a God or Satan? Well, the folks or demons running this earth do and they show us that daily. It will only get worse from here until He returns.
Another reason why they ignored UV light as a way to mitigate Covid. We would have seen this.
Another reason why they block the sun, at least they try. So crazy.
I live on the east coast, in one of these shitty blue states (not that this matters), and we wake up from time to time with clear blue skies (which were created by jet spraying), in the morning. Then the planes come.
Hundreds and hundreds of flights.
Then, usually within about 6 hours, the skies are silver covered, blue skies gone, and we're ingesting this shit. I wouldn't put it past the mother fuckers to have done this when Covid hit back in 2019, as how else could the entire world (120 countries) all have covid cases within a 3 day period? Oh, I know. They dumped it on us.
Oh conspiracies all around, and I'm just a right winger nutjob pointing them out.
So, so crazy. And they do it with our tax money, with our sweat and slave work. It's worldwide. Same here in Europe, same in Africa, Australia, even Russia… litteraly everywhere.
The filaments in this Reese Report remind me the morgellon's that came up when the spraying began, in the mid 90ies in USA und in the 2000s in Europe. Morgellon filaments are also blue and red glowing stuff.
The wiggling filaments discussed in the Feb 20th Greg Reese video were reported in by Cliff Carnicom in 1999 as a fallout of geoengineering ops (aka Chemtrails). Here is the story to correct the record - https://carnicominstitute.org/a-filaments-perspective-25-years/
twitter.com healgodskids
Check this out:
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1WdG4wFi5w 👾👀
Access denied…😳
I was in upstate New York, 2010’s .
( morgellons “)
IRS collects taxes to pay the interest on the national debt.. When congress passes a bill to spend money, the Federal Reserves simply creates the money leaving tax payers to pay the interest on the debt. Today, public IRS taxes fall short of paying the debt, so the FED simply creates more new money to make up the difference.
2019 Flu jabs were especially toxic. The early 2020 deaths of elders/care home residents etc was by direct poisoning with Midazolam and Resviridol (apologies if incorrect spelling). For the UK there was a .9 correlation BTW use of these drugs and the "excess" deaths.
Yes, also in Italy / Bergamo. Many flu jabbed elderly people before the alleged covid wave.
Remdesivir - but yes. I believe Michael O'Bernicia tried to bring a court case against the government - for what he called 'the Midazolam Murders'. Clearly they are untouchable within their own system, but he tried.
There was also a lady in Hereford who realised they were trying to murder her, but her husband was able to get her out of the hospital before they succeeded.
You say, "Clearly they are untouchable within their own system.” Do you understand why they can get away with this? Tucker Carlson’s guest on his February 16 show, entitled, "Uncensored: The National Security State & the Inversion of Democracy,” answers your question perfectly. We can stop asking the sort of question you raise, only when we get our heads around what Tucker’s guest reveals. Our democracy has been turned upside down!
Yes Bengie. I think this interview with Mike Benz was even more powerful than Tucker's Putin interview, primarily because it exposed MASSIVE TREASON that was weaponized against us. And these are FACTS, not "conspiracy theories" that prove these crimes were conducted by the State Dept. using US Military AI systems to censor the truth about the 1. COVID fraud and JAB dangers, and 2. The massive election theft. This was murder and Treason at the highest level!
Bengie: Yes you are correct - especially what was revealed by Tucker Carlson's interview, that the DOD/CIA funded (residence evil) at the ASPEN INSTITUTE in western Colorado. The Synagogue of Satan. https://foundationforfreedomonline.com/
Additionally, in the recent joint presentation by Tucker Carlson and Glenn Beck, the nefarious ASPEN INSTITUTE was illuminated.
Same shit in OHIO every day! I pray they fall out of the sky every friggin day! The airports are all local...Wheres the fkn law? NO one doing S about this! The UV lights are so they can make sure they see it from the sky at night so they can cover the areas they need to and leave no surface untouched.
We need to go sabotage the planes. No one wants to get physical, but a coordinated effort to do this would send a strong message. It is literally self defence anyway because they are trying to poison you (& destroy farming).
You have to be licensed to fly and a flight log is mandatory. The payload tanks would be on board. This is a coordinated effort. The chemicals being delivered to airports would be on file because that too is regulated. Receipts, Invoices, signatures, emails, plans, rosters, payoffs. Evidence of this poisoning would be easy to track. What is hidden will come to light and I hope and pray everyone involved will face the punishment they deserve. Whether this life or the hereafter! Whistleblowers have surely come forward over this. Its just a matter of time.
The documentary, The Dimming, by Dane also explains where the poisons are coming from
Our own military.
A former USAF personel came forwards and explained that she discovered records of millions of pounds of chemicals purchased, thrn disappeared, and when she went to her commander, he,threatened her with imprisonment for psychological stress related issues.
They are literally mass murderers for hire. WE SHOULD DEMAND THEIR NAMES! The Government pilots in crop dusters, are being protected by the GOVERNORS, AG, DAs,Police,FBI,EPA,CDC,CONGRESS,SENATORS,FAA,FDA,CIA,NASA and the Pentagon. The "health" industry and Big Pharma, Obamacare deathcare initiative and the Clinton, Gates, Obama, Bush, Soros murderous FOUNDATIONS that pad their pockets and deliver the payoffs. Thier owned airports are local and its time for people to demand shutting this down!
Don't forget Trump!
Donald "I am the Father of the vaxxines!" Trump, the llluminati prince, who initiated the NW0 Agenda '21, the systematic depopulation of the Earth, in, oh wow....2021!
Just as planned.
Yes Claire! Let’s get physical….”At this point in history the capacity to doubt, to criticize and to disobey may be all that stands between a future for mankind and the end of Civilization.”
HOW NONVIOLENCE PROTECTS THE STATE, by Peter Gelderloos, copyright 2007.
“This book makes a strong argument the diversity of tactics, while illuminating how the ideology of pacifists leads us NOT to economic, political, social justice, but rather, the peace one finds in CEMETERIES.” —Ann Hansen, author of: Direct Action: Memoirs of an Urban Guerilla.
good luck since they are US air force planes I understand
Yes. We should be able to do something about it.
My late aunt and uncle lived near Akron.
Good memories of rubber smelly highways before they moved the plants to Mexico
I live in the midwest. I see the same exact thing here. I called my governors office to complain about all the chemicals in my skies because these planes are literally flying and spraying constantly here. The Governors Aide told me that the air is Federal Jurisdiction and there is not way they can "police" the skies. At the end of our conversation, she called me by name, so they must also know exactly who calls and complains and when!
We are in a drought and during the month of February, we have had 50+ degree weather. February is usually the coldest month of the year here but not this month! Its T shirt weather out there which is fine, but people who like food and need to grow crops would really like water to feed our plants, trees and animals. I have horses and now they are coughing due to these chemicals.
I hate these people. God isnt listening when I pray to Him to make it stop so how do we figure out how to make these assholes stop poisoning us? You know its our tax dollars paying for this and we the people are left helpless and mute.
Lets think of a way to make these people stop.
I feel for your horses, as I too have similar issues when / after they spray. I use a nasal sat rinse to relieve me of the discomfort, and my body has had enough of these airborne poisons to flare up my neck glands, each and every round that surrounds me. Not sure what you can do about your horses, sorry to say.
If you go onto Dane's website, he explains what you can do to at least get the word out. The important part that we have to remember is that by getting the word out to as many people as possible, the more people who become aware, we can all work to the goal of pushing pressure upon those in our govt to halt this purposeful poisoning of our air, land and water. The only way this will stop is by getting our military brothers to become aware, and say "No More", as they're the ones flying the military tankers in our skies. They're the ones who are filling the planes with chemicals, doing routine maintenance on the aircraft, overseeing the process of coordinating deliveries and such. The top brass keep them compartmentalized, and move them around frequently, but they still must become aware of what is going on, and what they're actually a part of. It's indeed possible these people have been brainwashed into thinking they're doing "good" as well, just taking orders. I've had conversations with family members who have military relatives, and although the military relatives know what is going on, the sworn to "know nothing" is pervasive.
I hand out fliers, business cards, pamphlets to explain to the unknowing what is going on. This can be a daunting task, as even those with common sense, immediately throw up the wall of denial, and say "Our govt. would never do this to us!", and yet they see before their eyes, it's being done.
I have a good friend, mid 70's who has a full blown libtard friend, also in her mid 70's who not only voted for Biteme Biden, but is "on board" with all the immigrant invasion, thinking again, that these are all women and children seeking a better life. She's in denial, never realizing that it's fighting age men who are being stationed all over the country, being set up to attack american citizens on their own turf. Some things take longer than others to open people's minds to.
So, my friend has been sending Kate these arial photos, articles, and basically shoving the truth down Kates mouth for months now. After constant pressures, Kate finally opened her eyes, and now understands that the lines in the skies are not contrails, nor were they ever since the High Bypass Turbofan Jet engines were developed. She is now eyes open to the onslaught above her, and has become a proponent of getting the word out there. This is nothing short of a miracle, as Kate is a pure product of the MSM brainwashing, NPR junkie, who somehow has had somewhat of an epiphany with the sky jockeys. I credit my friend for the constant barrage of Kate for finally opening the mind to this situation.
Making as many people aware is at minimum what we can do. Continue to write your congressmen, get out and hand out fliers at your local farmstands, malls, small businesses. If people continue to never "look up", then no one will ever do a damn thing about this. I admit I never paid attention to it, but several years ago, it became way to obvious for me to ignore any longer.
land to air missiles should take care of this.
If only.....I have a pretend bazooka in my hand. I always imagine that I am blowing them out of the sky. but alas they are still there. ...sadly.
I cant count all the fantasies ive had about watching them be blown out of the sky... I just use my trigger finger!
Just a suggestion AmericanVet, try rubbing a few drops of Eucalyptus essential oil on your horses' chests. If it helps do it every day. If there's no change, try Sage oil.
I will do that. I don't know why I didn't think of that for them. I currently have them on peppermint/ginger tea that I brew for them every day and it does seem to help, but I also like the idea of the topical. Thank you!
I live on the East coast too. This morning the sky was perfectly clear. I have seen plane after plane spraying all morning. Makes me want to scream! We had at least three weeks in Jan of total cloudiness. I do believe another factor in the covid, is the 5G they put up everywhere the same exact time covid came out. They need to spray us with the heavy metals to make us conductive then they can turn the frequencies up whenever they want. IMO, this IS what covid really is.
There is significant information out there coinciding with what you're saying.
Each time our "atmosphere" has been electrified, there have been "plagues" or sicknesses that went along with it. There seems to be growing evidence that humans role in radio frequency transmission causes illnesses that are described otherwise.
But that's just me.
Make a video and share it to your politician.
The one who loves money more than justice or humanity?
Yes, some of the symptoms of "covid" are radiation poisoning, like loss of taste and smell (without any cold symptoms), and body aches and low fever.
Yep. I do too. And yep that’s exactly what they’re doing. And I’m another right-winger nut job. Nice to meet you. 😅
Back at you, Kathy.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend, as well.
I believe the flu jabs became toxic earlier then 2019. My 84 year old mother in law went to Safeway grocery pharmacy in 2016 to get her flu shot. She died 10 days later of Gillian Barre. The only good that came out of it was my kids, grandkids and I are un jabbed. We are not taking any meds BUT have since learned the vitamin scam, fockers!
I am living in the worst place ever now and witness, daily, chem spraying us like bugs. I am attempting to grow a food forest. The aphids, mold, bugs and varmints are keeping me busy! What else is dropping from the sky's? Thank you for all info on Substack!
I agree Green!
It is my understanding that cancer was not epidemic until AFTER the polio vaxxine.
You aren’t alone! They’re absolutely spraying us like a bunch of roaches! 🪳
Sooo true , remember it kills only 99,9999999% of the germs . . . .
It made too much sens i guess. Can't have that.
This comment (by different names) has been seen under many platforms and banned by some.
Yes yes yes
Covid is the common cold/flu
The wiggling filaments discussed in the Feb 20th Greg Reese report were reported in by Cliff Carnicom in 1999 as a fallout of geoengineering ops (aka Chemtrails). Here is the story to correct the record - https://carnicominstitute.org/a-filaments-perspective-25-years/
For the Biblically literate, we, (humanity), were forewarned in Biblical prophecy these current events would come to pass centuries before we began seeing them on a daily basis. For those who still believe "we can fix this" through politics, no, we can't; because it's not a temporal battle. It's an on-going spiritual war that began long before any of us existed, coming to its climax in our time - right here on planet earth. We can only choose a "side" to support and work with in that battle. But there is no "fence sitting" now or “do-overs” later. We must each actively choose the side of light and good, of YHVH God; or we default to the other side of darkness and evil and Satan.
Therefore, if you haven't actively chosen Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God...then you are in default. For each of us, today, there are no other options; I have made my choice and His name is Jesus (Yeshua); I pray each of you who read this comment will make the correct choice. Eternity is a very long time to regret a wrong choice.”
“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with that person, and they with Me. To the one who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with Me on My throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with My Father on His throne. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” [Revelation 3: 20-21]
FYI: There are two (2) sins Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah) will not forgive: (1) Denial (blasphemy) against the Holy Spirit. [Matthew 12:31] and; (2) Receiving the MARK OF THE BEAST. [Revelation 14:9]
I hate to break it to you but the bible was written by the bloodlines who are capturing the world right now, who are plunging us into this spiritual war. They told it to us in this story and we think we have to bow to some overshadowing power or fear the demonic powers but there is no god and no demon, it is just a metaphor for the good and evil in our hearts. Worshiping anyone or anything is NOT good, it is evil. It is evil because it puts someone in a superior position and another in an inferior position. These are concepts that man hasn't figured out and the reason is because we only hear man's perspectives, rarely women's. And the feminine perspective is almost extinct now as women's minds are almost totally trained in patriarchal thinking. We have to find the feminine mind again as it gives balance. That means hearing from women though it will still take time to find the genuine feminine mind. Together we can get through this but not just with male thinking. That will surely damn us. Just sayin'.
Am so happy for you that you're "awake" but sincerely you couldn't be more deceived.
Did you just say "there is no God". Even the "globalist written bible" as you claim said it clearly "the fool says in his heart there is no God". They also remembered to tell you except you be born again, you shall go to Hell.
Ultimately your choice.
Stay blessed.
Most of the people I know are atheists. They truly believe there is no Creator just like Denise. They all took the injections and said I was a conspiracy theorist. Now they are denying the truth that they have taken the Mark. They refuse to believe the truth. I pray for them to receive Christ every single day. I tried my best to warn everyone. Lost my 30 year career as a pharmacist for warning everyone and refusing to take the shots. I have never regretted my decision.
Kudos to you. I know two nurses who resigned rather than jab folks. At least you will die on the right side of history. What value is any career that turns a blind eye to murder? <3
Jesus the Christ accepted worship by others and He, being a part of the Trinity, deserves our praise. He came to earth, lived a perfect life and died an excruciating death on a cross to pay for the sins of those who would trust and follow Him. Who can find fault with Yeshua Jesus? He called out the hipocrisy of the Jewish religious leaders who preached God with their words but not their actions. He loved those rejected by society and healed all people who came to Him of their diseases. He elevated the status of women and had female followers. It's all there in the Bible, including His return to the earth to restore the earth and the Jewish people. Praise God there is hope for us all.
If they wrote it, then they wrote their own demise in Obidiah 18. If one doesn't understand Gen 3:15, they will not have a good understanding about what's going on. If you fail to realize who's who, you've already lost the plot. Christ tells us who the enemies are John 8:44. Christ, Paul, and Matthew tell you who Mystery Babylon is which will be destroyed. 1 Thess 2:14-16. We are now witnessing the flood in western nations. Rev. 12:15-17. Perhaps take some time to read the works from Christian and secular historians. It's going to get worse but it's going to be amazing. You're going to see a specific group of people rise up and go scorched Earth in the near future. It's already building if you're paying attention.
What do you mean by "rise up & go scorched earth?" With all the flat-earth nonsense & geo-engineering madness (men killing our world on purpose, like Gates of hell), that could mean quite a few things!
You will know you are eternally mistaken about "the feminine perspective" of the Holy Bible; when in order for you to buy food and pay rent, the Leviathan/Beast requires you to implant a computer chip in the flesh of your right hand, or; receive an invisible ink barcode tattoo on your forehead.
I don't see the connection. But I do see the connection that women defend the book written solely by males and there is nothing in there that talks about women except as cameo appearances. It's all about male adventures. And there is so much brutality and Satanism in it like Jesus hanging off a cross is the symbol of Christianity - That is so Satanic in itself. Not to mention the child sacrifices that are littered throughout the book. And women defend this stuff? Oh the mind control. What it is is you're scared of god, you're scared that he will banish you to hell. But it's all just a children's story for adults. And people take it seriously, especially women. Sad.
Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow.
The Bible was written by the llluminati to perpetuate the False Patriarchy which was socially engineered into our society to destabilize the population and specifically to disempower the males.
In a natural population of humans there is an equal balance of power between the males and the females, or a slight matriarchy, because the females run the village, thereby freeing the males to leave to hunt or defend.
By installing the False Patriarchy, our natural balance of power, our strength as a collective, is gone and we are destabilized and easier to control, and the males are disempowered. As any rancher can tell you, you can't have too many bulls in the herd! ;)
You put it so well. We have to get back to that natural balance. Thank you for this comment.
You say, "Worshiping anyone or anything is NOT good, it is evil.” Should we believe you or should we believe what Christ directly said to Satan?
"Then Jesus *said to him, “Go, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.’” "Matthew 4:10
You say, "Together we can get through this but not just with male thinking. That will surely damn us.”
"The serpent said to the woman, "You surely will not die! "For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:4-5
The first verse of this chapter tells us right from day one, it was Satan’s deceitful nature that attracted him to the first woman, as opposed to the man, reckoning her mind as the one he could best influence and by whom he could sow the seeds of doubt.
"Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Indeed, has God said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden’?” Genesis 3: 1
The period following this tragic day in history is commonly referred to as, "The Fall."
I'm sorry it is impossible for me to argue about children's stories. Take a stand as an observer, it's all codswallop and people argue over this? Over what is written in a book, by men only, (as though women just don't exist), by men we don't even know who they are ("Matthew"? Matthew who? And that's a name from someone in ancient Jerusalem?) Why let what is written on a page dictate your whole life and take is as being true. I'd say it is because you are scared of dying and going to hell so you want to buddy up with god so he'll be nice to you and not send you to hell. And you see, that is exactly where they want you, (the ones who wrote the book) to be vulnerable and easily manipulated and get you to do ridiculous things to yourself and others. We don't even know if they were pedophiles.
You seriously think that men would write about their own wicked hearts stating that they deserve to burn in a lake of fire? Men love to praise themselves, not expose their evil hearts. God gives grace to the humble; but one's own pride will lead them to destruction. For the fool hath said in his heart there is no God. I hope you'll reconsider for your own sake....time is short!
You know the beauty of individualism is that we can believe anything we want, even nonsense. Your interpretation of a god renders him a miserable blackmailer. I am not interested in pandering to some intimidating mythological creature. It is not saving me to bend on my knees to anyone. It sounds like you are saying that if I don't bend down to this monstrous being, I will be obliterated or something. Well so be it. But you see, I don't believe anyone is there. And if this type of creature was there, I still would not be bending to it.
Absolutely, we can believe anything we want, but when there's danger, a person who cares warns, yes? It's your warning. Take it or leave it.
There are many, many, many gospels that have been kept from us. Research the different editions of the Bible. Interpretations abound.
Exactly what are the many, many, many gospels that have been kept from us?
My Dictionary informs me the word “Interpretation” is, “the action of explaining the meaning of something."
My Dictionary also informs me the word “Beautiful” is an adjective, giving as an example, “…a beautiful young woman” and also giving the following examples of words that convey the same meaning.
Some of those examples they give are as follows: "attractive, pretty, handsome, good-looking, nice-looking, pleasing, alluring, prepossessing, as pretty as a picture; lovely, charming, delightful, appealing, engaging, winsome; ravishing, gorgeous, heavenly, stunning, arresting, glamorous, irresistible, bewitching, beguiling; graceful, elegant, exquisite, aesthetic, artistic, decorative, magnificent; ANTONYMS ugly"
With one exception, those are not different meanings of the word, “Beautiful,” but are different versions of that word, which may be used instead, as alternative words to convey the same meaning. When there is a DIFFERENT meaning it is called an “Antonym."
I hope you are not insinuating different editions of the Bible, usually called “Translations,” are translating the original text with multiple meanings when you say, “Interpretations abound.”
Editions are often updated, hence the reason to note the sequence and/or dates. I’ve heard several interpretations over the years, and if I recall correctly, the older the text the more they seem to vary. I understand how unsettling the idea can be for those that have devoted much time in studying an edition in particular (i.e. If the foundation is in question, some worry everything thereafter is also in question).
You're asking us to research texts based just on something you say? Who knows if those gospels were written by women or written at all? And even so, nobody knows what they say so they are not in our minds. Might as well not have been written at all, but maybe they weren't. You should offer some substance when you say that. Did you research it? What did they say? Don't just ask people to go off when you have offered nothing of substance yourself.
I take very little at face value these days, so I understand your response somewhat. Whether you choose to research it is up to you. I try to take what resonates and leave the rest. I am not so well organized that I have saved everything that I’ve read in order to site it; some info sticks with me for a number of reasons. It was not my intent to upset anyone but rather relay info that I thought worth considering.
My intent is not to upset anyone either. However I see this a lot, people telling others to check things out without giving any insight into it. Substantiation matters, that's all I was saying.
No worries. I have requested that same over the years. Research and saving the massive amounts of info I find worthwhile is a Herculean task in itself (for me anyway).
Beautifully said ❤️
Thankyou. Yes, this is a final titanic spiritual war being acted out on the material plane. There is no solution in the physical realm alone. Consider the following:
“It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in men”, Psalms 118:8. This might be summarized as, ‘trust no one but God.’ And, “Put not your trust in princes; in a son of man, in whom there is no help.”, Psalms 146:3; Similarly, “Thus says the LORD; Cursed is the man who trusts in man, and makes flesh his arm, whose heart turns away from the LORD”, Jeremiah 17:5 and “Turn away from man in whose nostrils is breath, for of what account is he”, Isaiah 2:22.
For those who want more information:
“Blessed is the man who endures trial, for when he has stood the test, he will receive the [crown of life] (salvation) which God has promised to those who love (obey) him.”, James 1:12. Love, in this context refers to what Christ taught re: “if you love me, you will keep my commandments”, John 14:15, 21, 23. Also see 1 John 2:3; “ And by this we may be sure that we know him, if we keep his commandments”, and 2 John 1:6; “And this is love, that we follow his commandments; this is the commandment, as you have heard from the beginning, that you follow love.” Christ repeatedly stressed the necessity of obeying his commands as found in the Gospel. For Christ, to love him is to obey him.
“But some one will say, ‘You have faith and I have works.’ Show me your faith apart from your works, and I by my works will show you my faith. You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder. Do you want to be shown, you foolish fellow, that faith apart from works is barren? Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, ‘Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.’ And he was called the friend of God. You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith (belief or intellectual ascent) only.” James 2:21-24. (Saving faith is belief in action). This is the true Gospel of Christ to which every person on earth is entitled, (Galatians 1:8-9).
“For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.”, James 2:26. On this earthly plane, human beings are created spirit/body composites unlike the angels who are created entirely spiritual entities. Human beings are charged by Christ through His Gospel, with knowing the truth and acting upon it with their composite (spirit/flesh) bodies. This is clear from the above quote in which St. James says, ‘You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder.’ This shows us that belief alone, understood as intellectual ascent to what God has taught/demanded through the Gospel of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, is not enough. Even the demons know and believe that. The difference is that they refuse to obey as did their master, Lucifer who they followed into perdition. We on the other hand must obey the truth that we know, as evidenced through our words and deeds, that is, through our actions, (Matthew 7:16). This is not in spite of the merits of Christ’s atoning death on the Cross but because of it. Christ will apply them to us because we have demonstrated in action and deed (through our fruits) that we love him, not that we simply believe in what He accomplished through His propitiatory death on the Cross. We, as finite creatures could never have repaid the debt we owe an infinite God by sinning against Him. Some professing Christians (hopefully through invincible error) are half correct when they say we cannot work our way to heaven (in the absence of Christ’s atoning death) but wrong when they claim that we are not required to demonstrate our commitment/obedience to Christ through actions and deeds carried out by the entire body/soul composite that makes up our human being (“If you love me, obey my commandments”, John 14:15, 21, 23). Flesh and blood human beings must demonstrate their commitment to Christ by action and deed, not simply through intellectual belief and word alone.
“Therefore, put away all filthiness and rank growth of wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. But be doers of the word (the Gospel which includes all of Christ’s commands) and not deceivers only, deceiving yourselves.”, James 1:21-22.
“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the Devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”, James 4:7-8.
“Brothers and sisters: The body is not for immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord is for the body. and God raised the Lord and will also raise us by his power. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ?... But whoever is joined to the Lord becomes one Spirit with him. Shun immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the immoral person sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a member of Christ (temple of the Holy Spirit within you), whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body.”, 1 Corinthians 6:13-15, 17-20.
"The lord" is a man. Nature is what we have to heal because we have abused nature like there's no tomorrow.
"'The lord' is a man."
Actually Denise, the lord of the Bible is Lord Baal.
Lucifer is Jesus, and Gad (who the llluminati worship) is God. The Bible, like all the religions the llluminati created worships Gad, the god of the llluminati.
When the llluminati wrote the Bible, they took the existing Christian movement of the time and used it to serve their secret needs. Religion (religion = 'to re-bind' 'to re-tie', to control), is one of their five primary systems of control.
The llluminati wrote the Bible in Ancient Text. In Ancient Text the true name of Lucifer is Jesus, the true name of Gad (whom THEY worship) is God, and the Lord is Lord Baal.
In the past civilization the llluminati were the pharaohs, this time they are the Monarchs of Europe. ‘Amen’ is a pledge of fealty and devotion to Ah Mun Ra, the second most powerful Egyptian deity. Every time you say it.
Which is how satanists (like the Bushes, Clintons and the Queen) can sit in Christian churches, along with their fellow secret brethren, and happily worship Gad, Satan, Ah Mun Ra and Lord Baal.
Plus, they all speak Ancient Text so they know what everything in the Bible means!
When read in Ancient Text, the Bible tells the story of the Dark’s triumph over the Light (Jesus, Lucifer), symbolized and culminating with the execution of Jesus on the cross. That is their logo, the symbol of the triumph of the Dark over the Light, Jesus being tortured and hanging dead on a cross. The Dark's triumph over the Light.
Jay Parker is a survivor of a generational Satanic family and has excellent videos on the 13 bloodlines that secretly rule the World, and how they do it.
PS If you are following the End Times prophesies, the Hopi were waaay ahead of everyone else. The Blue Kachinas showed up in front of the Sun, Trump is clearly the Heyoka, and "The sky is full of webs" = CHEMTRAILS!
You're NUTS! Take your DEMONIC propaganda back to your witch circle
All you have to do Catherine is do the math.
This entire planet is run by 13 bloodlines. Roughly 800 individuals. A cabal of thirteen bloodlines of pure satanic evil. And they control EVERYTHING.
Which is how a proportionately small group of individuals can control an entire planet of 7billion humans, by controlling EVERYTHING. And religion is one of their 5 major systems of control, used to keep the masses divided, ignorant and obedient.
Religions were created by the llluminati, the 'Enlightened Ones' specifically to PREVENT the masses from becoming 'enlightened'!
The Evil has been mining the Earth for millennia.
We are Their labor force.
We speak the language THEY gave us.
We learn what THEY teach us.
We image ourselves by the history THEY showed us.
We perceive our World as THEY explained it to us.
We behave the way THEY trained us.
And we believed what THEY told us to believe.
Just do the math Catherine. There are roughly 800 of them and 7billion of us. Did you really think they were going to give us a religion that would empower us?
Be gone DEMON!
Matthew 10:33 “But whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.”
Luke 12:9 “But the one who denies me before men will be denied before the angels of God.”
2 Timothy 2:12 “If we endure, we will also reign with him; if we deny him, he also will deny us.”
Jude 1:4 “For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.”
1 John 2:22 “Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son.
That is very interesting. Especially that crucifying Jesus signifies the triumph of the dark over the light. I don't want to spend too much time in this as I don't want to be reconstituting their images (I want to create the new earth) but I might look up Jay Parker to listen to on occasion. It's so interesting that all this is done right under our noses and people don't know what they're saying when they use words like "amen". Thank you for enlightening us.
Yes Denise, the cross is the symbol of the sword. And the sword driven into the ground is the symbol of triumph, victory.
Absolutely! The rapture of God's people is imminent. People get on board the ark before it's too late!
People have been saying
that for 2 thousand years at least
Yes, and the time has come for the scriptures to be fulfilled! All praise and glory to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit! This video is a great way to understand the system we are trapped in! God bless!
Yes, Jesus said, "Nobody knows the day or the hour" but we can know the seasons. Our time is just about up.
Thank @Carl L. McWilliams for this post. I agree, this is Biblical Prophecy. Over the last three years I’ve come to the same correlations. The Revelation 12 to 13 signs are aligning along with the Four Horsemen.
Even going all the way back to Genesis and Exodus, it has all revolved from Satan’s desire to corrupt the seed of the woman. This is evident in the signs throughout the last 6000 years. The seed of the woman to the virgin birth of Jesus to now the remnant seed. Satan is attempting to destroy the seed/offspring of those that follow the commands of Jesus Christ.
Follow me on substack and read some of my investigations following these unfolding signs. God Bless you!
One of early Pfizer whistle blowers stated that the stuff they were putting in the shots was glowing in one of the batches.
That’s right. We’ve known about this for a while now. It’s been confirmed. Dr. Carrie Madej was on top of this from day one. Others conducted their own independent research and came to the same conclusion. Greg’s videos puts it together nicely. These people are truly SICK. Greg, can you do a video on the Antartica breakaway civilization (blue ice, ghost particles (neutrinos) and how they hold the key to free energy, etc— connect that to Cheyenne Mountain and the underground facility there- home of Space Force. :)
And then one day Doc Carrie's plane fell out of the sky.
And she SURVIVED. Don’t forget that part. They FAILED TO SILENCE HER.
She survived because she was placed into a Med Bed. She spoke about the new technology and how it had saved her life. Med beds will also remove the stuff that is now in us from the jab, thank God. And they are about to be released worldwide.
MedBed ? I believe this to be part of the Q Psyop. Do you have a link that confirms she did use such a medbed?
Yup, that was a slap in their faces.
Yep that was weird.
I wrote my comment before I listened to the video. It is mentioned in the video,. whistle blower, Melissa Strickler, from Pfizer saying the vials looked like it has a glow stick in it.
Melissa McAtee: Luciferase in Pfizer Injection Likely is What Makes it Glow - It's An Identifier: https://bitchute.com/video/GeiHxmFXn2ok [7:11mins]
I remember that.
Brilliant. No pun intended.
! 🫠 !
Intended lol
More like acclaim paired off with sarcasm ala double entendre.
The truth cannot be told it has to be realized. ~Ralph Smart
👍🏿👍🏽👍 As I crosspost Greg’s no-nonsense recap of Dr. Ana’s important work and warnings, let me add a request to all of my subscribers and guests who watch this video: PLEASE forward this to everyone you know who’s still in denial about the Vaxx Bioweapons protocols and visit my substack for an intelligent understanding of American-born militarized-pathogen history & Vaxx agenda.
If you associate with anyone who persists with supporting Trump, Biden or any other politician who either denies these facts or never talks about them as the most important discussion in human history—that individual should be shunned and damned to hell. Stop associating with willing damned fools.
Nobody has a right to be so intentionally ignorant that they continue to put all of human civilization in jeopardy; literally losing all freedom, lives and our human DNA and souls.
I’ve no religious belief, but I do understand that the Eugenicists who own all of our crooked cops, military general officers, media platforms, textbooks & schools, and all of the Left & Right bought Politicians are in fact using Satanic rituals and protocols to kill the majority of life on this planet, not just humanity.
Stop lying to yourself, and stop insisting on logical or biblical answers for why this is happening. No God brings on war, slavery or End Times events. Eugenicist, soulless monsters and their brainwashed whores are doing this. Why? Because they are sick; mentally ill; totally insane money & power junkies.
WAKE UP, fools; don’t get trapped by the trans-humanist “WOKE” crowd who are also tools for the Eugenicist war & disease profiteering slavers. Stop fighting each-other, which is what “their” politicians and media tool-bots want. Take off your Red & Blue gang colors. Choose to be a free Independent person with the right to think, evolve and change your mind, not a left or right schooled-clown trapped to endless, worthless argumentative-debates and deadly conflicts & wars. That’s what “their” media and politicians want. Don’t you get it yet?
jeffrey p lubina; You are seriously flawed in your mindset when you write: "stop insisting on logical or biblical answers for why this is happening. No God brings on war, slavery or End Times events."
Wake up and smell the coffee! This is the end of the age of the Gentiles. If your name is not written in the Lamb's Book of Life, you have made an eternal mistake. Time is short, the Grace of Jesus Christ-Yeshua Messiah and entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven will soon not be available.
False! Religion is exactly what is Wrong with the world today. we certainly don’t need more of that BS.
"But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven." [Matthew 10: 33]
It is not religion.. Religion is a man made construct to divide people.
Belief in God’s word is spirituality - big difference. We are in the end times, believe it!
Man cannot win or overcome what is written to be, only through Jesus Christ will we have eternal life. Don’t believe there is a God or Satan? Well, the folks or demons running this earth do and they show us that daily. It will only get worse from here until He returns.
Eternity is a long time to be wrong.
"...the folks or demons running the Earth"
....also wrote the Bible!