You know that Wikipedia is owned by the Khazarians don't you? I started to read your 1 polorazing complexity and you said you have taken your information from Wikipedia. I will continue to read anyway, I just wanted you to know if you didn't. They have, of course not trustworthy information. That's a problem.
I started wondering if the "kazar..." control all media, which I believe is true how are there "journalists" out there telling the truth? I dont think there are. Dig deep enough & there are NO independent journalists. Any that seem so are used to warn of what is coming so the evil ones can avoid blame & karma, according to their beliefs. Just my opinion.
YES these devils own all the TV news, that is suppose to go down soon during a EBS/EAS broadcast, if that ever happens, been waiting 2 years. Meanwhile, live as the 5 wise virgins in Matthew 25
I have been waiting for EBS 8 years😂 it will come, it has to! Or else? We will be living in 15 minutes zones! That would be something to look forward to. 😱
See Ryan Christian at THE LAST AMERICAN VAGABOND, Chris Hedge's, Richard Medhurst, Owen Jones, REALLYGRACEFUL, TRUTHSTREAM MEDIA, Lee Camp, Max Blumenthal, Abby Martin,
Wikipedia is also known as the’jewish helpers’ as it carries the Slant to their interpretation for benefit of the narratives ! Truth is so much more Revealing !
"Polarizing Complexity" is click bait, nothing more. If you paid to read it, they already got what they wanted out of you. It doesn't matter if you believe what's written.
what make you believe that jewish religion is good?
Did you read the old Testament? the Talmud? Is all about massacres. They destroy all the people that welcome them, for 4-5 thousands of years. Why do you think Jesus land among them and not in Pekin? "YOU ARE THE SONS OF THE DEVIL" told them/ That was 1000 years before the Kazhars.
They PRAY every day for the destruction of Christians!!!
Yes, the Khazars rape their own children from 3 years of age. They kidnapp children and sacrifice them to lucifare, they love sacrificing. Does anyone believe that God approves this? Does anyone believe this is good people. And clearly, they are not humans. They despise humans goyim as they call us. They want the planet for themselfs. And they are behind depopulation of humanity.
You are confused. God is love, He never changes. And like everything else we think we know/learned, we been ;lied to, our books, history, yes even the Bible was "translated" for evil's benefit
exactly, because the Bible is a psychological drama and all the characters are myths and never existed. The churches have enslaved humanity with their literal interpretation which is 100% fraud and satanic to the core. Xtian-zionism is the greatest threat to humanity!
These traitors in congress have all been paid by the zionists to support their evil new world order UN Agenda 2030 global depopulation.
Satanyahoo, is a monster conjured up from the depths of hell for the Khazarian destruction of Planet Earth.
I agree with much of what you say, but you are so wrong on what is in the bible. It is people who get it wrong, not God. If you have read any part of it, you are reading mail that was not written to you. There is no way you can understand it. You say the churches - no, it is the deceived people that misinterpret the scriptures. If you knew history, you would know the scriptures are true, but what you need to know is God Himself. Check out Ray Comfort on YouTube.
I believe all God's Word is true, but mostly in Revelation, and mess up meanings of words during the translation. This was reported, and proved to be true by people who compared it to early Hebrew, and Greek scrolls, or idk, other Bibles maybe
Nope. been studying the Bible for over 40 years now and history and you are wrong. There is no truth to the literal historical interpretation of the Bible. It is a psychological drama and extremely profound, because it speaks to each of us. Churches all teach it is literal and historical when nothing could be further from the truth!
My Neville Goddard Playlist will free your mind from the false secular indoctrination you have gotten from churches:
Yes, the Bible is Mythology, not a scientific or historical document. All of the clowns using the psyence of their buybull to back their flat earth tard psychosis
show the great danger to the human mind that the literal interpretation of the scriptures creates.
These poor xtians believe their myths are real and therefore, they will fly up into the clouds and meet jesus for a fantasy they call their "rapture"!
We do not agree with anything if you believe Jesus is a mythical being. I would never be in a foxhole with you. Sorry. I pray you come to the knowledge of God
Jesus is the God. The only One who died for the sins of the world. All other gods, (little g), people called them gods, were Fallen Angels, who are assigned to territories, they are Fallen for what they've done are are still doing to mankind. Those are the same blood as the bloodline families, (their words not mine), that's who runs our governments, and the battle our special forces are fighting
I have talked to at least 2 people who worship the God's of Norway. People will worship anything. Most people worship themselves, and that is probably you. No offence intended, but to say the True God of the bible is a myth, is to show ignorance.
You speak on what you do not know. You see, I know God personally. I know there are a lot of people who call themselves Christians and are not, but when you know God you know many things that others do not know. I know you won't believe me, but you should. Another point, well, check out some Ray Confort videos on Youtube and you might see what I know.
I will have to check it out. I have read all of the great books on Comparative Mythology, by: Gerald Massey, Alvin Boyd Kuhn, Alan Watts and even Joseph Campbell revealing the bible's: symbolism, allegory, myth, astro-theology, Sacred Geometry, numerology and gematria. They are all brilliant and can free anyone from their xtian mind control programs run by churches. I have known about these truths since the late 80's. Everything changed for me last year!
I found the work of Neville Goddard about a year ago and my life has been radically transformed from the deep insights he was taught by Abdullah The Ethiopian Mystic.
Seriously I have been born again and had demons removed from my life by putting into practice prayer as taught by these great men. It has required nothing on my part, only a shift in consciousness and a new attitude about health, wealth, abundance, prosperity and free energy and free thinking for all of humanity! Though the dark forces are still trying to defeat my efforts, great help came to the rescue.
A brilliant man in the UK even did a perfect synopsis of my life's work, before my website and two books on Cosmology were sabotaged and all of my work taken down from the net:
His synopsis is seriously all anyone would need to have clear understanding of the true working mechanics of our Holographic Electric Light Matrix (HELM) and it's Creator, Universal Mind. It is well worth a read!
Note colleen, He is also a God of Justice and all who will not repent and trust what Jesus did for them, will end up in Hell. Check out Ray Comfort on Youtube.
That’s a loaded question. The Torah is, but Judaism isn’t a religion based on Torah, it is a religion based on the traditions of the elders…the scribes and Pharisees…
Forming shortly after the death of Jesus Christ and the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple in 70 AD.
It originates from Babylonian Paganism and Gnosticism, and its teachings are written in the Babylonian Talmud.
These people are Luciferians masquerading as something else entirely, and the Bible calls them the Synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 2:9 (KJV) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 (KJV) Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
In the Book of Acts, Stephen called out these same Scribes and Pharisees, the Sanhedrin and said the following to them:
Acts 7:43 (KJV)
Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.
These people have been busy since those days, having created many false religions, including Roman Catholicism, Islam, and Judaism ✡️ <~~~~and their 🇮🇱 Star of David is really something else entirely mentioned above ⬆️
They seek a One World Empire, with one universal religion. They’re getting closer than ever to successfully pulling that off.
The Daniel 2 - Final World Empire aka Beast System will be arriving 🔜, as they first need to tear down the old world first, and then Merge countries into regions.
There will be 10 regions, thus 10 toes (Daniel 2)
The Jewsuits (Jesuits are Jewish who control all Secret Societies) including the Masons; they will have their day in the sun, where they will worship their Son of Perdition, aka Capstone….but it will be short lived as the scriptures reveal the following:
Psalm 118:22 (KJV)
The stone [which] the builders (Masons) refused is become the head [stone] of the corner.
Matthew 21:42 (KJV)
Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders (Masons) rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?
Mark 12:10 (KJV)
And have ye not read this scripture; The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner:
Luke 20:17 (KJV)
And he beheld them, and said, What is this then that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner?
Acts 4:11 (KJV)
This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.
Ephesians 2:20 (KJV)
And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner [stone];
In The Beginning was the Word. The Word was with God, and was God. Jesus was/is the Word, He spoke all things into existence. There is nothing that has been created that wasn't created by Him. All things are for Him, through Him, by Him, and held together by Him.
think again on that one. Once you invite the Holy Spirit to live inside you, the Word comes alive to you. When you read the Bible, you will supernaturally understand it. It is the living Spirit of God. .It speaks to your spirit, and gets written on your heart, So, whenever someone needs a miracle, a healing, you, by the Spirit in you, will have the words and power inside you.
The Bible is the Guidebook to the Supernatural. Forget the witch crap. They got nothing, no power, without God. And their daddy the devil is a creation of God, and He/Lucifer, was an angel of light. A beautiful worshiping angel. Who went rogue, and wanted man to praise him and not God. So he was cast to earth like lightening....and we know the story from there.
Look into the esoteric interpretation of the Bible and it will all makes sense to you. The problem is the literal interpretation taught in all churches is 100% impossible and stupid.
GOD is the source of GOOD and BEAUTY..THe OT is allegoric, not literal! Is a jewish supremacy story of how they destroy all non jews, because they think the had been chosen by God....How can GOD chose one over others? how can He favor one over others? FREE WILL...We are here and have to do the best we can, in order to be judge AT THE END OF TIMES...not now!, not in the Old Testament!..Moises told God what to do and GOd change his mind???..really???
Although, they are the chosen ones. Chose by God to be save, because they are the ONLY ones who need it. "I came for the lost sheep, not for the ones I have" said Jesus.
17 For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, "For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I might show my power in you, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth."
18 So then he has mercy on whomever he wills, and he hardens whomever he wills.
19 You will say to me then, "Why does he still find fault? For who can resist his will?"
20 But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, "Why have you made me like this?"
21 Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use?
22 What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction,
23 in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory-
24 even us whom he has called, not from the Jews only but also from the Gentiles?
25 As indeed he says in Hosea, "Those who were not my people I will call 'my people,' and her who was not beloved I will call 'beloved.'"
26 "And in the very place where it was said to them, 'You are not my people,' there they will be called 'sons of the living God.'"
He wanted all the Nephilim bloodlines wiped out. BUT, they did not obey and left some....that is our problems in this world today. If you do your research, the Rockefellers, and the other 13 BLOODLINE families, say with their own words, they are the Nephilim bloodlines. They intermarry to keep that going, for generations now. They want, and have been trying to wipe out all that is of God.
Just look at today. the "Georgia Guidestones", the cv-19 plandemic, the clot-shots....on & on. That is who our Special Forces are fighting, the Cabal, and in the DUMBs, the fallen is a spiritual war. This is the real deal folks. And we are going to see such a big move of God, like the Red Sea Moment, and every knee will bow. In heave, on earth, and under the earth.
Mois78, you show your ignorance and have no concept of the God of the bible. First there is only one God in 3 persons. He is our creator and the one who died so people can miss Hell and inherits eternal life with God. He only died for those will will trust him as God and savior and repent. check out Ray Confort on Youtube for a little more detail. He is very entertaining and educational.
The OT and the NT make up a total of 66 books a number by the way is no coincidence to point. These books as the many before it are all forgeries and have been altered many times over for hundreds of years. The Latin Vulgate, the Septuagint, the Pentateuch, the Hebrew bible, the Ethiopian bible etc. The supernatural evil power influenced the scribes to write of things that are influential as much then as they are today.
God is the same yesterday, today, and forever….comments like yours only prove that you don’t even have a basic level of understanding when it comes to the Torah.
Go read Genesis Chapter 6 - slowly and carefully and perhaps you’ll finally understand what’s going on.
Zionist's are Free Mason's (Mormon Church) Evangelicals and the Illuminati (Roman Catholic Church) who when Christianity split into two, they denounced worshiping ALLAH unlike the Orthodox Church. Why? Even when ALLAH is translated to Latin it is for ALL...AH... Hallelujah ✨
UNITED WE STAND UNDER GOD - ALLAH not the false Masonic Kabbalah G_d who is the DAJJAL.
so the Evangelicals are related to Roman Catholic church??..Where you got that from? Luther? Calvin? I have the impression they hate Rome. At least their doctrines are totally opposite to Catholic theology..
By the way, are you muslim?
If so, what can you tell me about the Coran satying that Jesus is born without sin from a Virgen (Mary). I d love your thoughts on that.
The Quran confirms that Jesus was "the Word" of God--not born of sperm in other words--to a VIRGIN--which means no relationship with a man. Plus she was Holy, good, and without Sin to bear the most High on Earth
Yes , you can bet the house on it. The day they burned Jaques de Molllet is where it went bad. Today Masonry and the Bavarian illuminaty are nothing but communist anti-Christ mental illness .
I have been told that when you reach a certain level in Freemasonry, they say that the Muslim god is their god, even though they use the the bible and the Koran.
All religion, including yours's. are man Seeking God. True biblical Christianity is God seeking man. Your understanding these religious groups you mentioned show a lack of knowledge.
I invite you to read God's love letters to his people and ask Him to show you, Himself in them.
May I suggest the ESV translation in modern English. You will be better educated for it. You might even meet Jesus there. At least you will know about Him, more than you do now. Reading the bible will make you smarter.
Masons are antithetical to faith-based religion, so your supposition is entirely incorrect -- not to mention the Mormons have nothing to do with Freemasonry, which, again, is not compatible with faith.
The Talmud is a man made document. The Torah is God's word. The 1st 5 books of Moses, and the Prophets. The Talmud is a historical commentary of Pharisaical Legalistic and wicked men. The same type of people Jesus continually rebuked in His earthly ministry. The same type who delivered Him to be crucified. They and the Gentile nations are damned without faith in Christ. Jesus came to be a light to the Gentiles. A hope to those who walk in darkness and the shadow of death.
So the torah is written by jews...the very same ones that Jesus called "Sons of the devil who is a lair from the beginning"...and we should believe them??
Anyway, for anyone who use REASON, is clear than the Old Testament is allegoric..Unless the reader descend from Luther, who said that Reason is the prostitute of faith, Sola Fide, etc...Then, it makes sense. and if you add Calvin with his "predestination"theory, where if you are wealthy is because God chose you....That;s why we are in this mess.
The Rabbi Sorcerer's have tampered with both the Torah and New Testament. This is why Allah sent the Quran in Arabic. The Quran has never been corrupted!
If anyone has actually read the Talmud, I don't understand how there are actually any jews left in the world. It is the reason why they have been kicked out of virtually any and every country they try to take over. Including here.
Their pretended innocence is betrayed by their every action.
Hmmmm, God is good and the Israelites were certainly close to hopeless but God knew there would be a remnant that would follow Him. The satanic evil was huge back then just not as hidden as it is today.
If there is a duck floating in a pond quacking, do you really need to call it a duck for it to "be" what it is? It is what it is. Whatever the exact nature of the elephant, does he not take up the room?
The historical record says the Igigi are an ancient, evil race, that present themselves as human to dominate and control us. They have survived numerous cataclysms by knowing when they are coming and going underground. They are mentioned in this overview video
Other historical texts have the Igigi as the slaves or workers that were brought to earth by the Annunaki.
Would seem contradictory that such “powerful beings” as the Igigi, as portrayed by this YouTube video, would have been chosen as common laborers for the Annunaki’s purposes on earth… especially since this video suggests that the Igigi BECAME the Annunaki. Just saying. 🤷♀️
At the Syrian Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism, December 1, 2014 — in his Keynote address, VT Senior Editor and Director Gordon Duff disclosed publicly for the first time ever that World Terrorism is actually due to a large International Organized Crime Syndicate associated with Israel. This disclosure sent shock waves at the Conference and almost instantly around the world, as almost every world leader received reports of Gordon Duff’s historical disclosure that same day, some within minutes.
And the shock waves from his historic speech in Damascus continue to reverberate around the world even to this very day. And now Gordon Duff has asked President Putin to release Russian Intel which will expose about 300 traitors in Congress for their serious serial felonies and statutory espionage on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) against America and many Middle East nations.
The present-day KM knows that it cannot operate or exist without abject secrecy, and therefore has spent a lot of money having its history excised from the history books in order to prevent citizens of the World from learning about its “Evil beyond imagination”, that empowers this World’s largest Organized Crime Cabal.
Revelation 2 and 3 speak of the "Jews who say they are but are not, who are the synagogue of Satan"! The 'mystery Babylon of Revelation is an "economic system". Revelation calls them "great merchants" of the earth. Producing luxuries and extravagance. The Jewish leadership in Israel is really the Khazarian mafia, and the Synagogue of Satan. Add in the WEF, WHO, UN, Globalist NGO's, Tech billionaires, Blackrock and Vangaurd leaders, Big Pharma, Big chemical (Bayer former Monsanto) and you can see the globalist cabal that forms this satanic world economic system! This is not surprise as the New Testament reminds us that Satan is the "prince and power of the air" and ruler of this corrupt world system. Ephesians 6 tells us our enemy is rulers and authorities of this dark work (cabal system mentioned above) AND spiritual forces in heavenly places. Fallen angels or members of the former Divince Council, aligned with wordly forces to come against Yaweh and HIS Son and their plan for their imagers and the creation they were called to "subdue" or Steward for God's glory. Psalm 2 reminds us who wins this battle:
Why do the nations conspire[a]
and the peoples plot in vain?
2 The kings of the earth rise up
and the rulers band together
against the Lord and against his anointed, saying,
I have a question regarding Khazar's and I'm definitely not being inflammatory but have a genuine request for information. I've read quite a bit on the Khazars and it seems to be 2 camps on this subject. One is that they assimilated into Jewish society and vowed vengeance on the people who forced the conversion. The other is they moved to a smaller area on that land and eventually the race died out. Both agree that they're what we call the Khan's that terrorized that region. I haven't seemed to find anything but currently published info on that subject and I am highly suspect that I can find anything that was published in the centuries before. I remember the Khan's being in school books back in the 70s yet not a thing older than 2016. Do you have any sources that have older opinions on this? Thanks.
Look at this two links on YouTube about our history, I have got it from Tom here on substack and also listen to "the 5th kind" with Paul Wallis, and Billy Carson. They know a lot about our history.
how shore can we be about anything concerning our history. We know they have lied to us since the beginning of time.
But I tell you what I think I know.
Khazars came from Manchuria next Mongoliet, Djingis Khan era. Khazar means cheif in their language.
They used to do raids in to Ukraine, (that time Ukraine was an area of different groups of people's with different cultures and languages).
The Khazars took people from the aria as slaves and for sacrifices, they were lucifarian worshippers from the beginning.
Russia the tzar family that time fought the Khazars over this over and over, but didn't succeed. The Khazars created a kind of Kingdom in the Ukrainian area, now they had a cheif placed there. Like a royalty family.
Russia decided to make a stop to this lucifarian practices, they told the Khazar royalty to get themselfs a religion, to make them stop the sacrifices. The Khazars shosed judeismen.
But the Khazars didn't stop with their lucifarian worshipping, they just went underground. Now the Russians became really mad at them, and told them, we will wipe you out for good.
the Khazars fled out in Europe and called them self Jews.
The story says that Hitler was put in place in Germany by Routchild (Khazar) and Hitler learned about the Khazars that called themselfs Jews. He believed the Khazars mission is to take over the world.
Now the nazists started to chase the "Jews" all over Europe and kill them.
When the war was over Routchild created Israel, in that time Israel were like Ukraine, groups of different folks, religions, languages, in different areas.
So the Khazars came there as refugees, and were accepted and welcomed. Nobody knowed they where Khazarians and lucifarians.
We know the rest, they took over Israel and became the lucifarians worshipper they always been.
They do the same today, kidnapp children, sacrifice them to Lucifer. They don't only kill Muslims in Israel, they kill Jews and Christians too. They kill everybody that they can't control.
What do they say in Israel in this war. "Kill everybody" and because they have made everybody believe they are Jews and we should feel sorry for them, because of the Holocaust, and they have made us believe that the Jews are the shosen one by God, we can't critise them.
Haven't they been smart!!!
Another interesting thing
The Khazars don't see themselfs as human, they call us goyim. We have no rights in their eyes, because we are humans, a lower species. They don't mix themselfs with goyim. They want to ceep their blood (species) clean.
So they marry in their own families. Thats inbreeding and creates big problems, as we all know. They have sex with their own children from age 3. Remember a mounth ago when FBI made a raid in NY, in a tunnel? It was Khazars teaching other Khazars how to open a vagina in a toddler girl to be able to penetrate her!
Now, when I first found this story I started to research and went to Google to find Zion. At that time I found Zion a planet in another solar system. I looked it up and that solar system have a name I can't remember. It's a female name.
Now when I try to find it again. Their is nowhere to be found. Not on Google not on Wikipedia. It's like the Khazarian book "the protocols of the learned elders of Zion" before I found it on Amazon, and now it's nowhere to be found.
I read it before they took it out. It's a terrible book that really describes how they hate humans and wants us wiped out.
Kill 95% and ceep 500 millions as slaves for them.
They are not humans, mabey reptoids and shapeshifters. I found an old story with pictures from an explorer I think from the beginning of 1900. It was a lot of pictures from underground Cities, buildings, sociaties, strange animals, peoples, extraterrestrials, giants,
Landscapes and so forth.
Very interesting. And I think some of the Khazarians fled down there during the Russian war. And I think they are in contact with the Khazars in Israel. Just a feeling.
Thanks! I spent the whole day researching this between Ukraine, Russia, History, Babylonian Talmud, etc. The WHOLE day rabbit hole. Anyways, there's an Intel guy, Gordon Duff, that wrote on Veterans Today that was pretty enlightening. Thanks again.
I listen to Michelle more on rumble, she has the same guest many times, mabey ones a week or more. He speaks about the Jesuits how they rule the world. And we know that pope Frances is not only a P he also do SRA and he is a lucifarians.
And, it's a underground tunnel between the Vatican and Jerusalem.
What I am thinking about is, can it be that the Jesuits are Khazars?
YES AMEN. "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." Rev. 2:9 " Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." Rev. 3:9
You are delusional, They're jews from the talmudic synagogue of Satan dude, by no other name that they think they can make excuses for, or hide behind!
Don't listen to any "man"....fallen men. Just have the personal relationship with Jesus, like He always wanted. Jesus hated/hates religion. We are new creatures in Christ, born, reborn of the Spirit. The old sinful man has died with Him, and raised together with Him, seated at the Right Hand of God. Don't let these people with religious spirits turn you away from Jesus Christ. They are not worth losing your soul over, and your eternal inheritance. Get to know Jesus
are you sure? Why He used the apostles for? "Peter, over this rock I ll be my church".. IF Jesus or God would want us to understand him just like that, He wouldn't use those 12 ignorant and weak guys?? Forget it, We the people are too stupid to deal with God directly without the help of GOOD HOLY Priests. There is ONLY one True and Holy CHURCH created by Jesus..the goal is to find it. It comes in Western or Eastern taste.. ;)
It's a difficult subject. This Khazarians have used many names during our history.
There is a story that tells for example, that there where a group of aliens here from Mars 1000 of years back. They came to dig gold from the planet, and used their own people for it. This people said no in the end and the Marsians used humans instead. They forced the South African pygmes (as the whites called them) famies to live underground their whole life to dig up this gold.
We have the annunaki, and the reptilians.
An other story is that Elohim (a group of Gods) demanded the aliens on the planet, to leave the planet. One group did, was that the annunaki? The reptilians refused and they stayed, and have been here ever since, underground.
Perhaps this link will shed some light on things. You guys aren’t wrong about the Khazarians, but there is much more to the history going on here than just that.
I’m not an American and I do not live in America. As an outsider looking in … it doesn’t seem to matter if you’re Democrat, Republican, Trump or a Lindsey Graham, it’s all about war. They lie and kill and do it all in the name of God.
These are truly sad times, as we are led by global monsters and there are not too many people willing to stand up to these Satanists for fear of retaliation.
Although, more important than God in the US, is money. The real God is money and guess who print the money? who manage American;s money on the financial market so they can go golfing and fishing without the need of working? St Paul said "if anyone was unwilling to work, neither should that one eat"...but they dont read that one or John 8.44
From my perspective I see it happening across the globe. The world is in lockstep.
I have always viewed the machinations of politicians, business leaders etc with suspicion. It is disheartening to hear people say that the Governments work for us the people and they would do us no harm. They truly believe it and if they ever do wake up, it maybe too late for some.
I stood fast with all the COVID rhetoric, to the pitch where I lost my job, my career and my superannuation. I can see who is at the bottom of all this, have been for centuries … so how do we put a stop to their well orchestrated plans? I do believe that their powers are waning, and we have to fight the fight for the future of our children and grandchildren.
We all need to be philosophers for the truth, seek it out ask your creator for it, discernment of the loads of information that is out there for there is alot of disinfo out there as well, including books of the bible.
I walk in Nature daily Troy…peace, quiet, alone! It’s helped me more than anything. Nature understands and nurtures one’s Soul. That is Truth, and it helps me critically think, and really look inside myself.
Spot on Renee we all need this grounding, it really is so vital to ones overall health physically, spiritually and mentally. When one quiets the mind you can listen to those thoughts that help with truth! All the best to you and as always have a nice day :)
I hope so. The people in Australia are the same. There are a few who understand what is happening and I think the number is growing. We will get there Clay.
You cannot look at the world from the Democrat/Republican lens. Those parties were created to devide and conquer. The infiltration into this nation began with Jesuit priest pretending to be on the side of the pilgrims. These wolves in sheep clothing’s mission was to infiltrate all sectors of this nation and they did. If you read documents from the founding of this nation, the framers KNEW it. Many who fought and died in the silent war to protect human beings against these tyrannical monsters don’t get the credit today that they deserve.
But I digress. The infiltration is widespread. The indoctrination is deep and starts when we are children. We (some) are bred for power and deception in these circles. As adults we trade favors for positions, just ask Kamala Harris. They all support each other. Look into Kamala’s ties to Obama which goes back to her writing a letter to get Obama into university. What you are seeing today, is the rise of the sleeper cells, the fruit of those “jesuit priests”. This take-over began before this Nation was even formed.
That virus infected many and took whatever form it needed to in order to accomplish its long range goal.
But heres the thing, as long as they have been planning their take over, some (many) have been planning their extermination.
We are now in that final battle.
The majority of which, the physical part, was fought in the year before Trump took office and until 2022. You are seeing the rubble, “the building after the bomb went off”— why? Because you won’t appreciate the sacrifice it took, the lives it took, until you see the aftermath.
After this, you will see the parties disappear. Keep watching.
I understand wholeheartedly the sacrifices that people have made, and continue to make. Over the past four years we common folk have lost much … jobs, careers, homes and the hardest loss of all, loved ones.
The virus was a smokescreen. The globalist cabal transferred a record amount of money during lockdowns, so the rich got richer and the poor got poorer.
They tried to mask us into subservience, force a toxic mRNA on to us, just to name a few things that they did.
This plan has been a long time in the making indeed.
This will be the end of the unipolar world, but we have not seen the worst of it yet.
By “virus” I meant “them” the dark ones. Oh I am perfectly aware what “COVID” the “Cares Act” and the poison shots were all about. And they still lost.
I understand Renee, it is difficult because you’re up against power, and that can be overwhelming. I feel it’s the same everywhere … Australia has changed and we are in a constant state of flux and it’s all deliberate.
I agree that we are here for a reason.
I always say to my family that we chose to be here at this time and we will never stop fighting, and we will never lose sight. The world is a beautiful place with amazing people and we must continue to send one another positive vibes. We must stand fast and make sure we do not consent to their actions.
Unfortunately, you are correct. Americans, are on the most part, are raised to believe that this is the greatest country on earth from infancy. We're indoctrinated to the point that we feel that everyone is good except the obvious criminals. By the time the regular citizen figures out how manipulative and corrupt they are, were much older. I've learned more in the last 5 years because of Covid. I might not be awake if it didn't happen. I've had a busy life. Husband, 5 kids, Accounting career, and I was barely squeezing all if that into my days let alone pay attention to government. I should have known that you can't give away unlimited power and expect that people will use it wisely. I am seeing this in every country so it tells me they have been planning this for a long time and have tricked us all. Normal people don't expect this because we don't think in those terms. We can't do anything about the past but we surely can do something about the future!!
It's not tough. It's just a matter of seeing the forest through the trees. I was born and raised Roman Catholic. Left the church in the early 90's. I was taught to believe all this God's chosen people crap and more but never fell/believed it. I've come to accept that everything about our history that we were taught in school was a lie. That nothing is as it seems or was. It's not reprogramming. It's just waking up to the reality of things, having common sense and doing critical thinking.
I grew up catholic too. It never fit. I went on to study religion and history… then it was clear why it never resonated with me. What a gift that you were led away from that world, but netter still that you recognized it for the gift it truly was. Love to you. ❤️
What’s sad? Is that 12 people liked your comment which tells me they are just as lost as you are.
Strong delusion
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 (KJV) 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
The truth mentioned in the above verses is referring to God‘s word a.k.a. Jesus Christ
John 17:17 (KJV)
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
Unfortunately you have taken another lie, and embraced it as truth. The catholic church system is not able to save your soul for eternity, but believing that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh who came to take away the sin of the world, will save you. He did not come to make us our own self-willed gods, but adopted sons of God through repentance of wrongdoings and our sins, being given a new godly nature through the born-again experience of receiving the gift of His Spirit indwelling us, and obedience to Him daily from then on. The incorrect belief in 'individuation' is centered on self actualization, not on true transformation that comes through God's indwelling Spirit. We do not become gods, but we are adopted sons of God through Jesus. Zionism has put forth a lot of egregious beliefs and has infiltrated christianity, and has corrupted the churches into standing unquestioningly with unrighteousness acts done by Israel. This too is error. The truth is, Christians have ascribed to this, and are misleading government policies. As for you, my friend, turn back to the Lord, for He alone is true and pure.
Yes indeed the 'good' consciousness held in ones heart period. The anti-christ in my opinion are all those willfully or unknowingly are against or anti those who hold 'good' in their heart.
This truth definitely must be told and it will be a hard pill to swallow for so many. However, we cannot move forward as a people until this is brought to the surface.
With Israel, every accusation is a confession. What the war criminal Netanyahu said about conquering the world is an admission of Zionist's plans to rule the world.
So you a Talmudic Jew, I see you display not one but two Israeli flags and the star of Rhemphan. I see you go by the blasphemous title of Reverend. Do you not know the Scriptures ? Psalm 111:9 tells us, Reverend and Holy is His name. There's no a man on earth to be revered. Certainly not one holy.
Did you happen to notice I was flipping the bird to Israel and the jews of the Synangogue of satan! Idiot! I don't have the same gad as you. My God is the Creator!!!
Well you're apparent lack of education and vocabulary really came through with that comment. Why don't you try conversing decently with people rather than trying to prove you're something that you're not ? Which is a young man wise in his own eyes but in reality he's a fool. Now you think about that, move on and troll someone else, for I'm not playing your silly little game any more. You've taken up way to much of my time.
"I am a Zionist. You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist." - suckup Joe Biden, who's masters put him in the 'comm' chair. See it on YT if you can still find it.
If you think about this war between God and evil that's going on. When humans (white hats army with their allians) have taken out the evil on the planet, there will still be evil spirits we can't get rid of. I believe that's why Jesus and his angels must come back and wipe out this spirits, for the planet, animals and humans to become 💯 clean. He is the only one who can do it!
If you think about this war between God and evil that's going on. When humans (white hats army with their allians) have taken out the evil on the planet, there will still be evil spirits we can't get rid of. I believe that's why Jesus and his angels must come back and wipe out this spirits, for the planet, animals and humans to become 💯 clean. He is the only one who can do it!
We know He left because His Living Word gives eyewitness accounts for everything. Acts 7:55 Context
52Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers: 53Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it. 54When they heard these things, they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed on him with their teeth. 55But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, 56And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.
The 66 "book" Bible can answer all your questions friend.
Indeed Paul has interesting accounts of people who were close to Christ.
What is happening now is that political powers are using this faith for their own agenda, especially with Evangelicals and the use of end times by a dying empire.
Paul single handedly was the greatest evangelical helping to create Christianity. Faith goes beyond politics. "My kingdom is not of this earth. JC
I have been talking to my children for most of their young lives regarding the birthright or the bowl of soup.
Not that my generation. Will have anything left for them. How important, futile it is to not eat the bowl of soup. Not so much focusing on what our birth right is but acknowledging the harm that comes from eating that bowl of compromises.
Here they are as a globe dipping their spoons into a cess pool of toxins.
May we stand steadfast at our posts upon the beacon of life and shine brightly as a representation of our birthright. For the record, our rights at birth are summed up in the first breath we take and revealed at the last breath we make.
Biblical prophecy should be interpreted with greater nuance and less certainty. "Stand with Israel" can be interpreted as "stand with the Jewish people," not Zionist Israel, which is corrupt and was captured by the globalist Cabal likely from its beginning. Most Biblical scholars, as opposed to Evangelical preachers, believe Ezekiel's Gog-Magog prophecy implicates Turkey, not Russia.
It's just all hideous..all religions have been infiltrated..see Candace Owen's. Finally the psychopathic. 0001 percent who own the world are becoming exposed. I'd pay money if anyone can find out the owners behind Vanguard.
And he is a PARASITE, every year we give them billions of our dollars so they can buy rent our politicians, that mostly have dual passports with that unholy country.
When we accept Christ as our Savior, WE are now Israel. What people don’t realize is that we as Christians are now the chosen family of God. It is those who turned away from Him that will be forsaken and God will give them another chance to come to Him or suffer eternal death. Israel the country is not of God but of Satan as the Khazarian mafia has stolen this identity to blind people from the truth to bring down the Kingdom of God as their god Satan is who they follow. Pray for eyes to be opened and hearts to find Jesus and that the Holy Spirit will heal minds and souls!!
it's all British conniving time and time again . Churchill from the beginning and mostly during his service during WW1 at the secretariat for War had Tons of good / bad Jew propaganda . . . People like Benjamin Disraeli were instrumental and are overlooked.
I dunno if i was the heir of the Rothschild i would go public and call it like it is ; Am king of Isreal and be done with the schemes .
I am so happy that I was able to learn my way out of evangelical Christianity. I got into the church by reading the Left Behind series, which peddles this bullshit interpretation of Revelation. The more I learned, the more I realized that there are some serious historical problems with Christianity and modern Zionism. Recently I have found that Jason Breshears of Archaix on YouTube is a great source for historical information regarding Judaism and Christianity. He is a former Christian who has studied thousands of books, not internet sources, to compile a historical record. His Dark Scriptures playlist is great. The Isrealites inserted themselves into the stories of what we call the Old Testament, which were histories of the Babylonians and other groups.
I find your constant pelting on Israel completely delusional and extremely ignorant about the situation that is the reality behind this brutal Islamic occupation inside Israel. I had a colleague of mine who suffered from similar amnesia to the Gaza/Palestine situation and went to volunteer there. I warned him multiple times that these are not "natives", not victims, but this is a brutal terrorist group looking to expand into other countries, (Just look what the Palestinians did to Syria... ISIS was founded and trained in Gaza, based on Palestinian ideology and charters. And then they destroyed Lebanon with the 1972 civil war, crucifying Christians and trying to stage a coup). He refused to believe it, and preferred to rely on the constant deception Islamic terrorism is built on. Within a year living in Gaza, "fighting for their freedom" and constantly voicing his opinions, they beheaded him. They cut his head off because he begun to see what they really were, and realise they were full of sh*t and lying about everything.
To divert attention from the fact that ordinary "Palestinian civilians" cut his head off (no one is a civilian in the terrorist state of Palestine; they're all recruits, and now some of them are 2nd and 3rd generation), Hamas covert journalism which is infiltrated and spread to all international media outlets, announced that he had been beheaded by a small terrorist group. He wasn't. No, the "Palestinians" are not innocent civilians. They are ALL members of terrorist groups. That's the sole purpose these people flooded from Egypt and Saudi Arabia into Israel in the 1940s to commit genocide against Jews and Christians to follow the duty of Islamic ideology. They got themselves lodged in Gaza and West Bank where they illegally occupied the Christian and Jewish land. In 1963 these foreign occupiers began calling themselves "natives" and claimed to be "Palestinians" for the first time, trying to piggyback on the history of the real Palestinians, the Christians who relocated to Lebanon once the Islamic slaughters spread into Israel.
So, anyone peddling the b*ll, like you are, is completely delusional and is only aiding them in their expansion. Besides, they can provide ZERO evidence of any "48,000 deaths" because there is no 48,000 deaths. And 98% of all the dead bodies from videos and images from Gaza are fake and is footage and images they take from the mess they themselves created in Syria, and the terrorism in Yemen, and Iraq. So, please do yourself a favour and educated yourself better on the real facts about Palestine and not their own propaganda that is seeped in everywhere nowadays, funded by Gulf money.
ISIS was not created by Obama... Obama is tied into Qatar funding, which is in full support of terrorism to spread worlwide in belief this will expand the Islamic supremacy. And Obama supports the Islamic cause, being a closet muslim himself, so he supports and created the expansion you see all across the USA today. ISIS was founded right in Gaza where they sought to create their desired Caliphate in Syria by creating a civil war built on confusion and lies, the usual methods they use (look what they're created in Lebanon, Burma, Thailand, India, etc.). They've been demanding a caliphate for decades in Jerusalem, but it proved harder for them to achive. So, they exploited Syria's fragile economy and weak security and created it there instead. Driven out from Syria by Russia, they've now settled roots in Iraq instead.
Nor has Israeli government created Hamas. This is a ridiculous statement, and was created in Palestine propaganda because all problems are always skewed to be blamed on Israel. That's how Islam works, like the 9/11 propaganda spread from Arabia that it was created "by Mossad". Israeli government support any government changes in Gaza that promises to end terrorism. And many of these political parties lie and pretend to be moderate, but as soon as they reach power they show they have no moderate ideals at all. However, Israel has desperate hopes for peace clinging to a straw that will never happen in a deliberately created and occupied terrorist state like "Palestine". The Jews are the primary targets of muslims for 1,400 years and were driven out of their homeland, most subject to genocide. The sole reason for the constant hatred of the Islamic world against Israel has nothing to do with them "occupation" anything which is their ancestral land for 5000 years stolen from them, but it pure Islamic ideology instructed in the Koran. Anyone can read these ugly texts to realise this is an ideological war built on religious racism and nothing else.
In your dreams. Islamic terrorism is 1400 years old. Far older than the CIA or any other agency. Nothing else creates it except muslims themselves, based on their fanaticism and beliefs.
Sorry Ray, even though you seem well spoken, what you’re actually saying isn’t true at all.
Those Yahudim over in Israel pretending to be the seed of Abraham are a bunch of liars and deceivers. We know them by their fruit, and even the Bible reveals them to be the following:
Synagogue of Satan
Revelation 2:9 (KJV) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 (KJV) Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
They’ve had a good run, but Yah has had enough of their wickedness, and divine retribution is on the way. First thing coming though, will be the revelation of who these people are…
Luke 8:17 (KJV)
For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither [any thing] hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
The USA 🇺🇸 will be judged 1st by Yah, and then those fake Jews will have nobody to protect them, when they’re surrounded by their enemies.
This is just mumbo jumbo based on imagination. Islamic terror is real and it's coming to America and you will have no clue what to do with it or how to handle it, because you've all been duped with Arab Jew=hate propaganda funded by Gulf countries. And you're too naive about the world to recognise it.
Millions of proud Ignorant people were easy pray for the sons of the devil!!..The most ignorant people on earth were told that they can read the bible and understand the most amazing mysteries of the universe!!!...The sons of the devil use those "pastors" who created zionism in UK/US, before Herzl even began talking about Israel/Patagonia.(yes, they also consider invading Patagonia.Plans still going on. Andinia Plan). Now, the sons of the devil are way more prepare for the coming persecution, because they have now, an army of brainless evangelical parrots who read the Old Testament literally!!!! US had been run behind scenes by the devil since the Civil War..>Nobody noticed because money keep flowing domestically while murdering and pillaging overseas. (just as English empire while running by the same guys).
The only way is to destroy Usury and the financial system, fired squad all the traitors to the country, and pay no debt to the usurers, otherwise they will accomplish their messianic plan of "govern the world", a world of subhumans, as they consider the non chosen ones.
Thank you for saying that, they have Stockholm syndrome with the Zionists, that are not Jews but Khazarian mafia.
Couldn’t have said it any better. Once people are aware of the whole Khazar To Jew to Zionist conversion, the whole picture makes sense:
You know that Wikipedia is owned by the Khazarians don't you? I started to read your 1 polorazing complexity and you said you have taken your information from Wikipedia. I will continue to read anyway, I just wanted you to know if you didn't. They have, of course not trustworthy information. That's a problem.
Thank you for sharing that!
I started wondering if the "kazar..." control all media, which I believe is true how are there "journalists" out there telling the truth? I dont think there are. Dig deep enough & there are NO independent journalists. Any that seem so are used to warn of what is coming so the evil ones can avoid blame & karma, according to their beliefs. Just my opinion.
YES these devils own all the TV news, that is suppose to go down soon during a EBS/EAS broadcast, if that ever happens, been waiting 2 years. Meanwhile, live as the 5 wise virgins in Matthew 25
I have been waiting for EBS 8 years😂 it will come, it has to! Or else? We will be living in 15 minutes zones! That would be something to look forward to. 😱
It’s always been called the (jewsmedia) by those who know! ask your Honest Jewish friend !
It would be fun to read Jewish newspapers. Just to compare.
I think you are right!
Truth Tellers and Honest Journalists are dropped and black-balled !
See Ryan Christian at THE LAST AMERICAN VAGABOND, Chris Hedge's, Richard Medhurst, Owen Jones, REALLYGRACEFUL, TRUTHSTREAM MEDIA, Lee Camp, Max Blumenthal, Abby Martin,
Wikipedia is also known as the’jewish helpers’ as it carries the Slant to their interpretation for benefit of the narratives ! Truth is so much more Revealing !
"Polarizing Complexity" is click bait, nothing more. If you paid to read it, they already got what they wanted out of you. It doesn't matter if you believe what's written.
Are you 100 on all of them?
And in my case I don't pay, can't afford to pay everywhere.
It would let me read it unless I paid!
You post some great stuff Franklin. Keep up the great work!
Thanks Perry! I’m always appreciative of the support so thanks for taking the time to write this! 😊
what make you believe that jewish religion is good?
Did you read the old Testament? the Talmud? Is all about massacres. They destroy all the people that welcome them, for 4-5 thousands of years. Why do you think Jesus land among them and not in Pekin? "YOU ARE THE SONS OF THE DEVIL" told them/ That was 1000 years before the Kazhars.
They PRAY every day for the destruction of Christians!!!
Yes Talmud is a slaughter book!
Any resemblance with Epstein Island, Pedophilia, human sacrifices (San Simonino of Trento), LGBT, etc??
Yes, the Khazars rape their own children from 3 years of age. They kidnapp children and sacrifice them to lucifare, they love sacrificing. Does anyone believe that God approves this? Does anyone believe this is good people. And clearly, they are not humans. They despise humans goyim as they call us. They want the planet for themselfs. And they are behind depopulation of humanity.
Remember it is the supernatural here that is at work the principalities and powers of the darkness in this world and in heavenly places. Ephe 6:12
Going to suck us into WW3
And Pro Homosexual. The Talmud states their 8 genders. The Jewish religion was outlawed in Russia before the commies Killed the Czar and his family.
Damn commies
🌈Kabbalism Hinduism Jinn🧞🦸🏼♂️Iblis worshippers
And blasphemous as well. It's the "bible" for the Synagogue of Satan.
They had Jesus killed remember
Yelp! It was the Pharisees that had Jesus killed!
These "pastors" are the wolves in sheeps clothing their Bible talks about! Nothing worse than a religiously justified psychopath!
but there are so many ways to justify
So true.
Right you are! 👍
The old testatement's god is an angry violent supremacist god.
The new Testament god is a loving forgiving god. We should dump the OT in the trash.
You are confused. God is love, He never changes. And like everything else we think we know/learned, we been ;lied to, our books, history, yes even the Bible was "translated" for evil's benefit
exactly, because the Bible is a psychological drama and all the characters are myths and never existed. The churches have enslaved humanity with their literal interpretation which is 100% fraud and satanic to the core. Xtian-zionism is the greatest threat to humanity!
These traitors in congress have all been paid by the zionists to support their evil new world order UN Agenda 2030 global depopulation.
Satanyahoo, is a monster conjured up from the depths of hell for the Khazarian destruction of Planet Earth.
I agree with much of what you say, but you are so wrong on what is in the bible. It is people who get it wrong, not God. If you have read any part of it, you are reading mail that was not written to you. There is no way you can understand it. You say the churches - no, it is the deceived people that misinterpret the scriptures. If you knew history, you would know the scriptures are true, but what you need to know is God Himself. Check out Ray Comfort on YouTube.
I believe all God's Word is true, but mostly in Revelation, and mess up meanings of words during the translation. This was reported, and proved to be true by people who compared it to early Hebrew, and Greek scrolls, or idk, other Bibles maybe
Nope. been studying the Bible for over 40 years now and history and you are wrong. There is no truth to the literal historical interpretation of the Bible. It is a psychological drama and extremely profound, because it speaks to each of us. Churches all teach it is literal and historical when nothing could be further from the truth!
My Neville Goddard Playlist will free your mind from the false secular indoctrination you have gotten from churches:
I agree.
Who believes in the mythical Gods of Norway/Sweden?
Who believes in the Gods of Greece/Italy but it is assumed we must believe in a mythical Jesus/God.
All fantasy and fairy tales.
It's gossip handed down through the ages written down probably by a fanatical worshipper.
Yes, the Bible is Mythology, not a scientific or historical document. All of the clowns using the psyence of their buybull to back their flat earth tard psychosis
show the great danger to the human mind that the literal interpretation of the scriptures creates.
These poor xtians believe their myths are real and therefore, they will fly up into the clouds and meet jesus for a fantasy they call their "rapture"!
We do not agree with anything if you believe Jesus is a mythical being. I would never be in a foxhole with you. Sorry. I pray you come to the knowledge of God
Jesus is the God. The only One who died for the sins of the world. All other gods, (little g), people called them gods, were Fallen Angels, who are assigned to territories, they are Fallen for what they've done are are still doing to mankind. Those are the same blood as the bloodline families, (their words not mine), that's who runs our governments, and the battle our special forces are fighting
I have talked to at least 2 people who worship the God's of Norway. People will worship anything. Most people worship themselves, and that is probably you. No offence intended, but to say the True God of the bible is a myth, is to show ignorance.
You speak on what you do not know. You see, I know God personally. I know there are a lot of people who call themselves Christians and are not, but when you know God you know many things that others do not know. I know you won't believe me, but you should. Another point, well, check out some Ray Confort videos on Youtube and you might see what I know.
Agreed!! 'Forgery in Christianity' by Joseph Whelens a 1756 page book that explains it all.
I will have to check it out. I have read all of the great books on Comparative Mythology, by: Gerald Massey, Alvin Boyd Kuhn, Alan Watts and even Joseph Campbell revealing the bible's: symbolism, allegory, myth, astro-theology, Sacred Geometry, numerology and gematria. They are all brilliant and can free anyone from their xtian mind control programs run by churches. I have known about these truths since the late 80's. Everything changed for me last year!
I found the work of Neville Goddard about a year ago and my life has been radically transformed from the deep insights he was taught by Abdullah The Ethiopian Mystic.
Seriously I have been born again and had demons removed from my life by putting into practice prayer as taught by these great men. It has required nothing on my part, only a shift in consciousness and a new attitude about health, wealth, abundance, prosperity and free energy and free thinking for all of humanity! Though the dark forces are still trying to defeat my efforts, great help came to the rescue.
A brilliant man in the UK even did a perfect synopsis of my life's work, before my website and two books on Cosmology were sabotaged and all of my work taken down from the net:
His synopsis is seriously all anyone would need to have clear understanding of the true working mechanics of our Holographic Electric Light Matrix (HELM) and it's Creator, Universal Mind. It is well worth a read!
Note colleen, He is also a God of Justice and all who will not repent and trust what Jesus did for them, will end up in Hell. Check out Ray Comfort on Youtube.
Amen Scott
It was edited, and isn't the OT part of the jewish holy books anyway?
That’s a loaded question. The Torah is, but Judaism isn’t a religion based on Torah, it is a religion based on the traditions of the elders…the scribes and Pharisees…
Forming shortly after the death of Jesus Christ and the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple in 70 AD.
It originates from Babylonian Paganism and Gnosticism, and its teachings are written in the Babylonian Talmud.
These people are Luciferians masquerading as something else entirely, and the Bible calls them the Synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 2:9 (KJV) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 (KJV) Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
In the Book of Acts, Stephen called out these same Scribes and Pharisees, the Sanhedrin and said the following to them:
Acts 7:43 (KJV)
Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.
These people have been busy since those days, having created many false religions, including Roman Catholicism, Islam, and Judaism ✡️ <~~~~and their 🇮🇱 Star of David is really something else entirely mentioned above ⬆️
They seek a One World Empire, with one universal religion. They’re getting closer than ever to successfully pulling that off.
The Daniel 2 - Final World Empire aka Beast System will be arriving 🔜, as they first need to tear down the old world first, and then Merge countries into regions.
There will be 10 regions, thus 10 toes (Daniel 2)
The Jewsuits (Jesuits are Jewish who control all Secret Societies) including the Masons; they will have their day in the sun, where they will worship their Son of Perdition, aka Capstone….but it will be short lived as the scriptures reveal the following:
Psalm 118:22 (KJV)
The stone [which] the builders (Masons) refused is become the head [stone] of the corner.
Matthew 21:42 (KJV)
Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders (Masons) rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?
Mark 12:10 (KJV)
And have ye not read this scripture; The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner:
Luke 20:17 (KJV)
And he beheld them, and said, What is this then that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner?
Acts 4:11 (KJV)
This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.
Ephesians 2:20 (KJV)
And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner [stone];
if god is love, you do not need a book to find him, in fact, a book will prevent you from it.
In The Beginning was the Word. The Word was with God, and was God. Jesus was/is the Word, He spoke all things into existence. There is nothing that has been created that wasn't created by Him. All things are for Him, through Him, by Him, and held together by Him.
think again on that one. Once you invite the Holy Spirit to live inside you, the Word comes alive to you. When you read the Bible, you will supernaturally understand it. It is the living Spirit of God. .It speaks to your spirit, and gets written on your heart, So, whenever someone needs a miracle, a healing, you, by the Spirit in you, will have the words and power inside you.
The Bible is the Guidebook to the Supernatural. Forget the witch crap. They got nothing, no power, without God. And their daddy the devil is a creation of God, and He/Lucifer, was an angel of light. A beautiful worshiping angel. Who went rogue, and wanted man to praise him and not God. So he was cast to earth like lightening....and we know the story from there.
The Lord rebuke you. Your mouth with be twisted and tripping on your evil words until you repent, and meet Him face to face
Look into the esoteric interpretation of the Bible and it will all makes sense to you. The problem is the literal interpretation taught in all churches is 100% impossible and stupid.
The esoteric interpretation is a beautiful one, that rejects all of the horrible thangs you mentioned in your criticism of the xtian zionist Buybull!
You are clueless about Biblical faith, my friend 🤔
how can GOD change mood????
GOD is the source of GOOD and BEAUTY..THe OT is allegoric, not literal! Is a jewish supremacy story of how they destroy all non jews, because they think the had been chosen by God....How can GOD chose one over others? how can He favor one over others? FREE WILL...We are here and have to do the best we can, in order to be judge AT THE END OF TIMES...not now!, not in the Old Testament!..Moises told God what to do and GOd change his mind???..really???
Although, they are the chosen ones. Chose by God to be save, because they are the ONLY ones who need it. "I came for the lost sheep, not for the ones I have" said Jesus.
17 For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, "For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I might show my power in you, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth."
18 So then he has mercy on whomever he wills, and he hardens whomever he wills.
19 You will say to me then, "Why does he still find fault? For who can resist his will?"
20 But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, "Why have you made me like this?"
21 Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use?
22 What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction,
23 in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory-
24 even us whom he has called, not from the Jews only but also from the Gentiles?
25 As indeed he says in Hosea, "Those who were not my people I will call 'my people,' and her who was not beloved I will call 'beloved.'"
26 "And in the very place where it was said to them, 'You are not my people,' there they will be called 'sons of the living God.'"
Romans 9:17-26
Moses was an Egyptian shaman
Tell me more. The Moses I know was a servant of God.
No doubt. He was raised as an Egyptian though.
God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
He wanted all the Nephilim bloodlines wiped out. BUT, they did not obey and left some....that is our problems in this world today. If you do your research, the Rockefellers, and the other 13 BLOODLINE families, say with their own words, they are the Nephilim bloodlines. They intermarry to keep that going, for generations now. They want, and have been trying to wipe out all that is of God.
Just look at today. the "Georgia Guidestones", the cv-19 plandemic, the clot-shots....on & on. That is who our Special Forces are fighting, the Cabal, and in the DUMBs, the fallen is a spiritual war. This is the real deal folks. And we are going to see such a big move of God, like the Red Sea Moment, and every knee will bow. In heave, on earth, and under the earth.
Mois78, you show your ignorance and have no concept of the God of the bible. First there is only one God in 3 persons. He is our creator and the one who died so people can miss Hell and inherits eternal life with God. He only died for those will will trust him as God and savior and repent. check out Ray Confort on Youtube for a little more detail. He is very entertaining and educational.
The OT and the NT make up a total of 66 books a number by the way is no coincidence to point. These books as the many before it are all forgeries and have been altered many times over for hundreds of years. The Latin Vulgate, the Septuagint, the Pentateuch, the Hebrew bible, the Ethiopian bible etc. The supernatural evil power influenced the scribes to write of things that are influential as much then as they are today.
God is the same yesterday, today, and forever….comments like yours only prove that you don’t even have a basic level of understanding when it comes to the Torah.
Go read Genesis Chapter 6 - slowly and carefully and perhaps you’ll finally understand what’s going on.
Here is a hint: Seed 🧬 War
The "demiurge"--yes.---
Zionist's are Free Mason's (Mormon Church) Evangelicals and the Illuminati (Roman Catholic Church) who when Christianity split into two, they denounced worshiping ALLAH unlike the Orthodox Church. Why? Even when ALLAH is translated to Latin it is for ALL...AH... Hallelujah ✨
UNITED WE STAND UNDER GOD - ALLAH not the false Masonic Kabbalah G_d who is the DAJJAL.
so the Evangelicals are related to Roman Catholic church??..Where you got that from? Luther? Calvin? I have the impression they hate Rome. At least their doctrines are totally opposite to Catholic theology..
By the way, are you muslim?
If so, what can you tell me about the Coran satying that Jesus is born without sin from a Virgen (Mary). I d love your thoughts on that.
The Quran confirms that Jesus was "the Word" of God--not born of sperm in other words--to a VIRGIN--which means no relationship with a man. Plus she was Holy, good, and without Sin to bear the most High on Earth
And the funny thing is that I saw an interview with a freemasonry man. And he said that they are all Muslims!
Freemasons will lie about their order(s) to anyone not affiliated.
Yes , you can bet the house on it. The day they burned Jaques de Molllet is where it went bad. Today Masonry and the Bavarian illuminaty are nothing but communist anti-Christ mental illness .
I have been told that when you reach a certain level in Freemasonry, they say that the Muslim god is their god, even though they use the the bible and the Koran.
All religion, including yours's. are man Seeking God. True biblical Christianity is God seeking man. Your understanding these religious groups you mentioned show a lack of knowledge.
I invite you to read God's love letters to his people and ask Him to show you, Himself in them.
May I suggest the ESV translation in modern English. You will be better educated for it. You might even meet Jesus there. At least you will know about Him, more than you do now. Reading the bible will make you smarter.
Masons are antithetical to faith-based religion, so your supposition is entirely incorrect -- not to mention the Mormons have nothing to do with Freemasonry, which, again, is not compatible with faith.
Should burn like witches
These Christian Zionist FOOLS are also following the Old Covenant which was superseded by the blood of Christ in God's new covenant with us:
nice blog you have!!
God Bless you
The Talmud is a man made document. The Torah is God's word. The 1st 5 books of Moses, and the Prophets. The Talmud is a historical commentary of Pharisaical Legalistic and wicked men. The same type of people Jesus continually rebuked in His earthly ministry. The same type who delivered Him to be crucified. They and the Gentile nations are damned without faith in Christ. Jesus came to be a light to the Gentiles. A hope to those who walk in darkness and the shadow of death.
So the torah is written by jews...the very same ones that Jesus called "Sons of the devil who is a lair from the beginning"...and we should believe them??
Anyway, for anyone who use REASON, is clear than the Old Testament is allegoric..Unless the reader descend from Luther, who said that Reason is the prostitute of faith, Sola Fide, etc...Then, it makes sense. and if you add Calvin with his "predestination"theory, where if you are wealthy is because God chose you....That;s why we are in this mess.
The Rabbi Sorcerer's have tampered with both the Torah and New Testament. This is why Allah sent the Quran in Arabic. The Quran has never been corrupted!
I don't have time to response indepth.
Go to Islamic sites and BLOGGING THEOLOGY for more information.
If anyone has actually read the Talmud, I don't understand how there are actually any jews left in the world. It is the reason why they have been kicked out of virtually any and every country they try to take over. Including here.
Their pretended innocence is betrayed by their every action.
Hmmmm, God is good and the Israelites were certainly close to hopeless but God knew there would be a remnant that would follow Him. The satanic evil was huge back then just not as hidden as it is today.
If there is a duck floating in a pond quacking, do you really need to call it a duck for it to "be" what it is? It is what it is. Whatever the exact nature of the elephant, does he not take up the room?
The Igigi.
What is Igigi?
The historical record says the Igigi are an ancient, evil race, that present themselves as human to dominate and control us. They have survived numerous cataclysms by knowing when they are coming and going underground. They are mentioned in this overview video
Wonderful info, I know things about this aliens too. I will read your text that you sent.
I have been frustrated so long, that so very few people are talking about them.
And I hope this platform will be open for it.
Some people here are willing to admit that the Khazars (Igigi) rule the world, so I am hoping for the best outcome for us here in this subject.
Holy crap, the Morlock are real?
i'll check it out
Other historical texts have the Igigi as the slaves or workers that were brought to earth by the Annunaki.
Would seem contradictory that such “powerful beings” as the Igigi, as portrayed by this YouTube video, would have been chosen as common laborers for the Annunaki’s purposes on earth… especially since this video suggests that the Igigi BECAME the Annunaki. Just saying. 🤷♀️
To find the truth is like being a criminal detective! 😂
Thats on purpose.
Tell it to the author, Jason Breshears, in the comment section of his video and straighten him out.
What about them?
This man will explain it:
1st Part:
2nd Part:
And see the synopsis by Sean S below.
I got the feeling Greg wont be reading the comments coz he's gona get triggered lol
They talk about the Igigi in your link ?
He does a synopsis of the research he's done - and yes, the Igigi are explained from origin to who they are today.
glad you linked it , it was a good watch. must have been a year since my last visit at archaix. Good stuff
Thank you, I will check them out. 💚
At the Syrian Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism, December 1, 2014 — in his Keynote address, VT Senior Editor and Director Gordon Duff disclosed publicly for the first time ever that World Terrorism is actually due to a large International Organized Crime Syndicate associated with Israel. This disclosure sent shock waves at the Conference and almost instantly around the world, as almost every world leader received reports of Gordon Duff’s historical disclosure that same day, some within minutes.
And the shock waves from his historic speech in Damascus continue to reverberate around the world even to this very day. And now Gordon Duff has asked President Putin to release Russian Intel which will expose about 300 traitors in Congress for their serious serial felonies and statutory espionage on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) against America and many Middle East nations.
The present-day KM knows that it cannot operate or exist without abject secrecy, and therefore has spent a lot of money having its history excised from the history books in order to prevent citizens of the World from learning about its “Evil beyond imagination”, that empowers this World’s largest Organized Crime Cabal.
This was helpful. Gordon Duff is good.
Revelation 2 and 3 speak of the "Jews who say they are but are not, who are the synagogue of Satan"! The 'mystery Babylon of Revelation is an "economic system". Revelation calls them "great merchants" of the earth. Producing luxuries and extravagance. The Jewish leadership in Israel is really the Khazarian mafia, and the Synagogue of Satan. Add in the WEF, WHO, UN, Globalist NGO's, Tech billionaires, Blackrock and Vangaurd leaders, Big Pharma, Big chemical (Bayer former Monsanto) and you can see the globalist cabal that forms this satanic world economic system! This is not surprise as the New Testament reminds us that Satan is the "prince and power of the air" and ruler of this corrupt world system. Ephesians 6 tells us our enemy is rulers and authorities of this dark work (cabal system mentioned above) AND spiritual forces in heavenly places. Fallen angels or members of the former Divince Council, aligned with wordly forces to come against Yaweh and HIS Son and their plan for their imagers and the creation they were called to "subdue" or Steward for God's glory. Psalm 2 reminds us who wins this battle:
Why do the nations conspire[a]
and the peoples plot in vain?
2 The kings of the earth rise up
and the rulers band together
against the Lord and against his anointed, saying,
3 “Let us break their chains
and throw off their shackles.”
4 The One enthroned in heaven laughs;
the Lord scoffs at them.
5 He rebukes them in his anger
and terrifies them in his wrath, saying,
6 “I have installed my king
on Zion, my holy mountain.”
7 I will proclaim the Lord’s decree:
He said to me, “You are my son;
today I have become your father.
8 Ask me,
and I will make the nations your inheritance,
the ends of the earth your possession.
9 You will break them with a rod of iron[b];
you will dash them to pieces like pottery.”
10 Therefore, you kings, be wise;
be warned, you rulers of the earth.
11 Serve the Lord with fear
and celebrate his rule with trembling.
12 Kiss his son, or he will be angry
and your way will lead to your destruction,
for his wrath can flare up in a moment.
Blessed are all who take refuge in him
S.O.S. (Synagogue Of Satan)--an interesting acronym.
How the Ashkenazi Jews conned the west!!!
Isreal bombs friendlies and blames their enemies because they profit from the fallout.
I have a question regarding Khazar's and I'm definitely not being inflammatory but have a genuine request for information. I've read quite a bit on the Khazars and it seems to be 2 camps on this subject. One is that they assimilated into Jewish society and vowed vengeance on the people who forced the conversion. The other is they moved to a smaller area on that land and eventually the race died out. Both agree that they're what we call the Khan's that terrorized that region. I haven't seemed to find anything but currently published info on that subject and I am highly suspect that I can find anything that was published in the centuries before. I remember the Khan's being in school books back in the 70s yet not a thing older than 2016. Do you have any sources that have older opinions on this? Thanks.
Look at this two links on YouTube about our history, I have got it from Tom here on substack and also listen to "the 5th kind" with Paul Wallis, and Billy Carson. They know a lot about our history.
how shore can we be about anything concerning our history. We know they have lied to us since the beginning of time.
But I tell you what I think I know.
Khazars came from Manchuria next Mongoliet, Djingis Khan era. Khazar means cheif in their language.
They used to do raids in to Ukraine, (that time Ukraine was an area of different groups of people's with different cultures and languages).
The Khazars took people from the aria as slaves and for sacrifices, they were lucifarian worshippers from the beginning.
Russia the tzar family that time fought the Khazars over this over and over, but didn't succeed. The Khazars created a kind of Kingdom in the Ukrainian area, now they had a cheif placed there. Like a royalty family.
Russia decided to make a stop to this lucifarian practices, they told the Khazar royalty to get themselfs a religion, to make them stop the sacrifices. The Khazars shosed judeismen.
But the Khazars didn't stop with their lucifarian worshipping, they just went underground. Now the Russians became really mad at them, and told them, we will wipe you out for good.
the Khazars fled out in Europe and called them self Jews.
The story says that Hitler was put in place in Germany by Routchild (Khazar) and Hitler learned about the Khazars that called themselfs Jews. He believed the Khazars mission is to take over the world.
Now the nazists started to chase the "Jews" all over Europe and kill them.
When the war was over Routchild created Israel, in that time Israel were like Ukraine, groups of different folks, religions, languages, in different areas.
So the Khazars came there as refugees, and were accepted and welcomed. Nobody knowed they where Khazarians and lucifarians.
We know the rest, they took over Israel and became the lucifarians worshipper they always been.
They do the same today, kidnapp children, sacrifice them to Lucifer. They don't only kill Muslims in Israel, they kill Jews and Christians too. They kill everybody that they can't control.
What do they say in Israel in this war. "Kill everybody" and because they have made everybody believe they are Jews and we should feel sorry for them, because of the Holocaust, and they have made us believe that the Jews are the shosen one by God, we can't critise them.
Haven't they been smart!!!
Another interesting thing
The Khazars don't see themselfs as human, they call us goyim. We have no rights in their eyes, because we are humans, a lower species. They don't mix themselfs with goyim. They want to ceep their blood (species) clean.
So they marry in their own families. Thats inbreeding and creates big problems, as we all know. They have sex with their own children from age 3. Remember a mounth ago when FBI made a raid in NY, in a tunnel? It was Khazars teaching other Khazars how to open a vagina in a toddler girl to be able to penetrate her!
Now, when I first found this story I started to research and went to Google to find Zion. At that time I found Zion a planet in another solar system. I looked it up and that solar system have a name I can't remember. It's a female name.
Now when I try to find it again. Their is nowhere to be found. Not on Google not on Wikipedia. It's like the Khazarian book "the protocols of the learned elders of Zion" before I found it on Amazon, and now it's nowhere to be found.
I read it before they took it out. It's a terrible book that really describes how they hate humans and wants us wiped out.
Kill 95% and ceep 500 millions as slaves for them.
They are not humans, mabey reptoids and shapeshifters. I found an old story with pictures from an explorer I think from the beginning of 1900. It was a lot of pictures from underground Cities, buildings, sociaties, strange animals, peoples, extraterrestrials, giants,
Landscapes and so forth.
Very interesting. And I think some of the Khazarians fled down there during the Russian war. And I think they are in contact with the Khazars in Israel. Just a feeling.
Love 👍💖
Thanks! I spent the whole day researching this between Ukraine, Russia, History, Babylonian Talmud, etc. The WHOLE day rabbit hole. Anyways, there's an Intel guy, Gordon Duff, that wrote on Veterans Today that was pretty enlightening. Thanks again.
I listen to Michelle more on rumble, she has the same guest many times, mabey ones a week or more. He speaks about the Jesuits how they rule the world. And we know that pope Frances is not only a P he also do SRA and he is a lucifarians.
And, it's a underground tunnel between the Vatican and Jerusalem.
What I am thinking about is, can it be that the Jesuits are Khazars?
Yes, Michelle Moore! I'd never heard her before and I really liked her!
You sent me a link but it won't show me it! Please resend.
You're full of crap!
Stockholm Syndrome in a way that if you don't play by our rules you will be gone.
YES AMEN. "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." Rev. 2:9 " Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." Rev. 3:9
You are delusional, They're jews from the talmudic synagogue of Satan dude, by no other name that they think they can make excuses for, or hide behind!
Research Sheikh Imran Hussein on Juj Majuj and on the YouTube channel MERCIFUL SERVANT
Amen to that. Great one sentence post!
Don't listen to any "man"....fallen men. Just have the personal relationship with Jesus, like He always wanted. Jesus hated/hates religion. We are new creatures in Christ, born, reborn of the Spirit. The old sinful man has died with Him, and raised together with Him, seated at the Right Hand of God. Don't let these people with religious spirits turn you away from Jesus Christ. They are not worth losing your soul over, and your eternal inheritance. Get to know Jesus
Thank you but I am a woman and I have a soul which is kind and tolerant which has nothing to do with any God on this planet.
are you sure? Why He used the apostles for? "Peter, over this rock I ll be my church".. IF Jesus or God would want us to understand him just like that, He wouldn't use those 12 ignorant and weak guys?? Forget it, We the people are too stupid to deal with God directly without the help of GOOD HOLY Priests. There is ONLY one True and Holy CHURCH created by Jesus..the goal is to find it. It comes in Western or Eastern taste.. ;)
It's a difficult subject. This Khazarians have used many names during our history.
There is a story that tells for example, that there where a group of aliens here from Mars 1000 of years back. They came to dig gold from the planet, and used their own people for it. This people said no in the end and the Marsians used humans instead. They forced the South African pygmes (as the whites called them) famies to live underground their whole life to dig up this gold.
We have the annunaki, and the reptilians.
An other story is that Elohim (a group of Gods) demanded the aliens on the planet, to leave the planet. One group did, was that the annunaki? The reptilians refused and they stayed, and have been here ever since, underground.
Are the Khazars shapeshifting reptilians?
There is so much more to this stories.
Visit Paul Wallis on his site "The 5th Kind"
And you also have Billy Carson.
This two guys knows a lot of our history!
I prefer the KM as a label: "Khazarian Mafia"---
Perhaps this link will shed some light on things. You guys aren’t wrong about the Khazarians, but there is much more to the history going on here than just that.
Prison Planet
yeah and 80% of us have Stockholm syndrome !
I would say 97% of total world population has cognitive dissidence and SS.
You’ll get your wish soon enough, blasphemer.
I’m not an American and I do not live in America. As an outsider looking in … it doesn’t seem to matter if you’re Democrat, Republican, Trump or a Lindsey Graham, it’s all about war. They lie and kill and do it all in the name of God.
These are truly sad times, as we are led by global monsters and there are not too many people willing to stand up to these Satanists for fear of retaliation.
What war did Trump start? We will await your reply.
LOL the war that Trump started was against you!!!
He told you he was a snake but you let him in!
Father of the vaccine, operation warp speed et et.
Operation “War on the Seed”
Trump is a crypto Jew, and a Zionist, in fact, they love him so much in Israel that they’re minting coins with his image on them.
Some even believe that he could be the Son of
I personally don’t believe that, but definitely is Jewsuit (Jesuit) educated and an enemy of the people.
He is idolized in this country though, and when he is assassinated, it will be a catalyst for civil war that will break out in this country.
A country that will be judged and is cursed for its wickedness. Her judgments are coming, and a bunch of Americans are about to die.
Psalms 9:17 (KJV)
The wicked shall be turned into hell, [and] all the nations that forget God.
Operation Warp speed
He never stopped the war in Afghanistan, instead he spoke of how he would have done it differently to Biden. easier to see it from outside.
you are right.
Although, more important than God in the US, is money. The real God is money and guess who print the money? who manage American;s money on the financial market so they can go golfing and fishing without the need of working? St Paul said "if anyone was unwilling to work, neither should that one eat"...but they dont read that one or John 8.44
You cannot serve 2 masters, most serve mammon not our creator.
You're absolutely right Anne, and for so long the American population has been brainwashed to follow this ideology.
One day hopefully someone will wake them up.
From my perspective I see it happening across the globe. The world is in lockstep.
I have always viewed the machinations of politicians, business leaders etc with suspicion. It is disheartening to hear people say that the Governments work for us the people and they would do us no harm. They truly believe it and if they ever do wake up, it maybe too late for some.
I stood fast with all the COVID rhetoric, to the pitch where I lost my job, my career and my superannuation. I can see who is at the bottom of all this, have been for centuries … so how do we put a stop to their well orchestrated plans? I do believe that their powers are waning, and we have to fight the fight for the future of our children and grandchildren.
We all need to be philosophers for the truth, seek it out ask your creator for it, discernment of the loads of information that is out there for there is alot of disinfo out there as well, including books of the bible.
I walk in Nature daily Troy…peace, quiet, alone! It’s helped me more than anything. Nature understands and nurtures one’s Soul. That is Truth, and it helps me critically think, and really look inside myself.
Spot on Renee we all need this grounding, it really is so vital to ones overall health physically, spiritually and mentally. When one quiets the mind you can listen to those thoughts that help with truth! All the best to you and as always have a nice day :)
👍🕊️🌞🌻🌲🪺🌊-lol! You have a beautiful day as well Troy!
I hope so. The people in Australia are the same. There are a few who understand what is happening and I think the number is growing. We will get there Clay.
You cannot look at the world from the Democrat/Republican lens. Those parties were created to devide and conquer. The infiltration into this nation began with Jesuit priest pretending to be on the side of the pilgrims. These wolves in sheep clothing’s mission was to infiltrate all sectors of this nation and they did. If you read documents from the founding of this nation, the framers KNEW it. Many who fought and died in the silent war to protect human beings against these tyrannical monsters don’t get the credit today that they deserve.
But I digress. The infiltration is widespread. The indoctrination is deep and starts when we are children. We (some) are bred for power and deception in these circles. As adults we trade favors for positions, just ask Kamala Harris. They all support each other. Look into Kamala’s ties to Obama which goes back to her writing a letter to get Obama into university. What you are seeing today, is the rise of the sleeper cells, the fruit of those “jesuit priests”. This take-over began before this Nation was even formed.
That virus infected many and took whatever form it needed to in order to accomplish its long range goal.
But heres the thing, as long as they have been planning their take over, some (many) have been planning their extermination.
We are now in that final battle.
The majority of which, the physical part, was fought in the year before Trump took office and until 2022. You are seeing the rubble, “the building after the bomb went off”— why? Because you won’t appreciate the sacrifice it took, the lives it took, until you see the aftermath.
After this, you will see the parties disappear. Keep watching.
I understand wholeheartedly the sacrifices that people have made, and continue to make. Over the past four years we common folk have lost much … jobs, careers, homes and the hardest loss of all, loved ones.
The virus was a smokescreen. The globalist cabal transferred a record amount of money during lockdowns, so the rich got richer and the poor got poorer.
They tried to mask us into subservience, force a toxic mRNA on to us, just to name a few things that they did.
This plan has been a long time in the making indeed.
This will be the end of the unipolar world, but we have not seen the worst of it yet.
By “virus” I meant “them” the dark ones. Oh I am perfectly aware what “COVID” the “Cares Act” and the poison shots were all about. And they still lost.
Sorry, I thought you literally meant The Virus 😊
Your perspective is right on. Some of us "in the middle of it" can see it too.
I agree Anne. Many of us here in America have no choice. I want peace, and love of fellow man. Isn’t it time? Haven’t human beings learned YET?
Our souls are here at this time for a reason.
I understand Renee, it is difficult because you’re up against power, and that can be overwhelming. I feel it’s the same everywhere … Australia has changed and we are in a constant state of flux and it’s all deliberate.
I agree that we are here for a reason.
I always say to my family that we chose to be here at this time and we will never stop fighting, and we will never lose sight. The world is a beautiful place with amazing people and we must continue to send one another positive vibes. We must stand fast and make sure we do not consent to their actions.
You take care.
My God/Creator LOVE you, and guide you Anne.
Unfortunately, you are correct. Americans, are on the most part, are raised to believe that this is the greatest country on earth from infancy. We're indoctrinated to the point that we feel that everyone is good except the obvious criminals. By the time the regular citizen figures out how manipulative and corrupt they are, were much older. I've learned more in the last 5 years because of Covid. I might not be awake if it didn't happen. I've had a busy life. Husband, 5 kids, Accounting career, and I was barely squeezing all if that into my days let alone pay attention to government. I should have known that you can't give away unlimited power and expect that people will use it wisely. I am seeing this in every country so it tells me they have been planning this for a long time and have tricked us all. Normal people don't expect this because we don't think in those terms. We can't do anything about the past but we surely can do something about the future!!
I grew up this way. It has been some tough reprogramming.
I’d say a lot of us did and yes - definitely a lot of reprogramming indeed. I actually just chronicled my personal story here if interested:
I will read it!
Thank you!!! Always looking for feedback and let me know if any questions 😊
It was a little short hello from this broadcast. I suppose I have to be a paying member to hear more.
But you know, it's impossible to pay for all sites I want to be a member of. Together it is to expensive for me.
I pay only for one site and that is RRN. Because it makes me happy to see who they have taken to Gitmo.
Hey that’s fine! If you subscribe, I can give you access for a week! I would just need your email address to give you access
Yes. Don't feel alone. We've all been programmed in so many ways - and we must realize this and study to de-program and re-program ourselves.
It's not tough. It's just a matter of seeing the forest through the trees. I was born and raised Roman Catholic. Left the church in the early 90's. I was taught to believe all this God's chosen people crap and more but never fell/believed it. I've come to accept that everything about our history that we were taught in school was a lie. That nothing is as it seems or was. It's not reprogramming. It's just waking up to the reality of things, having common sense and doing critical thinking.
read the talmud.
I grew up catholic too. It never fit. I went on to study religion and history… then it was clear why it never resonated with me. What a gift that you were led away from that world, but netter still that you recognized it for the gift it truly was. Love to you. ❤️
Sounds like the lie in the garden “you shall be as god’s”
What I just read from you is not the path to redemption, but to the lake of fire. 🔥
What’s sad? Is that 12 people liked your comment which tells me they are just as lost as you are.
Strong delusion
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 (KJV) 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
The truth mentioned in the above verses is referring to God‘s word a.k.a. Jesus Christ
John 17:17 (KJV)
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
Unfortunately you have taken another lie, and embraced it as truth. The catholic church system is not able to save your soul for eternity, but believing that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh who came to take away the sin of the world, will save you. He did not come to make us our own self-willed gods, but adopted sons of God through repentance of wrongdoings and our sins, being given a new godly nature through the born-again experience of receiving the gift of His Spirit indwelling us, and obedience to Him daily from then on. The incorrect belief in 'individuation' is centered on self actualization, not on true transformation that comes through God's indwelling Spirit. We do not become gods, but we are adopted sons of God through Jesus. Zionism has put forth a lot of egregious beliefs and has infiltrated christianity, and has corrupted the churches into standing unquestioningly with unrighteousness acts done by Israel. This too is error. The truth is, Christians have ascribed to this, and are misleading government policies. As for you, my friend, turn back to the Lord, for He alone is true and pure.
Council of Nicaea 325 AD and 'Forgery in Christianity' by Joseph Whelens may give insight.
Solving the mystery of Babylon, the great by Edward Hendrie
And no, I’m not AI
So True! Well said.
Yes indeed the 'good' consciousness held in ones heart period. The anti-christ in my opinion are all those willfully or unknowingly are against or anti those who hold 'good' in their heart.
Greg, you are certainly not running for office with a report like this. However, truth must be told. Thank you for being so bold.
This truth definitely must be told and it will be a hard pill to swallow for so many. However, we cannot move forward as a people until this is brought to the surface.
With Israel, every accusation is a confession. What the war criminal Netanyahu said about conquering the world is an admission of Zionist's plans to rule the world.
Name the name. Don’t make Zionistic excuses! It’s the jews!
You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist.
But you are a Talmudic jew, right? 🖕🫵🇮🇱✡️🇮🇱🤡😎🦧💩
So you a Talmudic Jew, I see you display not one but two Israeli flags and the star of Rhemphan. I see you go by the blasphemous title of Reverend. Do you not know the Scriptures ? Psalm 111:9 tells us, Reverend and Holy is His name. There's no a man on earth to be revered. Certainly not one holy.
Did you happen to notice I was flipping the bird to Israel and the jews of the Synangogue of satan! Idiot! I don't have the same gad as you. My God is the Creator!!!
English / Irish
Well you're apparent lack of education and vocabulary really came through with that comment. Why don't you try conversing decently with people rather than trying to prove you're something that you're not ? Which is a young man wise in his own eyes but in reality he's a fool. Now you think about that, move on and troll someone else, for I'm not playing your silly little game any more. You've taken up way to much of my time.
I'm just a 9 year old Reverent Reverend.
So you can fuck off and get lost!
Still a little triggered, are we?
"I am a Zionist. You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist." - suckup Joe Biden, who's masters put him in the 'comm' chair. See it on YT if you can still find it.
....and Trump is a Zionist actually converting to Judaism in 2017. Doesn't that tell us something, or should.
”Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer... and we are his chosen people.”
Harold Wallace Rosentha
That's because they've listened to evangelical Christians call them God' chosen people since 1948. They are chosen by God for destruction.
Their GAD is satan!!!
Obediant Christian here, the only Isreal that means squat to me was formerly known as Jacob.
Nobody knows when Christ Jesus will return and the Scriptures make this fact abundantly clear.
What if the "return" means the realization & expression of the Christ Consciousness in all.
think so.
If you think about this war between God and evil that's going on. When humans (white hats army with their allians) have taken out the evil on the planet, there will still be evil spirits we can't get rid of. I believe that's why Jesus and his angels must come back and wipe out this spirits, for the planet, animals and humans to become 💯 clean. He is the only one who can do it!
That's how I see it!
I think so.
If you think about this war between God and evil that's going on. When humans (white hats army with their allians) have taken out the evil on the planet, there will still be evil spirits we can't get rid of. I believe that's why Jesus and his angels must come back and wipe out this spirits, for the planet, animals and humans to become 💯 clean. He is the only one who can do it!
That's how I see it!
Will he be arriving in a Boeing?
No friend this is not what should be perceived from my statement. Jesus will literally return some day to judge us all according to our works.
How do we know that he left? What if our works were deception by the devil? Are we looking to be punished?
We know He left because His Living Word gives eyewitness accounts for everything. Acts 7:55 Context
52Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers: 53Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it. 54When they heard these things, they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed on him with their teeth. 55But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, 56And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.
The 66 "book" Bible can answer all your questions friend.
Indeed Paul has interesting accounts of people who were close to Christ.
What is happening now is that political powers are using this faith for their own agenda, especially with Evangelicals and the use of end times by a dying empire.
Paul single handedly was the greatest evangelical helping to create Christianity. Faith goes beyond politics. "My kingdom is not of this earth. JC
That and the 2nd amendment
Ahhh. Jacob the liar… or was he.
“Jacob I loved”.
I have been talking to my children for most of their young lives regarding the birthright or the bowl of soup.
Not that my generation. Will have anything left for them. How important, futile it is to not eat the bowl of soup. Not so much focusing on what our birth right is but acknowledging the harm that comes from eating that bowl of compromises.
Here they are as a globe dipping their spoons into a cess pool of toxins.
May we stand steadfast at our posts upon the beacon of life and shine brightly as a representation of our birthright. For the record, our rights at birth are summed up in the first breath we take and revealed at the last breath we make.
Forget everything else!
How do we know that he left?
He maybe within us all who are open too his message. Do we look to touch his wounds like Thomas?
The rapture may be just a political tool.
Biblical prophecy should be interpreted with greater nuance and less certainty. "Stand with Israel" can be interpreted as "stand with the Jewish people," not Zionist Israel, which is corrupt and was captured by the globalist Cabal likely from its beginning. Most Biblical scholars, as opposed to Evangelical preachers, believe Ezekiel's Gog-Magog prophecy implicates Turkey, not Russia.
It's just all hideous..all religions have been infiltrated..see Candace Owen's. Finally the psychopathic. 0001 percent who own the world are becoming exposed. I'd pay money if anyone can find out the owners behind Vanguard.
A name..?
The Black Nobility Families.
"Candace Owen"s" ?
Great video...everyone needs to remember TRUMP IS A ZIONIST AND ON BOARD WITH BB AND ISRAEL... its all a shit show!!
Nicole, it’s amazing that people cannot SEE what is transpiring! It’s like a train derailing in slow motion.
Call me the chosen people, says Shiten Yahoo!
I call a parasite, a parasite, when I see one.
And he is a PARASITE, every year we give them billions of our dollars so they can buy rent our politicians, that mostly have dual passports with that unholy country.
Pardon my rant, a little.
Pirates and parasites--the same thing.
Congress is filled with Traitors and imbeciles.
And vipers!
When we accept Christ as our Savior, WE are now Israel. What people don’t realize is that we as Christians are now the chosen family of God. It is those who turned away from Him that will be forsaken and God will give them another chance to come to Him or suffer eternal death. Israel the country is not of God but of Satan as the Khazarian mafia has stolen this identity to blind people from the truth to bring down the Kingdom of God as their god Satan is who they follow. Pray for eyes to be opened and hearts to find Jesus and that the Holy Spirit will heal minds and souls!!
it's all British conniving time and time again . Churchill from the beginning and mostly during his service during WW1 at the secretariat for War had Tons of good / bad Jew propaganda . . . People like Benjamin Disraeli were instrumental and are overlooked.
I dunno if i was the heir of the Rothschild i would go public and call it like it is ; Am king of Isreal and be done with the schemes .
Amen sister
I am so happy that I was able to learn my way out of evangelical Christianity. I got into the church by reading the Left Behind series, which peddles this bullshit interpretation of Revelation. The more I learned, the more I realized that there are some serious historical problems with Christianity and modern Zionism. Recently I have found that Jason Breshears of Archaix on YouTube is a great source for historical information regarding Judaism and Christianity. He is a former Christian who has studied thousands of books, not internet sources, to compile a historical record. His Dark Scriptures playlist is great. The Isrealites inserted themselves into the stories of what we call the Old Testament, which were histories of the Babylonians and other groups.
also, Migrations of Israel: Shocking Origins of Christianity
I really think you would enjoy interviewing him, Greg. He has a crazy back story.
I find your constant pelting on Israel completely delusional and extremely ignorant about the situation that is the reality behind this brutal Islamic occupation inside Israel. I had a colleague of mine who suffered from similar amnesia to the Gaza/Palestine situation and went to volunteer there. I warned him multiple times that these are not "natives", not victims, but this is a brutal terrorist group looking to expand into other countries, (Just look what the Palestinians did to Syria... ISIS was founded and trained in Gaza, based on Palestinian ideology and charters. And then they destroyed Lebanon with the 1972 civil war, crucifying Christians and trying to stage a coup). He refused to believe it, and preferred to rely on the constant deception Islamic terrorism is built on. Within a year living in Gaza, "fighting for their freedom" and constantly voicing his opinions, they beheaded him. They cut his head off because he begun to see what they really were, and realise they were full of sh*t and lying about everything.
To divert attention from the fact that ordinary "Palestinian civilians" cut his head off (no one is a civilian in the terrorist state of Palestine; they're all recruits, and now some of them are 2nd and 3rd generation), Hamas covert journalism which is infiltrated and spread to all international media outlets, announced that he had been beheaded by a small terrorist group. He wasn't. No, the "Palestinians" are not innocent civilians. They are ALL members of terrorist groups. That's the sole purpose these people flooded from Egypt and Saudi Arabia into Israel in the 1940s to commit genocide against Jews and Christians to follow the duty of Islamic ideology. They got themselves lodged in Gaza and West Bank where they illegally occupied the Christian and Jewish land. In 1963 these foreign occupiers began calling themselves "natives" and claimed to be "Palestinians" for the first time, trying to piggyback on the history of the real Palestinians, the Christians who relocated to Lebanon once the Islamic slaughters spread into Israel.
So, anyone peddling the b*ll, like you are, is completely delusional and is only aiding them in their expansion. Besides, they can provide ZERO evidence of any "48,000 deaths" because there is no 48,000 deaths. And 98% of all the dead bodies from videos and images from Gaza are fake and is footage and images they take from the mess they themselves created in Syria, and the terrorism in Yemen, and Iraq. So, please do yourself a favour and educated yourself better on the real facts about Palestine and not their own propaganda that is seeped in everywhere nowadays, funded by Gulf money.
Just one thing, Isis was created by Obama.
Hamas was created by Israeli government.
ISIS was not created by Obama... Obama is tied into Qatar funding, which is in full support of terrorism to spread worlwide in belief this will expand the Islamic supremacy. And Obama supports the Islamic cause, being a closet muslim himself, so he supports and created the expansion you see all across the USA today. ISIS was founded right in Gaza where they sought to create their desired Caliphate in Syria by creating a civil war built on confusion and lies, the usual methods they use (look what they're created in Lebanon, Burma, Thailand, India, etc.). They've been demanding a caliphate for decades in Jerusalem, but it proved harder for them to achive. So, they exploited Syria's fragile economy and weak security and created it there instead. Driven out from Syria by Russia, they've now settled roots in Iraq instead.
Nor has Israeli government created Hamas. This is a ridiculous statement, and was created in Palestine propaganda because all problems are always skewed to be blamed on Israel. That's how Islam works, like the 9/11 propaganda spread from Arabia that it was created "by Mossad". Israeli government support any government changes in Gaza that promises to end terrorism. And many of these political parties lie and pretend to be moderate, but as soon as they reach power they show they have no moderate ideals at all. However, Israel has desperate hopes for peace clinging to a straw that will never happen in a deliberately created and occupied terrorist state like "Palestine". The Jews are the primary targets of muslims for 1,400 years and were driven out of their homeland, most subject to genocide. The sole reason for the constant hatred of the Islamic world against Israel has nothing to do with them "occupation" anything which is their ancestral land for 5000 years stolen from them, but it pure Islamic ideology instructed in the Koran. Anyone can read these ugly texts to realise this is an ideological war built on religious racism and nothing else.
Hamas whas created by CIA and Israel.
In your dreams. Islamic terrorism is 1400 years old. Far older than the CIA or any other agency. Nothing else creates it except muslims themselves, based on their fanaticism and beliefs.
Stop it, they are not Jews they are Khazarians. And yes Obama and Hillery created Isis.
Sorry Ray, even though you seem well spoken, what you’re actually saying isn’t true at all.
Those Yahudim over in Israel pretending to be the seed of Abraham are a bunch of liars and deceivers. We know them by their fruit, and even the Bible reveals them to be the following:
Synagogue of Satan
Revelation 2:9 (KJV) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 (KJV) Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
They’ve had a good run, but Yah has had enough of their wickedness, and divine retribution is on the way. First thing coming though, will be the revelation of who these people are…
Luke 8:17 (KJV)
For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither [any thing] hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
The USA 🇺🇸 will be judged 1st by Yah, and then those fake Jews will have nobody to protect them, when they’re surrounded by their enemies.
This is just mumbo jumbo based on imagination. Islamic terror is real and it's coming to America and you will have no clue what to do with it or how to handle it, because you've all been duped with Arab Jew=hate propaganda funded by Gulf countries. And you're too naive about the world to recognise it.
Millions of proud Ignorant people were easy pray for the sons of the devil!!..The most ignorant people on earth were told that they can read the bible and understand the most amazing mysteries of the universe!!!...The sons of the devil use those "pastors" who created zionism in UK/US, before Herzl even began talking about Israel/Patagonia.(yes, they also consider invading Patagonia.Plans still going on. Andinia Plan). Now, the sons of the devil are way more prepare for the coming persecution, because they have now, an army of brainless evangelical parrots who read the Old Testament literally!!!! US had been run behind scenes by the devil since the Civil War..>Nobody noticed because money keep flowing domestically while murdering and pillaging overseas. (just as English empire while running by the same guys).
The only way is to destroy Usury and the financial system, fired squad all the traitors to the country, and pay no debt to the usurers, otherwise they will accomplish their messianic plan of "govern the world", a world of subhumans, as they consider the non chosen ones.
Babe wake up a new Reese Report