The Rockefellers propagated the peak oil myth at the Geneva Convention(Geneva Congress on Organic Nomenclature) in 1892. John D. Rockefeller used his paid scientists to contend that as oil is composed of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen, it must be a residue from living matter, and thus it is a fossil fuel!
The Rockefellers propagated the peak oil myth at the Geneva Convention(Geneva Congress on Organic Nomenclature) in 1892. John D. Rockefeller used his paid scientists to contend that as oil is composed of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen, it must be a residue from living matter, and thus it is a fossil fuel!
In an interview Colonial Fletcher Prouty, former government insider, explained the events surrounding the decision to categorize oil as an organic substance (fossil fuel). He points out that it was deceptively made at a world scientific conference in Geneva back in the 1892 as a result of pressure exerted by scientists employed by oil magnate John D. Rockefeller. They have never found a fossil below 16,000 feet and today oil is frequently mined at depths of 30,000 feet.
source: Leroy Fletcher Prouty (January 24, 1917 – June 5, 2001) served as Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President John F. Kennedy. A former colonel in the United States Air Force.
Many thanks for that link! My husband worked for BP and he was on the Sea Conquest rig which deep drilled in the Arctic Circle and off the coast of the Falklands Islands in the late 70s and early 80s. Both fields produced and were capped off for future exploitation. These two (Magnus and Sea Lion) are vast reserves, so he would laugh when he heard anyone mention "peak oil". The idea is to wait until everyone else has apparently depleted their wells and then to produce at vastly inflated prices.
One other point I would raise is that Argentina want to claim the oilfields and that was the real reason for the Falklands War. The UN stepped in to prevent BP from continuing with their Antarctic explorations. BP waited a while and quietly created, via shell companies, the Falklands Petroleum Company which is now known as Rockhopper. Exploration has continued via further shenanigans and shell companies:
"Premier Oil and Chrysaor Holdings plan to rename themselves Harbour Energy, assuming their respective shareholders approve the proposed merger. According to Premier, the new company will be the largest London-listed oil and independent in terms of production and reserves with competitive operating costs.
It will also have a lower carbon intensity than the average UK oil and gas producer, the company claimed, with a commitment to achieving ‘Net Zero’ greenhouse gas emissions by 2035."
Interesting History, not a surprise that Argentina would want the oil. Did not know all the information about Premier Oil. I will read the links.
FYI: Hitler in Argentina(2014)-- Amazon #1 BEST SELLER in ARGENTINE HISTORY(2016).
Hitler in Argentina: The Documented Truth of Hitler's Escape from Berlin (The Hitler Escape Trilogy)
Who said that Hitler did not die in the bunker in April 1945? Josef Stalin told President Harry Truman that Hitler did not. Marshall Zhukov said "We have found no corpse that could be Hitler's." This book not only tells of the escape of Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun and others of the Third Reich; it includes photographs, files from the FBI, CIA and OSS that show the US knew they escaped, interviews and much more. You will also read the reason that no government went after Hitler even though they knew where he was. This book will change the history you were taught in 5th grade.
Hitler in Argentina(2014)-- Amazon #1 BEST SELLER in ARGENTINE HISTORY(2016).
This 2nd Edition is jammed with photos, many never seen before INCLUDING secret Reich charts and photos of the remains of the German outpost island in the middle of the South Atlantic and the remains of the German atomic research laboratory - in the wilderness of Argentina.
There is absolutely no doubt that Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun (Hitler), Martin Bormann, Dr. Josef Mengele and thousands of others lived out their lives in comfort and safety in Argentina.
In 1952, US President Dwight Eisenhower said;
"We have been unable to unearth one bit of tangible evidence of Hitler's death."
Cain Robert Thew (ONI then NSA) flatly stated;
"We (the intelligence community) knew that Hitler did not commit suicide."
The Rockefellers propagated the peak oil myth at the Geneva Convention(Geneva Congress on Organic Nomenclature) in 1892. John D. Rockefeller used his paid scientists to contend that as oil is composed of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen, it must be a residue from living matter, and thus it is a fossil fuel!
In an interview Colonial Fletcher Prouty, former government insider, explained the events surrounding the decision to categorize oil as an organic substance (fossil fuel). He points out that it was deceptively made at a world scientific conference in Geneva back in the 1892 as a result of pressure exerted by scientists employed by oil magnate John D. Rockefeller. They have never found a fossil below 16,000 feet and today oil is frequently mined at depths of 30,000 feet.
source: Leroy Fletcher Prouty (January 24, 1917 – June 5, 2001) served as Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President John F. Kennedy. A former colonel in the United States Air Force.
Many thanks for that link! My husband worked for BP and he was on the Sea Conquest rig which deep drilled in the Arctic Circle and off the coast of the Falklands Islands in the late 70s and early 80s. Both fields produced and were capped off for future exploitation. These two (Magnus and Sea Lion) are vast reserves, so he would laugh when he heard anyone mention "peak oil". The idea is to wait until everyone else has apparently depleted their wells and then to produce at vastly inflated prices.
One other point I would raise is that Argentina want to claim the oilfields and that was the real reason for the Falklands War. The UN stepped in to prevent BP from continuing with their Antarctic explorations. BP waited a while and quietly created, via shell companies, the Falklands Petroleum Company which is now known as Rockhopper. Exploration has continued via further shenanigans and shell companies:
An overview of British oil reserves:
"Premier Oil and Chrysaor Holdings plan to rename themselves Harbour Energy, assuming their respective shareholders approve the proposed merger. According to Premier, the new company will be the largest London-listed oil and independent in terms of production and reserves with competitive operating costs.
It will also have a lower carbon intensity than the average UK oil and gas producer, the company claimed, with a commitment to achieving ‘Net Zero’ greenhouse gas emissions by 2035."
Interesting History, not a surprise that Argentina would want the oil. Did not know all the information about Premier Oil. I will read the links.
FYI: Hitler in Argentina(2014)-- Amazon #1 BEST SELLER in ARGENTINE HISTORY(2016).
Hitler in Argentina: The Documented Truth of Hitler's Escape from Berlin (The Hitler Escape Trilogy)
Who said that Hitler did not die in the bunker in April 1945? Josef Stalin told President Harry Truman that Hitler did not. Marshall Zhukov said "We have found no corpse that could be Hitler's." This book not only tells of the escape of Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun and others of the Third Reich; it includes photographs, files from the FBI, CIA and OSS that show the US knew they escaped, interviews and much more. You will also read the reason that no government went after Hitler even though they knew where he was. This book will change the history you were taught in 5th grade.
Hitler in Argentina(2014)-- Amazon #1 BEST SELLER in ARGENTINE HISTORY(2016).
This 2nd Edition is jammed with photos, many never seen before INCLUDING secret Reich charts and photos of the remains of the German outpost island in the middle of the South Atlantic and the remains of the German atomic research laboratory - in the wilderness of Argentina.
There is absolutely no doubt that Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun (Hitler), Martin Bormann, Dr. Josef Mengele and thousands of others lived out their lives in comfort and safety in Argentina.
In 1952, US President Dwight Eisenhower said;
"We have been unable to unearth one bit of tangible evidence of Hitler's death."
Cain Robert Thew (ONI then NSA) flatly stated;
"We (the intelligence community) knew that Hitler did not commit suicide."