Shiva is an egotistical scumbag. All he talks about is himself and how great he is. Which is fine but then he ices the cake by unjustly dissing everybody else in the room as a "scumbag".
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
Some polls state that Musk is the world's wealthiest person. What about the Rothschilds? ...or Rockefellers, or Larry Fink, or Bezos? What all of these oligarchs share in common is a never-ending stream of money, that comes from where exactly...? Musk is a mystery man- and for this reason needs to be rigorously scrutinized. He also serves as a distraction as the BANK attempts to implement the next phase of human chattel slavery. []
Money is THEIR god. It is what the Bible makes us aware of: "you cannot serve two masters, it is either God or Mammon" (paraphrased): Matthew 6:24-26 The world has been turned inside out and upside down because we are in a SYSTEM that serves Mammon--which is money at the expense of all Life itself. Here is a System "Under God" serving God-- and if we were smart we would create our UNITY together through both the ideal and umbrella of the Peace Planet Party Way--that would both dilute and diffuse the Central Bankers and the reality they have created for us--AND GET US BACK TO OUR NATURAL COORDINATES of Life itself.
We don't need gold or silver--(in the end, you can't eat those). Nor do we need crypto currency as a safeguard when the internet is vulnerable to anything THEY want to pull-off. We need to get back to the real interpretation and reason for money as simply as a medium of exchange (no interest attached as the American Colonists and Founders showed us) for a prosperous and thriving economy for all and everyone where there is no more poverty or hardship:
Hes not a mystery man. He is a phony, manufactured idol in the style of that Zuckerberg phony @ss " creator" of face book. Yeah, he did that in his spare time in his dorm so he could meet young women. Sure ! And Musk made the space ships that are going to take us all to Mars with those brain chips he invented. Sure. That's it.
And not to mention The driver of the car and all passengers are being exposed to tremendous radiation the entire length of the trip in the car as it communicates with itself. EMF
I bet they would find that these cars cause Sterility and cancer long-term. And by the way his rockets go nowhere except raking the Fermenent and Davy Jones locker queen
Good on ya, mate. " Death to tyrants", somebody said some time to someone, or so i was told by my neighbor. He's one of them conspiracy guys though, so maybe it really never happened. He tried to tell me the covid shot, vax thing was bad, so you know he's crazy.
I've heard that same "richest man" moniker same used for Hell Gates.
The R-schilds are worth I heard 500 TRILLION and this is money centuries old.
They think the public stupid so they put their low hanging fruit/nut/flake "paupers" out in front. Usual know-nothings other than the ability to pull pranks on humanity fronting the multi-billion dollar industry. Like Besos who got CIA money to start Amazon and we can include Marx Suckerberg in that klan.
But above the money and the hype is these trillionaires are controlled by some AI system put in place by some "thing."
Someday...if there's ever a legitimate audit of the FED and the Langley goons, we may learn how the moolah found its way into the offshore accounts of Musk-Bezos-Gates...etc etc etc Meantime...all de dough just appears like magick and disappears just as fast.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol No. 6 – Take-Over Technique (agriculture) . . .
❝We shall raise the rate of wages which, however, will not bring any advantage to the workers, for, at the same time, we shall produce a rise in prices of the first necessaries of life, alleging that it arises from the decline of agriculture and cattle-breeding: we shall further undermine artfully and deeply sources of production, by accustoming the workers to anarchy . . .❞
I've heard something like that. The word 'royal' means progeny of some super race. I've also heard that depending where we are in time as our solar system travels through space that our age limit changes. Perhaps reason why Noah and other biblicals were hundreds of years old and that we are at a time when life-spans are shorter but soon to extend again maybe after a suspected cataclysm.
Some of what is heard by "beings" from another dimension that installed Ai or are in control of it. Ai is running now and does really advanced scenario computations computing "what if's" and if it finds something that will block a progression it will correct them before they happen. The example of that would be when the Terminator was sent back in time to kill John Connor's mother.
The Good Ole Babylonian Money Magick/Debt Slavery System💵😈:
Making Money out of nothing, leading it out at outrageous interest rates, and then seizing the valuable assets of those who can't pay.
The day we kick the Whore of Babylon aka Money to the curb and create a whole new financial system that is tied to items of real value will be a great day.
It will see the end of the reign of predatory charlatans like Elon Musk.
I've become much more comfortable with the "satanic" inference--especially when assessing the Central Bank and it's bloodthirsty money laundering practices. It should now be obvious to most awakened humans that the ruling elite's BANK program perpetuates crimes against humanity. It was no accident that the ruling families became wealthier after WW 1 and WW II. Solly Khan--this may also be of interest:
Jewish messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are more recent, but they have only come to reinforce the old Jewish narrative. These are the same ideals.
The transnational, transracial, transsexual, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond races, peoples, cultures) and that are the daily sustenance of our schools, in the media, in our pop culture, at our universities, and on our streets . . . have reduced our biosymbolic identity and our ethnic pride to their minimal expression.
I was thinking something similar this morning. You get more flies with honey. Split the country in two and provide two options. Please give us more history on Elon and provide links. I heard it said that he was going to power X with AI. I’m reminded of DARPA and Project Mockingbird.
As with now, all sides were reading a script. Stalin, Mao, Sabbatean Adolf put in place and then taken out by the same clan running things today with that Strip, controlling ALL SIDES OF THE WAR. The Sabbateans are using Ai creating "terrorists" putting "video" up on world media so they can run the excuse that they are justified in roasting hundreds of thousands including their own to make it look real that the same counter offensive that they are paying for are actually attacking the Sabbateans.
Excellent video - thanks for the information on Elon. Albert Pikes quote "Whenever people need a hero, we shall supply him" clearly applies to Musk and his too good to be true synthetic persona.
Thank you for calling out Elon, I’ve been trying to expose this demon and his satanic girlfriend for years, he’s a demon, a stooge, a plant, an instrument for the globalist cabal
Just like Helliwood has hypnotized the masses, and the PR arm of UnHolywood (the Oscars, entertainment celeb shows, mags, etc) constantly promote the disaSTARS like gods on earth -
so do the ultra rich use the same PR firms to craft this fake hero image of their “champions” (Baphomet champions) to fool the non thinking public…
Sadly if more people would use reason, logic, and critical thinking 🤔 we wouldn’t be in this situation.
Also actually reading a book once in a while - especially reading about crimes against humanity (Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Lenin) is critical to fully understanding,
and recognizing behaviors and motives of soon to be despots.
I guess I’m just oblivious, because I don’t see the charm or the charisma that everyone talks about...I see him as that annoying, dorky guy in high school who probably had very few friends and no dates because he had no social skills ~ he was probably in his room every Friday & Saturday night playing Atari or Nintendo by himself.
He said he had a rough adolescent experience, so…you are spot on.
Trouble is those rich geeks, now are taking revenge and running the world - even if they are just the financed deep state figure heads like the presidents -
Fantastic reporting, Greg you nailed it again. Elon Musk's playbook for luring people into the Mark of the Beast system goes something like this...
Step 1: Win public trust by standing for free speech and common sense
Step 2: Lure everyone in with promises of "amnesty"
Step 3: Break those promises and only let well known influencers back on
Step 4: Charge for privileges such as increased reach (requiring ID verification)
Step 5: "Verify as many people and organizations as possible, creating an identity layer on the Internet" (Musk at World Gov't Summit)
---- all the above has already happened and is happening now ----
Steps 6-10 while not clear exactly how they will role out yet, involve launching his banking services on X, promoting the "convenience and security" of the "everything app", and getting a threshold of people to be using the app and the payments system. Then requiring the use of that system to make certain types of payments, and increasing the mandatory use of the system to make more and different types of payments. And ultimately, switching whatever crypto he allows to be used initially to the CBDCs. And finally, offering and then later requiring some type of biometric device or implant, which will incorporate Microsoft's 666 (WO20200606) patent for "cryptocurrency using body activity data." BAM! Mark of the Beast.
I found her on Substack and completely fell down the rabbit hole ~ been reading all about her research, etc. for the last few hours. Very alarming info. 😳
Check out my latest post (just went live) with the new Mikki Willis movie (part 3 of the Plandemic series) "The Great Awakening" maybe there's some hope for humanity yet... doubtful, but maybe.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol No. 23 – Instilling Obedience
❝That the peoples may become accustomed to obedience it is necessary to inculcate lessons of humility and therefore to reduce the production of articles of luxury. By this we shall improve morals which have been debased by emulation in the sphere of luxury.❞
Elon is regarded as a hero by hundreds of millions when he is merely controlled opposition sporting his satanic suit. He must have learned this from his mother who can be seen making hand gestures and covering one eye. He also has Neuralink which has been used in monkey as subjects but has been given the go ahead for human trials. I just remember Klaus Schwab saying everyone would be chipped and it would start as wearable and then be placed on the brain. Creepy Bill Gates said the technology was there to create a vaccine that would remove religious radicalism from peoples minds. You know those who chant death to America, but perhaps all faith. I saw articles where the WEF could record our thoughts and dreams and be held accountable for them. When you look at their interactive circle which you can find on their website it's their plan to control every aspect of human life. We hear of millions of herds of cows being culled under the guise of climate change. Then you got the Gretta cult who demand action for climate change but the powers that be are not below reducing the populations either as they emit carbon as well. Henry Kissinger is still involved today. Jabs were given to the elderly first as the useless eaters they are viewed and who knows the long term effects from taking these Covid shots. The animals died in the trials so I guess they decided it was safe for humans. The largest human experiment ever. Kerry say's a war like effort is required against U.S. farmers so I guess people can starve. Go solar as Gates & Biden explore dimming the sun with toxic chemicals. There was a Deagel chart where they estimated the U.S. population to decline over 2/3rd by 2025. This was prepared in early 2000's how did they come to this conclusion? China was the least impacted and while they should be considered the largest polluters they get a free pass. SMH!
We've gotten access to the information that was buried in libraries before and others have gone to the effort to reveal to those of us looking through the Internet for answers rather than placate our boredom with "Desperate Housewives" (for the feminine natures) and free porn on PornHub for the former masculine. True history is out there if you look for it. The elites have spent their time hiding it from the masses since the early 20th century. It was easier then. They bough the media and the publishers and didn't allow the truth to get printed. Now, those few books that tell the objective stories of our history are becoming available online. Even the history that was written about 9/11 has fallen apart and the CIA's fingerprints are all over it. Don't you think it's odd that the CIA and FBI and DOJ tend to do things that take power from the people and protect the wealthy? They've been bought, honey-potted or pedophiled into positions of weakness and fealty to the elites. They are OWNED. Their passions and desires have enslaved them and many of them are fine with that since they don't believe in eternity. It's very sad.
See my longer post, too, if you care. But what it is called is disillusionment. Those that see and hear what's going on have seen through the illusion created by the MSM and the elites.
From the Book : Project Mars: A Technical Tale by Wernher von Braun
page177 ; . . ."The Martian government was directed by ten men, the leader of whom was elected by universal suffrage for five years and entitled “Elan.” Two houses of Parliament enacted the laws to be administered by the Elon and his cabinet."
Lots of space project in South Africa , including some shady Klaus family built the bomb for South Africa. Am not implying anything just saying. There is no coincidences.
Thanks very much, Sherry. Here are links that might be illumninating for your family. First, an interview with the publication that puts in black-and-white some main proofs of demolition of the WTC Twin Towers and Building 7.
Second, and very graphic, excerpts from a DVD that Jim Hoffman and I also did, "9/11 Guilt / The Proof Is in Your Hands". Jim's excerpt, edited by our partner in the project Celestine Star, SHOWS from 2:00 onward unmistakable EXPLOSIONS of the Towers and explains other manifestations of the destruction that can owe only to DEMOLITION. My part of the excerpts concerns opium from Afghanistan and that huge export-crop's $3.6 trillion value in money-laundering for major Banks of NATO Nations. There they are again, those truly damnable Banks and Banksters!
I used to believe in the demolition theory until I saw Dr. Judy Wood's videos on directed free-energy and the lack of debris after the towers fell. The lack of damage to the 'bathtub' that the towers were built in. The partially burned vehicles that look like they were hit by a alien laser beam.
Everything I study keeps pointing back to Nikola Tesla and his claims for free electricity and his death ray weapon. Even Royal Rife's technology for healing by destroying bacteria and viruses by vibrating them to oblivion by using their natural frequencies points back to Nikola. Even Einstein call Nikola the smartest man in the world.
The vast knowledge and paperwork of the developed technology was confiscated with the help of the U.S. gov't after Nikola's death. The U.S. has had 80 years to study and develop the inventions. Much like DaVinci's invention of the helicopter, which was only realized in the 20th century, Tesla's inventions have taken time to mature and come to pass.
I believe the alphabet agencies work for the elite to help keep them in power and keep the people at bay. I believe these people play God and they are evil and the next step is control of people through digital currency in the 1st world countries and food and water in third world countries. These elites are dispersed through the world and work like cells in a terrorist organization. Even if you could take one out, the others are there to fill the void and continue with their dastardly plans. Follow the money and you'll find the people behind all of this. And they're using our tax dollars to fill their plans.
Excellent article and video. I was aware of most of those things because I followed that intentionally traumatic event for years. Sofia Smallstorm also produced a video that had a good deal of this information in it. Saw it at a theatre in Austin at a special showing.
They redesigned the paper currency and I recall how the folded $20, I think, that showed the twin towers with the eerily similar dust cloud.
David Icke has been warning about Musk for years...and he usually seems to be proved correct.
Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD . . . Dr.SHIVA 2024: Elon Musk is a Scumbag - The Ultimate Agent of Government Censorship . . .
Shiva is an egotistical scumbag. All he talks about is himself and how great he is. Which is fine but then he ices the cake by unjustly dissing everybody else in the room as a "scumbag".
Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD . . .
Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: The “Humanitarian” Warmonger – Booby F’n Kennedy Jr. – The Other Face of Imperialism . . .
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
Some polls state that Musk is the world's wealthiest person. What about the Rothschilds? ...or Rockefellers, or Larry Fink, or Bezos? What all of these oligarchs share in common is a never-ending stream of money, that comes from where exactly...? Musk is a mystery man- and for this reason needs to be rigorously scrutinized. He also serves as a distraction as the BANK attempts to implement the next phase of human chattel slavery. []
Great article.
Money is THEIR god. It is what the Bible makes us aware of: "you cannot serve two masters, it is either God or Mammon" (paraphrased): Matthew 6:24-26 The world has been turned inside out and upside down because we are in a SYSTEM that serves Mammon--which is money at the expense of all Life itself. Here is a System "Under God" serving God-- and if we were smart we would create our UNITY together through both the ideal and umbrella of the Peace Planet Party Way--that would both dilute and diffuse the Central Bankers and the reality they have created for us--AND GET US BACK TO OUR NATURAL COORDINATES of Life itself.
We don't need gold or silver--(in the end, you can't eat those). Nor do we need crypto currency as a safeguard when the internet is vulnerable to anything THEY want to pull-off. We need to get back to the real interpretation and reason for money as simply as a medium of exchange (no interest attached as the American Colonists and Founders showed us) for a prosperous and thriving economy for all and everyone where there is no more poverty or hardship:
hoarding gold and silver leads to wars inevitably
Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD . . . Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Government Frontmen & Fake Fighters: Musk & Kennedy . . .
Shiva is a turd.
Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD
Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE - ZIONIST/RACIST Booby F’n Kennedy Pro-War “Liberal” Imperialist . . .
I envision a new paradigm MSM...and Info Wars has been leading the way. Reese reports have always been cutting edge. Another view on the Musk man and next-gen issues:
infowars will lead you astray. MAM
Hes not a mystery man. He is a phony, manufactured idol in the style of that Zuckerberg phony @ss " creator" of face book. Yeah, he did that in his spare time in his dorm so he could meet young women. Sure ! And Musk made the space ships that are going to take us all to Mars with those brain chips he invented. Sure. That's it.
Fake X. His Rockets go nowhere except in to the Bermuda triangle or somewhere close to it just like NASA
And “His” cars have no range and they’re blowing up all over the place And the damn batteries burn underwater
And not to mention The driver of the car and all passengers are being exposed to tremendous radiation the entire length of the trip in the car as it communicates with itself. EMF
I bet they would find that these cars cause Sterility and cancer long-term. And by the way his rockets go nowhere except raking the Fermenent and Davy Jones locker queen
Good on ya, mate. " Death to tyrants", somebody said some time to someone, or so i was told by my neighbor. He's one of them conspiracy guys though, so maybe it really never happened. He tried to tell me the covid shot, vax thing was bad, so you know he's crazy.
I've heard that same "richest man" moniker same used for Hell Gates.
The R-schilds are worth I heard 500 TRILLION and this is money centuries old.
They think the public stupid so they put their low hanging fruit/nut/flake "paupers" out in front. Usual know-nothings other than the ability to pull pranks on humanity fronting the multi-billion dollar industry. Like Besos who got CIA money to start Amazon and we can include Marx Suckerberg in that klan.
But above the money and the hype is these trillionaires are controlled by some AI system put in place by some "thing."
Someday...if there's ever a legitimate audit of the FED and the Langley goons, we may learn how the moolah found its way into the offshore accounts of Musk-Bezos-Gates...etc etc etc Meantime...all de dough just appears like magick and disappears just as fast.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol No. 6 – Take-Over Technique (agriculture) . . .
❝We shall raise the rate of wages which, however, will not bring any advantage to the workers, for, at the same time, we shall produce a rise in prices of the first necessaries of life, alleging that it arises from the decline of agriculture and cattle-breeding: we shall further undermine artfully and deeply sources of production, by accustoming the workers to anarchy . . .❞
or they themselves are centuries old. maybe even millennia.
I've heard something like that. The word 'royal' means progeny of some super race. I've also heard that depending where we are in time as our solar system travels through space that our age limit changes. Perhaps reason why Noah and other biblicals were hundreds of years old and that we are at a time when life-spans are shorter but soon to extend again maybe after a suspected cataclysm.
God set our lifespans at 120yrs after the flood.
What thing? How are they controlled?
Some of what is heard by "beings" from another dimension that installed Ai or are in control of it. Ai is running now and does really advanced scenario computations computing "what if's" and if it finds something that will block a progression it will correct them before they happen. The example of that would be when the Terminator was sent back in time to kill John Connor's mother.
The Good Ole Babylonian Money Magick/Debt Slavery System💵😈:
Making Money out of nothing, leading it out at outrageous interest rates, and then seizing the valuable assets of those who can't pay.
The day we kick the Whore of Babylon aka Money to the curb and create a whole new financial system that is tied to items of real value will be a great day.
It will see the end of the reign of predatory charlatans like Elon Musk.
Take Care Everyone!
The Rothschilds are probably worth trillians after centuries of "loaning" money to nations.
Absolutely true! Trillions and maybe even Gazillions!
I've become much more comfortable with the "satanic" inference--especially when assessing the Central Bank and it's bloodthirsty money laundering practices. It should now be obvious to most awakened humans that the ruling elite's BANK program perpetuates crimes against humanity. It was no accident that the ruling families became wealthier after WW 1 and WW II. Solly Khan--this may also be of interest:
Jewish messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are more recent, but they have only come to reinforce the old Jewish narrative. These are the same ideals.
The transnational, transracial, transsexual, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond races, peoples, cultures) and that are the daily sustenance of our schools, in the media, in our pop culture, at our universities, and on our streets . . . have reduced our biosymbolic identity and our ethnic pride to their minimal expression.
Elon lost a child to “woke”.
He has a second child that is having serious issues because of “woke".
I believe it changed him to see the damage that even a incredibly wealthy man like him couldn't stop the Bolshevik induced virus.
I would never trust anyone with so much to loose.
I was thinking something similar this morning. You get more flies with honey. Split the country in two and provide two options. Please give us more history on Elon and provide links. I heard it said that he was going to power X with AI. I’m reminded of DARPA and Project Mockingbird.
Similarly nepotism rears its ugly fotch as according to Doc Mount their daddies ran the Holocaust so Paperclip et al, what could go wrong?
video not available anymore.
Again with Hitler, never Stalin that actually eradicated around 66 million Russian Christians.
As with now, all sides were reading a script. Stalin, Mao, Sabbatean Adolf put in place and then taken out by the same clan running things today with that Strip, controlling ALL SIDES OF THE WAR. The Sabbateans are using Ai creating "terrorists" putting "video" up on world media so they can run the excuse that they are justified in roasting hundreds of thousands including their own to make it look real that the same counter offensive that they are paying for are actually attacking the Sabbateans.
Excellent video - thanks for the information on Elon. Albert Pikes quote "Whenever people need a hero, we shall supply him" clearly applies to Musk and his too good to be true synthetic persona.
Never boarded the musk bandwagon
Thank you for calling out Elon, I’ve been trying to expose this demon and his satanic girlfriend for years, he’s a demon, a stooge, a plant, an instrument for the globalist cabal
His demonic halloween outfit was shockingly revealing. Like he was laughing at us all, especially Christianity.
Baphomets (satans) boy…and seemingly proud of it.
Just like Helliwood has hypnotized the masses, and the PR arm of UnHolywood (the Oscars, entertainment celeb shows, mags, etc) constantly promote the disaSTARS like gods on earth -
so do the ultra rich use the same PR firms to craft this fake hero image of their “champions” (Baphomet champions) to fool the non thinking public…
Sadly if more people would use reason, logic, and critical thinking 🤔 we wouldn’t be in this situation.
Also actually reading a book once in a while - especially reading about crimes against humanity (Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Lenin) is critical to fully understanding,
and recognizing behaviors and motives of soon to be despots.
I know - so frustrating.
It’s like watching the iceberg coming towards you as you stand on the deck of the Titanic and you’re running around trying to get everyone’s attention
but they’re too busy entertaining themselves to care…
until the ship sinks and people start drowning.
I guess I’m just oblivious, because I don’t see the charm or the charisma that everyone talks about...I see him as that annoying, dorky guy in high school who probably had very few friends and no dates because he had no social skills ~ he was probably in his room every Friday & Saturday night playing Atari or Nintendo by himself.
He actually was beaten up and rejected socially.
He said he had a rough adolescent experience, so…you are spot on.
Trouble is those rich geeks, now are taking revenge and running the world - even if they are just the financed deep state figure heads like the presidents -
Gates, Fascist Book Mark Z, etc
You sir are the cats meow. Nice work.
Fantastic reporting, Greg you nailed it again. Elon Musk's playbook for luring people into the Mark of the Beast system goes something like this...
Step 1: Win public trust by standing for free speech and common sense
Step 2: Lure everyone in with promises of "amnesty"
Step 3: Break those promises and only let well known influencers back on
Step 4: Charge for privileges such as increased reach (requiring ID verification)
Step 5: "Verify as many people and organizations as possible, creating an identity layer on the Internet" (Musk at World Gov't Summit)
---- all the above has already happened and is happening now ----
Steps 6-10 while not clear exactly how they will role out yet, involve launching his banking services on X, promoting the "convenience and security" of the "everything app", and getting a threshold of people to be using the app and the payments system. Then requiring the use of that system to make certain types of payments, and increasing the mandatory use of the system to make more and different types of payments. And ultimately, switching whatever crypto he allows to be used initially to the CBDCs. And finally, offering and then later requiring some type of biometric device or implant, which will incorporate Microsoft's 666 (WO20200606) patent for "cryptocurrency using body activity data." BAM! Mark of the Beast.
There already are biometric biosensors within everyone called quantum dots. see dr ana mihalcea on substack
I found her on Substack and completely fell down the rabbit hole ~ been reading all about her research, etc. for the last few hours. Very alarming info. 😳
Doubtful… “everyone”…She needs to prove that theory.
look at the physical evidence.
Check out my latest post (just went live) with the new Mikki Willis movie (part 3 of the Plandemic series) "The Great Awakening" maybe there's some hope for humanity yet... doubtful, but maybe.
God bless you too!
Greg with another HOME RUN
So succinct in putting the facts together.
Spread this INFO all around.
We are in an INFOWAR
Elon Musk, DARPA, BlackRock, Vanguard, Bill Gates ... are ALL controlled by: HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD ...
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol No. 23 – Instilling Obedience
❝That the peoples may become accustomed to obedience it is necessary to inculcate lessons of humility and therefore to reduce the production of articles of luxury. By this we shall improve morals which have been debased by emulation in the sphere of luxury.❞
Elon has had hair replacement on the front of his scalp. More fakery.
He was balding quite badly if you see photo’s of him at college.
His face and teeth looked quite different too. Definitely had a full makeover including hair.
He’s architected the fake TONY STARK hero.
Elon is regarded as a hero by hundreds of millions when he is merely controlled opposition sporting his satanic suit. He must have learned this from his mother who can be seen making hand gestures and covering one eye. He also has Neuralink which has been used in monkey as subjects but has been given the go ahead for human trials. I just remember Klaus Schwab saying everyone would be chipped and it would start as wearable and then be placed on the brain. Creepy Bill Gates said the technology was there to create a vaccine that would remove religious radicalism from peoples minds. You know those who chant death to America, but perhaps all faith. I saw articles where the WEF could record our thoughts and dreams and be held accountable for them. When you look at their interactive circle which you can find on their website it's their plan to control every aspect of human life. We hear of millions of herds of cows being culled under the guise of climate change. Then you got the Gretta cult who demand action for climate change but the powers that be are not below reducing the populations either as they emit carbon as well. Henry Kissinger is still involved today. Jabs were given to the elderly first as the useless eaters they are viewed and who knows the long term effects from taking these Covid shots. The animals died in the trials so I guess they decided it was safe for humans. The largest human experiment ever. Kerry say's a war like effort is required against U.S. farmers so I guess people can starve. Go solar as Gates & Biden explore dimming the sun with toxic chemicals. There was a Deagel chart where they estimated the U.S. population to decline over 2/3rd by 2025. This was prepared in early 2000's how did they come to this conclusion? China was the least impacted and while they should be considered the largest polluters they get a free pass. SMH!
I ask people, "What has Musk done ?", and they stare at me as if i were crazy then call me a conspiracy freak.
Can somebody tell me what the X seems to represent to everybody? I'm hopelessly behind in my pop culture understanding.
if we were still in mid 90s-2000s i would tell ya its a dumb popCulture of "extreme" but Musk play closet Illuminati so its a symbolism for secret Tech/knowledge. Its mystery school stenography. Besos play the same game :
Zelensky, Biden, Satanism, War, Greed, Theft, Propaganda, Domestic Spying, International Intrigue, Treason, Sedition, FTX, Ukraine, Israel, . . .
x marks the spot.😆
He is also from generation x.
I’m waiting for the beast that performs miracles and fools the masses.
Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.
We've gotten access to the information that was buried in libraries before and others have gone to the effort to reveal to those of us looking through the Internet for answers rather than placate our boredom with "Desperate Housewives" (for the feminine natures) and free porn on PornHub for the former masculine. True history is out there if you look for it. The elites have spent their time hiding it from the masses since the early 20th century. It was easier then. They bough the media and the publishers and didn't allow the truth to get printed. Now, those few books that tell the objective stories of our history are becoming available online. Even the history that was written about 9/11 has fallen apart and the CIA's fingerprints are all over it. Don't you think it's odd that the CIA and FBI and DOJ tend to do things that take power from the people and protect the wealthy? They've been bought, honey-potted or pedophiled into positions of weakness and fealty to the elites. They are OWNED. Their passions and desires have enslaved them and many of them are fine with that since they don't believe in eternity. It's very sad.
See my longer post, too, if you care. But what it is called is disillusionment. Those that see and hear what's going on have seen through the illusion created by the MSM and the elites.
From the Book : Project Mars: A Technical Tale by Wernher von Braun
page177 ; . . ."The Martian government was directed by ten men, the leader of whom was elected by universal suffrage for five years and entitled “Elan.” Two houses of Parliament enacted the laws to be administered by the Elon and his cabinet."
Lots of space project in South Africa , including some shady Klaus family built the bomb for South Africa. Am not implying anything just saying. There is no coincidences.
Thanks very much, Sherry. Here are links that might be illumninating for your family. First, an interview with the publication that puts in black-and-white some main proofs of demolition of the WTC Twin Towers and Building 7.
Second, and very graphic, excerpts from a DVD that Jim Hoffman and I also did, "9/11 Guilt / The Proof Is in Your Hands". Jim's excerpt, edited by our partner in the project Celestine Star, SHOWS from 2:00 onward unmistakable EXPLOSIONS of the Towers and explains other manifestations of the destruction that can owe only to DEMOLITION. My part of the excerpts concerns opium from Afghanistan and that huge export-crop's $3.6 trillion value in money-laundering for major Banks of NATO Nations. There they are again, those truly damnable Banks and Banksters!
Cheers, and thank you again for your interest.
I used to believe in the demolition theory until I saw Dr. Judy Wood's videos on directed free-energy and the lack of debris after the towers fell. The lack of damage to the 'bathtub' that the towers were built in. The partially burned vehicles that look like they were hit by a alien laser beam.
Everything I study keeps pointing back to Nikola Tesla and his claims for free electricity and his death ray weapon. Even Royal Rife's technology for healing by destroying bacteria and viruses by vibrating them to oblivion by using their natural frequencies points back to Nikola. Even Einstein call Nikola the smartest man in the world.
The vast knowledge and paperwork of the developed technology was confiscated with the help of the U.S. gov't after Nikola's death. The U.S. has had 80 years to study and develop the inventions. Much like DaVinci's invention of the helicopter, which was only realized in the 20th century, Tesla's inventions have taken time to mature and come to pass.
I believe the alphabet agencies work for the elite to help keep them in power and keep the people at bay. I believe these people play God and they are evil and the next step is control of people through digital currency in the 1st world countries and food and water in third world countries. These elites are dispersed through the world and work like cells in a terrorist organization. Even if you could take one out, the others are there to fill the void and continue with their dastardly plans. Follow the money and you'll find the people behind all of this. And they're using our tax dollars to fill their plans.
Thanks, Denver Dad. I think: RFIDs, nano-thermite, and a third, more secret source of unprecedented destruction that might be DEW. Yes, follow the money ...
Excellent article and video. I was aware of most of those things because I followed that intentionally traumatic event for years. Sofia Smallstorm also produced a video that had a good deal of this information in it. Saw it at a theatre in Austin at a special showing.
They redesigned the paper currency and I recall how the folded $20, I think, that showed the twin towers with the eerily similar dust cloud.
And let’s not forget the dancing Israelis.