Thank goodness Dr Shiva does not stand a raindrop's chance in hell of getting in the White House. He lies far too easily and does it so rapidly that the audience is mesmerised and unable to notice what he omits. His 'swarm' are the servants, not the controllers!!


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He just fabricated that Kennedy story...I'm 74, Kennedys were the greatest in peoples eyes. Shiva's after Kennedy cuz Trump's decided,so ripoff some skin on the guy who is above you in pts.. Kennedy lost THREE NOT TWO family members to the

ORIGINAL DeepState the Khazars, mafia, Johnson,CIA.

I think he knows A TON more than and is more motivated than Shiva.

Shiva would be evil if powerful.

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Here's the question Rick:

People are sick and dying.

Children and teens are being permanently damaged by the vaxxines.

Funeral directors are ordering 30% more child-size caskets, up from 20% just months ago.

The question is Rick: Why does RFK NOT oppose the vaxxines?

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HEre's a hint ..just a clue, could be a "dead end"....how much mula do lawyers/jawyers make occasionally suing the chem and pharm companies? Lots, they get sued billions, right? Like, Pfizer had already gone down for billions by 2006, see? What I see is that they allow these murderers who "murder with the victim's consent"..in legalese, honey...to function and "make a killing"...yep...and then come in like vultures for their share.

That's why the companies then continue on , or change their names, eh? And continue on.

Call it "disaster capitalism", just your basic profits inducing war. Or "fascism", just your basic union of corporate and state "power".

I got thrown outa CHD's comment section...after a year or more there..for pointing this out, along with pointing out that Kennedy would never actually come out and say "don't take this shit!!!",and yet the site would publish how a Canadian woman in early thirties with hubby and two angel children followed their site for long yet still took the jab and was killed by it quickly. They had the fucking nerve. I pointed this out, as well as the fact that the Kennedy fortunes were made by pushing poison...alcohol...which was decimating people's live both in families and in communities. That's why the Prohibition was made a law.

So, tell me the Kennedy's give a fuck? I met an heir of the dirty corporate elite, and he showed me what is within him that is draining his life, and it weren't pretty. He was miserable, but determined never to do its' bidding in any way.

You got no idea how evil these fuckers are. No matter what "costume" or "uniform" they wear.

By the way...the suits...they're kind of a giveaway too. I mean...suits. For how long now? At least a hundred years? It ain't no "fashion" , it's a fucking uniform

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Please pardon my french, as I am. Tired of seeing good folk hurt. That's all.

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Here, Here, Here! I am no Dam Dem but JFK Jr is by far the best choice if DJT gets the deepstate boot. His entire family knows where the bodies are. He is saving so many lives with CHD. My Faith makes it difficult to back DJT but he is strong. #TheChildrenOfGodAreNotForsale

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The Kennedy fortunes were made pushing poison. Alcohol.

I suppose that like the pharmas when it comes to "vaxxines", somehow they have "found jesus" and actuall don't want to benefit from poisons?

Kennedy had lots of blood on his hands, and I watched him deal in it in the past five years.

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Kennedy's made $$millions of boose they smuggle in during Prohibition 1920s-39s ...Jack Kennedy tried to get the Filthy Jews out of the US Monetary System but the Paid for LBJ got Kennedy 'removed' ......JFK was a devoted believer in what Adolf Hitler did to remove the Jew influence in US money... and JFK unedited copy of Hitler Mein Kampf was sold at auction..... https://www.bitchute.com/video/BHbRgcjB7QSy/

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You do not know what your talking about. The Swarm is real

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Hey Frances, I see you erased my comment. What a rotten comment to such a great video of 100% TRUTH!

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Frances, please share these lies you say Dr Shiva has made so rapidly?

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The Black Nobility are those stick figures he drew on the left of the SWARM.

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Thank you for your link. Looks like a lot of good info to get lost in so I subbed.

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Hear, hear!

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What an insulating comment, on such a great fast explanation of the world today. I am passing this one out, so humanity can win a home run against the $atanic elite lo$ers.

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Whole new crop of commenters on The Reese Report substack, and they're all piling on Shiva. Weird.

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What, just because I follow and appreciate Greg's work I can't disagree with him on certain issues? And I'm not a Trump supporter, or supporter of any politician running for office. By the way, have you done any research of your own on this guy? Critical thinking goes a long way.

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President Trump was one of the best Presidents in our history. we had a great flourishing economy, our own oil that we did not purchase from terrorist countries. S0 much more. and oh yea, we had a border to protect American people. and crime was low

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I’m guessing most are probably Trump supporters, which means they excuse and even condone mass murder. So, consider the source. Their opinions, and that’s ALL they are ~ opinions ~ hold absolutely NO WEIGHT whatsoever, as far as I’m concerned. In fact, the more they comment, the more they show exactly how brainwashed and brain dead they really are.

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No this is far from the truth. Trump actually stabbed Shiva in the back by supporting his competitor while running for senate. I don't think you actually understood what Shiva was talking about.

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and your opinion doesn't matter either. keep watching the View

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The “truth community” has been infiltrated. And those we believe to be telling the truth are actual a body of the agents of deception and lies.

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Same here

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Yeah I rarely post comments on Greg's Substack but people truly need to understand the ideological system or they will continue to be manipulated. We have seen how the ruling class manipulate the Republican base for their support for wars in the Middle East and the COVID scamdemic just shows you how easily it is to manipulate the anti-Imperial Left.

Three years into this nonsense and a large segment of the US population do not understand this and it won't end up well for them.

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As much as I love and appreciate Greg and his work, the comment section on his posts are always an absolute shit show.

I love the “regulars” (i.e. paid subscribers and most unpaid subscribers), but a lot (not all) of the others are rather annoying, at best. His work is “controversial” (i.e. truthful) and therefore, triggering for Normies, so I guess it only makes sense that it would bring the wackos out of the woodwork. I realize his increased popularity has a lot to do with it, too.

And while I’m happy he’s found a much wider audience and subsequent success, I miss the days where I looked forward to coming to the comment section to connect with intelligent, like-minded people and I didn’t have to worry about being trolled by basement-dwellers. 😕

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No matter how Dr. Shiva wants to twist our Constitution to attempt to prove he is eligible to run for President he is sadly very wrong. The Constitution is NOT A LIVING DOCUMENT as he has stated and there are no laws every passed that change the requirement of being a natural born citizen in order to be President or VP. He was BORN in INDIA to both parents who were citizens of India. He is a naturalized citizen but he is NOT a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN and therefore is not eligible to run or be elected. Same goes for Vivek Ramaswamy, Kamala Harris and Nikki Haley. The latter 3 were born here but there parents were foreigners and not US citizens at the time of their birth. In the days of our founders when this requirement was entered into the Constitution it was well known that NBC was transferred from FATHER to children. The citizenship of the FATHER is the NBC of the child. End of argument. Do some dang research and stop bastardizing our Constitution to fit the agenda that started with Barack Obama. Remember when they raked John McCain over the coals because he was born on an American military base in Panama to TWO American parents......they said he was not a NBC. Funny how they try to apply NBC when it is a Republican but totally ignore the requirement when the candidate is a Democrat. Believe me if they thought for one second that Shiva or Ramaswamy (I believe he is one of them not a real Republican) had a chance of winning they would be all over them too. Because Obama got away with it does not change the Constitution.

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"...eligible to run"

Didn't stop Obama!

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So we continue to violate our Constitution. Precedence DOES NOT trump the Constitution. I cannot believe you even said this.

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I didn't know this. That would have been an interesting question.

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He openly admits to being born in India (which we already knew) and he did an entire bit on how he is a natural born citizen. One statement was the Constitution is a living document. Then he started spewing off nonsense. He is NOT a natural born citizen and the Constitution is NOT A LIVING DOCUMENT. Nothing personal but he is not eligible. Neither is Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, Nikki Haley, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Bobbie Jindal and VIVEK RAMASWAMY. Barack's father was a British subject not an American. All the rest had 2 foreign parents at the time of their birth. Ted Cruz is a natural born Canadian citizen. His father became a Canadian when he and his wife moved to Canada. So did his wife Ted's mother. Ted said she had dual citizenship so that makes him a natural born citizen of America. First, he was born in 1970 and Canada did not allow dual citizenship until 1976. Both his parents voted in Canadian elections. But Ted is a protected by the Bush cartel. The definition of natural born citizen at the time of our founders is not hard to find. They used natural law when writing our founding documents. The Law of Nations also written in natural law was their guiding reference. NBC is transferred from FATHER to children. https://newswithviews.com/JBWilliams/williams297.htm

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Looks like you’ve done your homework. I knew slick Ramaswamy was not eligible, but not Shiva, who lies by omission. Obama had no right either, and never came up with an official birth certificate.

Thank you for all that information. You understand the constitution is not a ‘living’ document.

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Here is the 'long skinny' on this debate

The FEC ruled against the Constitution and that ruling still stands, So Dr. Shiva is allowed to run and can be elected president according to the FEC., which at some point requires an amendment to the Constitution as it stands today.

The Research was collected via Brave AI Search assistant below: accumulated from multiple sources listed below in reponse to this 'engineered prompt"

"Can naturalized citizens in the usa run for president?"

According to the United States Constitution, Article II, Section 1, Clause 5, a person must meet two criteria to be eligible for the Office of President:

Natural-born Citizen: The person must be a natural-born citizen of the United States.

Age and Residency: The person must have attained the age of thirty-five years and been fourteen years a resident within the United States.

Naturalized Citizens

Based on the Constitution and relevant excerpts, naturalized citizens of the United States are not eligible to hold the Office of President. The Constitution specifically requires a natural-born citizen, which implies that individuals who have acquired citizenship through naturalization do not meet this criterion.

Federal Election Commission (FEC) Ruling

The FEC has ruled that a naturalized citizen is not prohibited from becoming a presidential candidate under the Federal Election Campaign Act. However, naturalized citizens are not eligible to receive Federal matching funds under the Presidential Primary Matching Payment Account Act.

Constitutional Amendment

If the United States were to consider allowing naturalized citizens to run for president, a constitutional amendment would be necessary. This amendment would need to address concerns about foreign influence, national security, and the potential for favoritism towards one’s native homeland.

In summary, based on the Constitution and relevant excerpts, naturalized citizens of the United States are not eligible to run for president.

Follow up

What are the implications of allowing naturalized citizens to run for president on the representation of diverse immigrant communities?

What are the potential effects on the electoral process and campaign financing if naturalized citizens were permitted to run for president?

How do countries with different presidential eligibility requirements, such as Canada's requirement of 10 years of residency, balance national security and representation concerns?



Natural-born-citizen clause (United States) - Wikipedia



Qualifications for the Presidency | Constitution Annotated | Congress.gov | Library of Congress



AO 2011-15: Naturalized citizen as presidential candidate - FEC.gov



Naturalized Citizens and th

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This is the sad truth we live in: actor based reality. They don't use their real names! https://www.bitchute.com/video/cVnhYhXG7rtC/

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I've been ranting about this exact same thing and no one believes me. I find it unconscionable that Kamala could even be VP with this status because technically she becomes Pres when Biden isn't.

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I hear you. It blows me away as to how many people think that if you are born on US soil you are a NBC regardless of the citizenship of the parents. Shiva, Harris, Rubio, Cruz, Obama, Haley, Ramaswamy, Jindal not one of these people are eligible to be President or VP. They can be Reps, Senators, or any other elected office but NOT President or VP. Thanks for your feedback. I know you frustration.

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LOVE Dr Shiva's concise explanation of HOW the Controllers control!

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Dr. Shiva is very intelligent and accomplished BUT he has a deep-seated pathological vendetta against RFK Jr.--mentioned at 5:45 minutes into this video. He called the Kennedy's a 'completely bogus family'. He is unbalanced and would make a terrible leader. This link was written by RFK Jr a few years ago because the defamation by Dr. Shiva was so egregious. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/critical-questions-for-dr-shiva-about-his-attempts-to-splinter-the-health-freedom-movement/

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Genocidal vaxxines are the greatest threat to humanity.

Donald Trump does NOT oppose the vaxxines.

RFK does NOT oppose the vaxxines.

Biden does NOT oppose the vaxxines.

Shiva is a breath of fresh air!

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You two are always a balanced blessedness.

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With all the people running for president, we all have our favorites.

I can only support a person who addresses the military/war problem and

understands in great detail the pharmaceutical industry and will work hard

to build a better health system. Guilt by association is gossip. I recall Dr. Naomi Wolf

say she was in attendance at a party in New York City and Jeffery Epstein was also in

attendance. Glad you found a person you believe in and can rally for.

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My conclusion is always - do not trust the rich or influential. That includes all 3 in this convo (Shiva/rfk/Naomi).

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Naomi Wolf PHD in English Literature (Oxford/Rhodes Scholar)) is not a Doctor. She went to Yale as well; know any secret societies there? Worked for Billy Clinton's Re-election squad. Her Team at Daily Clout got the Jan 6th stuff 100% wrong. Oops. All these people we see on TV or in the Media are Fake. They are Crafted and work in the System.

At least she tried to stand with Assange.


I'll read your link and ponder on it.

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This is a late response (as I have only just found this post), but here is some further context to this "incident" that happened years ago between Shiva and RFK Jr.

Shiva responded, in a fiery blaze of vitriolic outrage, to RFK Jr.'s letter with a long stream he did:


I did not find that Shiva actually addressed any of RFK's accusations, and merely made lesser accusations in return. Around the 25-minute mark of this stream, Shiva even put up an astonishing slide which dumbed down the whole situation into a simplistic dichotomy (Us vs. Them); one which has continued to remain at the core of his narratives and, I believe, his fundamental perspective on the world.

RFK Jr.'s accusations hold more weight than Shiva's "counter" accusations, in my opinion. Moreover, this whole stream feels like some sort of struggle session, with all the other participants seeming to be visibly uncomfortable and unsure of how to respond at times. Of course, I'm not a psychic and I don't know all of the context, but this was my interpretation as a deliberately impartial observer.

While Shiva raises some good points about RFK Jr., I have reached my own critique regarding him since Shiva's points are never intellectually honest (and he never seems to make an attempt to argue anything in good faith).

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I think what it comes down to is Dr. Shiva has a deep-seated jealousy of RFK Jr.

RFK Jr. was born into an upper class family and through that luck was bestowed with the privileges of his family and class. Even so, the Kennedy's were altruistic and saw the plight of many Americans. They tried to raise their children with an awareness of the world and their fellow man. Opportunities and connections were readily available, but still hard work and dedication was required to achieve success. Dr. Shiva on the other hand did not have as easy life and worked hard for his achievements. Resentment is a difficult thing to conceal.

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This is a well laid schematic of how the ruling class operates in less than 15 minutes.

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I hope someone can see what is going on here. Dr Shiva and nearly everyone blames "evil" people who take their money for giving out vaccines etc. But that is not the problem. Never does he nor anyone else, "blame" the actual people who decide to take the vaccines. Why do they take them? Because they "believe" they prevent disease. But have they researched what's in them? Not even do they research before forcing them onto their children. So little due diligence on the part of the individual. And yet nobody blames them. Why is this? Why is the person themselves not blamed but the people giving the orders are blamed? Could it be because people still have a mindset of being babysat by government? That they consent to being governed and thus subject to anything the government says? Isn't that a bit like cattle?

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The thing is once you know it's you that's the problem and your peers, then maybe you'll realize we are also the solution. And then we will get busy working out how we navigate these circumstances. Because yes - they want us dead. And the people who go along with it have absolutely no clue what's going on.

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“The thing is once you know it's you that's the problem and your peers, then maybe you'll realize we are also the solution” -- best thing I’ve read in this comment section. 🙏

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I'll repost what I wrote on another Substack about this guy. You can make up your own mind.

I followed this guy for a while after the plandemic began. He was saying things most did not dare talk about about--the plandemic orchestration by the global cabal and not a legit health emergency (only an emergency because the elites were trying to fleece the public as fast as possible.) But this got all mixed up in his insistence he'd invented the internet but had been cheated out of credit for it (and was extremely sore about it even though there wasn't overwhelming evidence his claim was 100% valid). I read about his lawsuit against Gawker in 2017 for slander that spelled collapse for the website. It bled into his campaign for senator where he painted himself as the only candidate a sane person would elect--everyone else were shills and idiots--and it suddenly occurred to me that he was opportunist with a martyr complex who blew his own horn as often as possible and called everyone who was not him a scumbag or shill or asshole. (When he lost the race he ranted that he'd been cheated, that the election had been stolen.) He's very smart, but he spends an inordinate amount of time whining about how he's been maligned and cheated and screwed by those with better connections or whiter skin. I'm not saying there isn't merit to his complaints, but spending 95% of your energy tearing others down while shamelessly building yourself up is a big turn off, imho. Here's some reader comment from the first attached piece:

"Oh WTF you guys at Ars [Tecnica] actually granted this guy an interview and listened to him rant for hours? I presume you only did this as part of a settlement against a lawsuit and to prevent further legal action. Ultimately this story is a tragedy, but not the one that may be obvious. Here is the nut graf: “I''m the low-caste, dark-skinned, Indian, who DID invent #email,'” wrote Ayyadurai. “'Not Raytheon, who profits for war & death. Their mascot Tomlinson dies a liar.'”

This is a tragic story of the devastating impact of the Indian caste system, and how it distorts peoples' self-perceptions. Ayyadurai destroyed his own modest legacy of minor achievements, and became a fraud, liar, and charlatan in an attempt to prove that even a "low-caste, dark-skinned Indian" could become a brahmin. Ayyadurai conflates his fight for public recognition with his internal fight over his identity. This obviously has driven him over the edge into madness."

..."his actual work was pretty impressive, especially given his age; but the refusal to accept that history sometimes gets made by people who start earlier is deep into nutcase territory. Especially when combined with the tortured logic-chopping, appeals to irrelevant legal authority, and a fun conspiracy theory it really goes into back-away-slowly territory. (Plus, selling stuff with Deepak Chopra? SRSLY?)... Ultimately...someone who apparently has talent; but would rather devote himself to the chip on his shoulder, axe grinding; and self-serving hagiography. A waste, and self-inflicted."

"Suffering under an unjust system doesn't make you a martyr. The more likely outcome is that you become an asshole."



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and his actual platform, if there is one, sounds less substantial than Marianne Williamson's... I've heard him on a few different podcasts or interviews, and I have yet to hear a conversation, the guy does not listen!

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Each and every Shiva "interview" I've seen is just a repetitive Shiva monologue. If you've listened to enough of them, you'll notice that he is just saying the same exact things on repeat. This gets terribly boring because there is also never any pushback or real discussion of his ideas from most of the podcast hosts.

This sometimes results in Shiva going on unhinged tirades, where he says rather shocking and outrageous things (which he would denounce if the same rhetoric were used against him, of course). These tirades, I feel, would change a lot of people's opinions who seem to be getting a very good first impression of him. After all, I was one of those people too.

I've gone down the rabbit-hole of deep dive investigation around Shiva earlier this year. It was quite an insane rabbit-hole -- and this is coming from someone who has gone down many rabbit-holes -- that messed with my sense of reality to a significant degree. This was the reason that I ended up going so deep into my investigation, so I gathered a lot of insight into Shiva and his career/background (dating all the way back to 2005, from what is publicly available in my findings).

I ended up with so many questions that I tried to get answers from Shiva himself or his followers. However, when you start visiting his livestream chats or browsing the comment section of his YouTube channel, you'll probably have the same experience that I had. Which is that something strange is happening here since most of his followers nowadays appear to exhibit something that I can only call cult-like behavior and beliefs. A lot of confused and lost people, too, who are honest and seem to be genuine truth-seekers. So I never got answers to my questions, even when I confronted Shiva himself on X/Twitter.

This ended up being a very long-winded response, but I just want to say that I'm more happy to share all the info I found. As one of Shiva's slogans goes, "educate yourself or be enslaved", endorses a fundamental principle that I adhere to. Unlike Shiva, however, I actually do wish to give people information for them to make up their own minds instead of providing it in narrative-form that assumes a position of authority over the truth. Anybody is welcome to ask about any of the things I addressed, I have more than enough receipts and content (most of which has been provided by Shiva himself anyway) to substantiate the views I expressed here.

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oh, you haven't written this up yet! I can't say it would be worth your time to educate me, because I am not a person who others listen to! but I'm interested that you are in the Netherlands, which seems to be the epicenter of the great reset?

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I am going to take a look at your publication. Thanks for doing the research!

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Haha, thanks! I'm still currently setting up my publication actually.

We are, indeed, the epicenter of a great many things (which I only started understanding very recently) of the current globalist oligarchical cabal that has been pulling the strings in the collective west over the past few decades, in particular. I generally tend to call it the "lion's den" when I talk about our nation to others.

I won't publish anything on Shiva anytime soon, as I find other more all-encompassing and generally more important subjects to be (much) higher priorities. It concerns me, however, that so many people seem to fall into this "trap" when it comes to Shiva. Rarely do I find people who express skepticism about him in the online media bubble, so I pounce at every opportunity I find to share some of my info.

It's ironic to me that he's become this false prophet type of figure because, in spite of my seemingly harsh critique of him, I still consider him to be sharing many genuinely positive things (I think he's at his best when he talks about health and science, personally). But that is also why it's difficult to make sense of him.

In any case, I'm hoping to publish my first piece this weekend if all goes well. I will check out your publication too; you seem to deal with subject matter that I'm completely unfamiliar with and I always welcome any excuse to broaden my horizon! :)

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I think to make sense of Shiva, you just have to see one of the videos where he starts foaming at the mouth about Bobby Kennedy... I think he wasn't invited to the party, and he is still pissed and trying to get revenge

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Oh, absolutely. I can't count the number of times that I heard Shiva talk about Rogan, Kennedy, Trump, and everyone else he names, all getting together at some bar in Malibu and all having Ari Emanuel (if I recall correctly) as their agent in some kind of grand conspiracy and/or club.

It seems genuinely difficult to not, at the very least, consider the likelihood that Shiva is vindictive about not having been invited to the club. At the very least, he seems rather vindictive about having his career aspirations thwarted from the very beginning. That goes all the way back to pre-2010 and it is my belief that the narrative he espouses today started being constructed back then as well.

My interests -- and areas of serious investigation/inquiry -- also include the sciences, so your publication still has relevance to me! Health and science for humans and animals alike are equally important in these times. Moreover, I strongly resonate with the reason you stated for starting your publication. If I can potentially be of any help with your question, it's absolutely worth checking out (that is not to say that I am smart, to be clear)!

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Haha I do this with Dane Wiggington and his geoengineering stuff - "Rarely do I find people who express skepticism about him in the online media bubble, so I pounce at every opportunity I find to share some of my info.". not my info, but info from Jim Lee on climateviewer.com.

My stack is unlikely to be of interest, and I really only started writing it because I was hoping some smart people would be able to help me with my question!

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well said. I was going to say it just sounds like he wasn't invited to Bobby Kennedy's party and he's still pissed about it...

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Oh man, I’m apparently as gullible as can be…..🤯

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As pointed out in the interview, it's about a bottoms-up movement, not Dr. Shiva.

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In my opinion, Shiva is the Emperor of Astroturf, Inc.

MIT people are totally unreliable.

Watch also this recent interview: https://rumble.com/v3is8r4-e46-the-swarm-with-dr.-shiva-ayyadurai.html

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Please people grow up. It’s a big club and we aren’t in it.

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Exactamon! But we are talking about them, they are not talking about us....we need to get our minds off them and start talking about "us" and what we're can do about the dire situation we're all in.

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I disagree with respect to Dr. Shiva's discrediting of RFK Jr.

He disparagingly refers to him as Booby several times.

He says that his entire family is involved in big Pharma.

He declines to mention that his entire family is against him because of his outspoken position on vaccines.

This is a lie of omission, and Shiva consciously embraces this lie to discredit Kennedy.

He declines to mention that Kennedy founded Children's Health Defense which is all about educating people as to the toxicity and danger of vaccines. Kennedy knows that vaccines aren't safe and also knows that big Pharma has enough money to destroy anyone by tying them up in court for years. So he says he is for "safe vaccines" knowing that in order to prove them safe they will have to be tested against all other vaccines, with placebos (that are not other toxic vaccines line the meningitis jab that has been used as a placebo) to prove that one is not adding to the toxicity of the other. This is a smart move on Kennedy's part as he is fully vaxxed, apart from the covid toxin, as are his kids.

Kennedy is also pro nuclear only if nuclear can be proven safe. He knows that won't ever happen as no insurance company will insure any nuclear reactor. The liability is all on the state. So rather than say he's "anti nuclear" and incur the wrath of the nuclear industry, an industry which has silenced all of the evidence proving that the Fukushima meltdowns have destroyed the marine life along the west coast (starfish, abalone, urchins etc), he says he for "safe nuclear."

This is the same tightrope he walks with vaccines, knowing that the media receives 70-80% of its ad revenue from big Pharma and will crucify him if he takes an antivax position.

Kennedy has also stated that he wants to return liability to the vaccine makers, thereby nullifying the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act that removed liability from vaccine makers.

Shiva is a lying quack and I'm hoping that as smart and informed as Greg is, the doesn't fall for this bulls___ artist. Shiva is one fast talker who lies like a fascist running dog. Avoid supporting this con artist like the plague.

Thank you Frances Leader, Karen Bracken and others who can see through this con!

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"...knowing that the media receives 70-80% of its ad revenue from big Pharma and will crucify him if he takes an antivax position."

And that is why RFK will protect Big Pharmacide, just like Trump does. Just like they ALL do.

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Did he begin by comparing the House of Rothschild with aliens? If aliens position themselves by passing their ill gotten gains around, then yes, they're comparable. What keeps the swarm together? "Follow the money" aren't just pretty words. They try to confuse the issue; it's all about the money. We will never control our own government until we control our own financial system. How do you shut down any terrorist organization? You cut off the money supply. It's not that difficult. Money.

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Judging by some of the comments, Dr. Shiva struck a nerve!! He DOES speak the truth......MOST do NOT like TRUTH.....CONTRARY to what the fuck they SAY! These individuals are STILL NOT AWAKE! (aka Zombies) If Dr. Shiva said something negative about 'your guy', and you had A REACTION to it......ya just might be brain-washed (aka Zombie)! lol

If 'your guy' supports 'Israel', that's a RED FLAG, right there!! Israel is NOT a 'Jewish State'; it IS KHAZARIAN. Ask yourself THIS question: WHY is Israel SUPPORTING the UKRAINIAN NAZIS (aka KHAZARIANS)?? The ANSWER is RIGHT IN YOUR FACE.....and YOU CHOOSE NOT to SEE it. ANSWER: Because Israel is ALSO KHAZARIAN (aka NAZIS; Khazarians are NOT JEWISH!). Khazarians were dubbed, 'NAME STEALERS', by REAL Jews, several 1,000's of years ago.

One more thing (about 'Division'/Keeping us divided)......Communism/NAZISM (aka Socialism)/Marxism/Fascism......are ALL just TOOLS. TOOLS to get us to TECHNOCRACY (formally known as EUGENICS). Your Masters are TECHNOCRATS (EUGENICISTS). PERIOD!

(Special shout out to the EVIL Elon Musk Cult members......your Master, EVIL Elon, IS a EUGENICIST! *wakie* *wakie*)

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You obviously have never looked at Children's Health Defense Proberta. Spend a few hours watching the videos on that website, the organization which RFK Jr started after spending years cleaning up toxic waterways with his Waterkeeper's Alliance.

Everything on the CHD website is an arrow through the heart of big Pharma. You are sadly misinformed. So because you're uneducated as to what CHD has done to disclose the toxins promoted by big pharma you'll slander him because it doesn't fit your uninformed opinion.

Show me a single example of RFK Jr protecting big Pharma. One will do. You can't, because you're only repeating something you read or heard somewhere, by someone as uninformed as you are.

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Thank you for the comment. I agree as well. RFK Jr is a man of integrity. What the hell does he have to gain by putting his neck on the chopping block, nothing besides a a clear conscience.

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It's all theater. For the masses - you know - us.

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"Show me a single example of RFK Jr protecting big Pharma"

People are sick and dying Lawrence.

Children and teens are being permanently damaged by the vaxxines.

Funeral directors are ordering 30% more child-size caskets, up from 20% just months ago.

The question is Lawrence: Why does RFK NOT oppose the vaxxines?

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I’ve wondered why RFK doesn’t completely denounce this vaccine as the bioweapon it is, continuing to kill millions of people world wide, if he’s so vocal about vaccines. I’ve watched him in many interviews and listened carefully as he dances around the vaccjne issue, displaying his knowledge of why this one or that was injuring people, plus saying he’s not ‘anti vaccine’, which I thought strange, but good to know. It’ll depend, on when he’s their buddy or not? And we’re very aware his livelihood is from suing pharma companies, and consequently writing about it. I’m glad he’s successful in doing that, but I hope he can become vocal about the current vaccine rollout, and the ongoing DOD bioweapon plans. Since he’s so knowledgeable about vaccines it stands to reason he’d be credible if he exposed the C19 shot, with the UN and WEF takeover. If anyone has the standing to expose this nightmare it’s him. He should be shouting from the rooftops to stop the shots. I’d really like to see one video of RFK explaining openly to the public what is being done to them, and why this mass murder must end now. I apply that to any candidate to please have the balls to speak the truth, but especially this supposed crusader. If any candidate with the clout, who’s already had successes he can point to, like Desantis, Trump, or RFK, that person wouldn’t just be listened to, they’d have the candidacy all but wrapped up if he were to expose what the homicidal globalists have been doing. There are other very questionable positions RFK has taken, but the shot is obviously the most life threatening at the moment. RFK supports the ‘climate emergency’ narrative, where globalists believe in and currently eradicating CO2, ie. terraforming operations. Humans are the biggest CO2 emitters. We’re the target. He would know that. He even has doubts about the DEW fires and destruction. Seriously? The global elites (the Satanic cabal) are perfectly aware of the truth, that all life depends on CO2 for the air we breath. They’ve made up the nonsense that everything we do, and the fact we’re even alive is a horror for the planet, when they just want to depopulate so the chosen few can have all of Gods creation. I care a great deal about our environment, far more than the hypocrites, each with several mansions and personal jets, and it pains me to watch them slaughter millions of livestock, or hurt our atmosphere with war-bombing-explosions, train derailments, fires, chronic toxic chemtrailing, etc. I realize they have many ways to kill us, and won’t stop if any particular plan is thwarted.

Right now, give us the goods on the killshot. People would be witness to a hero who can stand up to what’s coming for him. Otherwise, he’s one of them.

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He is part of the elite. Of course they have to do good things but ultimately, the system is what gives them priority over others and why would they ever want to change that? By the way we'd all be better off without this system, including them. We'd all have much more and wouldn't need to scratch each other's eyes out either.

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BRAVO!! Outstanding nice, big chunk of useful intel from a very deep mind. Powerful. Get him back on alot Greg. As is my stance as a warrior I try to be certain what I am about to say is not better left unsaid and it contributes. Share this video with everyone !!, a true gem of intel that is a map of the operational states of our foes. Brilliant guys, just brilliant work Greg. Thank you, K

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