Happy Birthday Greg! I listened to your book and loved it. I've learned so much from you. Been a fan of yours for a long time. God bless you my friend! 🙂
New subscriber here … Every one of your reports are interesting. I like how much info is packed in the short format.
Here are some people that would make for fascinating interviews …
1- Miko Peled author of ‘The General’s Son’
The most censored people in the US are anti Zionist Jewish people, who are not leftists, they are just normal folks, not ideologues.
Miko was born and raised in West Jerusalem. His grandfather was one of the founders of Israel. His sister was good friends with Benjamin Netanyahu. His family of Zionist patriots included: a signer of the Israeli Declaration of Independence , a president of Israel ,
award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization, Editor of Global Research. Here is his popular article on Oded Yinon (Greater Israel) plan.
This is THE reason why the United States has military in the middle east. (Even Trump, during his presidency, admitted that the US is in the middle east because of Israel.)
3- Pastor Chuck Baldwin of Liberty Fellowship Montana.
He teaches biblical Christianity, not Christian Zionism doctrine. He is doing a sermon series on Revelation that is not tainted with scofield dispensational doctrine. Revelation is Jesus based prophesy, not Israel based prophesy. Each sermon that covers one chapter of Revelations takes him several months to prepare.
Some hard to find books in his store include Jewish Author Ilan Pape’s book : ‘The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine’ Author Michael Hoffman’s book : ‘Judaism’s Strange Gods’ and a copy of a book written in 1805 by George Peter Holford : ‘The destruction of Jerusalem’
His Freedom Documents book is published each fall and sells out quickly.
Greg, The mission-critical need for humans is to evolve, not devolve. Choose one or the other, no exceptions. It is said, There are those who know, those who know when shown and those who will not. One either follows the rules & consequences of natural laws or not. Good, bad or indifferent, we as a race have not, thus we suffer the consequences. No politician or current gov’t agency on Earth will provide the inertia needed for change, its just not going to happen. Same with almost all organized religions, complicit at their cores to darker agendas well hidden. Imagine our neighbors showing up with the “real” history of us earthlings, holy shit eh? Seeking vengeance , hated & blaming others will also fail our evolution as a race. Only a collective human consciousness operating at higher frequency(s) will be causation required of the ending of man vs man vs Universal law. Higher frequencies obliterate lower, love obliterates hate, war begets war. Thats universal natural law, no exceptions. How can I say such things?....It is common knowledge of “other known” off-planet races in how they have evolved to achieve harmony. They live in harmony guided by natural law(s) as hopefully we are about to endure in order to achieve. What must be is we have each others’ backs, as they take care of each other & the worlds’ upon they thrive. How we stand be each other when shit hits the fan is critical. Maui is enduring this now, isolated. We must care for & feed each other if necessary. Jordan Peterson keeps saying we must care for the poor to us all to survive. Enough said. Thank you, K
It's not about "censoring" actual DIALOG. When people resort to name-calling, abuse, etc., (that which is totally devoid of FACTS, DATA, logic, or REASON) it lacks any value as "speech." It's only verbal abuse and bullying. Attacking those who present logical discussion/perspectives with flat out abuse is a device employed by those who have no data to support their position, so their only "weapon" to "win" in the exchange, is bullying and abuse in an effort to SILENCE those who disagree, rather than to understand WHY they see things differently.
And those tactics NEVER change another person's views. It's hardly a "persuasive argument" with which to change anyone's mind about anything. We can never give in and be silenced just because someone expresses hatred for us, due to our beliefs.
Thank you. I enjoyed hearing your views on the idea of "censorship." It is repugnant as a whole. However, I know what simple verbal abuse is, and it's something akin to SLANDER, i.e., that which is legally actionable because the name-calling (abuse) is intended to injure, and actually can injure reputation, business, relationships, etc. It is simply abuse. And it's not always something we should seek to protect when it's clear there is no VALUE to it, i.e., we can't learn anything from a moron who confines his "arguments" to lies and slander.
And besides, it's YOUR feed, (rather than a "public forum") so it's much the same as someone coming onto YOUR property to screech and howl at you. You have EVERY right to kick them OUT.
If they can create their OWN "audience" (for their filthy lies and abuses) they are perfectly FREE to create their own channel and see how many people WANT to visit a wholly worthless and moronic "rant" feed with ZERO information anyone can use to better understand anything;-) My guess is, these types are unable to get an audience, and this is why they troll, trying to parasite onto others like you, who DO have an audience.
I was never a "follower" of you until recently. I was so happy to notice you on Substack because my memories of your voice (in WONDERFUL and informative videos) were almost always followed by everything suddenly disappearing, channels that carried your work being scrubbed, etc.. You are such the voice of REASON in these strange times.
You play banjo! It does make a joyful sound. My father used to play it and sing with us kids, teaching us to harmonize. I miss those days.
Hey, here's the declaration I wrote that cause a crooked federal judge to finally disqualify himself from our vaccine case and ALSO vacate his prior order dismissing the case. https://ghostofjfk.substack.com/p/federal-judges-invested-in-pharma We thought maybe we had a shot at getting a vaccine case to the EVIDENTIARY stage, (we sought a nationwide injunction prohibiting all forms of discrimination based upon vaccination status in 2020). But then the 9th Circuit stepped in (most unprecedented;-) and gave us direct access to SCOTUS by upholding a dismissal that the ruling judge himself had already admitted he had NO JURISDICTION to have entered in the first place, and which he'd already vacated himself! (A judge's refusal to dismiss a case is not even appealable!)
It sort of exemplifies the legal situation we're all in with regard to government-executed extermination, since the same things (conflicts) were found when we confronted the 9th Circuit, and then SCOTUS, (4 times with SCOTUS). But, unlike the lower District Court Judge, SCOTUS completely ignored the laws which govern their own behavior, laws which required them to recuse/disqualify and appoint a NON-conflicted panel to hear our case.
SCOTUS' firm stance is this: Exterminating the American people is a Constitutionally "authorized" activity of the federal government, AND the executive branch has never had anything to do with any vaccine programs (even though the FDA, CDC, HHS, etc., are ALL subordinate to the President/Executive branch).
They were so cornered that they outright lied about the actual contents of our printed complaint. There being no pretense of a civil remedy to prevent our own extermination at the hands of the federal government (specifically the executive branch) it appears the remedy might not be very "civilized", for remedy we MUST have.
Back when SCOTUS determined that the Constitution fully authorized the owning and enslavement of human beings (so long as they were black) it produced some very bloody times for our Nation. Sponge Bob Square Pants would do a much finer job of interpreting the Constitution than SCOTUS.
I wholeheartedly echo your sentiments John. Particularly like the comments about Kazars etc. Personally I identify as an Israelite. My people migrated north through the Caucasus after the split ( recorded in the Bible ) then we migrated North to Bryth Ish Isles and then over here. We are not Jews, we are caucasion Istraelites and Christian. I am sure you have heard of this, but you did not mention it. Anyhow, love Greg, and so admire your balanced approach.
Thoughts are things. Think Positive, Pray, Meditate, concentrate on positivity and we can change the course of humanity for the better. Happy B Day bro.
Greg, I was reading an article yesterday from The Markup, I think it was them, and they did an investigation and found that around 47% of the internet was bots. Some of the ugly comments could indeed not be human beings and programmed to incite division. It's not like we don't know anyone that would do something that! Just FYI. 😉
Hey Greg, as you know ENLIGHTENMENT is the Soul's quest, the answer, and the solution.
To enter the Light within the mind. Enlightenment, as can be achieved in Transcendental Meditation.
"The reason there are so few surviving interviews with Nikola Tesla from his later years is because Tesla, the acknowledged smartest man in the world, who's father had been a priest, came to believe after a lifetime of the study of comparative religion, that of all the religions, spiritual teachings, philosophies and theosophies, the one that facilitated the greatest connection to God, was Buddhism.
Unfortunately for the EviI that runs this planet, such knowledge coming from the smartest man in the world, would undermine their existing Judaeo-Christian religious systems of mass control, so efforts were made to publicly suppress Tesla's spiritual beliefs, and specifically to discredit and discourage the practice of transcendental meditation. Sadly as a result most of the precious later interviews with Nikola Tesla disappeared.
When Tesla, the scientist, was quoted as saying "Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal ENLIGHTENMENT", few Westeners even knew that he was quoting the Buddha.”
Religion is designed to prevent the masses from achieving enlightenment.
Thank you for talking about the downward spiral of the comment section.
And I don’t blame you for “leaving the party.”
The fact that it’s your job to report the truth, means that you never get a break from all of the negativity, ugliness, hate and death happening around the world right now.
So, whatever you have to do to remain mentally healthy...just do it. And don’t worry about what other people think about it. The fact that we’re all adults means that you, or anyone else for that matter, shouldn’t HAVE to police the comments ~ it’s ridiculous!
After taking a deep breath and calming down a little, I’ve realized that the same people who are trolling your comment section here, are most likely the same people that troll the comments on IW. They’re just using different names or handles. But, it’s the same exact vitriol, verbiage and writing style (i.e. poor grammar).
For the record, I actually enjoy a good debate or argument, involving different opinions and perspectives, as long as it remains civil and respectful.
Anyway, thank you for another great podcast and I hope you and everyone else here has a blessed week! 🙏🏻
I'll be your assistant Greg because I agree about how the interaction should take place here. I know that I for one, get emotional when discussing the Zionist occupation in Palestine......All of Palestine from the river to the sea. But I think I have always been respectful. You have great people here who love your work and of course I am one of them!! So I'll be your assistant for free but I'll need a coffee break some times! Let me know. It would be my pleasure.
We’ve missed you too, Sammy. I hope you’re doing well, considering everything that’s going on overseas. If you have family and/or friends over there, just know that they are in my thoughts and prayers. ❤️🙏🏻
Thank you so much Sherry. You are so kind. Some of my mom's cousins are on the West Bank, close to Bethlehem and so far, they are fine, thank you again. I hope you are doing fine, too.
I saw some comments directed towards you that was hard for me to read & I didn’t appreciate them. It’s very clear to me that you expose evil where ever you find it & are searching for the true path in life & sharing what you find with us. I appreciate you in all you are, I’ve learned a lot from you over the years through your work & I will continue to follow you & support your efforts.
Purpose of religions should be peace, wisdom, and preservation of our humankind. Not destruction, dogma, hate, persuasion, invasion, violence and so forth. We all have differences, but we either come to common denominator understanding of each other, or stay away from conflict and be tolerant or accepting of the differences. We may have to keep our opinions, emotions, arguments to ourselves, if we cannot expect common grounds. In Japanese culture, in which I grew up in, we learn to control expression of our thoughts. emotions by teenage. We have a clear concept of “inside/close relationship” and “outside/public”. Our parents will always say, “There are ears on the wall, so don’t say things that may offend others.” We keep our opinions to ourselves as much as possible and just carry out daily business. Our parents also say, “Put yourself in someone’s shoes,” meaning, we always need to put oneself in other’s circumstances, so you understand what the other person is experiencing. Moral teachings are embedded in the Japanese culture itself, and doesn’t really come from religions, such as Buddhism (70+%), Shintoism (20+%), or Christianity (1%). There is an overlap between Buddhism and Shintoism in Japan. Some people believe in both. No overlap between Christianity and the others. There is more to this in terms of religious history in Japan, but currently people follow those customs. Many follow “customs” but not necessarily study deep meaning of the religions. Again, moral teachings in Japan is more cultural and non-religion specific.
Japan has the advantage of being one the most homogeneous countries in the world. They are very strict on immigration, which limits conflicts in general. Not the same as living in the deracinated western nations.
Wow. Happy birthday! I think we are the same age, within a couple of months. I did listen to the end. You are one of the smartest people I know (a lot smarter than I am...I HAVE to lean on a God that is wiser than I). I wanted to volunteer for a couple of things: first, to moderate for you if you would like. Also, to explain the various strains of evangelical eschatology (which oppose one another at many points). I live in Mexico, and have not crossed the Rio Grande for 2½ years now. It's cool to remember the good old days when we used to take to the American streets, wave flags and bullhorn crowds. Those days are gone, and we have to either shut up and hide or find a safe place to broadcast outside the USA (the options are very limited). I have one more barb I feel compelled to throw. I wish you would believe this, even though I know your agnostic streak is too wide to do so. I know you will take it under advisement though, and hopefully heed the warning as it proves prescient and escape before the castle walls crumble. Here it is: The life and ministry of Rodney Howard-Browne is driven by a luciferian, fallen angel; Alex has, by partnering with this heretic, made accord with that dark angel, which is now able to cause chaos from inside your secure perimeter. It WILL be the end of Infowars if the connection is not severed (unlikely at this point). Whether the coming global war is a bad thing or a good thing, chaos WILL cover the USA. I hope you find a way to survive and continue broadcasting. I also hope you find a home, which I could not in the USA even when I kept my opinions to myself. I even searched the farthest reaches, Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, Texas...my native Midwest...the South, the urban and rural reaches of Florida, et cetera, et cetera. Then, I opened my mouth (in the 2018 contest, the same time you did), and REALLY got blackballed. Good luck!
Wow! Thanks for all the kind Birthday wishes brothers and sisters. May god bless you all.
Happy Birthday Greg! I listened to your book and loved it. I've learned so much from you. Been a fan of yours for a long time. God bless you my friend! 🙂
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed my book. It was one of my favorite projects ever and I hope to get around to writing more.
New subscriber here … Every one of your reports are interesting. I like how much info is packed in the short format.
Here are some people that would make for fascinating interviews …
1- Miko Peled author of ‘The General’s Son’
The most censored people in the US are anti Zionist Jewish people, who are not leftists, they are just normal folks, not ideologues.
Miko was born and raised in West Jerusalem. His grandfather was one of the founders of Israel. His sister was good friends with Benjamin Netanyahu. His family of Zionist patriots included: a signer of the Israeli Declaration of Independence , a president of Israel ,
a general in the Israeli army. https://mikopeled.com/
2-Michel Chossudovsky
award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization, Editor of Global Research. Here is his popular article on Oded Yinon (Greater Israel) plan.
This is THE reason why the United States has military in the middle east. (Even Trump, during his presidency, admitted that the US is in the middle east because of Israel.)
3- Pastor Chuck Baldwin of Liberty Fellowship Montana.
He teaches biblical Christianity, not Christian Zionism doctrine. He is doing a sermon series on Revelation that is not tainted with scofield dispensational doctrine. Revelation is Jesus based prophesy, not Israel based prophesy. Each sermon that covers one chapter of Revelations takes him several months to prepare.
Some hard to find books in his store include Jewish Author Ilan Pape’s book : ‘The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine’ Author Michael Hoffman’s book : ‘Judaism’s Strange Gods’ and a copy of a book written in 1805 by George Peter Holford : ‘The destruction of Jerusalem’
His Freedom Documents book is published each fall and sells out quickly.
Greg, The mission-critical need for humans is to evolve, not devolve. Choose one or the other, no exceptions. It is said, There are those who know, those who know when shown and those who will not. One either follows the rules & consequences of natural laws or not. Good, bad or indifferent, we as a race have not, thus we suffer the consequences. No politician or current gov’t agency on Earth will provide the inertia needed for change, its just not going to happen. Same with almost all organized religions, complicit at their cores to darker agendas well hidden. Imagine our neighbors showing up with the “real” history of us earthlings, holy shit eh? Seeking vengeance , hated & blaming others will also fail our evolution as a race. Only a collective human consciousness operating at higher frequency(s) will be causation required of the ending of man vs man vs Universal law. Higher frequencies obliterate lower, love obliterates hate, war begets war. Thats universal natural law, no exceptions. How can I say such things?....It is common knowledge of “other known” off-planet races in how they have evolved to achieve harmony. They live in harmony guided by natural law(s) as hopefully we are about to endure in order to achieve. What must be is we have each others’ backs, as they take care of each other & the worlds’ upon they thrive. How we stand be each other when shit hits the fan is critical. Maui is enduring this now, isolated. We must care for & feed each other if necessary. Jordan Peterson keeps saying we must care for the poor to us all to survive. Enough said. Thank you, K
Happy Happy birthday!!!💗
And may God bless you, too Greg!
It's not about "censoring" actual DIALOG. When people resort to name-calling, abuse, etc., (that which is totally devoid of FACTS, DATA, logic, or REASON) it lacks any value as "speech." It's only verbal abuse and bullying. Attacking those who present logical discussion/perspectives with flat out abuse is a device employed by those who have no data to support their position, so their only "weapon" to "win" in the exchange, is bullying and abuse in an effort to SILENCE those who disagree, rather than to understand WHY they see things differently.
And those tactics NEVER change another person's views. It's hardly a "persuasive argument" with which to change anyone's mind about anything. We can never give in and be silenced just because someone expresses hatred for us, due to our beliefs.
That's very well written and thought out.
Thank you. I enjoyed hearing your views on the idea of "censorship." It is repugnant as a whole. However, I know what simple verbal abuse is, and it's something akin to SLANDER, i.e., that which is legally actionable because the name-calling (abuse) is intended to injure, and actually can injure reputation, business, relationships, etc. It is simply abuse. And it's not always something we should seek to protect when it's clear there is no VALUE to it, i.e., we can't learn anything from a moron who confines his "arguments" to lies and slander.
And besides, it's YOUR feed, (rather than a "public forum") so it's much the same as someone coming onto YOUR property to screech and howl at you. You have EVERY right to kick them OUT.
If they can create their OWN "audience" (for their filthy lies and abuses) they are perfectly FREE to create their own channel and see how many people WANT to visit a wholly worthless and moronic "rant" feed with ZERO information anyone can use to better understand anything;-) My guess is, these types are unable to get an audience, and this is why they troll, trying to parasite onto others like you, who DO have an audience.
I was never a "follower" of you until recently. I was so happy to notice you on Substack because my memories of your voice (in WONDERFUL and informative videos) were almost always followed by everything suddenly disappearing, channels that carried your work being scrubbed, etc.. You are such the voice of REASON in these strange times.
God bless you Greg.
Joy Garner, founder of The Control Group USA
Thanks Joy,
I appreciate that.
My banjo's name is Joy
You play banjo! It does make a joyful sound. My father used to play it and sing with us kids, teaching us to harmonize. I miss those days.
Hey, here's the declaration I wrote that cause a crooked federal judge to finally disqualify himself from our vaccine case and ALSO vacate his prior order dismissing the case. https://ghostofjfk.substack.com/p/federal-judges-invested-in-pharma We thought maybe we had a shot at getting a vaccine case to the EVIDENTIARY stage, (we sought a nationwide injunction prohibiting all forms of discrimination based upon vaccination status in 2020). But then the 9th Circuit stepped in (most unprecedented;-) and gave us direct access to SCOTUS by upholding a dismissal that the ruling judge himself had already admitted he had NO JURISDICTION to have entered in the first place, and which he'd already vacated himself! (A judge's refusal to dismiss a case is not even appealable!)
It sort of exemplifies the legal situation we're all in with regard to government-executed extermination, since the same things (conflicts) were found when we confronted the 9th Circuit, and then SCOTUS, (4 times with SCOTUS). But, unlike the lower District Court Judge, SCOTUS completely ignored the laws which govern their own behavior, laws which required them to recuse/disqualify and appoint a NON-conflicted panel to hear our case.
SCOTUS' firm stance is this: Exterminating the American people is a Constitutionally "authorized" activity of the federal government, AND the executive branch has never had anything to do with any vaccine programs (even though the FDA, CDC, HHS, etc., are ALL subordinate to the President/Executive branch).
They were so cornered that they outright lied about the actual contents of our printed complaint. There being no pretense of a civil remedy to prevent our own extermination at the hands of the federal government (specifically the executive branch) it appears the remedy might not be very "civilized", for remedy we MUST have.
Back when SCOTUS determined that the Constitution fully authorized the owning and enslavement of human beings (so long as they were black) it produced some very bloody times for our Nation. Sponge Bob Square Pants would do a much finer job of interpreting the Constitution than SCOTUS.
Happy Birthday Greg. You are one of the best short form storytellers I’ve ever seen. Your fellow filmmaker JPR
I wholeheartedly echo your sentiments John. Particularly like the comments about Kazars etc. Personally I identify as an Israelite. My people migrated north through the Caucasus after the split ( recorded in the Bible ) then we migrated North to Bryth Ish Isles and then over here. We are not Jews, we are caucasion Istraelites and Christian. I am sure you have heard of this, but you did not mention it. Anyhow, love Greg, and so admire your balanced approach.
I don't think I've heard of this. I recall David Icke writing something about white people migrating from the Caucasus.
Thoughts are things. Think Positive, Pray, Meditate, concentrate on positivity and we can change the course of humanity for the better. Happy B Day bro.
Happy Birthday Greg, another cycle around the sun. Thank you for your courage & bravery. Wake up, be kind, kick ass, repeat.
The Doomsday cult has taken the baton from the Left and made everything a frothing circus of madness!
Yes indeed
Greg, I was reading an article yesterday from The Markup, I think it was them, and they did an investigation and found that around 47% of the internet was bots. Some of the ugly comments could indeed not be human beings and programmed to incite division. It's not like we don't know anyone that would do something that! Just FYI. 😉
47% is wild. And I often think that when I get upset...'Greg are you getting upset over an online bot?' Thanks Kathy
It's your party and you'll block if you want to, block if you want to.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy, happy, happy, happy.
Happy Birthday to you and many more!
🎶 “You would block too if the haters came for you!” 🎶🤣
That's right. Thank you Donna
I agree with blocking people if Greg feels he has to
Happy Birthday old man lol Thanks for being you brother.
Hey Greg, as you know ENLIGHTENMENT is the Soul's quest, the answer, and the solution.
To enter the Light within the mind. Enlightenment, as can be achieved in Transcendental Meditation.
"The reason there are so few surviving interviews with Nikola Tesla from his later years is because Tesla, the acknowledged smartest man in the world, who's father had been a priest, came to believe after a lifetime of the study of comparative religion, that of all the religions, spiritual teachings, philosophies and theosophies, the one that facilitated the greatest connection to God, was Buddhism.
Unfortunately for the EviI that runs this planet, such knowledge coming from the smartest man in the world, would undermine their existing Judaeo-Christian religious systems of mass control, so efforts were made to publicly suppress Tesla's spiritual beliefs, and specifically to discredit and discourage the practice of transcendental meditation. Sadly as a result most of the precious later interviews with Nikola Tesla disappeared.
When Tesla, the scientist, was quoted as saying "Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal ENLIGHTENMENT", few Westeners even knew that he was quoting the Buddha.”
Religion is designed to prevent the masses from achieving enlightenment.
Happy Birthday Greg! 🎉🎂🎈🥳
I hope you enjoy your special day! 💙
Thank you for talking about the downward spiral of the comment section.
And I don’t blame you for “leaving the party.”
The fact that it’s your job to report the truth, means that you never get a break from all of the negativity, ugliness, hate and death happening around the world right now.
So, whatever you have to do to remain mentally healthy...just do it. And don’t worry about what other people think about it. The fact that we’re all adults means that you, or anyone else for that matter, shouldn’t HAVE to police the comments ~ it’s ridiculous!
After taking a deep breath and calming down a little, I’ve realized that the same people who are trolling your comment section here, are most likely the same people that troll the comments on IW. They’re just using different names or handles. But, it’s the same exact vitriol, verbiage and writing style (i.e. poor grammar).
For the record, I actually enjoy a good debate or argument, involving different opinions and perspectives, as long as it remains civil and respectful.
Anyway, thank you for another great podcast and I hope you and everyone else here has a blessed week! 🙏🏻
I'll be your assistant Greg because I agree about how the interaction should take place here. I know that I for one, get emotional when discussing the Zionist occupation in Palestine......All of Palestine from the river to the sea. But I think I have always been respectful. You have great people here who love your work and of course I am one of them!! So I'll be your assistant for free but I'll need a coffee break some times! Let me know. It would be my pleasure.
Hi Farah, I missed you. It's nice to see you back !
We’ve missed you too, Sammy. I hope you’re doing well, considering everything that’s going on overseas. If you have family and/or friends over there, just know that they are in my thoughts and prayers. ❤️🙏🏻
Thank you so much Sherry. You are so kind. Some of my mom's cousins are on the West Bank, close to Bethlehem and so far, they are fine, thank you again. I hope you are doing fine, too.
Luv you too, girl! 🥰🫶🏻💞
I saw some comments directed towards you that was hard for me to read & I didn’t appreciate them. It’s very clear to me that you expose evil where ever you find it & are searching for the true path in life & sharing what you find with us. I appreciate you in all you are, I’ve learned a lot from you over the years through your work & I will continue to follow you & support your efforts.
Thanks Atarah:)
Your welcome Greg! I just now saw this.
Purpose of religions should be peace, wisdom, and preservation of our humankind. Not destruction, dogma, hate, persuasion, invasion, violence and so forth. We all have differences, but we either come to common denominator understanding of each other, or stay away from conflict and be tolerant or accepting of the differences. We may have to keep our opinions, emotions, arguments to ourselves, if we cannot expect common grounds. In Japanese culture, in which I grew up in, we learn to control expression of our thoughts. emotions by teenage. We have a clear concept of “inside/close relationship” and “outside/public”. Our parents will always say, “There are ears on the wall, so don’t say things that may offend others.” We keep our opinions to ourselves as much as possible and just carry out daily business. Our parents also say, “Put yourself in someone’s shoes,” meaning, we always need to put oneself in other’s circumstances, so you understand what the other person is experiencing. Moral teachings are embedded in the Japanese culture itself, and doesn’t really come from religions, such as Buddhism (70+%), Shintoism (20+%), or Christianity (1%). There is an overlap between Buddhism and Shintoism in Japan. Some people believe in both. No overlap between Christianity and the others. There is more to this in terms of religious history in Japan, but currently people follow those customs. Many follow “customs” but not necessarily study deep meaning of the religions. Again, moral teachings in Japan is more cultural and non-religion specific.
I had the pleasure of living in Japan for 6 months when I was a young man. I loved it there. And I admire this culture you are describing.
Japan has the advantage of being one the most homogeneous countries in the world. They are very strict on immigration, which limits conflicts in general. Not the same as living in the deracinated western nations.
Wow. Happy birthday! I think we are the same age, within a couple of months. I did listen to the end. You are one of the smartest people I know (a lot smarter than I am...I HAVE to lean on a God that is wiser than I). I wanted to volunteer for a couple of things: first, to moderate for you if you would like. Also, to explain the various strains of evangelical eschatology (which oppose one another at many points). I live in Mexico, and have not crossed the Rio Grande for 2½ years now. It's cool to remember the good old days when we used to take to the American streets, wave flags and bullhorn crowds. Those days are gone, and we have to either shut up and hide or find a safe place to broadcast outside the USA (the options are very limited). I have one more barb I feel compelled to throw. I wish you would believe this, even though I know your agnostic streak is too wide to do so. I know you will take it under advisement though, and hopefully heed the warning as it proves prescient and escape before the castle walls crumble. Here it is: The life and ministry of Rodney Howard-Browne is driven by a luciferian, fallen angel; Alex has, by partnering with this heretic, made accord with that dark angel, which is now able to cause chaos from inside your secure perimeter. It WILL be the end of Infowars if the connection is not severed (unlikely at this point). Whether the coming global war is a bad thing or a good thing, chaos WILL cover the USA. I hope you find a way to survive and continue broadcasting. I also hope you find a home, which I could not in the USA even when I kept my opinions to myself. I even searched the farthest reaches, Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, Texas...my native Midwest...the South, the urban and rural reaches of Florida, et cetera, et cetera. Then, I opened my mouth (in the 2018 contest, the same time you did), and REALLY got blackballed. Good luck!
Thank you. I can't argue with anything you're saying here. And I am making plans for a home outside the USA where I can continue my work.
Rodney howard browne and the new apostolic reformation needs to get exposed to the right wing truther and patriot types theyre targeting 😤