It’s not the patriots that will be on the streets, it’s antifa dressed as patriots that would cause violence. So let them arrest those.

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That will be their false flag event - created by the Antifa thugs (working with the "authorities"). That created "civil unrest" will be used to crack down on all law abiding / Constitution loving patriots. They won't stop with arresting their own thugs.

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my false flag / October surprise is TEXAS going blue on election night.

EVERYONE WILL KNOW Its fraudulent.

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The law enforcement reaction was interesting when the Venezuelan drug lords took over 4 apartment complexes in San Antonio. Whole different story from Aurora. Don't mess with Texas.

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They already did that on Jan 6. It was FBI and Antifa. We can expect that's what we'll see in wash-rinse-repeat mode along with the media chorus that we are insurrectionists, traitors, racists, fascists, nazis...in other words the same shit they've been saying for 8 years to their captured brainwashed toadies.

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They just made it legal to off us...no conscious, no guilt...bla bla

If all you got is a gun then everything is a target...

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Exactly right.

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YES ! , to be 100% fair. This could be use against US citizen organizing terror cells , coordinating the military age male that came with the UN invasion. I said it weeks ago , there will be drone strikes on US soil. This is terrible , i hope they will resign in mass before that happen.

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They will mass resign when White Hats show up, around the time that pigs fly.

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Thank you Margaret, best 'LOL' on the board!

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And FBI/ CIA plants

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The agents provocateurs thing works and folks are too stupid to know that's been standard operating procedure for the last 100 years.

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💥BOOM Veronica! The USA, as I grew up with (born in 1963), has been gone for 100+ years.

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In the USA, I would say back to the War of 1812, which was provoked by Rothschild interests because we weren't cooperating about central banks. They threatened to provoke "a most disastrous war" I think was the phrasing. We didn't get with the program and they did provoke it. Same with the Civil War. And it was right after the Civil War and, as I understand it, as a result of our Civil War debt that they incorporated us lock, stock and barrel, followed asap by the Fed and the IRS, then an FDR deliberately caused Depression, two false flagged world wars, and a couple of equally bullshit east Asian forays. Then they hit the Middle East. Then the color revolutions. Now it's us. They never quit.

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Money and the control of the money seems to be always behind these wars and "events". Don't forget about Waterloo and the carrier pigeon message that was sent first to the Rothschild's in London that Napoleon had won the battle, they shorted the market, the market collapsed, he covered his position and bought back, and then the real word was received back in London and the market surged way up and the Rothschild's made billions. Just a bit of history that is often left out of the "regular" historical studies.

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Yep. It's their system and they know how to work it.

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For sure. I would argue that the Republic's worst year was 1913, which Woodrow Wilson (the worst president next to LBJ and BHO for what they did to the country) and his merry/commie band of progressives that brought us the 16th Amendment (allowed the federal leviathan to touch the individual without having their state between them), the 17th Amendment (removed the state legislative's representation at the federal level and made the senator a glorified 6 year termed congressman with slightly different rules, but beholden to the money interests for re-selection), and of course the Federal Reserve System, which nothing more needs to be said about what destruction it has wrought on the country...

I think their ultimate goal is to usher in direct "democracy" and the tyranny that comes with that. Then the Republic can be fully laid to rest because as Joe Stalin said, and I paraphrase, "it matters not who votes, it matters who COUNTS the votes".

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We have had some beauties. Woodrow Wilson was a traitor and I will never believe he didn't know he was ruining the country. He was installed as president precisely because he WOULD ruin the country. Later he issued his famous statement about how he was the world's most miserable man and how sorry he was to have ruined the country by putting it into the hands of its most powerful men...oh, boo-hoo.... but he was full tilt boogie while it was going on. If we had to identify the worst thing that happened it would be the incorporation, but the Fed/IRS is second in line and the next step of our being harvested. We've had so many presidents who implemented our destruction. Where we are now wouldn't have been possible without presidential corruption. Wilson, both Roosevelts, Teddy who created the military as a "big stick" to dominate and bilk smaller counties, FDR who lengthened the Depression and false flagged us into WW2, Ike who let the military industrial complex get out of control, Johnson, who led us into Vietnam to get the presidency and who may have participated in JFK's assassination. The satanic Bushes, Clintons and Obama and the bobble head Joe. Now from the lowest circle of Hell...Kamala as candidate. Brilliant lineup!

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I could not have summarized our overachieving constitutional destroying lineup better than that!

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I think they ran the French and the Russian Revolutions on that. Totally not to mention a number of South American, African, east Asian and European take downs, color revolutions, etc, etc.

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I think you are right. They used the same playbook for the Russian Revolution as they did for the French revolution. Remember the French revolutions, they wore red sashes. I call that one, the first commie revolution. The Cuban youth wore red sashes as well. I remember in grade school watching a movie in history class of a young Cuban girl in a classroom setting, complete with her red sash take apart and reassemble an AK-47 in 30 seconds blindfolded under the watchful eye of her teacher.

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I never knew the red sash was a thing. I read that the cabal goal for the French Revolution was the destruction of the church and the nobility. That was an Illuminati thing and they succeeded pretty well. Apparently they blocked the ports, catching grain ships and they held that until the common people had no bread and rioted. Then they incited them about the corrupt church and greedy nobility/monarchy being the problem. It was a false flag like all wars. Unfortunately the wrong heads rolled, not that there was anything good about the church or the nobility. And in the end, they went right back to a monarchy with Napoleon making himself a military emperor. It will be a good day when people finally realize that all wars are bankers wars, including revolutions and civil wars. It's their MO.

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100% spot on Margaret. Greg has pointed out a ton about the Romanov family (what happened to them was the same thing, destroy the monarchy and destroy the eastern Church). Czar Nicholas II is now recognized as a Saint in the eastern Church.

Louis XVI and his clan, I don't know how they were ACTUALLY viewed by their people/subjects (we kind of know what has been written by the "historians", but I tend not view that with a sideways eye), but the Czar was much more appreciated and loved by his people from what I now understand. Funny how that isn't taught in our "education" system.

But you are 1000% right that all wars are banker wars.

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I keep thinking I'm at my peak of disgust towards the madness of government but then another thing comes out that they want to inflict on their own people and my disgust goes to another level. I hope more military people will leave their positions and get out of the military. To do such things to their own people is not what they went in there for.

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Federal Troops assault Americans

1847- "Battle of the Viaduct"-Chicago-30 killed? 100 wounded

1863- Lincoln ordered draft rioters shot by Federal soldiers

1863- Lincoln ordered Federal troops to break down Congressman Vallandigham's door and imprison him

1894- Chicago-Fed troops ordered to break up strike-34 killed

1897- 19 unarmed coal miners killed. Sheriff organized posse shot victims in back while fleeing

1914- Ludlow Massacre-National Guard breaking up striking coal miners-11 children, 2 women killed

WWI Veteran soldiers assaulted by standing soldiers because vets wanted their pay

Kent State



Ruby Ridge-National Guard

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that list gave me chills , 2 words : War Department .

Fuck Lincoln

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It all comes down to this - most people will do anything for a paycheck.

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Bonus marchers wanted their $1,000, but were denied. Some died at the hands of the us military.

US military killing former US military. Sounds familiar

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First you have to brainwash the soldiers to be soldiers. After that, it's easy.

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The way the economy is set up is the motivator. Money is made deliberately scarce thus we always live in scarcity. The solution is to start trading or exchanging on another system preferably local and bring commerce back to the local area.

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Absolutely. But see how fast those soldiers are sent after us when we do that. It kills me to say our own countrymen might fire on us under orders, but that sees to be the history.

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History gives us a bad outlook for the future but let's imagine things are different and that most men don't want to kill and won't do it for any amount of $$$. I think this is happening as more people leave the military. What it will leave is all the psychos who would kill their own countrymen for a paycheck. We must make this become very unfashionable. When I say we, I mean women especially because women are the holders of the light. Men are the builders. They are lousy designers, that's where women come in, that's our forte. But of course that is never noticed. Women are seen mostly as incubators and servants but that is far from women's true nature. If men consulted with women, we would have amazingly wonderful structures and living conditions.

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I think that is why they are looking to recruit illegals into the military because after the mandatory jab, woke policies, Afghanistan failed withdraw that cost 13 US service members lives , 40 plus maimed and wounded (that we barely hear about), plus 200+ Afghanis that were "loyal" to the US (see what that got them), the services can't meet their recruiting goals. Who would want to serve under this regime? It was bad enough under Clinton and BHO, and now this?

They will recruit illegals that have no loyalty or understanding of our constitution (not that many citizens due either... with our government run schools), but like Denise said above, most people will do anything for a paycheck. And then throw in officers that are unwilling to follow their oath, it is a recipe for disaster for the Republic...

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1992- Rodney King riots, we had MP’s in the streets.

2012- Hurricane Sandy, we had martial law. Military in the streets.

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I live very, very close to Ruby Ridge. It has its very own brain cell attached. It was horrific!!

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They used the mandatory "Covid" jabs to the 'woke' military culture in order to force out many of the good ones. Yes, there are still some good ones left, but they are gradually replacing officers and enlisted respect and take their oaths seriously, with ones that will fall into the broad bin of: "I am/was just following orders, Sir".

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If anything is evil it is following orders. That saying "It's my job" meaning that you have to tolerate what they do so they can fulfill their job's criteria. It is so time for that mindset to take a hike.

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Bless you Denise

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4 hrs ago·edited 1 hr ago

With the "I am/was just following orders, Sir", it was a reference to the Nuremburg 1.0 trials and the attempted justification of non-action by lower level Nazis that were on trial for their role in the death camps during WWII.

All those that take an oath in the service of the United States Constitution are sworn and obligated to support and defend it (commissioned officers) and enlisted are sworn to also obey all lawful orders of the President and those officers appointed over them. The key being LAWFUL and lawful means "Constitutional". Firing on US citizens by an out of control non-constitution following regime is NOT lawful.

THEY will use false flag and fake "insurrections" like J6 by their ANTIFA thugs in order to create a crisis that "requires" "drastic" action to "defend democracy". I pray that we have enough real (constitutional) officers and enlisted that will give the big middle finger to the thugs that would issue such orders.

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It helps motivation when soldiers who don't follow orders are simply shot.

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"VictorHugoArt" on Rumble has some hair raising stories while he was in the Navy. They were trying to groom him to become a psychopath! Kay Griggs also tells hair raising stories about how our military is really run!

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A major general of the Marine Corps many decades ago tried to tell all that would listen what is going on in the great United States of America . Unfortunately as is today the truth is the first casualty of this war against you. Smedley Darlington Butler wrote that book 'War is a Racket'.

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What a wonderful time it was back then, when there was a constitution and a Bill of Rights.

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And liberty and justice for all...

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Its still there. What an awful things to say.

The Dems have capture 2 of the 3 branch. Last time i check the supreme court were still pushing back. The only thing they let the executive get away with is the censorship industrial complex. Agencies cannot make their own laws which is a HUGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE drain the swamp / get the FEDS off your back victory. God Bless Michael Cargill

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Our rights are disappearing, ongoing. Censorship is skyrocketing. Did you watch this video? Even protests, once Constitutional, will be met with violence from the govt.

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HAHAAHH when was that exactly?

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The U.S. government has obviously been infiltrated and subverted by a hostile malevolent foreign power. For the hundredth time....GET A PLAN. You won't vote your way out of this.

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i disagree , it is exactly how you get out of that one.

IF you don't engage in governing , at the very least vote .

You are giving the demons the green light .

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Yes, we MUST vote. I don't have a lot of confidence in a fair election, but we still must vote. However, the govt HAS been infiltrated. Even the World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab bragged about having infiltrated all levels of govt.

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I don't disagree it's important to vote. It's just that I think they can render it irrelevant pretty easily. And the "they" is not subject to the vote because they're not elected at all.

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I totally agree.

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Fool. You deserve to suffer the consequences of your stupidity. Are you seriously trying to tell me that Orange Man Bad and the Jamaican Whore are legitimate candidates? I will NOT vote for the lesser of two evils because it is still EVIL!

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I shall not either. Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining. Elections are FUBAR.

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No, don't piss on my leg for any reason.

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That theory's broken. We've had the vote since the beginning and yet the country's gone pretty much steadily from the cradle to the shit can. Can't say the Founding Fathers didn't warn us.

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The Jones Plantation by Larkin Rose, u will never vote again. https://jonesplantationfilm.com/

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I know. I’m not voting for the first time. I do not consent. No one should vote, but most people are sound asleep.

I thought we were suppose to read history so we didn’t repeat it.

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I, too, am not voting for the first time. I don't want to imply in any way that I am complicit to the evil.

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Not voting either. There's no point.

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It won't kill you to vote on the off chance that it will count. Trump, even with his warts, is better than Kamala and they can only fake an election to a certain degree. People intending not to vote could make the difference It's a very simple equation.

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Honestly the Democrats are already cheating like last time. They've even said they won't certify a Trump win. The RINOS have done absolutely nothing to prevent the same thing happening that happened last election. No point to vote and also then I won't have to worry about getting jury duty again. The last three times I have voted I have been picked for jury duty. Which I despise.

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I am in a very red state and Trump has the Alabama vote.

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This is the Corporate Zionist/Bolshevik NWO agenda.

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Amen brother.

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Greg Reese: "[T]he stage is now being set for rounding up those who seek to preserve the US constitution."

Praise God, I won't be among their number, because I'm doing everything I possibly can to see Matthew 7:26-27 & 12:25 fulfilled in my lifetime so that, Lord willing, my posterity will have the opportunity to rebuild righteously upon the Constitutional Republic's inevitable destruction.

"If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" (Psalm 11:3)

Rebuild the righteous foundations!

The adoption of the biblically seditious Constitution as the law of the land 230-plus years ago marks the official commencement of America's suicidal trek to the precipice of moral depravity and destruction she presently teeters on.

There's only one moral standard by which everything (including the Constitution) is to be ethically evaluated: By Yahweh's unchanging morality as reflected in the Ten Commandments and their respective statutes and judgments. Anything else is merely fickle man's capricious humanism - that is man doing what's right in his own eyes, per Judge 21:25 - aka We the Peopleism.

When the Constitution is actually examined by the biblical standard instead of dead politicians' cherry picked quotations, it's found to be anything but biblically compatible. In fact, there's hardly an Article or Amendment that's not antithetical, if not seditious, to Yahweh's sovereignty and morality.

For evidence, see free online book "Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective," in which every Article and Amendment is *examined* by the Bible, at https://www.bibleversusconstitution.ORG/BlvcOnline/blvc-index.html

Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page "Primer" of "BL vs. USC."

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The army of good is about to rise a deal with the evil once and for all this is are time.

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It's also the commission of those who are subjects of the King of kings, per Romans 13:1-7 and related passages.

There are a plethora of passages (Exodus 1, Judges 6, Acts 4 & 5, 17:6-7, etc.) that dictate Christians reject any government mandate requiring them to disobey their Lord and King. Romans 13 is not one of them.

Romans 13:1-7 has absolutely nothing to do with secular civil government. Rather everything therein depicts a biblical civil government, making it our commission for dominion over government and society.

The one word "continually" or "devoted" (depending upon your Bible version) in Verse 6 (amplifying Verses 3 & 4) alone proves the point. And it's just one of ten contextual reasons proving the same thing.

Unless someone's prepared to claim the Roman Empire (one of the most notorious for murdering Christians) was a government that *continually* blessed Christians and terrorized/punished the wicked, they best rethink their theology regarding this extremely important passage of Scripture.

See free online book "The Romans 13 Template for Biblical Dominion: Ten Reasons Why Romans 13 is Not About Secular Government" at https://www.bibleversusconstitution.org/Romans13/Romans13-contents.html

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am very much a son of the reformation , a nation of christian NOT a Christian nation.

IF you are christian and don't vote you are on team demon.

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Absolutely. As Pastor Gary Hamrick points out, using scripture as a basis.


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i loved is "Duty " study

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Thanks for responding. However, I couldn't disagree with you more regarding voting.

The biblically abominable Constitutional election system only helps perpetuated the biblically abominable Constitutional Republic.

One of the dumbest things the constitutional framers did was to usurp the Bible's one-God, one-vote election system, thereby turning election "discretion" over to We the People the majority of whom, according to Christ in Matthew 7:13, are in the broad way leading to *destruction.* If you ever you've wondered how America's ended up on the precipice of destruction, you now know.

Add to that Article 6's Christian test ban by which mandatory biblical qualifications (such as, Exodus 18:21) were eliminated and you have the perfect recipe disaster, which is exactly where America finds herself today, precipitously teetering on the precipice of moral depravity and *destruction."

The best you can ever get from the Constitution's one-man, one-vote election system is the lesser of two evils. Sometimes, the worst of the worst. And always, the evil of two lessers.

For more, see blog article "Constitutional Elections: Dining at the 'Devil's Table,'" at http://www.constitutionmythbusters.org/constitutional-elections-dining-at-the-devils-table/

For how the Bible's election system operates, see blog article "Salvation by Election" at https://www.constitutionmythbusters.org/salvation-by-election/ Don't be fooled by the title.

For more regarding Article 6's Christian test ban, see Chapter 9 "Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land" of free online book "Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective" at https://www.bibleversusconstitution.org/BlvcOnline/biblelaw-constitutionalism-pt9.html

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That's a little too much fire and brimstone for me. I pretty much think that the people are more bovine than depraved.

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This is America , there is no place for Kings. Christian or not.

I'll give you that one ; G Washington was the best Christian Prince/Magistrate.

But that's like phantasy baseball . . . full of romance & nostalgia.

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Only the KING of kings!

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This is a bipartisan conspiracy and it's time people wake up and realize how they are being played for fools.

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Yes, save a few honest ones, like Marjorie Taylor Green, they're all bought off in DC. That's why nothing ever gets done.

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If you look at it from the point of view that they're all corporate employees of the deep/bankster state they start to make sense.

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"...expects violence after the election"

Where have I heard THAT before?

Oh yeah, 2020 when the world was going to EXPLODE if Trump was elected, or lost.

And what happened?


Nothing happened.

Nothing happened because we were immediately distracted by balloting fraud. Then it was Russian collusion, then indictments, then blah, blah, blah...


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Yep. And no one seems to remember the violence after Trump won. The dems were inciting violence in huge ways! Maxine Waters as much as told people to kill Trumpers.

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i dunno the debt look pretty real to me. Its about to get very very very bad.

Trump = grow the economy

KaMMAla = Tax you to death , CBDC , war rationing of food. Austerity

Canada is fucked . . . it will be austerity and taxes hike.

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Oh Kell, gimme a break!

Donald Trump has killed more Americans than all our wars combined.

Biden and Kamala are the 'set-up to fail' Jimmy Carter to get Ronald Regan elected.

Besides Kell, we all know who wins because in 1995 the llluminati THEMSELVES, showed us exactly what they are doing to the world, and who wins, as per the Prime Directive.

Hiding it right in plain sight.


PS. Note in the 3rd panel the little triumphant BAVARIAN JEZUIT boy, and his exotic-looking girl friend. Look like anyone we know?

And that was in 1995 Kell!


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WHO has DJT killed, may I ask??? People screamed that if he won, he'd get us into WWIII -- but the world was MORE peaceful when he was in office -- NO wars. You who are haters of DJT don't look at the TRUTH. You believe the propaganda of the mainstream media, who is owned by? Look up the chain of command, & you'll find the Satanic elites at the top.

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"WHO has DJT killed"?

35million vaxxed are dead BC. Millions of Americans are sick and dying, or permanently vaxxine damaged for life.

Funeral directors are now ordering 30% more INFANT - CHILD size coffins. Up from the 20% increase last year.

Donald Trump has killed more Americans than all our wars combined.

"... the world was MORE peaceful when he was in office --"NO wars"

Only because the poor Syrians couldn't fight back when Trump bombed the sh!t out of Syria in 2017, killing women, children and civilians.

"...the Satanic elites at the top"

Yep BC, and "MAGA" is the highest rank in the Church of Satan.

So when Trump, the llluminati front-man makes his entrance to 'Sympathy for the Devil' by the Rolling Stones, and all those clueless patriots are chanting "MAGA, MAGA, MAGA" it is fealty and devotion to the Lord of Darkness.

Time to take the red pill BC.

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16 hrs ago·edited 16 hrs ago

Oh good night, the jabs didn't even come out till a month before he left office. And he never mandated them, always said do what you think is right for you, & do your research. Do you really think HE is the one who brought them out? The DoD is who created those shots, & had the drug companies make them. They had it planned YEARS before C19 happened, which is WHY C19 happened. His only mistake was listening to corrupt Fauci & his cronies.

Trump also encouraged people to use Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, & Chlorine Dioxide Solution, for which he was laughed out of the room. The idiot dems & lamestream media said he told people to drink Clorox. CDS is NOT chlorine, it's Sodium Chlorite & Hydrochloric Acid (which is already in our stomachs), & hundreds of thousands were healed of C19 around the world using CDS & Ivermectin. Trump was treated by Dr. Zev Zelenko, who told him about these healing modalities.

The Biden administration is who has PUSHED the jabs, trying to totally mandate them. Shamed those who haven't taken them, along with the idiot media.

You think Biden/Harris/Walz are NOT doing Satan's will?? I would argue that till doomsday -- they ARE. Satan is alive & well in our country. Trump is far from perfect, but he DOES believe in America, & in our freedoms, our liberties. We're not electing a pastor. Nor are we electing a perfect person -- Jesus isn't running for president. We're electing the person who's policies are better (than the opponent) for America, & that is Trump's!

I HAVE taken the red pill, thank you very much, but I don't believe everything I read, including your depth-lacking comment.

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Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.


35million vaxxed are dead BC.


So why is Donald "I Am The Father Of The Vaxxines" Trump, STILL LYING to the American people and telling them that there’s a deadly virus and that the genocidal vaxxine is safe, and to take it?

Who is Trump serving BC, the American people, or the llluminati?

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If Trump hadn't of taken the drug company pay offs then we would not have had warp speed in the first place.

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IS Bannon a jesuit agent? Whats your take on him ? I still don×t know what to think about it. hahahahaha

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Title : Mystery America !

WTF like Sage Hana would say : my mind has been rape so much in the past weeks i don't know if it will ever stop spinning !

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Nothing will change with Trump. Trump is bought, and I voted for him twice. I’m not voting probably ever again. I’ve awoken big time…Operation Warp Speed sealed the deal for me, among other things…


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Stop watcfhing black pill content , Ryan is not interested in wielding power.

He s much comfortable staying on the sideline. HE risk nothing.

He will be rounded up by the NWO & shot.

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Well, there are 1,000 or more American citizens decaying inside the DC Gulag without trials for nearly four years.

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All for Trump. They made a poor choice.

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The answer was always to kill us off. Why, who knows. Could be about the predicted mid-century extinction-level event/ cataclysm of a solar nova and pole shift. Even so, the creeps' solutions to big problems is always about saving themselves and taking everything they can.

And they scurry down into their deep underground hell-holes, satisfied they took everything of value from us before we were burnt.

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Wars, eugenics, abortions, trans people, killer drugs, killer jabs - why - Limited natural resources required for the elite's posterity; coal, oil, precious metals, rare earth minerals, fresh water.

Paraguay's southern border with Brazil is sitting on the world's largest freshwater aquifer. It covers about a 4th of Brazil. That is the location of the Bush family land, including one the Bush43's daughters. Others, like Soros are down there also. They all picked their family dynasty locations years ago so they would be well-situated when the one world order is in effect. I wonder where Hill and Slick Willy have their sprawling estate? The elite are rebuilding Maui in their image. Blackrock bought out parts of North Carolina right before the two days of rain compounded by Helena destroy the towns around two quartz mines, quartz being used to make lithium. Not much the rich can’t do and people are like rats that need to be exterminated. The US gov has effectively installed all the UN programs to achieve Agenda 30. It has effectively achieved mass production of deadly foods the FDA allows to help pharma dispense more drugs enriching the bank accounts.

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Are we sitting ducks in America? Is this unstoppable? Have you noticed things there worsen by the minute?

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They will use UN troops from other countries....

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Just like Canada did with the trucker protest

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Am glad you remember the truckers. #freedomconvoy

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Why did the American truckers fizzle? Not a trick question. I would like to know.

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The gov seize the money , close bank account of protester / organizer , seize the cripto of people not there. Flew in on an UN plane tons of cops (mercenaires) not from Canada and broke the line with violence. Horses and baton. Journalist got shot with smoke bomb point blank. We learn afterward they(journalist) were targeted. The American one got block accessing the beltway freeway. They ran out of cash.

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That was Canada, wasn't it? I don't think it ever got that far here....because it fizzled. Why?

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

Call me Dumbo.

Unfortunately, I do not find myself pretending life is normal, and nothing to worry about. I can't forget any of these autrocities the Blob commits against its citizens. Cannot say the same for most folks I know

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Why would they not just draft all those 20-25 something males that have invaded the country for the last four years. I hear they can get citizenship if they sign up. They wouldn't mind offing some white people.

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This is true. Israel offers citizenship to mercenaries if they fight Hezbolla. I have been saying for years that the millions of fighting age males brought int the US illegally, has a true purpose. I guess all my bitching and complaining may come to fruition after all, protecting slimebag Raskin and the rest,of the blob.

"Sure, come on in. We'll not only give you citizenship, but you can keep all the possessions of those Americans you slaughter ! Homes, cars, jewelry !. Heck, even their children for use as your sexual pleasure desires !"

Writing on the wall, or distorted viewpoint?

Time will tell

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It is certainly plausible T. Afghan refugees, Chinese able-bodies, and all the others released from foreign jails and escorted to the border. Dual purpose, not just about voting. When a government determines that white citizens are terrorists and fabricates its indicators, it’s game on. Obama knew what he was doing. Perhaps this will be the realization of the civilian army he always talked about.

I understand that Lefty controlled municipalities are allowing non-citizens in their LE agencies. What could go wrong . . .

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Very well done Greg , AI is not going to replace you anytime soon.

That said i was starting to thinking Jon Bowne was kicking you ass ! Very nice Weave . . . so much topics.

For you Younglings who didn't got to see the patriot act sneak his way in way back when on 9/11

Dr Ron Paul comment is not to be taken lightly. He was among the handful who mounted a defense against it. This is serious business research REX84 and the posse comitatus and WHY IT IS IMPORTANT , existential even . It is Tyranny full stop.

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24 hrs ago·edited 24 hrs ago

We already experienced this when Mary Ann Vecchio, poised in front of the body of Jeffrey Miller, after being sprayed by the U.S. military at Kent State in Ohio where the military turned on its citizens.


We're hearing that the ORGANIC ACT on 1871 signed by Grant although looks to be about incorporating only the District of Columbia, did, allegedly, incorporate the United States of America making Americans widgets on an assembly line and subject to the whims and directives of the major stakeholders in the corporations. FASCISM at its best.

Former military guy and ambassador Dr. William Mount, been there got the T-shirts, saw the subs open a port on the top and up comes a weather weapon that created storms in Vietnam tells us it's useless to vote because POTUS is SELECTED:

CUED @ 2:09


So while this DIRECTIVE 5240.01 is, on top of the NDAA that BARRY SIGNED ONE NEW YEAR'S EVE where he signed into "law" that Americans can be killed anywhere on the planet during his rape of the American people is being waved around, we are faced with kill or be killed. And they're going to make us suffer for where they put us.


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I tho the same thing bros , an other Kent State. Fucking Dark Brandon . . . this is demonic.

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You know it bro. WORD. My like button does not work. Thumbs up!

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🙏 for your election to go ahead successfully, from BC Canada

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Thank you, we need many prayers -- God is the only one who can save our country from those bent on destroying it. Same with Canada, may we all be spared from this evil, & our countries made great again.

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I have been watching this story develop and I am really glad to see Greg and Alex covering it now as well. This was an evil design by derelict Lloyd Austin, DoD director. But these traitors may have dug their own graves, as the biblical proverb states. Are they planning massive treason or the reason to face their own demise?

But here is the "catch" What the DNC and Globalists designed to use illegally as martial laws to enslave and eliminate us, might NOW be their own down fall. Even Kamala recently voiced FEARS that if Trump was elected, they (left wingnuts) could be "locked up and hunted down."

Just like Daniel in the lion's den, who survived the night with the lions, his accusers and families were thrown in the pit and the lions tore them apart, and probably didn't even eat them. (they were so bad-Dan 6;24). Or Haman who built the gallows for the Jews, soon swung on them himself.

DoD directive 5240.01 could soon be in the hands of re-elected President Donald Trump--which Kamala even fears. Their Judgement shall be by their own hands. Like Judas Iscariot.

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a Pink slip is worst than a death sentence for those people. They are nepo , they can't do shit on there own. Much less run a trout line and skin a buck hahahahaha Imagine those fool building an house ? hahahahahah No way they will find a legit jobs in the private sector.

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Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

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Amen. I think we are about to see a long-awaited and SWIFT response of Divine Judgement. Watch and see.

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