Love Dr. Rima. She has been right about this genocide agenda even back when she correctly predicted the vaccine rollout on InfoWars over 15 years ago. The UN can go emasculate themselves. I will not comply to unelected, self-appointed authorities.

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Fierce and fearless Dr Rima has ALWAYS been a lazer of Light slicing through the Dark!

This was an excellent interview, thank you Greg!

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They are putting the MRNA covid vax in your food you need to

do this right now visit.......... https://t.co/K2mXQiCZiT

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report it

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Way too much BS on your site to sell your book. Too much advertising! If you had just gotten to the point quickly and didn’t have endless crap to sort thru I would have purchased your book.

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what book?

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Exciting idea... maybe we could get Rima to ferret out WHAT PRECISELY is needed to DITCH NATO, now trying to start WW3, so we can have that ready on DAY ONE of Trump's team in charge....

Would Rima do that?

Or how would she figure that would affect her clientelle among the EU high-and-mighty who were the source of HER INTEL on THE GREAT CULLING ....... ttyl

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How likely is it that America can opt out of the U.N. when Trump just appointed Susie Miles as White House Chief of Staff, and Wiles' firm, Mercury Public is the lobbyists for the U.N.?

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it's always handier to have a former-insider on your now team to know what to expect from how many directions the tentacled beast can reach out from..... ttyl

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That’s a Bingo! Move to the front of the class.

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What a great idea! Trump's NEW agenda is to fill the Swamp, AGAIN, with Deep State scum to govern our country!

And keep LYING to the American people and convincing them that the genocidal vaxxines are safe and to take them.

Yep, new Trump agenda, same as the old Trump agenda.

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we need t hold his feet to fire...DEMAND he keep his campaign promises and the only way he can is by getting out of the UN. Go to TweetTrumpNow.com and take action NOW

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Wow! So has this been done now?

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The UN can go fornicate AND emasculate themselves.

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No. She said the U.S. would use the military with emergency orders and presidential directives. Just like they did under the Covid Plannedemic.

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She most certainly has , and I heard it from her and her late husband way back then , though even at that time it was no surprise to me

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I have friends that will disregard anything negative about trump. They think he's "Q+" and working with the "white hats" to take down the deep state. If so, why does he keep bringing Zionists and neocons into his orbit? And I don't trust Elon, or anyone else claiming to be waking people up, that is not talking about the Zionist occupation

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New World Order is Jew World Order

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Worse yet, when I post truth, inevitably I receive emails, etc. from the loyal trumpers telling me that the real trump is working with the military to implement truth and freedom at some unknown point. Still in denial and "trusting the plan!" Oh, yes, JFK, jr is a member of the "white hats." The trump we're seeing now is a clone! Delusional?!! or just plain stupid?!

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Yes Renee. Sadly TDS, Trump DENIAL Syndrome is one of the devastating side effects of White Hat Hopium addiction.

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me too. its like talking to a brick wall

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The Trumpanzees are thick with apologies at every step.

Stay clear of these people as they will burn you at the stake as a heretic.

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omg....it will probably come down to that!!

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Trump is a kabbalist. Have you not seen the pictures of him receiving an award.

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Trump is a Jew amongst the Jews, Protestant amongst Protestants, Kabbalist amongst Kabbalist, Catholic amongst Catholics, Republican amongst Republicans, and so on and so forth. He is a sneaky snake, and the most deceitful of shape shifters.

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You got it Vickie!

Trump is a religious whore.

In reality he's a Jezuit.

(the ALL are)

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Yes, he and they certainly appear to be

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So is Tulsi

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you are definitely in the ball park and I def. dont trust Elon either.....

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AND!!! Why does DT keep parroting the Warpspeed triumph ???? I dont think he is the answer...

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How true , They view Trump as a god , not me . I talk to some friends some see it most do not . Trump is just a man . I like Trump , but his support for Israel. Zionist ,Kharzian MAFI, Mossad and the U.S. government . Yikes

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Why does he keep bringing in Zionist Joos? Very Trump is a bottom boy Joo butt plug. He sold out= You get sold out

New World Order is Jew World Order

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I feel exactly the same

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I agree

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The Qtards are full of hate to the democrats, and Trunk Is their only hope.

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Satan lives within the walls of the UN. There is a place inside where they worship him...Disgusting...

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Yah, is that crazy. Kind of in the open, but ignored by the press, and anyways, who cares, because we have some military Chaplins that are Satanist, and that's okay, right? So glad I know Jesus and more importantly, He knows me.

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We gotta spread the Gospel!

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Apparently the sheeple have decided to forget about warp speed vaccines. Zionist cabinet means nothing changes

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Absolutely Jake, but I think more to the point, the ignorance of people and especially the Christian community who has been programed with wrong thinking. You will find this short video interesting about Israel and Zionism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvWrjCDn2KQ

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The focking Christians do not exist anymore. They are either retards who go to church on holidays. Or fanatical evangelical Zionists.

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Don't speak for all.

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Exactly. Thank -Jesus Christ I never view Trump as a God . He is controlled

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Trump is a Jew surrounded by Jews.

The Future lies within our own.

Don't believe a thin these lot tells you!


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well Fritz Freud, maybe that's our good luck that at least SOME of those in charge have HIGH IQs....Jews reportedly have IQs that are FIFTEEN POINTS HIGHER ON AVERAGE than the rest's average


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I don't know where you get your information....

Click on the map. Average IQ in Israel 92. Very average.

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That is BS! I can believe that the Asians are more likely to smarter than the angles? But, that because they still value education, and family.

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Genocide is a tenet of Abrahamism.

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Trump is an Israel first ultra-Zionist. He is part of the swamp, he will never turn against it.

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And the only solution is to "withdraw from the U.N."???

How likely is that to happen when Trump just appointed Susie Wiles to be White House Chief of Staff, and Wiles' firm, the powerful Mercury Public, are the lobbyists for the U.N.?!??

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Thank you for sharing. However I already knew this. That’s why I Opted out the Elections. Forget looking to your Government or a Man..The Bible is real & full of Truth…

Jesus Christ is coming back for the SAVED PEOPLE🙏Acts 2:38


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That is how the powers that be kept us all in legal bondage all these hundreds of years. Two systems running side by side ... lawful Admiralty/commercial contract legalism ( good vs bad) there is 2 systems in this one vs lawful Common Law under GOD. Like good cop vs bad cop ... in the corrupt fraudulent system that bars our rightful system. Biden vs Trump ... Trudeau vs Poilievre "Canada" and all other countries have the same trick. This I believe. Deception at it's finest. Be Blessed folks.

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Greg I have so appreciated you saying it like it is with respect to Trump. The truth movement has been captured by the Trump movement, and people need to know what the truth about Trump is

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That Dollar vigilante video was A+. Great find, shared with everyone

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Berwick is a conman.

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i was wondering who was going to* bring this up.... :) I am inclined to agree.....

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God bless this woman.

They are all "Thiel-ites," and great reset-ers, every single person around "Trump." Sadly, "Trump" was very likely selected to usher in the great reset at any even faster rate than "Kamala" would have been able to do. I weary of being lorded over by these demonic entities. They glory in our suffering and view us as insects and slaves. And yes, America's national integrity has already been destroyed. California is Chino-Hindu-stan. And it's literally happened overnight, and everyone, apparently, is happy as a clam that we are surrounded by bots in their Teslas driving to their bio-tech-poisoning jobs, and unless you work in the bio-tech poisoning industry, you cannot even afford to live in California, and I suspect, very soon, much of America, if our current "migration" path continues. It's a nightmare, and it's not going away.

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Rumble is owned by Theil.

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Indeed. Polly St. George had a piece about two years ago about how the entire apparatus of "conservative inc" was moving into that sphere (the podcast, "alt right," non-MSM sphere), funded by bio-tech. I believe it has been accomplished. I can see it clearly now.

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I agree, the whole Fabian two party paradigm has become excruciatingly obvious to the world now. even the normies can see if they bother. With sleepy Joe asleep at the wheel..who was in control? obviously not Joe...yett still war increased...Everything must bee defunded and rebuilt from the ground up as the tentacles are in every institution, governing body, enforcement, judiciary and every facet of our post-western lives. The western world and what it stood for and was built on is still there if you want it..you just have to reach out and grab it back. But it better be quick.

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You are doing a good job. One of the few people with balls saying what needs to be said, apart from a few lesser-known voices I follow and, of course, David Icke

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Icke is really good. Stew Peters is hitting pretty hard as well. His new occupied film was really good

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Got a link for that friend? I'd like to watch it

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The last part of this film is trash. I stand with none of these people

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Thanks man i’ll def check it out. I know a few people who probably need to watch it

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Buy it! Don't expect to get everything for free. I purchased a copy of the DVD last night.

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How many times have we heard trump say he filled up the strategic reserve? I actually checked, it went down every year he was in office.

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I am have a hard time trying to figure out who's words I can trust. At one rally Trump is a Christian, then at the next rally, he loves Christians, but he is not one. Vance talked about how he seem to slip in to Christianity and then ended up in a Judaized church. What is all of this - it is a show and our taxes pay the price of the ticket and they will not tells us when the theatre is on fire - because it already is. Are we experiencing the Hegelian dialectic? Biden is the problem and Trump is the solution? Then we have Elon, who sent his electric car in to space. Really? "It looks so fake it has to be real". If you put a tire into a vacuum, it would explode as the air was sucked out or decompress until the air was gone. I love Kenned on getting the poison out of the food, stopping the chemtrails spraying the poisons, stopping big pharma, and etc., but he would still like to put "climate deniers" in prison, just because he believes a lie. He also endorses baby murder. "So tell me, someone, where are the People we can trust in government? Where are the good guys? I trust no man. "Some trust in chariots" if you get my meaning. Why can't we find some real Christians who are more concerned with doing righteousness than their bank accounts and their ego.

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100% are seeing and experiencing the Hegelian Dialectic! Please watch Probably Alexandra's "An Inconvenient Reality" and "An Inconvenient Duality"

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Trump is working hand in hand with the NWO

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