thought Dr. Jane Ruby summed it up best here: https://x.com/RealDrJaneRuby/status/1827091806221193354 So the guy who fought against the Covid bioweapon shots and made millions on the anti-Fauci book, just endorsed the guy who gave Fauci the presidential commendation, and (still) claims the mRNA poison shots are "the greatest achievement of mankind" Now do you see that it's all theater?


Thank god that the guy who said Israel’s genocide in Gaza was a “moral war,” the guy who pushed experimental vaccines on us, and the guy who wants to microchip our brains are going to save us from the deep state

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Pure unadulterated theater. They are losing their grip on many of us, many of us see through the entire farce. They only exist to make you think you have to give money for them to "administer" the country. but really all they do is fleece the country. Still too many "awake" people keep giving them support because it all seems real, doesn't it? But they are losing their grip and once we realize they are totally not required, that's when they lose it all. They don't want that to happen so they "get together" or do things that melt the people's hearts but it's all theater. All of it every single little bit.

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Yeah, the idea that Jewish messiah, 3rd temple Trump, who rolled out the kill shots on the world and refuses to acknowledge they are killing people, is going to save us from the deep state is a total farce. Nothing but theater. 3rd temple Trump is their favorite puppet. MAGA never existed, it's always been MIGA.

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There, too, is a MAGA. It is the fifth and highest degree in the Church of Satan.

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I tried informing some folks about this & wow did I get blasted! All anyone has to do is just listen to "him" lately, its all out there but sadly people cant or wont see.

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And backwards A GAM....

Like it's all a game.

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Thank you! 🎯🎯 Exactly! But sadly many Americans are not aware of this! That's what Trump is! Trump is mocking Americans and laughing at us behind the scenes! Trump is a Zionist! He works for Them, not us!

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Saaaaaaaandraaaaaaa, Yes, preach sister!!!!

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Maga ain't been in office in three years. Whose passing out the kill shots again?

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The llluminati have NEVER not been in office!

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Yeah, they just brainwash and abuse THEIR OWN CHILDREN OR HAND PICKED VICTIMS to put into places of power, through devious means, to do their will.

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He started them and also locked this country down, which destroyed this country. They're just continuing what he started.

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Don't blame the Biden Harris Minions, Blame the Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Black Nobility Mega Trillionaires who created an Unelected World Government - The United Nations with its partner the Rothschild Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum is in the terms of Mussolini, Fusion of the State with Corporations, essentially Undemocratic and Fascist.

The United Nations with its partner the Rothschild Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum uses Fake narratives like Fake Climate Change and Collectivism to mandate Agenda 2030 World Totalitarianism.

The Satanic Phoenician Black Nobility Mega Trillionaires who worship Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Molech, Cybele and Attis for 10,000 years before Christ are in charge of the minions like Starmtrooper, Turdow, Bidet, Camel, Richie, and Macron are all prostitutes, they sold out to Satan.

And the Presstitutes who say that it is just the minions the Macrons, the Turdows, the Starmtroopers, the Bidets, we need to change, that it's the minions who are the problem. The minions have been bought by the The Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Black Nobility Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs and Warburgs.

The minions have been bought by the The Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Black Nobility who came from Venice, Rome, Babylon and Egypt like King Chuckie the Turd.

The Minions have been bought by the Count Kallergi Replacement Migration Plan of the Black Nobility Cini Foundation of Italy surging the borders of Europe and the USA and run by the United Nations.

The Minions have been bought by the Thousand Year Catholic Corporation and it's Iron Bank with the Pope as CEO and the Cardinals, representatives of every major Black Nobility Family in Europe, as the Board of Directors.

The minions just follow orders and follow the Satanic Rituals like Human Sacrifice, the Sodomy Rituals, the Castration Rituals, the Drug Rituals, the Whore of Babalon Rituals.

Read the Satanic Black Nobility Volume 1...


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Most of the Minions truly believe that the visible leaders ARE all that needs to be changed.

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Good point. We need to look into our own hearts and unite as people.

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Poland's Solidarity may serve as an example to we the people of the world. The Solidarity trade union of Gdansk, founded in 1980, wrested free elections from the Communist government of Poland by 1989.

Solidarity among all nations.

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That sounds too vague for us to be able to do anything. What is needed is for us to be united and in solidarity with each other, and goodwill. That will then ripple through to the big stage that we hear about on the news. It's really as below so above, what we do as individuals, on a large scale, but as indivdiuals, will determine what is projected on the big stage. It is but a projection. Look at how you treat others, what intent you hold towards them and question yourself. We have to start needing each other because that's what makes the strongest ties.

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It's the Black Nobility! It's the Frankists! No, wait, it's the Jesuits! Oh, no, it's the Vatican! It's the CIA! It's the Nazis from Operation Paperclip!! It's the Rockefellers!! Wait, it's the Tavistock Institute!! It's the Illuminati!! It's the Communists!!

The blind men continue to grope and prod the elephant in the middle of the room that no one can see...

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The Black Nobility are Phoenicians who have been ruling this planet for 10,000 years


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"...been ruling this planet for 10,000 years"

Yep, in the past civilization they were the Pharaohs, also the Council of Rome, Gods of Greece, Rulers of Atlantis, etc, etc, etc.

This time they are the Monarchs of Europe. Switzerland is their Hive. Izrael is the Nursery.

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Okay, I agree. Everyone has an enemy defined. Do you know who/what the elephant is? Please share and, if possible, provide a little linear logic to support the definition. Elephant = ???

You can't attack the enemy if, like terrorist cells, it's decentralized and leaves no tracks to follow. Whoever it is, they've done a great job blinding the world.


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No. You want to be a reductive simpleton and have an easy boogeyman in the jews. Sorry to say bud but they are not running the show at the top. Bnai brith answers to the jesuits. All roads lead to rome. There's a reason infowars censored all knights of malta & jesuits comments off of their website for years

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And why not continue on further from my longer comment: 1) Is it the Jesuits and Knights of Malta who were disproportionately represented in the second wave radical feminist movement? 2) Who drafted, introduced and pushed the Immigration Bill of 1965 through Congress when we formerly had tight immigration controls? The Jesuits? We've already talked about who's behind the NGOs responsible for facilitating mass migration into American and Europe. Same people. They are the biggest, if not only, pro-immigration bloc in America. 3) Who has written, introduced and sponsored the most gun control legislation in Congress, by far? The Knights of Malta? Nope. Same as all the other cases. 4) Who was disproportionately, by extreme representation, behind the entire Covid-19 agenda? With the one exception of Fauci, who's been at NIH for almost 50 years, the rest were...Jesuits?? RFK Jr. was smeared by the establishment "Jesuit" media for accidentally mentioning a study that showed that one ethnic group and one ethnic group only was dramatically more immune from SARS-CoV-2 attachment to ACE2 receptors and for having bad outcomes. Who had the worst outcomes in this study? White anglo-saxon Americans and Blacks. Noting that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was GENETICALLY ENGINEERED through gain-of-function techniques. What's the odd it's the same ethnic group mentioned that has orders of magnitude lower infection and bad outcomes rates as the same people running the Covid PsyOp? What a coincidence! Hint: It's not the Jesuits! 5) Who were, by far, the largest demographic of dealers, owners, and shippers in the 18th and 19th century African slave trade?? How come when this same demographic in Hollywood makes propaganda films about black slavery in America, they never blame themselves nor acknowledge their disproportionate role?? They blame Anglo-Saxon white people. 6) As already mentioned but to tie this together; why is it that the entire establishment media at the owner ship and C-level executive level is made up of this very same ethnic group? Why have people of this group published dozens and dozens of books and hundreds if not thousands of articles pushing the toxic and divisive "whiteness," "white supremacy," and "white privilege" narrative, meanwhile totally "whitewashing" their dominant role in the slave trade?? Why are this shape shifting group able to identify as "white" when it serves them to hide and obscure their own Supremacy but not identify as "white" when they are calling out the mythical "white supremacy" that they promote? 7) Why is this same group at the vanguard of the LGBTQ and transgender movement, whether it's through legislation, activism, or legal? The Godfather of transgenderism is Magnus Hirschfeld, not a Jesuit, in — wait for it — Weimar Republic Germany. Why are these people promoting perversion, the destruction of the polarity between men and women (see online dating movement, which again, they control through Tindr, Grindr, OkCupid, etc), and the grooming of our children? It's not the Knights of Malta behind this. 8) How about the abortion industrial complex? It's the same people: The founders, the activists, the legal pioneers, the legislation pushers. Say what you want about abortion, but it should not be a religious sacrament, a lifestyle, or something that is part of your personal identity. Figure out how to use birth control, not to mention abortion disproportionately hurts blacks and clinics are frequently operated near or in black communities. 9) Let's talk about the C-level executives and board members of Disney. Not run by the Jesuits. 10) i've already spoken to how the pornography and hookup culture industry has been pioneered and dominated by the same people, PornHub and OnlyFans being just two of the most notable, but also Grindr, Blacked, Tinder, Cupid, and the rest. As you can imagine, it's not the Knights of Malta. 11) BlackRock. They own everything. They are buying up all the housing in America. Who are the founders of BlackRock? The owners and C-Level executives? Are they Jesuits? 12) Pharma: What do the CEOs of Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, and Astra Zeneca have in common? Which one of them one the Genesis Prize recently? The "Jesuit" version of the Nobel Prize? 13) What did the "NeoCons" involved in 9/11 have in common? What do "NeoCons" have in common with Mossad? Why did 9/11 benefit the not-Jesuits? 14) Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein. In closing, it's not the 19th or even 20th century anymore. The Jesuits and the Knights of Malta are not directly involved in ANY of the economic or cultural subversion that is occurring to destroy Western Civilization from within and without. Three is at least a three-headed hydra that is currently behind all of the trajectories that I have mentioned in both of my comments. First, their is the uniquely predatory capitalist finance and banking aspect, which is the overarching reality behind whatever political battles are occurring on a more horizontal planet. Second, there is the cultural subversion, call it "cultural Marxism" or whatever. This subverts the Western nations from within, whether it's mass migration or Critical Race Theory or transgenderism, all of which I have described above. Finally, overtly, there is Zionism. Zionist occupation of the US government is not debatable, merely looking at the role of AIPAC in Congress, the role of the ADL as the 'Jesuit' Stasi, and the role of the media. If you are not mindful of the relationship between these three trajectories you're not aware of what's actually happening in reality. All of these other monikers we give to the Globalist issue obscure the disproportionate influence within the Globalist agenda and how they all work in tandem to subvert Western values and hegemony. It's not Freemasons, or Illuminati, or the Jesuits, or the Knights of Malta, or any of the other scapegoats...

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Are the Knights of Malta and Jesuits' NGOs stationed in the Darien Gap in Panama funneling migrants through our southern border? The the head of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, a former board member of HIAS, an NGO deeply implicated in facilitating mass migration, a Jesuit? Do Jesuit NGOs facilitate migrant invasions in Europe, like Barbara Spectre's NGO? Do the Knights of Malta dominate our media ownership, pushing any number of toxic and divisive race-based narratives to polarize Americans and get them to hate each other? Do the Jesuits' produce mythical self serving versions of our history, especially WW2? Do the Knights of Malta own PornHub and OnlyFans? Do the Jesuits push toxic "white supremacy" narratives in the media to obscure their own supremacy? Were the Knights of Malta responsible for the deaths of 60+ million people in the 20th century, making them, according to Ron Unz, the biggest mass murderers per capita in modern history? Or was that the Bolsheviks-Communists? Did Jesuits make up a disproportionate amount of the revolutionary commissars and NKVD? Were the Knights of Malta the origins of our exploitive, parasitical capitalist system? Did they create fractional reserve banking and central banking and usury?? Why hasn't the Jesuit-dominated Hollywood made any films about the Bolsheviks? Why are there over 150 films about the Holocaust but not the Holodomor? Was it the Knights of Malta funding the Bolsheviks or was it Schiff? Were the Jesuits behind the abomination of Weimar Republic Germany and the hyperinflation and cultural degradation that led the reactive rise of the Third Reich? Was Winston Churchill's decadent lifestyle funded by Jesuit bankers and were the Knights of Malta pushing him into war with Germany? Was Roosevelt's administration loaded with Jesuit spies and Jesuit sympathizers as the Venona decrypts exposed? Did the Knights of Malta declare war and a world wide boycott of Germany in 1933? The original Bavarian Illuminati were Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Jacob Frank, and the crypto-Jew Adam Weishaupt. What did they all have in common ? Who is behind the international banks? Is it AIPAC or the Knights of Malta that has control over the US Congress? Do Congressmen have AIPAC handlers or Jesuit handlers? The ADL routinely destroys people by doxxing and media smear campaigns. If you speak badly of the Jesuits or the Knights of Malta will you get cancelled? Did the Jesuits destroy Charles Lindbergh in 1941 for making a reasonable observation? Did General Patton, before he was conveniently assassinated, have strong misgivings about which enemy we fought in world war 2 because he wanted to take on the Knights of Malta? Did the Jesuits bomb the USA Liberty? Were they behind the Balfour Declaration? Did Jeffrey Epstein work for the Knights of Malta? Were they involved with global elite pedo rings? Were the Sabbatean-Frankist cult members Jesuits? Were the Knights of Malta expelled from 109 countries 1,030 times over two thousand years? Are the Jesuits firmly in control of our mass media and Hollywood; the mediums through which our consensus reality trance is created? When Noam Chomsky speaks of Manufacturing Consent, who is doing the manufacturing? Did Dave Chappelle, on Saturday Night Live say the only two words you can't say are "The Jesuits?" Did he say that if it's blacks, it's a gang; if it's Italians it's a mob, and if it's the Jesuits, it's just a coincidence and you shouldn't talk about it? Did Nobel Prize winner Alexandr Solzhenitsyn's banned and censored book 200 Years Together concern the Knights of Malta? I could go on and on and on. It's not the Knights of Malta. It's not the Jesuits. At least not anymore.

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Ok, I’ll bite for everyone; enlighten us.

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The funny thing is it's us. We are the elephant in the room - as individuals, how do we love ourselves and others. I'd like to see kindness coming out of people in abundance but so far it's nowhere near that. Some have to start it going and that would be individuals like you and me. At first there will be few in number but at a certain point, they will be the portion that tips the scales. We must keep in mind that all of us have been grotesquely abused since generations ago. We're starting to come out of it now and can start talking about building the new vision.

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Let us play a variation of "Pin the Tail on the Donkey". Pin the tail on the elephant with a very long, very sharp pin.

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🎯🎯 They are the Offspring of the fallen angels and nephilim and They hate humanity!

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It's all fake and GEE-A-WHY to me at this point. The whole charade.

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🎯🎯 💯 I know it's not real and They are all controlled too!

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Yeah, they didn't talk about those Herd Culling Kovid Shots, did they, Reese?

Did they talk about Operation Lockstep?

Run by the Rockefellers? With Abby Rockefeller at Bobby's campaign announcement?


As for Tulsi...she will say anything at any time.

Tell me this isn't Klaus Schwab with a sexy wig on...

Thanks, Greg for the hopium.


"Our nation is facing an unprecedented global crisis that highlights the inextricable bonds of humanity and how foreign policy and domestic policy are inseparable. We are all in this together and we must all rise to meet this moment in service to our country and our fellow man.

"This is not the first time that we have faced adversity together, and it will not be the last. After the terrorist attack by Al-Qaeda on our country on 9/11, we stood together as Americans motivated to serve, marshaling our forces to defeat our common enemy.

I and so many Americans all across this country enlisted in the military to do just that. Likewise, today as Americans and all of humanity we face a common enemy. It is once again time as Americans and as neighbors in this global community that we stand together once again and work hand in hand to defeat this new enemy, the Corona virus."


I know vice president Biden and his wife, and I’m grateful to have called his son Beau a friend, who also served in the National Guard. Although I may not agree with the vice president on every issue, I know that he has a good heart and he’s motivated by his love for our country and the American people.

Tulsi Gabbard: (02:05)

I’m confident that he will lead our country guided by the spirit of Aloha, respect and compassion, and thus help heal the divisiveness that has been tearing our country apart.

So today I’m suspending my presidential campaign and offering my full support to vice president Joe Biden in his quest to bring our country together.




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You still believe Al-Qaeda was ‘responsible’? That was the biggest false flag prior to COVID. Iran will be accused of the next false flag. Nuclear power plant? Cyber attack? Have 10 days food and water.

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No I do not.

That is a quote from Tulsi Gabbard.

Council on Foreign Relations Tulsi Gabbard.

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Pay the troll no mind.

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Bush Jr. and the Neocon pigs feeding at that trough.

That we have an actual "choice" between Democrat and Republican in the American segment of Globalist Government- two wings of the same hateful bird- is the biggest con ever perpetrated on the American people. A pox on both their houses. I align with NEITHER of the Above

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I don't Trust Tulsi or like her! Next time you see her in an interview look at both sides of her face in the cheeks, one side of her face on her cheeks (I can't remember if it's the left or right side of her face, I think it's the left?) the skin looks scaly like reptile skin and not smooth like human skin! Of course this could be acne scars? But when I first saw Tulsi in an interview clip on Fox News I thought "man that side of her face in the cheek area does not look right!" Hmm!"

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Oh yeah I remember that... Like blue steel from "Zoolander", where he couldn't turn left. Like someone peppered her face with bird shot.

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Spell name backwards.... I SLUT

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Yes, yes they are. All created by the see aye yay and isreeeeel.

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Lol AL Qaeda was created by the CIA! What is Tulsi Gabbard smoking? How can she believe these lies still??

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The inevitable embrace of the Trump campaign by RFK Jr. will see one of the Covid-era's most prominent (+ promoted) skeptics embrace the man whose administration established the early Covid policies and Military-run Op Warp Speed. What a world and what a disappointment.

Perhaps the worst part is that the people who cared about accountability for what came downstream of Op Warp Speed as well as the mass theft of American wealth from Covid fiscal policy (i.e. "going direct) and govt policy from Birx, Fauci, etc. no longer care nor maybe never did

Trump still stands by his admin's Covid-era decisions incl Warp Speed, + also includes the Covid era QE (going direct) and putting Larry Fink in charge of the US' fiscal response to lockdowns that resulted in the greatest wealth transfer in US history.

If you think Trump "learned his lesson" about Covid (when he still declares Warp Speed a triumph) and it will be different next time because RFK JR endorsed him, you may be high as a kite on conservative-flavored hopium. Policy records matter and so does accountability

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I understand where you are coming from- however it’s 100xs better than the alternative

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IF one knows what the alternative would have been! DJT forced the early rollouts of that noxious injection be cause he knew "they" had not had time to manufacture sufficient quantities to reduce the world's population massively leaving a mere 5,000,000 to serve as slaves for the predatory class. That meant many of the vials had to contain something harmless like saline solution. That is what the majority of people received, and why fewer than planned died and/or were injured.

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As long as we are just making shit up to pretend that Donald gives a fuck about you.




Donald J. Trump


“The Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat Cancer – Turning setback into comeback!” YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!





Mar 07, 2024, 6:47 PM

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Evidenced by the fact that so many still idolize DJT and make absurd excuses for his evil behavior and overlook his abysmal choices in who he listens to and appoints to (formerly) important positions, we can see that most "people" (including many on this forum) are already zombie slaves.

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All in the name of 5D, 10D, 20D, 100D chess, or whatever.

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You appear to be really reaching to apply the most recent layer of whitewash to Donald Trump's operation warp speed. Not sure that he is enough of a deep thinker to have actually thought of and planned out what you are alluding to. Pure conjecture on your part

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Whitewash? And no, he's just playing his "Script" bought and sold a long time ago.

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Everyone that buys an electric vehicle inadvertently supports the cabal and does massive destruction to our earth. Wind turbines kill. Solar panels and batteries require rare earth minerals that take tons of soil to make grams of metal! Why is everyone so ignorant?!

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Did he really know or was he duped? If he didn’t know then, he should know now. I think that many of us hope it’s a ploy to keep “jabbed by choice” people voting for him. We hope that he reveals the truth IF he survives the election. We hope he throws people in jail; UNDER the jail! But I hoped the same with Hillary. Then people argue that the sheep have to SEE the evil to get their support to take out the Cabal. There’s a LOT of hope and conjecture running rampant throughout the Internet with innuendo posing as truth.

It’s about money.


Take out the seven countries. Control the Silk Road. Control the minerals and oil in Africa. Get people focused on the WEF and one world government, because they can’t use the WMD ruse again. They were caught red handed! The power/money brokers have to distract with bread and circuses as they deploy our weapons at OUR EXPENSE to build their empire and seize the next industrial push. Green energy is the main feature thus the fear porn around climate change.

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"Trump forced their hand"

OMG Denver, WAKE UP!!!


Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.



Its time to take the red pill Denver.

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Time will tell. Nobody outside TPTB know, regardless of what we think. TPTB pay the brainiacs at the think tanks to figure out how best to nudge the plans into place. There is no ‘winning’ for ‘we the people’. There are only the cycles they create to keep the majority of people enslaved to them, spending our time and money for a little comfortability while fueling their power and wealth. However, there will always be a fly in the ointment. I choose to enjoy each day as much as I can, laugh when I recognize the flies, and help my neighbors. I will also be re-reading the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People for the 4th time.

I strive to be an off-grid homesteader some day, or dream is a better word, as I work for the man and watch inflation take off.

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"Time will tell"

It already did Denver!

Donald "I Am The Father Of The Vaxxines" Trump, the Bloodline born-and-bred Bavarian Jezuit llluminati prince and 'Herald Of The New WorId 0rder', initiated the NW0 Agenda '21, the systematic depopulation of the Earth, by, oh wow,....2021.

Just as planned.

Its here NOW Denver!

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oh my god......I cant with the 5D chess anymore......

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"I can't with the 5D chess anymore..."

5D Chess.

White Hat Hopium.

The Cabal's QAnon Scam drug of choice for the pink-pilled.

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"I was involved in the first launching of Q" - Alex Jones


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Some folks are in such cognitive dissonance they don't even realize they'd have been in a concentration camp by now.

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They never Isolated the live virus from anyone! It was all bullshit, from the virus to the PCR tests, a test that can not be used for diagnosing purposes. That is coming from the scientist himself Kerry Mullis who invented the PCR test. Resesrch it! It's time to snap back to reality.

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AMEN SISTER!!! I am beyond sick of this ongoing bs charade too. This ‘virus’ has NEVER been isolated!!! STOP pretending it exists > because it doesn’t! IF it was as ‘contagious’ as they claimed, then HOW IN THE HECK HAS IT NOT BEEN ISOLATED TO THIS VERY DAY!!! I point people to Event 201 > Dry run staged on October 18, 2019 in NYC, funded by the Gates Foundation! I read about this before it occurred which made my skin crawl wondering if society could be so stupid as to be easily suckered into believing in a make believe virus, basically cold/flu/allergies relabeled as a ‘deadly virus’! All the while hospitals were/are deliberately using killer protocols for easy gov’t money to pump up deaths from their own so-called ‘medicine’!!! The medical industrial and insurance companies blatantly exposed themselves and yet people still can’t see the damned fat @ssed elephant in the room!!! Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome is the definition of INSANITY!!!

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I will make a prediction here with 100% accuracy. If you think your vote for ANY political party within any government will change the outcome of what has and will happen according to 'their' planned out agenda then you have fulfilled the true meaning of being insane. We have been brainwashed for generations and we are truly suffering from 'Stockholm Syndrome' , 'cognitive dissidence', 10% downs syndrome and mental insanity. Things are not going to change for the better, the better will slowly slip away until you have what is left and that is what they have in store for us all. Solutions?? Seek the truth ask for discernment know it, know the plan then tell others and repeat. That's all....When enough of us do this the pattern will change. As usual 'Have a nice day':)

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1000% Troy; both political parties suck! This Country was bought and paid for as far back as Christmas Eve of 1913 when Woodrow Wilson handed the monetary system over to the private Central Banks (i.e. Rockefellers, Rothschilds, JP Morgan, Vanderbilts) and allowed them to print money to the U.S. Government at an interest rate that gets paid by Federal Income Taxes and allowed big corporations to influence the political system.

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It is a worldwide take over not only the US.

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SLK agreed! It is a worldwide totalitarian doctrine that has been in the works for centuries. The USA once arguably a world power has been the hammer for the globalists since Britain had the hammer previous. As with powerful countries the globalists use the countries against each other or use them to subvert or bend to the will of the bully country. Create a vacuum of wanted power and fill the void with your ideology is key, Britain has done this with opium and slaves and so has Merica. Merica in my opinion is close to the last stand, the only hope after she is gone is Russia and China and we all know how that has gone.

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Woodrow Wilson. I wonder what they had on him. Sad to say, but most men are such whores. Easy to play. I used to think that we needed women in positions of power, but Kimillary and harreesima have shown otherwise.

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According to Benjamin H. Freedman, author of The Hidden Tyranny, President Wilson was blackmailed by New York City attorney Samuel Untermeyer. Wilson liked married women, and it caught up to him. Wilson promised Untermeyer that the next Supreme Court nominee would be recommended by Mr. Untermeyer, and a Talmudist, Justice Brandeis was on the Supreme Court. Justice Brandeis soon suggested to President Wilson to declare war against Germany and they did on April 7, 1917.

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Thank you for this info

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And as Greg has the heading above, False Flag High Alert, the same thing was happening back pre-WW I. Congress was informed that a German submarine had sunk the S.S Sussex in the English Channel and that United States citizens aboard the ship had perished. The S.S. Sussex had not been sunk and the United States was dragged into a WW based on a lie.

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Yep, same Players, same Playbook.

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What they have on men in positions of power Jewell is very well established and very powerful. The men and women are chosen for their positions not elected sorry. If they step out of line in any way shape or form swift retribution will be the result that is If these politicians or high officials were not co-opted to begin with. Typically they are blackmailed through ones own vises such as money or women or little girls or little boys. Having video or pictures of these officials in compromising positions with their vice is more than enough to compel obedience. If not then Larry Macdonald, Abe Lincoln, JFK and many many others die by suicide, plane crash, car crash you name it. This is not my opinion as such but is based on dozens of books just on this subject.

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"Cognitive dissidence" I like it:)

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"We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air. They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.

"The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison. The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems. From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.

"The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear. We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far. We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.

"They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect. When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them its for their help. We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things.

"When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future. When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine. We will render them docile and weak before us by our power. They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison.

"We will focus their attention toward money and material goods so they may never connect with their inner self. We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures and games so they may never be one with the oneness of it all. Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say. If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives.

"We will use fear as our weapon. We will establish their governments and establish opposites within. We will own both sides. We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan. They will perform the labor for us and we shall prosper from their toil.

"Our families will never mix with theirs. Our blood must be pure always, for it is the way. We will make them kill each other when it suits us. We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion. We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how. We will guide them kindly and gently letting them think they are guiding themselves.

"We will foment animosity between them through our factions. When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best. We will make them rip each other’s hearts apart and kill their own children. We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend. The hate will blind them totally, and never shall they see that from their conflicts we emerge as their rulers.

"They will be busy killing each other. They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long as we see fit.

"We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they cannot see us. We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths. We shall repeat this over and over until our ultimate goal is accomplished. We will continue to make them live in fear and anger through images and sounds. We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this. The tools will be provided by their labor. We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors. ...."

-- The Secret Covenant of the Khazarian Mafia

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If it’s secret how do you have it?🤔

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This goes for the whole world and not just America.United we stand and devided we fall,its time to unite

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Somehow I don’t feel inspired by Bobby’s latest conversion. How does he speak of healthy children while his potential “boss” brags about the jab?!?!? ☠️

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I am delighted to see that the comment section is savvy.

Maybe Reese wants that world war for Israel from the King of Israel and the Father of the Vaccines.




Donald J. Trump


“The Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat Cancer – Turning setback into comeback!” YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!





Mar 07, 2024, 6:47 PM

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That topic does need clarification

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All top level politicians are compromised NWO WEF puppets no exceptions even Trump! We need to clear up the Elephant in the room Zionist control of the planet. Nothing will change until this is addressed. NOTHING

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They keep pushing the covid virus hoax, so they can push another scamdemic on us. There is no VIRUS for any disease. Virology is a fraud to the core and they murdered over 75 Million people world wide with the mrna death Jab.

Stop pushing the virus hoax. And stop support isis ra hell, which is the abomination of desolation. A rape, torture and murder state of endless genocide. These monsters are the enemy of all mankind and mankind needs to stand up and exterminate them, before they murder all humans on our planet!



CDC Director, Rochelle Walensky, Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

Former CDC Director, Robert Redfield, Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

CDC Deputy Director, Ann Schucat, Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

CDC Chief of Staff, Sherri Berger, Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

CDC Chief Medical Officer, Mitchell Wolfe, Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

CDC Director, Washington Office, Jeff Reczek, Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

FDA Vaccines, Dr. Eric Rubin, Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

FDA Vaccines, Dr. Arno Monto, Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

Dr.Eric Rubin, during an FDA hearing on the safety of the vaccine for children said to Dr. Arno Monto, -->

"We're never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is unless you start giving it."

Former FDA Commisioner, Stephen Hahn, Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

Former FDA Commisioner, Scott Gottlieb, Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

Former FDA Commisioner, David Kessler, Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

Former FDA Commisioner, Andrew Eschenbach, Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

COVID Czar, Jeff Zients, Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

HHS Secretary, Xavier Becerra, Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

HHS Ass.Secretary, Rachel Levine, Trans-gender, Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia


Pfizer CEO: Albert Bourla , Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

Albert Bourla was recently awarded the "Honorary Jew" award from Israel for the

Vaccine partnership between the State of Israel and Pfizer.

This means that Israel is implicated in the ongoing genocide ( over 2 million killed in US)

of humanity using the bioweapon known as the COVID vaccine.

Johnson & Johnson CEO: Alex Gorsky , Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

Astrazeneca CEO: Pascal Soriot , Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

Moderna's Vaccine Creator: Tal Zaks , Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia


Vaccine Passport System (Currently in use around the world)

US Patent # 11,107,588 B2 , August 31, 2021


Gal Ehrlich, Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

Ramat-Gan, Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

Maier Fenster, Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

Petach-Tikva, Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

Made in ISRAEL

Vaccine Approvals --> Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

Vaccine Maker -- > Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

Vaccine Passport --> Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

The COVID-19 hoax and the Quack-cines are a Jewish/Khazarian Mafia operation.

Don't believe for a second that Israel is poisoning it's own citizens with their own poisonous jab.

They are lying as they always do.

Lies, lies and more lies, all the time to cover their own tracks.

Just like the Wall Street Banker bailout of 2008. Just like the 9/11 attacks.

Just like the assassination of JFK, RFK.

The following 27 Jews are in Creepy Joe’s Cabinet and most important Administrative positions.

1) Doug Emhoff, Jewish Husband of Kamala Devil Harris

2) Janet Yellin, Jewish Secretary Treasury

3) Anthony Blinken, Jewish Secretary of State

4) Ron Klain, Jewish Chief of Staff

5) Merrick Garland, Jewish Attorney General

6) David Cohen, Jewish Deputy Director CIA

7) Alejandro Mayorkas, Jewish Secretary Homeland Security

8) Avril Haines, Jewish Director National Intelligence

9) Rochelle P. Walensky, Jewish CDC Director

10) Victoria Nuland, Jewish Secretary State Political Affairs

11) Eric Lander, Jewish Office of Science Technology

12) Jeffry Zeints, Jewish Covid Czar

13) Rachel Levine, Jewish Assistant Health Secretary

14) and 15) Cass Sunstein, Jewish Senior Counselor at the Department of Homeland Security, and his wife, Samantha Power, Head of USAID

16) Dana Stroul, Jewish Pentagon Senior Policy Official on the Middle East

17) Wendy Sherman, Jewish Deputy Secretary of State

18) Anne Neuberger, Jewish Director of Cybersecurity at NSA

19) Chanan Weissman, Jewish Director of Technology at National Security Council

20) Avril Haines, Jewish Director of National Intelligence

21) Polly Trottenberg, Jewish Deputy Secretary of Transportation

22) Jessica Rosenworce,l Jewish Acting Chairwoman FCC

23) Jennifer Klein, Jewish Co-Chair of the Gender Policy Council

24) Jared Bernstein, Jewish Member of Council of Economic Advisers

25) David Kessler, Jewish Chief Science Officer of COVID Response

26) Stephanie Pollack, Jewish Deputy Administrator Federal Highway Administration

27) Gary Gensler, Jewish Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission

The CDC is not the government, how can he even say that? It is a bunch of crooks from one tribe:

Those in the CDC who are Jewish but not Chinese who lead the Covid Regime:

1. CDC Director, Rochelle P. Walensky, jew

2. CDC Deputy Director, Anne Schuchat, jew

3. CDC Chief of Staff, Sherri A. Berger. jew

4. CDC Chief Medical Officer, Mitchell Wolfe. jew

5. CDC Director, Washington Office, Jeff Reczek. jew

6. COVID Czar, Jeff Zients. jew

7. COVID Senior Advior, Andy Slavitt. jew

8. HHS Secretary, Xavier Becerra. jew

9. HHS Assoc. Secretary, Rachel Levine, is a dude. jew

Pfizer’s CEO, Albert Bourla, is a jew.

Moderna’s vaccine created by a jew, Tal Zaks.

Johnson & Johnson’s CEO, Alex Gorsky, is a jew.

Teva is an Israel pharmaceutical company.

Regeneron Pharma CEO, Leonard S.Schleifer, is a jew

AstraZeneca’s CEO, Pascal Soriot, was to take over as CEO of Israel’s Teva Pharmaceuticals, which means he’s probably a jew.

10. Pfizer's CEO is a jew.

11. Moderna's vaccine created by a jew.

12. Johnson & Johnson's CEO is a jew.

13. Teva is an Israel pharmaceutical company with a jewish CEO.

14. Regeneron Pharma CEO is a jew

15. AstraZeneca's CEO was to take over as CEO of Israel's Teva Pharmaceuticals which means he's a jew.

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But seriously, you'd probably appreciate that Alejandro Mayorkas, DHS head, used to be on the board of directors for HIAS, a Jewish pro-migration NGO. HIAS has a heavy presence in the Darien Gap in Panama to help facilitate migrants through Central America and Mexico. Truly the fox is guarding the hen house...

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Oh, they Are killing their own people.

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and how would we know that? I do not believe anything these mongrels say!

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I do not believe any of this is organic, its high wire kabuki. Two years ago, Trump was not doing well in the polls and a lot of his supporters were not happy with warp speed. DeSantis was polling quite well against him. And then all the legal stuff began happening and Trump was elevated due to the outrageous actions of liberal prosecutors.

My sense is he has already been designated the next President. It is all working out just a little too perfectly. He will win, the left will go absolutely batshit apoplectic and we will have 4 years of utter nonsense while we teeter on WWIII.

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It's the Plan. Martial law to "finish the Job"

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He was almost assassinated. Unless you believe THAT was theater. If so, I have a bridge for sale.

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It was TOTAL theater

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"He was almost assassinated"


Denver, I think you would be happier on Facebook.

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Oh my. Wow. Voting for Kamala?

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Why is it that the pink-pilled always assume that if someone doesn't like Trump they must like Harris.

Personally, I can't stand either one of the llluminati scum.

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Proberta, you are witty with the insults. Tell us all how it works, in your opinion. What's your "pill", dear?

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ALL TV is theater-- pre-filmed, CGI added if called for, scripted, and aired to get us to emotionally engage with their lies, their narratives, and propaganda.

Our job is to suspend disbelief, which most us us do too well by believing "news programming" and "live" coverage of "real" events. Too many refuse to consider the sometimes simple editing and other times more advanced AI tech the Controllers and their Hollywood/CIA and press/CIA agents use to manipulate us 24-7 on one screen or another.

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But I am interested in your bridge

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Ooooh, great. It’s the London Bridge and I’ll sell it for only 40 Bitcoin. It’s a bargain. You have to arrange disassembly and shipping. $10k earnest money required. Call me at BR-549 and ask for Junior Samples.

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I don’t think one can rule out that it WAS theater. I’m certainly no Democrat fan but I still don’t completely trust the other side either. It all could be one giant psyop.

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I dont believe I mentioned that. Why are you raising an issue in response to me that I didn't raise?

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I regularly recommend Stopworldcontrol.com because it goes post-Convid and what is to come unless we stop it. This really sounds bleak. George H. W. Bush said there would be an NWO and it looks like nothing will stop it. Just know John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" This life is really short and eternity is what we must really be focused on.

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I really wonder about the “Trump had to go along with the jabs” aspect of his theories. More theater? Who is real? Tucker? Alex Jones? Reese? SWC? Seth (man in America)?

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Who are currently real would be the Controllers, the controlled, the opposition, and controlled opposition.

The rest of us real people are consumers of toxic news and product and are, apparently, useless eaters.

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Ok and that's good:)

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Does Reese say that?!!!

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Reese say that? No, not that I’m aware. I was referring to SWC.

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Sorry I'm not sure who you mean my SWC?

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SWC = stop world control and the author behind it.

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Breaking News Headline:



What's next Greg, scripture readings?

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Wat's MAM??

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'MAM' is MAINSTREAM Alternative Media.

Since the death of the old Alternative News (R.I.P.), it is the new 'MAINSTREAM Alternative Media' geared to the pink-pilled, that pushes "Trump, Jesus and POLITICS.

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Oh ok, thank you. And yes I agree that's what they're doing. Such a Con.

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Let’s hope so!

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Why would you hope so Richard?

So more of the masses can become cult-mind programmed to believe that someone or something external to Self is going to save them???

Religion (to bind, to tie, to rebind) is a system of MASS CONTROL. Specifically designed to keep the masses obedient, ignorant and divided.

Which is how a proportionately small group of 13 bloodlines of pure Satanic evil can control a entire planet of 7.5 billion humans.

By keeping them ignorant, divided and obedient.

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I know through my experiences in my life that there is indeed "Someone" watching over us. To denigrate the idea of that pure love by trashing "religion" is an insult to me and many others who know this. Not saying the powers that wanna be haven't used it to their own devices, but there is definitely something there for us to tap into and prevail against their 13 bloodlines, which are Just Empty Shells, to be washed away by the rising tide of Love for us, who created this beautiful universe and wants to help us. I know. No doubt in my mind. And I'm not brainwashed. Life experiences have proven it to me. Don't need a religion to tell me. It's there for all to seek and find:)

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"trashing 'religion'"

Religion is a SYSTEM to control the masses.

'Spirituality' is human nature.

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Well Spirituality is Among Religions. People who are spiritual live in religious realms. No matter what dogma they're fed, they are still spititual beings who just want to be close to the love of our Creator, whoever they think it is. That's a good thing:)

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Yeah......self has done a wonderful job so far, hasn't it? It's had its chance at running things. You are speaking in ignorance while shaking your puny fist in the Face of God, the Creator and Sustainer. You aren't one bit superior to the megalomaniacs you so vehemently condemn.

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Humans are spiritual beings. Religions were created to control HOW we perceive our spirituality and our connection to Source. Religion reroutes us into churches, Bibles, texts, authorities, priests and popes to tell us who God is and who we are.

Religions were created by the llluminati, the 'Enlightened Ones' specifically to PREVENT the masses from becoming 'enlightened'.

All you have to do is do the math Catherine.

This entire planet is run by 13 bloodlines. Thirteen bloodlines of pure satanic evil. And they control EVERYTHING. Which is how a proportionately small group of individuals can control an entire planet of 7billion humans, by controlling EVERYTHING.

We are THEIR labor force.

We speak the language THEY gave us.

We learn what THEY teach us.

We image ourselves by the history THEY show us.

We perceive our World as THEY explained it to us.

We behave the way THEY trained us.

And we believed what THEY told us to believe.

Just do the math Catherine. There are roughly 800 of them and 7billion of us. Did you really think they were going to give us a religion that would empower us?

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If you believe in one life on Earth, then what you say could be true. You mention “satanic”. Who is your Satan you speak of? The case for Jesus as the son of God is concrete. But I guess his existence was also part of the plan of the Satanic group you mention, Proberta? Many people create the god of convenience in their own minds. A god that fits their needs and passions and preferences. There is only one creator. On true God. You were created and you will face judgment along with the rest of us at the moment of your death. If you haven’t accepted Jesus as your master before that time, you will be damned to hell for eternity. Spirits are forever. Heaven will be filled with murdered fetuses and prison felons, oddly enough. Easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle!!!

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Denver, the ancient cultures have histories that tell of their beautiful world and abundant lives BEFORE the Evil appeared. They tell how the Evil came as friends, bearing gifts and amazing magick. And very, VERY slowly the Evil destroyed their culture and enslaved the People.

In the Zulu history, which is one of the longest surviving oral histories, it says "They destroyed our culture and enslaved the People, with their words and their stories".

It wasn't weapons that enslaved the people Denver, it was Language and RELIGION.

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Think Bobby Kennedy, Jr. will pass this along to Abby Rockefeller who was perched next to pal Meryl Nass at his Boston Announcement?

Who was also on his/her CHD channel to talk about raw milk. (😅)

Yes indeed.

Go to hell, Rockefellers! Signed, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. "Dissident"

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Cognitive Dissidents R Us

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We all know that Trump and Kennedy are Zionist Jews. This is the elite, this is the chemicals in the food, this is our corrupt JEWDICIAL system! Wake up…NO HIDE LAWS ARE ON DECK! The majority of America are not jews and do not vote! This civil war is coming w the technology that shows these people are not human!!! “THEY LIVE” and they eat our children and they are about to be exterminated way worse than anything they could have made up w Hitler!!!

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Wow, unbelievable, basically Kennedy and Gabbard said nothing vital at all, shear propaganda lines of meaningless dreams.

Recently got a text from Trump asking for $10. When Billionaires ask you for $10, RUN!

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He took $500 million from the stop the steal campaign. What happened to all that money ey?

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Lol!!! They are such wankers

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I do not believe the 'Elite' are 'panicking' one bit - there plans have been in action and worked for hundreds of years, and have worked like clock-work.

Sure, Trump and RFK Jr. and others joining forces is great, BUT there is a 'n**er in the wood-pile'. Both have promised allegiance to the Zionists, and the Zionists are at the black heart of the Globalist's NWO 'One World Gulag' agenda.

They were behind the Federal Reserve Mega-Scam, and behind the assassination of anyone who tried to stop it. And they are behind the sterility/depopulation jabs, and aren't about to allow anyone to stop their agenda. They are behind the flooding of America, and Europe, and the UK, with illegal immigrants. The only thing that will put an end to their machinations is Jesus' Second Coming.

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Amen. Knowledge of what is coming to pass is all a ‘chasing of the wind’. God is in control and if my head is chopped off, if I still have a tongue, I will be praising my Lord through my last breath. Bring it on! My king already won 😄

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