"Abolish the FBI" tee shirt, yup ordering now, it will go well with my collection of "Fuck Fauci", "Fuck Joe Biden" and "Biden Likes Minors" tee shirts.

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Done. Donation made with pleasure. If we can't support people who take big stands for us all at great costs to themselves, we are all lost. Thanks for bringing this story to my attention.

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Where did you find a way to donate to "Free Jeremy Brown?"

I am trying to find out how to donate directly to his defense.

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The link was at the bottom of the article. Here you go: https://www.jeremybrowndefense.com/

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Thanks Dave, I feel better.

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FBI is a domestic terrorist organization.

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Just like the CIA, which is comprised of satanists, pedos, and some even say Archons.

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The country and the world would be so much better off without these criminal gangs.

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All Secret Agencies, Agents,Clubs, Groups or Societies that take or make oaths of secrecy to said agencies,clubs, Brotherhood's, Sisterhood's or societies are no doubt amongst the workers of darkness,thus the reason they require and must have secrecy. I pray that the light shine brightly on each and everyone of these secret oath keepers. The only oaths that are any good are the ones we take openly and honestly with a sincere heart to our Heavenly Father in public, in the presence of our loved ones. Like that of Holy Matrimony.

May each and everyone of them be exposed and all their secret tunnels, legions, lodges,clubs,halls, tabernacle's and temples be destroyed forevermore so they no longer have any place to hide.

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help us God is what is going to set us free.

" I am the way, the truth and the life,and no one comes to the Father except through me"

Christ Jesus.

Thus the only way to God is by way of the Truth.

"You shall know the truth and the truth will make you free" Christ Jesus

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The on-going injustice in our fallen Constitutional Republic, calls for the saints of Jesus Christ to pray to YHVH/God "imprecatory prayers". Imprecatory means "that which calls down a curse or invokes judgment," so the imprecatory psalms are prayers that call for God's judgment on one's enemies. The imprecatory psalms in particular vocalize King David’s tears in the face of injustice and suffering.

For instance, Psalm 69:27–28 states, "Add to them punishment upon punishment; may they have no acquittal from you.” Other major imprecatory Psalms include Psalm 69 and Psalm 109, while Psalms 5, 6, 11, 12, 35, 37, 40, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 79, 83, 94, 137, 139 and 143 are also considered imprecatory. Psalm 69:24 prays to YHVH God: "Pour out Your indignation on them, and let Your burning anger overtake them." While Psalm 69: 27-28 prays to YHVH, “Charge them with crime upon crime; do not let them share in your salvation. May they be blotted out of the book of life and not be listed with the righteous.”

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Vickie Dawn: Clearly you are a "Steward of the Mysteries of God". [1 Corinthians 4:1]


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https://youtu.be/MdWTXDMVb3k?si=swZYQycnWc83f1X9. 12 Years ago when I lost everything and everyone I had ever held dear to my heart, for speaking the truth in love out loud, I could so relate to psalms 69. I read it often and it helped me to know that I was not alone, and who I was and who I am. A royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people and a Woman ( Womb man) after Gods own heart.

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“… strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying that through many tribulations we must enter the Kingdom of God.”

[Acts 14:22]

“… by which He has granted to us His precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the Divine Nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.”

[2 Peter 1:4]

“When Christ, who is your life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.”

[Colossians 3:4]

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Yes, thank you for that list. I actually pray some of those prayers quite often. Almost daily for many years now.


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That's right sister. Let's hold the line. We almost home. God bless and MARANATHA.

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❤God Bless and. Maranatha to you. Thank you

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I’m glad you’re talking about this again. What they did to him is egregious. Trump hasn’t even mentioned his name let alone any of the J6 prisoners except once. I’ve donated to his legal defense which you can find on his Rumble channel.

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It cuts both ways , i truly believe if the Grump would mention them by names they would suffer , under political orders , the prison guards would extract a price out of them all. I wish Warden and prison guards would dissent and speak out publicly. But everyone fear to lose a pay check . . . sigh

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That doesn’t make sense? Suffer more compared to what they already are suffering? People have to stop making excuses for Trump. Call it as you see it. Your life will be much simpler & peaceful.

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Yes money is the quintessential form of social control.

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This current offering is yet another example of the importance of being a PAID subscriber to the Greg Reese Substack.

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Thanks for this info Greg. Donation made

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No words. I admire Mr. Brown for not failing to honor his oath.

But, let's all go out and vote this year and we can fix this. Yeah, right.

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Mr. Brown agrees with you. He has been outspoken about the betrayals against Jan 6 prisoners, and the disrespect shown directly to his own mother...by the Maga godhead. He says the only ones who will ever fix this is we the people. I agree. But I'm not sure if we have it in us. Everyone wants to vote it away.

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Greg I feel the same way as you do! We the people can't vote this away! I'm not sure if the majority of Americans have it in them either!

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What exactly are you saying, Greg? Who directly disrespected this man’s mother? It must be important. Because no one knowing and standing for the truth would show anything but compassion for this woman.

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Have you seen the video “God made Trump”?


I am reminded of Matthew 24:11 & 24:24

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Voting for secular political Messiahs & figure heads won’t fix this. The system IMHO has to collapse on itself from the weight of its own iniquities. This is just history & human nature. What we are not good at observing anymore. A skill our Founders had. Observing & able to predict & in some cases interdict the best & worst of our “Killer Angels.”

“Ideas are peaceful. History is violent.”


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Yes that appears to be the mechanism as regards human nature. But there is an agenda. Note how back in 2020 the whole world hit a brick wall nations in tandem (LOCKSTEP) but now everyone is "arguing" with each other, a war or a rumour of one at many borders. How could the lockstep work in the name of safety back then, and now it's a different un-harmonius planet? It's because there's a war of ATTRITION planned. Amputees sent to the Ukranian front, old military men called back into service. Looks just like the vax system; hit the infirm and the elderly while getting every one used to the injustice agenda.



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You've really got to be a scumbag extraordinaire to work for the FBI. Those who are silent and purport to be of good character within the FBI need to hold these scumbags accountable. or they are culpable too. This is why recording is so important and openness rather than secrecy. Notice scumbags never want recordings to be made? Recordings are our safeguard against those with ill intent.

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"No Due Process, no trial by jury, straight to Jail..." Political Persecution the new NORMAL!!!

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We went to sleep in the US and woke up in the former USSR. Support the Trump Ramaswamy Ticker. Please.

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It took 69 years for the people living in the USSR to come back from the brink. I am not the waiting type.

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We must dismantle the Deep State or they will dismantle our Constitution.

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Amen Brother , What is god given cannot be taken away by mens

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As Lionel Lebron said: when the Republicans are in power the enemy comes from outside, when the Democrats are in power the enemy is the American people.

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Mafia rule. America is gone.

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police state

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POLICE STATE: How America's Cops Get Away With Murder, by Attorney Gerry Spence, copyright 2015. www.stmartins.com. (St. Martin's Press.)

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I remember when he came on infowars to tell his story thanks for the update- and info to support

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Same for Rhodes, Biggs, Montoya.

Whodathunk it?

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Whether JFK really said this or not, it MUST be done and not just with the CIA but ALL of the three letter agencies of the US government, as well as their equivalents in the so called "free world":

"Splinter the C.I.A. in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds."

However, if you still think this will be achieved by voting for the 'right' candidate, you are seriously deluded!

"Sometimes you gotta tear it ALL down. Start over again!"


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"Sometimes you gotta tear it ALL down. Start over again!"

Actually the elite are working from the same premise.

Bunkers? Svalbard?



NWO BBB will take place after.

All the grifter politicks are in kickback mode so they can buy a seat.


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The enemy's high command has made a strategic decision to proceed with nuclear exchange/s. This is fairly obvious at this point.

Therefore, it is in our best interests to preempt that but taking the initiative.

We MUST move from defence to offence. No war in the entirety of human existence has been won by sticking to defence only!

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That's what it APPEARS as but the REAL agenda is to FALSE FLAG a RADIATION pandemic to hide the real PANDEMIC AKA THE PLAGUE which is nanotech genetic KNOCK-OUT MOUSE gene flipping turning the nanobots from the vax and everywhere else into VIRAL HEMORRHAGIC FEVER because bleeding from every orifice looks like RADIATION POISONING.

They're not going to contaminate the planet with cesium-137 for after they come out of their bunkers they're not going to want to have to deal with that.

They live here TOO.


That's why they've put all this in place:


They're using the same fear factor ploy they always use to confuse the narrative.


The other thing they have planned is 1p36 GENE DELETION SYNDROME.

"Medical problems commonly caused by terminal deletions of 1p36 include developmental delay, intellectual disability, seizures, vision problems, hearing loss, short stature, distinctive facial features, brain anomalies, orofacial clefting, congenital heart defects, cardiomyopathy, and renal anomalies."


This is where the WWZ zombie effect will come from as historically those born with this gene problem cannot speak and bite themselves.

It will be Ai assisted, a carrier wave from any frequency source that will flip the gene sequences in humans.

Meanwhile they'll blame each other for setting off nukes thinking no one is the wiser. The hospitals will be overloaded and the bleeding will carry into the air spreading the disease.

One can imagine/not the rest.

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