I’m all for secession. It’s the reason why I’ve stayed in Florida. When the SHTF, if DeSantis or someone like him, is still at the helm, then I believe it could very well happen.

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I agree with Sherry. The only thing I oppose about DeSantis is the CDC protocol that he supports when people in Florida have to go to the hospitals. That's very serious but overall, he has been the best so far.

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Thank you for your video about what is happening in Brazil, where politics are very complicated

but the energy and passion of the people is amazing and inspiring. There is truly a massive organic and peaceful uprising here against the illegitimacy of the 'government', or rather the deep state. I think your audience would find it interesting to do an interview with Allan dos Santos, a Brazilian journalist who has been living in exile in the USA for more than two years. One of many forced to flee from the dictatorship by the judiciary, a shadow group of leftist globalists, who have been running the country with an iron fist for the past two and a half years. Here he talks briefly about it -English subtitles available https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiWZ-ln57Pg .

On Tuesday, the PL ,the party that Bolsonaro belongs to, will present hard evidence of massive electoral fraud - more than 250 000 of the voting machines across the country cannot be verified due to having the same serial number),. However, there is an institutional crisis because the TSE, the electoral court, were running the election and were also taken over by the same egg-headed character who seized power over the STF Supreme court and is the de facto dictator of Brazil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4SNowF8ztI - English subtitles available.

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Greg and Friends,

I think you presented some great points during the interview. Here are my 2 cents.

I noticed form the beginning, that Trump lacked the law enforcement skill-set to handle the Law Enforcement Oath required for the Presidency. Trump is a great cheerleader and optimist, and that has advantages, but historically he has not been a good manager. Trump's "Art of the Deal" became the "Art of the Steal" used by his enemies.

I don't blame him for not going into office with "guns a'blazing", by tearing into the criminals in the D.C. Swamp without a plan and strategy. But he needed to put the right people in DOJ, (instead of Sessions, who could have run interference as the real deputies did their jobs). Also Deputy Dawg, Bill Barr, was a fat-ass sluggard with globalist ties to Verizon and 5G, and an ugly left-over from old man Bush's years. Trump should have forced Barr to take action by Sept. of 2020, but he let this go on.

Obviously Alex Azar as Sec. of HHS, was a Yale-trained attorney formerly with Eli Libby, and another poor pick that tied Trump to big pharma in what was already a health care crises.

There were people like myself, Jon Rappoport and Celia Farber that have been calling for Fauci to be fired and even prosecuted for over 30 years now! Trump should have cleaned that mess out on DAY ONE in office, simply by appointing the honest HHS Secretary to get the job done. Instead Trump ended up letting Fauci run the government. That was incredibly STUPID. Scot Atlas was there in the Oval office trying to talk Trump out of his blunder. (Watch ABC, CBS, NBC, clips etc)

The 2016 election was already marred by about 3.5 million votes Hillary pulled out of her "hat" in the wee hours of the morning back then, and that should have been investigated. Instead, Trump let Mueller, (an ICON of deep state crimes going back long before when he took over the FBI ,7 days before 911) pretend to be a cop as "special investigator/prosecutor." I could go on with a list and sequence of failures ending in Trump's "warp speed disaster"

Like you I presume, I don't hate Trump, and he did do some good, but he just doesn't have the skills to be President. He should have dug in and FORCED the election recall upon the Supreme Court with the other 10 states. Instead, we now have our fellow citizens in prison from Jan. 6th as all of this gets worse!

In contrast, Ron DeSantis, like him or not, is kicking ass as a leader and knows how to use Law Enforcement. Rand Paul is doing the same as best he can with investigating Fauci and Biden's phony war in the Senate.

We just can't take another 4 years of Trump, who let all of what we have worked for fall collapse as the world plummets into insane tyranny.

What we needed was a Marshall Dillon, and we got a Monte Hall "Let's Make a Deal" negotiator. In short, Trump let these criminals play him like buffoon. The world is now suffering because of Trump's failures.

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Greg I love your work. Earlier this year I paid for a year subscription. Immediately you had issues and you told me ( and users) to go to substack... locals and everything would be hunky dori...my account would someday be made whole - I would be able to access content. It never happened, and now if I want to see the cool Greg content... I will need to open my stinking wallet again. Somehow, I feel wronged, but I dig your content!

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Here is some good background info on the electronic voting operation.


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Nov 18, 2022
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Mine, too!!

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