Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice by Margaret Anna Alice

The Armenian Genocide was not a mistake.

Holodomor was not a mistake.

The Final Solution was not a mistake.

The Great Leap Forward was not a mistake.

The Killing Fields were not a mistake.

Name your genocide – it was not a mistake.

That includes the Great Democide of the 2020s.

To imply otherwise is to give Them the out they are seeking.

It was not botched.

It was not bungled.

It was not a blunder.

It was not incompetence.

It was not lack of knowledge.

It was not spontaneous mass hysteria.

The planning occurred in plain sight.

The planning is still occurring in plain sight.

The philanthropaths bought The $cience™.

The modelers projected the lies.

The testers concocted the crisis.

The NGOs leased the academics.

The $cientists fabricated the findings.

The mouthpieces spewed the talking points.

The organisations declared the emergency.

The governments erected the walls.

The departments rewrote the rules.

The governors quashed the rights.

The politicians passed the laws.

The bankers installed the control grid.

The stooges laundered the money.

The DoD placed the orders.

The corporations fulfilled the contracts.

The regulators approved the solution.

The laws shielded the contractors.

The agencies ignored the signals.

The behemoths consolidated the media.

The psychologists crafted the messaging.

The propagandists chanted the slogans.

The fact-chokers smeared the dissidents.

The censors silenced the questioners.

The jackboots stomped the dissenters.

The tyrants summoned.

The puppeteers jerked.

The puppets danced.

The colluders implemented.

The doctors ordered.

The hospitals administered.

The menticiders scripted.

The bamboozled bleated.

The totalitarianised bullied.

The Covidians tattled.

The parents surrendered.

The good citizens believed … and forgot.

This was calculated.

This was formulated.

This was focus-grouped.

This was articulated.

This was manufactured.

This was falsified.

This was coerced.

This was inflicted.

This was denied.

We were terrorised.

We were isolated.

We were gaslit.

We were dehumanised.

We were wounded.

We were killed.

Don’t let Them get away with it.

Don’t let Them get away with it.

Don’t let Them get away with it.

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That darn identity you've got there surely kinda of gives it up doesn't it? I hope you're AI.

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Exactly thank you for saving me the extra keystrokes.

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And a hearty AMEN TO THAT!

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I hope you are not a human. Sicko

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You bet.

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The first problem I see is right out of the gate where he says there is a virus isolation that’s simply false there is no virus isolation of any virus of any kind. There is no such thing as viruses. We need to be careful with these kind of people they may be controlled opposition

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Yes that's right - why do they keep ignoring this opposing information as though it doesn't even exist and talk about viruses as though they are a foregone conclusion when they're not?

To keep the myth alive that's why. They know they are losing their grip but they keep a thread in the game so they can reconfigure as more become aware. They can keep a hold on that kind of thinking to keep people fearful and in the mindset of having an enemy. This is what makes the profiteers profit.

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Yes. It seems to me that the "virus fear myth" has always been used as a cloak to provide a basis for funding. That may be what Dr. David Martin is eluding to. What he tracks is the funding, and following the money. Martin has said that "vaccines" will be a thing of the past and all of his research is pointing to gene editing, which is where this is all going. Thus, the excuses about "viral mutations" and other "pathogens" is only the cover story.

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Yeah he’s smart enough to know better

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I was pondering that point, as well. In the world of “virology” where viruses are defined as a replication competent intercellular parasite consisting of a genome and an encoded proteinated coat and a disease causing particle that results in more particles and more disease, the narrative falls apart. But, thinking of it as you would a “computer virus”, where a malicious entity is intentionally infecting in the form of, not a virus, but a simple pathogen. I’m not sure if that makes sense completely...simply put, you don’t need a virus to kill people, a pathogen masquerading as a virus would do just fine.

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There’s no pathogens, just poison is in the poison of the Covid shots any other illnesses are simply detoxification or attempted detoxification of the body brought on by stress, pollution in the air, bad food, fear, Other poisons, asshole boss , Crazy wife etc.

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Agreed...I feel the information some are share about Episomes (fragments of a virus) offers a possible explanation for the shedding and yet I feel is only part of the equation here. The radiation poisoning - venom (synthetic) bioweapon is hard to deny. We are being sprayed like roaches....not enough attention on that. Geoengenieringwatch.org

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I agree wholeheartedly;

There are plenty of well intended, very wise individuals, like David Martin, who are (apparently) taking on the Bio-Weapons manufacturers disguised as "The health-care" industry; And rightly so, BUT all the eggs are seemingly being put into THAT basket;

Is this Bioweapon investigation and reporting yet another distraction to keep us all bemused?; I have no idea BUT all of these "investigations and reports" seem to go nowhere and no-one has yet to be held accountable for this (evidenced) 3 decade long, pre-arranged Bio-War on Mankind; "Senate enquiries" and "Congress investigations" are never ending and go nowhere;

Look up to the skies People! Those of us that resisted the "mandated" injections are being systematically poisoned by the same evil; They are also poisoning every living Flora and Fauna on earth, including Our Water;

Geo-Engineering is where we, as a collective of people on earth, NEED to come together and STOP these planes from distributing their DEADLY payloads onto ALL living beings on earth; ALL planes need refueling; Their "payloads" need to be replenished; Pilots need to rest;.... Someone MUST know the how's and where's!

Where are these so-called "white hats" (secret squirrel military) that are allegedly on a mission to "drain the swamp" and save mankind from the "cabal/deep state" intent on depopulating the earth?;

Are we in a never ending episode of the Jew owned "cartoon series", South Park?

Over the last 3 years, my part of Australia, Victoria, has been getting sprayed on a near daily basis; Having a clear sunny day is a rare event; Heavy "natural" Clouds produce very little, if any rain; Even what most would consider a "sunny day" is not so clear at all; There is a near constant "haze" and the former clear and bright daylight has a light-bronze tinge; Our fruit and vegetable trees/plants have refused to bare ripened fruit this past year and a bit; There are hardly any beetles, bugs or even worms; Bees are few and far between; Our feathered friends that visit us are constantly looking up at the sky as if there were a bird of prey above, whereas before they would play/fight with each other as they came down for a feed without a care in the world;

I have just recently taken some time away from doing "research" as my mental health was not coping very well and i was becoming very easily agitated; I believe i have been poisoned; I am riddled with aches and pains; We don't drink or even use "town water" at all so that is not the cause; I have spent days outdoors when the sky was plastered with "stripes" and i feel the worse for it; I enjoy being outdoors BUT no longer feel the same grounding that nature usually gives me; I feel like my space has been invaded;

So, i have taken (needed) time inside and have been (guiltily) watching 'Breaking Bad' rather than "investigating" as i usually do when inside; I figure some "light entertainment" can't hurt for a little while;

Breaking Bad was from 2008-2013; As i was watching, i happened to notice the 'stripes' being left in the skies in just about every episode; Filmed in New Mexico, It appears that the border near Mexico has been getting intensely sprayed since at least 2008; Now i have noticed many "screen saver" pictures have the "stripes" in the sky; Was/Is this intended to "program" or "normalise" the "new sky"?;

Where are the people fighting against this toxic spraying of the earth? How can people logically deny that Chem-Trails are very real and the spraying is happening on a near daily basis? How can anyone claim that the spraying is to control "climate change" when the "stripes" are BELOW the natural clouds? Is everybody asleep to this clear and present danger?; Farmers are outdoors more than most and yet they say nothing; Why?;

I have come to conclude that Weather Modification, Air-Borne-Bio-Modification-War-Fare has been declared on Man and Beast and has been in the open for a very long time; There is "movie industry" evidence of Chem-Trails since At least 2008 in the US; It seems as though that all this Evil starts in the US and if there is no resistance from the populace there, the rest of the earth cops it next;

We have what is called the "weather control act, 1967" here in Australia; There have been admissions of using "weather modification" and even admission of causing "un-natural" flooding in Tasmania, (no one held accountable) but no one has admitted to what we are witnessing with blatant trails of "something not natural" being left behind in the skies by aircraft; As a matter of fact, there is nothing but denial and what we are witnessing is nothing more than Con-Trails, or condensation trails from the heat of aircraft exhausts;

GovCo's all over earth will not stop their agenda or even contemplate to act on behalf for the Will Of The People, regardless of how many people protest or how many letters of demand or petitions are sent to them;

When are the Grass Roots, common man and woman going to comprehend that we, the People of Earth, Are the ULTIMATE AUTHORITY be shear weight of numbers alone?.

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This would come under the heading of the Sabbatean Frankist death cult that Icke talks about.

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I think you may be right on. Look at all the biolabs being created now all over the world. There are countless biological pathogens that could be created like bacteria, mold, chemical or even synthetic nano particles that could be manufactured and used.

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And they've been spraying those things in the skies aerosolizing for decades.

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I think you NEED to LISTEN to what was said again.

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I did, and the thing about David Martin in a lot of the other guys like him is he can’t seem to make up their mind whether there is a coronavirus or there isn’t iIn one sentence he said there is another sentence it sounds like he believes that there isn’t. Which is it David? It really matters! And no one has ever seen a spike protein

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Just from the related pharma patents alone former Pfizer analyst Karen Kingston and her husband could tell what was being planned.


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Those that know are remaining silent. Those that reveal are having to unravel things one strand at a time. The revealers, if not controlled opp, the creators of the pandemic knew some would try and reverse engineer things albeit too late. It's so diabolical and predictable at the same time. Yet the white papers are out there and have been for decades as well. It just took too long for the info to surface. AJ warned a long time ago. And it appears that only those lucky to be awake enough caught on. The rest too busy with life and not having discovered Infowars in time were caught in the melee.

Be that as it may even as awake as some might be, humanity, society are not the same anymore and those that knew ahead of time have to deal with the aftermath as well.

Just from the related pharma patents alone former Pfizer analyst Karen Kingston and her husband could tell what was being planned.


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Perhaps the messaging of a "virus" is just to "uncomplicate" what is being revealed?; I mean, it appears as though most are having a hard time comprehending that they have been poisoned by their own "Governments" let alone dragging them into the "virus" vs no virus debate as well;

Or perhaps it's just easier to convey "virus" as that is what the MAJORITY know Covid to be?

Dr Bhurkat (spelling?) from Thailand found the "spike proteins" back in early 2020 just as the "vaccines" were beginning to be announced; He made a Rumble video on it at the time and explained it in lay-mans terms with a chart on a white board; It was his work that i used to convince my wife from taking the shots that were being forced onto her to keep her job and visit her mother and father;

That man is STILL fighting to this day.

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Yeah, the problem with Not telling the whole truth and only the truth or dumbing it down or whatever they wanna call it is that the controllers will continue this as long as the virus narrative is accepted they’re just gonna come up with the new pandemic and locked everybody down. If people knew there were no viruses or contagions for that matter it would be no reason to even think about taking a show called experimental vaccination in reality a chemical weapon, there would be no way they would be able to lock everybody down destroy their individual livelihoods mask them up etc. they just couldn’t do that if people knew it was nothing to catch. If people had known the truth you wouldn’t have millions of people Maine’s, crippled and dead right now. And if you lie to people, and I believe that’s what he’s doing some of them are going to find out and then they’re not gonna believe you about anything We need to be the truth tellers, no matter what it costs even if it cost our own lives or imprisonment or jobs or whatever you have to tell the truth and that’s that.

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I takes me hat of to ya!

You have made my "perhaps" Null and Void and i am in agreeance to what you have stated;

Those with the platform to reach many more than we ever will should be at the "microphone" speaking Loud and Clear about the ENTIRE fraud that is virology;

Maybe, just maybe, Dr. Martin loses his way when speaking as there is too much information bouncing between his ears?;

Perhaps i just have an inbuilt need for hope.......

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What do you call the substance cells eliminate, turds? Cells have waist material, you... don't have... a microscope?

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May 26, 2023Edited
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Yes, But that is not what he and I are talking about he is referring to a biological entity that takes over your metabolism and reproduces by the billions. There is no such thing as this completely fraudulent

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Yes I work with doctors all week long in my boutique Strength training studios. I just don’t know what to make of these folks anymore. Are they in on it, are they MK ultra brainwash ed Or are they just outright fucking idiots ? I just don’t know how they can believe the shit that they believe when they’re looking at their patients getting very ill and or dying right after taking the shots and still claim that they’re safe and effective. And claiming it’s long Covid or some BS like that I’m going with MK ultra brainwash and outright coward ism

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They're mostly just brainwashed idiots. That describes 99% of the people in the System, including the media.

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In my self talk I always thought that I was surrounded by cowards and idiots and then to answer myself I would say wow that’s pretty arrogant considering most people think of you is nothing more than a personal trainer . The last three years, unfortunately have proven what I thought to be 100% accurate . The red pill population which is very small are surrounded by cowards and idiots 24 seven so look out because stupid people are very dangerous

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Fortunately there's less of them now: Some woke up and others vacated the earth realm...

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Nevermind dear, you can tell by the terms they've used they've never looked under microscopes.

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If you're still in the camp that we can peace, love, light and joy these psychopaths into correction and that violence is not an option while violence is being perpetrated on you, you're a deluded New Age idiot. Even Mātā Amritānandamayī Devī, a.k.a. the hugging saint, Amma, has thrown the towel in on Bill Gates. No hugs for you Bill.

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Agreed. You only defeat violence with unrelenting counterviolence. They want war? Fine. Let’s give it to them, good and hard. Tired of the surrender monkeys. Go take your boosters. My heroes shot at the King’s soldiers over tax policy.

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Oooops, my mistake, NOT Amma, Vandana Shiva. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6Ga9iGUIh4 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vandana_Shiva - Sorry about that and thanks for making me look her up, she looks like Amma, but definitely not Amma and Vandana's not just totally against Bill Gates, but working to get rid of him. If it were me with billions, I'd have him & "friends" rounded up and thrown into a volcano from a helicopter. With peace, joy, love, light from the sacred heart of Jesus - Tom

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Really interesting about Amma and Bill Gates. I'd love to know more. Would you be willing to point me in the right direction?

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Just admire Dr. David Martin from his very first appearance in the PLANDEMIC documentary! It suddenly started to ring the bell, and every single piece I wrote from the bioinformatics stand point of view for a very long time, here on substack first since Mar '22, was a confirmation of what he was saying.. Just wish could have warned many more ever since ~Feb 2020 while starting to analyze the by then published genetic sequence of the officially available NIH SARS-CoV-2 'virus'..

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Covid 19:

19 Standard Deviations From Reality.

Where ...

Dying Suddenly Is Just Another Name For:

Peer Reviewing The Data.


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Yeah sadly people's lives reduced to statistics.

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“This Is A Sick Joke At This Point”

-Edward Dowd


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And the joke's on us.

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The Vaccinated

Have Nothing To Be Proud Of.

Start There.


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Yes, they were not informed. Some were coerced. Some made the wrong choice.

At least Martin stated vaccines don't work.

Unfortunately the system is if you don't get this you don't get that.

I always hated vaccines. For some reason I was able to feel the inherent negative energy in the impetus. The syringe or the scratch needle had this ominous vibe to it.

There's this viral video of Bill Gates administering an oral vax into an African baby's mouth.

The look on the baby's face he felt something was wrong.

How would you like it if someone does that to you Gates?

But in order to get on a plane and travel to another country out of CONUS you had to comply with rules already instated in the bamboozled foreign country by those same people that put in their fail safes.

Same as it ever was.

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Dismissing Concerns

Of Vaccine Deaths, Diseases And


Researchers Have Determined

And Have Carefully Explained

That In A Previous Life

The Vaccinated

Were Just As Stupid.


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The "everyone is controlled oppo-there is no virus" crowd negate the most terrible mass crime ever committed in the history of the world. They shoot their wad trying to prove something as if that were more important than holding to account the evil perpetrators of this terrible democide. I have watched every single David Martin interview since I was introduced to his work and am grateful for the truths he's exposed--even though the MSM continues to ignore him. He brings the smoking gun and the malefactors just wave it away as if truth was incidental to their agenda. Thank you for the shortened version and for your postscript at the end, Greg. On this Memorial Day, the lives lost to this disaster should be remembered for what it was: a state-perpetrated terrorist attack on the people for profit.

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Thanks for this short version Greg!!!👍🏼👊🏼🔥🔥📢

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We have a serious issue. Obama has partnered with the world economic forum calling for a national. Emergency and shutting down all independent media. The fraud from Kenya thinks he can rule this. Country still.

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Hate to break it to you but he’s brandons puppeteer....no, I’m not a trumper because hes an Israeli controlled zionist.

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absolutely don't trust Martin, or any of these fake agents hired by CIA to portray truthers. not believable at all. mikovits, tenpenny, etc.

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No matter what side these people are on, the information is being disseminated and it's up to us to glean and separate the wheat from the b.s. Many will not be at this doorstep or even on the same planet as regards this. The elephant and the blind men. Thank someone for bringing in the elephant in the first place. Lord knows the blind would not have been able to accomplish much by themselves.

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Yeah his mention of "aerosolized ebola" and the "bitter clingers" comment he haughtily divulged during his term as another illegal POTUS is enough to want to kick ass and take names or better yet shoot first and ask questions later, or kill them all let God sort it out sentiments.

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May 27, 2023
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I think they had war-gamed contingencies from many angles. They knew the push back would come and they had to have masterminded plans for everything.

This is not just 3D chess it's inter-dimensional chess up against AI thinking in trillions of moves and over vast periods of time.

The Matrix movie was in our face all this time.

The people behind all this were in power since the time of Adam and Eve.

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Doctors and governments playing GOD... Dr. Frankenstein...! It is a crime against humanity and a war crime in an undeclared war. Robert, https://sacredtruthministries.com/

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We definitely need Nuremberg 2

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Nuremberg 1 was a show. Don't think 2 would be any different.

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The problem is the United States brought in to America the ukrainian nazis from the very Beginning. They brought them operation paperclip. We are dealing with the actual nazis. The lab in KYIV Is who developed part of this poisonous shot. This is enormous information! Enough to know how deep we are.

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What I am most interested in about Dr. David Martin is the follow up on his lawsuit naming Joe Biden, defendants include Xavier Becerra of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), as well as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and its leaders.

What came out of this?

Dr. David Martin recently filed the first in a series of lawsuits in Federal Court “to get the truth out” about COVID-19 gene therapy injections and “take back America from the COVID pandemic scare.” In what he calls a “multi-step process,” Martin explains the first lawsuit will put into the public record “that the COVID vaccine is not a vaccine.” Instead, Martin explains the Injections are experimental gene therapies “known to kill people, known to actually stay inside of the human body for over 60 days producing pathogens that are scheduled toxins.”

The lawsuit, Griner v. Biden et al., was filed on Mar. 4, 2022, in the U.S. District Court in Utah on behalf of Devan Griner, MD, a double-board certified surgeon and widely published author who has transformed the lives of hundreds of children in Utah and beyond. Besides naming Joe Biden, defendants include Xavier Becerra of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), as well as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and its leaders.


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At least some are doing something. It's not easy filing a suit and that's better left to the few that can. Lest we forget men like Dr. Rashid Buttar was killed for his efforts, we should be thankful there is push back. Imagine if there were none.

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no offense but David Martin is one of the last people I would look to for truth. His double talk speech patterns in many of his older videos smack of cia mk ultra programming much like the guy who made Plandemic, Mikki Willis. Both men practice eastern religion and seem cult connected in some odd way. Martin has freemason symbols on his website. Search Martin on YouTube and watch some of his old vids on finance.... another one where he is in maybe the Arctic or something? he wears that 666 symbol on his neck.

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Yeah we note the signs but we're flies on the wall, not invited to the meeting. Best we can do is listen to those with the info no matter who they are and what they're up to in the scheme of things.

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No I don't think so. Study mind control - you will suddenly begin to recognize programming messages. many use NLP in speech. most truthers who claim some notoriety are paid agents trained to distract, to mislead. Peggy Hall is another who follows eastern religion but her followers all think she is Christian. she lies. connect the dots. does someone with satanic symbols on his jewelry sound like a trustworthy source? it's not that hard to see these people are fakes.

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You've proven your own point. The Luciferians need to inform in order to reduce their karma for the wrong they intend to do to humanity. It's what they believe. Think how many people did not get the memo and fell into the vax trap. The demonology writes white papers. They put the info out there. It's up to the victim-hood to find it any way it can.

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for what's it's worth maybe start with the committee of 300 to get the foundation of where the world domination originated from politically. the names are not known to most of us. taking the vax isn't about knowing things, it's about obedience to the demonic system. once you agree to it, it's not in your nature to think for yourself.

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Yes the 300. They have a gaggle of people around them. We see the foot soldiers. Not the committee members.

Even if not agreed to, the mechanics of the components in the vax/shed are to install AI receivers to control the brain. Hearing all sorts of things. Even unto erasing the concept of God from the thought process.

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yes!! that's it. I saw the film The Cell with Cusack and thought, when can we expect that? it's all real.

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yes by John Coleman a true insider. he still has some videos up on you tube. get headset, sound isn't great but he is a good speaker. it's a huge hidden piece of this puzzle.

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I've watched. From the very beginning. Who was actually speaking about the plan written in documents if you read the entire thing? Then you will know who is Closest to the truth. I found him challenging the narrative very early. But I also know he is. Part of the plan. I say that only because there isn't that many that is Not dead from the challenge. The legal side of this situation is so locked up With Soros. Agenda. He has bought the legal system that requires. A full frontal assault in order to even get a case heard in front of this court. The transhuman agenda has been in play since Obama. He is The one that started the brain initiative and Biden is the one that got the laws passed making each one of us a product. Literally slaves. The supreme court already ruled that if you receive this vaccine you are now patented product. Is owned by the patent holder. I will continue to follow the ones that have The information right and the legal avenue. That's all we have!

Humanity is at a dire moment.

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Banned.video leftist mods banned me for saying covid is war a bio weapon http://Banned.video leftist mods banned me for saying GOD RULES ALSO for saying patriotic truths and many more things i called i even said CHERNOBYL OHIO Was an inside job first NO CURSING INVOLVED JUST TRUTH About athiest communist demonicra jihad againsr us,,,covid is Commie Odd Virus Is Demonicrat,, FACT https://banned.video/watch?id=64710a0a1cd98dc354c3a20

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It is a military operation you do not use specific words unless it is. That is proven in the d o d paperwork. And the financial connection to every bit of it.

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Connect the dots and follow the money because Fauci said with 100% certainty there would be a surprise outbreak while Trump held office. PRC test kits were ordered worldwide which were not meant to detect Covid so there were many false positives. I recall a piece of fruit testing positive for Covid. It has come time for the people to gather in huge masses to have what the media called mostly peaceful protests (BLM) where the World Economic Forum & Bilderberg Group meet. Don't let Lindsey Graham fool you either because he is part of it. Saw a article that even DeSantis was part of Skull & Bones. We are living in evil times. Henry Kissinger is still actively involved as well and he said when people (slaves) can no longer contribute to society (taxes) it's time to cull the herds of useless eaters. I do not know if "The Elders of Zion" is really true but that is playing out lockstep right now with LGBTQ & Trans agenda because most of these people will not be reproducing and that along with vaccines will reduce the population. Maybe they Georgia guide stones were also foretelling the future as Illuminati/Freemasons control most government as well as celebrities. This goes deep.

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And I read comments on YouTube from "feminists" screaming out to let their little boys get castrated....it's their right to be female. What a pathetic and sad group of women! I am glad to say I never supported women trying to dominate men, be sleezy, act like loud mouthed rude humans. At 64 I have no generation, I belong no where these days. I stand under the authority of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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♪ But it's too late, baby, now it's too late

♪ Though we really did try to make it

♪ Something inside has died and I can't hide

♪ And I just can't fake it, Oh no no no no no ♪♪♪

Alls I can say humanity is like stuck pigs.

Unless there's an antidote and it's given out and it's not "too late" we're royally screwed.

Jabbed or not transfection will take its course.

As former Pfizer analyst Karen Kingston stated recently this is not genocide it's EXTINCTION.

Humanity as we've known it will cease to exist.

Everyone was put in place in all key positions to facilitate this.

And that includes the psychopathy in DC.

No excuses.

Maybe some heads will roll but that won't be enough to undo the damage.

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You seek the truth and discover all the lies… but where and what is the “truth”.

Jesus said, “I am… the truth, the way and the life.” And that “the truth will set us free.”

Look no further and know that only He sets us free, gives us peace and love, and the promise of eternal happiness. Life is short and a struggle to stay in the peace - away from sin and close to Jesus. So, what shall I do? Spread the message that Jesus already saved us and the winning ticket is free- just call on Him, kneel and say like Thomas, “My Lord and My God!”

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