Ben Davidson of SuspiciousObservers youtube channel has been recording and collating all the credible data on this subject for a long time. For a quick, comprensive overview, see the playlist of short documentaries he has created there, which he adds to periodically with his daily updates. It's all there.

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Davidson was the one responsible for discovering this:


And after a while he back pedaled and said it was an instrument glitch.

If you ask Davidson about it now he will not discuss it or will play down the information.

According to the information surrounding this, the Earth's bow-shock reversed for 28 hours because our Sun's twin collapsed binary is in the vicinity and attempting PERIHELION with it's twin, our Sun.

The MAGNETIC pole shifting is said to be because of the two stars reacting to each other.


But a PHYSICAL pole shift is what is said to be expected where what happened to Noah is once again to occur.

As explained before in other GR substack episodes at the exact SAME TIME that the bow-shock reversed, a 100+ mile dust plume occurred on the southern tip of Mars.

It, the binary, reversed the Earth's bow shock for 28 hours starting March 12 2012. Only a star can create a bow shock. And the Mars dust plume happened on the same day.


Take note that the bow shock is facing towards the NIGHT SIDE where our Sun is on the right in the GIF at the proper DAY SIDE position.

This is not normal and only a star can create a bow shock on a planet.

This is said to give credence to the idea that the binary caused both incidents and although the binary is the remnants of a collapsed star that went supernova long ago and is a NEUTRON STAR and is only a few kilometers in diameter, its mass is still powerful enough to wrestle the Earth's bow-shock from our Sun as seen in the image/GIF (above) that the gov't scrubbed from the net.

The photo (BELOW): the binary was in the Constellation LEO on March 12 2012 in proximity to Mars and the Earth as per the star positions seen in Solar Scope.



This neutron star is so heavy that it WARPS SPACE so it sits in a gravity well to where it can't be seen.


It's being said that when the Earth gets in position to where the binary is (now in the Constellation Scorpio) this coming June (was end of May) we, the Earth, are at a greater risk of being snagged by the polarity of the binary as it moves into position and brushes up against the Earth (should the Earth be in the inopportune location) when the binary moves on its orbit path to reach PERIHELION with our Sun and this could cause an actual physical flip of the Earth to where the oceans slosh out of their basins and the Earth is terraformed because of the forces created by both Stars interacting with each other. All this before the binary moves away into its normal journey orbit away from our Sun and out into space for several thousands of years.



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Yes the pole shift DOD scientists, now say every 6000 years the poles shift 120º. Noah's flood was the last one. What causes this? Nibiru and her 7 cousins a binary dwarf star to our sun. You can not see it until it gets close to our sun, first we see it blue, then later read, then it is too late, you missed the boat, most of the inhabitants on earth at the time. The evil elite have a "infra red Lucifer” telescope on top of Mt Graham. AZ, just to look and track Nibiru or planet X. They tell us sheeple nothing and prepare underground bunkers called D.U.M.B. graves for the demons. Us top-siders, can escape up with Jesus, no joke. I ain't lying! The tables are set, the candles are lit, just waiting 4 the bridge and groom to show up hither.

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Not so sold on the Nibiru "X" angle.

Yes infrared is being used. IRAS, the infrared scopes down in Antarctica as well as the Vatican's. Also tracking of neutrinos being done at Antarctica which can be used to track black holes.


Greer's recent introduction to the neutrino machine in Antarctica:


The rapture, easy to bring that up at this time.


It is the Day of The Lord.

2 Peter 3:10-18

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

Isaiah 2:19

And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.

But this was caused by a star not a brown dwarf:


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Exactly. These spineless degenerates will build their bunkers and hide from the wrath of God. But to what end? Is it not written " they will cry for the mountains to fall on them because the day of the Lord has become.

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"Davidson was the one responsible for discovering this:"

What this also tells me and I explained it below is Ben is a form of controlled opposition and he has no idea because of his ego. The people that know are pushing him on the masses so that they think they have more time when the reality is we have months.

Whoever is pushing Ben is also responsible for him dropping this topic.

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Whatever Ben's reasons, they must be good enough "for him." Things have a way of getting nasty as regards this type of info and to his credit he did come on Reese's substack and say something like "all you have to do is float away..." Davidson does have, he said, a survival camp, planned in the works or completed, I don't know but he's in the vicinty of planning for something.

I listened to Ben for a number of years, saw his pole shift info and of course it was startling.

But things have progressed.

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Yes, Ben has a survival camp and it’s apparently located in the vicinity of numerous penitentiaries. Would you feel safe in such a location if society breaks down?

I no longer trust Ben at all.

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"It reversed the Earth's bow shock for 28 hours starting March 12 2012. Only a star can create a bow shock. And the Mars dust plume happened on the same day."

What I find really interesting about this date is Edgar Cayce predicted a pole shift for that year, I guess he only knew that was the beginning of the event.

I will not say no to a binary system but we should have regular major climate disruptions or pole shifts/reversals and yet its been 780,000 years since the last full complete pole reversal.

But as I said I will not say no to anything nor another planet because it takes 250,000 million years to make 1 journey around the center of the milky way and nobody is going to tell me that our solar system does not encounter great forces during these journeys.

Great forces that would clearly interact with ours and the sun and other planets magnetic poles.

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I thought a full galactic orbit was 26,000 yrs, hence the Mayan prophecy (and 2012). If the effect in 2012 of Earth bow wave and Mars dust was caused by sun binary, then has the period passed?

Hopi prophecy states we see a blue kachina then a red, then it comes.

We know the poles are moving faster and faster.

Davidson estimates 2040s for reversal.

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Its absolutely 250-260 million years for one journey around the center of the milky way. Why knows though Amelia, maybe that has been a lie this whole time because truth be told 26,000 years makes a whole lot more sense.

Ben I I do not get along, the only thing I agree with on him is an earth catastrophe is coming.

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Ok. I thought the Mayan calendar was a cycle of 26,000 yrs and they stated that. Did they mean the sun's entire eliptic cycle in our solar system??

It would be easy enough to calculate if velocity of our solar system known, and velocity of our galaxy spiral known. But galaxies may slow down or speed up prior or during galactic magnetic reversal.

I have Ben's books, and listen to shows, but not read all in detail yet.

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Edgar Cayce also predicted a pole shift for 2012.

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Yes It's a big mystery. And we would need to qualify the term "pole reversal." Is this a MAGNETIC POLE REVERSAL where a compass needle would be pointing south? Or when the Earth lays down 90° and then pops back up? And what sort of pulls the discussion into something "around the corner" if one factors in the Dakota Report's mention of a "BLACKSTAR" in the OPERATIONS section on page 27 of the PDF (provided)


and the discussion therein which sounds pretty ominous, the fact that the elite are all turning the planet upside down with a command-control depopulation agenda, building bunkers and fanning the flames of nuclear war while recently inoculating hospital personnel with Ebola shots (besides the last years of C-19 shots) where if other data brought looming as of late as regards the Ebola shots,



where the technology NOW in place will tend to cause hemorrhagic fever bleeding from all orifices and since nuclear radiation poisoning looks like the same malady, we might come to the conclusion that something is afoot and the ones with the hundreds of trillions of dollars have knowledge of this and are running gangbusters to save themselves while exterminating (mercy killing) the rest of humanity while distracting us with the untruths.

All that said, a planet has no magnetic power of its own, not Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn to do what is seen in that bow-shock reversal gif.

X Nibiru is a distraction put out by the PTB

Will it be this?


Or this? Neutrino detection as a first symptom.



The scenario will be similar to this (below) but the ending in the clip, there's no way anyone can get on a space ship and reverse things as it's not an asteroid. And it won't be a "collision" but a magnetic attraction from the dead binary which in its orbit snags onto a planet that just happens to be in the way. One can ask did this happen to Mars long ago?


Consider that we have bow-shock reversal evidence from 2012. The Gif. The big question is WHAT CAUSED IT? And if we rely on a brown dwarf which is being reported as "not here yet" or an asteroid also not here yet then the idea of a binary seems like the most plausible and considering where the binary is said to be right now was in the place right next to Mars and the Earth on March 12, 2012 although in the Constellation Leo in 2012


and now Scorpio 2024 ergo in the vicinity


but we can't see it because it sits in a gravity well, ADDING all these things happening at once, we need to rethink our perceptions as to what is going to happen.

We've been given clues all along the way and in this period of time where we have instant recall technology, we may want to err on the side of the KEYWORDS/KEY-ACTIONS that pop up through all the data points.



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Is that Ben Davidson, suspicious0bservers.org ?

He talks of the "galactive wave" throughout our galaxy.

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Wow I just got to the end of your post and myself I have been predicting by the end of June 2024 this pole shift will happen, literally gave me goose bumps reading that.

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To be candid we're not really sure if anything will happen this June 2024 as regards a pole shift as we're out of the loop.

All we can do is judge what the elite do and how harried things become.

We are now in February, the next stretch of the 90 day segment of the military style monitoring out from the proposed June mark and the latest "move" by the elite is a "90 DAY DRILL" running from February to May.


What's this all about?

A 90 day drill is unheard of AFIK. And why does it coincide with the timeline we're posturing.

All we can do is prepare best we can and watch for keywords and key-actions. We can only get clues from the elite because they're not blurting out much and it's up to us to put things together.

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Ben is a lawyer and has zero "credible" evidence of anything but a grift. Ben does not record a single thing he uses NASA data to do a 2 minute show daily to misinform 700K people. Unfortunately most of his viewers are not that smart, similar to the people that watch this dribble.

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Once i saw he was quoting NASA, my belief meter dropped to -23

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Agreed and maybe Ben is being pushed by those that know a pole shift is imminent. In other words they don't want people to survive they want them dead hence they push Ben's ego trip of 10-15 more years and nova.

Of course Ben may not even be aware because his ego is that large.

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I doubt very much that there will be a pole shift. They love stuff like this to get the people thinking we are helpless.

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Ordinarily thats a fair comment Denise but its not a question of if, just a question of when. An if question could be will it6 be a pole shift or a pole reversal and I personally say a pole shift.

It is undeniable the dramatic weather events that have happened since the pole reached the 40 degree marker and its only going to get worse. And whats happening on the surface is dwarfed by whats happening below in our oceans.


The oceans once super-heated the earth.


“It’s just mind boggling.” More than 19,000 undersea volcanoes discovered"


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"...stuff like this to get the people thinking we are helpless"

But does that explain the Earth shifting 40' a year, and the Earth's geology showing that every 25.000 years the Earth's Magnetic North changes?

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Well that's what they tell us but how can we tell that's true? They have lied to us since forever. Sure some things they say will be true but should we be listening to liars? If we got our minds off what they do and put our minds on what we can do, everything would turn on a dime.

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Only explanation why he is still monetized where others like Gene are not.

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You are the resource that people should be following. Your information is far more accurate than Ben’s.

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That is referring to Diamond at Oppenheimer Ranch Project.

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It sure is.

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The most powerful magnets experiment [ CERN ]have Nothing to do with Pole Shifting.

Go back to sleep you filthy animals.

Man Made Pole shift . . . just think about it.

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I was about to say this same thing... because like someone else mentioned above, the Earth is flat.

So, how would a natural occurring pole shift happen? It wouldn’t ~ it would HAVE to be man-made.

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Hahahahahahaha 😎

When Greg post those vids i always think to myself. : isn't he a flat earther ?

Its like the biggest cognitive dissonance ever hahahaha.

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I honestly have no clue what conclusion he drew from all of these nuggets of information lol.

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😎 prolly pure Curiosity ? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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CERN is a bad experience, the largest funded science experiment known to man. It will only cause demon portals to hell in the bowels of earth. Hell is here on earth in the molten metal core. CERN will cause the trapped demons to come up to the surface to haunt mankind during the Great tribulation times. The Pole Shift is from Niburi passing over head this time around, it came below the earth in 2012-2013, it is excepted to come over us soon. When? only the Father knows the time or hour. He will tap you on the back, when it is time. No fear, just have FAITH, it is free and comes with asking.

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When i replace "CERN" in your post with COVID , its even better ! ! ! 😎

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BINGO. GENEVA(Cern) as 'the heart of darkness.'

'Cutting off the Head of the Snake in Geneva': Arrest people behind release of 'bioweapon' covid-19 https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/documentary-cutting-off-the-head

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Thnx for the link i will check it out.

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The problem with the molten iron core theory is that molten iron isn't magnetic soooo... ...there goes gravity!

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lol, glad to see some folks are catching on. This business of poleshift and dramatic earth changes has been at the top of the elite's agenda for almost two hundred years. After the gold standard was reasserted in England (@1820) and the moneypower had full control of that government they tasked their explorers with working out the details of magnetic pole shift which von Humboldt had given them the head start on.

(p.s.- yup, gravity ain't what it's 'cracked up' to be. Newton was -according to John Maynard Keynes, who bought his papers - “a Judaic monotheist of the school of Maimonides” - nuthin new under this ole 'twin' suns!

Faraday was all over this, but as per usual his most interesting stuff is "not available at this time." The lost Franklin expedition was the final throw of the dice - to get free and clear of 'the ice' and start diggin for gold where JohnDee had determined the mother lode to be.

I'm following the dots, one by one, using E A Poe's Parisian detective as guiding mentor for breaking down the crime scene.

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It certainly sets the table for whatever climate calamity they have in mind, doesn't it. Factor in HAARP too.

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I wish they would mess with the Van Allen radiation belt instead . If we could tap in that charge particle reservoir we could do good things. Instead of a deadman land radiation wasteland. sigh

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There is no such belt, and the so-called astro-nots who "passed through it on the way to the moon" declared that they didn't even notice it if it was there. Honestly people who still put any faith in NASA are on the short bus. Stanley Kubrick on his deathbed confessed that he helped to fake the moon landings for the government ....come on wake up sheeple

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Would you be willing to provide some evidence for your statement about "Stanley Kubrick on his deathbed confessed that he helped to fake the moon landings for the government"?

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Turns out I was wrong, that was actually an actor and I have no idea why they did that. They faked his death bed confession, for whatever reason.

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He needs to read "Moon Man" by author Bart Sibrel.

People places and times exposed. LBJ was at the New Mexico filming of the fake landing. And there is some talk but no proof that I could find of any death bed confession. He (Kubrick) was taken out.

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Thank you Paula. I'll read the "Moon Man" book that you have recommended.

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I'm sorry Paula, I began reading the book, but I stopped after the end of chapter 4. Because I couldn't stand the B.S. anymore.

The book lacks any decent form of objective evidence, it's full of the author's "personal experience", conjectures, fantasies and other fairy tales, like "discovered previously unknown footage of the first Apollo crew faking part of their mission.", or being arrested or interned in psychiatric hospital. ZERO evidence, pure fairy tales and a work a fiction.

It's more or less a book about his other work of fiction, the "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon" movie.

Thank you for the recommendation though - you obviously had the best intentions.

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That aside, anyone that believes in the moon landings with all of the evidence to the contrary is anything but "awake." Sorry. Same for 9-11.

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What is the "evidence to the contrary", in regards to the moon landings?

I'm really interested in finding out more, and without conspiracy theories BS. Help me, guide me, to find the good info! The moon landings is not the same as 9/11 (that's another BS).

But I can't just trust you because you told me so...

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They call it the van Allen belts but that’s bullshit too. It’s really just the firmament that they cannot get past

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Are you a flat earther?

Prove that the firmament exist, please, and that the Earth, like all celestial bodies, is not a spherical object. Enough with this nonsense!

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how about you prove the firmament does NOT exist? Have you read Bible? How many times does it mention the firmament? I know, I know... the indoctrination runs deep I get it ...but do some research and maybe you will stop referring to it as "nonsense" because a spinning "globe" with water bending on the outside if it pretty much sounds like nonsense to me

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Only retards "believe" in firmament, flat earth, and other jewish-made fairy tales. Are you really interpreting the jews' fairy tale ad-literam?

The onus is on YOU to prove what you peddle here, since it's you who are outside the mainstream science.

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Yes Kellzilla. Evil scientists can and have being doing this for a while.

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Are you home alone again ha ha ha ha

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hmm hmm , yup. Come over and sell me on flat earth , i'll make some cafe & pastry. Oh i forgot about the internet curse ! you are prolly 6000 miles away! sigh hahaha 😎

I change my mind about the firmament about 10 years ago , my take is It's just further out. And i cant dismiss that thought : that we live inside a black hole. Those are so big , there is plenty space for everything. Even Roger Penrose had the same insight not too long ago. Doesn't have to be crush , just closer to each other. Anyway, it's a fun way to spend an evening.

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You’re on!

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stay the fuck away from Europa , Ok first thing i want to do is go to Europa.


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😎 , no i mean wouldn't you ? That's the human spirit ! hahahah

They never did the last book in film tho. That's where it get crazy tbh.

Like the 90s Dune . . . Paul goes on a rampage. lol

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Yeah. Then the Rooskies and the Americans planned search parties. But the Americans were the only ones who could reboot HAL yet as usual it's the Rooskies to the rescue.



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You know , this film sequence make sens in a flat earth context , i mean where is the land falling ? hehehehehe

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Old news. I knew about this since the 1960s. The best site for the facts is:


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Ben is a grift sheep. We don't have 10 to 15 years we probably have months.

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Since you are such an oracle and presume to know all, please enlighten us. With such slanted wisdom and animosity it's likely you have months.

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Stick with your li8ttle cult, remember, its the bets source of information.

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Which cult would that be? I provided the link to one of the sources of information. It's all based of pure science. Please identify anything I've said that is incorrect. Please identify anything from the site I provided that is linked to a cult and is inaccurate. Prove your accusation.

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If you insist but I didn't need this I can just research the bs he spews myself.

Suspicious0bservers is a Pseudoscientific Doomsday Cult


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Again, enlighten us with your wisdom o great oracle. You unclench your cloaca you call a mouth and spew unsolicited personal attacks while inferring you are a all knowing profit? Thought so. FOFF.

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Thank’s Benjamin, from Hawaii.

Hawaii’s volcanos have been erupting for about three to four years now.

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The Earth's magnetic field is already weakened by 20 - 30% since 1859, and continues to grow weaker. Solar radiation is now penetrating the magnetic field supercharging the Earth' core creating increased volcanism and seismic activity.

We have less than 20 years before the magnetic poles shift, the Earth tilts by 90 degrees, and with an almost nonexistent magnetic field will be hit by a micro nova from the Sun, sanitizing most of humanity from the Earth. This is God's great reset. It occurs every 12,000 years.

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If this is the truth, I would rather 'go out' in this way than the drip drip of man's inhumanity.

Does this explain why the sun is being purposely blocked?

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Elizabeth, I wholeheartedly agree ! If there is something heading our way, that takes out Kill Gates, The WEF, the Rothchilds, and all the other sub human parasites with it, I'm totally cool with that way to go. Being reunited with mom, brothers and lost friends is by no means indicative of anything I fear

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Thanks T. ❤️

My idea of an afterlife would be to be released from my human form and consciousness of.

And be energy, light.... etc. Joining with all or whatever may be.

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Yes a quick way to end life quickley and not have to die in bed all old and not moving, high on pills the doctor forces you with.

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I'm sixty six.

I don't do pharmaceuticals or consult MD's.

No drugs of any kind for me. No Forcing of that kind.

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No. Our Sun, and all stars actually nova in varying cycles of time, and are not destroyed in the process. This can be verified via NASA as well. The Earth will be hit by a nova which will include ejecta from the Sun's surface. Nothing will stop what is coming. China and Russia openly discuss this coming event, but the West conceals this from all of us. The elites cannot escape it either no matter how deep their bunkers are. We are going back to the stone age.

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I guess to be more clear... could this be why 'they' think it is important to block the sun. (whether or not it can have the desired affect)

I know you can't really answer that.

So.... the elites destroy the world in an attempt to hold onto life, which they have no understanding of.

(meanwhile... many loose their humanity in the middle of the insanity)

(fortunately and thankfully not all, never all)

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They cannot believe for a moment they can block the Sun. The ejecta from the Sun would be little different from a massive asteroid impact or impacts. It's either disinformation or something that was considered prior to realizing the inevitable. Not sure. Why would they be pushing the global warming bravo Sierra? It's to tax more wealth to subsidize their perceived escape from catastrophe.

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I think 'blocking the sun' is just the cover story for poisoning the people. Just like 'banning farming to stop climate change' is a cover story for killing the people with fake foods.

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You do realize that by quoting NASA as a source, you instantly remove any credibility with your post, right?

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The late, great Jno Cook had this nailed; no 'ejecta' from the sun required. The North American extinction event of 11,300 BC was brought about by lightning - even carved out the GREAT LAKES in one shot. see "Carolina Bays." Forget about "glacial scouring" fairy tales! https://saturniancosmology.org

NASA has never recovered from Dave McGowans MOONDOGGIES expose. Altho they did manage to knock him off - for the trouble he caused em. "Your tax dollars" etc., etc.,

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Thanks again Benjamin…from Volcano Island Hawaii...

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"the Earth tilts by 90 degrees, and with an almost nonexistent magnetic field will be hit by a micro nova from the Sun..." Actually, from what i understand, the protective Magnetosphere weakens, the Sun "micro-novas", (Surface Mass Ejection), the energy of which liquefies thew boundary layers of quartz between the Earth's crust and mantle, then according to Velikovsky's research, "the Earth turns over" 90 degrees. This is an the alternating cycle found on The Great (Cosmic) Year... and provides the explanation of why tropical fossils are found in the Arctic.

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Every 6000 is what the DOD pole shift scientists now say. Noah's flood was the last one. The earth's crust will shift 120º, and many will perish, shorelines will change. I can write this, because I have ZERO FEAR. Jesus is real. I say "He's Alive!

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"If the poles are expected to flip"

Just like that. Just "flip".

Crazy thinking. Right in that fear-mongering bucket of waste products.

What could possibly go right?

That's happening to Paris, not all of France. And the french farmers threw rotten produce etc. at the first McDonald's which attempted to open in France, years ago.

And yes, large commercial agriculture as it's practiced is not sustainable, nor balanced in any way. So the farmers could stand to rachet it all down to a sustainable project, which would mean not such easy profits. Just because A does bigger wrongs, does not mean B's wrongs need not be addressed.

Everything is a lot more complex than this endless pro and anti discourse tool of the masters of war.

Frankly, we need more adults in the room.

Russia pushed covid too. Russia is no holy grail of truth. It's peoples are enormous, intelligent, powerful, historical, and it's government is out to lunch, like every other power monger ever.

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True: Russia is 'simply' maintaining its autonomy and ability to supply the nation with essentials...but they are equally fascistic and intent on total control.

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Hi Greg, hello from Belgium. If this poles shift is imminent and we were lied to in the West, does that mean we the people don't stand a chance?

Do you actually mean that the Western Governments USE this shift to cull their citizens?

Thanks for reporting although it sounds real frightening!

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I have more questions than answers. My best guess is that the shift is a cyclical natural occurrence. Similar to a solar eclipse, they are predictable, but much more rare. I doubt many of our leaders understand either.

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A poleshift could not happen since there is no curve to be found which means that we are not on a ball in space.

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Are you certain? Aren’t you just accepting a new theoretical model with no proof? Just like you once did with the debunked heliocentric one? And even if true, there is still a magnetic center and it is definitely shifting. You can measure it.

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Real science is never certain so agree that we should always consider multiple possibilities. But there is lots of good proof, f.e. multiple repeatable tests measuring the non-existing earth curve over open sea, we can see way too far with consumer technology now. I don’t know how much trust we can put into this moving magnetic center measurement, but yes it would definitively be possible on a topographic plane as well, but it would not mean as much of a catastrophic event as if it was on a ball that “flips”. It would mean the ice at the edges would melt in one end of the circle and freeze in another and now when I come to think of it, this is just was is happening. Could def explain some old archeological findings like cities under water outside the coast of Africa and similar.

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re: "pole shifts" - Jno Cook cut through all the b.s. All the collective mythologies of the human race point in the same direction:

"It is ubiquitous for the oldest legends to state that the Earth at one time flipped over, although this is also stated as the interchange of north and south compass directions, or east and west. Velikovsky's Worlds in Collision includes many examples (I'll list some below), but ultimately they are confusing, for no particular time period is pointed to. Most are generic statements, often introduced with "at one time."

Velikovsky attempted to use this information to suggest that the Earth indeed did turn over, and placed it in the era of 1500 BC, during the Exodus of Moses. There are only a few references which might point to 1500 BC, and even if coupled to the devastation and orbital changes of 1492 BC, they do not add up.

The Earth never turned over, although it likely did so partially. But it sure looked like the Earth flipped over: the compass directions were interchanged, and the Sun now rose where it had set the previous day. I'll suggest that nearly all the references to a change in compass directions or the Earth turning over, refer to the events of 3147 BC. Other changes refer to 2349 BC, to 747 BC, and to 686 BC. The details of the narratives almost always point to actual events, even if dates are never given."


Beyond Velikovsky. Way beyond.

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New subscriber here, appreciate your coverage on this and other important under reported topics!

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ok. Shit. Tiny bit of relieve here...

Well, one thing is for sure, our leaders are far removed from nature and the planet. And from us.

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Greg, dissect the DAKOTA REPORT OPERATIONS section page 27.

With your knack of finding things we all might be surprised at what you come up with.


It was passed around by Jim Marrs before he died and he's discussed it.

Although the document has "debunked" plastered at the top, Marrs was really into this and he's had a long history of delving into "theories."

Marrs appeared with AJ and Lee Ann some time ago. AJ and Jim were joking around and Alex snatched Marrs' hat.

Ask your archivists for the footage. I don't have it but I did see it LIVE.



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First two sites would not come up. Hmmmmm.

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Still works for me. I checked.

I had similar experience some days ago trying to access the PDF. It would not show.

Maybe use another browser or without VPN?

Last two days can't access madmaxworld or




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re: Dakota debunk pdf.

"Dynamite" find! From the text -

"Twelve board one bus and are dropped off several blocks away at a predetermined location

❖ Awaiting at this point are: 3 ambulances, 3 police vehicles and 1 fire truck. Two ambulances contains 20 paramedic type jump bags. Each bag contains 50kg of HMX demolitions. The 3rd ambulance contains portable plasma cutters, bach police vehicle contains 300kg of thermite in the trunk. The fire truck is primarily for good measure hut contains additional equipment if needed

> Emergency vehicles are authentic. Their parallel use is arranged by both Silverstein and Giuliani"

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Thanks for the explain.

9:11 was called Global Guardian Wargames.

The drill, Amalgam Virgo Exercise.

The Joint Chiefs in cahoots with NSA, NORAD, FEMA, FBI, CIA.

The Arlington County Fire Dept supervised was by the D0D.

The 23rd floor on B7, was Giuliani's baby spent millions to renovate to build a command post.

Heard a truther talk show, the host had (AE911Truth) Richard Gage on.

Host asks Gage "what's the Dakota Report"

Gage replies: "what's that?"

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Greg. We all have to open our penial gland.

How many are still drinking the flouride from the cabal?

This is a battle of life and death.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; and for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. ~Ephesians 6:12-20

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Space weather YouTube channel Suspicious Observers (Ben Davidson ) has been covering what he calls the disaster cycle/ magnetic pole shift / geomagnetic excursion and the earth “turning over.” It is a cycle every 6,000 and 12,000 years. We are due for the 12,000 year cycle. Fascinating stuff. Here are some links for you.

Earth Disaster is Coming/ All the Evidence


Solar Micronova is going to happen


Climate forcing


Radiation Disaster on the Horizon


Galactic Dust Signs of the Great Shift


The Earth will Turn Over / Pole Shift


Safe Zones and Explaining how the oceans will flood the continents when the earth “turns over”


Earth got Lucky / Super Eruption from the Sun (10 days ago)


The Earth Disaster/ When They Figured it Out


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Super, Mishw, Thank you!

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Yes I've followed Ben for a while. But methinks he was got-to and had to retract the information that was given to him as to the cause of a "pole shift."


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We don't stand a chance if they cut the energy and food production off . 😎

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Well, there is history of millennia to prove you wrong. But you might have to get your hands dirty.

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The Deagle report seems to show that the east, China, Russia and some other nations lose far fewer people in the big event. My guess is that the west will use it to cull populations using the event as an excuse. I'm guessing through pulsing. I have no idea otherwise but what else would explain population losses far higher than in China, Russia and BRICS collaborators than in the west.

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A geocentric model with a localised sun that micronovas would explain it

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And all by 2025.

If that doesn't have "HMMMM!!!" written all over it, ...

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What I'm hearing is this "pole shift" has occurred many times throughout history and for some reason there is no real memory of it or those who do have knowledge are keeping it hidden. Like wild guess the Vatican.


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Even if this is all natural forthcoming, and has little to do with CERN, HAARP, etc., they'll kill us any way that they want to. Lahaina was deliberate with DEWS. 9-11 was deliberate with military grade explosives. Entire World Wars are contrived. Mass shootings like Vegas, PULSE, Boston Bombing, Sandy Hook, etc. are obviously false flags.

If something natural were going to wipe us out, they wouldn't be doing all those things. Natural occurrences kill many, even cataclysmic occurrences, but they don't wipe out 90% of the world's population.

And who knows if there's anything to the Flat Earth principle, but we've been lied to about everything else, that so many believe, even the self-proclaimed "awake," that we're ensconced in lies!

Wouldn't it be neat however to blame their satanic destruction on polar shifts however.

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"If something natural were going to wipe us out, they wouldn't be doing all those things."

Except they need us for food and protection.

By creating apocalyptic hell-on-earth conditions for the masses, the collective Energy generated by the masses will be extreme low frequency Energy of fear and despair, anxiety, grief, all the dark low frequency energy that the EviI loosh on (feed on).

Also the low frequency Energy bandwidth collectively generated by the fearful despairing population will cover the Earth like a low frequency security blanket protecting the EviI from the stronger more powerful higher frequencies as Nibiru comes closer (or we approach the EMPCO, or whichever one of the many Pole Shift theories it turns out to be).

Also they'll lose less humans to escape. This way the genocide is slow and controlled.

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Yep!......nailed it again, Greg!!

Over the past several years, MANY have been asking/stating....'The Globalists seem to be in a hurry to implement their plans'.....'WHY are they in such a hurry?'.

And my answer has always been.....because of the pending MASSIVE Earth Changes; as per Edgar Cayce (the man was never wrong!). And I'd always add.....'The Globalists want you DEAD NOW, so that after the coming MASSIVE Earth Changes, when they emerge from their underground cities......BILLIONS of DEAD BODIES won't be littering 'THEIR' planet!'. THAT is something that they don't want to deal with. After all, almost all of their SLAVES.......will be DEAD! So, there won't be anyone to 'clean up the mess' (all those dead bodies everywhere). lol

What I've dubbed....'THE GREAT PURGE PART I', is the Death Jabs. 'THE GREAT PURGE PART II' is the coming massive Earth Changes!

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Excellent video as always! so much info in a short format.

More info on Suspicious Observers youtube channel that covers space weather and daily reports on solar activity.

The Earth will Turn Over / Pole Shift


Earth got Lucky / Super Eruption from the Sun (10 days ago)


Safe Zones and Explaining how the oceans will flood the continents when the earth “turns over”


Earth Disaster is Coming/ All the Evidence


Solar Micronova is going to happen


Climate forcing


Radiation Disaster on the Horizon


Galactic Dust Signs of the Great Shift


The Earth Disaster/ When They Figured it Out


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Thanks Mishw, from Hawaii.

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Good job. You have to understand the true cosmology which the cabal are hiding. Yes have touched on this before Greg...

Sun / Moon thesis. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cl4VarJgaJ6/?igshid=ZmVmZTY5ZGE=

Spinning ball is a deception. Biblical cosmology was always the truth.

Rumble. World Upside Down. https://rumble.com/v2epyn4-world-upside-down-biblical-earth-cosmology-documentary.html

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Thanks The Bread Report, from Volcano Islands…Hawaii.

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Thank you very much for sharing those. Those were some of the best, easiest to understand explanations I have seen as I study what is for me, a rather new perspective. If I move to the Flat Earth side (I’m 75% of the way there), I will be the only person in my family- or friends-circles who believes this way, and there will be a small price to pay; however, I don’t really care about that any more--knowing the truth really does set you free (after you get over being pissed off hearing it, lol). We read “free” blandly, but in my head, and heart, I hear and feel “the truth sets you




I shared these links with the most open of my friends for discussion. Thank you again.

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Additional areas to examine:

1. Douglas Vogt - Diebold Foundation

2. Thomas Chan - the Adam and Eve Story

Get ready. Because this is happening.

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One fellow advised standing in the broad doorway of very old stone buildings. Lol.

Just take up residence at the oldest museum you can find.

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Why kill as many of us as possible if the pole flip is gonna do it anyway? And i thought reese was a flat earther?

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'They' have no idea when this 'might' happen.

'They' like to kill.

'They' enjoy watching humans suffer and even consider it sport...

..plus it's part of their 'sacrificial rites'.

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Bingo! It's so much more than " money" . Its evil at such a level that the average person can't bare to acknowledge.

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They have no idea because it's all made up.

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A poleshift could not happen since there is no curve to be found which means that we are not on a ball in space.

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People say flat earthER like its some kind of religion.

its not any different from labels like conspiracy theorist.

You're either up from the slumber of the globe/space lies or you're not, and as far as the earth is concerned MOST are still asleep.

Not to mention, I think Greg only recently gave a look into flat earth, and if I recall he had conceded on a podcast that he "doesn't know where he lives" or somt to that effect, not that he definitively agreed the earth was flat. And that was during the same time he was already a scheduled speaker at a flat earth conference.

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Because leading up to the flip there will he catastrophic earth changes. This will lead to massive civil unrest. They know this, so in order to maintain control to the very end, or as they believe they can, they have to bring the numbers down. Its going to be chaos either way, its just a frantic attempt to preserve themselves and continued to take all resources for themselves.

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Resources possibly;keep hearing about underground bunkers being stockpiled

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Mercy killing. They think they're doing humanity a favor.

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Edgar Cayce was an interesting fellow. I especially like his predictions about Egypt and the Hall of Records under the Sphinx.

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The Great Pyramid IS THE HALL of Record if you ask me.

>>> WATCH : The Revelation Of The Pyramids http://tinyurl.com/Hall-of-Record

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Awesome, will check it out! Always fascinated (and slightly obsessed) with the great pyramid. I even made a full 3D model of it. Whatever it was, definitely NOT a tomb lol

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Your gona love it . It's a mathematical thesis . It's hard science. It's rare the truth jump at you that way. It became my default position.

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For some quality political satire, check out my substack The Farce Feed. I think you'll get a good laugh out of it!

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Thanks for the share, can't wait to dive in!

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Archaix on youtube does deep dive into the pyramid and what it actually is and does.

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A.R.E. : Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc.

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Yes but if the government is going by his predictions then that shows they just want to cotton on to another disaster to confuse the masses.

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I doubt very much that the pole will shift.

But if farmers are not allowed to grow food for us, we will have a problem that is man made. Unlike climate change.

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There are so many farmers, they could organize into their own growing and selling powerhouse without anything to do with government. In fact, why do they even bother going to government? This is what we need to get out of that enslaved mentality - we do things ourselves helping each other. We have everything we need. Government abuse could be the catalyst!

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Greg, please explain your conclusion (especially if you believe the Earth to be flat). Why would the West be calling for starvation and the East be subsidizing farmers? Does that even make sense from a climate change propaganda perspective?!?

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Two oddball things:

We know that CO2 is necessary for photosynthesis, thus, life. So why would TPTB want a carbon (CO2) capture pipeline in Iowa? Possible Answer: So they can collect it to use in their underground greenhouses. What the heck, we pay for it!

Just edited to put #2:

TPTB obviously want to make damn sure any lingering DNA is wiped out, by jabbing us with the quackzines. Again, what the heck, we pay for it!

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