So I was right two years ago...

Hunter Biden works for the CIA.

Pedo Joe works for the CIA.

Dr. Robert Malone works for the CIA.

Explains the lot.

I been saying this all along.


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Yeah, and Putin is most likely taking orders from the same Superior General as The Biden's, the Clinton's, the Bush's, the Trump's, and every other President of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION.

I'm convinced that all intelligence agencies are ran,controlled and operated by the International Society of Jesus, aka,the International Military Order of the wealthiest country or City State on Earth, aka, the Vatican(Worshipers of the Serpent),aka the Jesuits. The Original Men in Black, the Mr.Smith's that are literally everywhere,there is no escape from them, just like in the movie the Matrix. They are Servants of the Devil, the Serpent, they are workers of darkness, who participate in guerrilla warfare, they are poisoners, they are ruthless, they murder and slaughter the innocent without mercy or conscience,all while pretending to be angels of light. They are the Anti Christ's,meaning, they pretend to be servants of Christ, when in reality, they are the enemies of Christ.

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I would say you're close to the target Vickie, but I'm going with the high level Freemason's and their Secret Societies as being the main cause of most of our troubles( i.e. wars, depressions...etc.).

For your own research I'm going to provide a great documentary on the subject of Freemasonry, as I've done before, that gives names and faces of who is/was causing all the turmoil, destruction and divide/conquer. IMO, the CIA is a tool of Freemasonry and some have suggested Putin is a Freemason. Apparently, they have various hand gestures to communicate their loyalty to the cult.



References provided at end.

Also, we have this expose from a former Freemason insider:



Lots of names and faces!

And let's not forget the great JFK speech to the newspapers on Secret Societies, fits right in with Greg's report today.

"JFK | Secret Societies Speech | Long Version"


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Exactly! They hate us and want us dead. They can all eat bugs. ALL of them!

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According to this old book I have, published in 1844. "A RITUAL and Illustrations of Free-Masonry,and the ORANGE AND ODD FELLOWS SOCIETIES accompanied by numerous engravings, and a Key to the PHI BETA KAPPA ,also an account of the kidnapping and murder of William Morgan,who divulged the ridiculous and profane usages of Free-Masons" All of Free Masonry ultimately bow to a king who wears a long robe and a Mitre, and there is only one crowned with a Mitre and that is a Pope.

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Freemasons, Illuminati....All the Secret Society Menagerie are all simply Minions of The Black Nobility now known as The Crown Corporation with The City of London's Central Banker Family Cartel. Even have the CERN Collider bringing the actual Demons straight out of hell into this dimension to provide all the Demonic Technology to murder, sterilize and enslave humanity.

To actually obtain change...MUST GO AFTER THE TOP OF THE HEAP as there are too many middle persons unidentified to make a difference by taking them all out.

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I think you've succinctly deduced who controls the planet and have been for centuries. Is their time to? Hard to say. More need to be awake to who the Freemasons are, the blood oaths they take to protect one another (which is why voting left or right doesn't help) and the signals they use to alert other members to their status. I live in Canada and witnessed the Premier of Quebec give the underhanded ok signal during a news conference in 2022.

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It’s the Central Banks. Any involvement of so called secret societies are merely ways for the Central Bankers and their oligarch friends to control the levers of power.

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I’d look more closely at Eisenhower’s outgoing speech on the Military Industrial Complex than I would have JFK’s speech on secret societies. They killed JFK. Further, Eisenhower warned us of exactly what came to pass.

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You need to do a in depth study of Eisenhower.

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Over and above they're all reading scripts put out by the planet's IRON BANK system. No matter what side. The name of the game is get rid of the undesirables from all sides, the ones not invited to the bunker community whether generals, or rank and file. It's a fire sale and everyone not going to the bunkers is invited. There is a bigger agenda at hand than nationhood.



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The ones who are in the covenant with death. Isaiah 28:18

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That would be the Rothschild family and it’s oligarch friends

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Reptilians operating under various disguises.

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And assists via their friends, the Grays?! Thanks.

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What the fuck are you talking about?

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And Tucker Carlson's father, Dick Carlson, worked for the CIA for 30 years.

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Yes, and Tucker was going to follow in his footsteps. Seemingly Tucker woke up for various reasons.

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I think it's far more likely that Tucker is following in his fathers footsteps.

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You never know…do you?

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Quatervois, do you have a link?

I would LOVE to have that factoid!

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"Dr. Robert Malone works for the CIA." - Do you suggest the CIA directed him to expose plandemic/COVID "vaccinations"

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All sides are played with many levels of good cop bad cop. By the time any whistle-blowing happens, it's basically TOO LATE specially where the inoculation is concerned because it was designed to spread as the nanotechnology is IN and ON EVERYTHING, humans and animals. Gives a cruel false sense of hope that revealing truths might offer a ray of light which looks to distract and downplay the TRANSFECTION aspect of what they did through the shots and the chem-trailing and food, water lacing together with the microwave baking of everything through the faster download wireless technology. Nothing will change unless the antidote is released. It will just get worse.

British funeral director, John O'Looney was just seen on this latest episode March 1, 2024 of the Alex Jones show stating that everyone who took the shots, their days are numbered, giving behind the scenes reports on meetings with his peers how these experts are at a loss as to how to stop or mitigate any of the damage done to humanity with the shots and associated technology.

So if Malone says anything, it may look promising, but basically, knowing the truth is one thing, fixing the problem is a whole other endeavor and the truth by itself will not correct anything other than lessen the stress of being poisoned and not knowing how or why.

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Malone doesn’t work for the CIA. He did work under NIH grants to research mRNA technology and likely that was related to the CIA and its biological weapons programs. He’s no longer part of that establishment though.

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Sorry…total bullshit. That “never been isolated” argument is dull and naive in the best of circumstances.

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A virus is defined as a physical object, an obligate intracellular parasite with protein coat and genetic material inside able to infect and cause disease Please show us a paper finding this kind of object anywhere. An EM photo is not an object it is a dead shadow of unknown provenance, genomes are fabricated by computers not an object, cell cultures are mixes of millions of particles and toxins, cytopathic effect is not an object and is seen without patient fluids.

Pls show us how not to be naive.

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He seems to be back peddling on his discovery since the entire thing was introduced in 2020. Who knows what side he is on now, but we all understand he was on the bad side when he made the discovery in the lab.

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so complex all that. So can a CIA agent become a president?? Must be, look at all the 3 letters agencies and how the insiders change their chairs as soon as theirs becomes too hot to sit on... Pompeo, first Dark Act, then CIA, now CIA, how about President?? He is China friendly, like Putin is... That's the trouble, Putin looks so nice and clean, and behind the ears, boy who knows.

Nobody knows the trouble I see..

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Biden CIA

Netanyahoo Mossad

Putin KGB

Boris Bullingtob Club

You will find the three letter agencies are all secret service and Freemasons Occult

Bush CIA Skull and Bones

Boris Cameron and Mendelson are Bullington Club.

You will find Privilege Money Bank Occult are undermining Selections everywhere hence their people are in power.

Miley is another good example and watch Mexico.

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Membership of these agencies looks like a prerequisite mandated by the Noble Families.

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It is more like you are born into and educated by the simple principle of victim hood...

When you are born into those families your path is clear... destroy or be destroyed.

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This Nuland woman now resigning is another example. They resign and take up pother positions where they can create chaos.

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Lumping people in the same group is not Analysis.

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A group of many groups. I'll name just a few that are named in their own writings.Jesuits who take oaths to be Spies, to basically be shape shifters. To be Catholic among Catholic's, to be reformers amongst Reformers, to be Liberal amongst Liberals, Protestants amongst Protestants,to preach from their pulpits and even to sink so low as to be a Jew amongst Jews. So that they might be able to gather all information, to the benefit of their order and be a faithful soldier of the Pope.

Some of the Orders;

Knights Templars, Knights of Malta,Knights of the Red Cross, Knights of Constantinople, Knights of Columbus,Knights of the Holy Sepulchre.

The Order of the Cross. Also so many Lodges, Legions, Halls and Clubs and so called Tabernacle's and Temples. To many to name here.

All International,Globalist groups. Do you know how many Catholic and Jesuit Schools and Universities there are throughout the world?

The list is shocking, If I remember correctly most are in the USA. Rome never fell it just moved away changed its name and became the the UNITED STATES and UNITED NATIONS of the Holy Roman Empire. Where is the "EMPIRE STATE BUILDING"?

Oh that's right, its in Manhattan, NEW YORK CITY, same place as the UNITED NATIONS ,TRUMP INTERNATIONAL and TRUMP WORLD TOWER.

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I'm curious, do you believe the NY Times story about the CIA?

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I don't read NYT

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Neither do I. My question was for anyone believing anything coming from the NY Times, which is a mouthpiece for the CIA. This article demonizes the CIA, and how it cannot be trusted, yet cites this NYT article propagated by the CIA. Does that make any sense to you?

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Whistleblower Kay Griggs, ex wife of navy and assassin George Griggs, said always that CIA is bogus, nothing compared to NATO who are the mercenaries of the top powers, paid by tax payers' money, of course.


She says that CIA is the patsy "bad guy" to distract attention.

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As you know, the CIA is the continuation of the Nazi’s OSS, created just by happenstance after WW2… so every President has been effectively working for the CIA, or they are dead presidents.

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So this explains where the $200+ Billion is going as I was thinking that's a lot of humanitarian aid and the British take their marching orders from the U.S. who used to control us. Puppet Queen Elizabeth II said had things been done right they would still be controlling the US even today. British taught the US Imperialism and Surveillance but our government tweaked it to better suit their needs. So many 3 & 4 letter departments of US government that has to go and Trump is not going to save us. Republican or Democrat really doesn't matter much because it's always been divide and conquer.

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Correct Dean, Trump is not going to save us. However, he has created an atmosphere where Tucker & Putin could conduct this conversation, as dangerous as it was. Getting the long hard truth out. By this information being told, we have a better chance of being able to save ourselves.

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I have no proof, but I'm convinced that a lot of this "Ukraine" money is being funneled to various NGOs to help faciliate the invasion at the southern border. Think about it. How long does it take a person from (name the 3rd world country) not only to earn 5,000 - 6,000 U.S. dollars, but to save 5,000 - 6,000 U.S. dollars. It's been reported that this is the amount that each of these people are paying the cartels to get them across the souther border into the United States.

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Sheriff Grady Judd, Polk County, FL led a huge arrest 2 days ago and said the arrested illegals are required to pay their trafficker $3000 once here. Where are they getting this money is my question and your comment makes sense. They are getting vouchers to fly all over the country, anywhere they want to go. no questions asked. It is absolutely disgusting. Here’s the link. https://youtu.be/j_5RC7X3iHw?feature=shared

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Good point.

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Excellent! Thank you Greg for getting the word out. This piece is a must see in understanding how the NWO cult divides us to conquer and control the world. I recommend a deeper dive on the Obama / CIA / DARPA biolabs projects in Ukraine specifically targeting the DNA of Slavic people. The creation of gene-specific bioweapons is the new warfare template, replacing the nuclear proliferation arms race of the Cold War. Parking nuclear missiles across the border from Russia in Turkey by the U.S. during JFK’s administration...resulting in Russia parking missiles in Cubs, is akin to the U.S. building bioweapons labs in Ukraine targeting Russian dna....of course they are going to invade and have one of the first targets be the biolabs. This will come more to light as things develop.

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Please, let's be clear about this. Invasion of Ukraine was never an intention of Putin's Russia. When we first heard about activity by Russia in the area it was announced as a Special Military Operation. The legacy media began the propaganda immediately and called it "Despot Putin invades underdog President Zelenskyy's Ukraine" and we all know what became of that! Suddenly Ukrainian flags became a fashionable car/house/garden decoration to virtue signal with. All further to divide us and it worked.

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I agree. Divide us...and launder money...and have a foothold to launch bioweapons from for the Malthusian schemes of that area of the world...and try to catalyze a world war trigger involving the west vs. east in a war America would lose. All wars are bankers wars and this one is no different; stimulated for global economic restructuring. The Roschild et al owned BIS / IMF / World Bank owners pulling the strings of the Jesuit / Vatican / Crown / Wallstreet / City of London / Freemason societies...etc all fall under the control of the bankster’s umbrella.

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And imo there are addl. ‘evil’ others still, who are being escorted off planet and who are stated to be “higher up” the tyranny ladder than the somewhat “lower ladder” manipulative money monsters. That is a portion of stories that I’ve read. Thanks.

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Steve Bannon, prior to the Trump presidency, would sometimes refer to the CIA as a "fifth column". It was a Breitbart podcast where he talked about the CIA as a fifth column if I remember correctly.

A "fifth column" is defined as any group of people who undermine a larger group or nation from within, usually in favor of an enemy group.

A day after being sworn-in as the 45th president, Trump went to CIA HQ with Bannon and delivered a speech (it's on the CNN channel on YouTube.) At the end of the speech he looked over at Bannon with a smirk and said "...we may have to get you a larger room...and maybe it'll be built by somebody who knows how to build, and we won't have columns...do you understand that? we get rid of the columns!"

Soon after we had Schumer and Mudd saying that the CIA was gonna get him, and all hell broke loose.

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Wow stacks...that’s very interesting and I would love to come across that video!

Newsweek had a different scenario but they are liars!

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Doesn't that interview resemble little girls sniveling and giggling while playing a game of jacks? After RT News became popular Putin once said in an interview that the best propaganda against the USA is the truth.

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"The best propaganda against the USA is the truth."

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The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is what will finally set us all free from the Internationalist devil's. And you can bet your bottom dollar Putin serves the same devil as the Biden's, the Clintons, the Obamas, the Macrons, the Trump's, the Netanyahu's, and all other talking heads playing their rolls as so called" Leaders"

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VickieDawn: Did you know the United Nations is planning to seize “global emergency powers" with President Joe Biden’s support? It's true. Under a shocking new plan that is scheduled to be adopted two months before the U.S. presidential election in 2024, all it would take is some sort of a major “global shock”, for immediately enabling the United Nations to literally take political authority over the entire planet. A July 4 article (link below) in The Federalist first broke the story. Unfortunately the mainstream/Pravda media in the United States is not covering this at all, so most people have absolutely no idea this is going on. To many readers this may sound like a conspiracy theory, but this is actually what is being planned at the United Nations and the Biden administration is fully behind this insidious plan.

In the month of September 2024, UN global representatives will gather for “the Summit of the Future”, and during that conference UN member states are scheduled to officially ratify a “Pact for the Future”. Once enacted, the “Pact for the Future” grants global powers to the U.N. plan for a new “emergency platform” - a stunning proposal to give the U.N. significant powers in the event of future “global shocks,” such as; “major climatic event,” “future pandemic risks,” a “global digital connectivity disruption,” “major event in outer space,” and generic “unforeseen risks”, (‘black swan’ events).”

The proposal is the biggest attempted power grab in the history of the United Nations. If approved, the United States and the inalienable rights guaranteed in the US Constitution would cease to exist:


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I agree Vickie, but unfortunately most will not believe the truth or even want to hear it for it is far to heavy to comprehend for most. It takes most a lifetime of experience and in that experience of life comes their 'truth' and 'wisdom'. When we were younger people we thought our elders were a lil left field speaking of the bible and such but here we are with our life 'truths' and experiences, 'wisdom'. What is going to happen will happen as it has been planned for a very long time, the only difference for each of us is our choice in 'free will' the dark or the light. But do we really know the difference?

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Totally Carl you got it!! They can now simply put the truth in your face as they have been doing 'predictive programing' and people will not believe it!! Perfect! They will know the time has come when the people of American will believe the truth as a lie and a lie as the truth. Who quoted this?

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Such an awesome quote. Everything has been in the open. It's so brazen , they think they are god. They believe their own lies. This is crazy. IE:

- The great reset

- Soros . open society work and color revolution.

-"Covid" , committee of 300 , agenda21 , Green new extermination.

It's been going on for so long it's like hypernormalization.

I love open conspiracy it make my life easier when showing it to people.

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"CIA Admits To Instigating War With Russia"

Noooo! I don't believe it. (Extreme sarcasm) LOL

The CIA is a tool of the Cabalists. The same Cabalists that are fully responsible for starting both World Wars and many more. The odds that they'll do it again are 100%!!

Sit tight, aside from the ongoing societal World War, and a handful of "dust-ups" like mass genocide in Palestine and DEW-started fires globally, ala 9-11, Americans may get the next war that our "tough-guy" national persona craves.

After all, war is the favorite spectator sport for Americans. Alas, we won't merely be spectators this time if it ...., perhaps rather when it occurs.

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Putin sees right through Tucker, and knows exactly what he is. Tucker is a government frontman, the not so obvious establishment, a CIA operative. He's friends with Hunter. He had Hunter write a letter of recommendation for his son to get into college. He's also a Johnny come lately. He comes out and exposes a bit something long after the fact, like he's bringing something new to light, when he knew long ago about it. That's called a limited hangout. They on both sides all move and interact within the same circle. The following link provides information on that.


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Carlson's as much a part of the theater as Bill Hicks ..., I mean Alex Jones is. But don't kid yourself that Putin isn't.

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Marcia, Watching that was better than watching the Discovery+ Channel.

I like what was said about the "Elite". Never before have so many who are so stupid had so much power.

What was that again that I heard, natural man has the "free will" to "make a decision for Christ"? Not. "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; Who can know it?"

Thank you.

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But why did the CIA come out of the closet? They used one of their house organs to proclaim what until recently they’d have labeled “conspiracy theory.” IMO this can only mean that the CIA wants to normalize their control of foreign affairs. Not only did they tell us they’re running the show, they also told us why it’s a good thing. It’s our job to shut up and obey, and when we do get the false flag, rally ‘round our saviors in the intelligence community. Keep those dollars flowing! Sign up your sons and daughters, too for something something democracy! Seriously it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that the IC will take overt control “for the good of the country.”

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That is the question of the hour.

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I had a rude awakening when I heard Eric Jon Phillips' interview on Jeff Rense program in early 2000. His site: https://vaticanassassins.org/ He was the first one to speak of the Black Pope Peter-Hans Kolvenbach. I knew then there that we're dealing with most EVIL entity on Earth. He controls the pope or did and now we have Adolfo Nicolas. I bet he/they also control CIA who controls the presidents. And who controls these entities? Why Satan/Lucifer himself. While the Reptilians are in collusion with Lucifer causing havoc on Earth - this per remote viewers at Farsight Institute in Georgia, US. According to Farsight while Lucifer is not here in this sphere he is doing the 'evil' deed on other planets. They likened Lucifer with Marvel character Thanos who they deemed most closest portrayal to Lucifer.

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Yes Sir, and now even the so called "White Pope" is a ruthless mass murdering Jesuit. I remember when that mass murdering blood thirsty pedophile and devil was crowned as the Pope, everyone was saying, he will be the last Pope.

And the word Vatican, actually means the worship of serpents.

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Yes Vickie!

Is this the mysterious "First And Last Pope"?

He is the first Jezuit, so technically he is the first pope of the "One True Religion", and its looking like he could be the last! ;)

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How long are people going to go along with this charade that Trump knew nothing about anything bad? He knew nothing about the CIA bases, bioweapon labs, and everything else going on in Ukraine? He knew nothing about covid, the collusion with the chinese to develop it, or the ‘vaccines’? I mean come on, really?

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And then there's crap like this going on? Same guy? Really? Missing for almost a month since December 2023? And then he went "missing again" after he "went missing?" And where's Trump on this? And look at the charade they're all playing? Those posers behind the "secretary" in the photo-op to cement the "new look" for '24 with an over-sized name plate right under the guy? Surprised they didn't do a Broadway neon light style marquee with giant arrows blinking in towards the guy they've got now. "Look..it's him!!!" And where's his mole under the right eye?

If the photo looks scrunched click the magnifier that should appear over the photo to stretch it out.


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Probably taking a sabbatical with real Fetterman and Hamlin…

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The CIA is not working against Putin. All the intel agencies are said to be under the Jesuits so that Putin, his Intel and the CIA and others are WORKING TOGETHER to set up the world plan.

Putin and Carlson are in a propaganda interview to set the stage for the coming conflict and Greg and many other alt outlets are pushing the nation-state conflict version blaming it on the CIA as one of the diversion fake doors to lead you into.

The Free Masons and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta that has a Permanent Observer Mission at the UN are under the Jesuits


I suppose the head of the Jesuits reports to the Committee of 300 or 13, somewhere in there.

In any case don't stop short at the CIA level of the problem, that is the propaganda message here. Well, what will we do about it whatever message we believe? Still it's best to know the facts.

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Just to watch the first pictures in whistleblower Altiyan Childs' testimony raises questions… so according to him, it's the satanists hidden in the top ranks of the freemasons.

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So happy to know someone is awake to the Jesuits & all this controlled opposition

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Will the real Putin please stand up please stand up. Hahaha. We already know everyone is in on the play.

Do not trust a neighbor; put no confidence in a friend. Even with the woman who lies in your embrace guard the words of your lips. Micah 7:5

Want the truth, then study the truth.


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Greg. Have you viewed Clips by Moonclutch about SATANIC layout of the Denver Airport on Rumble, Bitchute, BRIGHTEON, or Substack... They are short. I have more to come. They will be more informative... Please view if you can. Thx

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Yo might be surprised what God revealed to me about it he Denver Airport...NO ONE has presented what I have on my videos. Moonclutch on Rumble, Bitchute, Substack, or Brighteon.... Hope you will View. All my videos are on Bitchute. Thanks for the link ..

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To many boogie men mentioned.

Limited hangouts.

All wars are Bankers wars.

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Major general Smedley Darlington Butler on the book 'War is a racket' a good read.

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Interview with Pascal Nadjadi and a Documentary back up. "Operation Storm"

In brief Trump still President and current wartime Commander in Chief and draining the swamp. Biden dead and buried. Actor playing out his role.

The United States are since December 20th 2019 in a global covert Defence War. Consequently, the United States Law of War Manual 2015 (updated July 2023) is in force and applicable at any time and wherever you are on our planet Earth, naturally, of course, also on Swiss territory, which includes Berne and Geneva as well.



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"...draining the Swamp"

Except that Trump didn't drain the Swamp, he filled it.

Just look at his appointments, all those Deep State, globalist Rottchild banking executives, Cabal Spawn, Skull&Bones, Goldman-Sachs secret society frat bros that Trump installed to govern America.


Alexander Acosta is the corrupt US State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!

And what happened to Acosta as a result???

In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th States Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!

By President Donald J. Trump.

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Yes , its all those permanent crisis executive orders that enable the deepstate machine.

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When hasn't the CIA had their noses in things? And before they were called the CIA they were the same people under different names. Next we'll get the Arthur Jensen speech out of Network. "You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Beale, and I won't have it!! Is that clear?! There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels."



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