Yup, Virology is a fraud . No SARS, no HIV no nada. All of the first show called Aids victims in the United States, Mainly San Francisco died of Kaposi’s sarcoma brought on by the use of amil nitrate a.k.a. poppers, Really bad shit and I hear the gay community still Snorts it up their nose today what a bunch of dumbasses! Then to finish the job they got put on AZT They rejected form of chemotherapy that killed anything it touched including Freddie Mercury. Aids in Africa, come on symptoms of starvation but instead of giving these poor souls food we gave them condoms and more poisonous drug AZT. Allopathic medicine is pure fucking evil

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Very special interview. What a privilege to hear you both speak together and to hear Celia. I'm on Celia's substack also and read her story about her new book last week when she posted it. I'm stunned she was there... and knew. I was there too. Thry killed my brother. To bear her speak the truth which I saw in first person and knew then it was all a scam and saw how the "cures" were designed to kill people. I told people not to take it. I was so shy then but I still spoke up. He was my beautiful amazing brother. This has been going on for centuries... millennia. They've been killing people for millennia with this exact same poison spell and harangment - the peoole of the con, I call them the kahbullies. I have other bames for them too. PG. For those who want to know what's really go on. Send me a message. I know now. It's more shocking than anything you've every heard before.

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Really great interview, Greg. Nice job you, two. Thanks!

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Nattokinase, an enzyme made from fermented soy is, apparently, the best bet for treating anyone who has been jabbed. I took it for blood clots and phlebitis in my last two pregnancies, and it was amazing. Back then, I knew that it breaks up fribrin better than pharmaceutical blood thinners, but according to Dr. Peter McCullough, it also dissolves the spike protein that gets generated by the jab. Here's a link: https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/dissolution-of-spike-protein-by-nattokinase

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Horse Proverb: A Horse can carry a Human to truth & knowledge, but a Horse can’t make a Human Think.

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Greg, Celia,

As you probably know, former CDC head, Robert Redfield, (an old time HIV insider) is now turning on Fauci under pressure from the Congressional hearings. I don't want to digress into personality issues here, but in retrospect, we need to ask WHY is he doing this?

Redfield has a long past of being a promoter of these big virus deals. He was the one who actually nudged the spread of the LIE that HIV was being spread sexually via Life Magazine years ago.


Redfield was tagged years ago with trying to create a "HIV Vaccine" with the Army research program, who shot down his program and science. Redfield's research was rejected as without credibility.

Now he claims he was "sidelined" as head of CDC. So he skated early, and seems very irate about it all.

So now he is back, and testifying before Congress. WHY? He wants to get out while he can I think, and there is no love loss for Fauci, who probably saw him as baggage and wanted to cut him out of the deal.

I think Redfield is trying to get himself out of this mess, ahead of what is coming.

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It may seem like someone is winning throughout a situation but, it's only when it's over that the real winner is apparent. Fair but sad be the cost so great, only to equal measure of the victory. The final outcome is more important than whoever or whatever had the advantage at the beginning or in the middle. Kali Yuga epoch ending 2025. If it so be, He Who Laughs Last, Laughs Best, then so be it. Thanks Greg and to your lovely guest Celia for sharing the talk time, beautiful to have you both spend Sunday morning with me. Much Love for you here.

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Greg, Celia,

Great interview and I really appreciated the way you ended this with a Spiritual tone of hope and insight. God bless you both!

I know you beat the HIV/AIDS issue darn near to death, but I do wish you could have covered the trip where Celia and Joan Shenton went to Africa, and the BIG difference they made there, meeting with people like SA President Mbeki and others who questioned the HIV=AIDS establishment. I know many of our group were involved in assisting Mbeki, and I think we may have saved millions of lives helping these leaders resist the CIA and international pressure to poison these poor populations.

Here is an interview with the mass-murdering Fauci, which mentions the "Durban Declaration" and avoids any mention of the resistance to his criminal genocide. Lies and cover-up as usual.


Also, I emailed Joan earlier today, and she is currently compiling archives and documentation about this world-wide genocidal operation. Here is her website, where these artifacts of information can be stored. There are several of her films linked there.


Joan is another great friend and wonderful journalist. Her film "AZT- A Cause for Concern" predated my work as well back in 1992.


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From the former head of HHS, Secretary Margaret Heckler of the Dept. of Health and Human Services, you can see how she was conned into letting Fauci and Gallo launch the notorious fraud called "HIV" at a press conference on April 23. 1984.

There was not any real peer-review and verification of the "science of HIV" and the test results were not published until a week after the announcement. In the true fashion of a "Ditz," Sec. Heckler let Fauci and Gallo start this huge fraud. Here are her own words. She lauds praise on Fauci down in the article.


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More Great COVID Awakenings Please

“Penetrate the ostensible.” -Celia Farber

Many thanks to Celia Farber and Greg Reese for sharing this discussion! I didn’t catch this when it was released, but am grateful I recently discovered and listened to both parts.

COVID awareness has triggered and deepened many awakenings among many people who were already awakened by AIDS and other iatrogenicidal projects for profit, including the pharmaceutical medical models against mental illness, cancer, and other dis-eases human beings have successfully healed from using other methods for many thousands of years.

I love Celia Farber’s awareness of the corruption of language and other patterns that both of you agree expose the evil and deadly actions of murderous empire managers. Declaring inaccurate diagnoses and then prescribing endless toxic cocktails as medicine is a model that has worked very well for them.

When COVID crashed into JFK, Jr, we got “The Real Anthony Fauci”, “The Wuhan Cover-Up”, and “Vax-Unvax”, three important works that document an alarming stream of pre-meditated genocidal projects designed by medical experts for profit that target vulnerable populations. RFK, Jr. also launched his presidential campaign during COVID; however, his pro-Zionist position on Gaza makes him unelectable to many, including myself. I’ve heard him defend his position by saying his family ties with Israel going back several generations…

What I missed hearing in this interview is how the iatrogenocidal project for profit against the mentally ill, also led by Fauci, perfectly mirrors the strategies used against AIDS and COVID.

Before COVID, this country reportedly spent about $250 billion per year on psych meds. During COVID, that number has increased to more than $330 billion, while suicides have steadily increased.

I awakened while receiving psychiatric “care”, and then awakened more when COVID arrived. In the fall of 2020, I accepted a job as a Peer Specialist supporting people with severe mental illnesses living in state-funded group homes. When the CEO and a virologist promoted the COVID shots to the company of about 1,800 employees in a company meeting in January 2021, I spoke up. Below is a link to the live recording of the conversation I had with them during the meeting:

Advocates CEO and Virologist Vaccine Push - Jan 2021:


In the fall of 2021, Advocates mandated the shots for all employees. I submitted a 9-page essay and received a religious exemption, but was then fired a month later under a false accusation.

Fauci and many others have harvested millions of lives, trillions of dollars, destroyed countless small businesses and communities, and there’s still no indication they will be held accountable or even fired from their jobs.

When we let criminals profit from their crimes and go unpunished, then we can expect more of the same and worse.

How many more Great Awakenings are needed before this nightmare ends and gives way to the more beautiful world we know is possible?

Penetrate the ostensible!


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Yes, Celia, the drugs make us soooooo sick, yet we keep taking them. We're insane from taking poisons that insane people keep feeding us and sometimes force us to consume. This is MK Ultra Extreme -- getting massive populations to behave and speak against their own interests, and against love ones.

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Proof of Spiritual Phenomena: A Neuroscientist’s Discovery of the Ineffable Mysteries of the Universe.

By Mona Sobhani, Ph.D. www.ParkStPress.com. Or Website www.InnerTraditions.com.

E-mail: customerservice@InnerTraditions.com. Copyright 2022. Aloha & Mahalo, Larry (Lantern) Inn.

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Awesome to have two of my favorite's together, totally enjoyed this talk. You are real people with a lot of very important information to share and we appreciate you.

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Mar 5, 2023
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Exquisitely well said

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Mar 5, 2023
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Yup. And, there never has been a us of a. Ever. It's always and ever been a scam a hoax a con. Always has been and always will be. All that loyalty to "god and country" is a lie - the foundation of the con. The banqster maoheeuh have always ruled this "country" since they left Europe to find another place of people to torchur mirdir raype pillage and decimate feeding of their addiction to masochism and sadism in every move they make. Their are destroyers. They only know destruction. They are compelled to destory. Addicted to destroy. And they "own", "run" our entire world nowm they "control" every "nation" for a very long time. Longer than most people have any inkling about. Always they've created and owned both sides controlled infiltrated the original "good" peoole and twisted to bed to their will. Anyone who didn't/doesn't "bend".... is.... slandered and or eliminated. They create the narratives to DIVIDE the peoole agaisnt each other and LIE about both "sides" to distract from the real issues at hand and the real cause of unrest. They use peooles discontent AND the few who REALLY KNOW what's going on an dwhos behind it all the galvanize people into a war agaisnt EACH OTHER so they never have time nor the energy or the spiritual fortitude to look at correct direction of the SOURCE of all the evil and keeps people from UNIFYING to stand TOGETHER to subdue and DISSOLVE the elements of LIFE - like WATER on the wicked witch of the west. They don't want anyone lookong behind the curtain to whee those string pullers hide behind their fake finger heads and em kaye uhltrud paychophantic fame whores gluttons for the attention amd adoration - worship - trying to fill their needs for love that they all never received as children. The biggest weapon psychopaths/tyrants/megamaigal war peons is the next generation or any age living who's never confronted all their insecurities and childhood and adult wounds from minor ego wounds to outright satanic ritual abooz aka unbelievable horrific torchure designed to purposely split the personality creating pliable psychological dissassociations aka multiple personalities - ripe for implanting control programs, enslavement triggers and codes and behavioral modifications for the sole purpose of fulfilling a role to further destroy humanity per the wishes and diabolical deadly plans of these banqster maoheuh who've been around doing this became same playbook to their fellow humans for millennia. It's a rude and sobering awakened to realize that one has been playing into theirbhand and taking all their bait for those whive been blinded by their naivite and trained from the get go to be a willing complicit partner in the mirdiir plrampages from small to large. And it's a wonderful moment and series of moments when the cracks in the brain warshin starts to happen and the truth begins to seep out creating more cracks in the programmed compliance enslavementality and freedom from our Soul's knowing, our Spirit's wisdom melts all the lies we've worshipped for so long- for generations our lineage has been loyal to the liars, th3ives, raypeests, thorchutists, mirdirirz our of shear fear pummeling witnessing thr torchurband mirdir of truthers throught the centuries burned at the stake, beheaded in the town square, hung on sticks along the appliances way etc. Our DNA remembers and they own all the schools system from private to public, from pre-school to post-grad - in anything - and all the media and enterENTRAINMENT from the poison pedophilic cartoons to all movies TV shows Gideon game etc all saturated with poison mind con-troll designed to make the ingroant public lap up and deify the very thing and people who take their freedom and theybmet them. Turn it all off. All of it. If you haven't already. DEprogram. UNindoctrinate. Free ourselves. Choose FREEDOM. Freedom starts within ourselves. And ends there. Here. We decide. This is the truth theybdont want yiu to know.

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