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The problem that Trump had was that even before he took office, journalists like Celia, Joan Shenton, Gary Null, and hundreds of scientists (including Dr. Scot Atlas, Dr. Dave Rasnick and Dr. Peter Duesberg etc.) had been warning EVERYONE about how sick and psychopathic Fauci and his germ scare ilk really were. We were ignored for YEARS!

I know that in 2015-16, as Trump was getting delegates and set to run for President, I CONSTANTLY stated on radio shows and in public that on Day ONE, in office Trump needed to get rid of Fauci! Yes, he can do this by firing Fauci's bosses, Alex Azar (HHS Sec) and Francis Collins at NIH. Trump should have known what to do here.

When I saw the first press conference with Fauci just standing near Trump at the podium, I got a sick feeling in my stomach. OMG. HOW IS THIS HAPPENING?

I really hate to engage in biblical extremes, because I know this turns people off, but Trump WILL go to HELL for this, unless he confesses his SIN and repents. This is NOT my Call. The book of Revelation condemns this Pharmakia-sorcery four (4) times, and warns of eternal judgment on the kings of the earth for this and refusing to repent of this.

Rev. 9:21

Rev. 18:23

Rev. 21:8

Rev. 22:15

Trump is under judgement and he won't confess his sins. David made the same mistake in 1st Chron. chapter 21. when he numbered Israel (like the forced Covid Jab registry) But David repented and the Lord was able to stop the plague. Trump is in trouble!

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Maybe Trump will go to hell. Not my call.

Unfortunately in war, and this is a war, there are risks & losses. If Trump fired him, he’d never have the proof of any of these evil acts perpetrated on the ENTIRE World.

We’re talking Crimes Against Humanity here. Fauci had to be caught. All of these monsters had to be caught. He caught them all. It’s way bigger than we know.

God uses all of his Children. You don’t think God chose Trump? He absolutely did because he was the only one strong enough to put up with barrage after barrage on a minute by minute basis for the last seven or eight years!!! And he was never supported by any of them after he chose to run. He literally did most of his work as President on his own.

This is 5D chess. Universes Beyond any of our thought processes . . .

The SOC, operating in the background, helped but we didn’t see it because they’re invisible to the public . . . For now.

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You might be surprised at how much we actually agree upon. I am not a Trump hater, and actually I want to see him succeed. I won't go into some of details, but I talked briefly with Eric Trump briefly about 30 days before Trump was elected in 2016, and gave him a letter for his father that I believed then, (and still do) which was a message from God. The letter basically stated that the Lord was going to put him in power. (in spite of the polls and attempts to steal the election) But this admonition was also that Trump would need to put his trust in God and do what was necessary, and do things GOD's WAY, instead of Trump's way.

Yes. Trump has succeeded at one thing---and that is exposing all of the evil operating within this system. The problem is, many of us knew who Fauci was, and exposed 30 years of the vile murders he was carrying out. We knew about the treason of the Clintons, the Bush family, the Federal Reserve, 911, stolen elections and the lying media that has dummed-down the foolish public.

Trump lacked the skill-set of knowing how to use Law Enforcement. His appointments of Sessions and Bill Barr were revealing of this weakness. He is a "deal-maker" and politician. We needed a tough cop, and we got Monty Hall and "let's make a deal." You have to remember that virtually every Great President we have had was shot, or shot at.

Trump never had the resolve to FIGHT this criminal cabal, and thus, he failed by not seeing what the job required, and the people who he needed to take this cabal down.

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Funny how you think he lacks a skill set. This man, chosen by God, lacks a very important skill set? 5D chess.

He has 300 Generals and intel out the kazoo. He know EVERYTHING

Funny how you say he never had the resolve to fight this criminal cabal. 5D chess.

You just can’t see it as I do.

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Yes. We don't see things the same. I don't believe in 5D chess, when the RESULTS are this "warp speed" disaster and satanist criminals now running the government, poisoning everyone including our children, destroying the economy, creating racial tensions and now they have us on the brink of a nuclear war over what is completely corrupt. (I wont' even mention the East Palestine disaster, which appears to have been planned)

A tree is known by its fruit. The outcome of Trump's term was POISON. everywhere. Trump has a long history of mismanagement. But his biggest problem is PRIDE. He lacks humility and meekness. Meaning he does things HIS way instead of being led by God, and thus, we see the results. Read what happened to king Saul, and you will see the "Trump Pattern" here.

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You’ll find out the Truth one day. There is a veil of darkness over your eyes that will be peeled away.

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Great insight.

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Thanks, Mr. Reese, Mr. Stars, Ms. Farber, Suzanne, !Powerful Interview!

I purchased the following book "Rise of the Fourth Reich" (below) as a gift for President Trump for delivery to his Mar-a-Lago address with the inscription: "Sir, You were duped, please consider this reference into the devastating and widespread personal costs of Project Warp Speed and the 'Vaccine'". I know many others are doing the same despite the futility.

I know that he never could have fired the deity Fauci worshiped by the left and the right, but that doesn't absolve him of responsibility that he hasn't acknowledged.


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Wow. Interesting book.

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Liberty Hero Dr. Naomi Wolf interviews the authors (Steve Deace and Daniel Horowitz) on her DailyClout.io platform:

"The Rise of the Fourth Reich": Dr. Naomi Wolf, Steve Deace and Daniel Horowitz Discuss The Return of the Fascist Mindset


BTW... Today's powerful Substack posting from Dr. Wolf is an amazing "apology to conservatives":

"An Apology to Conservatives":


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"Trump will go to hell"... Arm chair quarterbacks amaze me-you look at everything he was up against and still is-no grace to consider he was deceived considering all the risks he took, the money he lost, the battles he has been through, the number of traitors who have stabbed him in the back-and you say with "authority" that he most certainly IS going to burn in hell? Any credibility I would have afforded you just disappeared in a vacuum. Not that I am anyone of consequence. Look at the greatest generals in the world-and I am a student of history-and I can show you disastrous tactical and strategic errors that cost hundreds and even thousands of lives. Beyond that-no Christian can profess knowledge of spiritual destiny. Only God is omniscient You are professing God status. Your scriptural knowledge is sophomoric and opportunistic.

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Look. I don't hate Trump. I want him to succeed. But your argument contradicts what God clearly says Himself. This is not any "Christian" or man making the rules. It is what the LORD says:

Read Proverbs chapter 28.

13. He who covers his sins will not prosper,

But whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.

Read the four passages about "pharmakiah sorcery" condemned in the last book and even the last chapter of the Bible I posted above. Trump is in trouble and he will NOT prosper as long as he will not take responsibility and confess his sins. He will lose his soul. That is NOT my call. That is clearly what the LORD says.

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