We have had many people who tested "antibody positive" for "HIV" after receiving blood. Celia and I have been in contact with Hemophiliacs who refused to take AZT and outlived all the people in their support group that took these toxic drugs and died. These Hemophiliacs were sometimes threatened, and were paranoid because "they weren't supposed to be alive." and they were already past the longevity of their disease and expectations. I knew four (4) women who were mothers and wonderful ladies that I think were murdered by AID$ Inc.
We have had many people who tested "antibody positive" for "HIV" after receiving blood. Celia and I have been in contact with Hemophiliacs who refused to take AZT and outlived all the people in their support group that took these toxic drugs and died. These Hemophiliacs were sometimes threatened, and were paranoid because "they weren't supposed to be alive." and they were already past the longevity of their disease and expectations. I knew four (4) women who were mothers and wonderful ladies that I think were murdered by AID$ Inc.