oops...the Kazhars again?

and people still don't understand that in WW2, the good guys lost the world and the Kazhars won, thanks to the their minions in DC, London and Moscu,? Untill people reset WW2 lies, and start thinking again, the pieces of the puzzle wont fall in place.

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Thanks for all the background info to the SVB event. Totally unaware of all the connections. A very valuable clip.

We appear to be nearing the precipice...

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Another investigator-on Rumble, Amazing Polly, also has some interesting information and connections.

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Trump is not going to save us. Only the people can save us.

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I dunno how anyone, at this point in time, could still think that Trump is on our side and that he has our best interests at heart. He’s responsible for Operation Warp Speed, which will go down as the biggest mass murder event in human history. Trump > Hitler.

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He was goated like all of us were. Constant persecution. Constant humiliation. Is he a saint? No. Am I? No. Did you enjoy your gas prices, food, travel, safety, safe boarders while he did not take any income during his Presidency? He trusted some evil in the White House that deceived him. In 2020 just about all of The United States turned RED. Evil prevailed. It is called manipulation cheating. Look what we have now. Farms being destroyed, education unrecognizable, churches being burned, child trafficking off the meter, mayhem in the streets everywhere. I do not care if he has orange hair or purple hair. He stood up for AMERICA. Must look Presidential? Give me a break! I say Must Protect America. He did just that. Your right you dunno.

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Mass Murderer is Fauci. Responsible for my brother's death this November.

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Don't follow the herd. Follow the Word. God Bless

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Mar 16, 2023
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Tell it

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Thank you solly khan

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WTF Greg! Check this out. > Trilateral Commission calls 2023 'Year One' of new world order


Patrick Woods is giving a Talk : https://www.worldviewweekend.com/tv/video/breaking-trilateral-commission-calls-2023-year-one-new-world-order

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Thank you!

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Just glad you saw it. Things are moving fast. Xi speech. , The space weapons,. ...O'Leary doing a 180° on Tucker last night. Now this ... Biden&Yellin yeah they are dog kings but they been working for this all along. Eurasia; the world island that's a divergence from Rockefeller plans. I see it at chauvinism just like us in America we are proud of our heritage. That's all good that ain't a threat.

The Brits-Europeans wont be able to loot/break apart Russia. That said They still reach their goals of looting Russia trough China . . . Will see.

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Eyes on the ball has always A+++. The whole Epstein-JPMorgan started after Jamie Dimon showed up at DAVOS 2023 saying Oil is not going anywhere soon and China decoupling can't be a total decoupling. You have to keep in mind Schwab wants to take away the power of the USA to print money.

I saw it has a smear or limited hangout, even the ECB revelation were limited. . Even Whitney Webb cant write more than public informations. There's no doubt the scheme is vast and on an unprecedented scale. Isreal will do ANYTHING to keep his reputation/influence/coercion power intact.

Its like Roseanna put it: Childrens (who are now adults) will have to speak the name of their abusers.

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Schwab is just the frontman. It’s the bankers and families of old behind him that are directing the traffic. His mentor was Henri Kissinger. (His depop doc and world take over docs are very detailed . Kissinger was funded by David Rockefeller.

There are even darker demonic forces behind (or inside) these monsters frontmen. They are cruel and heartless sociopaths intent on destruction and power.



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..."Schwab is just the frontman." Nah DAVOS is a party, They Are ALL Clients. Didn't you saw Dmitry Medvedev tweeting: Davos 2023 would be a flop coz all the most beautiful girls would not go? Now, now alduts can do w/e they like ,if you pay 10k$ per night for a beautiful eastern european girls. What kind of treat do you get for 100k ? or 1 mil even ... What kind of person drop that much ... There is not enough money in the world to convince me to fuck G Soros ... hahahahhaah

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"There isn't much pushback in the federal government." YA THINK?

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Thank you.

Here is a TruNews show of yesterday on the same subject of Israel companies getting their money out in time of the Silicon Valley Bank.

1:46:01 is the video runtime of the TruNews video


Shekel Shuffle Janet-Yellen's SVB Bailout was for Israeli tech.

All we have left is to expose ALL deeds of unrighteousness.

Ephesians, chapter 6 I think.

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Problem is - we expose it , but we don’t have an honest , uncorrupted legal sector to lock them up. They’re all in on the game.

IT’s amazing that the poisonous chem shot was forced on everyone except congress.

Makes you wonder what they’ve been promised to pretend they care about us.

My comfort comes from knowing there IS a RIGHTEOUS Father and Creator who sees all. And HE is all about justice. Love yes, but also justice.

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The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic ,

The words "Coronavirus" and "Pandemic" are deceptive words with only mutable meaningless meanings.

This House Select Subcommittee is more political gamesmanship victimizing we the people and is unanimously disgusting.

And to add further insult to injury of we the people,

The Bush-Clinton Covid Commission

Two former presidents can lead a credible bipartisan probe.



Meanwhile we have no scientific isolation of the pathogen and identification of the products that are causing the aggressive illness or illnesses that are murdering and maiming humanity.

(Every use of the shell-game word labels "COVID", "COVID-19", virus, coronavirus, SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 are murderous lies deceptions.)


Apocalypse 6:8

And I saw, and behold, a pale horse: and he that sat upon him, his name was Death; and Hades followed with him. And there was given unto them authority over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with famine, and with death, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

Apocalypse 9:15

And the four angels were loosed, who were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year: for to kill the third part of men.

History and Critique of Virology by Dr. Tom Cowan

THIS is the Mother of All Lies & They’re DESPERATE to Keep It Hidden From You!

“What if the very foundation of the modern medical industrial complex is built upon a lie so big, that it would undo their entire system if the public found out?”

Again, Tom Cowan takes the viewer thru the logical progression of how there has NEVER been a proper scientific/logical foundation for there being such a thing as a contagious, infectious, disease-causing “virus” — NEVER!


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That’s why they attack natural doctors so viciously.

God gave us herbs for healing. But they can’t be patented - for profit, AND pharma (witchcraft) comes with added benefit for demons - they are destructive .

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Just what we need, the ethical pedophile and the cabal 9/11 traitor investigating the cabal's corrupt Covid-19 response!! Yeah!!

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these guys had been ruling the US for at lease 100 years.

we will not see them in front of a firing squad, unfortunately.

they lie, steal and kill with no remorse...like 9/11. then, they crack up watching it thru the TV industry they own, the "we never forget show" every year we politicians pretending they care about innocent lives. They must get together to laugh about the lines of starving people, suicide, desperation during the crisis they create like the great depression or the coming one. Jesus called them "the sons of the devil"...

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Mar 15, 2023
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Amen to that.

It shouldn’t surprise us that satan has created a nexus of power at high levels.

He even tempted Jesus with promises of giving Him ALL he can imagine.

So…satan has given power and money to those willing to forfeit their souls to him.

20Woe to those who call evil good

and good evil,

who put darkness for light

and light for darkness,

who put bitter for sweet

and sweet for bitter.

Isaiah 10:12

1Woe to those who make unjust laws,

to those who issue oppressive decrees,

2to deprive the poor of their rights

and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people,

making widows their prey

and robbing the fatherless.

3What will you do on the day of reckoning,

when disaster comes from afar?

To whom will you run for help?

Where will you leave your riches?

4Nothing will remain but to cringe among the captives

or fall among the slain.

We are presently seeing the emergence of evil last days as in the days of Noah .

Extreme sexual perversion (laws to ALLOW men mocking women dressed as women and sexually dancing in front of CHILDREN!), murder (sacrifice) of our innocent children to moloch (abortion up to birth age) and harvesting and selling of those body parts, those cell lines being INJECTED into OTHER humans without their knowledge as vaccines, and rebellious mockery of god , as well as attacks on those who are trying to defend the innocent unborn without a voice, and attacks on those who love and follow Jesus, and the Father.

Humans don’t do these evil behaviors naturally on this scale, without the demonic influence around or INside of them. We need to acknowledge something has changed on our planet. The spiritual countdown has accelerated .

God warned us of all these things in His Word - (especially the last book of Revelation), so that we would recognize it when it happens and BELIEVE ON HIM.

He is our only help when the end comes. Jesus is the LIFE SAVER. All you have to do is believe on Him. He will do the rest.

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yes I agree. however if you are in this spiritual war, you will need to do more than believe. you need the Full Armour of God and to endure to the end and to Press Toward the Mark. Believers are in the biggest most vicious war in history. We strive for victory over the enemy daily in Jesus name.

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that guy who runs that show (Rick) strikes me as controlled opposition, all antichrist entities in the end times support Israel. just my opinion.

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💯👀 Thanks Greg!

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Simple: Freemasonry connects all the dots. It's the only rational explanation for coordination of all levels of power in 70+ countries, where there's no money trail, no profit from their genocidal actions.

Wake up!


Scientifically proven! There was a bioweapon release in Wuhan:


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Greg Have you seen this.. Carnival in Brazil 2023, just a few days ago? And the floods that followed? Was thinking you can do a video on it...Warning, it is disturbing!



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Wow! The RELIGIOUS worship of SATAN is now so in your face.

They’ve just come out and shown you who it is they worship and follow.

Now…who will you choose to follow. Please let it be JESUS. I am the WAY, THE truth, The Life.

No-one comes to the Father but through Me…. Even if you don’t believe that now. When times become harder , remember my words. God bless you all.

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Its sooo unbelievable how in your face it is at this point.. and the the floods that happed the next day!! WOW INDEED!

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God wins - The END.

Jesus said “IT is FINISHED”.

This is the grand finale show right now. Gird your loins, abide in Him (stay tethered to Him and His promises and keep speaking to Him daily) and you will be fine.

And pray for the lost.

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thankyou-=good basic and iimportant overview--all the most important points!

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Do they want people to panic to help collapse the banks? They certainly did in the past. Makes it look like it was the public and not their criminal propaganda system.

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Love your work!!

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Oh well there goes the Republic.

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