There would be no reason to believe that trading a tangible asset, like metals, for something intangible and ethereal as digital currency, is a good idea.
While gold does and will continue to exist, digital wealth can be deleted or withheld at the stroke of a button.
The question is, as always, "who benefits?"
This system also guarantees that a digital I.D. will finally be foisted upon you.
Unless you are holding it in your hand, you probably don't have it.
Supposedly a plastic card can represent some amount of money at any given time.
You trust that you can access it and use it as you wish.
You KNOW that isn't true, but choose to believe it.
Yes. I cannot believe this fable of fake money! And Bitcoin mining? How do you mine nothing? Ludicrous, and a hilarious “are you kidding me? You fell for it!”
And all supposedly accessed through a computer. Which needs Internet. Which needs electricity. Which can all be (and are) controlled. SMH with both hands…..
Your bank account needs the grid and computers to be up in order to operate. Cash registers at retail stores need computers to operate. Your argument is not just about Bitcoin and Bitcoin mining.
You fell for taking a bank account and a credit card if that is your argument. They need computers & energy to function.
Honestly, people speak nonsense without thinking their ideas through.
Where do you think Federal Reserve Notes come from? Only a small portion of dollars are in the form of printed paper. The rest are all digital assets that rely on computers and the grid to power them.
This is the sad state of affairs of people educated in public indoctrination centers. You are a prime example.
When the system, (internet, electrical grid, social cohesion, etc.), goes down, and I believe it will, everything without substance will disappear. Whatever energy has been invested in that system will be worthless.
Way to "clue her in" with your sense of superiority. If you're aware of the literal SPELL that our currency is (referring to the fiat dollar) you dont have anything to stand on if you continue to advocate for more of it, just "different". its all bullshit. And I say that as a person with a relatively decent crypto portfolio. This is beside the point --
Point being - there is no reason to be an asshole to her.
If you KnOw So MuCh, then help people.
Or at least have compassion, for there was a time when you did not know what you now know.
She made a stupid comment about electricity and the internet. Then she doubled down on stupid. Some people choose to resist help and defend their ignorance.
It is pretty late in the game, if you want to look at it that way. Do what you can now. True wealth doesn't come overnight (that is one way to tell) and is the trap of society - Fear and chasing after things.. I do NOT have it together, but have made inroads in case the worst happens.
Well I agree. Things may all be determined by Location, Location, Location. Becoming self-sufficient is essential, but organization locally with a Constitutional Sheriff and community might be the best plan. I think this is going to come down to local government and communities.
Hi! I appreciate this comment a lot aaaaand I looked at your page, I'm from the PNW too, and I escaped when they turned it into diet north korea as well. Salute to you.
You're right. It turns out "mining" bitcoin creates environmental nightmares, often in suburban neighborhoods where it is done. It's certainly absurd to need electricity to access one's money!
I would agree that merely changing the currency doesn't change a thing. It's the economy that needs changing. An economy is rules-based. To change an economy the rules need to be changed.
Economies are an aspect of culture. An economy is meant to benefit the well being and survival of individuals and the entire group as a whole. The people in a society should be the ones who decide its economy. (In past history, remarkably creative economies have existed, many without any money.) It is not supposed to be dictated from the top down.
It's a fact that the self-designated Elites have always crashed civilization. In the past people could merely walk away and start over. This time. . . .
I like Gold and Silver. Trouble is that you can't exchange it easily. There are some banks now exchanging and holding gold deposits. But not many...and you are back at the banks again, and only as long as they say they will exchange gold.
If you need $20,000 dollars (they are still in use you know) how fast can you sell 7 Ounces of gold to pay someone who won't take your gold?
Gold and silver are only what you can get from then WHEN you need it. People don;t know what gold is worth.
Many of the people who made huge fortunes in BTC and Crypto are buying Gold and Silver. They are not stupid. But they also know that gold and silver are hard to exchange at the value they should be.
Bitcoin was designed to address exactly the problem you’re alluding to. From a technical point of view as long as a user owns their private keys (analogy to storing cash under the mattress vs the bank) then owning Bitcoin is like owning digital gold (where its value is the PoW energy needed to mine it). However, for this to be true it comes down to social scalability (ref Nick Szabo’s blog post on this) and for each and everyone of us to own coins (or satoshis), custody our private keys, and run full nodes. By taking a passive approach and pointing fingers we’re letting those hungry for power grab all the coins and create an even more unequal economic system than the current one. The technology is just a tool. It is for us to shape it.
sometimes I feel like I would be called a hoarder, but at least what I have, all of this in my hand when needed. whatever you have, you need to protect. hint, hint
The sheeple conveniently forgot about captain warps speed and his democide vaccines. They voted the biggest mass murderer in history back into office, so he could finish the job
I'm pretty sure the Bolsheviks still hold the title, and that Trump is their hand puppet, so essentially, the tally is ongoing for (((them))). (See the Oden-Yinon "conspiracy theory" in action right now in Gaza, Syria, Lebanon, Iran and extended into Ukraine.)
“The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls. They got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear… They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying. Lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else… It’s called the American Dream, ’cause you have to be asleep to believe it.”
On the 19th of September 2019. Trump signed an executive order, that included a vaccine urgent platform, with the mandate for vaccines with recombinant gene technology. In September of 2019, there was not a single reason for that to be an executive order.
He had a reason. Agent Adelson holding up a picture of his family and saying, in a NY Yiddish accent of course, "It would be such a shame if anything were to happen."
Power comes at a price, unless you're the one paying everyone. For the "one" who pays out the $ also prints the $ - they own everything.
The truth movement was hijacked by the Maga movement and the sheeple think becoming the crypto capital of the world is a good thing. No mention of constitutional money.
I was wanting to illustrate the fact that the Aim of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires is not money, they already have all the money in the world and have had all the money in the World for 10,000 years.
The Aim of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires is control, to maintain the control they have and have had for 10,000 years for another 10,000 years.
During the time of this substack I have written over 220 articles about the methodology of control and it is all true.
Psychopath Training for Trustable Fronts…
Satanism, Sodomy, Pedophilia and Satanic Rituals like Human Sacrifice like in the Mafia you have to kill a man before you can join, these guys of the Satanic Religion, you have to murder a kid in a Satanic Human Sacrifice Ritual - as a method of control of the elite Leaders, Dictators, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Professors, Policemen, Bankers, Burrocracy…
Yes and yes! Money is used to manipulate their minions to do their bidding! Many of them are compromised to be kept in line. Most likely ALL 535 of them to some level!
I bet you also did not know that SHA-256 is an open and transparent algorithm that has been analysed by cryptographers for longer than Bitcoin’s existence.
I bet you did not know that Roger Ver - the man who says Bitcoin was hijacked, is an advocate of Bitcoin Cash (a hard fork of Bitcoin that also uses NSA’s invention: SHA-256)
The only thing that Roger needs to do to make all of this persecution of him go away, is to demand to be given a hand written and SIGNED guarantee that he will actually get a fair trial! Very few people realize that the whole legal system is a scam, a fraud, an artifice, and therefor no one has a legitimate obligation to be a part of it in any way! He needs to read my two page long paper called The UNIVERSAL Get Out Of Jail For Free Card! No one yet has been able to tell me why I have to let a bunch of criminals in expensive suits and black robes commit crimes against me!
If a trial cannot be guaranteed to be a fair one, then what is the point of having one at all? Isn't it a scam then, if it's not going to be fair for all?
I agree that all systems of law, government and so forth are and have been corrupted since the days of the Fallen Angel's on earth. But, how can a signed document guarantee that you get a fair trial? Don't they already assume they are giving you a fair trial? In other words, they may give you a rigged trial, but all authorities involved will testify that it was a fair trial. It doesn't matter what you say or do, it's gonna be done in the way they want, isn't it? The authorities/controllers are the law and wrote the law in their favor. Wouldn't it be best to get out of the system altogether by retracting your citizenship, retracting your SS# card, retracting your drivers license and anything that gives you an ID or account that proves that you are regulated by their systems and institutions? If you're not a participant in any way, how can they rule over you? I would think that you basically would have to become totally sovereign in every way possible, completely disconnecting from the control grid altogether in order to not be harassed by their government thugs. But, then, you look at the Amish and the Mennonites who usually are not harassed, but in some cases have been harassed by the government despite not being active participants. So, how do we totally get out of the system and get these psychopaths off our backs? All the masses of average sane people will have to agree to revolt, no longer participate in their systems, lock up the psychopathic controllers and their goons, disperse their riches equally amongst all humanity and come up with a better plan to sustain ourselves, heal ourselves and live peaceably together.
Thanks Greg, but this guy is no victim. He got greedy, made a hasty assessment, ran away, then wrote a book about it. He's experiencing his own karma now. Which is actually true for us all. There really are no victims, what we do comes back to us, sometimes immediately or sometimes in another lifetime. That's why it's best to attune our will to God's...Thy Will Be Done is actually a very powerful mantra when fully concentrated upon.
The guy who made sure his tax accountants and lawyers paid everything he owed BEFORE renouncing his citizenship, and then gets arrested TEN YEARS LATER on a warrant for TAX EVASION FOR TAXES HE OWED AFTER HE WAS NO LONGER A CITIZEN ANYMORE is not a victim of a criminal empire run by paedo banker rats with monopoly money? gtfoh
I know it not easy to swallow Good Citizen, but taking Sheriff Mack's excellent course on the Constitution at his site, may help. Sheriff Mack talks very intelligently about how we Americans are largely responsible for where we find ourselves because we have taken our hands off the wheel. We can continue to blame others and go down with them. Or we can take our power back, put our hands back on the wheel, and steer this country in We the People's desired direction. That sounds better to me than letting "paedo banker rats" control us...but to each their own.
Trump was removed because his time wasn't right, so they put Brandon in and now the trap is more timely to gather more control, and the sheople are all in for their own demise!
Is Bitcoin a way for the global elites to capture hard assets like gold, silver and real estate and leave the masses holding the crypto? Is this a trap? Your thoughts...
Well that is already working with "paper" and the Federal Reserve Annual Unit of Debt note. (FRAUD Note) All these transactions are based on what they call "confidence in the exchange" We have to create ways that allow us to buy and sell safely, without the controllers of the currency manipulating its value.
Look at the BTC, The way it Pumps and Dumps is its biggest downfall. But the technology behind what it and many other Crypto coins have, can improve and become more stable. There are 2.4 million Alt coins out there. We can develop a stable system, but it needs work!
Simply the fact that the global bankers let Bitcoin run and grow should’ve made it obvious that it’s always been a trap. They will never allow competition, period.
And if that wasn’t enough, as others have pointed out, Bitcoin is just another fiat creation backed up by nothing, and worse, totally dependent on the tech system that the bankers and their mafia/government thugs created and have always controlled and spied on from the beginning.
Just another’money for fools’ con that’s helping build acceptance for enslaving digital currency.
I really don't think you know much about cryptocurrency. You are right about the CBDC and what the banks want as the ONLY means of exchange. But there are 2.4 million cypto coins out there now. BTC is not a the only one and no one is forced to use it.
Tucker, always acting as if he's truly perplexed and clueless. Sure Tucker, nice try!!
"Anonymous people that nobody knows their names ..." LOL, well, here's a thought, start with Rothschild and start looking downward.
"“Since I have entered politics I have chiefly had mens views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere. A power so subtle, so organized, so complete and pervasive that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
Microsoft patent PO2020060606. "The Mark" is coming. People will be throwing their silver and gold into the streets. These psychos are scientifically engineering Revelations to look like its happening now when we are really at the end of the "Little Season" in Revelations, right before Satan gets sent back to the bottomless pit. They really think they can create singularity and inject Satan into the machine to avoid hell and become "God like" before the turning of a Great Age. Sooner, rather than later, God will cut you down!
The bitcoin algorithm is one of the worst of all cryptocurrencies. It also isn't backed by precious metals like XRP and XLS. Why can't we standardize on something more stable and efficient? Manipulating the money with CBDCs is what we want to get away from and is the main reason we are in the situation we are in now. I like the idea of erasing the debt but it could be done simply by repealing the fraudulent Federal Reserve Act and inverting the debt back on the criminals that created fiat currency out of thin air and devalued it to less that 2% of its original value.
There would be no reason to believe that trading a tangible asset, like metals, for something intangible and ethereal as digital currency, is a good idea.
While gold does and will continue to exist, digital wealth can be deleted or withheld at the stroke of a button.
The question is, as always, "who benefits?"
This system also guarantees that a digital I.D. will finally be foisted upon you.
Unless you are holding it in your hand, you probably don't have it.
Supposedly a plastic card can represent some amount of money at any given time.
You trust that you can access it and use it as you wish.
You KNOW that isn't true, but choose to believe it.
It will work until it doesn't.
Yes. I cannot believe this fable of fake money! And Bitcoin mining? How do you mine nothing? Ludicrous, and a hilarious “are you kidding me? You fell for it!”
And all supposedly accessed through a computer. Which needs Internet. Which needs electricity. Which can all be (and are) controlled. SMH with both hands…..
Your bank account needs the grid and computers to be up in order to operate. Cash registers at retail stores need computers to operate. Your argument is not just about Bitcoin and Bitcoin mining.
You fell for taking a bank account and a credit card if that is your argument. They need computers & energy to function.
Honestly, people speak nonsense without thinking their ideas through.
Where do you think Federal Reserve Notes come from? Only a small portion of dollars are in the form of printed paper. The rest are all digital assets that rely on computers and the grid to power them.
This is the sad state of affairs of people educated in public indoctrination centers. You are a prime example.
Read Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto.
When the system, (internet, electrical grid, social cohesion, etc.), goes down, and I believe it will, everything without substance will disappear. Whatever energy has been invested in that system will be worthless.
why not put your money in tulips? it was used for money once.
Been waiting for someone to bring up the Tulip debacle.
Yes, my statement was about Bitcoin and Bitcoin mining. Period.
So you are clueless about the reality of Babylonian Money Magic and the nature of the fiat dollar.
I thought so.
You should have quit while you were behind.
Way to "clue her in" with your sense of superiority. If you're aware of the literal SPELL that our currency is (referring to the fiat dollar) you dont have anything to stand on if you continue to advocate for more of it, just "different". its all bullshit. And I say that as a person with a relatively decent crypto portfolio. This is beside the point --
Point being - there is no reason to be an asshole to her.
If you KnOw So MuCh, then help people.
Or at least have compassion, for there was a time when you did not know what you now know.
She made a stupid comment about electricity and the internet. Then she doubled down on stupid. Some people choose to resist help and defend their ignorance.
Fake is fake, right?
I often get laughed at when I ask crypto fanatics, "what happens when the internet goes out or power grid goes down?"
They act like it has never happened before.
Maybe learning to grow a vegetable or how to kill and process a chicken would be of better use.
How long does it take to grow a vegetable? Or hatch and grow a chicken? How long does it take for a mob to kill you for them? Got guns? They will too.
It is pretty late in the game, if you want to look at it that way. Do what you can now. True wealth doesn't come overnight (that is one way to tell) and is the trap of society - Fear and chasing after things.. I do NOT have it together, but have made inroads in case the worst happens.
Well I agree. Things may all be determined by Location, Location, Location. Becoming self-sufficient is essential, but organization locally with a Constitutional Sheriff and community might be the best plan. I think this is going to come down to local government and communities.
Hi! I appreciate this comment a lot aaaaand I looked at your page, I'm from the PNW too, and I escaped when they turned it into diet north korea as well. Salute to you.
HAIL friend! I do miss the PNW and riding motorcycle on the twisty roads through the Willamette National Forest.
The most beautiful open air prison ever!
Hahaha TRUE INDEED!!! 🏴☠️ ❤️
You're right. It turns out "mining" bitcoin creates environmental nightmares, often in suburban neighborhoods where it is done. It's certainly absurd to need electricity to access one's money!
I would agree that merely changing the currency doesn't change a thing. It's the economy that needs changing. An economy is rules-based. To change an economy the rules need to be changed.
Economies are an aspect of culture. An economy is meant to benefit the well being and survival of individuals and the entire group as a whole. The people in a society should be the ones who decide its economy. (In past history, remarkably creative economies have existed, many without any money.) It is not supposed to be dictated from the top down.
It's a fact that the self-designated Elites have always crashed civilization. In the past people could merely walk away and start over. This time. . . .
I like Gold and Silver. Trouble is that you can't exchange it easily. There are some banks now exchanging and holding gold deposits. But not many...and you are back at the banks again, and only as long as they say they will exchange gold.
If you need $20,000 dollars (they are still in use you know) how fast can you sell 7 Ounces of gold to pay someone who won't take your gold?
Gold and silver are only what you can get from then WHEN you need it. People don;t know what gold is worth.
Many of the people who made huge fortunes in BTC and Crypto are buying Gold and Silver. They are not stupid. But they also know that gold and silver are hard to exchange at the value they should be.
Bitcoin was designed to address exactly the problem you’re alluding to. From a technical point of view as long as a user owns their private keys (analogy to storing cash under the mattress vs the bank) then owning Bitcoin is like owning digital gold (where its value is the PoW energy needed to mine it). However, for this to be true it comes down to social scalability (ref Nick Szabo’s blog post on this) and for each and everyone of us to own coins (or satoshis), custody our private keys, and run full nodes. By taking a passive approach and pointing fingers we’re letting those hungry for power grab all the coins and create an even more unequal economic system than the current one. The technology is just a tool. It is for us to shape it.
Thank you for the kindness of an explanation. I am in no way savvy on the subject, and knowing is half the battle.
you are correct. with the world going crazy, why not hold what works and goes back thousands of years.
Wise people diversify. Gold, silver food, ammo, cryptos and cash.
sometimes I feel like I would be called a hoarder, but at least what I have, all of this in my hand when needed. whatever you have, you need to protect. hint, hint
The sheeple conveniently forgot about captain warps speed and his democide vaccines. They voted the biggest mass murderer in history back into office, so he could finish the job
I'm pretty sure the Bolsheviks still hold the title, and that Trump is their hand puppet, so essentially, the tally is ongoing for (((them))). (See the Oden-Yinon "conspiracy theory" in action right now in Gaza, Syria, Lebanon, Iran and extended into Ukraine.)
A Brief History of World Economics
Economics™ is a hoax.
“The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls. They got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear… They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying. Lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else… It’s called the American Dream, ’cause you have to be asleep to believe it.”
well said george...
On the 19th of September 2019. Trump signed an executive order, that included a vaccine urgent platform, with the mandate for vaccines with recombinant gene technology. In September of 2019, there was not a single reason for that to be an executive order.
Trump sold us down the river for 30 shekels
He had a reason. Agent Adelson holding up a picture of his family and saying, in a NY Yiddish accent of course, "It would be such a shame if anything were to happen."
Power comes at a price, unless you're the one paying everyone. For the "one" who pays out the $ also prints the $ - they own everything.
People forget this little fact.
Thank you!
The truth movement was hijacked by the Maga movement and the sheeple think becoming the crypto capital of the world is a good thing. No mention of constitutional money.
Trump is a trojan horse for digital ID.
I was wanting to illustrate the fact that the Aim of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires is not money, they already have all the money in the world and have had all the money in the World for 10,000 years.
The Aim of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires is control, to maintain the control they have and have had for 10,000 years for another 10,000 years.
During the time of this substack I have written over 220 articles about the methodology of control and it is all true.
Psychopath Training for Trustable Fronts…
Satanism, Sodomy, Pedophilia and Satanic Rituals like Human Sacrifice like in the Mafia you have to kill a man before you can join, these guys of the Satanic Religion, you have to murder a kid in a Satanic Human Sacrifice Ritual - as a method of control of the elite Leaders, Dictators, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Professors, Policemen, Bankers, Burrocracy…
To create a FRONT man..
Yes and yes! Money is used to manipulate their minions to do their bidding! Many of them are compromised to be kept in line. Most likely ALL 535 of them to some level!
Bitcoin… product of the NSA…
I bet you also did not know that SHA-256 is an open and transparent algorithm that has been analysed by cryptographers for longer than Bitcoin’s existence.
I bet you did not know that Roger Ver - the man who says Bitcoin was hijacked, is an advocate of Bitcoin Cash (a hard fork of Bitcoin that also uses NSA’s invention: SHA-256)
Did you?
That is like saying “The government invented roads, so every car must secretly belong to them.”
The car does belong to them if you register it dummy
What is the connection between your reference and SHA-256?
The only thing that Roger needs to do to make all of this persecution of him go away, is to demand to be given a hand written and SIGNED guarantee that he will actually get a fair trial! Very few people realize that the whole legal system is a scam, a fraud, an artifice, and therefor no one has a legitimate obligation to be a part of it in any way! He needs to read my two page long paper called The UNIVERSAL Get Out Of Jail For Free Card! No one yet has been able to tell me why I have to let a bunch of criminals in expensive suits and black robes commit crimes against me!
If a trial cannot be guaranteed to be a fair one, then what is the point of having one at all? Isn't it a scam then, if it's not going to be fair for all?
I agree that all systems of law, government and so forth are and have been corrupted since the days of the Fallen Angel's on earth. But, how can a signed document guarantee that you get a fair trial? Don't they already assume they are giving you a fair trial? In other words, they may give you a rigged trial, but all authorities involved will testify that it was a fair trial. It doesn't matter what you say or do, it's gonna be done in the way they want, isn't it? The authorities/controllers are the law and wrote the law in their favor. Wouldn't it be best to get out of the system altogether by retracting your citizenship, retracting your SS# card, retracting your drivers license and anything that gives you an ID or account that proves that you are regulated by their systems and institutions? If you're not a participant in any way, how can they rule over you? I would think that you basically would have to become totally sovereign in every way possible, completely disconnecting from the control grid altogether in order to not be harassed by their government thugs. But, then, you look at the Amish and the Mennonites who usually are not harassed, but in some cases have been harassed by the government despite not being active participants. So, how do we totally get out of the system and get these psychopaths off our backs? All the masses of average sane people will have to agree to revolt, no longer participate in their systems, lock up the psychopathic controllers and their goons, disperse their riches equally amongst all humanity and come up with a better plan to sustain ourselves, heal ourselves and live peaceably together.
Thanks Greg, but this guy is no victim. He got greedy, made a hasty assessment, ran away, then wrote a book about it. He's experiencing his own karma now. Which is actually true for us all. There really are no victims, what we do comes back to us, sometimes immediately or sometimes in another lifetime. That's why it's best to attune our will to God's...Thy Will Be Done is actually a very powerful mantra when fully concentrated upon.
The guy who made sure his tax accountants and lawyers paid everything he owed BEFORE renouncing his citizenship, and then gets arrested TEN YEARS LATER on a warrant for TAX EVASION FOR TAXES HE OWED AFTER HE WAS NO LONGER A CITIZEN ANYMORE is not a victim of a criminal empire run by paedo banker rats with monopoly money? gtfoh
I know it not easy to swallow Good Citizen, but taking Sheriff Mack's excellent course on the Constitution at his site, may help. Sheriff Mack talks very intelligently about how we Americans are largely responsible for where we find ourselves because we have taken our hands off the wheel. We can continue to blame others and go down with them. Or we can take our power back, put our hands back on the wheel, and steer this country in We the People's desired direction. That sounds better to me than letting "paedo banker rats" control us...but to each their own.
Trump was removed because his time wasn't right, so they put Brandon in and now the trap is more timely to gather more control, and the sheople are all in for their own demise!
Is Bitcoin a way for the global elites to capture hard assets like gold, silver and real estate and leave the masses holding the crypto? Is this a trap? Your thoughts...
Well that is already working with "paper" and the Federal Reserve Annual Unit of Debt note. (FRAUD Note) All these transactions are based on what they call "confidence in the exchange" We have to create ways that allow us to buy and sell safely, without the controllers of the currency manipulating its value.
Look at the BTC, The way it Pumps and Dumps is its biggest downfall. But the technology behind what it and many other Crypto coins have, can improve and become more stable. There are 2.4 million Alt coins out there. We can develop a stable system, but it needs work!
So the system has already been hijacked and is now controlled by the Evil?
And Trump and Elon and all the other llluminati snake oil salesmen are pitching it.
I cannot imagine how this is going to benefit the masses in any way.
Simply the fact that the global bankers let Bitcoin run and grow should’ve made it obvious that it’s always been a trap. They will never allow competition, period.
And if that wasn’t enough, as others have pointed out, Bitcoin is just another fiat creation backed up by nothing, and worse, totally dependent on the tech system that the bankers and their mafia/government thugs created and have always controlled and spied on from the beginning.
Just another’money for fools’ con that’s helping build acceptance for enslaving digital currency.
I really don't think you know much about cryptocurrency. You are right about the CBDC and what the banks want as the ONLY means of exchange. But there are 2.4 million cypto coins out there now. BTC is not a the only one and no one is forced to use it.
Tucker, always acting as if he's truly perplexed and clueless. Sure Tucker, nice try!!
"Anonymous people that nobody knows their names ..." LOL, well, here's a thought, start with Rothschild and start looking downward.
"“Since I have entered politics I have chiefly had mens views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere. A power so subtle, so organized, so complete and pervasive that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
- President Woodrow Wilson, 1914
That was 110 years ago!
Microsoft patent PO2020060606. "The Mark" is coming. People will be throwing their silver and gold into the streets. These psychos are scientifically engineering Revelations to look like its happening now when we are really at the end of the "Little Season" in Revelations, right before Satan gets sent back to the bottomless pit. They really think they can create singularity and inject Satan into the machine to avoid hell and become "God like" before the turning of a Great Age. Sooner, rather than later, God will cut you down!
The bitcoin algorithm is one of the worst of all cryptocurrencies. It also isn't backed by precious metals like XRP and XLS. Why can't we standardize on something more stable and efficient? Manipulating the money with CBDCs is what we want to get away from and is the main reason we are in the situation we are in now. I like the idea of erasing the debt but it could be done simply by repealing the fraudulent Federal Reserve Act and inverting the debt back on the criminals that created fiat currency out of thin air and devalued it to less that 2% of its original value.