The problem is already much deeper than that because the metamaterials themselves (i.e. the self-assembling nanoparticles) are in fact built by trillions of nanobots which are intrinsically AI, meaning self-governing and autonomous. That means they require no 5G external stimulation or ongoing human encryption to direct them, and can select through gene mirroring which disease process to trigger endogenously. The videos of Dr. David Nixen and the videos now circling of Ido Bachelet's work substantiate this, but it is enough to go research some of the plethora of patents. My post "BLOOD WARS" goes into this and clarifies the main points. As to Chris Cuomo, he was, is and always will be a spineless shill. Loser that he is, he is fishing for popular resonance whilst performing predictive programming on the part of Big Brother. His role is within the Controlled Opposition Industry, where there are plenty of new jobs for loser-applicants. We need to be aware that in order not to weaken our higher faculties of resilience essential for survival, we should call out predictive programming and controlled opp whenever we see them. That CC should be calling for a 911 style commission gives the game away for anyone in doubt. This is pure shill-speak. As for Gates, they will have to construct a whole new inner circle in Hell just for him.

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I advocate The Notion of an Inner Circle in Hell.....

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Billy would feel right 'at home' in Hades, and I have no doubt that in a short while he'd have bribed or bullied the appropriate devils to have assumed 'monopoly control' over the infrastructure running the place.

What these entities are afraid of is not 'whence they came from,' but rather, full exposure of their purpose and means. The light bulb finally turned on for me, when I realized that Bill's former "science advisor" Boris Nikolic had been named by Epstein as an executor of his will. Despite the many protestations of Nikolic, the damage was done - as in - the direct line of connection between the two demonic figures was at last established via Boris - who, if you can believe it, is an immunologist AND "xenotransplantationist" ...

you can go look that up and see the vanilla definition of that exotic species of 'medicine' ... but I suggest you turn on your imaginative faculties to high and let em guide you instead. Boris is now deeply involved in the "biotech" sector, funding a venture with connections to moderna and generally working to advance what we all know to be the "real"(tm)agenda of his former friends.

As to imaginative faculties, I believe that they are sorely needed to expand the scope of our understanding as to what's been going down here for the past xx years. Everything about "ZORRO RANCH" and "LITTLE ST JAMES ISLAND" reeks of the very worst elements of Lovecraft's "fictional' creations. And as i've mentioned before, only a savant as brilliant as McLuhan could have spelled out the obvious truth to the most covert fact of all - "only the little secrets are in need of protecting - the big one are keep safe by way of public incredulity."

Reading Dave McGowans book "Programmed to Kill" this week has finally feed me from the chains of voluntarily refusing to connect all the dots. Gates, Epstein, Biontech, Moderna, Merck et al are FUSED together in one long chain of HORROR which stops in at places like the POLANSKI mansion, the Yonkers park Berkowitz hung out, the farm where Willy carved up his victims into choice "cuts" and the Presidio daycare where "LT COLONEL US ARMY MICHAEL AQUINO took his pleasure with the children of his own service members.

We need to clean out the WHOLE of this Augean Stable of vice and corruption. Starting yesterday. 'IMAGINE' THAT!

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There's quite a lot of information in your comment some of which is new to me. But indeed, we do not need a Great Reset but a "Great Flushing" off the Sinister creatures. On a different but relevant note: having seen video clips of Gate's interviews & utterances, I think he suppers from a condition the name of which I don't know. It seems that he pauses for a fraction of a second to close his mouth & swallow ! he often has a Cup next to him for small sips... maybe Dryness of the mouth or Lack of or Thickness of sticky saliva... I'm not a Doctor so , It's hard to explain it . Anyhow, t doesn't seem to make him less of a dangerous man. By teh way ... what was the Hush Hush conclusion of when the found images of children on one of Computers at his offices? they blamed a Staff member & it was quickly buried....

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Pluto for Psychopaths, so they can't reincarnate. Who wants to go through this shit 20 some years from now?

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Not happening. The enemy lies deep within.


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Aquino… I recently read a paper by him he wrote for the military, on “Mindwar”. It’s readily available on the web. I read up on him - he was with the Church of Satan, but fell out with the head guy, so left and created his own religion called the Temple of Set (which supposedly was Satan’s real name, according to him).

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He's been a decades long fascination for me - in the course of researching PRESIDIO I discovered he'd written a whole book which reverse's Tolkien's LOTR by espousing the side of the DARK LORDS. I've got a draft post about MIND WARS in the works, because just last month i discovered he'd been cognizant of 'advances' in DARPA tech which has sprung out of his original PSY WAR paper with Vallely, and his description of it tallies with the hidden 'mind control' element of the CORONA CAPER.

One of the deeper 'wabbit wholes' to fall down indeed! At any rate, the connecting dots tween he, the mad scientists, Billy Goat & Jeff have now been made 'crystal clear.' It only remains to ask: was "satanism." "transgender," "transhumanism" etc., just another CIA op? And who really runs that monster, anyways?

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Insurrections get bloody and messy. Think the French Revolution created and guided by the masons: it ended with mason Napoleon on the throne, declaring war on Europe and his mason brother Joseph prosecuting religions. There are other things we could fight for:


Pray MAGA: Make America God’s again. Pray “Thy Kingdom come”. Make the world His Kingdom of love. “God is love”.

The US national motto is “in God we trust”1, the Oath of Allegiance sums up in “so help me God”2, and the Pledge of Allegiance is “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

“Under God”, not only means under God’s protection/providence, but also under God's will/authority and Commandments.

Separation of church and State means "freedom of conscience", i.e. that a Government should not impose any particular religion. It doesn't mean that public officials can't show and live their faith in public, and it means that the State must always put all actions "under God", definitely not “over” or against God’s Will. Lincoln: “the nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom.” 3

Freemasonry is the church of Lucifer. “Separation of church and State” requires eliminating the freemasonic demono-cracy over Government (theocracy comes from “theo”, God, “cratos”, power, but this has nothing to do with God, but Satan and his demons, so it’s a demono-cracy).

Get the murderers out of government: force masons to self-identify by law under severe penalty (their oath doesn't forbid self-identification, also, evil oaths are void).

MAGA (Make Assets Great Again): money should be 100% backed with gold and real assets. This makes masonic counterfeiting harder. They are buying everything with virtual money: listed corporations, media, medical system, political parties, prosti-ticians, universities… !

Satanic secret societies like the masons are increasing the financial supply through:

- Forging dollars using the Federal Reserve they fully control

- Money creation through bank loans without reserves

- Financial “wealth” creation out of thin air through financial instruments such as derivatives

- Government debt

It's what I call finflation: inflation of financial instruments

With those trillions they've bought control in all listed corporations, media, universities, political parties, medical societies, etc.

The way out of this mess: money and financial assets backed by real assets.

The full plan exposed, and 16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet



No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach laws urgently!


Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of lethal Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?


Rethinking science

Sciencing the rigged and corrupt scientific system for an overdue turnaround

Unless we change it, we’re doomed to the next PLANdemic. And yet, nothing has changed, only got worse!


Government spends 2x per student in public schools with respect to private ones and 3x at university level, with worse outcomes in all levels of education.

Time for a 100% voucher system, where parents can choose schools or earn the voucher money themselves if they homeschool (and their kids pass the exams), or through grand/parent/teacher coops.

This would allow many mothers to leave a work they hate and stay home with their babies and children, especially in the most important years of childhood until 6 years old. It would have a deep impact on society.

How to save the life from the COVID vaxxed in 10 easy fast steps?

Appeal to authority (that’s the only thing they listen to):

1. Show that, while it is still given in the USA, all countries in Northern Europe banned Moderna due to the severe after-effects (let’s not call them side effects, but deliberate effects).

2. Show them Florida’s declaration not recommending COVID vaccines to most of the population.

3. Show Texas suing Pfizer for lying about vaccine efficacy.

4. Show Health Canada’ statement about finding DNA in mRNA shots, proving they hacked the cell nucleus. Show the Swedish study proving that the cell nucleus is hacked by mRNA vaccines.

5. Show that Health Canada also says that Pfizer inserted a sequence of the SV40 monkey virus. Show the studies proving that SV40 is carcinogenic.

6. Show that the Republican Party declared COVID “vaccines” a “biological and technical biopeapon” and instructed the authorities to seize vials and run a forensic analysis.

Appeal to science:

7. Show the studies proving that the injected are still producing spike protein.

8. Show the studies proving that the spike protein was engineered to kill in Wuhan by adding HIV sequence and a Moderna cancer-related patent.

9. Convince them to labtest the amount of spike protein in their blood, which is still produced by their hacked cells, and if the can’t afford it:

10. Convince them to lower the spike protein in blood by trying any of the spike detox protocols based mostly on cheap medicines. They have nothing to lose, by trying it for a week, if their health improves, then they know that the bio-weapon caused their health problems:






God willingly, I’ll soon post that with all the references.

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Thank you for the Comment, & source Links....

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I understand this to be the 33ed level down, the very bottom of the pit.

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Waoa!!! the self governing and determination of these bots takes it to a whole new level to say the least.

At least if the bots needed 5G / controlled by AI, someone can shut it down/ have a change of mind on continuing on this dangerous path, but with the AI internal and self determining, there is no hope EXCEPT THROUGH GOD.

What have we done Oh God!!! in the name of tech advancement, we're so sorry.

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Well, I guess God has made our bodies adaptable for thousands of years and with His grace He will continue to do so but now the devil has been exposed! Definitely signs of end times IMO

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Limited hangout coming where they'll throw someone under the bus? No way CC took the injections...

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RFK jr. is as well. He banned me permanently from his site for asking why he was wringing his hands about maternal vaccines damaging unborn babies, while staunchly advocating for a mother's right to kill aka - [ dismemberment without anesthesia, burning alive or decapitation ] said unborn babies aka - [ products of pregnancy' ][?] That was what I said. These are easily confirmed facts. This is FB behavior. He is no better than the rest. They rise in proportion to their talent at reading the script in convincing ways aka - [ lying ]

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Hay. can we talk about that?

Oh, sorry, I forgot - we can't talk about that! My bad. But lets do it - anyway.

Ulrich Klopler - the guy who's garage had over 2000 aborted fetuses, stored in jars. Gosnell - convicted on multiple charges of live birth killings after 'failed abortions' - although one could 'imagine' them to have stepped from the pages of cheap horror crime pulp fiction, these "heroes of the revolution" are NOT fictional characters, they did their business with the approbation and/or support of 'cultured people' everywhere - and their crimes were more or less ignored by the complicit medias. Let's take the hint - like RFK - and move on!

No - wait. I wanna back up - Klopler & Gosnell WERE fictional characters - come to life. In contrast, Charles Dexter Ward & other HP Lovecraft characters were REAL persons, gone 'fictional' so that they could pursue their crimes in quietude. Ok, i think I've managed to straighten that out.

Epstein & Gates are fictional too. The imaginative scope of their actualised & intended 'crimes against humanity' profoundly exceeds the ability of a Borges or a Poe to conjure. They are fictional characters 'come to life' - in order for the mandates of the super villains who rule over us to be met.

Hoo be those super villains then - are they 'fictional' too?

No. They be 'real.' Our 'leaders' are 'real' in the 'post-modern' sense of everything being 'relative' - and free of 'moral' judgement. Free, therefore, to produce and direct a 'living' nightmare which it is now compulsory to be witness to!

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Every day hundreds of Gosnells and Kloplers roll out of bed for another long day of flaying alive unborn or just born babies. It must be exhausting. Moloch breathes heavily into the scalding fire on every street corner anticipating his daily sacrifice and we walk by deliberately oblivious.


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Doubtless, Satan is even learning new evil from the Gates Philanthropaths.

Not sure of the worst; he or the Mistress of the Dark Priestess Ex-Wife.

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Hope you can respond:

how exactly the nanos apparently do this 'can select through gene mirroring" ????

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Sabrina Wallace on rumble (psienergy) has done most of the heavy lifting research and join-the-dots into this particular reveal, and into the whole WBAN-satellite input-ouput technology in great detail. The capability of these bots seems to be to read DNA and replace base pairs with synthetic replacements for an AI build as they go through the system. A couple called Hope and Javon are also putting together relevant info from white papers, patents etc. as is Lisa McGee with Todd Callender (both were interviewed in separate podcasts by Greg on The Reese Report not long ago). The question is therefore, how do we stop this overwrite from happening? In my view it can be done with the power of the mind and through an understanding of scalar energy. Humans are stronger, harder to kill, and more resilient than we appear. We just need to step up a notch. We don't have to take this as a given conclusion.

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Thank you for the super fast response. Let's hope no CHATGPS et all is here...;)

It seems to me, that reading and replacing DNA base pairs without collapsing entirely organ by organ, and then the human body, is somewhat unthinkable, to me... Anything foreign will cause a reaction.

Nobody from the cited personalities is precise enough on that entire topic.. Just my own opinions..

It is more like, 'somebody' (CIA et al.) is very much into finding out how the mind power is done, how it really works, only for that one purpose, in order to abolish/DESTROY it, completely...

Sorry, my pessimism is bigger than anything else in these 'covid crimes'.

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I agree that this is very uncertain territory and a kind of wild west of sick experimentation is rampaging. It is very difficult to accurately predict or evaluate outcomes. One weak link is the reduction of the human genome to simply the protein encoders and ignoring the rest as "junk". In fact, our DNA is structured like a language with grammatical rules and a higher order of organization. That means, in essence, that we are more than physical beings. Our mind is not so easily stolen from us.

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"Nobody from the cited personalities is precise enough on that entire topic.."

quite true, yet also.... one needs read 'deeper' into the descriptions, in order to understand the "coding" which scientificism uses to mask it's affairs. They have bred a predilection into use to accept and use THEIR terms, taking at 'face value' what in fact are "bi-valent"(you may recognise the 'root' there in the more common "ambivalent!) meanings deliberated posed to assume control of the 'territory' - take for example...

the presence of that word "Chimera" the the corona landscape - for purposes of 'biology' we accept it's meaning as "having parts of different origins. In medicine, refers to a person, organ, or tissue that contains cells with different genes than the rest of the person, organ, or tissue"... yet this is cunningly duplicitous in it's usage. It refers itself back to the original term - a fire-breathing she-monster in Greek mythology having a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail.

Now, here's the moneyshot quote from Felgner - the guy who made it possible for Malone to produce functional mRNA.

"The whole world of possibilities opened up to

you right away. And the reason is, is because it solved a tremendous problem. Because everybody was trying to

encapsulate the nucleic acid into the traditional liposomes and it just was not practical to do that. But here, suddenly

everything became practical. We call it an extemporaneous mixture. You can take any gene you want, and you can mix it up,

and you get what you're looking for."

Keep in mind, this was in 1984. They've been able to to a shat load of stuff since then with "gene therapy" but somehow we sweep right up to 2019 or so and all those supposedly new techniques start coming out. Because they've been creating 'chimeras' all this time, but lacked a mass 'delivery vehicle' till the KovidKaper was a 'go.' There's a great danger in applying to much 'mechanistic' thinking and jargon to this business of 'nanobots' and what not, because in essence these things - to the extent that they 'exist' - are being used as a smoke screen for the actual application of the very thing that the so-called "myths" are about!

And that's what's in peoples bodies right now. I wonder if anyone looked up that term - xenotransplantationist I supplied above - and then gave it a bit of thought>

things are way way more advanced(as in - worse)than we've been led to believe. Way worse.

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yes, absolutely, it is way worse than we can even imagine, that's my believe..

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People who took the shot didn't even and still don't, at least those I ask, research what is in it. Unbelievable! Had we all, which I would have been right there, stood up and said NO, we wouldn't be in this mess!!!

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Just keep repeating the famous laughable line vaccines save lives and the sheep will rush for their own euthanasia jibby jab! Then stroke out and blame the healthy for not taking theirs! :)

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I get you but it saddens my heart to think and know so many people just followed "orders".

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My father wouldn't allow me to get all the vaccines when I was a kid. It was a bit of a fight to stay in public school. I'm 70. Thanks, Pop.

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Yeah I did that with my kids too. Wish I said a complete no though. Although I made good choices with little help or knowledge. Just a clear no coming from within me.


Meanwhile.... people have been speaking out for years here. Unfortunately mostly speaking to the choir.

And of course if the nature of disease and contagion is not looked at seriously by the masses....

(so please anyone addressing this be steady, hitting folks over the head with a hammer does no good, planting seeds is all there is, and I know the frustration level is high)

I think there is a strong movement in a good direction. Is it enough? None of us can know.


Meanwhile...... reading or listening to Gates is a journey into complete insanity. (and the words of others as well, but just reading his words I can feel him squirming while he gesticulates in odd meaningless ways.)


Meanwhile...... I'm still here. All I can do is try and take care of myself and live in alignment with what I feel is important. (no one can do that for me)

And write and speak out when and where I can. And when I have the capacity to do so.

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I wanted to add a thank you to Greg. I appreciate the work you are doing, even if I can't always read it.

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I agree. Planting seeds is all we can do. And try to be at peace with others …sigh…I sat through a church service years ago and the words the pastor spoke still ring through my head “if you were to be gone tomorrow… you want people to say… ohhhh she (or he)…was right!” They saw …I attempt that …. It is not easy when you want to loudly tell every one just turn your TV off! 🙈

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I wonder if the way to be heard is more about listening than speaking.

And really hearing ourselves.

(a bit vague, I know)

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Good point. Yes. 👍

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Awe…that is so sweet! Your dad knew and showed his unconditional love for his son and you are living to tell this beautiful story❤️

My mom told me at the age of 14 what was coming and I am now 64. She stated the earth was 20 years off it’s axis. Because remember before 2000 everyone stocked up with food, etc. cause a lot of people thought the world was coming to an end…well here we are 20 plus years later.

Because of my mother and the faith she had in Jesus and the teachings of the bible, she saved my life while hers was taken. 🙏

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Maybe Greg can do a report on this:

Pediatritan, Dr. Paul Thomas – “We Get Paid To Vaccinate Your Children”


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He already did :)

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I rarely miss a Reese Report, did a search and looked with no luck.

Can you provide the link? Thanks

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May 9Edited

And miss out on possibly being a SIDS case which is cover for infant murder by syringe!

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What a pathetic joke, this drama clown Cuomo is. His body language is so obvious. Pathetic rhetoric. The WHOLE 9/11 Commission Report was a complete made up FALSE story written, possibly (key word), long before the False Flag.... This clown is and has always been a puppet operative like his brother and father, Mario to the NWO agenda. Another FALSE LIE WRITTEN IN SOME BOOK WITH CIA OVERSIGHT BILLED TO THE TAX PAYER IS JUST ANOTHER COVER UP. The playbook never changes. 9/11 Survivor

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Remember when he told people not to go look into Hillary emails ?

Notice how he makes it about himself. If only he was truly looking for both side of the story . . . he would have come out earlier. They are redressing the set sadly.

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I was one of the victims from that hack & I have kept the communication/letter from the useless OPM notifying me. It wreaked hell on my life, especially financially from attacks. These are rabid mad degenerate psychopaths and there has been NO accountability for 61 years.

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Am 99% sure they will use the jibby jabb jab adverse effect to usher the CBDC "in the name of indemnification" . . . so many got real life changing injuries, Cumo talking about injuries is a huge red flag.

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TBH, a lot of us are all acting like controlled opposition against each other. This may be attributable to a combination of AI-enabled nanotech and the ability of DNA resonant frequency (aka bio-coded directed energy) to basically control the entire human organism (in a conventional sense for those new to knowledge of the capabilities, but not entirely omnipotent). It's a good rule of thumb not to be so emotionally reactive, if possible, and to stick to the evidence.

Assuming you already know about the nanotech, I'll shamelessly plug you on DNA resonant frequency: https://patrickkim.substack.com/p/targeting-proof?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Thank you for appreciating my comment. I assure you, I am not emotional, I am from NY and I am blatant when it comes to degenerate psychopaths that have been protected from the law by the cabal. I saw it all in the financial district as you know being a 9/11 Survivor, and was in the towers when the Nano Thermite, Thermite and C4 explosives were detonated. They poisoned us with untested Flouroquinolones (Cipro, Levaquin, etc.), when we got "pneumonia" every 6 months from the asbestos and poisons, which are all black boxed warnings now, the same for the experimental Anthrax vaccine... 9/11 victims were the first of those to receive COVID letters telling us how special we are and to we get to go first, and receive the shot free the poisonous untested and unapproved FDA "COVID-19 Experimental Poisonous Shot! It triggered me definitely. Did my homework because I knew after 19 years they were NOT there to help us, especially medically. Look up the number of cancers for 9/11 survivors. I saved that letter too. Don't ever trust these government bureaucratic degenerates, and politicians. They are not America First nor you first, especially your well-being. They ignored us, our illnesses, and kept secret the poisonous materials at ground zero for 10 years (Zadroga Act July 2011-another money laundering scam like COVID, Ukraine, Israel, FTX, etc) .because of the 200 tons of asbestos in each tower alone (construction began in 1968, Tower I finished 12/71 & Tower II-02/72. The building, including Building 7 already had redesign plans in April 2000. You can hear from Larry Silverstein's own mouth as he was bragging about on a trip while he was in Israel. they already had estimates to demolish and/or try to remove the asbestos from the 11 buildings, but NO guarantees could be made on the difficult asbestos removal, so OSHA wouldn't accept asbestos removal. There were already lawsuits due to the Asbestos and large numbers of Worker Compensation lawsuits pending from the cancers from the asbestos in the buildings already (look up mesothelioma Cancer) . OSHA blocked Silverstein from renewing any leases and/or contracting for new leases of space. Everybody in the financial district new this. It was common knowledge. ZIM (Zionist International Marine Merchants) Containers, International Corporation-Israel, quietly, without notice, had all of their offices emptied, and contents moved out 2 weeks before 9/11 and left Hmmm...

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Thanks for the reminder about what certain elements in our government have done. It baffles the mind to ponder why they might have done that to the most iconic American city and its residents. To keep yourself informed of the next false flags to come, it's useful to know about the capabilities of bio-coded directed energy and how nanotech likely even enhances that.

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Excellent work Greg as always.

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that one gona be shared sooooooooo much. To be honest we could just repost all of last year work and it IS still on point. So much rest on that fucking election. They had no probblem telling people to go burn churches not too long ago. . . . What next burning Moderna , LuciFzer factories ? Sounds like the next logical step to me. But don't worry some fucking tornado might do it again . . . lol I still remember that one it was glorious like divine providence . . . hehehehe

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Kellzilla! Keep KELLIN IT baby!

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May 7
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You are absolutely correct. It doesn't matter how much evidence you present or they themselves or others around them have had health issues that just came out of nowhere or people dieing suddenly. It's a matter of people not being able to face that they fell for this, and didn't bother to asked questions, do research, or use some common sense first. Very sad. There's a lot of evil out there.

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9/11 commission!! Well you might as well not bother

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JFK style . . . you will never see the documents . EVER

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How would an insane idiot have access to such bizarre information - could he be part of the Plan???

The conclusion we must draw from the 4.5 years of lies, manufactured diseases, deadly injections, pre-meditated murder by injection for their man-enhanced disease, along with the depopulation CULL by Vax is ....................... 'Do Not Trust Your Doctor' He/She's only in it for profit! They no longer have morals or scruples or just plain scared of retribution from the New World Order (WEF) system!

No doubt the FDA will deny the credibility of 99,000,000 who contributed evidence to the Vax Injuries and Vax RELATED DEATHS issue! Not enough participants for the FDA (WEF's New World Order).

The FDA will allow mass-murder to continue under the guise of justifiable 'ZERO LIABILITY' for deadly injection makers like Pfizer, et al,.

There are so many 'cons' within the FDA and establishment's statistics. Did you realise that an injected person is not regarded as 'vaccinated' until 21 days have passed since the deadly jab was applied. Every Adverse Reaction or Vax related DEATH that occurs in the mean-time is irrelevant!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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How about stay the he'll away from anything Bill gates is associated with..like microsoft.frankenfoods.vaccines.ids.and try and buy back his farlands..better yet revoke his citizenship and probit his companies and ngos he supports from operating within our b9rders?

I know but I can dream..

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Can they inject nano particles in food? The vaccination of cattle is already happening.

Children will receive up to 70 vaccines by the time they finish college.

Mothers are already having their babies at home. They do not trust the corrupt medical field. They do not trust the hospitals to vaccinate without permission.

These nanoparticles can go anywhere in the body. Vaccines contain mercury, aluminum, polysorbate 80, and whatever else!

The globalist desire control of your brain. Pray.

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Bill Gates is such a swell guy and through his Philanthropy a new word for evil he says rich countries should eat lab grown meat so he's invested in it. He is also invested in Monsanto/Bayer the ones that genetically modify crop seeds to likely cause illness. He was sending genetically modified mosquitos to Florida and other states which supposedly would reduce illness by the GM ones killing off the natural ones. Then he invests in company that does the same thing with ticks there are now reports in the US when a person is bit by this tick they will become allergic to beef. I expect a tick invasion blamed on climate change soon. He is large owner of farmland with over 270k acres so a famine could be engineered. He is likely salivating over Warren Buffets coming death because he is to receive over 90% of his wealth into the foundation. Warren created a Philanthropy in memory of his wife that facilitates abortions. Bill Gates bragged about a 1000% return on his investment in vaccines and holds many patents. The US donates $400 Million to the WHO each year while China is only around $60 Million but Bill is such a swell guy he matches what the US donates as a country through his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation of Hell so he has lots of influence over the WHO. He also spends about $300 Million per year for news outlets to say what a good guy he is and not to speak ill of him. I presented these facts with others on MSN news page and have been permanently banned from commenting again yet did not go against community guidelines that I could see. Stopworldcontrol.com is a great resource of information post covid and what's to come. You will see that the UN/WHO/WEF which are really one hate humanity and do not have our best interests in mind.

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First we kill all the mad scientists and media whores, then their crazed greed infected financier whores ... I dunno, use your imagination – blow up their filthy bunkers, sink their f*cking yachts. And to all you happy gun-totin' tax-payin' voters out there, How y'all be likin' your profits driven corpo-capitalist gubmint governors lately?

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Yeah sometimes gotta call it like ya see it.

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Aww, thanks. Was thinking as I typed that maybe I'm being a little aggressive. Fact is, billzebub gates's vulgar vocal vibrations have that effect on me ... Those mannerisms, and that FACE in need of a fist. In Germany they say, "backpfeifengesicht" for a fist to the face. I've no idea how they might say 'just bust his cranium'.

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I’m just listening to Pascal Najadi’s latest update. God I pray he’s spot on and these demonic people have been culled - with more to come

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I do too, but I think he's being played. The pedo joeblow sniffy's not a clone. Infected with insanity and street dope, he's just become the physical manifestation of his true pathetic self.

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The masks, signatures and sightings of him walking alone are undeniably not him.

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Oh gosh believe me, I can sure relate to the hope and wishful thinking but we have to ask why would they replace the dumb dick with something far worse?

My mother was besieged about twelve years ago with parkinsons after she was told she had osteoporosis and that the ‘best’ avenue to take to ostensibly prevent further ‘bone loss’ would be infusions of a pharma dope called “reclast.” Both she and my dad went along with the advice of the quack I mean doc. Long story short: The pharma dope did just the opposite as far as her ‘bone health’ is concerned. The first infusion made her moody, irritable, nervous, anxious; the second (and final) sent her circling into a downward spiral in which she could not pull herself out. 82-y/o today (only 70 y/o when she fell victim) she now lives with half her bone mass – withered and wasted 6-inches in height, somehow maintaining a weight of 85-lbs. To look at her ‘before’ pictures are just sad and depressing.

Roughly the same age as my Mom, biden’s own health issues might even be similar. Maybe he’s had a number of strokes. However, I think much of why he is the way that he is – how he looks, behaves, etc. – stems from his own reckless past; self-induced abuses that I don’t even dare think. Street drugs as well as powerful synthetic pharmX (no doubt opioids), alcohol abuse, lord knows what else. Who knows, maybe he suffers from pent-up shame and or feelings of guilt. Perhaps profound fear …


Rather than believing he might have been ‘zombified’ (no doubt a psyop) and is dead, I for one can only hope that – all withered and fugly, dumbfounded, decrepit, and paranoid – he sits terrified.

Anyway, the bottom line is: If he’s not already dead, he soon will be.

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So where does the father of the vaccine, his greatest achievement of his presidency fit into this? I know these jabs were developed before he became president, but how much did he know? He was still saying they were safe and effective until a few months ago when his campaign people told him to stop and not bring it up because of a lot of his supporters were not happy or in agreement with him on them. He gave everyone involved with Operation Warp Speed a presidential commendation award. I keep hearing from his supporters that he was lied and misled by many. If that is true that he was able to be lied and misled by so many for so long, I say he has no business being in the White House. All involved in any way shape or for should be held accountable! We are surrounded by evil like we have never been seen before. Stay close to the Lord and pray.

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"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe." — Donald J Trump, December 11th 2020

"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews. Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020

"I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August 21st, 2021

"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be getting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly." — Donald J Trump, March 16th 2021

"We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works." — Donald J Trump, March 17th 2021

“I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.” - Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021

"Everybody, go get your shot." — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J Trump, March 9th 2021

"Well, I got the Pfizer, and I would have been very happy with any of them. I thought a very bad statement was when they did a pause on Johnson & Johnson. I think that frightened people. That was a bad thing to do. At that time, when they did the pause, they had six people that may have had some difficulty out of millions that received it. But I think the pause was a very bad thing to do." — Donald J Trump, October 2nd 2021

"During my administration, everybody wanted the vaccine. There was nobody saying oh, gee, I don't want to take it. Now they say that. And that's because they don't trust the Biden administration. I can think of no other reason. But they say we don't want it, we aren't going to take it. When I was there, everybody wanted it and we were doing great. Well, the military did a fantastic job." — Donald J Trump, October 7th 2021

"I'm very proud of the vaccine, I've taken it, you've probably taken it. But I'm very proud of it. I think we could have another situation with the Spanish Flu, 1917, where up to 100 million people were killed." — Donald J Trump, August 18th 2021

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I'm going to offer this bit of information. I wish I had saved it. Right after Trump informed the US that 250 million[?] doses of hydroxychloroquine were stockpiled for the ' pandemic ' I read a small blurb on some dumb mainstream news outlet that Barron Trump had his security doubled due to death threats. It was short article and disappeared. Very few men or women do not have a price. I feel sorry for Trump, but how may of us would let our child die for the truth? It's a searching question for sure.

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Excellent! Like I have said before, how much did he know, and if he was supposedly able to be lie to and misled for so long, then he doesn't need to be in the White House?!

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Bill Gates is invested in Danaher (DHR) which owns Aldevron a biotechnology company that makes and distributes mRNA. The co founder of Moderna is on the board of directors at Aldevron.




There’s more…a drop in the pond will have a ripple effect…

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How did the 9/11 commission go?

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The covid commission would be worse than the January 6th committee

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My thoughts exactly!

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Probably. I don’t know enough about the 2nd though.

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O, the absolute farce that was set up to fail from day one?

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Yeah that one.

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The same as the Warren Commission.

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Petroleum Based Synthetic Injections

Are Not Compatible

With Water Based Human Bodies.

This Is Not Complicated People.


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At least it's for the greater good

of the tiny minority.

Actually, I know already right form the start of this operation that it was a fraud and crime because by following Dr. Stefan Lanka's work for years, I know that there is no virus, no virus at all, only so called virus-like particle, i.e. everything you can imagine in virus wonderland.

But I'm still quite shocked how far they were able to drive this and how far ahead they are technologically, really mind blowing.

If the world does not wake up very quickly I have no hope that will end well.

Thanks to biosensors and nanotechnology (e.g. in “vaccines”) from humans with network nodes to cyborgs - https://coronistan.blogspot.com/2024/05/dank-biosensoren-und-nanotechnologie-z.html

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PAGAN HUMAN SACRIFICE for MONEY . . . think about it. Its that simple !

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When will someone among the world’s four billion men recognize this man is after your family, health, life, brainwaves, and freedom. I am aghast that this predator is still on the loose.

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