It is rare that I listen to anything twice in a row, but Greg, your discourse on this most timely subject has inspired me to replay it for yet a third time this morning.

As an old Veteran of many wars, and a person raised by rugged individualists, I have developed a keen sense of pure disdain for Authority and all persons whose egos empower their will to rule by force and coercion over all others.

Yet, I care not, 7 1/2 decades into it, what is to become of me. While I still have some fight in me to not be enslaved, my concern is with the younger generations who seem spellbound into compliance with their own enslavement to the most evil system that is being built all around them.

Who will join me then, any way we can, to resist, to stand strong in the face of this evil, not for politics sake, nor any dogma, but for assuring the Birthright of God given Freedom and Liberty for our Grandchildren and their children's children?

Do not Comply Do Not Consent. Ever.

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I've been resisting and not complying by myself since 2015. Been shouting from the rooftops since 2012 until I got shut up, shut down and shut out of most places. I'm getting older, almost 64,still healthy and active, but tired of going it alone. Most people just talk and never do anything else. Keyboard Warriors are getting us nowhere. I'm ready to join with people who really want to do something to make a difference for the future generations.

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VickieDawn, I'm with you. My non-compliance stance over the past 4 years has caused me to become estranged with 3 of my 4 grown children and many lifelong friends who caved into the Agenda and mocked my warnings and shunned me in the process. I grieve for those of them that have been brainwashed and then poisoned by the jabs. I begged and pleaded at the top of my lungs for them not to vaxx their children, and my grandchildren. To no avail. My consolation came in winning my 2 year battle against the nursing home, and my sister, who were hellbent on vaxxing my 96y.o. mother imprisoned in the nursing home by the EUA Covidian agenda. My mom passed away in Sept 2021, unjected, and from 'Natural Causes". I was able to be by her bedside when she passed against the Covidian Protocols simply because They, the nursing home authorities, were afraid of trying to resist me, control me any longer. I don't offer this example as a way to toot my own horn. I just want to try to inspire you to know you are not alone. We may not be able to be on the front lines of the bigger battles but there are some fights we can engage right in our own vicinity. Choose your battles wisely and ask God for guidance with whom you can trust and count on. As a result of my own desire to dig my way out of isolation with prayers, and involvement with Substack authors and readers I have found comradrie here that has made a huge difference in my personal resolve to fight on. God bless.

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Well we have somethings in common. I lost everything for my pursuit of finding the truth, which is what I believe is following Christ. My friends, my marriage, my family, my 30 year business and my home. My husband, whom we had been estranged, but not divorced, became terminally ill and past away in November 2017, I did move back in with him to take care of him until he died. Now, almost 12 years into my new consciousness, 3 of my 5 grown children still consider me as dead. When I decided to come out of the system, to stop paying income taxes, start learning to grow food and live a life of resistance and non compliance, there were several others talking about doing the same, but it turns out they were all just talking.

It's not an easy life, but my conscience is much clearer knowing that I no longer pay into a criminal institution that to oppresses, steals and kills innocent people around the world all based in lies. Godspeed and God Bless to all who love the truth and are resisting and refusing to comply with this most wicked 3 City State Empire , the Unholy Trinity. Rome 2.0 on steroids, The Vatican( office of Satan), London( Satan's Financial Center) and Washington District of Columbia. ( Satan's Military Industrial Complex)

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Amen Vickie! I so badly want to get off grid myself, find an offgrid community to join! I tell my husband this all the time! But you are 💯% correct! The wicked 3 city state empire, the unholy trinity! Me and my husband just started watching The Crown on Netflix! I'm watching this to see what else I can learn about these people. They do reveal some truths in movies and TV shows! I want see how these people really tick! The last episode we watched the queen was trying to explain how the royal family was not like regular people! I'm like "yeah no kidding" I'm not sure how accurate this TV show is to the real royal family though! I told my husband last night that you know that Netflix had to get the queens approval of the script and everything before any of this show started!

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Oh wow you are not alone Unjected Resister! I've heard many people say the same thing about family members, friends and loved ones who have cut off relationships with some loved ones because they refused to take the death clot shot! This is the work of these evil psychopaths. Their goal is to destroy the family unit and isolate people! I haven't been on substack long myself. I found Greg on Brighteon.com and then decided to check out his substack and then I joined. If you're on here on sites like this then you are awake! Like minded people coming together communicating and supporting each other!👍

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I’m sorry. You are NOT alone. I know others whose are estranged also 🙏🙏 for same reasons. It’s all on purpose.. ripping families apart...

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I'm getting to feel the same way too. I've been resisting since '96. Alone. It's hard to find the 30% of 8 billion people. Good for you!

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I feel the same as you Vickie! I think that what the problem is, is that people don't know where to start with fighting back at these evil psychopaths that want kill most of us off and enslave the ones of us who survive! People should get off grid and create their own resources and be self sufficient but that in itself takes money and resources. People just don't have the money or resources to buy land somewhere off grid and start homesteading, the average everyday Joe and Sue like myself anyway! We've been enslaved by these psychopaths through the federal reserve and We've lost our self sufficiency. We have got to get our sovereignty back and fight back. People look to politicians to save things! I don't vote anymore because I don't believe in government! Governments are the problem and that's what's enslaved us! People vote hoping that politicians are going to save everything! That hasn't happened yet, we all can see that things have gotten worse and not better. All politicians do is deceive and lie to the people all while life gets harder and harder for the average people! I have never in my life seen people soo brainwashed! Trump comes on the scene and people have gone apesh*t worshipping this man as a "savior!" I have taken a step back and I just watch people, unbelievable! I just say to myself "Trump ain't gonna save you, my God wake up!" The hard core Trump worshippers obviously do not realize that Trump called himself the "Father of the vaxx" and look at what that death clot jab has done! The plandemic, the lockdowns all of this took place while Trump was in office! Trump got the death shot rolled out quickly to end the lockdowns! It's all deception! These psychopaths have been planning this takedown of humanity for years! Trump was part of their plan! Trump telling people to "trust the plan"!" 🤦‍♀️ People have fallen for this deception hook,line and sinker! I'm not vaxxed and my husband isn't vaxxed! I tried to tell people not to take the death shot too! I knew what it was! I went to college and got my degree in physical therapy and I took many biology classes about the human body and what exactly DNA and RNA is and how both function in the human body! So when I saw that this jab was an RNA shot 🚩🚩🚩🚩I knew what was in this thing would alter people's DNA. The majority of people are not well educated in how DNA and RNA work in the human body unless they have gone to college and gotten a degree in a health care profession, nursing, physical therapy and so on! But with the rise of the internet that has changed! I was in college in the early 1990's before the rise of the internet! So today people can research and learn what DNA and RNA are online easily. So hopefully this plandemic and RNA jab has encouraged people to research and learn exactly what this thing is! But I was really blown away by how people just complied and lined up to take this jab! Sadly it's taken many people to die and suffer horrible side effects from this jab to wake people up! People are waking up! I just hope that enough people are awake to change things!

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Amii - Perhaps not so much with regard to resources; Possibly, more to the issue: No interest in working. No internal drive. No imagination, No Balls!

So many thoughts, possibilities, scenarios come to mind...

Think back to the past: People came across the water, stole land at the expense and blood of others on the word of those who offered them a plot without question. Today, much the same: No spine, no soul. no thought or question as to who, how or why. Just a continued jumping of the fence, in a quest for a greener passage/pasture. Which seemingly, never arrives.

In reality, we (mostly) are of one blood. Yet, we continue to take orders and kill our brethren without question. Then repeat the cycle...

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Exactly 💯

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No one remembers that very important thing … NATURAL LAW.

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One cannot be expected to recall a thing of the past - It is ever evolving by deceit!

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The word generation γενεὰ (genea) is probably best seen as "race," as in "this race will not pass away in this context." And yes, I have two years Koine Greek, and have read Revelation in the original Greek. Those that use this word to show Christ's prediction failed are, to be blunt, intellectually dishonest to the Greek and even elementary biblical interpretation

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Like what? I want to know what we can do? What are solutions?

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Step away from the narrative - Walk away from those who wish to corrupt - Stop viewing the tellievision (TV). Do not allow your mind to be polluted, grow instead your own ideas, thoughts and opinions, After all, the mind is most certainly, A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE!

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I stopped watching Television Programming in 2012, and haven't had one in my home since 2015 when my husband and I separated. He was very devoted to his Television Programming until about 2 weeks before he died.

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Vickiedawn - Sorry for your loss!

I'm widowed, 14 yrs - Have not watched the idotbox since the late 70's!

Blessings ~

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For starters Stop working for any employer who is incorporated into the CORPORATION. Work with and for those around you, your friends, family and neighbors who will trade in a fair trade of goods, service or money. It's not taxable to just help one another.

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No one I know works out of “ the system”.

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I understand! I don't either. But I have managed to survive since 2015 just helping people and some of them help me.

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Everyone who works for CORPORATIONS are basically oppressing one another. It's a system of oppression where everyone is oppressing one another.

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I’m with YOU Unjected Resister! I understand exactly what you’re speaking of. It’s as if I have no words for what is is transpiring in the world...and the momentum!

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YES! SCREAM THIS FROM THE ROOF TOPS! I was talking to my wife this morning about the INSANITY around us run by men WORSE than Adolf Hitler. That have been behind the murder of MILLIONS the world over. I get SOOOO DISGUSTED by the brain dead lemmings that I have to live with on a day to day basis in this "free" (my ass free) country. Read my COMMUNISM American Style that I posted back in 2004 via Media Bypass magazine. It is on my page.

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I’ll stand with you! We must all speak out and not be afraid!

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Well said

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

If I were the devil and there were edits that I could influence a follower to make to the bible, getting Christians to stand down while I spread my evil would be priority one. Not only would that grant me a monumental advantage in my war with Good, it might also grant me the souls of those who did nothing to stop me.

My second priority as the devil would be to make Christians everywhere believe that the bible couldn't be edited. Combine these a_priories and you get where we are today: standing on the brink of a ruined world.

Too many good men and women did nothing - often because they believed they did not have to do anything, accepting Jesus was all that was needed to enter heaven - the incorruptible bible said so - and evil triumphed.

This is a self-defeating philosophy that is damaging to the soul because excuses sloth in the face of evil. Do nothing to stop the devil and you still can gain the ultimate prize? This is exactly what I would want you to believe if I were him: Stand down, do nothing, God has your back either way.

No, this cannot be a way into heaven, but if I were the devil, I would sure want you to believe it was. —https://tritorch.substack.com/p/this-life-is-a-soul-test

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

TriTorch you perfectly described a much used "stand down psy-op"

Mark Passio - Psy-Ops


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Passio talks about light occult . But whatever.

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Passio doesn't really grasp and understand the resurrection of the dead as a fact. I like Mark, but he really is all about the "natural" and mostly the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil. Not the the Tree of Life. People are enthralled with good and evil. But Jesus says I am the vine, you are the branches. He is the Tree of Life.

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What are you saying here? Simple answer please.

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I think that is a good question. We face a lot of issues here in our span of life of earth. But the ultimate question is: Where is ALL of this going? What happens when this span of life is over? What do we actually know about that? I believe there is a very strong and intellectual answer to that question, that can be verified in the Gospel of Jesus Christ based on a rock solid history verified in the prophetic record. So good and evil exist here and now, yet the final outcome is directly dependent on the sustaining life source, which like sunlight generates plant life. The Tree of Life sustains and completes this process beyond our short span of time on earth. But if souls reside in the darkness--they die.

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Perhaps we don't know what comes next Steve -- but we do know if we have the desire -- to learn what right and wrong are and to live in accordance to that understanding.

I think that much more important than anything.

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MAYBE, just MAYBE "he" blinded YOUR mind and you don't realize it. As a matter of fact I'm of the faith that "Satan" is a man made boogey man to scare people into accepting what? God gave us REASON not religion.

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So many do not believe, animals have reason. Yet, it is animals in which humans derive. Humanity, must awaken - Before tiz too late and we no longer retain a stitch of kindness in humanity!

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Yes, I am one who does not "believe" animals have reason. How would you KNOW that for a FACT? Animals have instinct. Animals learn to do things because of the rewards they are given.

Much of humanity has awakened or is in middle of waking up. It's just those who place their trust in a bunch of nonsense and then refuse to get involved because "God will take care of it." It's like the rapture, which is so mental as to be called ridiculous. "We" make this big mess on Earth and expect to be raptured out of the mess we made. Sort of like kids messing up the living room and expecting some unseen entity to clean up their mess before mom and dad show up on the scene.

Anyone who hasn't figured out that RELIGION is one of the major PROBLEMS humanity USES to justify their EVIL wars and murder of innocents by now, must be a lost cause. I mean after all didn't GOD SUPPOSEDLY, not SATAN tell the Israelites to raze Caanan? TO kill every man woman and child and every bit of the animals? And didn't Sherman use that very principle when he did his march to the sea during the war for Southern Independence? And didn't the USA use that very principle on Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Dresden during WWII? And isn't Israhell using the same principle against Gaza? And didn't we use the same principle in Fallujah? How about the Trail of Tears that blots the so called exceptionalism of the USA? And didn't SUPPOSEDLY GOD not SATAN harden Pharaohs' heart against the Israelites? GET REAL PEOPLE. I could write volumes.

Human beings are a predator species. As a whole we have no moral compass because of all the bull crap we are told to believe. We don't know what a man or woman is. We don't know how to add up 2+2 anymore. Since I was born in 1954 the world has become less and less connected with compassion and more disconnected with death and destruction being the "norm". Wedding parties in Afghanistan blown to hell because WHY? Because some psychopath is willing to run a drone from thousands of miles away like a video game and they can't connect with what they are doing? Or they are "just doing their job?"

How about the almost total genocide of the native American population?

I'm convinced that the very worse of humanity rises to the top of the pond just like scum and take the positions of power and the rest of us are led to believe how wonderful the whole concept is while these psychopathic control freak PARASITES run the world full steam ahead into a wall at the end of the tunnel with all of us aboard. What I want to know is WHEN are the NORMAL people going to have a chance to be free to do WHATEVER THEY WANT AS LONG AS THEY HARM NO ONE!

I'm through for now because this could become a post instead of a comment. I need to add a word to a couple of spots to make sure no one else miss understands my point. That word is SUPPOSEDLY.

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Well as Greg posted in the video you will see that the Bible was written in 3 different languages and then under “ masonic” authority written into the English language. Do you REALLY believe GOD said to kill and rape woman and children ? No freakin way! The same freakin Viper Zionist Jews are the ones who edited that lie into the Old Testament ! GOD AND JESUS are all about LOVE!! Stop believing something because the Bible says it! Realize the Bible has been used to manipulate man kind … the Vipers infiltrated the seminaries as well and taught the interpretations they wanted known … like rapture . No where in the Bible does it say we will be physically raptured! Jerusalem was DESTROYED in 70 AD… as God promised . We are in the kingdom as Jesus himself said: the kingdom of Heaven lies within you. Think about that!!! It is here with us!! We are the army of God/Jesus who are the remnants and we must unite as Jesus taught..as brothers and sisters to bring in the kingdom GOD so designed … one of brotherhood .

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Truth,There's no religion higher than the truth.All organized religion is brainwashing mind control created by our reptilian masters.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO0VgUBikjM

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No, I don't BELIEVE that God would do any of the atrocities or be behind any of the atrocities I read in the bible. I'm just making an observation that so many base their beliefs on. Right now the fake Jews of the middle east are using the razing of Caanan as basis to do what they are doing in Gaza. This is where I am these days. Have been so now for about 14 years. http://deism.com Check it out. There is an old saying...a double minded man is unstable in all of his ways. That's how I see MOST Christians. They are so double minded as to be ludicrous.

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Animals have instinct. Animals learn to do things because of the rewards they are given.

Same for the human...I digress.

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Yup, I can't learn anymore from humanity, he's nose to nose with himself. ANIMALS attract my attention now. "It's all in there".

Technology is his only way out says Western whiteys and that's by taking himself out apparently. So that was it for me, come on Fido, let's you and our horse buddy, who actually let's me on his back and command him fully through trust only, Fido too, as he sez "Command away, Dad, cuz I love and trust you". Cuz we just wanna wander in the hills just to spend time together in this completed paradise that really only sez one thing to us. Welcome, how do I look to ya today?

But back to hellish reality. Man, with his bigass brain wanted to know what the hell is going on. Now he knows. Whoever said "we have met the enemy and he is us" just tied a bow on the whole package.

I think Ana, being feminine and a fricken genius if anyone can, will offer a complete package to restore our souls by tying the WHO, where, why and when without any ifs, ands, or butts. The tech, political and sickness that caused it.

In other words, some people planned and carried out YOUR AND YOUR LOVED ONES MURDER with names and places.

That's where we come in and stop them physically and like we did with the Nazi techs for demonic reasons keep the people working with Ana to reverse it, the Elites have been shed on and shot up too. The Askennazis and Chinese have very little response to the shot so there it is.

Dragging people into the street and killing them doesn't apply here, We need locksmiths alive and well with a fully equipped truck with loads of experience...not to run around killing all the locksmiths.

Then throw effort into reversing the bio death trap with Ana getting in the fore front.

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If humans have instinct is sucks. Because they sure don't act like it.

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Thank you for your convoluted OPINION. One other thing. How is the true son of God going to know you are trying to communicate with him when you don't even use his proper name? If I was walking down the street and you yelled "HEY GEORGE" to ME, don't expect me to answer to that as my name is actually MARK.

AND BTW, what exactly IS "original sin"? Isn't murder a sin? However, didn't God himself supposedly tell Abraham to MURDER his son to prove to God that he loved God more? Don't any of you ever actually READ your Bible? It is REPLETE with people getting away with evil deeds.

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The Bible has been infiltrated as everything else. The only thing true is what comes out of the mouth of Jesus who was never about religion much less Christianity . He was about truth and the way to truth .

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Yeah, that Abraham STORY is a great STORY about some psychopath that believed "god" told him to sacrifice his son but then sent a ram to take his place. You can't make this stuff up it's so moronic. And OH NO, HE HAS ALL MY THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS RECORDED. Great, maybe he hardened my heart like he did pharaohs which is why I don't use all capital letters. LOL!. John, get a LIFE. Didn't you state somewhere that you're an adherent to the King James Bible? Well here is one for you: Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and CREATE EVIL: I THE LORD DO ALL THESE THINGS. Weasel your way out of that one.

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That wasn’t GOD saying to murder… it was the Vipers who edited the Bible to fit their narrative telling you GOD said that. God is not a murderer . Zionists are!

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Have fun trying to convince the majority of Churchianity of your statement. Just look at John Stewarts view. If his mind is not totally corrupted by HIS point of view with someone else's INTERPRETATION I would highly suggest the unabridged version of The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine for him and others that are so steeped in their dogma. If they can read that and not come away with a different view, they are hopeless. I could post, easily a few hundred contradictions and he would claim they aren't contradictions.

The story of David and Jonathan is one when looked at through the eyes of the interpretation of the words used in the original language would blow his mind when it comes to same sex relations. As David loved Jonathan more than any woman. That statement alone should set off alarm bells. The story of Abraham would be enough for someone with rational thought to question the sanity of a "god" that would tell someone to sacrifice his first born child to him. Or the story of hardening the heart of pharaoh and then blaming pharaoh for the pain inflicted on the Israelites. Of the story of two small boys making fun of one of the prophets bald head and "god" sends a bear to kill the two boys...I could go on for a LONG TIME. And why is it that so much of Christinsanity bases 99% of their believe on books written by a guy who was not one of the actual apostles and act like he is the source of all truth. That being the "Apostle" Paul. Like REALLY? And the contradictions between Paul's teaching and the words of the Christ...I'm done for now.

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The Pleiadians say the Reptilians hacked the matrix,yeah the Vipers would be another name for them,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0Yo0cGm75g

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That’s the damn truth. Lol

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100% agree, either he is blind, or he is deliberately missinforming his audience. Seeing what and who he is connected with it would seem the latter. An his audience by the looks of it are woefully lacking in the holy spirit. Another pied piper.

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It’s not a “prize” it’s a Gift. We do good works because we are saved, not to be or stay saved. God will owe no man salvation, you can accept it as the gift that it is or not at all.

Rom 4:4  Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.

Rom 4:5  But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

Eph 2:8  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

Eph 2:9  Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Eph 2:10  For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

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I LOVE your comment TriTorch! Thank you! Your essay on your Substack is excellent as well! ✝️💕

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That is very kind Renee, thank you!

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You speak Truth.

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Absolutely! Suggested reading: Psychocide Reversal by Olga Sheean


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I have a literal translation of the Bible (not King James).

I am a FIRM believer. And very devoted. No I don't worship Israel and I trust maybe 2 youtube channels to be authentically Christian. There is a REMNANT who believe the words of Jesus whether or not they comprehend and are able to interpret Revelation, Zechariah perfectly. It is God who gives us revelation by His Spirit, which is a wonderful thing for the weak, the not so intelligent, those in despair and suffering. We who are the true believers have witnessed a great change in our lives by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT which is irrefutable. There is a heaven, there will be a Rapture, and there will be a Tribulation. Very soon. The best thing anyone can do including Mr. Reese is to ask God yourself. And try to talk about Jesus in public! That's the best indicator that He is real, and that there is a real devil. How about those Satanists & Luciferians who are running the world? OCCAM'S RAZOR, PEOPLE. Quit yammering about oh this isn't true, oh he said that, oh that translation.... WHO CARES because there IS A GOD, and HE HAS A SON. And this was always the problem for the Jews. They didn't want to give up their rituals and worship a MAN/ (also GOD) So I would advise everyone to get it right. You don't want to be left here, TRUST ME ON THAT. LOVE YOU ALL.

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“It is God who gives us revelation by His Spirit...” YES! 💥

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Perfect response. And I’ll add that, a huge part of his issue with a literal interpretation and expectation of what God’s word indicates is on the horizon seems to be that it causes people to sit and do nothing.

While we cannot change what God has said will be, we are also instructed to stand for righteousness while we’re here. To watch the signs, be ready, preach the gospel, and stand. We aren’t ever instructed to sit idly by and do nothing while evil has its way in the world.

The true remnant believers aren’t sitting on their hands doing nothing. But neither are we waiting for some human politician Superman to save the world. Dare I say those people are likely to believe the antichrist when he steps onto the stage.

I fear there are more people, whatever their view of God and the Bible, who are so unconvinced of what will be in the future--I believe near future--that they go about their lives as though their is no urgency to do much of anything.

It’s easier to wake people up to what’s going on using the literal interpretation of what’s coming, because it makes the most sense and helps one understand what we see happening around us, but we can’t leave out telling them what God expects from us in this time.

What will you have done with the time you were given before the Lord returns, Mr. Reese? Spend it convincing people that the Bible can’t be trusted and God’s plan will not come to fruition? I’m pretty sure that’s Satan’s plan too.

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I don’t think Reese was implying that at all. I think he was showing the truth about the different views of Christian’s interpretation of the Bible . I myself believe the latter and I know many Christian’s like myself .. who bekieve Jerusalem was destroyed and there is no longer a physical Israel. It is the same Jews who disobeyed GOD then who are now deceiving Christian’s to think they are the chosen ones and Israel is the Holy land. We must come together and fight ZIONISM.

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And no he didn’t imply it, he said it.

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The Jews aren’t telling me anything, the Bible is. It said very clearly that Israel would become a nation again and it did. It says God isn’t finished with Israel and they will come to know Jesus as Messiah. Daniel’s 70th week is yet to be completed and that is the tribulation period. The time during which God will judge all unbelievers on earth and bring Israel to salvation. I believe the Bible, after much research about it and talking with scholars who have studied it for many years and read it in the original languages. I trust God and His word. That is my primary source. I’m led by the Holy Spirit and will rely on Him over any human any day.

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"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." —Dietrich Bonhoeffer

But that being said, please do not make the mistake of confusing the outcome of this all-encompassing conflict with the struggle to win it—it is the struggle itself that holds all of the meaning, and that is where your true personal victory lies. Nothing in your life has ever been about whether you win or lose, it has only ever been about how you conduct yourself the during these trials and tribulations.

It is what you do in the midst of this war when things are not in your favor that will define you: will you stand firm and embrace your integrity in the face of the impossible odds of a losing battle or will you renounce your honor and seek refuge against the raging storm? If God is watching which course of action would be favorable to Him? If you were watching from outside yourself which course would be favorable to you? To run and cower or to unflinchingly face the wickedness and fight it head on? —https://tritorch.substack.com/p/dancing-doctors-unclean-lies-unchained

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer submitted to no one and nothing except God and his Word.

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I’m fighting head on for the Kingdom Jesus died for ! I just don’t know what to do… all I do is share the truth.

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

The Christian Church has long been co-opted by those that run the world.

Prophesy is interpreted to produce a stand down psy-op where people sit and allow the evil "because it is going to happen no matter what".

Modern Christianity is an evil. It has become a mental disorder.

Where you believe BS interpretations of scripture rather than what you can clearly see and hear and allow evil to win.

Who do you think would be motivated to do such a thing?


FWIW jay Dyer was talking about this on today's 10/27/23 Alex Jones show.

Secret Plan For World Socialist Dictatorship EXPOSED


(listen in at 27 minutes if you are impatient)

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023

So you think that allowing the evil that we see all around us....is what the Gospels are all about?

I see your response as just more proof that Modern Christianity, in the days since 1776, has become co-opted by the globalists, and is now what must be described as a very serous and evil mental disorder.

I don't even know why I responded, as Christianity has also become a cult composed of dumbed down people people that refuse to see or hear, or for that matter to even think or question.

It would be comical if it were not so apparent and sad.

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He is saying what the church now teaches is a cult and it is! There are Christian’s advocating for the genocide of Palestinians and Iranians… there human brothers and sisters just because the infiltrated church says to STAND BY ISRAEL! Jesus never said STAND BY ISRAEL. Never condoned murder!! So he’s right when he says the modern Christian church is a cult. They never stood up during covid !!! Masked up stayed closed. What weakness and hypocrisy is the Christian church of today and how brainwashed it’s American Christian’s .

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And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name." (Revelation 14:9-11)

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And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." (II Thessalonians 2:8-12)

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Check this out. How’s this for “ delusion” : https://www.bitchute.com/video/97jeQOR523bv/

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Is allowed because of free will. Don't worry nobody leaves forever so they are going to have their judgment at the exit.

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Fortunately, I don’t know any Christians, especially those who pay attention to Bible prophecy, who think we should do nothing. Knowing what’s going on, and understanding what’s behind it from a Bible prophecy perspective, emboldens us to fight back, but at the same time to share the gospel with as many as possible while we have the time.

In my book, (pun intended), what I read and what I see going on match up perfectly. But it doesn’t say sit back and watch it unfold and do nothing. It says STAND.

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I would like to debate Jay Dyer. He is a Partial Preterist and therefore is still unfortunately compromising. He correctly sees the "666" figure to be Nero Caesar [which he got from studying under Bahnsen - who I also studied under for a time), but that's about it. He can only take the Church so far because of his homage and idol worship of the Eastern Orthodox Church (which by the way curses the rest of Christianity). Jay would fall a part on NT imminence because of his "orthodox" hyper-creedal commitments. Jay won the debate with Nick Fuentes as to why Roman Catholicism is wrong [but embracing EO is like the pot calling the kettle black or jumping from one leaky boat to another], but he would not do so well with me on this subject. Greg, you should organize a roundtable discussion on this subject. You can get a Premillennial Dispy, a Partial Preterist such as Jay, and I'll represent Full Preterism and we can discuss HOW the Globalists are using and will continue to use faulty Futurist eschatology against us. I have been shouting this message from the rooftops since 2017 in lectures, podcasts, and in a book. Shoot I even have a movie script DONE and ready to go on this subject that I sent Alex months ago. It's time for some debates on this particular subject.

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The one thing I have observed about people that are "religious" Michael is that they are the best servants that the NWO could ever ask for. They fight among themselves rather than fighting the enemy. They are dark and call themselves light. ~Isaiah 5:20

None of the apostate religious sects in this country, has done nor will they ever do a damn thing to address the fact that we are already in a NWO.

They may not have total control yet, but it is darn close. and the best course of action that "Christians" can come up with is to debate someone else to try and "prove" that they are right.... all the while Rome Burns!

Religionists make me want to puke!

Didn't God say a similar thing in the book of Revaluations?

“I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.”

~Revelation 3:15-16

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So agree. I’m so Sick of so called Christian’s … they do nothing for the kingdom of God. They all masked up, and complied like the weak people they are … their ministers … the same during the great PLANNED DEMIC ! You see any Christian marching on the streets saying : STOP THE COVID 19 bio weapon SHOT!!! Nah. Ask a Christian over in Nigeria about to get his head cut off what Christianity is… he knows!

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Hi Joe, while I am a Christian and Full Preterist, I do agree with much of your criticism of “religious” Christians oblivious to what Scripture actually teaches on these issues and are walking into the slaughterous hands of the NWO. I could have sat on my ass and criticized them and Trump on their ignorance and blind support of Israel, but I decided to write a very thorough 465 page book (dedicated to Trump) correcting it all. I did my part and put in the work - I trust the Lord to do the rest. Please consider getting my book - Amazon banned it so you know I’m over the target ;)

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023

Hey Michael

I just got banned on Mike Adams "Brighteon Social" --- the asshat that says that Brighteon does not censor. And they did it just like Facebook does. Refusing to even tell you why you were banned!

"You can no longer use your account, and your profile and other data are no longer accessible. You can still login to request a backup of your data until the data is fully removed, but we will retain some data to prevent you from evading the suspension."


FWIW Trump is one clueless SOB. There are no answers in DC. It's all up to us.


I have a book for you also:



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Trump is a Zionist. His daughter is married to one. His grandkids are Jews now.. but yet he talks about Jesus. He uses Christian’s because he knows how brainwashed they are.

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Yup,all you need do is giggle images for Trump at the wailing wall.You ever see the jews "Governing" that wall.Wait, is is now called the western wall.It's the Rothschilds Israel and it was them that paid Cyrus scofield to write the scofield bible

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You are spot on. It’s the same Jews Jesus in his day called Vipers! We must destroy them before they destroy us! We need solutions, plans. Things we can do . All I know to do is to share info . I make flyers of links and mail them to all in my neighborhood anonymously via snail mail.

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The jews are just pawns in the game.The attack on humanity is coming from a hyperdimensional alien species.The globalist and the zionist,the neocons are reptilian/human hybrids.It's the negative alien agenda,it always has been.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Armageddon_Software

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I hope you do not think that Jews in genera are the problem.

IF so you are far far off.

These guys are the problem

Check out both books:


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No, never said All Jews. I am referring to Zionists… and of course those at the top… Who own the banks/ who created the Federal Reserve and created all wars … those . Neyantu and even Zionist Christian’s , who aren’t really Christian at all. If I do think Jews are the problem, I think only the Jews who sit idly by and allow this genocide, as I too think the same about Christian’s who also remain quiet. I hope we, who want peace and brotherhood, as Jesus taught, will rise. This is the age where we must not sit and do nothing . As the Lord said: do not be luke warm.

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You would do well to do some research IMHO.

Blaming "Jews" or "Zionists" is part of the psy-op that lets the true perps skate.

For instance there is MUCH evidence that the entire global racket is run out of Medina by men posing as Muslims. (read the books I linked to) The uneducated would then blame all of Islam which is also false.

Zionism is not the top by a long shot and finding the "top" FWIW is not really even critical.

There are Millions upon millions of self designated Christians in this country that are just as culpable as anyone --- for their apathy and allowing much of the evil we witness. Blaming apathetic Jews is not a convincing argument. The human race is apathetic and has culpability.

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I wasn’t blaming Jews in general . I wasn’t blaming but I was saying that the culprits do originate with the Rothschilds … who are Jews, and they started, along with others, the federal reserve … the banking system which has enslaved not only American citizens but many nations . If a nation like Hitler’s Germany refused to buy into their debt sysytem, war was leashed . Like the Shaw of Iran ousted and murdered because he too didbt buy into their system of enslavement of fiat and debt. Gjadafi and oh so many others are ruled by the Big Bankers… all started by Rothchild and Co. Look at Blackrock who owns practically everything .. Mr Fink is Pres of that atrocity. He too Is a Jew. Am I saying alm Jews? No, but I threw out 2 names that ought give you a picture of the ones , the parasites, who run the show…

Are they Christian’s? Probably. But the big bankers which are the parasites are the ones running this 💩show and have been for millinia . Jesus Called them Vipers. I call them parasites.

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The Rothschilds are not jewish my friend,Rev.3.9 is it?We are in an extinction level event and so many,even awakened are thinking it's human.You think that nanotechnology is human technology?https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Black_Sun_Program

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WrittenintheStars the Rothschilds are not Jews.

That is their cover, that is their beard.

They are Satanists.

Hitler was created by the Rothschilds and he like many of their creations escaped their control.

Rothschild's took over the Illuminati after Adams Weishaupt was busted and the Illuminati outlawed in Bavaria. The Illuminati (which BTW was started in Afghanistan by people posing as Arabs as their cover ) was an attempt to bring together the hundreds of secret societies that have existed and ruled the world for tens of thousands of years.

It was the division that made them less powerful. Now joined together and working together these secret societies plan on and have the mans to institute a world government. Communism and socialism are created tools of the Illuminati

TO keep digging and digging on this serves no real useful purpose as the political solution

is to get our criminal governments under control and tacticalcivics.com has a great plan for doing so.

The real solution however is not political, the real solution is the Creation of better people through them learning about Natural Law.

Mark Passio has some really good stuff:


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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 29, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

I think regardless of one's eschatology the error of putting one's head in the sand is clearly refuted by Scripture. 2 Thess. 3:10 "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat." Why is this statement at the end of an epistle that covers endtimes prophecy concerns? well it appears among the Thessalonians there were a few fence sitters, who used endtimes prophecy as an excuse to sit back and do nothing for the growth of the church.

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Actually the Thessalonians in the church were very active. They were probably the only church in Greece that had a good record with Paul.

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See verse 11, same chapter, does that fit your definition of "active" church behavior?

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What's up buddy?

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Nor much.. Just trying to keep up with way too much going on..

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Hi Kevin, the Futurist Christian’s eschatology / theology unfortunately FORCES them to “put their head in the sand.” Their eschatology teaches everything is supposed to get worse before Jesus allegedly returns to “rapture” them off the planet. Their study of the NWO is ONLY motivated and very limited by their attempts at putting it somewhere in the Olivet discourse, 1-2 Thess., or the book of Revelation and then sitting on their butt and declare, “Jesus is coming soon [again]!”

Since they believe 1. It’s “prophesied” that God will use the NWO to make everything worse right before 2. they are “raptured” - they aren’t motivated to fight and develop a long term Christian worldview to change culture and fight these bastards. That’s the real problem.

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Hello Michael, from your articles you seem like someone who is familiar with scriptures so when I say this please do not think I'm belittling the value of your theological work. As one who can only handle eschatology in smaller doses I greatly value and respect the work of others in deciphering that massive minefield and having the need for the best theological answers to any Biblical question is always a matter of importance to the health of the church. I think however, the American church has an overfacination (that is at the expense of fuller theology across the board) with the topic in general and has greatly exaggerated its utility for political solutions and it breeds strange divisions that I find wholly unnecessary (think of the political analogy, the left is always in lockstep while right is always backstabbing each other because we are always easily divided). I don't think it is an accurate statement to blindly accuse Futurists as being the only ones who "put their heads in the sand" - don't forget while the rest of church (regardless of eschatology) was silent during covid, I can at least think of a few Futurists like John MacArthur, Jack Hibbs, Eric Metaxas, the ACLJ and the list goes on that actually did something about it i.e. said 'no, we are not locking our churches down'. I have never met anyone who actually told me they didn't want to get involved because "eschatology", Im sure you will think of a few but remember Christ's command

"And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"

We can find cowards of all stripes, my point is to make future expectations an excuse for such cowardice is a sin.

I think the cause of the decay is something far more simple but highly relatable, too much love of this world, fear of men rather than the fear of God and silence in the face of evil. This is the sort of problem only fixed by long prayer, repentance and deep conviction. Any church that promotes these things has my sympathy and my support. I hope you will support them too when the day comes

"First they came for the Futurists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Futurist.

Then they came for the Historicists, and I did not speak out—because I was not an Historicist.

Then they came for the Partial-Preterists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Partial-Preterist.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

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John McArthur used to be my Pastor and College President. Unfortunately HIS eschatology IS the problem (Pre-Trib, Dispensational Premillennialism). He has stated clearly, "Down here we loose." That sums up everything I'm correcting! We already WON and will continue to win when we realize what Christ has ALREADY accomplished. God eventually will destroy the NWO like He did with the "land beast" (apostate Israel) and the "sea beast" (Romans) who came together to destroy the Christians BUT God turned their hearts to destroy each other while the Christians fled to Pella and were safe. The worlds not going to blow up and we are not going to be "raptured" off the earth. We will be refined through persecution before we learn this eschatological lesson. By 2053 a major shift will take place.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

Amen you nailed it.

That is exactly what had been done and not only to Christianity.

All of the cultural religions have been co-opted by the NWO.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

Cultural religion is NOT religion, it is spirituality, honoring the Earth, and nature and all of 'God's' creation. Religions were/are created by anyone wanting power at the time.

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The Natives had it right .

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Wow, so many views! After leaving organised religion 20 years ago, I've seen it is futile to assert anything regarding all these views (I've seen, heard and discussed). Who is right, who isn't and who maybe has it somewhat right? I used to think I knew, now I don't "know" anything. I've read the Bible from cover to cover 3 times as a Christian, then a messianic believer, and now I'm on my 4th time as a who knows what. I used to think when everything else was questionable at best, the Bible was the absolute plumbline. Now I even question the origin of that. How much of it is a construct, and is any of it uncorrupted? Rhetorical question - I've heard all the answers. Still waiting to see where the truth sits. Jury is still out for me.

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Read the Bible the Founders brought over or follow Naomi Wolf podcast where she is reading every chapter each Wednesday at 12:00. It’s called the Geneva Bible … very interesting as it says GOD wants a relationship with us and God Is all loving … not wrathful . All of this is quite interesting … but I truly see many brainwashed Christian’s all standing behind Israel because their church taught it so. And then of course there is the good ole Scofield Bible atrocity . Lol https://www.wrmea.org/2015-october/the-scofield-bible-the-book-that-made-zionists-of-americas-evangelical-christians.html

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Dr Naomi Wolf and 12 noon I assume?

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Yes, although at times … she skips a few Wednesday’s. Guess she is quite busy. But her readings that she has done can be found there on her podcast.

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Well you don't have to be jewish to be a zionist and you don't have to be zionist to be jewish but Wolf is jewish.When Biden was in Israel he proudly stated on jewish TV he was a zionist.God is all loving,yeah as long as you believe in it but if you don't you go to hell and burn in smoke and fire for eternity.I suspect she's a gatekeeper.

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GOD knows our hearts. I too tried to fit in with the Christian Church but if I questioned anything they shunned me, and that's OK, maybe that's the way it's supposed to be. I cling to Christ. As for the rest of it I'm not so sure.

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Can relate.

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But the Christian church too clings to Christ. So it’s really a matter of what interpretation of Christ does one cling to? I cling to the one who says: if I can do all things, you who believe can do more ( paraphrased)

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Thanks again Greg, keep washing that 'mud' off the truth mate. This one compliments your (Rome never really fell) presentation.

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I find the subject fascinating and have been looking into the Preterist concept of us living in the "short season" after the 1000 year reign of Christ. Either way, I believe we can stop the evil that is clearly running wild on Earth right now. Thanks for a different perspective on the subject. I'm always trying to keep an open mind and never forget about Murphys Law. Try to be prepared for any situation so you can handle it in a positive way.

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I too, believe we can stop this evil. I too believe the Divine Spirit is always with us and sets us on the path to be brave and courageous. We press onward Christian soldiers!! Ha! 🤺💫🤺💫🤺💫🤺💫

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Haha. I know one thing for sure.. that which is running our government is trippin me out 😂😂

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“Whenever it is that they are saying: ‘Peace and security!’ then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them.”​—[1 Thessalonians 5:3]

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Revelation, and many other books of the Bible, accurately predict our current situation from thousands of years ago. Therefore that eliminates all but a literal view of the Bible. For example, the buying and selling without the mark heretofore has been considered impossible. Also, a 200,000,000 person army has been considered impossible but there are that many jihadists based on 1.5 billion Muslims in the world and about 13 percent of them are militant (and a lot of those are in the U.S.). The fact that Israel would be reestablished as a nation after 2000 years with all of its characteristics, including its old enemies, also is impossible, but all of these things were foretold in the Bible. In fact, the Bible states that the end of the age will occur before 2030, with the last three and one-half years beginning in the autumn of 2026. The "seven year tribulation" is no where to be found in the Bible. Revelation 11, 12, 13 clearly state that the end is encompassed in three and one-half years. Nevertheless, Jesus says in Matthew 24:22 that "those days will be shortened . . . . "

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Scripture is so esoteric and obtuse that you could apply it to current events at least every 100 years.

FYI Revelation PERFECTLY describe the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD

Have you ever read?

The Destruction Of Jerusalem (Written in 1805) - Book - By George Peter Holford


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Yes I agree 100%, I watched Paster Baldwin every week and he has opened my eyes to the New Covenant that we now live in.

The OLD covenant was fulfilled every promise !

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Baldwin gets some things right but misses a lot a lot important things.

For instance if he really believed in natural law he would not support us having a government as all governments steal and stealing doesn't have any exceptions as that would be moral relativism, (a pillar of Satanism)

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He doesn't say that. It believes in godly government, natural laws.

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The Zionists are the ones who deceive the church. Lots of Christian Zionists . Jesus was never about “ religion”.. Christianity Is a religion… the churchy kind which many are falling away from. You know attendance is falling big time. The deceived and those deceivers are being exposed. That’s what the End Times is … revealing all. Hopefully those who truly listen to the holy Soirit which lives within … we will rise and unite and be victors against the evil deceivers .

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But who created the Zionists WrittenintheStars?

It's mainstream history that the Rothschild were behind creating the state of Israel.

This John Coleman book is out of print but here is a PDF copy:

One World Order - Socialist Dictatorship - by Dr John Coleman


I also very highly recommend that you spend a whopping $8 and get this book also:

Cannibalism, Blood Drinking & High-Adept Satanism

by Kerth Barker



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i highly recommend you spend 12 bucks and buy the alien world order by Len kasten,we are and always have been food for them,I read the 1952 White House/UFO incident where a large number of UFO'S flew over the white house for 9 days that the white house surrendered to the aliens.Another Theory is simply the white house agreed to a alien created treaty.Vast majority of all treaties with them though was abduction for advanced technology,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO0VgUBikjM

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I’ll certainly order it. Looks interesting . I think they have been around prior to Rothschilds as Jesus even called this group..whoever they are… “ Vipers”.

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I call bullshit too because I agree with George,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r-e2NDSTuE

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Please see my newsletter and look at my series on Mt. 24-25 and the book of Revelation, to correct the mistakes you made in your post.

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Jesus did speak of the great tribulation as beginning at the mid-point of the 70th week of Daniel, but where do you get the year 2030 in Scripture? I don’t read that in any of my many Bible translations?

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From Daniel Chapter 9, we see that three periods of time are related to the Messiah's first coming and his second coming. THEY ARE ASSOCATED WITH ISRAEL’S NATION STATUS BEING RESTORED.

The first coming is associated with the 62 "week" period (62 x 7 years or 434 years) which starts from the command to restore Jerusalem in Nehemiah (445 B.C.). From that command, there were about 439 years to His birth but Israel was not a nation for over six years due to Antiochus Epiphanes ruling over Israel and then the Gregorian calendar we use is off by four and one-half years--Jesus was born before Herod died and it is well established that Herod died around 4 B.C. (type that phrase into google and National Geographic did a long article on it). Herod was half Jewish, so he was ruling over Israel as a nation, but after he died the nation was split up in four pieces and ruled by Rome. Luke 3.

Messiah's second coming is associated with a 7 "week" period (7 x 7 years or 49 years) which actually is mentioned before the 62-week period because it more desirable in that He came first time to suffer and the second time to reign. Israel did not exist as a nation prior to the command by the United Nations in November 1947 for Israel to be restored as a nation on May 15, 1948. THE COMMAND IS THE KEY IN EACH INSTANCE. 1947 plus 49 years takes us to 1996.

At about 30 years of age, Jesus began to rule over the nation as its King for three and one-half years. I am now referring to the remaining week of the 70-week period in Daniel 9. He was cut off after three and one-half years and his death provided an end to sins but did not seal up the prophets (there are still scriptures to be fulfilled).

So, the beginning and the ending being related, the Woman (the church) in Revelation Chapter 12 gives birth to a "man-child" (the overcomers/ the two witnesses) in 1996. They have been maturing for the last 27 years as Jesus did (the scriptures say He had to learn obedience through His affliction). So, just like Jesus, after about 30 years (Autumn 2026) they will begin to rule and reign and bring judgments on all they wish for three and one-half years. Prior to that time, an "Elijah" will appear on the scene and bring repentance for 18 months, as John the Baptizer did. Jesus said in Matthew 17:11 (Elijah shall come and restore all things as John came and prepared the way). So that should begin around Passover 2025.

I can explain more if you wish.

There are a couple wildcards:

Jesus said those days shall be shortened: Matthew 24:22

He also said that He would cut short the work in righteousness: Romans 9:28

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So much of what is going on and has always gone on.. is written in the stars where even in Genesis we are told lies God’s messages for days , times and seasons. All the battles, all the victories, our entire salvation and its evolution all written in the stars. I think so, anyway.

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If you are interested you will discover that life is impossible without DNA, which is incredibly complex (like a fully formed language like English) and delicate, and it is impossible for DNA to be generated in a moment of time along with 250 complex chemical reactions necessary to support life. Since there are only two options--creation and evolution--that means by default that life was created as stated in the Bible which is the only rational and credible explanation for life. There are so many scientific reason for creation that only a complete moron would deny it.

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Sound frequency combined with sacred geometry is the creator of life.That would be the word or words of the creator gods.Religion was invented and changed to the one god for divide and conquer.There's virtually nothing that impossible in quantum psychics.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh8Vi_RHlFE

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The scriptures you referred to in Mathew 24,Jesus didn't refer to that Generation but the Generation of when the olive tree starts to bloom, and the olive tree is Israel,when they became a Nation ,that generation will not pass away until all is fulfilled, we are watching it now

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You make an excellent point. And I agree - to a point. Jesus was not speaking about that particular generation, but to the generation that sees the events He described taking place, even as when someone sees the leaves beginning to appear on the branch of a tree, they know that summer is near, so too, when you see the events He spoke of coming to pass, you know the time is near. It’s THAT generation that witnesses those things that won’t pass away until everything is accomplished. I do believe that God has a future plan for Israel, but I think to suggest that Jesus was speaking of Israel here requires more of a stretch then I am willing to make.

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Jesus says ,As in the days of Noah so shall it be in the coming day of the Lord Matthew 24

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Those who are the real Jews are the one’s of the spirit …we are scattered every where !! What is a true Jew? A true Jew is not a physical child of Abraham, but a Spiritual child of God. It is not the physical circumcision made by man that counts, it is the heart circumcision made by the Spirit that matters. Paul returns to a variation of this theme in Romans 4:11-12. Again the question is, “Who is a true son of Abraham?” Again Paul answers that mphysical circumcision is meaningless, but that whoever has the faith that Abraham had can claim Abraham as “father.” This is also the argument of the entire chapter of Galatians 3. The precise statements include: Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham. And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand, saying, “In you all the nations shall be blessed.” So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham. (3:7-9)

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Who are you to judge another man’s walk?

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There is very logical answers to the book of revelation but you must use all the scriptures from the entire Bible to piece it all together. It’s incredibly fascinating and difficult and it takes so much time and reading. One could never do it without the help of Gods Holy Spirit. You have to have a hunger for it. Seek and ye shall find. Ask and it will be opened to you. It was the most satisfying journey of my life and it’s really a journey that never ends. I could open the Bible today and be given a new insight I’ve never seen before even after reading the book cover to cover five times. Wisdom comes from above. One could never fully know the mind of God but the journey is so satisfying. We are in the end times for sure but no one knows how long? No one knows the day or the hour. No, not even Jesus knew because he is not God. A God, yes. But He is the son. The Bible is very clear on that distinction. The Trinity is never mentioned in any Bible ever! If you believe in the Trinity you have been lied to because Jesus is not God and he never would put himself in that position. Just read the New Testament and hear his words. Accept Jesus as your Savior and do what John 17:3 states as the way to eternal life. Thank you John for an interesting interpretation but book of revelation has not completed yet. 70 AD and the destruction of Jerusalem was not the end that the Bible was referring to. It may have been the end of that nation and the relationship they had with God YHWH. The rejection of Jesus ending the relationship JHWH had with that nation and opened the door for many people among all nations! Acts 15:14. There are many different interpretations of the same book, the Holy Bible. I think very soon we shall all see which one was the most accurate.

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Col 1:15  Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:

Col 1:16  For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

Col 1:17  And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

2Co 5:16  Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more.

Jesus Christ is God. Scripture says we are to no longer to know Him after the flesh before the cross. He is the resurrected and glorified head of the Body of Christ, the Church.

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Many of us here speak the truth of Christ and lie not.

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Your all caps is dog Latin used by the Vatican.

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Yes. And you’re using their language when using all caps.

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Nope. The harlot is all false religion. Just saying

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Wow, there are so many errors in your post I don’t know where to start so I won’t. And the all CAPS is another red flag. Please see my newsletter on Mt. 24-25 and Revelation. Be humble and a Berean. Thanks.

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As a Pastor, I can fully agree that there is deception going in in religion today. Neither Futurism first promoted by a Jesuit doctor of theology Francisco Ribera, 1537-1591 nor Preterism first promoted by Jesuit Luis De Alcazar 1554-1613 are biblical or accurate. These views are simply diversions to purposely lead folks to mis-identify the "Beast Power of Revelation" as plainly stated in scripture, and yes these errors were and still are very effective I might add. The illuminati and most ALL other secret societies work for and with the Beast Power to deceive the world just exactly as the scriptures predict. Here is a brief history of Futurism, Preterism, and their roots. You must identify the Beast Power of Revelation first, or you will never identify it's mark! https://www.biblelightinfo.com/antichrist.htm

Here are a couple great books on the subject (both on ebay) for those willing do to their own research. "Will America Survive?" https://www.ebay.com/itm/302574190988 "The Secret Terrorists," https://www.ebay.com/itm/304684218895

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Yeah, you lost me at I’m “A PASTOR...”. So what. In my opinion that is more of a liability than a strength. Your eschatology is connected to a school or seminary you graduated from or a creedal denomination you are a part of. And your eschatology is definitely connected to a paycheck. So, to be perfectly honest, I’m more impressed with a Christian that just wants to be a Berean. Next.

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023

I am sorry Michael but you stated your opinion of me without any research or knowledge of what I believe which is simply just an opinion stated without facts. A true Berean will pray and ask questions first, then search the scriptures for light. "Judge not, that ye be not judged." Matt 7:1

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You stated what you believed shortly after telling everyone you are a “Pastor” as if what you say should matter more than others. I can’t stand this mentality and that’s why I enjoyed refuting 7 seminary professors or Pastors in “House Divided Bridging the Gap in Reformed Eschatology” who tried to refute Full Preterism but fell on their faces. Not interested in the Technocrat “science experts” the Rockefeller FDA or big pharma “health experts” -- or the “prophecy” or “Pastor” “experts.”

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I stand on what I said previously. I believe in the Bible and since the Bible always interprets itself, God's word is the final proof of truth regardless of anyone's opinion. Have a great day!

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Of course Scripture interprets itself - and that is why Full Preterism is gaining so much popularity today and by 2053 half or more than half of the Church will be embracing it and taking Transhumanism head-on. John the Baptist's imminent AD 70 eschatology (Mt. 3:2-12) is Jesus' imminent AD 70 eschatology (Mt. 10:22-23; Mt. 16:27-28; Mt. 24:27-34; Mt. 26:62-64), which is Paul's imminent AD 70 eschatology (Rms. 8:18YLT; Rms. 13:11-12; Rms. 16:20; Acts 24:14-15YLT), which is Jame's (Jms. 5:7-9), which is the author of Hebrews (Heb. 8:13; 10:37); which is John's (Rev. 1:1----22:7-12; 20). And by the way the authors of the NT were not giving us their opinions, but according to Jesus they were being "led into all truth concerning THINGS TO COME [eschatology]." I will stand on the analogy of faith and their "inspired" writings and not you opinion. Next.

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What do you mean we will be taking transhumsism head on by ….

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