Don't worry folks - the sheep will take the chip & CBDC. How do I know? All they have to do is release another "sheep dog" like Cohoax1984, and just like sheep, the sheeple will run to the chip & CBDC pen. (How many fucking idiots do you see out and about town still wearing a fucking mask? That's your majority right there, and the vacuum of their action will release the hounds, a.k.a. the Masonic Police, to beat the hold outs into compliance "for the greater good" of course, and cull the stubborn - like me. Thanks sheep. I HATE sheeple - I fuckin hate em. And there's my spot of peace joy love and light for the day.)
That is, if they’re around long enough TO take it ~ most are jabbed and probably won’t live long enough to get chipped.
And as far as being beat into compliance, I WILL NOT COMPLY. And if that means death, then so be it. I’d rather be dead than be a government puppet. I know where I’m going when I leave here...
And that’s my little post of peace, joy and love for the day, also. 😂
I originally thought it was something like 60% of the American population have had at least one injection, but then I read something online last week that said 80% is a much more accurate statistic, which is alarming.
I know A LOT of people that received the first initial “vaccination” but then figured out that it was bad news and refused any subsequent “vaccinations.” I don’t know if that matters or not? I believe the boosters are especially lethal ~ my mom didn’t get sick and die until after she received the booster shot. My dad received all of the same injections that she did, and he’s still here and relatively healthy, but I honestly believe the blood-thinners that he’s been taking for years, are the only thing keeping him alive.
If the COVID “vaccinations” were a matter of life and death, which if you think back to the height of the Plandemic, that’s how they were marketed to the public, then WHY would placebos even exist??? I mean, if that’s not a red flag 🚩 then I dunno what is! 😳🤬
How do we fight this? There is no way I want to comply with this. I am a strong believer in Christ and it's shaking me to my core. Though none of what is happening is as ordered in Revelations, but that seems it would be expected from the deceivers to confuse and mislead. Who can we use our prepper armaments against to stop this?
Even though this "chip implant" is not the Mark of the Beast yet, we can all see where it is going. Remember that it is not what currency or unit of exchange we use, (i.e. gold, silver, dollars, yuan, rubble, clam shells, or cyrpto) This is all about WHO controls our transactions. Controlling all buying and selling is how the Mark of the Beast will operate.
That said, if is very likely that a large solar ejection could BURN people with these micro-chip injections. Even this is predicted in Revelation. Rev. 16: 1-11.
16:1 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.
2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.
9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.
10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,
I would recommend strongly avoiding anything that might even remotely .. potentially being the mark. Don't take a chance since there is no going back.
I assure you the mark will not be called "Mark of the Beast" nor will it have a warning for Christians NOT to take it, no UPC code of 666 or any other Hollywood silliness.
Well the Mark of the beast, will probably be called the 'sign of acceptance" to the international leader, who is the beast, or the "Antichrist." Something like that. But don't count out the STUPIDITY OF THE FOOLISH. Look at what is happening now, with Biden and LGBTQ etc. People will voluntarily go along with disasters. They CHOOSE to be foolish. They won't be deceived as much as just willing to go along.
Take a chip in your hand, attached to a global ledger, CBDC system being setup to control everything...and you think it won't be the mark? LOL. Dude. What on God's earth would make you remotely think it's not the mark? It is. Best of luck but please...reconsider.
I’m sorry but I wouldn’t count on the rapture that is historically incorrect Christianity. Nobody’s gonna get out of this mess unscathed I can promise you there’s gonna be a lot of orthodox Christian martyrs in the very near future as there was in the beginning of the church nobody gets a pass nobody
I believe it’s Armaggedon. The battle is written in the stars… where our Creator put signs . This is the END TIMES of them… and we will enter into a 1000 years of peace… that’s what the Minor Prophets from Old Testament say. People need to realize the Kingdom of Heaven lies within us. We are the Army of Christ! “ Your Kingdom come, your will be done , on EARTH as it is in Heaven.” Its metaohor. Heaven is not a place … it’s a consciousness. So let’s march Christian soldiers to bring the kingdom to earth as Jesus commanded.
The Temple will never be rebuilt as it has no warrant in Judaism, so looking for that is a red herring; I am guessing you are American? It seems 100% of US Christians use the Jesuitic Futurist interpretive model; there will be no rebuilt temple, no super politician AC, no Rapture, and no physical Mark (at least not at the start), etc.
Rather, going by the Historicist model of the Reformers, there will be the formal gagging by law of the Lord's public witness in the West in 2025 (symbolised by the Two Witnesses) in the name of "hate speech" (the laws for which are in the bill stage across many western nations) in fulfilment of Rev 11:7, then the 7 last plagues of Rev 16, leading up to the global war of Rev 16:14,21, which begins with the Ez 38-39 event and the Jewish conversion to Christ. The Lord will restore His public witness 3.5 years after it is gagged and elevate His faithful public witness into political control of a major western nation, which the English Puritans thought would be England, France or even Germany, but for me I think it will be the US (despite being British myself).
The Mark is any public display of allegiance to the Image, hence both sins receive the same terrible plagues in Rev 16:2 and Rev 14:9-11; the Image is all that the Beast system requires us to bow down to as it transitions from its nominally Christian form (i.e. western civilisation aka "the beast from the sea") into its scarlet, that is, Marxist form (i.e. "the beast from the bottomless pit" of Rev 11 and Rev 17). The Mark is something people do to themselves, as the Luther translation and the Dutch reliable version has it, at the behest of the False Prophet aka the Beast from the Earth in Rev 13; that False Prophet is the voice of informal authority, respected as though it commands fire from heaven and is none other than the ungodly experts, educators, influencers, apostate clergy, et al.
All of that means the Mark is already here in the form of waving the rainbow flag, or any other open display of allegiance to the sacred cows of the Marxist beast system, such as CRT, feminism, neo-Pagan Earth worship aka enviro-kult, but above all, it is the LGBT abomination. And it is that latter horror that the scarlet beast from the bottomless pit (i.e. Marxist western power) is leveraging to frame the Lord's public witness for its "slaying" in Rev 11:7.
However, there is to be no bloodbath of Christians; rather, the "dead bodies" of the Two Witnesses are to abide lying for 3.5 years in the street of the Great City spiritually called Sodom and Egypt where also our Lord was crucified; that is, Christians will be allowed to live, albeit in great distress and gagged (their ministries being "killed", that is, silenced by the legal slaying from the scarlet beast), but reviled and dehumanised as public enemy #1; the dead bodies of the Lord's Two Witnesses are just the silenced Christians and the Great City is the West, now a veritable Sodom for obvious reasons and Egypt for hedonism and utter godlessness, where also Christ was crucified, the West being the spiritual continuation of the old Roman Empire and one and the same as the fourth Beast of Daniel 7 and the feet and toes of iron and clay of Daniel 2.
Writing on the coming slaying of the Lord's public witness, John Gill wrote, in the mid 1700s, the following chilling words: “...this will be the last persecution of the saints, which will be short and sharp; the slaying of the witnesses, which will affect the whole interest of Christ everywhere; and as this concerns others, it designs the pouring out of the vials of God's wrath upon all the Antichristian states, and all those judgments and calamities which will come upon the nations of the world, signified by the harvest and vintage; see Revelation 14:14-20, Rev 15:1, and Rev 16:1: and this time of trouble, for the nature, quality, and extent of it, will exceed any and all that ever were in the world.”
So buckle up and get ready for 3.5 years of Marxist tyranny, starting in 2025, a full 1,260 years after the Little Horn of Daniel 2 had 3 kingdoms plucked up before it in the form of the Donation of Pepin finally coming to practical fruition
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Rapture is supposed to be first. Jesus will call all his children home before the 7 years start. It's like the devil's minions are doing everything inside out to mislead Christians to think that what they're doing isn't going to "count" because the Rapture hasn't happened yet.
The rapture IS NOT in the Bible. It was made up by 3 men in late 1800s (Masonic backgrounds) to frighten the people. You see over past 150 yrs different groups have their own prophesies of when it is here but NONE ever came.
We WILL HAVE Tribulation but do not know the day or hour, only the signs of the seasons - maybe that is now or sooner than later
I expect all or most of the Bible was probably made up by men, as well, however long ago, to control others, though maybe, like many things, there is truth scattered among the lies and legends. No way to verify any of that book, alas, in any case.
I've always found it very odd that God or Jesus would condition the acceptance of a person's soul into heaven upon the belief in something that cannot be verified or experienced firsthand, i.e., faith, and ultimately faith in the integrity and truthfulness of both the asserted writers of said stories, and that of those that passed the stories down, the editors of the finished book.
Knowing what we all know now about human affairs and the endless lying baked into the cake by those that steer and govern culture and human society, the ownership class, how could one ever rely upon that? It doesn't feel reasonable at all, and my guess is that God would or will forgive my skepticism and wariness should I prove to be misguided, if I am otherwise deemed worthy of admittance.
That said, things do certainly do have a pre or early Revelations feeling and bent to them now.
Let me say that I think you are perceptive to verify truth. My suggestion would be to examine the prophecies from the Old Testament that were fulfilled by Jesus. We now have the Dead Sea Scrolls that date back to 250 B.C. These are virtually 99.9% exact to the translation found in your KJV, according to Dr. John C. Trever who I have talked to and was the first scientist to examine and photograph the DS scrolls. (Using the lexicon to direct interpretation) It was obvious to the apostles in the first century that the 360 plus prophetic passages were validated. This data is still there today.
The apostle Peter, as you may have heard, walked on water with Jesus, saw him do countless miracles, and even die and resurrect. But even Peter states for those who have never seen the miracles Peter witnessed, directs us that the prophetic record which provides final and conclusive intellectual proof of the Jesus as Messiah and the Word of God. Here is the intellectual proof you are seeking. Study the 360 plus prophecies, they bear witness of Him.. Here Peter compares his personal experience with STUDY from the historical prophecies.
16 For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
17 For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
18 And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount.
19 WE HAVE ALSO A MORE SURE WORD OF PROPHECY; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
No doubt they’re all who do not comply getting their chip underneath her skin and think they’re gonna go out and raise a farm like I’m currently doing with my family have no delusions the one world government will be hunting us with killer drones very Near future as they now do in Israel Against the Palestinians
Actually it is. It's not labeled "rapture", but the process is the same.
1 Thessalonians 4:15–17
15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Actually it is. It's not labeled "rapture", but the process is the same.
1 Thessalonians 4:15–17
15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
You're right. No such doctrine was taught by Christ or the Apostles. It was never taught by the Church Fathers either. Christ's teaching in Matthew, Mark and Luke are clear enough about the eschatological sequence of events. Moreover, He made it clear that if we love/obey Him, we must take up our Crosses and follow him. We are not greater than the Master.
The rapture in the Bible is, like a lot of scripture, largely metaphorical. That doesn't mean it's not true .. of course it is true. The Elect will .. um, have been spared the Hour of Temptation (however Christ chose to do it .. it was done). The Elect didn't fly away, they're here with us. They are mixed in among the still unvaccinated.
The next phase will collect more of the battle weary .. until only the Chosen remain. Blessed are those who endure to the end.
Note: The 7 years began officially on May 22, 2017 when antichrist was seen standing arrogantly in the Holy place where Christ once taught.
No fear .. be humble .. do the right thing at every opportunity regardless the cost. :)
In my opinion the mark was the initial vaccine (containing what I believe are nanobots created to assemble one of these CBDC chips inside the body). It had to be kept extremely cold, which is odd for a solution intended to be injected moments later. What it isn't odd for are nanobots in a syringe, since its body heat that "wakes" them and gives them the power to move and operate.
I get it man. In the US I see the fools with there masks. It has become a life Style for some.
There are always those who want or for what ever reason need or want to be led. Just look at the =Soft Ball movie Sound of Freedom. It is tailored toward the squeamish masses. who could not handle the reality of human trafficking's . The truth about these horrific practice's will come out and will scare the crap out of most.
NO, this time it's different they moved ton of server down in Texas the banking infrastructure and Market infrastructure is ready for a World without the FEDs we got to mobilize.
Wallstreet is leaving NY , we can fix all this by modifying the laws for a corporation charter , the infamous corporate person. IF they can give magic money to everyone , everyone can do the same thing. Its a confidence / trust game.
LOL Tom, I could not have said it better myself. Sheep lack reasoning skills as they are conditioned their whole lives to be scared. Be a wolf but be a good wolf.
I don’t see many masks idiots likd I did before. But inflation will be enough to collapse the will of some people. The rest of us , with YAWEH on our side, will hold up the fort and be models of the new parallel society we build. All we need to do is : DO NOT COMPLY.
BINGO! way too many are still wearing masks, greed, pharma greed, money, power, status and control kills, but so does STUPIDITY
You know this level of stupidity should hurt like hell, but it doesn't, what does hurt is us who live in the painful reality, have done so for decades,
Oh Tom, I truly understand your hate, mine is deep for these useless, brainless skinbags. The good news is they are all vaxed and boosted and are not long for this world. My question is it really that effin hard to set up our own currency system? I don’t believe it is and the states need to get off their asses and get it done!
Lets all remove these transmitters, do you got a video showing how? If we all do it, then they will freak out and give up data collecting us for the FEMA red or blue lists.
Only country with a second amendment and not one shot has been fired to save this nation. That's because all the sheep have devastated life for the rest of us. We are at war but the critical thinkers are in the minority. This country is gone.
That’s true. But, the sheep 🐑 are also the vaccinated.💉And they’re dying off at alarming rates. When all or most are dead, what the evil-doers are gonna be left with, are us pure bloods.🩸And we won’t remain silent, nor will we comply. We’re a hearty bunch of survivalists who don’t have to depend on the government and we’ll most certainly take advantage of our 2nd amendment rights.🔫And there are way more of us than there are of them.
I just spend a big family dinner with Fully Vaxx and TV MK ultra folks.
It's like Yuri Bezmenov famously said once the demoralization sets in. There is no evidence that will break the spell. 3 years later countless Stacks of Data . . . Nothing , no reactions. When i left i made my peace with them it is most likely the last time i see them alive.
Oh Kell, that’s awful. 😔 I’m so sorry. What’s that old saying ~ It’s easier to fool a person than it is to convince them that they’ve been fooled? I’m pretty much in the same situation though ~ I’m the only person in my family who isn’t jabbed. Everyone else has gotten at least one shot, some have gotten multiple shots. So, I feel like it’s just a waiting game, at this point. Since there isn’t anything I can do about it, and I’m tired of being angry and not sleeping because of it, I’ve pretty much made peace with it. I mean, we’re all gonna die one day, regardless...
I feel outta the loop...I’ve been so preoccupied with both the Long Island Serial Killer finally getting caught and Leslie Van Houten getting released from prison, that I haven’t been paying any attention to more important things. I have an ID Channel addiction and I’m obsessed with serial killers (I’m weird). You know you live in a fucked up world when serial killers are a welcome, light-hearted distraction from everything else that’s happening in the world. 🤦🏼♀️😂
LMAO Sherry , ohh the dark quality comedy. . . . . . hahahaha. We are both becoming cynical😂
I had to fight with people saying that one show they were following was not reality. Imagine the scene . . . debating is fiction reality ? Oh man that was brutal. Than the personal attacks started flying . When they had no come back to : There's too many people on the planet , The earth is boiling over , small country side British village doesn't exist / They dump 1500+ migrants on town of 1500 population / boat people don't exist. BUT oh man the feminist of the family got up and arms about the burka / veil . . . but transgender doesn't exist. . . . and so on. I even pull out the Balfour declaration giving Israel to the Rothschild truthing went deep. . .
The even got on my back over JFK mistresses , which Seymore Hersh Wrote a whole book over! Ohh it was a shit show.
We need more banjo and moonshine , i volunteer for the moonshine. I wonder if Greg got bad feed back for the Angel production report. I wonder if researchers are divided over it. I bet 20$ every donors in America at some point gave to the Clinton's it's not easy to find backers Shrug.
Also i can't shake this feeling if your a social engineer working on the secession project Covid sure help how many people left to red state. Blue states will be democrat fortress and south will be forever patriot.
To be honest i'm doing the Alien deep dive for distraction. The more complicated the rabbit hole , the more fun i get 😏 I cant shake it , something is coming. Anyway you slice it Continuity of government is the only Card the Current administration can play to keep power. No future administration will be sympathetic to the Rockefeller U. N. it's all now or never.
You are correct in that the sheep are the ones who fell for the hoax. But there are just as many conservative sheep as liberal. So what we end up left with still won't see eye to eye. And once the bullets start flying, you have to wonder whether your neighbors, your friends and even your family will be shooting WITH you or AT you.
The Jan 6th lock up paralyzed many. Don’t count everyone out yet, they haven’t been pushed enough. Hearing there will not be a 2024 election, that might do it.
And that's exactly the problem. Wondering what "might do it". It should have been when our rights were illegally taken away for a fake virus. Then when elections were stolen. Then when they "forced" the injections. But.....the majority of Americans happily complied without a shred of investigation or critical thinking.
They way i see the action taken by Texas. The state will grab the CBDC and give to the people free money. Free in the sens without the condition from the federal government. Back in 2021 when everything got crazy they moved the infrastructure for a stock market , sorry i can't remember off the cuff the exact name , and the block chain to run a gold back cripto.
It like a federal transfer for education program, it come with conditions. The states have the choice to enforce it or not. Either way the schools can't close. Can't have no money in the system that just wont ever happen , it's a lie. 90% of the states have decided precious metals are legal tender already.
Sovereign money has been / is the answer. no direct taxation , no fee to use your money AND no social control incentives . Its true power in the hand of the people. We vote everytime we spend it. They just force a choice on you. When they tell ya your carbon too high ; eat the bugs.
Anyone know how to set up a local bank? How long will that last since it will be illegal to use cash? What does it take to do electronic transactions without involving CBDC infrastructure? Sounds impossible to me.
well I guess it depends on the jurisdiction and how the credit unions are governed. We have had no problems with purchases. Is this an ordinary account you had?
I am so done with this rhetoric...anyone want to throw in and we can buy an island with an olive orchard and natural spring water in Greece and start our own country status...the Greek government cannot impose their laws, military conscription, or taxation on island owners. Or so they've stated in the past on those international real estate websites. Yabba dabba let's do it. What the frick. Ace.
YEAH that's it! Thinking also, sheep to trade wool and small batches of artisan picorino romano (my favorite), chickens, cows for milk, butter, and mozzarella to trade, oh and Greek goats I guess for the best feta cheese, and lots of nonGMO tracts of veggies (I have grown these before), maybe put together a geodesic dome to keep things going through winter... Glad I am not the only one thinking to just, "GTFOD".
i spent my evening at a family dinner , i had an ear full of : "it's never been so hot!! , the planet is on fire,..." . It's been so even no low , no high just 30°-36°C all Summer so far with few showers early in the morning and 1 storm show that lasted 45 minutes. The MSM mind Kontrol TV weapon system . . . I swear . . . On every other topic even if you show them evidence. The Answer is :"you found it on the web, it's Disinformation ." Am at the point i just want to accelerate through the firewall and be done with it . There is no going back to normal , Klaus is right. Its either our reset or theirs .
At least they are not spraying over the mediterranean.
She pitch the idea has a "60s space project" to drive economy . She went against Mark Carney but Net zero project won . . . The US Gov synthetic UFO disclosures hint that way.
I'd say it's the final frontier but tell that to an 8years old in 1986 in front of his NES playing the Legend of Zelda .... "rolling eyes " hehehehe You would get : CyberSpace is the final frontier. If space was fake why go to extraordinary length and mess everyone pineal Gland ? Betty and Barney Hill story stick out so much. There was no "social contagion" , there was no SciFi hype that cinema was niche at best. The whole star map interaction with the being was astronomically dead on. The field is really muddy with tall tale yes i agree. They were credible witness , they stood to loose lot more than any real gain. Even notoriety . UFO is the easieest con job if you want to make a buck . There's a decent documentary about UFO disinfo coming out the Air Force, a real piece of shit. If you want to dig in.
>>> Mirage Men (2013)
If you want proof of the US secret space program the Manned Orbiting Laboratory files have been declassified. Project was abandoned they ran NASA budget into the ground during the Moon race They placed more money into Lockheed U2 spy plane instead. > than the SR-71 and w/e they have now. Those are hard facts. Than the paperclip NAZI is hard fact. Von Braun boss in Nazi Germany ended up Boss of Bell Helicopter. Soo which Eagle landed on the moon? The Nazi or the USA ? This sounds crazy but its a totally legit question.
To drift with the "Play Doh" maybe it's all plasma , A giant plasma brain. sure looks that way with all the tendrils if you model it in 3d from what we can observe. Maybe its all alive 😎
Because of Kellzilla's comment to fish and dive for treasure I added the extra stuff as an over the top inventory list. If there is no indy nation status there can be no real protections. Still there could be invaders. If everything goes "berserk" (hi Greg) in every corner of the world there would be no place to hide. And the world would be a much toxic--non peaceful environment by then...hand-to-mouth. Also, underground shelters will flood I believe those are not safe most will rust anyway. The zombie apocalyse will discover all food storages or feast on mystery meat. It's best to stay amid civilization not some isolated outpost but where food grows...not above the vegetation growth line...and in order to continue working/still making that paycheck to live with some kind of ease is the best tactical be still and not to get rattled by these Meatheads who chew on ideations/think they can socially re-engineer how the entire world lives while building fear and panic.
*I can always get a Veg Trug with a Cold frame for my patio for small batches.
Still I would want to avoid retching from having to smell incinerating trash or poop... I also hate to stub my toes in a tiny house or boat where it's upstairs-downstairs all day long... No water, electric, or Internet once you unplug the boat from the dock rigging... Only to roast in the blaring rays of the sun. So I guess I'm going to stick to terra firma in the suburbs with mature trees providing shade, not too crowded not too remote.
I ditched the U.S. for life in Panama. How is this plan going to be executed in counties where the population doesn't even use banking services? I think something else is coming. Why expose their plans? This gives people time to prepare. I don't think they are anywhere near ready to implement this "great reset". Only my opinion.....your mileage may vary.
pretty sure no one is going to start their own bank. great idea but i wouldn’t trust someone who wanted to do that. and i’m certainly not getting chipped so i guess i better stock up on tp and survival food, get some solar panels, grow my own food and air up my bike tires.
As many times as we've seen Sci Fi movies with implanted phones, chips, or whatever, the really cool people will be happy to do it. The rest, not a chance. Will that mean living "outside" of society, or just among the masses at basic survival levels, like most of us.
IF this report freaks you out , i recommend you reading : The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power by Shoshana Zuboff
"Confiscation of all property" you mean theft? By "local", is he referring to e.g. in USA "State" banks? These aren't possible in the UK. Credit Unions are possible but I don't see any of those standing outside the BIS controlled bank sector.
Don't worry folks - the sheep will take the chip & CBDC. How do I know? All they have to do is release another "sheep dog" like Cohoax1984, and just like sheep, the sheeple will run to the chip & CBDC pen. (How many fucking idiots do you see out and about town still wearing a fucking mask? That's your majority right there, and the vacuum of their action will release the hounds, a.k.a. the Masonic Police, to beat the hold outs into compliance "for the greater good" of course, and cull the stubborn - like me. Thanks sheep. I HATE sheeple - I fuckin hate em. And there's my spot of peace joy love and light for the day.)
That is, if they’re around long enough TO take it ~ most are jabbed and probably won’t live long enough to get chipped.
And as far as being beat into compliance, I WILL NOT COMPLY. And if that means death, then so be it. I’d rather be dead than be a government puppet. I know where I’m going when I leave here...
And that’s my little post of peace, joy and love for the day, also. 😂
God love you, Sherry!!
I originally thought it was something like 60% of the American population have had at least one injection, but then I read something online last week that said 80% is a much more accurate statistic, which is alarming.
I know A LOT of people that received the first initial “vaccination” but then figured out that it was bad news and refused any subsequent “vaccinations.” I don’t know if that matters or not? I believe the boosters are especially lethal ~ my mom didn’t get sick and die until after she received the booster shot. My dad received all of the same injections that she did, and he’s still here and relatively healthy, but I honestly believe the blood-thinners that he’s been taking for years, are the only thing keeping him alive.
If the COVID “vaccinations” were a matter of life and death, which if you think back to the height of the Plandemic, that’s how they were marketed to the public, then WHY would placebos even exist??? I mean, if that’s not a red flag 🚩 then I dunno what is! 😳🤬
Thank you! ❤️
I share your vehemence. In fact I hate them worse than I hate the puppeteers themselves. Toxically pathetic.
How do we fight this? There is no way I want to comply with this. I am a strong believer in Christ and it's shaking me to my core. Though none of what is happening is as ordered in Revelations, but that seems it would be expected from the deceivers to confuse and mislead. Who can we use our prepper armaments against to stop this?
Even though this "chip implant" is not the Mark of the Beast yet, we can all see where it is going. Remember that it is not what currency or unit of exchange we use, (i.e. gold, silver, dollars, yuan, rubble, clam shells, or cyrpto) This is all about WHO controls our transactions. Controlling all buying and selling is how the Mark of the Beast will operate.
That said, if is very likely that a large solar ejection could BURN people with these micro-chip injections. Even this is predicted in Revelation. Rev. 16: 1-11.
16:1 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.
2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.
9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.
10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,
I would recommend strongly avoiding anything that might even remotely .. potentially being the mark. Don't take a chance since there is no going back.
I assure you the mark will not be called "Mark of the Beast" nor will it have a warning for Christians NOT to take it, no UPC code of 666 or any other Hollywood silliness.
I can't believe I even have to say this. :(
Well the Mark of the beast, will probably be called the 'sign of acceptance" to the international leader, who is the beast, or the "Antichrist." Something like that. But don't count out the STUPIDITY OF THE FOOLISH. Look at what is happening now, with Biden and LGBTQ etc. People will voluntarily go along with disasters. They CHOOSE to be foolish. They won't be deceived as much as just willing to go along.
Take a chip in your hand, attached to a global ledger, CBDC system being setup to control everything...and you think it won't be the mark? LOL. Dude. What on God's earth would make you remotely think it's not the mark? It is. Best of luck but please...reconsider.
Just wait. When they start to rebuild the third Temple, it’s in first gear
I’m sorry but I wouldn’t count on the rapture that is historically incorrect Christianity. Nobody’s gonna get out of this mess unscathed I can promise you there’s gonna be a lot of orthodox Christian martyrs in the very near future as there was in the beginning of the church nobody gets a pass nobody
There is no rapture look thewordup in the kjv 1611
Version. No word.invented by the snakes .
Not even the Elijah and his student. They will come back and be killed by Antichrist
I believe it’s Armaggedon. The battle is written in the stars… where our Creator put signs . This is the END TIMES of them… and we will enter into a 1000 years of peace… that’s what the Minor Prophets from Old Testament say. People need to realize the Kingdom of Heaven lies within us. We are the Army of Christ! “ Your Kingdom come, your will be done , on EARTH as it is in Heaven.” Its metaohor. Heaven is not a place … it’s a consciousness. So let’s march Christian soldiers to bring the kingdom to earth as Jesus commanded.
The Temple will never be rebuilt as it has no warrant in Judaism, so looking for that is a red herring; I am guessing you are American? It seems 100% of US Christians use the Jesuitic Futurist interpretive model; there will be no rebuilt temple, no super politician AC, no Rapture, and no physical Mark (at least not at the start), etc.
Rather, going by the Historicist model of the Reformers, there will be the formal gagging by law of the Lord's public witness in the West in 2025 (symbolised by the Two Witnesses) in the name of "hate speech" (the laws for which are in the bill stage across many western nations) in fulfilment of Rev 11:7, then the 7 last plagues of Rev 16, leading up to the global war of Rev 16:14,21, which begins with the Ez 38-39 event and the Jewish conversion to Christ. The Lord will restore His public witness 3.5 years after it is gagged and elevate His faithful public witness into political control of a major western nation, which the English Puritans thought would be England, France or even Germany, but for me I think it will be the US (despite being British myself).
The Mark is any public display of allegiance to the Image, hence both sins receive the same terrible plagues in Rev 16:2 and Rev 14:9-11; the Image is all that the Beast system requires us to bow down to as it transitions from its nominally Christian form (i.e. western civilisation aka "the beast from the sea") into its scarlet, that is, Marxist form (i.e. "the beast from the bottomless pit" of Rev 11 and Rev 17). The Mark is something people do to themselves, as the Luther translation and the Dutch reliable version has it, at the behest of the False Prophet aka the Beast from the Earth in Rev 13; that False Prophet is the voice of informal authority, respected as though it commands fire from heaven and is none other than the ungodly experts, educators, influencers, apostate clergy, et al.
All of that means the Mark is already here in the form of waving the rainbow flag, or any other open display of allegiance to the sacred cows of the Marxist beast system, such as CRT, feminism, neo-Pagan Earth worship aka enviro-kult, but above all, it is the LGBT abomination. And it is that latter horror that the scarlet beast from the bottomless pit (i.e. Marxist western power) is leveraging to frame the Lord's public witness for its "slaying" in Rev 11:7.
However, there is to be no bloodbath of Christians; rather, the "dead bodies" of the Two Witnesses are to abide lying for 3.5 years in the street of the Great City spiritually called Sodom and Egypt where also our Lord was crucified; that is, Christians will be allowed to live, albeit in great distress and gagged (their ministries being "killed", that is, silenced by the legal slaying from the scarlet beast), but reviled and dehumanised as public enemy #1; the dead bodies of the Lord's Two Witnesses are just the silenced Christians and the Great City is the West, now a veritable Sodom for obvious reasons and Egypt for hedonism and utter godlessness, where also Christ was crucified, the West being the spiritual continuation of the old Roman Empire and one and the same as the fourth Beast of Daniel 7 and the feet and toes of iron and clay of Daniel 2.
Writing on the coming slaying of the Lord's public witness, John Gill wrote, in the mid 1700s, the following chilling words: “...this will be the last persecution of the saints, which will be short and sharp; the slaying of the witnesses, which will affect the whole interest of Christ everywhere; and as this concerns others, it designs the pouring out of the vials of God's wrath upon all the Antichristian states, and all those judgments and calamities which will come upon the nations of the world, signified by the harvest and vintage; see Revelation 14:14-20, Rev 15:1, and Rev 16:1: and this time of trouble, for the nature, quality, and extent of it, will exceed any and all that ever were in the world.”
So buckle up and get ready for 3.5 years of Marxist tyranny, starting in 2025, a full 1,260 years after the Little Horn of Daniel 2 had 3 kingdoms plucked up before it in the form of the Donation of Pepin finally coming to practical fruition
Amen! Orthodox Christianity is the only actual true church!
1 Thessalonians 4:17
King James Bible
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Rapture is supposed to be first. Jesus will call all his children home before the 7 years start. It's like the devil's minions are doing everything inside out to mislead Christians to think that what they're doing isn't going to "count" because the Rapture hasn't happened yet.
The rapture IS NOT in the Bible. It was made up by 3 men in late 1800s (Masonic backgrounds) to frighten the people. You see over past 150 yrs different groups have their own prophesies of when it is here but NONE ever came.
We WILL HAVE Tribulation but do not know the day or hour, only the signs of the seasons - maybe that is now or sooner than later
I expect all or most of the Bible was probably made up by men, as well, however long ago, to control others, though maybe, like many things, there is truth scattered among the lies and legends. No way to verify any of that book, alas, in any case.
I've always found it very odd that God or Jesus would condition the acceptance of a person's soul into heaven upon the belief in something that cannot be verified or experienced firsthand, i.e., faith, and ultimately faith in the integrity and truthfulness of both the asserted writers of said stories, and that of those that passed the stories down, the editors of the finished book.
Knowing what we all know now about human affairs and the endless lying baked into the cake by those that steer and govern culture and human society, the ownership class, how could one ever rely upon that? It doesn't feel reasonable at all, and my guess is that God would or will forgive my skepticism and wariness should I prove to be misguided, if I am otherwise deemed worthy of admittance.
That said, things do certainly do have a pre or early Revelations feeling and bent to them now.
Let me say that I think you are perceptive to verify truth. My suggestion would be to examine the prophecies from the Old Testament that were fulfilled by Jesus. We now have the Dead Sea Scrolls that date back to 250 B.C. These are virtually 99.9% exact to the translation found in your KJV, according to Dr. John C. Trever who I have talked to and was the first scientist to examine and photograph the DS scrolls. (Using the lexicon to direct interpretation) It was obvious to the apostles in the first century that the 360 plus prophetic passages were validated. This data is still there today.
The apostle Peter, as you may have heard, walked on water with Jesus, saw him do countless miracles, and even die and resurrect. But even Peter states for those who have never seen the miracles Peter witnessed, directs us that the prophetic record which provides final and conclusive intellectual proof of the Jesus as Messiah and the Word of God. Here is the intellectual proof you are seeking. Study the 360 plus prophecies, they bear witness of Him.. Here Peter compares his personal experience with STUDY from the historical prophecies.
16 For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
17 For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
18 And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount.
19 WE HAVE ALSO A MORE SURE WORD OF PROPHECY; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
No doubt they’re all who do not comply getting their chip underneath her skin and think they’re gonna go out and raise a farm like I’m currently doing with my family have no delusions the one world government will be hunting us with killer drones very Near future as they now do in Israel Against the Palestinians
Good to find an Orthodox brother in this discussion! I am right where you are in terms of suspicion, it is very near.
Actually it is. It's not labeled "rapture", but the process is the same.
1 Thessalonians 4:15–17
15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Actually it is. It's not labeled "rapture", but the process is the same.
1 Thessalonians 4:15–17
15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
You're right. No such doctrine was taught by Christ or the Apostles. It was never taught by the Church Fathers either. Christ's teaching in Matthew, Mark and Luke are clear enough about the eschatological sequence of events. Moreover, He made it clear that if we love/obey Him, we must take up our Crosses and follow him. We are not greater than the Master.
The rapture in the Bible is, like a lot of scripture, largely metaphorical. That doesn't mean it's not true .. of course it is true. The Elect will .. um, have been spared the Hour of Temptation (however Christ chose to do it .. it was done). The Elect didn't fly away, they're here with us. They are mixed in among the still unvaccinated.
The next phase will collect more of the battle weary .. until only the Chosen remain. Blessed are those who endure to the end.
Note: The 7 years began officially on May 22, 2017 when antichrist was seen standing arrogantly in the Holy place where Christ once taught.
No fear .. be humble .. do the right thing at every opportunity regardless the cost. :)
In my opinion the mark was the initial vaccine (containing what I believe are nanobots created to assemble one of these CBDC chips inside the body). It had to be kept extremely cold, which is odd for a solution intended to be injected moments later. What it isn't odd for are nanobots in a syringe, since its body heat that "wakes" them and gives them the power to move and operate.
I get it man. In the US I see the fools with there masks. It has become a life Style for some.
There are always those who want or for what ever reason need or want to be led. Just look at the =Soft Ball movie Sound of Freedom. It is tailored toward the squeamish masses. who could not handle the reality of human trafficking's . The truth about these horrific practice's will come out and will scare the crap out of most.
NO, this time it's different they moved ton of server down in Texas the banking infrastructure and Market infrastructure is ready for a World without the FEDs we got to mobilize.
Wallstreet is leaving NY , we can fix all this by modifying the laws for a corporation charter , the infamous corporate person. IF they can give magic money to everyone , everyone can do the same thing. Its a confidence / trust game.
LOL Tom, I could not have said it better myself. Sheep lack reasoning skills as they are conditioned their whole lives to be scared. Be a wolf but be a good wolf.
In our right hand ?😳
I don’t see many masks idiots likd I did before. But inflation will be enough to collapse the will of some people. The rest of us , with YAWEH on our side, will hold up the fort and be models of the new parallel society we build. All we need to do is : DO NOT COMPLY.
BINGO! way too many are still wearing masks, greed, pharma greed, money, power, status and control kills, but so does STUPIDITY
You know this level of stupidity should hurt like hell, but it doesn't, what does hurt is us who live in the painful reality, have done so for decades,
All By Design
I don't Do "Covid" - My Story
Oh Tom, I truly understand your hate, mine is deep for these useless, brainless skinbags. The good news is they are all vaxed and boosted and are not long for this world. My question is it really that effin hard to set up our own currency system? I don’t believe it is and the states need to get off their asses and get it done!
Thanks, that WAS cheery.
Most people don't know their flat screen TV has a transmitter. Even with your TV off, you are being heard and watched.
Remove the transmitter and somebody might come knocking on your door.
Lets all remove these transmitters, do you got a video showing how? If we all do it, then they will freak out and give up data collecting us for the FEMA red or blue lists.
Stalking is a crime.
Most people don't know their flat screen TV has a transmitter. Even with your TV off, you are being heard and watched.
Remove the transmitter and somebody might come knocking on your door.
2 Thessalonians 2
Only country with a second amendment and not one shot has been fired to save this nation. That's because all the sheep have devastated life for the rest of us. We are at war but the critical thinkers are in the minority. This country is gone.
That’s true. But, the sheep 🐑 are also the vaccinated.💉And they’re dying off at alarming rates. When all or most are dead, what the evil-doers are gonna be left with, are us pure bloods.🩸And we won’t remain silent, nor will we comply. We’re a hearty bunch of survivalists who don’t have to depend on the government and we’ll most certainly take advantage of our 2nd amendment rights.🔫And there are way more of us than there are of them.
So, they’ve got their work cut out for them...
I just spend a big family dinner with Fully Vaxx and TV MK ultra folks.
It's like Yuri Bezmenov famously said once the demoralization sets in. There is no evidence that will break the spell. 3 years later countless Stacks of Data . . . Nothing , no reactions. When i left i made my peace with them it is most likely the last time i see them alive.
Oh Kell, that’s awful. 😔 I’m so sorry. What’s that old saying ~ It’s easier to fool a person than it is to convince them that they’ve been fooled? I’m pretty much in the same situation though ~ I’m the only person in my family who isn’t jabbed. Everyone else has gotten at least one shot, some have gotten multiple shots. So, I feel like it’s just a waiting game, at this point. Since there isn’t anything I can do about it, and I’m tired of being angry and not sleeping because of it, I’ve pretty much made peace with it. I mean, we’re all gonna die one day, regardless...
I feel outta the loop...I’ve been so preoccupied with both the Long Island Serial Killer finally getting caught and Leslie Van Houten getting released from prison, that I haven’t been paying any attention to more important things. I have an ID Channel addiction and I’m obsessed with serial killers (I’m weird). You know you live in a fucked up world when serial killers are a welcome, light-hearted distraction from everything else that’s happening in the world. 🤦🏼♀️😂
LMAO Sherry , ohh the dark quality comedy. . . . . . hahahaha. We are both becoming cynical😂
I had to fight with people saying that one show they were following was not reality. Imagine the scene . . . debating is fiction reality ? Oh man that was brutal. Than the personal attacks started flying . When they had no come back to : There's too many people on the planet , The earth is boiling over , small country side British village doesn't exist / They dump 1500+ migrants on town of 1500 population / boat people don't exist. BUT oh man the feminist of the family got up and arms about the burka / veil . . . but transgender doesn't exist. . . . and so on. I even pull out the Balfour declaration giving Israel to the Rothschild truthing went deep. . .
The even got on my back over JFK mistresses , which Seymore Hersh Wrote a whole book over! Ohh it was a shit show.
We need more banjo and moonshine , i volunteer for the moonshine. I wonder if Greg got bad feed back for the Angel production report. I wonder if researchers are divided over it. I bet 20$ every donors in America at some point gave to the Clinton's it's not easy to find backers Shrug.
Also i can't shake this feeling if your a social engineer working on the secession project Covid sure help how many people left to red state. Blue states will be democrat fortress and south will be forever patriot.
To be honest i'm doing the Alien deep dive for distraction. The more complicated the rabbit hole , the more fun i get 😏 I cant shake it , something is coming. Anyway you slice it Continuity of government is the only Card the Current administration can play to keep power. No future administration will be sympathetic to the Rockefeller U. N. it's all now or never.
You are correct in that the sheep are the ones who fell for the hoax. But there are just as many conservative sheep as liberal. So what we end up left with still won't see eye to eye. And once the bullets start flying, you have to wonder whether your neighbors, your friends and even your family will be shooting WITH you or AT you.
The Jan 6th lock up paralyzed many. Don’t count everyone out yet, they haven’t been pushed enough. Hearing there will not be a 2024 election, that might do it.
And that's exactly the problem. Wondering what "might do it". It should have been when our rights were illegally taken away for a fake virus. Then when elections were stolen. Then when they "forced" the injections. But.....the majority of Americans happily complied without a shred of investigation or critical thinking.
So, what’s going to happen to the states that have outlawed CBDC’s?
Florida and Indiana have both passed bills completely banning CBDC’s altogether.
North Carolina has passed a bill making incoming CBDC payments illegal.
And at least four other states ~ Louisiana, Texas, Alabama and North Dakota ~ have all proposed similar legislation which would ban the use of CBDC’s.
Are these states planning to secede, should the “Federal Government” force the use of CBDC’s on the American people?
They way i see the action taken by Texas. The state will grab the CBDC and give to the people free money. Free in the sens without the condition from the federal government. Back in 2021 when everything got crazy they moved the infrastructure for a stock market , sorry i can't remember off the cuff the exact name , and the block chain to run a gold back cripto.
It like a federal transfer for education program, it come with conditions. The states have the choice to enforce it or not. Either way the schools can't close. Can't have no money in the system that just wont ever happen , it's a lie. 90% of the states have decided precious metals are legal tender already.
Sovereign money has been / is the answer. no direct taxation , no fee to use your money AND no social control incentives . Its true power in the hand of the people. We vote everytime we spend it. They just force a choice on you. When they tell ya your carbon too high ; eat the bugs.
And Missouri has a terrific one - and we MUST exit the WHO asap who aim to usurp our protective constitution..
They even tried to declare “Monkey pox” a pandemic remember!
Now imagine the ridiculous reasons they will create to lock you in your home forever or quarantine camps without representation!
Contact your local reps and congressman now and tell them to reject the WHO treaty AND Defund it!
It will be the major proxy (for globalists like Gates, Soros, deep state) to enact totalitarian laws and use UN military to enforce.
You will own nothing.
And be happy (or dead).
Anyone know how to set up a local bank? How long will that last since it will be illegal to use cash? What does it take to do electronic transactions without involving CBDC infrastructure? Sounds impossible to me.
Credit Unions might be the answer
Hmmmm I’m not so sure about that. Im at the moment pulling out of one because they were declining purchases that they didn’t like, like guns, and CBD.
I was told they had this right? WHAT? Funny thing this was not mentioned when I opened the account, which I’m now closing.
So, if your in Ohio, stay the hell away from Superior credit union.
well I guess it depends on the jurisdiction and how the credit unions are governed. We have had no problems with purchases. Is this an ordinary account you had?
I am so done with this rhetoric...anyone want to throw in and we can buy an island with an olive orchard and natural spring water in Greece and start our own country status...the Greek government cannot impose their laws, military conscription, or taxation on island owners. Or so they've stated in the past on those international real estate websites. Yabba dabba let's do it. What the frick. Ace.
Am in , i'll go fish & dive for treasures !
YEAH that's it! Thinking also, sheep to trade wool and small batches of artisan picorino romano (my favorite), chickens, cows for milk, butter, and mozzarella to trade, oh and Greek goats I guess for the best feta cheese, and lots of nonGMO tracts of veggies (I have grown these before), maybe put together a geodesic dome to keep things going through winter... Glad I am not the only one thinking to just, "GTFOD".
i spent my evening at a family dinner , i had an ear full of : "it's never been so hot!! , the planet is on fire,..." . It's been so even no low , no high just 30°-36°C all Summer so far with few showers early in the morning and 1 storm show that lasted 45 minutes. The MSM mind Kontrol TV weapon system . . . I swear . . . On every other topic even if you show them evidence. The Answer is :"you found it on the web, it's Disinformation ." Am at the point i just want to accelerate through the firewall and be done with it . There is no going back to normal , Klaus is right. Its either our reset or theirs .
At least they are not spraying over the mediterranean.
The next money scam will be "SPACE" .
Check this playbook ;
She pitch the idea has a "60s space project" to drive economy . She went against Mark Carney but Net zero project won . . . The US Gov synthetic UFO disclosures hint that way.
Space the Final Frontier or their hidden stash of Play Doh
I'd say it's the final frontier but tell that to an 8years old in 1986 in front of his NES playing the Legend of Zelda .... "rolling eyes " hehehehe You would get : CyberSpace is the final frontier. If space was fake why go to extraordinary length and mess everyone pineal Gland ? Betty and Barney Hill story stick out so much. There was no "social contagion" , there was no SciFi hype that cinema was niche at best. The whole star map interaction with the being was astronomically dead on. The field is really muddy with tall tale yes i agree. They were credible witness , they stood to loose lot more than any real gain. Even notoriety . UFO is the easieest con job if you want to make a buck . There's a decent documentary about UFO disinfo coming out the Air Force, a real piece of shit. If you want to dig in.
>>> Mirage Men (2013)
If you want proof of the US secret space program the Manned Orbiting Laboratory files have been declassified. Project was abandoned they ran NASA budget into the ground during the Moon race They placed more money into Lockheed U2 spy plane instead. > than the SR-71 and w/e they have now. Those are hard facts. Than the paperclip NAZI is hard fact. Von Braun boss in Nazi Germany ended up Boss of Bell Helicopter. Soo which Eagle landed on the moon? The Nazi or the USA ? This sounds crazy but its a totally legit question.
To drift with the "Play Doh" maybe it's all plasma , A giant plasma brain. sure looks that way with all the tendrils if you model it in 3d from what we can observe. Maybe its all alive 😎
Greg’s talked about starting his own Truth Freedom Cult with other like-minded, non-normie/survivalist type people, maybe somewhere in the mountains.
Hi Sherry,
Because of Kellzilla's comment to fish and dive for treasure I added the extra stuff as an over the top inventory list. If there is no indy nation status there can be no real protections. Still there could be invaders. If everything goes "berserk" (hi Greg) in every corner of the world there would be no place to hide. And the world would be a much toxic--non peaceful environment by then...hand-to-mouth. Also, underground shelters will flood I believe those are not safe most will rust anyway. The zombie apocalyse will discover all food storages or feast on mystery meat. It's best to stay amid civilization not some isolated outpost but where food grows...not above the vegetation growth line...and in order to continue working/still making that paycheck to live with some kind of ease is the best tactical be still and not to get rattled by these Meatheads who chew on ideations/think they can socially re-engineer how the entire world lives while building fear and panic.
*I can always get a Veg Trug with a Cold frame for my patio for small batches.
Still I would want to avoid retching from having to smell incinerating trash or poop... I also hate to stub my toes in a tiny house or boat where it's upstairs-downstairs all day long... No water, electric, or Internet once you unplug the boat from the dock rigging... Only to roast in the blaring rays of the sun. So I guess I'm going to stick to terra firma in the suburbs with mature trees providing shade, not too crowded not too remote.
1) Refuse CBDC.
2) Reject "Internet of Bodies" technologies, the installation of devices in your body, the Metaverse, & transhumanism.
3) Refuse digital identity.
4) Practice the free market.
5) Divest from ESG stocks.
6) Remove money from ESG-reporting banks & avoid buying insurance from ESG-reporting insurance companies.
7) Pressure our legislators to curb ESG legislations & to divest public fundings from ESG markets.
8) Encourage the defection of elites from the globalist agenda.
9) Network with like-minded individuals & spread this plan digitally & analogically.
ChatGPT announced an knew Ai for #SocietyOS. Totally out of nowhere!
So much for the Manhattan Projecting the Ai.
I ditched the U.S. for life in Panama. How is this plan going to be executed in counties where the population doesn't even use banking services? I think something else is coming. Why expose their plans? This gives people time to prepare. I don't think they are anywhere near ready to implement this "great reset". Only my opinion.....your mileage may vary.
pretty sure no one is going to start their own bank. great idea but i wouldn’t trust someone who wanted to do that. and i’m certainly not getting chipped so i guess i better stock up on tp and survival food, get some solar panels, grow my own food and air up my bike tires.
A group in Texas are working on their own bank. Have gold to back it up. Got email recently with updates. Still working on it
As many times as we've seen Sci Fi movies with implanted phones, chips, or whatever, the really cool people will be happy to do it. The rest, not a chance. Will that mean living "outside" of society, or just among the masses at basic survival levels, like most of us.
Outside of society unfortunately.
IF this report freaks you out , i recommend you reading : The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power by Shoshana Zuboff
AND Watch at INFOwars ; Aaron Russo : America: Freedom to Fascism & Alex interview with Aaron.
This is not a drill , Knowledge is power.
A plastic card can do the same job , it's about your data (behaviours) to Control you .
Criminal will mutilate you and steal your chip . . . this has nothing to do with safety.
W.H.O Tedros and Pfizer Bourla are vets , they see you has cattle. What makes you think the bankers are any different ?
"Confiscation of all property" you mean theft? By "local", is he referring to e.g. in USA "State" banks? These aren't possible in the UK. Credit Unions are possible but I don't see any of those standing outside the BIS controlled bank sector.
No way am I getting chipped, nor getting a QR code. I am not going to be branded like cattle.
Ain’t gonna happen . You know why? Because YAWEH said so. 🙏🏼🐝🌻