Jul 8, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

I left this comment in the video: "This is NOT Greg Reese's direct voice over, his voice has been uploaded into voice mimicking software and dubbed into this video via it. It's flattering that Anonymous Official used his voice - but he didn't do this video."

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I think they might have used an AI Deep Fake with your voice patterns Greg. It is Creepy.

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In all honesty, the courts have been whittled down to an arena for the wealthy. (Lawfare) It would cost Greg huge $ to acquire a lawyer, and as all lawyers are officers of the court and pals that cut deals (along with the judge) they could flip a counter suit on him easily and run him to ruin just b/c he is who he is.

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Not funny, but your comment is, Kell! 😂

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Jul 8, 2023·edited Jul 8, 2023

yeah am outrage. That Never happen ! you can say: "I seen Kell losing his shits" hahahaha.

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Yes it sounds 98% like you. However the content would never be yours. But this is where we are headed and it is not good. The skill of discernment has been lost and that is what i am focusing on with my own children. Discerning what is real in this world. My 18 and 16 yr olds get it. The 5 and 3??? They ask all that time if something they see on a screen is real or not. It is getting insane.

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It's very strange. Maybe it will inspire people to turn off all media and become more present in their real life surroundings. That's not such a bad thing. But I'm out of a job:)

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

And as this becomes more commonplace people will be ok with and even beg for identity authentication online... and that is a whole other can of slavery worms

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We'll never be out of a job Greg as long as there are people who have not heard the gospel!

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Jul 8, 2023·edited Jul 8, 2023

The Simpson once again !!! called it. !!!

lol cue that scene from The Simpson , when everyone emerge outside.


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I remember this. There’s been so many instances of “things hidden in plain sight” just like this over the years.

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Thats the WEF digital twin level. . .

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I just subscribed, so not out of a job.... yet. I was getting concerned because I thought that was you and had to turn it off to find my unsubscribe button! Then I found this thread! haha!

You rock, Greg!

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Whike it sounded like you, Greg, the content was lame, and it was sloppily spliced together. It is creepy, but I would totally ignore it. You're "over the target".:.that's why they did it.

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Hi Greg,

Please send link to original Grand Canyon report. Thanx.

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Thanx Greg as always. Substack purged my new comments three times while uploading...after the update this afternoon it's glitchy

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Yes, the Voice Over is done quite well, which is scary. However, I listen to all your videos, and I can detect a difference. At the same time, listeners who don't listen to you frequently like me, could be persuaded that this voice is yours, which is the scary part. Just take comfort in the fact that those who listen to you often, will not be fooled. Every human is uniquely created by God. It is therefore imperative to get to know people (so one can recognize your voice). At the same time, these A.I. Voice Overs require a new thinking process: just an audio clip will not suffice as 'evidence' in the court of public opinion. We are now forced to really 'fact check' (a real check) whether a person said a specific thing. And the latter point is therefore positive: we need to start doing REAL journalism again to avoid being fooled by fake audio clips

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My grandfather taught us well by saying that if it appears on television, then it is likely to be a lie or a fraud. We believed him 40 years ago and have grown into healthy adults who question everything. We embrace our realities by creating experiences with our loved ones - that is how we see life. Our true realities!

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Why wouldn't the content be Greg’s? Maybe I was listening too close to the voice to try to discern and missed what the content even was.

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He'S carrying water for that chill deGrass ......... common MAN!

that iant Greg

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Agreed sounds like you but you would not be something like that out to the public on you tube.

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It sounds similar to you, but I can definitely tell it’s not you. I’ve always thought that if I were to run into you in public somewhere, I’d hear you before I’d see you. Lol. 😂 In other words, I may or may not recognize your face (I dunno because I’ve never seen you in person), but I’d recognize your voice immediately. You are “The Voice” and your voice IS your signature.

I just don’t know how to feel about AI. While things like Chat GPT are cool, AI has the potential to wreak havoc. My brother just completed a PhD program in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Southern Alabama and he works for a company that creates and implements AI, primarily within the healthcare sector. So, everyone in my family thinks AI is the best thing since sliced bread. But, AI has the potential to put me and A LOT of other people out of work, so I’m definitely on the fence.

And you’re right, that AI voice is creepy AF. 😕

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Jul 8, 2023·edited Jul 8, 2023

Half of the word in this essay is repeating "Oumuamua" . . .

IT cracks me up when the AI interject Quoting deGrass tyson . LMAO

Obviously if the pharma chill Tyson ever cross Greg lips it will be with a tone of scorn .

Well on the bright side Greg is the standard in the author mind. Unless its only AI acting on his own.

It's Funny i never thought a creator would DMCAA Youtube for a copyright strike on his own pirated content. hehe

What a cluster Fuck . . .

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Exactly. Every time I see the dude's face I get put off.

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Well those assholes aint throttling shits. #Fuck the war on Infowars.

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Hey there's tone dating back a few months ago, am scrolling through this sham has been going on for a while.

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You are saying there are more?

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Straight rip off of your Report here. : https://youtu.be/ueI9Far63K4

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I've seen those. They have been doing that for years, and the only thing I mind about it is that they slaughter the audio track by slowing it down. The more views the better no matter who uploads or profits...but don't mess with the audio guys!

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Now that VO sounds pitched down a bit but the style is still there. This opens up a worm can of voice print rights. Napster is now AI.

What's alarming is how far will this go and how and who keeps track of things like this?

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Jul 8, 2023·edited Jul 8, 2023

ya ha , i tho it could be Harrisson maybe joking around but the content is so poor no way . Anyone close to you would'not make this lame quality stuff so lame. Fucking China man copycat have to eat ..... sigh

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Jul 8, 2023·edited Jul 8, 2023

I'll update

here : https://youtu.be/QvNQ36MlQ6I

here: https://youtu.be/_f9KMrhNYPc

here: https://youtu.be/94qJcPzpcIo carrying water for Rogan lol.

here: https://youtu.be/hNjcsi_iCaQ

Everything at the 2 months ago and up.

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The style, cadence, rhythm and pauses are all your sound. But the tone or pitch is a little higher than yours. We are in the Great Deception. The Great Delusion mentioned in 2Thessalonians

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I agree with you Kim. Also the delivery is sped up just a little

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I agree with the second half of your post

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That was my take on this. Compared to Greg, this voice was also more expressive where Greg's is more of a monotone.

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Greg Reese has a phenomenal voice.

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Wow!!! AI..... is tricking a lot of people. This is creepy!!!

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absolutely sounds like you, Greg.

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Ok no WAY u would fast pace. That way.

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I agree way too fast and upbeat

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Holy crap!!! That DOES sound like you!!!!

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Not you.

Semper Fi

Scott Reese

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Had you not mentioned it was AI, im not sure I would have doubted it was you. This is more than creepy, it’s scary

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I would recognize the voices of Greg Reese, Robert Reyvolt, or John B. Wells from a mile away. This voice over seems flat, the speaker never comes up for air. Nice try. Fail.

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If you hadn't said anything I would have thought it was you.

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AI is creepy as and souless

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